Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 647

  1. Melbourne’s ‘Mini Australia ICOMOS Conference’, October 2014 – CALL FOR OFFERS OF ACCOMMODATION
  2. AICOMOS Symposium: ‘The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage?’
  3. AICOMOS Symposium: ‘Grasping the intangible at heritage places’
  4. Budget cut backs for Australia ICOMOS
  5. Opportunity to donate to international heritage conservation campaign
  6. History Council of South Australia 2014 Annual Lecture, 29 August
  7. “Hot and Bothered” forum, SLQ, 29 September
  8. IUCN World Parks Congress 2014, Sydney, 12-19 November
  9. RAHS 2014 conference, Mittagong, 25-26 October
  10. Goulburn’s Historic Stained Glass seminar, 13 September
  11. ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference, Melbourne, September 2014 – cultural evening event
  12. Register now for the 2014 CyArk Annual Summit
  13. LUXLAB Advanced Digital Imaging Workshops, UNSW, September 2014
  14. 18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – early bird registration extended
  15. “Ruins of the Heritagization” congress: Rio de Janeiro/Paris Nov 2014/March 2015 – call for papers
  16. Conservation Management Planning workshop, Canberra, 27 September
  17. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
  18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  19. National Council for Preservation Education conference, USA, 2015 – call for papers
  20. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
  21. News from Sydney Living Museums
  22. SITUATION VACANT Team Leader, Heritage Grants, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)


1. Melbourne’s ‘Mini Australia ICOMOS Conference’, October 2014 – CALL FOR OFFERS OF ACCOMMODATION

On 17-18 October, Australia ICOMOS is holding two all-day symposia back-to-back, along with the Australia ICOMOS Annual General Meeting. The program is as follows:

  • Friday 17 October: The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage?
  • The Australia ICOMOS AGM will be held after the ‘Activism’ symposium
  • Saturday 18 October: Grasping the intangible at heritage places
  • The launch of the Intangible Cultural Heritage National Scientific Committee (NSC)

Each event is expected to be around $60 to cover catering and venue with a discount for those signing up for both events. Bookings will open next week. More information on each event is provided in the related items below.


It has come to the organisers’ attention that these events coincide with a very large international convention (as well as the Caulfield Cup!), and accommodation in the city is at a premium. Rooms are still available, particularly away from the CBD, and we would encourage members to look to different options such as Airbnb.

BUT!! This circumstance provides a great opportunity for AI members to connect by providing or seeking accommodation in the city over the course of the event, and we would like to facilitate the arrangement of accommodation within our membership for these dates:

  • Thursday 16 October
  • Friday 17 October
  • Saturday 18 October

For hosts

Accordingly, if you feel that you, or someone that you know, could offer accommodation to a visiting symposium-ite, please go to our online spreadsheet and provide details requested.

People seeking accommodation will then contact you.

When your offer has been taken up, please update the spreadsheet.

For visitors

If you require accommodation for some or all of these dates, please choose from the offers on the spreadsheet, contact the offering member/s and make arrangements.

Please email Abi Belfrage if you have any difficulties with the spreadsheet.

We look forward to hearing about Australia ICOMOS members working together to help make these events the great success they promise to be.


2. AICOMOS Symposium: ‘The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage?’

The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage?

  • Friday 17 October, 9.00am-4.00pm (followed by the Australia ICOMOS AGM at 4.30pm)
  • Deakin University City Campus
    550 Bourke Street, Melbourne

This ‘Activism’ symposium asks whether we need to return to an age of activism to retain and build on what achieved in cultural heritage conservation since the 1970s.

Featuring presentations from successful activists in social media, local government, planning community action, the natural environment and the arts, it will offer us a chance to reflect and look forward.

Download the The Return to a New Age of Activism for Cultural Heritage flier.


3. AICOMOS Symposium: ‘Grasping the intangible at heritage places’

This Symposium presented by the Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH) will explore the connections between the intangible and the tangible aspects of heritage places and cultural heritage, drawing on a range of case studies.

Interested? Follow us on our new website and you’ll be emailed updates on the symposium program and how to register. Visit the NSC-ICH website, look at the Symposium page and click the Follow blue button.

Want to present at the symposium? Our call for papers is open now. Papers are to be 10 or 15 minutes, with 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

Case studies which demonstrate an aspect of intangible cultural heritage are invited, including:

  • identifying and recording intangible heritage
  • retaining and sustaining heritage values
  • interpretation
  • linking theory and practice
  • challenges and opportunities in applying the Burra Charter

Abstracts of around 100-200 words should be emailed to Meredith Walker by 6 September 2014.

Like to sponsor the Symposium? Look at the sponsorship options on our website and use the Contact page to make contact with the team.

And we’d love more volunteers to help out: Register using the form on the website’s Contact page.


