A National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage?
Heritage Masterclass, 16 April, Adelaide
Female Convicts Research Centre autumn seminar 2014, Tasmania
Contribute to the KAVHA Conservation Plan Review
Brickwork Conservation Workshops – registration open
Consultation on the review of the ICOMOS Ethical Commitment Statement (ECS)
ICOMOS Debate on Permissibility and Standards for Reconstructions of Monuments and Sites – survey
New Heritage category for prestigious Premier’s Sustainability Awards: Queensland
Celebrating Regional Heritage Seminar, Heritage Council of WA – Registration now open
Australia ICOMOS / Docomomo Sydney Talk Series, 27 March
Sustainable Heritage Conservation Session, Sydney
IPPHA Autumn short course – The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures, 31 March – 5 April 2014
Roman Archaeology – Excavations at Carsulae, Italy, Summer 2014
2014 International Building and Construction Fellowship – applications open
2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize – call for nominations
“Flood Protection for Historic Sites” conference, Germany, June 2014
Call for 16 PhD Fellowships and 4 Post-Doc Positions in the area of Digital Cultural Heritage
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
Executive Certificate in Heritage Interpretation, University of Technology Sydney
19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – call for papers, posters and videos
EOI for proposed new post grad course in architectural conservation, Uni of WA
Defence Heritage 2014 conference, September 2014, Italy – call for papers
George Alexander Foundation Fellowship Program, ISS Institute – applications open
Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference, Victoria, April 2014
IPHC Conference, Copenhagen, May 2014 – registration open
CALL FOR PHOTOS – Exhibition on cultural heritage in times of (armed) conflict
1. A National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage?
Interested in advancing intangible cultural heritage in Australian place-based heritage practice?
Come along to a meeting in Canberra on Sunday 9 March from 12.00-4.30pm to explore the idea of establishing a National Scientific Committee. This initiative was proposed at a meeting held at the 2013 Australia ICOMOS Conference. The meeting will be at the Canberra & District Historical Society, Curtin Shopping Centre (entrance from the Strangways Street carpark opposite the Shell Service Station).
The meeting is being held the day after the Cultural Routes and Cultural Routes NSC meeting.
If you are interested in coming, please RSVP to Chris Johnston by email by Wednesday 5 March.
2. Heritage Masterclass, 16 April, Adelaide
The State Heritage Unit of South Australia’s Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, in partnership with the Local Government Association (SA) and the Planning Institute of Australia (SA Division), are organising a Heritage Masterclass will be held on Wednesday 16 April 2014, at LG House, 148 Frome Street, Adelaide, commencing at 9.15am.
Heritage matters have become integrated into the roles of ‘everyday’ Development Assessment and Policy Planners as direct specialist heritage advice from South Australia’s State Government-sponsored heritage advisers has been scaled back. Across the board, planners are now expected to determine if proposed developments might have direct and indirect heritage impacts, without the assistance of in-house heritage advice.
This unique Masterclass, held in Australian Heritage Week 2014, presents a hands-on opportunity for planners to learn what to look for when assessing applications affecting built heritage. It will outline the tools available to development assessment planners and development assessment panels to help them assess these complex developments. It will aid current and aspiring policy planners in preparing new heritage overlays or policy areas. It will also explain the critical steps needed to balance development and heritage protection.
Whilst the Masterclass is aimed at local Council Strategic Policy and Development Application planners, it may of interest to other people who are concerned about the management of the South Australia’s heritage.
Visit the LGA webpage for additional information about the Masterclass, including a draft program for the day.
3. Female Convicts Research Centre autumn seminar 2014, Tasmania
The programme for the autumn Research Seminar has been finalised, and promises yet another fascinating insight into the research of our talented members.
You are invited to register for:
Voyages of Female Convict Ships
Old Sunday School, St John’s Park precinct
10 May 2014, 9.30am-3.30pm
Registration, payable on the day, is $20, which includes a light lunch. Because we have more space in the Old Sunday School than in our Spring seminar at the Penitentiary Chapel, this will be an opportunity for you to bring along your friends and introduce them to our group.
If you would like to register for the May seminar, please email Lucy Frost.
