Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 678

  1. Obituary – Peter James
  2. Vale Susan Buggey
  3. Heritage Talk and Home Open – Make your Heritage Homes Sustainable
  4. Call for Nominations for the Victorian Museum Awards 2015
  5. 2015 Western Australian Heritage Awards Winners
  6. ACT and Region Annual Heritage Partnership Symposium 2015
  7. European Architectural Heritage Year – 1975: Memories wanted!
  8. 2015-16 ACT Heritage Grant applications now open
  9. National Trust – Heritage Festival TrustTalks Series
  10. 2015 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation – call for entries – deadline extended to 30 April 2015
  11. News from National Heritage Center, Tsinghua University
  12. Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration – update April 2015
  13. Celebrate Vahland – City of Greater Bendigo
  14. APT Australasia presents Longford Academy 11-15 May 2015, Tasmania
  15. (in)significance: a discussion about values and valuing in heritage – one-day symposium
  16. Request for copies or scans of missing Australia ICOMOS newsletters 1980-1996
  17. “Interior plaster, decoration and finishes – part 2 conservation” workshop, 25 April, Sydney
  18. Transformations in Cultural Leadership – A professional development masterclass at the University of Canberra, 18-20 May
  19. The Raymond Lemaire International Fund – call for applications
  20. ISDRS 2015 conference – keynote speakers announced
  21. ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 29 October 2015, Fukuoka, Japan – call for papers deadline extended
  22. Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
  23. 2nd International Conference on Historic Earthquake-Resistant Timber Frames in the Mediterranean Area, Portugal, December 2015
  24. CHNT20 2015 – 2-4 November 2015, Vienna: call for papers & prelim program
  25. Caring for Stonework Seminar – booked out
  26. ICOMOS Statement on Safeguarding Yemen’s cultural heritage


1. Obituary – Peter James


Peter JamesPhoto courtesy of Bronwyn Hanna

Peter Clifton James, former Chairman of the Tasmanian Heritage Council, former Executive Director of the National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) and very active member and supporter of Australia ICOMOS since its formation in 1976, died in Hobart, Tasmania on Tuesday 31 March, after a brief illness.

To read his obituary, prepared by colleague Brendan Lennard, click on the link below.


2. Vale Susan Buggey

Reflections on a cultural landscapes legend

The recent sad news that our Canadian colleague, Susan Buggey had passed away, has been a shock for many of us in Australia ICOMOS who knew Susan, and who had the pleasure to work with, and learn from her―especially in relation to her influential work on aboriginal cultural landscapes. In the wake of the sad news, I felt compelled to share a short personal account of how I got to know Susan so that I might convey just how generous in spirit she was. My first encounters with Susan in 2011 were through email, where she responded on several occasions―in comprehensive detail, to my PhD queries about Canadian cultural landscapes and Parks Canada. Then after presenting at the George Wright conference in Denver, Colorado, in 2013, I felt a tap on my shoulder from a PhD student from the University of Montreal, whom Susan had instructed to seek me out. A week later, I met Susan in person at the Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation meeting in Lynchburg, Virginia. Despite her twenty seven years’ experience at Parks Canada, and ten years as an adjunct professor in landscape architecture at the University of Montreal, Susan seemed to be just as excited to hear about what I had to say on cultural landscapes, as I was to meet with her. Susan and I kept in touch throughout my PhD candidature, meeting again in Ottawa, then at the ISCCL and CIIC symposium on cultural landscapes and cultural routes in Canberra at the end of 2013. I sent her a copy of my finished PhD thesis in February this year, of which she responded with her wholehearted congratulations. Susan and I had planned to meet again next year in Ottawa – a meeting which will now unfortunately not take place. Susan will certainly be missed.

Paulette Wallace, MICOMOS


3. Heritage Talk and Home Open – Make your Heritage Homes Sustainable


C of V


When: 10am -12noon, Saturday 9 May

Where: 99 Loftus Street, Leederville, WA, 6007 (City of Vincent Library and Local History Centre)

Detail: Come along to learn how to retrofit heritage houses to improve sustainability and energy performance. Also, be inspired by innovative solutions on building salvage and adaptive reuse of older buildings. After the talk, you are invited to visit the most eco-effective heritage homes in the City of Vincent.

