Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 683

  1. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference update – registration opens 2 June 2015
  2. Draft Ballarat Strategy released for comment
  3. Australia ICOMOS / Docomomo Sydney Talk Series, 18 June
  4. Final request for the last few copies / scans of missing Australia ICOMOS newsletters 1980-1996
  5. “Resistance and Reconciliation” forum, QLD Uni, Noosa, 11 June 2015
  6. News from Sydney Living Museums
  7. The Raymond Lemaire International Fund – deadline for applications: 1 June 2015
  8. Port Fairy Heritage Event, 5-8 June 2015
  9. Fundraising event (South Australia) to help EDO
  10. 4th Meeting of APTCCARN, November 2015, Taiwan – call for papers
  11. Workshops for collections/museums, Melbourne & Eureka (VIC)
  12. Report on cultural damage in Nepal
  13. Call for Nominations for the Victorian Museum Awards 2015
  14. Re-thinking Lifescape symposium, 3-6 November 2015, Korea – call for papers
  15. “Cultural Heritage: Possibilities for Spatial & Economic Development” conference, Croatia, 23-23 October 2015
  16. Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development – applications invited
  17. The Best in Heritage, 24-26 September 2015, Croatia – registration open
  18. International Students’ Workshops, Florence, June-November 2015
  19. Metrology for Archaeology conference, Italy, 22-23 October 2015 – call for papers
  20. Aerial Archaeology Research Group conference, Spain, 9-11 September 2015 – call for papers
  21. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  22. Call for Applications: ATCH Visiting Fellows Program
  23. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage
  24. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor – Archaeologist, Archaeological and Heritage Management Solutions – deadline EXTENDED


1. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference update – registration opens 2 June 2015

The wait is over! Registrations for the Australia ICOMOS national conference, Fabric – The Threads of Conservation, will open on 2 June 2015. Our conference programme includes:

  • two days of keynote and delegate presentations
  • a day of field trips 
  • a panel discussion on emerging issues

We have two conference venues, the National Wine Centre for Friday and Tandanaya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute for Sunday.

Our social programme includes our official opening at the Adelaide Town Hall on Thursday night (after the Australia ICOMOS AGM), a network function at the Art Gallery of South Australia on Friday night, a Trade Fare and breakfast on Saturday morning, the Conference dinner in the Mortlock Chamber of the State Library of South Australia on Saturday night, and our post-conference tour ‘Back to Burra’.

We will have a full registration brochure on the website early next week and a link to the online registration portal. You choice of four field trips on Saturday following the Trade Fare and breakfast, which are inclusive of conference registration, are:

  • Adelaide City
  • Old Adelaide Gaol
  • Port Adelaide
  • Mount Lofty Ranges

The Burra post-conference tour leaves after the conference finishes on Sunday and returns late on Tuesday afternoon.

A reminder about our keynote speakers: 

  • Ms Susan Macdonald, Head of Field Projects, Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles, USA
  • Mr Julian Smith, Executive Director, Willowbank, Ontario, Canada
  • Dr Neale Draper, CEO and Principal Heritage Consultant of Australian Cultural Heritage Management in Adelaide

For our conference dinner at the State Library, we are pleased to have Richard Heathcote as our MC for the evening, and our guest speaker is Dr Alice Gorman, an internationally recognised leader in the emerging field of space archaeology.

We look forward to welcoming you to Adelaide for the conference in November.


2. Draft Ballarat Strategy released for comment

Implementing the Historic Urban Landscape approach

Following Ballarat’s largest ever community conversation ever – Ballarat Imagine – and after many months of work by internal City of Ballarat staff, the draft Ballarat strategy has now been released for public comment. This is the 30 year land-use strategy for Ballarat which will guide all work across the entire organisation and our subsequent planning scheme review.

UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) underpins much of the approach taken for both the Strategy and Ballarat Imagine. Critically, the Strategy includes a commitment to ‘implement UNESCO’s Historic Urban Landscape approach as the guiding framework for managing change in our dynamic historic city’ in the long-term: enabling the City of Ballarat to continue to evolve the HUL approach.

