Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 653

  1. Melbourne’s ‘Mini Australia ICOMOS Conference’, October 2014 – CALL FOR OFFERS OF ACCOMMODATION
  2. AICOMOS Symposium: ‘The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage?’ – FULL PROGRAM OF TOP SPEAKERS
  3. ‘Grasping the intangible’ Symposium, 18 October – PROGRAM OUT!
  4. Australia ICOMOS 2015 conference – SAVE THE DATE
  5. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne
  6. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talk Series, 23 October
  7. “20th Anniversary of the Nara Document on Authenticity” meeting, October 2014, Japan
  8. “Growing Greater Sydney” Colloquium, 7 November 2014
  9. China Study tour, May 2015
  10. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
  11. News from World Monuments Fund
  12. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
  13. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  14. “Embracing Change in the Management of Place” conference, May 2015, Massachusetts – call for abstracts
  15. Heritage Tourism & Hospitality conference, Turkey, 6-8 November 2014
  16. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Heritage Places Team, GML Heritage (NSW)
  17. SITUATION VACANT Senior Specialist (Built Heritage), GML Heritage (NSW)
  18. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Rappoport Heritage Consultants (NSW)
  19. SITUATION VACANT Administration Assistant, GML Heritage (Canberra)
  20. SITUATION VACANT Tender opportunity: Activation of Heritage Space 14 Mrs Trivett Place, Arthur’s Head, Fremantle
  21. SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th-century Heritage), Getty Conservation Institute


1. Melbourne’s ‘Mini Australia ICOMOS Conference’, October 2014 – CALL FOR OFFERS OF ACCOMMODATION

On 17-18 October, Australia ICOMOS is holding two all-day symposia back-to-back, along with the Australia ICOMOS Annual General Meeting. The program is as follows:

  • Friday 17 October: The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage?
  • The Australia ICOMOS AGM will be held after the ‘Activism’ symposium
  • Saturday 18 October: Grasping the intangible at heritage places
  • The launch of the Intangible Cultural Heritage National Scientific Committee (NSC)

More information on each event is provided in the related items below.


It has come to the organisers’ attention that these events coincide with a very large international convention (as well as the Caulfield Cup!), and accommodation in the city is at a premium. Rooms are still available, particularly away from the CBD, and we would encourage members to look to different options such as Airbnb.

BUT!! This circumstance provides a great opportunity for AI members to connect by providing or seeking accommodation in the city over the course of the event, and we would like to facilitate the arrangement of accommodation within our membership for these dates:

  • Thursday 16 October
  • Friday 17 October
  • Saturday 18 October

For hosts

Accordingly, if you feel that you, or someone that you know, could offer accommodation to a visiting symposium-ite, please go to our online spreadsheet and provide details requested.

People seeking accommodation will then contact you.

When your offer has been taken up, please update the spreadsheet.

For visitors

If you require accommodation for some or all of these dates, please choose from the offers on the spreadsheet, contact the offering member/s and make arrangements.

Please email Abi Belfrage if you have any difficulties with the spreadsheet.

We look forward to hearing about Australia ICOMOS members working together to help make these events the great success they promise to be.


2. AICOMOS Symposium: ‘The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage?’ – FULL PROGRAM OF TOP SPEAKERS

The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage?
Conserving Heritage: Activism & Advocacy in the 21st Century

  • Friday 17 October, 9.00am-4.00pm (followed by the Australia ICOMOS AGM at 4.30pm)
  • Deakin University City Campus
    550 Bourke Street, Melbourne

This ‘Activism’ symposium asks whether we need to return to an age of activism to retain and build on what achieved in cultural heritage conservation since the 1970s.

Featuring presentations from successful activists in social media, local government, planning community action, the natural environment and the arts, it will offer us a chance to reflect and look forward.

The full list of confirmed speakers is:

  • Lyndon Schneiders, National Director, Wilderness Society
  • Rebecca Wilson, Deputy Director, Learning and Community, Australian Progress.
  • Jackie Fristacky: Mayor, Yarra City Council
  • Corinne Fisher: Convener, Better Planning Network (NSW)
  • Professor Peter Tregear: Head, School of Music ANU
  • Brendan Sydes: CEO and lawyer, Environmental Justice Australia
  • Jonathan La Nauze: Healthy Ecosystems Program Manager, Australian Conservation Foundation

Download the UPDATED Conserving Heritage – Activism & Advocacy in the 21st Century flier.