Speakers: Philip Griffiths, Griffiths Architects and Sid Thoo, architect

Bookings required: book by email or call (08) 9273 6000

Cost: FREE


4. Call for Nominations for the Victorian Museum Awards 2015

Museums Australia Victoria are very excited to announce that nominations for the 2015 Victorian Museum Awards are now open.

The Awards recognise and celebrate individuals and organisations whose commitment and passion contribute to the excellence of the Victorian museum and gallery sector.

For more information, click here.

Nominations close Friday 12 June 2015.


5. 2015 Western Australian Heritage Awards Winners

The winners of the 2015 Western Australian Heritage Awards were announced on 15 April at the WA Museum’s Hackett Hall Gallery.

There were 11 individuals and outstanding heritage projects honoured. A summary of each of the winners and commendations recipients is available at this link. 


6. ACT and Region Annual Heritage Partnership Symposium 2015


Date: Saturday 18 July 2015

Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatre, Building 120, Australian National
University, Acton

Cost: $70 full, $50 members of the host organisations, $30 concessions, full-time students and speakers. Registration details will be available early May 2015.

Add your voice to the conversation. Abstracts of 200 words due by 18 May 2015 – PLEASE NOTE AMENDED DEADLINE. (Item information Monday 27 April).

Please send your presentation abstracts to this email address.

For more information, see the ACT and Region Annual Heritage Partnership Symposium – call for presentations.


7. European Architectural Heritage Year – 1975: Memories wanted!

Michael Falser at Heidelberg University, Germany, is compiling essays about European Architectural Heritage Year (EAHY) held in 1975. ICOMOS members from European and other countries are contributing.

An Australian perspective is sought.

If you experienced EAHY – what are your memories of the event?

Meredith Walker would greatly appreciate your reflections on EAHY – how your experienced it, and its impact on you and Australian heritage practice.

Send your thoughts to Meredith Walker by email or phone Meredith on (07) 5445 1914.


8. 2015-16 ACT Heritage Grant applications now open

The ACT Heritage Grants Program is an annual funding program administered by the ACT Government to assist the community in working to conserve and promote the heritage of the ACT.

Applications for the 2015-2016 round are now invited from individuals and community groups. The closing date for applications is Friday 1 May 2015.

The grants will provide $334,000 to identify and carry out projects that promote and conserve our local heritage.

Funding Priorities

Priorities for this year are:

  • conservation works and projects that enable the continued use of and access to places entered on the ACT Heritage Register;
  • Conservation Management Plans;
  • community events and displays that increase the utilisation/awareness of and engagement in heritage places;
  • projects initiated by or involving the community, including the Aboriginal community, in local heritage activities; and
  • projects that provide partnership opportunities between community
  • organisations and ACT government agencies.

More information, and application guidelines are available by clicking here.


9. National Trust – Heritage Festival TrustTalks Series

Join the National Trust’s Advocacy and Conservation Team for a special Heritage Festival program of TrustTalks exploring the theme of Conflict & Compassion.

Please book online or for enquiries please email the National Trust.

27 April: Remembering Anzac
6–8pm, German Lutheran Trinity Church, 22 Parliament Place, East Melbourne, VIC 3002

Dr Bronwyn Hughes will explore commemorative stained glass of the First World War in “Remembering Anzac.” Dr Hughes writes and lectures on history, design and conservation of stained glass and consultant to Australian heritage organisations. She is a member of the Public Art Committee of the National Trust.

Please click here to book.

11 May: William Cooper: Aboriginal protest of Kristallnacht
6–8pm, Tasma Gallery, 6 Parliament Place, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002

In 1938 William Cooper, a Yorta Yorta man from Maloga Mission, led a delegation to the German Consulate in Melbourne, to protest against the treatment of the Jewish People by the Nazi Government. William Cooper’s descendants, Alf Turner (Uncle Boydie) and Kevin Russell, will share the story of William Cooper and their journey and Jerusalem to honour the Aboriginal protest of Kristallnacht in 1938.

Please click here to book.

