Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 658

  1. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne – correction to date
  2. News from the Florence General Assembly
  3. Queensland Heritage on the Map
  4. “New Lives for Old Buildings” talk, 21 November, Sydney
  5. Port Arthur Talks, Tuesday 25 November 2014
  6. Call for South Australian Design Review Panel Members
  7. Invitation to PALRC event at the World Parks Congress
  8. US/ICOMOS 2015 International Exchange Program – call for applicants and host organisations: ADVANCE NOTICE
  9. Coal Mines Community Day, Tuesday 25 November
  10. Oswald Brett talk at Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, 25 November
  11. 2014 PHA NSW & ACT Public History Prize call for entries
  12. John Smith Murdoch Talk and Tour – part of the Design Canberra celebration, 22 November, Canberra
  13. News from World Monuments Fund
  14. Engineering Heritage Victoria event, Thursday 27 November
  15. “Heritage diplomacy and networks of conservation knowledge” panel – call for papers
  16. CIPA2015 Symposium, Taipei, 31 August – 5 September 2015: call for papers
  17. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  18. Heritage of Death: Landscapes, Sentiment and Practice – call for papers
  19. WWI Honour Roll unveiled at Port Arthur – PAHSMA media release
  20. Chinese website helps attract visitors to Port Arthur – PAHSMA media release
  21. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Finance and Administration, ICCROM, Rome


1. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne – correction to date

The next CHCAP seminar at Deakin University will be a presentation by Susan Fayad, City of Ballarat (with Deakin Uni’s Prof. Andrea Witcomb as Chair) on “The Historic Urban Landscape Approach: Finding a better way to manage change in the regional historic city of Ballarat”.


Urban Landscape (HUL) by the City of Ballarat. Said to be a new approach to urban conservation the HUL is, perhaps unsurprisingly, receiving mixed reviews. Challenging dominant understandings of urban heritage and confronting the challenge of change versus conservation head-on, the HUL is intended to be a much needed holistic and integrated landscape-based approach that responds to contemporary pressures confronting historic cities.

The regional city of Ballarat is renowned for its 19th century goldfields buildings and predominant historic streetscapes. With extensive planning protection and long-established community activism focused on built heritage conservation outcomes, Ballarat is representative of a dominant focus on the static built environment. Motivated by a need to adopt better and more inclusive processes as well as responding to projections of almost fifty percent population growth by 2031, the City of Ballarat began localising the HUL approach in 2012 and formally became part of an international pilot program to implement UNESCO’s HUL in 2013.

This is a first-hand account of the City of Ballarat’s journey to find better ways to conserve and manage Ballarat’s heritage. In a time of increasing decentralisation this journey is highlighting what could happen when you empower Local Government to take a lead role in delivering and developing innovative new local approaches to urban conservation.

Heritage diplomacy thus seeks to both complicate the picture and allow us to ask more fine-grained questions about the possible futures of World Heritage and the governance of culture and nature more generally.


Susan Fayad is the Coordinator Heritage Strategy at the City of Ballarat in regional Victoria and is managing the roll out of UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape pilot program through a Strategic Cooperation Agreement between the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for Asia and the Pacific (WHITRAP) in Shanghai, China and the City of Ballarat. She played an instrumental role in the development of the City of Ballarat’s Preserving Ballarat’s Heritage Strategy which addresses heritage management challenges using a preventive change management approach. The City of Ballarat’s strategy has been recognised with awards from the Heritage Council of Victoria and Planning Institute of Australia (Vic.) for its innovative approach.

DateThursday (not Wednesday) 27 November 2014

Time: 5.30pm

Venue: Theatre Room, Deakin Prime, City Campus, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne

DINNER: The seminar will be followed by drinks to celebrate a year of very exciting seminars and participation!! Please RSVP to Yamini Narayanan by email for booking.

Email list: To be included in the CHCAP email newsletter distribution list, email Yamini Narayanan


2. News from the Florence General Assembly


  AI at GA ExComm candidates

Congratulations to Peter Phillips, who was elected as ICOMOS International Vice President on Wednesday afternoon. Peter follows in the footsteps of Kristal Buckley who has energetically and diligently served in this position for the past nine years, making a substantial contribution to the organisation. Peter’s role in the preparation of the revised ICOMOS Statutes in the last three years was specifically commended and a large number of delegates from the Asia-Pacific region congratulated Peter and thanked him for his inspirational role. We are delighted that Peter will continue the contribution of Australia ICOMOS in the international arena and we all look forward to working closely with him. 