Click here to view the strategy

All comments are welcomed.

The deadline for comments is 5 June 2015.


3. Australia ICOMOS / Docomomo Sydney Talk Series, 18 June

A talk by Jennifer Hill and Gary O’Reilly of Architectural Projects

The talk analyses the attributions of the Master Plan to Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew and their role in the Assembly Complex informed by the 50 year and 60 year Symposium on the city. The constraints and opportunities guiding the future of the City and the current threat to its setting will be discussed. The talk poses the question HOW CAN DOCOMOMO ASSISTS IN THE PRESERVATION OF VALUABLE RECORDS AND ASSERTING PRESSURE ON THE PLANNING OUTCOMES?

Time & Date: Thursday 18 June 2015, 5.30pm for 6.00pm start
Cost: Members $10, non-members $15 payable at the door
Venue: NSW Government Architect’s Office Level 4 Conference Room McKell Building, 2-24 Rawson Place Sydney (diagonally opposite the Central Station clock tower)
RSVP: via email to Kate Higgins by Monday 15 June

Please note: RSVP is essential because of secure building access, to choose room size and to provide light refreshments

Download the AICOMOS-DOCOMOMO Chandigarh talk flyer.


4. Final request for the last few copies / scans of missing Australia ICOMOS newsletters 1980-1996

Bronwyn Hanna is attempting to collate a full scanned set of Australia ICOMOS newsletters for the archive, and is now just missing a few last issues (see list below). If you have any of these could you please send her a scan (or the issue itself in hard copy if you don’t need it anymore).

Scans are preferred – please scan newsletters in colour and at a resolution of 200 DPI.

Please send hard copies to:

  • Dr Bronwyn Hanna
    Private & confidential
    Heritage Division
    Locked Bag 5020
    Parramatta NSW 2124

Please email scanned copies to Bronwyn directly.

Any assistance with this is much appreciated, and thank you to all those people who responded to the previous call for past Australia ICOMOS newsletters.

Missing issues of Australia ICOMOS Newsletter

  • 1981 Vol 4, nos 1, 3 and 4
  • 1980 Vol 3, no 4 (note: no 4 may or may not have been issued)
  • 1986 Vol 6, no 4 (note: no 4 may or may not have been issued)
  • 1987 Vol 7, no 4 (note: no 4 may or may not have been issued)


5. “Resistance and Reconciliation” forum, QLD Uni, Noosa, 11 June 2015

Our shared history: Resistance and Reconciliation 
A forum about historical research, frontiers & commemoration

11 June, 2015, 10.00am – 3.00pm
Central Queensland University Noosa Campus

Come and hear about the history of resistance on the Sunshine Coast, the Murdering Creek massacre and possibilities for commemoration and reconciliation.  

Download the Our Shared History – Resistance and Reconciliation flier.

Bookings and more information – CLICK HERE


6. News from Sydney Living Museums

To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.


7. The Raymond Lemaire International Fund – deadline for applications: 1 June 2015

The Raymond Lemaire International Fund
An ICOMOS Programme for Next Generation Skills

Students and Young Professionals are invited to apply by 1 June 2015

The Raymond Lemaire Fund aims to encourage young heritage professionals to develop their skills through training and to welcome them within ICOMOS. It is administered by the ICOMOS International Secretariat under the supervision of the ICOMOS Board.

First call for applications – 2015

In 2015, the Fund will award its first scholarships to young professionals or students (aged 21-30 in year of application) exercising their activities or studies within ICOMOS’ area of expertise of furthering the conservation, protection, use and enhancement of the world’s cultural heritage.

More information on eligible activities/projects, nature of the scholarships, application requirements, calendar and terms & conditions – download the call as a PDF file : English

Deadline for applications: 1 June 2015

About Raymond Lemaire

Born on 28th May 1921 in Uccle, Brussels, into a family of architects, Raymond Lemaire was trained in History, Art History, and Archaeology at the Catholic University of Louvain. His doctorate thesis (1949) was on “The Origin of the Gothic Style in Brabant”. A lecturer since 1947, he was appointed to a professorship in 1954.