25 May: Derrimut: A Story of Conflict, Compassion & Betrayal
6–8pm, Tasma Gallery, 6 Parliament Place, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002

Rueben Berg will uncover the story of Derrimut—a leader of the Boonwurrung people who, in 1935, warned John Pascoe Fawkner of an impending attack by a neighbouring Aboriginal group. Rueben Berg is a Gunditjmara man, a founder of Indigenous Architecture and Design Victoria, and a graduate architect. He has been involved in various Government roles within Indigenous affairs for many years.

Please click here to book.


10. 2015 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation – call for entries – deadline extended to 30 April 2015

Entries are now being accepted until 30 April 2015 for the 2015 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation. The awards programme recognizes the achievement of individuals and organizations within the private sector, and public-private initiatives, in successfully restoring structures of heritage value in the Asia-Pacific region.

For more information about the program visit the Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation website.

Download the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation flier.


11. News from National Heritage Center, Tsinghua University

The National Heritage Center, Tsinghua University (NHC-THU) is delighted to inform of two new research outcomes.

  1. The new revised edition of “Principles for the conservation of heritage sites in China” was published on 18th April by ICOMOS-China. And NHC-THU had been involved in the whole preparation process for this important professional conservation principles. (NOTE: The English version of China Principles is right after the Chinese version in the pdf file). Click following link to download: Principles for the conservation of heritage sites in China, 2015
  2. The annual observation report on the 37th and 38th Session of World Heritage Committee written by the NHC-THU was completed and published by the ‘World Heritage’ Magazine of China. Click following link to download: 38th WHC Observation Report


12. Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration – update April 2015

Following the successful launch of the Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) by Professor Margaret Britz (Dean Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology, University of Tasmania) at the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, click on the link below for more updates about the activities of this collaboration.


13. Celebrate Vahland – City of Greater Bendigo

The City of Greater Bendigo is celebrating, recognising and communicating the prolific achievements of William Charles Vahland, the Goldfields architect, during the National Trust Heritage Festival in May and in 2015-16.

Vahland is responsible for many of Bendigo’s iconic architecture – the Town Hall, Masonic Temple, Anne Caudle Centre and Alexandra Fountain.

There’s more information at the website which went live this week.

Here you’ll find all sort of goodies such as photos, biography, maps of Vahland places and events information at the National Trust – please explore!


14. APT Australasia presents Longford Academy 11-15 May 2015, Tasmania

Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Tasmania
11-15 May 2015

The sixth Longford Academy (LA6) will be presented by the Australasian Chapter of the Association for Preservation Technology (International) at the World Heritage listed Brickendon and Woolmers Estates in Tasmania on 11-15 May 2015.

To register for LA6, please complete the registration form and email to the Convenor.

The Longford Academy follows a model of collaborative learning in advanced conservation techniques through hands-on engagement with heritage fabric and place – for more information click here.

Workshops include

Participants pay an attendance fee to defray costs. Accommodation is available on site by arrangement with Brickendon and Woolmers.

For more information download the documents at the link below:


15. (in)significance: a discussion about values and valuing in heritage – one-day symposium

The one-day symposium will comprise short presentations and themed panel discussions, with ample opportunities for participation and debate. Many of Australia’s leading heritage researchers, teachers and practitioners will participate from diverse fields including museums, libraries and archives, archaeology, digital humanities, conservation and heritage studies. The symposium will appeal to those with an interest in critical heritage studies and reflective heritage practice and is also recommended for postgraduate students.

The symposium will explore the history, theory and practical application of the concept of significance and broach the idea of insignificance.

Questions to be addressed include:

  • What is standard practice for the application of significance in heritage, museums, archives, libraries and other locations?
  • What is being taught at tertiary levels on the theory and application of significance?
  • How does significance assessment intersect with concepts of ethics, social justice and sustainability?
  • How do recent critiques of nature/culture dichotomies impact on significance assessment?
  • How does recent research into the affective and emotional dimensions of heritage impact significance assessment?
  • Are there clear and well-understood distinctions between materials, materiality and values?
  • How do concepts of significance work within the digital domain?
  • Are values past, present or future oriented?
  • What is the ongoing influence of modernist concepts of universal value?
  • What are the challenges for implementing a threshold-based values approach?
  • What are the current critiques and do they have traction?
  • What theoretical roadblocks, research and creative directions for practice might we recognise in responding to such questions?