- 9.10am Registration
- 9.30-11.00am First session
Trudy Cowley: Introducing the voyages
Hamish Maxwell-Stewart: Female convict voyages: an overview
Dianne Snowden: Developing skills on the voyage
Deborah Norris: Children on the voyages
- 11.00am Morning Tea
- 11.30am-1.00pm Second Session
Colleen Arulappu: Five surgeons and their influence (30 minutes)
Stephan Lucas: Medical conditions experienced by female convicts
Maureen Bransden: Diet on board female convict ships
- 1.00 p.m. Lunch
- 1.30pm Peter MacFie and Hamish Pike provide music of the period
- 2.15-3.15pm Third Session: Individual voyages
Raelene Mibus: Gilbert Henderson 1840
Brian Rieusset: Mexborough 1841
Mary Landers: Earl Grey 1849
- 3.30 pm Meeting of FCRC
4. Contribute to the KAVHA Conservation Plan Review
Kingston and Arthurs Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) is part of Australia’s National Heritage and inscribed on the World Heritage List. For Norfolk Islanders, KAVHA is part of their history and sense of identity.
All those with an interest in this important heritage place are invited to contribute their ideas.
The review of the 2008 Conservation Management Plan will result in a new plan, one that will build on the 40 years of research and conservation work at KAVHA. It will address all cultural heritage values – world, national and local. The new plan will comply with Norfolk Island and Australian legal requirements and will address the World Heritage status of the site. The new plan will be forward-looking and strategic. It will identify priorities for future conservation and management.
The current Conservation Management Plan is being reviewed by a team of heritage specialists: Professor Richard Mackay and Sharon Veale (GML Heritage), Chris Johnston (Context) and Jean Rice (Jean Rice Architect).
The project team’s first task is to identify the key issues and to explore approaches for current and future conservation and management. They will thoroughly examine the current plan and other studies of KAVHA. Consultation is an important part of this first phase, and the team has established a broad program for people on- and off-island.
The project website allows you to register your interest in receiving Project Updates by email, and you can contribute your ideas through an online survey available through the website and open from 23 February to 23 March 2014.
It is expected that a draft Plan will go on public exhibition in mid 2014.
5. Brickwork Conservation Workshops – registration open
Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce Brickwork Conservation Workshops
in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane & Melbourne
to be presented by Dr Gerard Lynch
Gerard Lynch is an internationally acclaimed and highly respected historic brickwork consultant, master bricklayer, educator and author. He followed a traditional apprenticeship as a bricklayer and over the years gained many awards, including the Silver and Gold Trowels from the Brick Development Association and is a Licentiate of the City and Guilds of London Institute.
Gerard is a former Head Lecturer of Trowel Trades at Bedford College, pioneering a revival of almost forgotten traditional craft skills; he is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on brick conservation, and is affectionately known as ‘The Red Mason’. For further information click here.
Workshop dates
- Brisbane: Thursday 13 March 2014
- Sydney: Tuesday 18 & Wednesday 19 March 2014
- Adelaide: Tuesday 25 March 2014
- Melbourne: Thursday 27 March 2014
Workshop program, registration and payment details are available by clicking on the relevant link below for each workshop.
- Brickwork Conservation Workshop, Adelaide_flier
- Brickwork Conservation Workshop, Brisbane _flier
- Brickwork Conservation Workshop, Melbourne_flier
- Tuck Pointing Conservation Worksop, Sydney_flier
6. Consultation on the review of the ICOMOS Ethical Commitment Statement (ECS)
Australia ICOMOS (AI) is preparing a submission for the call for comments on the Ethical Commitment Statement (now called – Statement of Ethical Principles). The link to the current draft is available by clicking here.
We would appreciate your contribution to AI’s submission. Please email your comments to Kerime Danis, Australia ICOMOS Secretary by 21 February 2014.
7. ICOMOS Debate on Permissibility and Standards for Reconstructions of Monuments and Sites – survey
Australia ICOMOS encourages its members to contribute to the survey on the ICOMOS debate on Permissibility and Standards for Reconstructions of Monuments and Sites. Please see the ICOMOS debate on permissibility and standards for reconstructions of monuments and sites – background paper and the survey reminder below.