Cost: registering for either symposium on its own – $65, registering for both symposia at the same time – $120

PLEASE NOTE: Australia ICOMOS is not able to pre-issue tax invoices for these events. A tax invoice will be sent by email upon the completion of the registration process via the links below.


3. ‘Grasping the intangible’ Symposium, 18 October – PROGRAM OUT!

Join us for this exciting symposium on intangible cultural heritage and place. The draft Program has just been announced. It offers a wealth of interesting presentations on intangible cultural heritage in Australia and elsewhere.

Need support to attend? Through our great sponsors we can offer some support towards your attendance – the symposium fee and travel. You’ll need to complete a Bursary Application Form and submit it preferably by Wednesday 8 October.

To register for the Symposium: Go to the NSC-ICH Symposium registration page. The Symposium registration fee is $65, or $120 if you register for the Activism symposium too.


The on-line registration system will issue you a tax invoice, and we will send out more details about the event to all those who register.

Membership of the NSC is now open: the membership application form is on the NSC page of the Australia ICOMOS website and the Symposium website.

And we’d love more volunteers to help out at the Symposium: Register using the form on the Symposium website Contact page.

Download the UPDATED Grasping the Intangible Symposium flier.


4. Australia ICOMOS 2015 conference – SAVE THE DATE

FABRIC: Australia ICOMOS 2015 Conference

Please save the date in your diary for the next Australia ICOMOS conference to be held in Adelaide from 5-8 November 2015.

The conference is about Fabric with several sub-themes to be advised shortly, along with a call for papers.

The conference website will be up and running shortly and will feature regular updates, as well as announcements in the E-news. Please refer to the flyer for further details.

FABRIC 2015 Conference Co-conveners,
Michael Queale, Deborah Lindsay and Kevin O’Sullivan


5. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne

The next CHCAP seminar at Deakin University will be a presentation by Dr Steven Cooke, Deakin University, on “Before Eichmann: Holocaust exhibitions and the ‘myth of silence’”.


Much recent work in the historiography of the Holocaust has challenged the ‘myth of silence’, the supposed post-war reticence of Holocaust survivors to speak about their traumatic experiences. A major focus of this work has been on examining the ‘sheer volume of talking, recording, writing, representation in various media, and publishing’ that went on in the two decades after the Second World War (Cesarani and Sundquist 2011: 10). However, little work to date has explored museum displays for what they can add to the reappraisal of this period.

This paper examines the origins, development and reception of two temporary exhibitions held in 1961; one in Melbourne, one in London, which both have as their focus the Warsaw Ghetto. Within the context of recent discussions on the role of emotion and affect in the engagement between museum exhibitions and viewer as a way to develop more collaborative and emancipatory museum practice, it explores the politics and poetics of the displays, particularly the use of photographs in the London exhibition, influenced by ideas of the ‘democratic surround’ pioneered by the Museum of Modern Art in New York (Turner 2013) and the role of survivors in the Melbourne exhibition. Through this I argue that the displays presaged more recent debates about exhibitions as affective spaces in an attempt to effect political and social change. It shows how representations of the Holocaust were shaped by both local concerns and an emerging global network of information, artefacts, people, and institutions involved in remembrance which adds to the nuanced reading that unsettles the established narratives of the development of post-war Holocaust memory in the UK and Australia.


Dr Steven Cooke is a cultural and historical geographer who has published widely on issues relating to the memorial landscapes of war and genocide, museums and national identity and maritime heritage and urban redevelopment. On arriving in Australia in 2002, he worked in the heritage sector for a number of years before moving to the Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific at Deakin University in February 2011. He is Course Director for the Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies programs at Deakin, and also an Honorary Research Fellow at Winchester University, UK.

Date: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Time: 5.30pm

Venue: Meeting Room 3, Deakin Prime, City Campus, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne

DINNER: The seminar will be followed by dinner around 7.00 pm at a nearby restaurant. Please RSVP to Yamini Narayanan by email for dinner booking.