4. Budget cut backs for Australia ICOMOS

Members will have seen in the update report on the Sydney EC meeting last weekend that Australia ICOMOS, like other organisations, is facing budget cuts. Disappointingly, Australia ICOMOS has lost its funding under the Grant to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations Programme (GVESHO) from the Federal Government. This money has made significant contributions to the effectiveness of Australia ICOMOS in the past in relation to activities in Australia, in our region and on the international stage with between $20,000 and $30,000 being awarded annually for the past 6 years. The loss of this funding prompted discussions around our future budgets and looking at more cost effective ways to run the organisation. These include potentially reducing the number of meetings of the EC to 3 per year, and/or remote meetings via skype or equivalent, requesting billeting of EC members in host cities, and restricting EC meeting locations to the area of greatest membership of the EC, now Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. There are other areas in our budget that we have been examining, but these above relate directly to the activities of the Executive Committee. Another proposed cost reduction is to decrease the number of copies of the Annual Report that are printed for the AGM, as the full report is always uploaded to the Australia ICOMOS website. We are looking at trialling this at the next AGM – the full annual report would be made available online prior to the AGM, so that members can refer to it at the AGM, subject to wifi availability.

We would be pleased to hear member’s response to these initiatives and if there are any other suggestions for making our organisation and its management as cost effective as possible. I am happy for you to email suggestions to me.

Elizabeth Vines OAM
President, Australia ICOMOS


5. Opportunity to donate to international heritage conservation campaign

Long-standing Australia ICOMOS member Simon Molesworth, Chair of the International National Trusts Organisation (INTO), is raising funds for international heritage conservation. In mid-September Simon, together with fellow National Trust volunteers, is going to walk 120 km of the Camino Inglés – St.James’ Way – over five days from Ferrol on the northern coast of Galicia in Spain to Santiago de Compostela in order to create global public awareness of the INTO’s global heritage conservation work. INTO urgently needs to raise critical funds in order for it to continue to carry out its global work.

INTO has member National Trusts (and like heritage organisations) in about 65 countries. As a heritage movement, INTO is growing, being constantly approached from across the world with queries about heritage conservation and, frequently, how to go about creating new National Trusts – especially in Developing Nations. The call on INTO’s scarce resources – both human and financial – has been enormous and it increases each day.

So Simon has requested his ICOMOS colleagues to help ensure INTO can carry out the job asked of it. He would be most grateful if ICOMOS members assisted him to meet his personal target of Aus$10,000 (GBP 5,500) in sponsorship. Donations can be made securely through PayPal.

For details on how to make a donation, see Simon’s Walk website page.

In anticipation of generous support, Simon has expressed his appreciation to all supporters. With assistance, Simon believes that together we will better ensure a heritage legacy remains for future generations.


6. History Council of South Australia 2014 Annual Lecture, 29 August

Colonial South Australians 1836-1900 Who were they?
presented by Ron Gibbs – Historian and Author

  • Friday 29 August, 5.30pm
  • Hetzel Lecture Theatre, State Library of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide
  • Entry by gold coin donation

for bookings or telephone (08) 8207 7347

This lecture is supported by funding from the Cultural Fund of the Copyright Agency.

Download the History Council of SA 2014 lecture flyer.


7“Hot and Bothered” forum, SLQ, 29 September

Putting the terms ‘modern architecture’ and ‘heritage’ together suggests for many an oxymoron. This is particularly true in Queensland, where our mid-century modern is increasingly lost to new development, torn down with little public comment or debate.

As part of the Hot Modernism exhibition the Heritage Branch is combining with the University of Queensland to hold a forum “Hot and Bothered” about heritage and mid-century modern architecture. It is being held on Monday 29 September in the afternoon at the SLQ (State Library QLD). It is free event and all who are interested are encouraged to register to attend. Architects in attendance can claim three formal CPD points upon completion of the written assignment provided.

Click here to register


8. IUCN World Parks Congress 2014, Sydney, 12-19 November

IUCN World Parks Congress 2014
Sydney, Australia
12-19 November 2014

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Parks Congress 2014 is a landmark global forum on protected areas. The Congress will share knowledge and innovation, setting the agenda for protected areas conservation for the decade to come. Building on the theme “Parks, people, planet: inspiring solutions”, it will present, discuss and create original approaches for conservation and development, helping to address the gap in the conservation and sustainable development agenda.

For further information, visit the congress website.


9. RAHS 2014 conference, Mittagong, 25-26 October

Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS) 2014 Conference
“Moving History”
Mittagong, NSW
25-26 October

History is about the past, it has all happened and can’t be changed. It is immovable. WRONG! History is about change over time and is always moving as we respond to new information that changes our understanding of the past. Each generation asks new questions of the past. In history, we see how people adapted to change as they moved geographically and socially within and beyond their communities. We are emotionally moved by their fears, struggles and achievements. So, come to Mittagong and be moved by Australian history. There will be opportunities to network with people who are committed to promoting local and community history and who enjoy sharing their successes and challenges with others.