Australia ICOMOS also wishes to obtain your comments on the survey in order to provide a response to the ICOMOS Project Team. Please email your comments to Kerime Danis, Australia ICOMOS Secretary.
ICOMOS Debate on Permissibility and Standards for Reconstructions of Monuments and Sites
Please respond to on-line survey by 28 February 2014
Facilitated by the ICOMOS ISC on Interpretation and Presentation (ICIP)
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing on behalf of ICIP seek your participation—and the participation of your members—in an initiative approved by the Advisory Committee at its recent meeting in Costa Rica: an online survey regarding the place of architectural or archaeological reconstructions in current heritage practice.
This survey has benefitted from the input of many members of the Advisory Committee, in response to our several calls for suggestions. The analysis of the results of this survey will be undertaken in collaboration with the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees, CIPA (Heritage Documentation) and THEOPHILOS (Theory and Philosophy).
We ask that you review the ICOMOS debate on permissibility and standards for reconstructions of monuments and sites – background paper and click here to participate in this survey. It is important that in citing their knowledge of recent reconstructions, the respondents specify whether these are architectural, archaeological, or digital reconstructions. The deadline for responses is 28 February 2014.
Neil Silberman
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation (ICIP)
8. New Heritage category for prestigious Premier’s Sustainability Awards: Queensland
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A new Sustainable Heritage Award has been added to this year’s line-up for the 2014 Premier’s Sustainability Awards to promote heritage conservation and adaptive reuse of a place entered in the Queensland Heritage Register.
You can nominate a project, individual or organisation for outstanding conservation works, which may include preservation, restoration, reconstruction, adaptation and re-purposing of a heritage place.
Category winners receive $2,500 cash to support on-going or future sustainability projects.
Nominate your Queensland-based project or initiative now at the Premier’s Awards webpage.
A video providing a snapshot of the awards is available by clicking here.
Join the conversation and follow us on twitter – #PremsAwards.
Entries close on Friday 14 March 2014.
For further information, please contact Rebecca Ellero, Senior Communications Officer, Project Team, 2014 Premier’s Sustainability Awards, EHP on (07) 3339 5873.
9. Celebrating Regional Heritage Seminar, Heritage Council of WA – Registration now open
Registration is now open for the Heritage Council of WA seminar on 20-21 March 2014 at the Albany Civic Centre, focusing on Celebrating Regional Heritage.
To register, visit the State Heritage Office website or contact the Local Government Services Team on (08) 6552 4000 or email the LGST.
10. Australia ICOMOS / Docomomo Sydney Talk Series, 27 March
Douglas Burrage Snelling (1916-1985) was one of Asia-Pacific’s most significant interpreters of California modern design and architecture innovations from the 1930s to the 1970s – particularly luxury lifestyle themes popular in Beverley Hills and Palm Springs and ‘Polynesian pop’ aspects of the tiki style. Inspired by a stream of apprentices from Frank Lloyd Wright – notably Richard Neutra, Harwell Hamilton Harris and Gordon Drake – he was briefly employed by Beverley Hills architect Douglas Honnold and received technical instructions from John Lautner on how to build the southern hemisphere’s first ‘infinity’ (spill-edge) swimming pool.
Snelling was a fore-runner (from the mid 1960s to the mid 1970s) of the ‘indigenous modern’ (pseudo thatched roofs) thrust in luxury Asia-Pacific resorts and residences. This movement peaked with Peter Muller and Kerry Hill’s hotels in Bali and Amanresorts from the 1970s to the 1990s and included Sydney residences with tribal-style roofs in corrugated steel by Richard Leplastrier and Peter Stutchbury during the 1980s and 1990s. Snelling can be regarded as ‘the missing link’ practising architecture and multi-disciplinary design in Sydney between the departure of Wright’s former students Walter and Marion Griffin in 1935 and the 1950s career beginnings of a new generation of organic modernist architects and designers who later became known as ‘The Sydney School’.