The very large delegation of Australia ICOMOS members to Florence (there are about 60 of us) have had a stimulating week. There have been many interesting papers presented. Thanks to Helen Wilson we were able to meet for an evening meal together and share the delights of delicious local Florentine cuisine. 

The revised Ethical Commitment Statements were adopted unanimously at the General Assembly and the ICOMOS Statutes were also adopted with the support of more than two-thirds of the voting members of the General Assembly.

So, it has proved to be a very inspiring and  successful General Assembly on many fronts.

Elizabeth Vines
President, Australia ICOMOS


3. Queensland Heritage on the Map

On Monday 24 November 2014, the State Library of Queensland hosts Queensland Heritage on the Map, a symposium about heritage tourism in the state. Facilitated by journalist and broadcaster Jillian Whiting, this forum will bring together groups from all parts of the heritage tourism sector to discuss strategies and share practical examples of the role heritage experiences play in promoting communities to tourists and visitors. Participants will include historians and heritage practitioners; representatives of public libraries and local government; staff of galleries, archives and museums; tourism operators, and business strategists.

The symposium is free; please register to attend. It will also be live streamed. For further information, email the Queensland Memory team.


4. “New Lives for Old Buildings” talk, 21 November, Sydney

“New Lives for Old Buildings”
presented by the Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW

Friday 21 November, 7.15pm for a 7.30 pm start

Adaptive reuse of old buildings is almost as old as architecture itself. This talk will examine, through a series of case studies from around the world, how new uses can be put into fine old buildings with the best of contemporary design and materials.

The projects of some of the world’s most celebrated architects, from Australia and abroad, including Carlo Scarpa, Richard Meier, Rafael Moneo and Tadeo Ando will be explored to examine the successes and failures marrying new and old”

Trevor Howells was Senior lecturer, Heritage Conservation Program Coordinator, at the University of Sydney until very recently, having passed on his baton to his successor.

For enquiries call David Rozenker–Apted on (02) 9878 2511.


Attendance fees includes a light supper served after the talk at approximately at 8:30 pm

  • Society & A.I.A Members: $20 pp
  • Non-Members $25 pp
  • Concessions: $15 pp

To avoid disappointment please book as soon as possible, and use the convenience of booking via Eventbrite where you can pay with VISA or MasterCard to secure your place/s.

You may also make an EFT payment to:

  • ANZ Bank – BSB: 012352 A/C 270268971: A/C Name: Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW Inc.

NB: Please note in your transaction as a ‘reference’ your name plus TR i.e. RLumbyTR and please email your booking to this email.

If you do wish to pay at the door please call (02) 9878 2511, leaving your booking on the answering machine. However we urge you to commit to attendance so that we are able to provide adequate catering.

NB: There is no parking at the venue. “Tusculum” is a comfortable walk from Kings Cross Railway Station, a 10-15 minute walk along the “colourful Darlinghurst Road” into Macleay Street, then 3rd Left into Manning, or the slightly less confronting Victoria Street, right into Hughes, 2nd left and 1st right into the top part of Manning.

Wilson Parking has a site on the eastern side of Fitzroy Gardens, with the entrance opposite the Police Station on Ward Avenue.



5. Port Arthur Talks, Tuesday 25 November 2014

Murphy’s signals of Hobart Town
presented by Mark Risby

Edward Murphy, a convict prison guard in the 99th Regt of Foot in Van Diemen’s Land during the 1840s and 1850s, produced eleven unique maritime charts.  Containing the various types of signalling used by the maritime and penal systems, the charts display the only known diagrams of the individual merchant ships identification flags for use only in Hobart Town. 

His lavishly illustrated charts show in fine detail 250 different flags and over 300 telegraphic semaphore signals and their decodes.  This presentation will provide an insight into the man and his unique artwork.

Mark Risby is a seventh generation Tasmanian who held various positions for 22 years in his long established family business of sawmilling, timber production and retailing. After retraining he was the risk management consultant at Shadforths Ltd for over 14 years, a financial planning and stockbroking firm in Hobart. With interests including vexillology (the study of flags), sailing, bushwalking, ornithology, topiary, family, marine and military history, he is also an ex-Royal Australian naval reservist, and member of the Maritime Museum of Tasmania and the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania.  


