Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 666

  1. Australia Day Honours
  2. Port Arthur Talk, Thursday 12 February 2015
  3. National Trust (VIC) TrustTalks Series: Places of Pain, Shame and Power: 19th Century Institutions in the 21st Century
  4. Dr. James Broadbent to visit Newstead House
  5. Maritime Tour: Mission to Seafarers & Polly Woodside, 20 February, Melbourne
  6. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
  7. Symposium – The Archaeology of Portable Art: South East Asian, Pacific, and Australian Perspectives
  8. Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – now online
  9. Exotic Garden – Unlocking the Botanical Journeys exhibition, Port Arthur
  10. Theory & Philosophy ISC conference, Florence, 5-7 March 2015
  11. Deakin’s ISDRS 21st Annual conference – themes & track calls deadline extended further; registration open
  12. News from ICCROM
  13. Port Arthur bookings and travel advice at Brooke Street Pier, PAHSMA media release
  14. Heritage and Technology conference, 11-13 June 2015, Italy – call for papers
  15. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
  16. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  17. News from Sydney Living Museums
  18. Link to website featuring Le Corbusier’s work
  19. SITUATION VACANT Australian Convict Sites – Executive Officer, PAHSMA, Port Arthur, Tasmania
  20. SITUATION VACANT Head of Heritage, Sydney Living Museums
  21. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Archaeologist (full-time), AHMS


1. Australia Day Honours

We are delighted to see recognition in the 2015  Australia Day honours to the following people, for  their support for heritage in the community:

Mr Trevor Maxwell HUGGARD – Princes Hill VIC 3054 – For significant service to the community through a range of roles with heritage conservation, cultural, and sporting organisations – I have known Trevor personally for many  years, and throughout his career, and in particular when he was Lord Mayor of Melbourne (1986 – 87) , he was influential in decisions about heritage conservation in inner Melbourne. On “googling” him I found this June 2012 quote about him from Councilor Jackie Watts: “Trevor is a ‘national living treasure’, a wonderful raconteur and a true gentleman. His knowledge of Melbourne – its heritage, architecture, politics and social fabric – is encyclopaedic. The breadth of his personal engagement with Melbourne is astounding and many worthy and diverse local organisations benefit from his involvement: he is a trustee for the Koori Heritage Trust, board member of Travellers Aid Australia and life member of the Australian Dragon Boat Federation. Trevor is a true ‘citizen’, devoting his intellect, knowledge and energy to improving the quality of life in our city”.

Mr Raymond Kingsley DAVIS – Melbourne VIC 3000 – For service to the community through youth and heritage organisations, and to the law.

Mr Langley Alexander WALKER – Sydney NSW 2000 – For distinguished service to the community as a significant benefactor and supporter of social welfare, medical research, health care, heritage and sporting causes, and to commerce.

Congratulations from Australia ICOMOS to these award recipients – please let me know if there are others who received awards, so that these people can also be recognised in our e-newsletter. 

Elizabeth Vines
President, Australia ICOMOS


2. Port Arthur Talk, Thursday 12 February 2015

Tasmanian Devils on the Tasmanian and Forestier Peninsulas – an update
presented by Stewart Huxtable

The Tasmanian Devil is listed as a threatened species due to the impact of a contagious cancer known as Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD). Despite this a small population of devils still persists on the Peninsula. The talk will outline the broad range of conservation efforts being undertaken by the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program and discuss population trends in devils on the Peninsula, the impact of DFTD on this population, and the steps being taken to secure a population of wild living, disease free devils on the Peninsula.

Stewart has been a biologist with the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program at DPIPWE for 7½  years, working on the monitoring and management of both wild and captive devils.  Since 2009 he has been responsible for the on-ground implementation of devil management actions on the Peninsula. Stewart has a postgraduate diploma in Biodiversity Conservation and Management, and has previously worked for the World Wide Fund for Nature, the Tropical Savannas Co-operative Research Centre and Conservation Volunteers Australia.


When: Thursday 12 February 2015 at 5.30pm

Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site

For more information call (03) 6251 2324

Download the Tasmanian Devils on the Tasmanian and Forestier Peninsulas flier.


