Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 663

  1. Vale Willem Willems (1950-2014)
  2. Season’s Greetings
  3. Australia ICOMOS Special Event, Saturday 14 February 2015, Sydney
  4. Heritage Council of WA 2015 Seminar – ‘Heritage Means Business’
  5. Australia ICOMOS conference, Adelaide, November 2015: FABRIC – call for papers
  6. New publication on Anatol Kagan
  7. Celebrate William Charles Vahland in May 2015
  8. Sustainable Heritage Conservation Workshops, Feb to April 2015
  9. New publication on Sir J.J. Talbot Hobbs
  10. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
  11. Discounted entry for Australia ICOMOS members at Duldig Studio, Melbourne
  12. ACT Heritage launches a new app for the Canberra Tracks interpretive signage initiative
  13. Deakin’s International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) 21st Annual conference – themes & track calls now open
  14. CIPA2015 Symposium, Taipei, 31 August – 5 September 2015: call for papers
  15. International Conference on Energy Efficiency & Historic Buildings – proceedings available
  16. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  17. Advanced Course in “Reliability and Risk Analysis”, February 2015, Portugal
  18. A year of progress on many fronts for the Port Arthur Historic Sites – PAHSMA media release
  19. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
  20. News from World Monuments Fund
  21. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
  22. PROJECT OPPORTUNITY Heritage Revitalisation and Urban Regeneration in Yangon’s historic quarter


1. Vale Willem Willems (1950-2014)

Australia ICOMOS is saddened to hear the news of the recent passing of Prof. Willem Willems, co-president of ICOMOS ICAHM, and strong supporter of this committee and member of one of the early advisory panels in Ename for the ICOMOS Interpretation Charter. His obituary from the European Association of Archaeologists website is available by clicking here.

Australia ICOMOS expresses its condolences to the family and colleagues of Prof. Willem Willems.


2. Season’s Greetings


SG image







The Executive Committee and I would like to extend Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for 2015.  We express our deep appreciation to the Australia ICOMOS community for its continuing dedication and care for our cultural heritage.  This year has seen active engagement of so many people across the country and internationally.  The General Assembly held in Florence in November was a special event attended by more than 60 of our members and reinforced the value of this organisation across countries and cultures, opening up opportunities for continued learning and professional exchange.  We have seen the passing of several special ICOMITES  – and we will miss them and continue to appreciate their varied legacies. 

This coming year will be my last as President and I continue to thank all those who help me with this role, particularly Georgia and all the Executive Committee.   I am looking forward greatly to the Fabric Conference to be held in Adelaide 5 – 8  November.  Please ensure this is in your diary!!! 

Best wishes to all for a very safe, happy and Festive Season.

Elizabeth Vines,
President Australia ICOMOS

Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season

The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from COB Friday 19 December 2014 to Friday 9 January 2015 inclusive. The office will reopen on Monday 12 January 2015, and the first e-newsletter for 2014 will be published on Friday 16 January. The final e-newsletter for 2014 will be published on Friday 19 December 2014.


3. Australia ICOMOS Special Event, Saturday 14 February 2015, Sydney

Australia ICOMOS Special Event
Saturday 14 February 2015

To celebrate ICOMOS Honorary Memberships and International Vice Presidents (past and future). Book early as numbers are limited due to the special venue.

Please see the Australia ICOMOS Special Event invitation for details.


4. Heritage Council of WA 2015 Seminar – ‘Heritage Means Business’

Prospective delegates are invited to register their interest in attending the 2015 Heritage Management & Planning Seminar, hosted by the Heritage Council of WA and the City of Swan. 

The main action will take place at the historic Midland Town Hall on 16-17 April 2015, with an optional half-day ‘Heritage 101’ on 15 April.  Further information on speakers and costs can be found on the WA State Heritage website.

To receive updates and registration form please email WA State Heritage.


5. Australia ICOMOS conference, Adelaide, November 2015: FABRIC – call for papers

Australia ICOMOS’ conference Fabric is a forum to gather and debate the issues associated with the conservation of heritage fabric.

Issues include: understanding and stewardship of traditional and technical conservation skills, engaging communities in conservation, advancing conservation knowledge, exploring new technologies, and fostering of training opportunities for the future conservation and interpretation of heritage fabric.

By understanding the skills and knowledge of the past, and developing the technologies of the future, Fabric will provide an opportunity for advancing conservation standards in Australia.