This talk will cover Douglas Snelling’s pan-Pacific career from birth in England to adulthood in NZ, his two working stints in Hollywood, his successful professional life in design and architecture in Sydney, schemes for resorts and houses across the South Pacific, retirement to Hawaii and role as a diplomat for the King of Cambodia. Snelling’s eldest son Christopher will show and explain key family memories from the late 1960s to Douglas’ death in 1985.
Davina Jackson M.Arch (history and theory) is a visiting research fellow with Goldsmiths College of Art at the University of London and an associate editor Arts Music Architecture with Berlin science publishers De Gruyter Open. She is the Sydney author of an RMIT PhD thesis on Douglas Snelling and author of the Australia-Pacific architecture summary in the forthcoming Routledge World of Modernism anthology.
Christopher Snelling is the eldest of Douglas Snelling’s three sons and Manager of the Powerhouse Discovery Centre at Casula. He is a former marketing director for the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Members of the public are welcome!
Time & Date: Thursday 27 March 2014, 5.30 for 6.00pm start
Cost: Members $7, non-members $12 payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided.
Venue: GML Heritage, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. RSVP is essential as places are limited.
Download the DOCOMOMO – AUSTRALIA ICOMOS TALK_27 March 2014 flyer.
11. Sustainable Heritage Conservation Session, Sydney
Technical Pathways – Materials and Techniques – Planning Management and Conservation
Thinking of restoring or renovating a heritage-listed building or a building in a heritage conservation area? Live in an old house and not sure of what changes you can make?
Following up on our Heritage 101 workshop in May 2013, the City of Sydney is partnering with leading professional bodies to provide detailed workshops to assist owners to achieve a high standard of sustainable conservation.
This session – hosted by ABC TV’s Quentin Dempster – will launch a series of workshops that will offer practical advice on sustainable conservation management and conservation techniques.
Speakers will discuss conservation policy and how to manage the conservation of your building. Exhibitors will be on hand to discuss key conservation trades and techniques.
Local residential and business property owners are especially welcome.
There will be a panel discussion and a chance to put your question to the experts.
Date: Saturday 15 March 2014
Time: Arrive 1pm for a 1.30pm start; 1.5-hour talk and 1-hour exhibition; session finishes at 4pm
Where: Abraham Mott Hall, 15A Argyle Street, Millers Point
Transport: Free bike parking, Circular Quay and Wynyard station are within walking distance, buses down George Street.
Tickets are FREE and ESSENTIAL. Register online.
12. IPPHA Autumn short course – The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures, 31 March – 5 April 2014
There are just a few places left in this popular professional development short course, run over 6 days in the Kosciuszko National Park in in the Australian Alps. To secure a place, register and pay a deposit online by clicking here.
Please also email Sandy Blair for the addition of your name to the course list.
13. Roman Archaeology – Excavations at Carsulae, Italy, Summer 2014
Excavations Of The Baths At Roman Carsulae (Italy)
8 June-19 July 2014
Applications are now being accepted from students and volunteers to participate in the ninth season of excavations of the baths at Roman Carsulae. The application deadline is 31 March 2014.
Workshop On Ceramics And Ceramics Conservation In Italy
(part of the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program)
2-27 June 2014
This workshop provides an excellent background in conservation and restoration which is very useful when working in the field and lab.
For further information on these opportunities, click here.
Information on other programs offered by San Gemini Preservation Studies can be found at the San Gemini website.
14. 2014 International Building and Construction Fellowship – applications open
The Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC) and the International Specialised Skills (ISS) Institute Inc are offering an international Fellowship in the amount of $12,500.
The aim of this Fellowship is to promote the acquisition of higher-level skills and an appreciation of international best practice in the Australian building, construction and property services industries.
It is intended to examine innovative approaches that demonstrate potential benefits for, and application in, Australia.
To download an application form (which contains more detailed information), click here.
Applications close 24 March 2014.
15. 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize – call for nominations
World Monuments Fund invites you to submit a nomination for the 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize. The prize will be awarded this fall to a design professional or firm in recognition of innovative solutions that preserved and saved a modern landmark at risk. Nominated projects must have been completed in the past five years.