3. National Trust (VIC) TrustTalks Series: Places of Pain, Shame and Power: 19th Century Institutions in the 21st Century

Date and Time: Monday 9 February 2015, doors open 5.45pm
Venue: Tasma Gallery, 6 Parliament Place, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002

What is the future of our great nineteenth-century institutions? Decommissioned in the late-twentieth century, prisons such as HM Prison Pentridge and Geelong Gaol, and asylums such as Mayday Hills, Kew and Aradale do not conform to current philosophies surrounding imprisonment and benevolent care, and must now find new lives through adaptive re-use. 

Rich with architectural, archaeological and social history, how can we conserve these places of pain, shame and power and the stories they tell, while ensuring they have a viable use into the future? In this talk, National Trust Community Advocate Felicity Watson will look at local places such as Pentridge and Kew Asylum, as well as examples of the adaptive re-use and interpretation of gaols and asylums internationally. 

The talk will also explore the current controversy regarding the proposed subdivision and redevelopment of Mayday Hills Asylum in Beechworth, which has seen the rejection of Heritage Victoria’s permit conditions by local developers, putting the future of the site in doubt.

Admission: Suggested $5 donation at door to cover costs
Bookings and Enquiries: book online or email Felicity Watson


4. Dr. James Broadbent to visit Newstead House

The Board of Trustees of Newstead House are delighted to confirm the engagement of renowned historian and conservator Dr. James Broadbent who will visit the property during early February 2015.

The iconic building is Brisbane’s oldest surviving residence built in 1846 and is currently presented as a house museum furnished in the late Victorian Boom Style. The interpretation originally undertaken by the Board of Trustees in the 1970s reflects two significant periods in the home’s history and the families who gave residence. The early days represented in the lower level during the Leslie/Wickham period (1840s – 1860s) and the “Glory Days” reflected in the upstairs during the Harris period (1860s – 1890s).

Dr. Broadbent’s extensive knowledge of early colonial history will provide a reappraisal of the furnishings in the house allowing for a more authentic interpretation of the styles and customs. It is intended that this project will provide a direct and practical guide for presenting the rooms, and also offer unique insights as to how the house would have been used.

If you would like further information on the Interpretation Project at Newstead House email Newstead House or visit the Newstead House website.


5. Maritime Tour: Mission to Seafarers & Polly Woodside, 20 February, Melbourne

Take a tour of two of the historic maritime highlights of Melbourne, the impressive 1885 tall ship Polly Woodside, and the intriguing Mission to Seafarers. The Curators will lead a special tour of each venue. Attendees will have the unique privilege to see behind the scenes, into the storage areas, and into some of the private rooms of the ship and building including the dome gallery.

The usual Friday curry lunch is available at the Mission for $15 per person, so why not stay and enjoy lunch after the tour? (Lunch is served from 12pm to 2pm.)

Date: Friday 20 February
Time: 10:00am – 12:30pm
Venue: Polly Woodside, Melbourne
Cost: Museums Australia (Vic) Members Free, Non-Members $20

Book now to secure your place at this event


6. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now

Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.


7. Symposium The Archaeology of Portable Art: South East Asian, Pacific, and Australian Perspectives

This symposium aims to reignite the dialogue about portable art across Island South East Asia, the Pacific and Australia and by doing so review future directions for research. Specific themes are: object histories; use of ethnography/museum collections for informing archaeological research; use of ‘intangible technologies’ and organic artefacts for expressing community affiliation/identity; cognitive development, the role of portable art in Pleistocene and Holocene expansions; and experimental studies.

When: Saturday 23 – Sunday 24 May 2015
Where: Sir Roland Wilson Building, The Australian National University, Canberra

For more information, download the The Archaeology of Portable Art symposium flier and visit the symposium website.


8. Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – now online

Engineering Heritage Australia’s latest (Vol 1 Edition 5, December 2014) Quarterly Magazine can be downloaded from here.


9. Exotic Garden – Unlocking the Botanical Journeys exhibition, Port Arthur

The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority is delighted to present an exhibition by students of Lauren Black.

Port Arthur: Exotic Garden – Unlocking the Botanical Journeys presents the trees and flowers of Port Arthur as tangible links to the past: to the convicts who prepared the soil and planted the seeds and the men and women who treasured them as they grew 150 years ago.

The exhibition opens on Saturday 24 January 2015 at the Port Arthur Historic Site in the Asylum and will be on display until 6 March 2015.

For more information, click here.