He is one of the authors of the “Venice Charter”, which he drafted during the 2nd International Congress of Architects and Monument Technicians in 1964, at the request of his colleague and friend Piero Gazzola. The “Venice Charter” later became the basis for the creation of ICOMOS in 1965. After almost ten years as Secretary General of ICOMOS, Raymond Lemaire succeeded Piero Gazzola as President of ICOMOS in 1975. Read more

Make a donation

Help the professionals of tomorrow secure the best training

Making a contribution, whether large or modest, to the Raymond Lemaire Fund is to participate in the development and success of a highly motivated young professional, and to ensure a better training of future generations and thus a better future for heritage conservation.

By enabling young professionals to hone their skills all over the world, you will help them to develop that frame of mind so dear to Raymond Lemaire: learning to respect the differences of conception and sensibility of all peoples and all civilisations.

Account: ICOMOS, 11 rue du Séminaire de Conflans, 94 220 Charenton-le-Pont, France
IBAN: FR76 3007 6043 0215 9195 0020 092
Bank address: Credit du Nord – Agence Charenton / 8 avenue Jean Jaurès / 94220 Charenton-le-Pont / France (When making the transfer – please specify that it is a donation for the Raymond Lemaire Fund and your name)


8. Port Fairy Heritage Event, 5-8 June 2015

Beyond listing: exploring our connections with routes, landscapes and intangibles
5-8 June 2015, Port Fairy

The weekend includes a program of activities, NSC meetings, a symposium Beyond listing: exploring our connections with routes, landscapes and intangibles, and both a regional tour and Port Fairy guided walks.

This exciting Port Fairy heritage event has been created by our National Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscape & Cultural Routes and the National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH). We will explore connections between these three contemporary approaches to cultural heritage. The draft Symposium program is now available.

Registration is now open! To register or get more information on the whole event, accommodation, travel and NSC meetings please go to either NSC’s website: National Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscape & Cultural Routes or National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH).

Very limited places left – register now for this Port Fairy heritage event.


9. Fundraising event (South Australia) to help EDO

The Environmental Defender’s Office (SA) Inc (EDO) has had its financial support removed. The EDO provides an important service to members of the public, assisting them to understand planning and environmental laws and providing advice on rights of representation etc.

Cost for the fundraising event is $25 per ticket, which includes a complimentary beverage and nibbles on arrival, silent auction of strange and rare articles, a raffle, Capri organ demo and the film Woman in Gold, with Helen Mirren.

Date & time: Saturday 6 June, from 5.30pm

Venue: Capri Theatre, Goodwood, SA

Click here to book tickets


10. 4th Meeting of APTCCARN, November 2015, Taiwan – call for papers

In 2015, APTCCARN (Asia Pacific Tropical Climate Conservation Art Research Network) will hold its 4th Meeting in Taiwan at the Conservation Center, Cheng Shiu University. With a focus on Asia Pacific’s diverse climate, history and future, the meeting aims to embrace cultural materials conservation in the region, our experiences and the future.

Issues such as developing a regional practice of cultural materials conservation within the needs, resources, communities and geographic place will be addressed. This is in light of recent extreme weather events, the current reality of the environment and sustainable practices.

The meeting is in collaboration with Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan and the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation (University of Melbourne, Australia) under the auspices of APTCCARN (Asia Pacific Tropical Climate Conservation Art Network). It is a targeted forum for the dissemination and discussion of regionally relevant preservation solutions for Southeast Asia’s vast cultural record by bringing together international experts engaged with the conservation of material culture in hot, humid climates to this event in Taiwan.


  • The effect of tropical climates on cultural materials
  • Their unique degradation mechanisms
  • The environment and current realities of collections care
  • Standards and principles of conservation practice in tropical climates
  • The impact of Asia Pacific culture and geography on artists’ material choices, techniques and artists’ intentions

This meeting follows on from the 3rd APTCCARN Meeting on the ‘Conservation of Material Culture in Tropical Climates’ hosted by Silpakorn University in Thailand from 23 to 25 April 2012. The peer reviewed post prints will be launched at the 4th APTCCARN Meeting.