The World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize recognizes heroic efforts that preserve our modern heritage. Submissions for projects that have enhanced a site’s architectural, functional, economic, and environmental sustainability while also benefiting the community are encouraged.
Nominations are being accepted until 30 June 2014. For further information, visit the World Monuments Fund website.
16. “Flood Protection for Historic Sites” conference, Germany, June 2014
International conference: “Flood Protection for Historic Sites”
Dresden, Germany
13-14 June 2014
An international colloquium on “Flood Protection for Historic Sites: Integrating Heritage Conservation and Flood Control Concepts” will take place on 13-14 June 2014 at the Technical University in Dresden, under the patronage of the Saxon Minister of the Interior and in association with the German National Committee of ICOMOS.
Increasingly frequent disasters involving high water have led to efforts in many parts of the world to enhance flood protection. Although the extensive structural measures that are often undertaken also protect historic sites, at times these very measures can impair a site’s special values. Not enough attention has been given in the past to such adverse effects. This interdisciplinary colloquium will discuss relevant experiences from various contexts and professional perspectives. Further information can be found in the program and at the conference website.
17. Call for 16 PhD Fellowships and 4 Post-Doc Positions in the area of Digital Cultural Heritage
The “Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural Heritage: Projecting our Past to the Future” (ITN-DCH), is the first and one of the largest Marie Curie fellowship projects in the area of the e-documentation / e-preservation and Cultural Heritage (CH) protection funded by the European Union under the FP7 PEOPLE research framework (click here for information).
The Project started on the 1st of October 2013 and it is a consortium comprising of 14 full partners and 9 associate members covering the entire spectrum of European CH actors, ranging from academia, research institutions, industry, museums, archives and libraries. The project aims to train 20 fellows (16 Early Stage Researchers and 4 Experienced Researchers – 500 person months) in the area of CH digital documentation, preservation and protection in order to create for them a strong academic profile and market oriented skills which will significantly contribute to their career prospects. The consortium and the fellows training programme will be supported by a prestigious advisory board.
ITN-DCH aims – for the first time worldwide – to analyze, design, research, develop and validate an innovative multidisciplinary and inter-sectorial research training framework that covers the entire lifecycle of digital CH research for a cost– effective preservation, documentation, protection and presentation of cultural heritage. CH is an integral element of Europe and vital for the creation of a common European identity and one of the greatest assets for steering Europe’s social, economic development and job creation. However, the current research training activities in CH are fragmented and mostly design to be of a single discipline, failing to cover the whole lifecycle of Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) research, which is by nature a multi-disciplinary and inter-sectorial research agenda. ITN-DCH targets all aspects of CH ranging from tangible (books, newspapers, images, drawings, manuscripts, uniforms, maps, artefacts, archaeological sites, monuments) to intangible content (e.g., music, performing arts, folklore, theatrical performances) and their inter-relationships. The project aims to boost the added value of CH assets by re-using them in real application environments (protection of CH, education, tourism industry, advertising, fashion, films, music, publishing, video games and TV) through research on (i) new personalized, interactive, mixed and augmented reality enabled e-services, (ii) new recommendations in data acquisition, (iii) new forms of representations (3D/4D) of both tangible /intangible assets and (iv) interoperable metadata forms that allow easy data exchange and archiving.
The ITN-DCH project is seeking highly motivated and valuable researchers for PhD positions in the entire field of Digital Heritage, such as: Data Acquisition (Photogrammetry, Terrestrial laser scanning, GIS) and Computer Vision data processing, 3D reconstruction and modeling, symbolic, semantic and ontology representation, metadata, mixed and augmented reality technologies, CH e-services. All the fellows are supposed to travel between the project partners and attend a series of complementary training courses, scientific workshops and summer schools.
Further information about these opportunities is available by clicking here.
18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
19. Executive Certificate in Heritage Interpretation, University of Technology Sydney
The University of Technology Sydney, in collaboration with Interpretation Australia, is proud to host an exciting new course in heritage interpretation.
Interpretive practice requires knowledge of a range of fields – including heritage, history, museology, design and communication – and perspectives. This course provides an overview of heritage interpretation as well as opportunities for professional development in the areas of planning, design, exhibitions, digital media and project management. It also explores the cultural, economic and social contexts where interpretation occurs.