The conference has three themes:

  • Social fabric: Sustaining memory; Intangible values; Engaging communities
  • Fabric and place: Understanding significance embedded in places, landscapes and sites
  • Conserving fabric: Developing skills; Advancing technologies; Sustaining practice

The conference will include two days of paper and keynote presentations, and a day of field trips. There is an opportunity to present a limited number of papers in the field.

Paper and snapshot abstracts are now encouraged to be submitted based on the conference themes. Please refer to Abstract Submission Requirements.

Please submit your abstract proposal to Deborah Lindsay by email.

The deadlines are:

  • Submission of abstracts for papers and snapshots: Friday 27 March 2015
  • Notification of successful submissions: Friday 24 April 2015
  • Submission of final papers and snapshots: Friday 11 September 2015

Registrations will open in April 2015.  Early bird registration for ICOMOS members (Full and Associate) is $550 and for non-ICOMOS members is $650.

The conference will be preceded by a two-day traditional trades workshop in Adelaide. The workshop is being jointly organised by the Australia ICOMOS’ Traditional Trades Working Group and the Association for Preservation Technology Australasia. More information on the Workshop will be available in early 2015. Enquiries for the workshop should be directed to Mary Knaggs by email.

Please refer to the conference website for further information.


6. New publication on Anatol Kagan

Australia ICOMOS member Simon Reeves has just had a new book published, entitled Gentle Modernist: The Nine Lives of Anatol Kagan. The book covers the life and career of this Russian-born and German-trained modernist architect (1913-2009), who was active in both Sydney and Melbourne from the late 1930s until the early 1970s.

At present, the book is available for purchase via the publisher’s website.


7. Celebrate William Charles Vahland in May 2015

Last Tuesday the City of Greater Bendigo notified the media about their intentions to celebrate William Charles Vahland during the National Trust Heritage Festival next year.

Join the city in celebrating Vahland in May 2015. There may be events you’d like to organise in the Goldfields or Melbourne to truly recognise how important this man was to 19th century architecture in Australia.

Some ideas for May 2015:

  • A walk, bike, or car tour of Vahland buildings in Bendigo, our municipality or other shires – night tours could be as fun as day ones
  • Stories of working in Vahland buildings – eg. all the nurses at the Bendigo Hospital – are the buildings haunted?
  • Talks on architecture, or on the man himself, or the many architects he inspired & their buildings like the Hotel Shamrock
  • Open houses of Vahland buildings
  • Workshops on how to restore old houses, how to make old houses sustainable
  • Sessions on how to research old houses – have you got a Vahland, Beebe etc. designed house?
  • Find your German family history
  • How to research newspapers in Trove to find architectural tenders, obituaries of people like Vahland
  • Display of records related to Vahland, how Germans were treated at the start of WWI
  • Histories of Germans and viticulture in our area – apparently Vahland had a winery in Elmore, but the Germans are attributed with beginning the wine industry in Heathcote & surrounds
  • Exhibits of collections, plans, records, portraits, photos of his buildings or the man, or any of his students

If you can organise an event soon, please upload the details to the National Trust website by 24 December. This will mean your event may go in the statewide publication – an opportunity to get exposure for Vahland and your organisation.


8. Sustainable Heritage Conservation Workshops, Feb to April 2015

Sustainable Heritage Conservation Workshops 2015
Technical Pathways – Materials and Techniques – Planning and Management

As part of the 200-year anniversary celebrations at the National Trust Centre (Observatory Hill) in 2015, the City of Sydney, APT Australasia Chapter, Australia ICOMOS, Australian Institute of Architects (NSW Chapter), and Building Limes Forum Australia are partnering with the National Trust of Australia (NSW) to present a series of heritage conservation workshops, which will all be held at the National Trust Centre, Observatory Hill.

For more information on the workshops, download the 2015 Sustainable Heritage Conservation workshops flier.


9. New publication on Sir J.J. Talbot Hobbs











UWA Publishing has just released a new book by Australia ICOMOS member Dr John Taylor, Between Duty and Design: The Architect-Soldier Sir J.J. Talbot Hobbs. This is the first extensive biography of Hobbs’s architectural work, also covering his military career which saw him become Australia’s highest ranking solider in Europe after World War I.