When: Tuesday 25 November 2014 at 5.30pm

Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room

Download the ‘Murphy’s signals of Hobart Town’ flier.


6. Call for South Australian Design Review Panel Members

The South Australian Design Review Program is seeking new members for its Design Review Panel.

South Australia’s Design Review Program is going from strength to strength with changes to the planning system in 2012 bringing design to the forefront of the planning assessment process in the City of Adelaide, and further changes in 2013 affecting the Inner Metro areas. 

The Design Review Panel assists the Government Architect in delivering independent design advice to the Development Assessment Commission, informed by all aspects of best practice urban design and the principles of good design. 

Detail on these positions will be advertised in media outlets (The Weekend Australian and The Advertiser on Saturday 21 November 2014) and on the Tenders SA website with the Job title ‘Provision for consultancy services for Design Review Panel’. It is anticipated that the tender notice will appear from 20 November 2014 until 11 December 2014. 

If you have any further questions about these roles please contact Andreea Jeleascu, Design Advisor at the Office for Design and Architecture SA on telephone (08) 8402 1988.


7. Invitation to PALRC event at the World Parks Congress

Jane Hutchinson, Chair of the Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) Steering Group, invites you on behalf of the Collaboration to join us at the following event on

at the World Parks Congress (WPC) to mark the establishment of the Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC), a joint initiative of the Tasmanian Land Conservancy, the University of Tasmania and Murdoch, James Cook and Charles Darwin universities.

At the WPC follow PALRC on twitter @PAcollaboration with #PALRClaunch2014. We will be updating key conference activities of interest.

We still require assistance with staffing our BOOTH 66 (opposite the IUCN bookshop) where will be all day every day (except Sunday). Please contact Doug Humann by email ASAP if you have availability to help.


8. US/ICOMOS 2015 International Exchange Program – call for applicants and host organisations: ADVANCE NOTICE

US/ICOMOS expects to support a number of internships overseas and within the United States in historic preservation during the course of 2015. This program provides unparalleled opportunities for preservationists early in their careers to gain hands-on experience in a country other than their own. The program is geared toward those nearing the end of graduate school or with 1-3 years of professional experience. Placements are made by matching the skills/experience of each applicant with the needs of each host organization.

Prospective Interns

Applications from prospective interns are due 31 January 2015. Application procedures can be found on the Intern section of the US/ICOMOS website.

Prospective Host Organisations

US/ICOMOS also seeks host organisations, such as non-profits, government agencies, and private firms, who are potentially interested in hosting a US/ICOMOS intern, whether in the United States or overseas. Information on hosting US/ICOMOS interns and a letter of interest form can be found on the Host section of the US/ICOMOS website.

2015 Program Schedule

The schedule for the 2015 program has not been finalised as yet. Usually, most internships take place during the summer months but some internships occur during the fall as well. US/ICOMOS is willing to work with host organizations to accommodate different schedules and durations of internships where necessary.

The program schedule for 2014 was as follows, and can be used as a guide to the likely schedule for 2015.

  • January 31: Applications due (this date applies to 2014)
  • March 1: Applicants notified of “shortlist” selection
  • April 1: Selected applicants notified of placement with sponsor
  • May 27 – May 30: Intern orientation
  • May 31: Interns travel to their host locations
  • June 2 – August 11: Internship with host organization
  • August 12-14: Summer Interns return to Washington, DC for final program and reception; Fall interns arrive for orientation
  • August 16: Summer Interns return home
  • After August 16: Fall interns travel to their host locations

Program Overview

Since the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program was created in 1984, more than 600 young preservation professionals and over 70 countries have participated. The aim of the program is to promote an understanding of international preservation policies, methods, and techniques and to enable interns to make professional contacts and form personal friendships that will ensure a continuing dialogue between countries.

The program began with a one-time exchange between US/ICOMOS and ICOMOS United Kingdom. It since has expanded to involve between 10 and 20 preservation professionals annually depending on the level of funding available. US/ICOMOS is always looking for preservation organizations both in the U.S. and abroad to host interns and participate in this exciting program of cultural exchange. The program is made possible through generous grants from many U.S. foundations, government agencies and individual contributors, and ICOMOS National Committees of participating.