25 – 27 November 2015
International Conference Hall, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan


  • Announcement of the conference-call for papers – March 2015
  • Deadlines for abstracts submission – 1 June 2015
  • Notification of accepted abstracts – 20 June 2015
  • Submission for fully written paper – 22 November 2015
  • Peer reviewed publication – mid 2016


The organising committee now welcomes abstracts (maximum 250 words) for papers on the above themes. Paper presentations will be submitted as fully written papers to be published as a peer reviewed publication in 2016. All intending presenters are required to:


More information can be found at the conference website.


The timing has been selected to directly follow the exhibition Looking through x-rays: The unknown Chen Cheng-po in November 2015. The Office of Arts and Culture with the Conservation Center will celebrate an art exhibition that focusses on the contribution of x-rays to understand Chen Cheng-po’s paintings materials and techniques.


The Asia Pacific Tropical Climate Conservation Art Research Network (APTCCARN) is a collaborative effort to explore the history and preservation of cultural material in Asia and the Pacific. APTCCARN comprises of a group of researchers whose work focuses on art historical research, art curatorial practice and conservation and scientific inquiry. APTCCARN provides a forum for the identification and discussion of research focusing on the Asia-Pacific region.


11. Workshops for collections/museums, Melbourne & Eureka (VIC)

Masterclass: Copyright for Collections

Facilitated by Ian McDonald, Special Council Copyright, Simpsons Solicitors. The program will include a ‘copyright refresher’ on existing law, in-depth discussion on topics based around digital copyright and licensing, and will conclude with recommendations of recent copyright reviews and proposals for legislative change. Enjoy learning in the beautiful surrounds of Heide’s sculpture park and lunch from Cafe Vue.

Date: Tuesday 9 June
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: Heide Museum of Modern Art
Cost: MA VIC Member $150, Non-Member $300

Book now to secure your place at this workshop


MAP Toolkit: Energy Audits: Saving Dollars and Going Green

Museums are by nature energy hungry beasts. Elizabeth Marsden and Museums Australia (Victoria), in conjunction with participants in the Museums Accreditation Program (MAP), are developing Energy Auditing: A Green Guide for Small Museums, a step-by-step guide which outlines how to undertake an energy and lighting audit for your small museum.

At this training day, learn how to use the new Green Guide and associated equipment (Power-Mate Lite and Lux Metre), and hear tips from museum staff on steps taken to reduce energy costs and become more environmentally sustainable.

Date: Wednesday 17 June
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Venue: Museum of Democracy at Eureka (M.A.D.E.)
Cost: MAP Enrolled/MA VIC Member $40, Non-Member $80, Students $20

Book now to secure your place at this workshop


12. Report on cultural damage in Nepal

ICCROM-ICOMOS/ICORP** have jointly prepared a report in relation to the damage to cultural heritage following Gorkha earthquake in Nepal and ongoing efforts for response and recovery. This report is based on the information gathered through their crowd map initiative, undertaken with joint efforts of ICCROM and ICOMOS/ICORP. The aim was to give a snapshot of the extent of damage and assist the agencies on the ground in identifying priorities for intervention. Click on the link below to view the report.

**ICCROM – International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
**ICORP – International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness


13. Call for Nominations for the Victorian Museum Awards 2015

Museums Australia Victoria are very excited to announce that nominations for the 2015 Victorian Museum Awards are now open.

The Awards recognise and celebrate individuals and organisations whose commitment and passion contribute to the excellence of the Victorian museum and gallery sector.

For more information, click here.

Nominations close Friday 12 June 2015.

For more news about the Victorian Museum Awards, CLICK HERE.