For further information, see the Executive Certificate in Heritage Interpretation flier and enrolment form.
20. 19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – call for papers, posters and videos
The 19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies will take place from 3-5 November, 2014 in the City Hall of Vienna, Austria.
Urban Archaeology and Processing….Analysing the data
The Call for Papers, Posters and Videos is now open, with a deadline of 16 May 2014.
For further information visit the conference website.
21. EOI for proposed new post grad course in architectural conservation, Uni of WA
The proposed Graduate Certificate in Architectural Conservation (ALVA UWA 2015) will introduce the full range of concepts, methods, and practices involved in the specialised field of architectural conservation, from the international to the local level, and aims to develop professional level skills in conservation planning and in practical building conservation. The principles and processes examined in this course have universal application and are essential to practice in this field; the main places selected for detailed study and site exercises will be based on Western Australian experience.
The Graduate Certificate will comprise 24 points derived from four core units of coursework. The course will be available to degree holders in architecture, and related built environment disciplines. The four units can be summarized as follows:
- Introduction to architectural conservation covers the history and philosophy of conservation, the role of heritage organizations, the language and principles of the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter and the conservation planning processes it recommends, the roles of different disciplines, an introduction to practical building conservation, the assessment and protection of landscapes and townscapes, and the management and interpretation of significant places.
- Conservation planning in practice teaches professional level skills in all the Burra Charter processes of conservation planning: beginning with research to understand and assess the cultural significance of places, following on to the development of policies designed to retain that significance, and prepare management strategies to implement those policies through their ongoing use and care.
- Practical building conservation teaches professional level practical skills in the investigation of significant places to survey their physical condition, and to devise appropriate repair and maintenance schedules, which are designed to conserve their cultural value and to keep them in viable use.
- Conservation in cultural landscapes, historic towns, and urban precincts introduces these key concepts in conservation and shows how the processes of identification, assessment, and management of cultural significance have been used in such places, from the international to the local level.
Please email Ingrid van Bremen or James Mitton if you have any interest in this course or would like additional information.
22. Defence Heritage 2014 conference, September 2014, Italy – call for papers
Defence Heritage 2014
2nd International Conference on Defence
Sites Heritage and Future
17 – 19 September 2014
Venice, Italy
The second International Conference on Defence Sites, Heritage and Future will be reconvened in 2014 at the Arsenale di Venezia, Italy following the success of the first meeting held in Portsmouth, UK in 2012. The conference series launched by the Wessex Institute of Technology is co-organised on this occasion with IUAV and the Arsenale di Venezia Spa, Italy.
Redundant defence sites offer a range of opportunities to planners, architects and local communities to redevelop large areas, bringing new life to often neglected parts of towns. The opportunities are common to many countries and the papers to be presented at the conference will stress this common feature and help to share experiences of the transformation of defence sites to civilian uses around the world.
The conference objective is to raise the knowledge of the scale, design and functions of defence sites. It brings a better understanding of the issues raised by their redundancy and the implications of different disposal processes for the land.
- Military heritage history
- Castles and fortresses
- Fortified cities
- Case studies
- Transition from military to civilian life
- Community involvement
- Economic analysis
- Risk assessment
- Simulation and modelling
- Funding and legal requirements
- Defence tourism
Abstract and Paper Submission
Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible. Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper.
We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically, by clicking on the ‘Submit an Abstract’ button found at the top and bottom of this page. If you prefer, abstracts can be sent by email, fax or mail to the Conference Secretariat. Details can be found on the left side of this page. Please include your name, full address and conference topic on all submissions.
Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted for publication, must be presented at the conference. The language of the conference will be English.
The paper deadline will be advised after submission of abstracts.
For further information, visit the conference website.
23. George Alexander Foundation Fellowship Program, ISS Institute – applications open
The George Alexander Foundation Fellowship Program at The International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute) has been operating since 2004. The program provides a single annual fellowship to resource a young leader in the traditional trades, technical and artisan fields to undertake a study tour overseas and bring back their learnings and knowledge to share with others in their sector. Of the $20,000 GAF Fellowship, the Fellows themselves receive a cash award of $10,000 and $10,000 is paid to ISSI to deliver mentoring, reporting support and networks to the GAF Fellow.