Email list: To be included in the CHCAP email newsletter distribution list, email Yamini Narayanan

FINAL 2014 CHCAP SEMINAR (26 November 2014):

  • “The Historic Urban Landscape Approach: Finding a better way to manage change in the regional historic city of Ballarat”, Susan Fayad, Coordinator Heritage Strategy, City of Ballarat


6. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talk Series, 23 October

presented by Alasdair McGregor

Sentenced to death for forgery, then granted an eleventh-hour reprieve, Greenway was transported to New South Wales in 1814. He was talented, versatile and well trained, confident in his own abilities; but he was also cocksure, hotheaded and tactless. He argued with his superiors and fostered his own inevitable and sad demise, yet within the space of a single eventful decade he etched an urbane face on prominent parts of early Sydney, helping to drag a ramshackle convict garrison out from the murky shadow of shame and banishment and into the gathering light of civic decorum. As Australia’s first government architect he had dreamt of a city the equal of any in architectural beauty and refinement, a city of cathedrals and grand public buildings, broad avenues, generous squares and flowering gardens.


Alasdair McGregor is a graduate in architecture from the University of New South Wales, but much of his career has been spent as a writer and painter. He is the author, co-author or editor of nine books, reflecting a broad range of interests covering natural history and the environment, biography, architecture and design, and the history of exploration.

Members of the public are welcome!

Time & Date: Thursday 23 October 2014, 5.30 for 6.00pm start
Cost: Members $10, non-members $15 payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided.
Venue: GML Heritage, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Caitlin Dircks or call (02) 9319 4811. RSVP is essential as places are limited.

Download the AICOMOS-DOCOMOMO TALKS 2014 – No. 8 flyer.


7“20th Anniversary of the Nara Document on Authenticity” meeting, October 2014, Japan

Meeting on the 20th Anniversary of the Nara Document on Authenticity
Nara Prefectural New Public Hall
Nara, Japan
22-24 October 2014

The year 2014 as the anniversary year of the two fundamental documents on authenticity, that is the Venice Charter of 1964 and the Nara Document of 1994, is an appropriate moment to revisit debates on authenticity. This month, the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan is holding an international conference to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Nara Document with experts from all parts of the world, in close cooperation with Japan ICOMOS.

Those who are interested in participating in this event are requested to please return a completed Nara20thAnnivConference_2014_Registration_Form by Fax: +81(Japan)-6-4964-8809, or by e-mail by 17 October 2014.

PLEASE NOTE that registration is required, AND is free of charge.

For enquiries on the programme of the conference, please email Prof. Toshiyuki Kono (Japan ICOMOS) as the organizer of this and preceding related conferences.

Download the Nara20thAnnivConference_2014_Programme.


8. “Growing Greater Sydney” Colloquium, 7 November 2014

Growing Greater Sydney – Connecting people and places
Friday 7 November 2014, 9.00am-5.30pm

Keynote event of the 2014 Sydney Architecture Festival

Urban Growth NSW claims their “ambition is to drive a world class urban transformation that will deliver housing and jobs growth, and improve the amenity and liveability of our urban spaces”. The Government Architects Office advocates strongly for Design Excellence in influencing change and the Committee for Sydney wants Sydney to be not just a global city but a great city. What does this mean for the future of Sydney?

Venue: Riverside Theatres, Church Street, Parramatta

Cost: $160 – tickets on sale now

5 Formal CPD points

For further information, including how to purchase tickets, CLICK HERE.


9. China Study tour, May 2015

The fourth China study tour, led by Anne Warr, will take place from 15 – 30 May 2015. For full itinerary and price CLICK HERE, or contact Anne directly by email.


10. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series

The Bunker: Canberra’s Bletchley Park?
presented by Dr Peter Dowling


A small, innocuous and often ignored building in Canberra’s Parliamentary Triangle has quite a remarkable story to tell. The building is located in the West Block curtilage and today is used as an electricity substation and a place for the staff of the main offices to park their bicycles. During the Second World War, this small building, tucked away behind the main building which once housed the Prime Minister’s Department, was known by its occupants as the ‘Bunker’. It was top secret and its staff played a vital part in Australia’s involvement in the War.

This is the story of that building and the young women who worked there. But it is also a gentle reminder for those of us who are concerned with assessing the history and conservation of our heritage listed buildings that there can be more to them than what immediately meets our eyes.

Dr Peter Dowling is the National Heritage Officer for the National Trusts of Australia and a consultant historical archaeologist. In a former life he spent twenty years in the Royal Australian Navy working in special communications and intelligence. In 2013 Peter was part of a team of heritage practitioners who wrote a Conservation and Management Plan for the West Block building and grounds. With his rather sneaky background he was able to add another layer to the history and significance to the West Block building and in particular the little building within its grounds.

Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.

Refreshments are available appropriate to the talk’s topic! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)

Date & Time: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 23 October  2014 – 5.30pm start for talk
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott via email


11. News from World Monuments Fund

To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.


12. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online

To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.


13. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletins, click on the following link.


14. “Embracing Change in the Management of Place” conference, May 2015, Massachusetts – call for abstracts

Cultural Landscapes and Heritage Values
Embracing Change in the Management of Place
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
13-15 May 2015

In recognition of the importance of cultural landscape research in contemporary heritage policy and practice, the University of Massachusetts Center for Heritage & Society (CHS) and the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning (LARP) have co-organized a two-and-a-half day conference. The goal of the conference is to bring together a broad range of interdisciplinary scholars and heritage professionals to explore key issues in cultural landscapes and heritage values.

Cultural landscapes may be urban or rural, and they include parks, gardens, historic sites, agricultural landscapes, and areas of cultural and historical associations and significance. In the broader field of Heritage Management, the study of cultural landscapes is of particular and current interest. Landscapes are at once “cultural” and “natural,” calling into question traditional divisions of cultural and natural heritage resources and landscape management (e.g., “Cultural Landscapes” vs. “Natural Landscapes” in the World Heritage categories). Landscapes constitute a living heritage, reflecting the mutual influences of diverse groups of people and the equally varied places they inhabit. Like societies, landscapes are continually evolving, and their management demands that social and environmental change be understood and embraced. Landscapes define the sense of a “place,” and are the embodiment of the inextricability of tangible and intangible heritage. For these reasons and others, landscapes are a critical subject in heritage studies.

Conference Themes

  • Multi-Cultural Landscapes: Issues of Social Justice and Power
  • Authenticity and Integrity vs. Change in Living Landscapes
  • Tangible and Intangible Heritage in Cultural Landscapes
  • Sustainability in Cultural Landscape Management

Visit the conference website for more information.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2015


15. Heritage Tourism & Hospitality conference, Turkey, 6-8 November 2014

A Heritage of Hospitality and Hospitality for Heritage
International Conference 2014
Istanbul, Turkey, 6-8 November

The Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference offers a unique forum for academics, representatives of public and private (national, regional and city) destination marketing and management organisations, cultural institutes and foundations, technology providers, consultancies, and other professionals and entrepreneurs working in the tourism and hospitality industry, to share research and experience.

For further information, visit the conference website.


16. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Heritage Places Team, GML Heritage (NSW)

GML Heritage (GML) is a leading Australian heritage consultancy. Our multi-disciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, Aboriginal heritage, history and interpretation. We are seeking to appoint two experienced and creative heritage practitioners to join our Heritage Places team – position one as per below.

Manager, Heritage Places Team

The Manager of the Heritage Places Team is a new senior leadership position within GML. The key requirement of the position is to lead and manage our team of architectural, planning, history and interpretation specialists to deliver a broad range of projects. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with at least ten years’ experience working in the heritage field to join our senior management team, and also to contribute to the strategic direction of the firm. A strategic focus, and experience in managing project teams within time and budget constraints will be essential for the role.

The Manager will have had extensive experience working in the built heritage field, and have developed a reputation amongst your heritage peers and the development industry for delivering high quality outcomes for projects involving heritage buildings and cultural landscapes. Experience working on large projects in multidisciplinary teams, and the ability to operate in a commercial environment are essential. You will also possess an excellent knowledge of relevant heritage legislation and guidelines. A degree in architecture, registration as an architect, full membership of Australia ICOMOS and experience in Land and Environment appeals are all desirable.

Working at GML Heritage

GML Heritage is the heritage consultant of choice for many of Australia’s most important government and private organisations engaged with the management and development of heritage assets. We have offices in Sydney and Canberra, and a team of over 40 in-house professional and support staff. You will work alongside colleagues who are leading experts in their fields.

We provide high level heritage advice on major development projects and undertake benchmark projects for public and private sector clients. At GML, we believe that heritage should be celebrated. We enjoy solving complex challenges and providing enduring value for our clients and the broader community. Our unique position within the industry means that GML heritage specialists have the opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also increasingly engaged in international conservation projects.