10. Theory & Philosophy ISC conference, Florence, 5-7 March 2015

The 2015 ICOMOS Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration International Scientific Committee Conference “How to assess built heritage? Assumptions, methodologies, examples of heritage assessment systems”, will be held in Florence 5-7 March 2015.  

For more information, visit the conference website.


11. Deakin’s ISDRS 21st Annual conference – themes & track calls deadline extended further; registration open

Themes and Track Calls – Deadline extended to Saturday 14 February 2015

The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) is pleased to announce its 21st Annual conference to be held 10-12 July 2015 in Geelong (Melbourne) Victoria, Australia.

The Tipping Point: Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity

The conference is organised around the ISDRS core themes and tracks, with some new ones added for this conference.

Please refer to the Guide for Authors on the conference website for information on submission format and word limit.

The call for papers for a specific track can be viewed online by visiting this page.

One of the Special Themes for this 2015 Conference is Cultural Heritage and Sustainability.

You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first).

Keep up to date with all conference information as it develops on the conference website.

For all event inquiries please contact:

For academic inquiries, please contact:

Registration now open


12. News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


13. Port Arthur bookings and travel advice at Brooke Street Pier, PAHSMA media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), dated 27 January 2015.

Visitors to Hobart can now book their tickets to the Port Arthur Historic Sites, as well as obtain travel advice, accommodation bookings and itinerary suggestions, at the new Brooke Street Pier.

The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) has established a booking office at the new waterfront facility that offers ticket sales for the Port Arthur and Cascades Female Factory Historic Sites, as well as travel advice and accommodation bookings to help visitors get the most from their visit.

PAHSMA Director of Tourism Operations Anne McVilly said the Brooke Street facility offered visitors the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the many offerings at the World Heritage listed sites before they set out on their journey.

“It’s a great opportunity for those who haven’t been able to do much research or planning to get some first-hand advice on the options and to decide whether they’d like to stay a night or two in the Port Arthur area to fully experience and explore all that it has to offer,” said Ms McVilly.

“The Cascades Female Factory’s reputation is growing, however the exposure to visitors offered by the Brooke Street outlet will also help raise its profile and help visitors find out about the convict women’s story.”

In addition to ticket sales and travel information, the Port Arthur outlet at Brooke Street also offers a museum-quality interpretive display, with a small collection of artefacts providing a glimpse of life in the convict era.

Information about the artefacts and the visitor experiences at the Port Arthur, Coal Mines and Cascades Female Factory Historic Sites, are available in English and Chinese, on interactive iPad devices. Brochures and maps are also available.

The facility is open seven days a week.


14. Heritage and Technology conference, 11-13 June 2015, Italy

Heritage and Technology. Mind, Knowledge, Experience
Aversa, Capri, Italy
11-13 June 2015

The theme of the thirteenth Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti” aims to investigate the complex relationship that develops between technological innovation, knowledge, enjoyment and protection of cultural heritage and the landscape. This leads to the need for an international multidisciplinary comparison in order to explore the questions and issues that are being debated not only in academia, but also among those who govern, manage and control Public Administrations, Institutions and businesses.

The subtitle specifies the macro areas: Mind, intended as both speculative thought as well as the preparation of a methodological process; the subject who investigates, establishes an inescapable destiny with the object analyzed at different scales of analysis, from the architectural structure and design, to the infrastructure and the landscape; Knowledge, as the historicizing of the state of the art reached by the disciplinary skills, integrated with those of material culture, humus generative of innovation for the formation of a human capital that continues to grow; Experience, the representation and sharing of results obtained with good practices, exemplary and paradigmatic, as patrimonial value for humanity to achieve a better quality of life and places created working with Art.

The conference is open to multidisciplinary experiences on one or more of the proposed themes. Scholars are invited to present research on either the theoretical and methodological aspects or concrete applications carried out on these issues.

Important dates

  • 20 January 2015: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • 10 February 2015: Notification to authors
  • 25 March 2015: Deadline for submission of full papers (only for accepted abstracts)
  • 15 April 2015: Notification to authors
  • 5 May 2015: Deadline for early registration (At least one author of an accepted paper)

For more information, visit the conference website.


15. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network

To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.


16. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


17. News from Sydney Living Museums

To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.