For more information, click here or email Donald Jones, PhD, Director of Programs.


Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS. Nominations will be confirmed by 15 January 2015. We regret the awkward timing of the call and US ICOMOS is aware of the problem.

Applicants must be financial members of Australia ICOMOS – please note that both Full and Associate members of Australia ICOMOS can apply to this program – and have adequate experience and the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year.

Applications should be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB Thursday 11 December 2014.


9. Coal Mines Community Day, Tuesday 25 November

A community day will be held at the Coal Mines Historic Site on Tuesday 25 November from 10.30am until 12.30pm (see Coal Mines Community Day invitation).  It’s a bit of a get together for everyone to have a look at what’s been achieved by the volunteer programme in the past year.

ECOtas will give a talk on what they’ve found on their natural values survey, David Roe is going to talk about the LIDAR survey that was carried out and there’ll be a BBQ (or similar) so no one will go hungry.

Please RSVP to John Hueston (contact on invite) for catering purposes.


10. Oswald Brett talk at Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, 25 November

Noted marine artist Oswald Brett will be speaking at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.

Oswald, who is now well into his nineties, was brought up in Sydney and now lives in New York. His Hobart talk is part of a tour of Australia in connection with his recently released book Ships and the Sea: the Art and Life of Oswald Brett.

The talk will take place on Tuesday 25 November from 12.00-1.00pm in the Royal Society Rooms, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (enter through the Davey Street admin. entrance).

Download the Oswald Brett 25 November 2014 flier.


11. 2014 PHA NSW & ACT Public History Prize call for entries

Submit your student research paper and win a $500 prize!

The Public History Prize is an annual award offered by the Professional Historians Association (PHA) of NSW & ACT. The Award is open to third and fourth year university students in NSW and the ACT who are studying history (both Australian and international) and whose research paper or project engages with the field and practice of professional and public history.

Entries close on 5 December 2014.

For more information and to submit your entry visit the PHA NSW & ACT website.

Like the Public History Prize facebook page.


12. John Smith Murdoch Talk and Tour – part of the Design Canberra celebration, 22 November, Canberra

Saturday 22 November, 4.30pm – 6.30pm

GML Heritage is hosting this walk between the Museum of Australian Democracy, Old Parliament House and the Hyatt Hotel Canberra.

Canberra was designed and purpose built to a vision.

Join Rachel Jackson and Anne Claoué from the GML Canberra Office with Dr David Rowe (whose thesis was on the life and works of John Smith Murdoch) to learn about the early vision through key architectural landmarks in the designed landscape.

The tour will start in King’s Hall at the Museum of Australian Democracy in Old Parliament House, pass East and West Blocks and conclude at the historic Hyatt Hotel Canberra. These buildings were all designed by John Smith Murdoch, the Commonwealth Architect from 1919 to 1929 and the tour will consider Murdoch’s work in Canberra and the landscape setting of these iconic buildings.


Date: Saturday 22 November 2014

Start: 4.30pm @ Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, 18 King George Terrace, Parkes, ACT 2600

Ends: 6.30pm @ Hyatt Hotel Canberra

Bookings essential: book by email or by phone (02) 6273 7540 during business hours

Those booking on the tour may be interested to arrive early and see MOAD’s new exhibition Bespoke: Design for the People, which focusses on the furniture of John Smith Murdoch with five art installations by contemporary artists responding to his work in a thought-provoking collaboration between design, creativity and the history of one of Canberra’s iconic landmarks in both the physical and political landscape.


13. News from World Monuments Fund

To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.


14. Engineering Heritage Victoria event, Thursday 27 November

Engineers Australia, Engineering Heritage Victoria and the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation cordially invite you to join us in recognising the significance of the Duke & Orr Dry Dock Pump House on Thursday 27 November 2014.

In the second half of the nineteenth century the Port of Melbourne was growing fast and becoming increasingly important to the import and export of goods. The Victorian Gold Rush had fuelled great prosperity and trade boomed.

Part of the port infrastructure required was dry docks to repair and service visiting ships. From 1868 several dry docks were built at South Wharf. The latest and largest of these operated until 1975; privately owned and operated, providing services ranging from hull cleaning, painting, repair to propellers and rudders and sometimes repair of severe damage from groundings and collisions.