The position is full time and based in our Redfern office. We also have an office in Canberra. An attractive salary package and conditions will be negotiated. The successful candidate will be provided with excellent opportunities for professional advancement and promotion within the firm.

For inquiries regarding the above roles, please call Peter Romey on (02) 9319 4811. Email your application to Peter Romey. Applications close COB Friday 10 October.


17. SITUATION VACANT Senior Specialist (Built Heritage), GML Heritage (NSW)

GML Heritage (GML) is a leading Australian heritage consultancy. Our multi-disciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, Aboriginal heritage, history and interpretation. We are seeking to appoint two experienced and creative heritage practitioners to join our Heritage Places team – position two as per below.

Senior Specialist (Built Heritage), Heritage Places Team

The Senior Specialist (Built Heritage) is a senior position in the Heritage Places team at GML Heritage. This is an exciting opportunity for a heritage practitioner with extensive experience in strategic heritage planning, preparing Heritage Impact Statements and Conservation Management Plans, and providing informed heritage advice to a range of clients.

The Senior Specialist will be responsive, client-focused and self-directed in the delivery of projects and management of clients and staff. You will have had at least five years’ experience working in the built heritage field, experience working on large projects in multidisciplinary teams, and the ability to operate in a commercial environment. A creative thinking focus and experience in managing projects within time and budget constraints will be essential for the role. You will also possess an excellent knowledge of relevant heritage legislation and guidelines. A degree in a relevant heritage conservation discipline and full membership of Australia are also desirable.

The position may also include leading and managing a small team that would include architectural, planning, history and interpretation specialists.

Working at GML Heritage

GML Heritage is the heritage consultant of choice for many of Australia’s most important government and private organisations engaged with the management and development of heritage assets. We have offices in Sydney and Canberra, and a team of over 40 in-house professional and support staff. You will work alongside colleagues who are leading experts in their fields.

We provide high level heritage advice on major development projects and undertake benchmark projects for public and private sector clients. At GML, we believe that heritage should be celebrated. We enjoy solving complex challenges and providing enduring value for our clients and the broader community. Our unique position within the industry means that GML heritage specialists have the opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also increasingly engaged in international conservation projects.

The position is full time and based in our Redfern office. We also have an office in Canberra. An attractive salary package and conditions will be negotiated. The successful candidate will be provided with excellent opportunities for professional advancement and promotion within the firm. We would also consider a temporary appointment for a suitably experienced built heritage professional on a 6 months basis if this would suit the right applicant.

For inquiries regarding the above roles, please call Peter Romey on (02) 9319 4811. Email your application to Peter Romey. Applications close COB Friday 10 October.


18. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Rappoport Heritage Consultants (NSW)


Rappoport is a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW. Located in metropolitan Sydney, the firm assists town planners, architects, owners, managers and developers of heritage properties through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.

Rappoport provides heritage advice to a wide range of major development projects throughout NSW and the ACT. Our in-house heritage staff has expertise in built heritage, urban planning, historians, research and architecture.

Due to an increase of work, Rappoport is seeking the right enthusiastic candidate with a degree or equivalent in heritage, town planning, architecture, urban design, history, archaeology or related fields.

The right candidate will need to be able to have the ability to take on a wide variety of tasks. The role involves, research, report writing (such as CMPs, Statements of Heritage Impact and other heritage reports) site meetings, and general office activity in order to meet deadlines, schedules, workflow and standards. You will need to be self-motivated and have attention to detail. Your role would also involve coordination and management of your own projects.

Rappoport is located in Mascot and operates throughout NSW and the ACT. Our clients are architects, town planners, private owners, project managers and developers as well as State and Local government projects.

Applicants need to have the following expertise and skills:

  • Good management and workflow control
  • Knowledge of heritage charters, legislation and guidelines
  • Understand the heritage planning framework in NSW (LEPs, DCPs etc)
  • Historical and archival research
  • Writing and producing various type of heritage reports
  • Liaising & meeting with clients, external consultants and Councils
  • Report writing skills
  • Strong communication skills, including a good command of the English language
  • Ability to manage own work and external consultants to meet deadlines
  • Self-motivated – have a proactive approach to the tasks set, organised and plan ahead to meet deadlines
  • Be part of a small team environment
  • Knowledge and use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook
  • Drivers licence

This role is permanent full-time position located at Mascot. The successful applicant will be required to have appropriate tertiary qualifications. Applicants with relevant unrestricted working rights should apply.

An attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered.

Please email your resume to Rappoport Heritage Consultants; or for a confidential discussion/enquiries regarding this position, please contact Sue Rosenberg on 0412 486 777.

Closing date for applications 10 October 2014.


19. SITUATION VACANT Administration Assistant, GML Heritage (Canberra)

Administration Assistant (Canberra)

  • Multi-faceted role in a dynamic, growing team
  • Friendly & supportive work environment
  • Part-time (18 hours)

GML Heritage (GML) is seeking an enthusiastic office-all-rounder for the role of Administration Assistant in our Canberra office. This new role will have responsibilities including reception, word processing and desktop support, report production, basic accounting functions and operational tasks.

The position is offered on a part-time basis of 18 hours over 4 days (Monday to Thursday).

You will have a Certificate III is Business Administration or similar practical experience. You will have excellent English literacy skills, and intermediate–advanced skills in desktop applications including Microsoft Word and data entry.

Ideally you will have at least 3 years previous experience in an SME consulting environment, but more importantly you will have an aptitude for general office work across a number of disciplines including reception, formatting, data entry and operations. You will need to be able to prioritise, multi-task, work to deadlines and manage competing pressures. A commitment to team work and shared outcomes is essential, as is a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality. A knowledge of CMS, accounting functions (including petty cash, reconciliations and receivables), and graphics/editing skills would be an advantage.

The position is classified under the Clerks (Private Sector) Award at Level 2-3 (subject to skills and experience).

GML has a friendly and supportive working environment. We offer a strong team culture and you will work alongside colleagues who are leading experts in their fields. We also have a training and development program that encourages all staff to grow their skills and knowledge.

About Us: For over twenty years GML has been at the forefront of heritage consulting. We have offices in Sydney and Canberra and a multi-disciplinary team of over forty industry leaders and experienced professionals in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history and interpretation. We provide high level heritage advice on major development projects and undertake benchmark projects for public and private sector clients. At GML, we believe that heritage should be celebrated. We enjoy solving complex challenges and providing enduring value for our clients and the broader community.

A position description and person specification can be accessed on our careers page at the GML Heritage website. For more information please call Bethany Lance on (02) 6273 7540. Please send your application, including a cover letter and resume, to GML via email.


20. SITUATION VACANT Tender opportunity: Activation of Heritage Space 14 Mrs Trivett Place, Arthur’s Head, Fremantle

The City of Fremantle invites quotations regarding the activation of Heritage space at 14 Mrs Trivett Place, Arthur’s Head, Fremantle through a heritage project.

The key contact person is Mike Pforr (Coordinator Community Development) – contact Mike by email.

Key project deliverables

  1. A heritage space at 14 Mrs Trivett Place that is inviting, interactive, interesting, evolving, and available to the public
  2. Funding opportunities for the location to ensure that it remains available for shared heritage use.
  3. Concept design of space with options for use
  4. Fitting out of space as approved by the City
  5. Promotional plan
  6. Ongoing management plan
  7. Identified funding opportunities

Further information can be found in the Activation of Heritage space at 14 Mrs Trivett Place, Arthurs Head request for quotation.


It is anticipated that the selection process will conclude within 2-4 weeks of the closing date for proposals.

Proposals can be submitted (marked “Attention: Mike Pforr, Coordinator Community Development) either in electronic copy to Mike Pforr by email or in hard copy to:

Community Development Directorate City of Fremantle
PO Box 807
Fremantle WA 6959

Closing date: Proposals will need to be received by Friday 24 October 2014.

The City may ask you to come and present your proposal to City officers for discussion if shortlisted.

For further information or queries, please contact Mike Pforr by email or on (08) 9432 9522.


21. SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th-century Heritage), Getty Conservation Institute

The Getty Conservation Institute is seeking a conservation practitioner to fill the position of Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th-century Heritage).

The Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th-century Heritage) will lead the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI), a comprehensive, long-term, and international program of the GCI. The goal of the CMAI is to advance the practice of conserving twentieth-century heritage, with a focus on modern architecture, through research and investigation, the development of practical conservation solutions, and the creation and distribution of information through training programs and publications. The CMAI works with international and local partners, including professional and organizational networks focused on modern architecture conservation, to expand the existing knowledge base.

For further information about this opportunity, download the Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th-century Heritage) position description.

Applications close 10 October 2014.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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