Programme: Insignificance Programme

Conveners: Tracy Ireland and Steve Brown

Date/place: Friday 15 May 2015, University of Canberra

Registration (from 7 April):
Full fee: $50
Full time students: $20

For more information please click here.


16. Request for copies or scans of missing Australia ICOMOS newsletters 1980-1996

Bronwyn Hanna is attempting to collate a complete set of scanned Australia ICOMOS newsletters for the archive. To date, the National Library of Australia, State Library of NSW and the Sydney Living Museums Library have been consulted.

The missing issues still to be located are:

  • 1980 Vol.3 No.4
  • 1981 Vol.4, Nos 1, 3 and 4
  • 1986. Vol.6 Nos 3 and 4
  • 1987. Vol.7 Nos 1,2 and 4
  • 1988. Vol.8 No.4
  • 1989. Vol.9 No.4
  • 1990. Vol.10 No.4
  • 1993. Vol.13 No.4
  • 1996. Vol.16 No.3

If any members have access to any of the above issues, could you please photocopy, scan or post the issue to the following address:

Dr Bronwyn Hanna
Private & confidential
Heritage Division
Locked Bag 5020
Parramatta NSW 2124

Alternatively send photocopied and scanned copies to Bronwyn Hanna. Please note, if scanning, send in low resolution (200 DPI) and in colour.

For more information please email Bronwyn.


17. “Interior plaster, decoration and finishes – part 2 conservation” workshop, 25 April, Sydney

Presented by architectural finishes specialist Dr Donald Ellsmore with support from painter Marie Pepper and Porter’s Paints (traditional paints).

Topics include:

  • processes for researching plasters and decorative finishes in Australian traditional buildings
  • methods of reproducing and repairing plasters
  • conservation strategies with traditional and modern materials
  • selection and use of paints for conservation purposes
  • specification and commissioning of conservation works
  • ways of researching furniture and furnishings

For more information and to book, click here.


18. Transformations in Cultural Leadership – A professional development masterclass at the University of Canberra, 18-20 May

The 2.5 day masterclass offers a cultural leadership experience with experts from culture and the arts, government, sports and media. The masterclass is tailored to meet the changing demands of cultural leadership and is delivered by industry professionals in partnership with academic leaders. It brings together important areas for professional development including: cultural brokerage, working with culturally diverse audiences, digital cultural communication, cultural planning and management, governance, marketing, diversified income streams and cultural diplomacy.

The master class will be of interest to professionals seeking to develop their future management and leadership potential.

For further information please contact Angelina Russo or visit the website.


19. The Raymond Lemaire International Fund – call for applications

The Raymond Lemaire International Fund
An ICOMOS Programme for Next Generation Skills

Students and Young Professionals are invited to apply by 1 June 2015

The Raymond Lemaire Fund aims to encourage young heritage professionals to develop their skills through training and to welcome them within ICOMOS. It is administered by the ICOMOS International Secretariat under the supervision of the ICOMOS Board.

First call for applications – 2015

In 2015, the Fund will award its first scholarships to young professionals or students (aged 21-30 in year of application) exercising their activities or studies within ICOMOS’ area of expertise of furthering the conservation, protection, use and enhancement of the world’s cultural heritage.

More information on eligible activities/projects, nature of the scholarships, application requirements, calendar and terms & conditions – download the call as a PDF file : English

Deadline for applications: 1 June 2015

About Raymond Lemaire

Born on 28th May 1921 in Uccle, Brussels, into a family of architects, Raymond Lemaire was trained in History, Art History, and Archaeology at the Catholic University of Louvain. His doctorate thesis (1949) was on “The Origin of the Gothic Style in Brabant”. A lecturer since 1947, he was appointed to a professorship in 1954.

He is one of the authors of the “Venice Charter”, which he drafted during the 2nd International Congress of Architects and Monument Technicians in 1964, at the request of his colleague and friend Piero Gazzola. The “Venice Charter” later became the basis for the creation of ICOMOS in 1965. After almost ten years as Secretary General of ICOMOS, Raymond Lemaire succeeded Piero Gazzola as President of ICOMOS in 1975. Read more  

Make a donation

Help the professionals of tomorrow secure the best training

Making a contribution, whether large or modest, to the Raymond Lemaire Fund is to participate in the development and success of a highly motivated young professional, and to ensure a better training of future generations and thus a better future for heritage conservation.