For further information, visit the conference website.


10. Goulburn’s Historic Stained Glass seminar, 13 September

Goulburn’s Historic Stained Glass seminar
Proudly supported by Goulburn Mulwaree Council

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr Beverley Sherry, author of Australia’s Historic Stained Glass
  • Judith Nelson will give a glimpse into the Radecki family, designers of all the windows in Our Lady of Dolours Chapel

The social history linked to some memorial windows will also be presented.

Inspection of the stained glass windows in:

  • Our Lady of Dolours Chapel, St Joseph’s Convent, North Goulburn
  • Ss Peter & Paul’s Old Cathedral (now Mary Queen of Apostles)
  • St Saviour’s Cathedral

Date & Time
Saturday 13 September 2014, 9.45am- 3.45pm

$50 per person, payable at time of booking covers, talks & inspections, morning tea & lunch, 2 guide books

Maximum of 60 participants – early booking is recommended. Tickets available from Goulburn Visitors’ Centre, 210 Sloane Street, OR the Goulburn Visitor website OR free phone 1800 353 646

Directions to the venues and programme details will be sent to all successful applicants.


11. ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference, Melbourne, September 2014 – cultural evening event

ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference
Cultural Evening at National Gallery of Victoria
Wednesday 17 September
6.00 – 7.30pm

Come and celebrate the world’s oldest continuous living culture

Australian Aboriginal culture has a unique place in the world, being the oldest continuous living culture. The ICOM-CC Cultural Evening celebrates Australia’s extraordinary Indigenous cultures, and includes performance and story-telling. Featuring artists and performers from the Warmun Art Centre and Walayirti Artists this event presents a unique opportunity to experience Australia’s rich Indigenous cultures, and a cultural legacy that stretches back at least 50,000 years. This event will be held in the Great Hall at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Sponsored by the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies and the Faculty of Arts, the University of Melbourne, Friends of Warmun and the National Gallery of Victoria

For further information, click here or visit the conference website.


12. Register now for the 2014 CyArk Annual Summit

Join technology, cultural heritage, and philanthropic leaders at The National Archives in Washington DC on October 7-8 for the 2014 CyArk Annual Summit on “Democratizing cultural heritage: Enabling access to information, technology and support”.

Register now as spaces are filling up.

Join cultural heritage, technology and government leaders from around the world. Experience the latest technology with speakers from Pixar, Microsoft and Trimble. Learn from cultural heritage experts at the Smithsonian, British Museum, National Geographic and ICOMOS. Engage with government representatives from the US National Park Service, Historic Scotland, and numerous foreign embassies.

Join us in recognizing, preserving, and sharing the sites that embody the history of humanity, in the presence of the records that document the history of a nation.


13. LUXLAB Advanced Digital Imaging Workshops, UNSW, September 2014

For the first time in Australia, this professionals workshop focuses on practical understandings of new imaging technology for preservation, conservation and, visionary uses in exhibition. LUXLAB Workshop #1 draws on the experience and technologies of Kyoto University’s Advanced Imaging Lab that has scanned of over 8000 seminal artworks and national treasures throughout the world.

LUXLAB is a new initiative of the National Institute for Experimental Arts at UNSW Art & Design, bringing these technologies to the Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs) sector regionally while joining a network of laboratories located in the United Kingdom, Europe, Egypt, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and South Korea.

High-resolution optically resolved scanning is a process for scientific recording of cultural heritage, art and archival material which does not involve image interpolation. It is a vital for conservation and preservation, providing true-color, exceptional quality and very high resolution images. These images are the best possible resources for scientific analysis and colour science, but also provide cultural organisations with unparalleled opportunities for making their collections available for diverse public audiences. LUXLAB engages with the frontiers of imaging technologies, with 4K and 8K revolution in screen and tablets, in immersive environment design and web enabled streaming.

For more information registration please visit the website and select the workshop sessions of interest.



UNSW Galleries
Cnr Oxford St & Greens Rd
Paddington NSW


Rachael Kiang
Program Manager (NIEA & UNSW Galleries)
Executive Officer (NIEA)

Tel +61 (0) 2 8936 0619
Mob +61 (0) 421 773 683e

email Rachael


14. 18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – early bird registration extended

18th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
“Heritage and Landscape as Human Values”
Florence, Italy
9-14 November 2014

Visit the 18th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium website for all the practical information you need in what concerns registration; the programme, which includes a rich offer of related events, social occasions, tours and post-tours; and accommodation offers through the non-profit portal – Use the special reservation code ICOMOS14H to obtain exclusive rates with up to 20% discount for stays between 6 to 15 November 2014.