Hobbs’ contribution to the built landscape of Western Australia – and to Australian war memorials in France and Belgium – is impossible to overlook. It dominates public spaces as well as domestic and business streetscapes. His stellar designs are familiar to many but Hobbs the man is largely forgotten. Who was J.J. Talbot Hobbs, considered to be of such importance at the time of his death that a memorial was built in one of the most prominent places in Perth?

Taylor’s biography of the man, soldier and architect, is meticulously researched and illustrated throughout with photos and plans, highlighting Hobbs’ place as a citizen of national importance.

Between Duty and Design is available in bookstores or from the UWA Publishing website (with free postage).


10. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications

There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.

Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be made to the Secretariat:

  • Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
  • Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates

For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website, or download the Australia ICOMOS 2014_MEMBERSHIP Application Form.

Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the February 2014 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Thursday 22 January 2015.

If further information is required, email the Membership Secretary, John Wadsley.


11. Discounted entry for Australia ICOMOS members at Duldig Studio, Melbourne

Australia ICOMOS members are invited to visit the Duldig Studio at 92 Burke Road, Malvern East VIC 3145 and receive 50% discount on the entry from 1 February 2015 until 31 December 2015. Duldig is a house museum with an in situ collection of modernist sculpture and furnishings.

Visiting The Duldig Studio is a unique experience that offers remarkable insights into the lives and works of sculptor Karl Duldig (1902–1986) and his artist-inventor wife, Slawa Duldig (neé Horowitz, c1902–1975) two of Australia’s important 20th Century artists.

To learn more about the studio visit the Duldig Studio website.

To show AICOMOS’s appreciation for this generous offer members are encouraged to like the Duldig Studio on their Facebook page.

To book a tour during opening hours email curator John Petersen.


12. ACT Heritage launches a new app for the Canberra Tracks interpretive signage initiative

Demonstrating app Cranleigh sign with app stickers

ACT Minister for Planning, Mr Mick Gentleman launched a new Smartphone App for the Canberra Tracks self-drive heritage trails interpretive signage initiative on Thursday 11 December.

The App uses augmented reality technology (AR) to bring the Canberra Tracks signs alive with additional video material. The content has been provided by education students through a partnership arrangement with the University of Canberra. The history/geography component of their degree was assessed through students choosing one of the existing interpretive signs, researching further and finding an interesting angle to then produce a two minute video. The 46 chosen show enormous variety and incorporate poignant personal stories as well as debunking myths and recounting delightful tales of life on the Limestone Plains. Look for the stickers on Canberra Tracks sites to see if they are AR compatible. For more details and to see the app demonstrated click here.


13. Deakin’s International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) 21st Annual conference – themes & track calls now open

The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) is pleased to announce its 21st Annual conference to be held 10-12 July 2015 in Geelong (Melbourne) Victoria, Australia.

The Tipping Point: Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity

The conference is organised around the ISDRS core themes and tracks, with some new ones added for this conference.

Please refer to the Guide for Authors on the conference website for information on submission format and word limit.

The call for papers for a specific track can be viewed online by visiting this page.

One of the Special Themes for this 2015 Conference is Cultural Heritage and Sustainability.

You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first).

Keep up to date with all conference information as it develops on the conference website.

For all event inquiries please contact:

For academic inquiries, please contact:


14. CIPA2015 Symposium, Taipei, 31 August – 5 September 2015: call for papers

CIPA2015 Symposium – Filling the Gaps—Towards a Globalization Era
31 August – 5 September 2015
Taipei, Taiwan

For a long time, CIPA (the International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage) has been making great efforts integrating technology with cultural heritage conservation. The education and dissemination of acquired knowledge is also its major concern. CIPA holds an International symposium every two years presenting the latest scientific research and providing a forum for specialists in conservation and technology to communicate and exchange their ideas.

After examining the properties inscribed on the World Heritage list and those on the tentative list in the past, identified a problem with imbalanced representation of the territories and themes. Thus, The World Heritage List: Filling the Gaps – an Action Plan for the Future was published in 2004. It particularly addresses the importance of diversity that mankind as a whole needs, and how the diversity can bear witness to the cultural heritage that exists in the course of human history. It is also hoped that the imbalanced representation on the World Heritage List can be resolved. In the era of globalization, the development of digitization instruments and methods should closely correspond with the evolution of the concept in cultural heritage conservation and the application of technology. Yet with restriction of the territorial extension, cultural differences and instrumental limitation, there have been gaps between the application of digitization instruments and conservation concepts. In view of this, a platform set up for continuous communication and integration is eminently required.