The operation of dry docks required machinery to pump the water out of the dock after a vessel has been floated into it. In the nineteenth century this was invariably carried out with steam pumping plant.

Only the Duke & Orr dry dock remains, now housing the Barque Polly Woodside. This dock was rebuilt to take large ships in 1904 and at that time a new Pump House with a very large steam pumping engine was built. This Pump House remains remarkably intact and it is this relic of the age of steam which we are celebrating.

CLICK HERE to register for this event.

Engineers Australia Convention 2014

This event is being held as part of Convention 2014 from 24 – 28 November. To find out more about the largest engineering event ever held in the southern hemisphere, click here>>.


15. “Heritage diplomacy and networks of conservation knowledge” panel  – call for papers

Call for Papers

Panel: Heritage diplomacy and networks of conservation knowledge

Conference: Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges, CHAM International Conference, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 15-18 July 2015

Deadline: 19 December 2014

Convener: Tim Winter, Deakin University

This panel explores how historically and politically fashioned networks of expert knowledge have come to shape international heritage conservation in the modern era.

An important but under-researched theme of the story of internationalism and globalization over the course of the 19th-20th centuries has been the history of institutions associated with conservation and the governance of culture and nature. Indeed, the fields of international relations and diplomacy studies have paid little attention to the material and physical world as a constituent of international cooperation, engagement and knowledge transfer. 

Papers are welcome that reframe the history of modern heritage conservation in ways that foreground the internationalization of expert knowledge under conditions of European colonialism, decolonisation and the shifting hierarchies of ‘East-West’ relations. The aim of the panel is to understand how and why certain flows of expert knowledge transfer have formed between countries and regions on the back of empire, African nationalism, Cold War relations, conflict recovery, science diplomacy, and so forth. Critical attention will be given to how networks of heritage diplomacy formed around the world since World War II, and the ways in which various state-based and inter-governmental agencies have maintained the ongoing dance between nationalism and internationalism.

For more information on this panel, click here.

Any questions or queries can be directed to Tim Winter by email.


16. CIPA2015 Symposium, Taipei, 31 August – 5 September 2015: call for papers

CIPA2015 Symposium – Filling the Gaps—Towards a Globalization Era
31 August – 5 September 2015
Taipei, Taiwan

For a long time, CIPA (the International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage) has been making great efforts integrating technology with cultural heritage conservation. The education and dissemination of acquired knowledge is also its major concern. CIPA holds an International symposium every two years presenting the latest scientific research and providing a forum for specialists in conservation and technology to communicate and exchange their ideas.

After examining the properties inscribed on the World Heritage list and those on the tentative list in the past, identified a problem with imbalanced representation of the territories and themes. Thus, The World Heritage List: Filling the Gaps – an Action Plan for the Future was published in 2004. It particularly addresses the importance of diversity that mankind as a whole needs, and how the diversity can bear witness to the cultural heritage that exists in the course of human history. It is also hoped that the imbalanced representation on the World Heritage List can be resolved. In the era of globalization, the development of digitization instruments and methods should closely correspond with the evolution of the concept in cultural heritage conservation and the application of technology. Yet with restriction of the territorial extension, cultural differences and instrumental limitation, there have been gaps between the application of digitization instruments and conservation concepts. In view of this, a platform set up for continuous communication and integration is eminently required.

For further information, visit the symposium website and download the Call for papers.


17. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


18. Heritage of Death: Landscapes, Sentiment and Practice – call for papers

Heritage of Death: Landscapes, Sentiment and Practice
10-11 September 2015
Stockholm, Sweden
An international conference organized by Department of Ethnology – Stockholm University, CHAMP/Collaborative for Cultural Heritage Management and Policy – University of Illinois

Keynote Speaker
Mike Robinson (Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, UK)

Call for papers
Death. We all face it. It is the greatest of the life crises and since time immemorial all human societies have devised ways to cope with and explain death. Around the world death is being reconceptualized as heritage, replete with material markers and intangible performances. These heritages of death are personal, national, international and global. They are vernacular as well as official, sanctioned and alternative. The heritage of death has religious, political, economic, cultural, and aesthetic aspects as well. This conference explores the many dimensions of death as heritage.