By enabling young professionals to hone their skills all over the world, you will help them to develop that frame of mind so dear to Raymond Lemaire: learning to respect the differences of conception and sensibility of all peoples and all civilisations.

Account: ICOMOS, 11 rue du Séminaire de Conflans, 94 220 Charenton-le-Pont, France
IBAN: FR76 3007 6043 0215 9195 0020 092
Bank address: Credit du Nord – Agence Charenton / 8 avenue Jean Jaurès / 94220 Charenton-le-Pont / France  (When making the transfer – please specify that it is a donation for the Raymond Lemaire Fund and your name)


20. ISDRS 2015 conference – keynote speakers announced

The Tipping Point: Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity

The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) is pleased to announce their 21st Annual conference to be held 10-12 July 2015 in Geelong (Melbourne) Victoria, Australia.

Keynote Speakers for the conference include;

  • Professor Peter Newman AO
  • Professor Jacqui True
  • Professor Peter Schlosser
  • Professor Matthew Clarke
  • Professor John Twaites
  • Professor Dr. Walter J.V. Vermeulen

For more information on the speakers, please click here.

For pricing and information on registration, including early bird dates, please click here.

Registration includes:

  • Conference bag
  • Conference program
  • Attendance to all sessions from Friday 10 – Sunday 12 July 2015
  • Attendance to the Welcome Reception

Please ensure you read the registration information before you register.

Please click here to register – either log in or create a user account with Ex Ordo and select Register on your Dashboard.

Keep up to date with all conference information as it develops on the website.

For all event inquiries please email Mahaela Jackson or call 03 9244 5435

For academic inquiries, please email Yamini Narayanan


21. ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 29 October 2015, Fukuoka, Japan – call for papers deadline extended

This year’s annual Advisory Committee (ADCOM), and associated events will take place in Fukuoka on the invitation of ICOMOS Japan from 24 to 30 October.

On this occasion, the Advisory Committee is again organizing a Scientific Symposium on 29 October 2015. Part 3 of the Symposium cycle “Tangible Risks, Intangible Opportunities: Long-Term Risk Preparedness and Responses for Threats to Cultural Heritage” the theme is “RISKS TO IDENTITY: Loss of Traditions and Collective Memory”.

Download the 2015 ICOMOS Scientific Symposium – Call for Papers for more information. Proposed abstracts should be emailed to this email address by 30 April 2015.

The special website with all practical information for the event will be launched in April and made available to the full membership via the ICOMOS website.


22. Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions

Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions, approved by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Programme, are open until 20 May 2015.

The Masters Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.

A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.

The SAHC leaflet can be downloaded by clicking here.

Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as electronic application procedure, at the course website.


23. 2nd International Conference on Historic Earthquake-Resistant Timber Frames in the Mediterranean Area, Portugal, December 2015

Following the 1st International Conference on Historic Earthquake-Resistant Timber Frames in the Mediterranean Area, we are pleased to announce the second edition of the conference to be organized by Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Portugal.

The 2nd International Conference on Historic Earthquake-Resistant Timber Frames in the Mediterranean Area 2015 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 2-4 December 2015.

For more information, visit the conference website.


24. CHNT20 2015 – 2-4 November 2015, Vienna: call for papers & prelim program

Urban Archaeology and Public Relations
“New Technologies Enabling Archaeological Outreach”

The Urban Archaeology of Vienna and cooperation partners will organise the “20th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies” (CHNT20 2015) from 2-4 November 2015 in Vienna, Austria.

The Call for papers is now open and the deadline is 31 May 2015.

For further information about this conference, visit the conference website.

The preliminary program is available at this link.


25. Caring for Stonework Seminar – booked out

2:00 – 5:00pm, Tuesday 12 May 2015

This seminar, “The Art of Building Conservation: Caring for Stonework”, features Andrew Sneddon of Australia ICOMOS, heritage architect Andrew Ladlay and stonemason Vince MacKenzie-Ross, and focuses on the conservation of the stone facades of the Treasury Casino and Hotel and updates of the ICOMOS Burra Charter and Practice Notes.


26. ICOMOS Statement on Safeguarding Yemen’s cultural heritage

Click on the link below to read the statement.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