14. Re-thinking Lifescape symposium, 3-6 November 2015, Korea – call for papers

Re-thinking Lifescape: Linking Landscape to Everyday Life symposium
Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
3 -6 November 2015

We experience ordinary places and environments every day. Lifescape, landscape in everyday life, is a precondition for existence as well as a background for living. We, however, seldom notice its values because of the veil of familiarity. By rethinking lifescape, we can evoke values not typically associated with cultural landscapes and heritages. Lifescape is experienced everywhere in both urban and rural landscapes, such as the landscape of the CBD, market place, country side, and farmland. Although this conference mainly addresses rethinking lifescape, we also have a special sub-theme on island landscape, which have seen its popularity rise as a tourism destination. The sub-theme includes topics such as unique rural landscape, and sacred places and landscapes of folk religion stone landscapes.

The International Symposium will explore and discuss four themes:

Theme 1: New Ideas and Theories of Cultural Landscape

  • New concepts and ideas as a way of seeing
  • Methodology
  • Value evaluation
  • Aesthetics
  • Place attachment and identity
  • Collective memory and place, etc

Theme 2: Strategies and Plans on Conservation and Management

  • Management and conservation strategies
  • Plans for sustainability
  • Living landscape and tourism
  • Governance and local movements
  • Economical solutions, Laws, etc.

Theme 3: Cases and Experiences

  • Public parks, gardens and green infrastructure
  • Urban landscapes and ordinary places
  • Historic landscapes and cultural heritages
  • Local identity and vernacular landscapes, etc.

Theme 4: Special Topic – Island Landscape

  • Sacred places and landscapes of folk religion
  • Unique rural landscapes in the island
  • Stone landscapes in the island
  • Climate and landscape in the island
  • Coastal landscapes, people in landscape, etc.


The conference organisers are calling for abstracts by 30 June 2015.

Abstracts should include:

  • Title
  • Identify a Theme (one of four from the list above)
  • three to five key words
  • Author name, affiliation, and contact details (email, postal address, phone)
  • Maximum of 300-word abstract in English
  • If an ICOMOS member, your membership number

Abstracts to be sent by 30 June 2015 by email to Prof. Jongsang Sung (ICOMOS Korea/Seoul National University).


15. “Cultural Heritage: Possibilities for Spatial & Economic Development” conference, Croatia, 23-23 October 2015

“Cultural Heritage: Possibilities for Spatial & Economic Development
23-23 October 2015
Zagreb, Croatia

The Heritage Urbanism project is based on the premise that heritage must not only be a historic monument (protected object), but also an active factor (creative entity) in contemporary life and cultural, social, economic, and spatial development of a community.

Recognizing the importance of basic cultural and historic research that leads to better understanding of cultural heritage, as well as its spatial context, this conference will cover three major paper topics focused on the following guidelines:

  • criteria, methods, models and scenarios of revitalization and enhancement of cultural heritage
  • new high-quality interventions that turn cultural heritage into an essential local development factor

For more information see the CULTURAL HERITAGE – Possibilities for Spatial & Economic Development or click here.


16. Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development – applications invited

The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) is launching a call for applications for the Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, which will take place from 14 October 2015 to 1 October 2016.

The Master is designed by the University of Torino, the Politecnico di Torino and the ITC-ILO, in collaboration with UNESCO and ICCROM.

The Programme provides a solid foundation in cultural economics, going through the value chain of cultural tangible and intangible resources. It explores in detail the economic, social, institutional and legal considerations that govern the diverse categories of UNESCO designated World Heritage Sites. It also puts emphasis on strategic management competencies for the preservation and promotion of these sites as well as on monitoring the efficacy and adequacy of site management plans and associated cultural projects.

The Master will take place from 14 October 2015 and is divided into three major learning cycles:

  • The first cycle will be conducted through a distance learning component that will start on 14 October 2013 and will end on 20 December 2013
  • The second cycle, from 27 January 2014 to 21 May 2014, is a face-to-face learning period that will be held in Turin, Italy, at the International Training Centre of the ILO. Class attendance is compulsory for the entire period
  • The third cycle, from 22 May 2014 to 30 September 2014, will be a research and study period during which the students may attend internships activities and are expected to finalize their final project

For further information visit the course website or download the Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development brochure.

Deadline for applications is 20 July 2015.

To apply please complete the following online application form.