Early-bird registration

Early-bird registration is now open until 18 September 2014, and invite you to take advantage of the lower registration fee.


15. “Ruins of the Heritagization” congress: Rio de Janeiro/Paris Nov 2014/March 2015 – call for papers

“Ruins of the Heritagization”
Rio de Janeiro, November 2014 / Paris, March 2015

Over the last two or three decades the growth of cultural heritage movements concern objects increasingly diverse at multiple scales. Many artistic, economic, political and scientific efforts have been made to acquire some labels – including the world heritage – that not only affect the possibility of cross-cultural recognition, but also has real effects on the cultures themselves. The new regime of visibility on cultural heritage influences on identity construction, favors growth through tourism, significantly influences the price of land and also a profound change in the local population. Some collective practices then tend to disappear while others are established in a movement that creates conflict or, truly, re-signifies them.

The aim of ‘Ruins of the Heritagization’ is to institute an archeology of territories considered as being ‘heritage’ focusing the “ruins” produced by the process of labelling cities. This implies borrowing archeology its ability to interrogate the ruins, which can only be read or considered as such in the present – specific place where the recognition of the past is featured and, potentially, that of the future.

See the Ruins of the Heritagization – call for papers for further information. The deadline for proposals is 30 September 2014.


16. Conservation Management Planning workshop, Canberra, 27 September

Conservation Management Planning:
the What, Why and How for Historic Gardens, Landscapes and Buildings

A workshop organised by the Australian Garden History Society, ACT Monaro Riverina Branch

Date & Time: 8.45am to 2pm, Saturday 27 September 2014 – this date is during Floriade so it may suit people from outside the region to combine the workshop with a visit to Canberra.

Venue: St John’s Anglican Church precinct, 45 Constitution Avenue, Reid

The term Conservation Management Plan (CMP) is frequently used in the “heritage business” but is foreign to most of us. Just what are CMPs? How do they work? Why do we need to know about them?

The ACT Monaro Riverina Branch of the AGHS has put together a workshop to help answer some of these questions. Appropriately, the workshop will be at St John’s Reid, one of Canberra’s most historic sites.

For further information, including the program and registration form, download the Conservation Management Planning registration brochure.


17. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network

To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.


18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


19. National Council for Preservation Education conference, USA, 2015 – call for papers

Learning from the Reservation:
Using the Traditional Cultural Place Perspective for Better Decision Making in a Diverse Cultural Landscape
Delaware State University, Dover, Delaware, USA
23-25 April 2015

The National Council for Preservation Education is hosting a conference to highlight and share the innovative work that applies the Traditional Cultural Place perspective beyond its application to Native American historic resources to identify, document and mitigate impacts to properties important to other cultural groups. This conference will provide a forum for the discussion of how issues of diversity challenge conventional methods of identifying, documenting, and protecting cultural heritage.

International perspectives on intangible heritage and issues with recognizing and treating the heritage of diverse cultural groups are encouraged. A stipend to cover travel expenses will be offered to all successful paper authors to facilitate participation in this event.

For further information, download the Call for Abstracts – Learning from the Reservation.


20. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter

To download the latest issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.


21. News from Sydney Living Museums

To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.


22. SITUATION VACANT Team Leader, Heritage Grants, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)

Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)
Team Leader, Heritage Grants
Environment Officer Class 10
Ongoing Full-Time
Vacancy Ref: OEH 271-14

Total remuneration package to $124,237 pa including salary $101,631 pa – $112,077 pa

Lead the Heritage Grants team in the successful development, implementation and delivery of heritage grant initiatives, programs and projects to support state significant heritage places and values for future generation use.

Selection Criteria: To apply for this position applicants must obtain the information pack which contains selection criteria that must be addressed in your application.

Notes: Please do not submit copies of qualifications online. If you are invited to attend an interview you will be required to produce relevant documentation then. Electronic applications must be MS Office 2003 compatible. Late applications will not be accepted. Applicants must have permanent Australian Residency to apply for this position.

New employment legislation now applies to the NSW public sector from 24th February 2014. All current and new employees will be employed at a classification level and assigned to a role rather than appointed to a position. Employees may be re-assigned to other roles at the same classification over time, in line with organisation priorities and/or personal development plans.

Inquiries: Kylie Seretis (02) 9873 8570

Information Packages contact: (02) 9873 8570 or Jobs NSW website (use “Heritage Grants” as the keyword when searching).

Applications are to be lodged online at the Jobs NSW website. If you experience difficulties applying online please contact (02) 9585 6018 during business hours for assistance.

Closing Date: Sunday 14 September 2014


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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