18. Link to website featuring Le Corbusier’s work

Those with a particular interest in Le Corbusier’s work can click here for more on this artist.


19. SITUATION VACANT Australian Convict Sites – Executive Officer, PAHSMA, Port Arthur, Tasmania

Australian Convict Sites – Executive Officer
Based with the Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority (PAHSMA), Port Arthur, Tasmania

Advertised Vacancy: The Authority is seeking to appoint a fixed-term Executive Officer within the Conservation & Infrastructure Department. The objective of this position is:

To provide support to the Australian Convict Sites Steering Committee (ACSSC) for the management and administration of the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage property (ACS) and progress actions and projects as adopted and prioritised by the ACSSC, and in line with the ACS Strategic Management Framework.

While the position is located within PAHSMA, the incumbent will be responsible for engaging with the 11 Sites across Australia that together make up the Australian Convict Sites. Funding for the position has been made available through Commonwealth support. For a more detailed description of the advertised position intending applicants should obtain a copy of the Statement of Duties.

Hours of Duty: Fixed-term full-time, 38 hours per week, Monday to Friday, for a period of three years.

Enquiries: For further information about the position please contact Jane Harrington, Director, Conservation & Infrastructure, on (03) 6251 2330 or email Jane.

Intending applicants must obtain the appropriate information and application form. To obtain this and for information on how to apply, contact Linda Kleinhenz, Human Resources Officer on (03) 6251 2357 or email PAHSMA recruitment; alternatively all documents can be downloaded from the Jobs Tasmania website.

Statement of Duties (which includes Selection Criteria): is available from the Jobs Tasmania website.

Applications Close: COB Monday 16 February 2015


20. SITUATION VACANT Head of Heritage, Sydney Living Museums

15/HP137 Head of Heritage
Location: Heritage Team
Role status: Ongoing full-time
Role Grade/Classification: Clerk Grade 11/12 – $145,134. Package includes salary ($113,212 – $130,929), employer’s contribution to superannuation and annual leave loading
Closing date: 11:59pm Wednesday 11 February 2015

Sydney Living Museums cares for 12 of the NSW most important historic houses, museums and their collections: Elizabeth Bay House, Elizabeth Farm, Government House, Hyde Park Barracks Museum, Justice & Police Museum, Meroogal, The Mint, Museum of Sydney, Rose Seidler House, Rouse Hill House & Farm, Susannah Place Museum and Vaucluse House. All are listed in the NSW State Heritage Register. The Museum of Sydney and the Hyde Park Barracks on the National Heritage list and the Hyde Park Barracks is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Job Description

The Head of Heritage provides operational leadership and expert advice in conservation, heritage management, collections care and capital works across Sydney Living Museums, to conserve and present the properties, collections and landscapes to the highest standards for the access, enjoyment and education of all visitors.

For further information, including the role description and the candidate information guide, click here.

Applications will only be accepted electronically via this site.


21. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Archaeologist (full-time), AHMS

About Archaeological and Heritage Management Solutions P/L (AHMS)

AHMS is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia-Pacific region since 1998. We specialise in provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a range of private and public sector clients. Our team of archaeologists and heritage specialists provide quality archaeological and heritage advice to our clients who are located across Australia and the Asia-Pacific. Our team is the cornerstone of our successful approach to project delivery, risk management and the delivery of conservation outcomes. We commit to ensuring that more than 50 per cent of our team are senior consultants and specialists with extensive experience and a demonstrated ability to resolve complex heritage management issues. Our commitment to senior expertise is unmatched in the heritage consulting industry and ensures we achieve consistently high quality outputs in all our projects.

Our wide range of clients, come from all tiers of government, mining, residential and infrastructure sectors, as well as private developers. We provide a full range of Indigenous, historical and built heritage services in addition to community consultation and engagement.

At AHMS we offer our employees the opportunity to participate in an exciting work environment where individuals are supported in a strong team culture; work across Australia and the Asia Pacific region; and participate in selected research opportunities which contribute to broader social and community cultural heritage outcomes, including our current ARC Linkage project in East New Britain.

As the successful applicant, you will be an integral part of our new Archaeological Heritage of Indigenous Peoples (Australia & Asia-Pacific) Team which is led by Alan Williams.

For further information, download the Heritage Advisor, Archaeologist position description.

Applications close 5pm, Friday 30 January 2015.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