For further information, visit the symposium website and download the Call for papers.


15. International Conference on Energy Efficiency & Historic Buildings – proceedings available

The Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings are already published and available online. The keynote lectures, communications and posters presented on 29-30 September 2014 in Madrid are all gathered in here.

In the Proceedings you will find the latest developments in the field of research, experiences of companies and professionals and good practices of management teams, all organized under the five thematic sessions of the Conference: governance, technical knowledge, legal regulations, training/dissemination and funding mechanisms. There are more than 45 papers from twelve different countries.

If you could not attend the Conference and if you would like to consult some of the presentations, you can do it easily through the videos that are now available on YouTube channel.


16. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


17. Advanced Course in “Reliability and Risk Analysis”, February 2015, Portugal

The Advanced Course in “Reliability and Risk Analysis” will be held on 6-19 February 2015, at University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. The course covers topics such as reliability and design codes, hazard identification, system analysis, risk analysis and case studies.

For more details, download the Course on Reliability and Risk Analysis information leaflet.


18. A year of progress on many fronts for the Port Arthur Historic Sites – PAHSMA media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), dated 18 December 2014.

The 2013-14 year has been a period of significant progress for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA).

PAHSMA Chair, Professor Sharon Sullivan, named the recovery from the effects of the 2013 bushfire disaster, a massive project to restabilise the Penitentiary, the dramatic increase in Chinese visitation, a new pontoon for cruise ships and substantial progress at the Cascades Female Factory Historic Site as just some of the highlights of what has been a very productive period for the Authority.

“The biggest challenge facing PAHSMA has been the re-stabilisation of the Penitentiary, a project that, based on professional engineering advice, needed to be completed as a matter of urgency,” said Professor Sullivan at the Authority’s final Board Meeting for the year.

“Financial assistance from both the State and Federal Governments along with continued strong visitor numbers and revenue enabled commencement of the project, which is nearing completion; the Penitentiary will be open again to visitors from this weekend.”

“The Port Arthur Historic Site achieved an 18% increase in visitor numbers over the previous year, which was impacted by the bushfires, but importantly it was a similar increase on the 2011–12 result.”

“The dramatic increase in Chinese visitors coming to the Port Arthur Historic Site is also a very pleasing outcome for PAHSMA’s long-term engagement with that market and investment in providing a quality visitor experience to Chinese visitors.”

As the State’s only tourism government business enterprise PAHSMA is committed to making a positive difference in Tasmania.

“The Port Arthur Historic Sites plays a significant role in attracting visitors to the State and encouraging regional dispersal. From an environmental and community perspective PAHSMA’s commitment to conserve and preserve these sites guarantees they will remain for future generations.”

PAHSMA contributes to the economy, having directly employed 126 staff during the period and also engaging many local contractors to supply services and utilising local produce in the visitor centre and in food and beverage outlets wherever possible.

The Cascades Female Factory Historic Site broke visitation records, with 22,999 paying visitors during the year, which also saw the introduction of a $5 site entry fee that raised $40,935. The visitor experience continued to be developed, with the completion of the Yard 1 interpretation works and the Matron’s Quarters Conservation Project. The Heritage Tour saw a 97% increase in numbers whilst Her Story had an increase of 31%.

These and many other achievements are detailed in PAHSMA’s Annual Report for 2013-14.

The Report is available for download by clicking here.


19. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter

To download the latest issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.


20. News from World Monuments Fund

To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.


21. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now

Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.


22. PROJECT OPPORTUNITY Heritage Revitalisation and Urban Regeneration in Yangon’s historic quarter

The Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) is starting a project for Heritage Revitalisation and Urban Regeneration in Yangon’s historic quarter. The project idea is expected to commence in January 2015 in the form of a Pre-Feasibility Study with the local authorities (Yangon City Development Committee) and the Yangon Heritage Trust (YHT) as the joint client.

CDIA will be recruiting a team of expert individuals (both local and international) to work on this exciting project. Recruitment is expected to start in January, through Asian Development Bank’s CSRN (Consulting Services Recruitment Notices) system. This is an online database through which the Asian Development Bank routinely selects individuals and firms for part-time consultancy assignments for all its operations throughout Asia, including head office. Registration in this database is mandatory to qualify for any advisory work for CDIA or Asian Development Bank.

Further information about this project can be found in the CDIA Yangon Project Brief.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