The aim of this fellowship is to promote the acquisition of higher-level skills and an appreciation of international best practice particularly in the areas of Environment and Sustainability and Alternative Energy, although some other areas of study will also be considered. This fellowship is intended to examine innovative approaches that demonstrate potential benefits for, and application in, Australia.
To download an application form (which contains more detailed information), click here.
Applications close 24 March 2014.
24. Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference, Victoria, April 2014
The 2014 Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference will be held at the Lighthouse Theatre in Warrnambool on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 April. The Conference, which is hosted by Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, is curated to appeal to a broad audience, from large State institutions to small volunteer-run organisations, and will bring together the Victorian museum, gallery, and conservation community.
The program combines keynote presentations, interactive discussions, lightning talks, focused parallel sessions, and a discussion panel. A Welcome Reception will be held at the Warrnambool Art Gallery on Wednesday 2 April, and the Conference dinner will be held at the award-winning, Accredited museum, Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. Optional tours of museums and places of interest will be available on the Friday afternoon.
Keynote speakers include:
- Paul Bowers, Head of Exhibitions, Museum Victoria
- John Cunningham, CEO, Warrnambool Art Gallery
- Joe Hextall & Jean McAuslan, Shrine of Remembrance
- Michael Loebenstein, CEO, National Film & Sound Archive (ACT)
- Iain Watson, Director, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums (UK)
Earlybird registration now open.
A limited number of bursaries are available (conditions apply).
Further information and provisional Conference program, visit the Museums Australia (Victoria) website.
25. IPHC Conference, Copenhagen, May 2014 – registration open
The Conference Organisers are pleased to announce that registration for the ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) Conference 2014: the Future of Polar Heritage in association with the Polar Archaeology Network is now open to members and the public.
The Conference, meetings and excursion are being held 25 – 28 May 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Hosted by the National Museum of Denmark in association with the Greenland National Museum, the Conference is sponsored by the Danish Agency for Culture.
The Conference will bring together interested parties to discuss the future of polar heritage. The theme is environmental challenges in the face of climate change – how we detect and respond to those changes.
Please visit the official Conference webpage at The National Museum of Denmark.
It details the programme of events and speakers, the official dinner, conference excursion, accommodation options and allows you to register.
Please visit it and register online soon as numbers for the conference dinner and excursions are limited.
All questions that are not related to presentations at the Conference, such as registration, payment, accommodation, excursion etc should be directed to this email address.
As we have advised, IPHC 2014 promises to be an highly stimulating event, being a new departure from our previous IPHC conferences through the cross linking and interaction we are achieving with the Polar Archaeology Network and our hosts, the National Museum of Denmark and Greenland National Museum. We hope to see as many of you as possible in May in Copenhagen.
26. CALL FOR PHOTOS – Exhibition on cultural heritage in times of (armed) conflict
Click on the link below to view the call for photos for the exhibition that the Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO, in partnership with the Municipality of The Hague, Blue Shield Netherlands and the Flemish UNESCO Commission, will organize this spring.
From 10 May until 15 June 2014 the Commission will launch an open air photo exhibition on heritage protection in times of conflict. The exhibition will be shown at the Lange Vijverberg in the city centre of The Hague, as part of the 60th anniversary of the UNESCO 1954 Hague Convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict.
Organizations, voluntary groups and experts working in crisis, conflict and post-conflict situations are invited to send in photographs to be displayed in this exhibition.
Photos that not only show the heritage endangered or the efforts for its protection, but that also refer to those persons and organizations involved, are sought. The images should emphasize the personal and emotional involvement that people have with their heritage. The exhibition will also highlight the work of those organizations, groups and persons that strive to protect cultural heritage under dangerous, tense and complicated circumstances.
If you wish to participate in this exhibition, send a maximum of three pictures to this email address.
Final date of submission is 21 February 2014. Hereafter a committee will select a total number of 20 photos that will be part of the exhibition.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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