17. The Best in Heritage, 24-26 September 2015, Croatia – registration open

THE BEST IN HERITAGE – Projects of Influence
14th Conference
24 – 26 September 2015
Dubrovnik, Croatia

In partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA and under special patronage of ICOM, and dedicated to the memory of Kenneth Hudson OBE and Georges Henri Riviere.

Available online are the programme and registration.


18. International Students’ Workshops, Florence, June-November 2015

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism is pleased to announce that the new 2015-16 Program of International Training Workshops for Students is ready and online.

University professors, assistants, researchers and tutors are invited to select a group of their talented students and take part in one of the workshop at their choice.

Click here to view the workshops available and for information on how to participate.


19. Metrology for Archaeology conference, Italy, 22-23 October 2015 – call for papers

Abstract deadline submission: 31 July 2015

The growing interest of archaeological sciences towards new technologies and analytical techniques, has recently improved the use of numerical approach to get more detailed archaeological purpose. The advantages of the multidisciplinary approach have permitted to reduce the level of uncertainty in archaeological studies. The 1st “Metrology for Archaeology” conference is a significant opportunity for discussion, at the international level, between archaeological research and ‘hard’ sciences, in order to consolidate a fruitful interaction between specialists from different disciplines in the field of Cultural Heritage.

In particular, the Conference will involve researchers and operators interested in the valorisation, characterisation and preservation of archaeological heritage with the main objective of focusing the discussion on the production, interpretation and reliability of the measured data.

The workshop, was therefore designed, to offer a comprehensive picture of the many experiences in the field of “measure” of the archaeological heritage through the integrated approach of articulated skills of the scientific community. The events will be disseminated within the scientific community, academic and a specific website has been created to publicize initiatives.

For more information, visit the conference website and download the call for papers.


20. Aerial Archaeology Research Group conference, Spain, 9-11 September 2015 – call for papers

Aerial Archaeology Research Group Annual Conference (AARG) 2015
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
9 – 11 September 2015

The AARG (Aerial Archaeology Research Group) is a lively and friendly international group of young and old researchers. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and experience on archaeology and landscape studies using all forms of remote sensing, especially airborne and satellite based techniques. AARG is actively involved in promoting the collection, interpretation and application of remote sensing data in fostering research, conservation and public understanding. Its members are among those pushing the boundaries of the collection and analysis of air- and space-borne sensors.

Since its foundation in the early 1980s, AARG has vigorously encouraged discussion and cooperation through its annual conferences, workshops, specialist publications and biannual newsletter, AARGnews. Membership is open to all who have an interest or practical involvement in aerial archaeology, remote sensing and landscape studies.

This year’s conference is organized together with The Incipit-Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio, Santiago de Compostela.

You can find more information on the conference website and in the AARG 2015 – Call for Papers.

Deadline for proposals: 1 June 2015


21. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


22. Call for Applications: ATCH Visiting Fellows Program

Closing date for applications: 1 June 2015

The ATCH (Architecture Theory Criticism History) Research Centre invites applications for the Visiting Fellows Program 2015-2016. The program welcomes applications from scholars with varying levels of experience who are carrying out critical research in architecture.

ATCH is located within the School of Architecture at The University of Queensland (UQ), in Brisbane, Australia. The Centre supports innovative and interdisciplinary research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Architecture and its place within a larger history of ideas is a strong focus within the Centre. Bringing together Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, Postgraduates and Academics from UQ’s School of Architecture, the centre offers a stimulating and rich environment for enquiry and debate. An active program of seminars, lectures, symposia, workshops and exhibitions is run throughout the year. For a full list of people and recent events please see ATCH Website.

The Visiting Fellows Research Program supports short term residencies of one to three months for scholars to work on innovative research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Projects that overlap with the work of existing ATCH scholars will be favoured. The program welcomes applicants from all levels of academia but particularly encourages proposals from new and mid-career scholars. Visiting Fellowships are not open to postgraduate students.

The Visiting Fellows Research Program will provide a return airfare to Brisbane and a workspace within the centre. All Fellows will have access to UQ libraries, including the Fryer Library and Architecture and Music Library. Support for accommodation may also be available depending on the applicant’s financial circumstances.