The highlight of the conference (in addition to Stockholm itself) is a guided study tour of Skogskyrkogården, Stockholm’s Woodland Cemetery, designed by Gunnar Asplund and Sigurd Lewerentz in 1917-1920, which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.

For more information, click here and view the call for papers.


19. WWI Honour Roll unveiled at Port Arthur – PAHSMA media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), dated 11 November 2014.

A hand-crafted honour-roll commemorating men from the Port Arthur area who served during the First World War is on display in its original home at the Port Arthur Historic Site following the negotiation of a long-term loan from the Tasman Council.

The honour roll was painted on a cedar table top and decorated with an exquisitely painted emu, kangaroo and laurel leaves, by London born, peninsula resident and artist George Garnet. It was originally unveiled in February 1920 at the Carnarvon Town Hall, which was established in the former Asylum of the Port Arthur penal settlement in 1889.  The honour roll moved with the council chambers to new premises at Nubeena during the 1970s.

Local educator and wood artisan Barry Jennings instigated and facilitated the loan as a response to the lack of public access in the current Tasman Council Chambers. His desire to have the Honour Roll in an open public domain was motivated out of respect for the creator of the board, George Garnet, and the memory of those it commemorates.

Heritage Programs Manager with the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), Dr Jody Steele, said the Authority was delighted to be able to display such a significant piece of Port Arthur’s post-convict era heritage.

“While Port Arthur is primarily known for its convict history, we have worked hard in recent years to better recognise and reflect its more recent heritage, particularly its central role in the daily life of the residents of the Tasman Peninsula,” said Dr Steele.

“This item is an excellent link to the Soldier’s Memorial Avenue, which has been the subject of a major conservation project and improved interpretation for visitors.”

The Honour Roll was hung in a ceremony this morning, Remembrance Day, in the Asylum at Port Arthur.


20. Chinese website helps attract visitors to Port Arthur – PAHSMA media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), dated 13 November 2014.

The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) has developed a Chinese language website to help promote the Port Arthur Historic Site in the rapidly growing Chinese market.

The image-rich website offers Chinese speaking consumers information about the Site, its tours and activities and allows them to book directly online, using Union Pay, the preferred debit/credit card across the region.

“This is the first time we have directly marketed to Chinese consumers,” said PAHSMA Marketing Manager Andrew Ross.

“All our previous efforts have been focussed on engaging with the Chinese travel trade, which is still vitally important, but our research showed that we were missing a significant opportunity not having an online presence in the market.”

Analysis of Chinese users of Port Arthur’s English language website showed a high volume of traffic and interest from Chinese speaking communities, both in Australia, China and Hong Kong. The large volume of traffic to the ticketing page suggested that many of these viewers were ‘ready to buy’, but were discouraged by lack of information in Chinese and the site’s limited compatibility with mobile devices, which account for a very high proportion of the traffic.

PAHSMA worked with China Blueprint Consultants, an Australian company specialising in developing online business solutions for Australian businesses exporting to China, to research and develop the website, which is just the first of a number of initiatives by PAHSMA targeting the Chinese market.

“We have enjoyed incredible growth in visitation from mainland China as well as Hong Kong and Australia-based Chinese speakers,” said Mr Ross.

“We already offer quality interpretation materials and signage in Chinese at Port Arthur, and we are planning more resources and services at our Sites.”

The World Heritage-listed Port Arthur Historic Site is Tasmania’s essential heritage experience and Australia’s most complete and best-preserved convict heritage site, located 90 minutes by road from Hobart.

Visitors connect with Australia’s history through the powerful personal stories of convicts, soldiers, free people and their families while exploring the harsh beauty of the historic buildings, ruins, grounds and gardens. A range of optional tours and self-guided experiences combine to bring the story of this extraordinary place to life.

The website was formally launched today by Tasmanian Premier, Will Hodgman at Port Arthur, who said it was an excellent initiative ahead of the Chinese President’s visit to Tasmania next week.

See the website at


21. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Finance and Administration, ICCROM, Rome

Manager, Finance and Administration
Grade Level: P-4

ICCROM (the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) intends to appoint a Manager, Finance and Administration, who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of ICCROM as they relate to finance, administration and human resources. This is a key management position, reporting to the Director-General.

For more information about this role, click here.

Final date for receipt of applications is 5 January 2015.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