Visiting Fellows will be required to present their research in progress in a public lecture, participate in seminars and conferences organised during their residency, and contribute to RHD events. Published outcomes of research undertaken during the Fellowship should acknowledge ATCH and the UQ School of Architecture.

While ATCH Visiting Fellows are solicited through the application round, the Centre also directly invites Fellows to participate in the program.

Expressions of Interest should address the following items, in this order:

  • Name and contact details
  • Citizenship
  • Employment Status. Will the applicant be on sabbatical during the course of the Fellowship?
  • Is the project supported by other sources of funding?
  • Is financial assistance for accommodation requested, and if so, on what grounds
  • Preferred dates and duration of Fellowship
  • Title of Research Project
  • Research Proposal (1000 words)
  • Relevance to ATCH Centre, and existing members’ work
  • Relation of the project to the applicant’s past and future research
  • Intended outcomes
  • Names and contact details for three referees

Additional documents required:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Two samples of published written work (journal articles, pieces of criticism, book chapter, chapter from a submitted PHD thesis)

Applications should be submitted by email to Deborah van der Plaat by 1 June 2015.

For additional information please contact Centre Manager, Dr Deborah van der Plaat by email.


23. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage

Heritage Consultant

  • High profile, multidisciplinary firm
  • Wide range of interesting projects across Australia
  • Great career development opportunities

GML Heritage is seeking a dynamic and experienced cultural heritage specialist to enhance our business in the Heritage Places Team.  This is a full-time position, based in Sydney.

GML is a vibrant, attentive and sustainable consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our multi-disciplinary in-house consulting team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management, and interpretation. GML focusses on delivering innovative and influential heritage advice. We take pride in delivering services of the highest quality.

The successful applicant will hold a degree (ideally with Honours or Masters) in a built heritage discipline and have at least 2 years’ experience in a consulting environment. You will have excellent writing skills, with demonstrated experience in preparing heritage advice, including heritage assessments, conservation management plans and heritage impact statements.  Importantly, you will be a team player who is able to undertake large projects in multidisciplinary teams, and work within time and budget constraints.  A working knowledge of NSW and local government statutory requirements is essential.

The successful applicant will take pride in working for an influential cross-disciplinary heritage consultancy that has a great portfolio of challenging projects and prides itself on the delivery of outstanding services. In this role, you will have the opportunity to work alongside enthusiastic and experienced practitioners in an engaged and collaborative environment.  GML undertakes exciting projects throughout Australia and offers opportunities for professional development and advancement. You will also have access to a stimulating training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge.

A position description and person specification can be accessed on the careers page of the GML website.

For more information please contact Claire Nunez – Manager, Heritage Places, on (02) 9319 4811.  Please send your application to GML Heritage by email.

The closing date for applications is Tuesday 9 June 2015.


24. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor – Archaeologist, Archaeological and Heritage Management Solutions – deadline EXTENDED

What you need to know about Archaeological and Heritage Management Solutions P/L

AHMS is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia-Pacific region since 1998. We provide archaeological and heritage management services to a range of private and public sector clients. Our clients are located across Australia and the Asia-Pacific. Our dedicated, professional team is the cornerstone of our successful approach to project delivery, risk management and the delivery of conservation outcomes and ensures we achieve consistently high quality outputs in all our projects. Our clients come from the government, mining, residential and infrastructure sectors, as well as private developers. We provide a full range of Indigenous, historical and built heritage services in addition to community consultation and engagement.

About You

As the successful applicant, you will be an integral part of our Sydney- based team that includes a diverse mix of specialists” archaeologists, historians, anthropologist and heritage planners, working on projects that include Aboriginal and historic archaeological investigations, community values mapping, interpretation and community engagement projects. You enjoy the challenges presented by diverse projects in new regions and have the ability to juggle multiple commitments while delivering quality work outcomes. You have well developed written communication skills and are competent to prepare reports meeting our quality standards.

Applications close COB, 1 June 2015 – note extended deadline.

For more information, see the Heritage Advisor – Archaeologist, AHMS (deadline extended) position description.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
