Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 620

  1. Proposed reduction to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
  2. ICOMOS Sessions REMINDER & 2013 Session audio file
  3. Books in Exchange for Book Reviews
  4. CHINA Inc. conference, Cairns, 22-23 February 2014 – final program available
  5. IPHC Conference, Copenhagen, May 2014 – registration open
  6. Consultation on the review of the ICOMOS Ethical Commitment Statement (ECS)
  7. IPPHA Autumn short course
  8. New Heritage category for prestigious Premier’s Sustainability Awards: Queensland
  9. Celebrating Regional Heritage Seminar, Heritage Council of WA – Registration now open
  10. Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference, Victoria, April 2014
  11. Tourism and Gastronomy heritage conference, Spain, June 2014 – call for papers
  12. Cultivating modernism exhibition and public lecture, Uni of SA
  13. CALL FOR PHOTOS – Exhibition on cultural heritage in times of (armed) conflict
  14. Fifth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop – abstract deadline extended
  15. ICOMOS Debate on Permissibility and Standards for Reconstructions of Monuments and Sites – survey
  16. “Efficiency and excellence in the public memory sector” symposium, Croatia, September 2014 – call for papers
  17. International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings, Dublin, May 2014
  18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  19. Executive Certificate in Heritage Interpretation, University of Technology Sydney
  20. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
  21. UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2014 workshop – call for registrations
  22. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
  23. NSW Planning Reforms
  24. EOI for proposed new post grad course in architectural conservation, Uni of WA
  25. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
  26. Defence Heritage 2014 conference, September 2014, Italy – call for papers
  27. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer (Maritime Archaeologist), Heritage Victoria


1. Proposed reduction to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area

Australia ICOMOS has written to the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment expressing concern that the Australian Government is formally requesting the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO to approve the removal of approximately 74,000 hectares from the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA). Specifically this reduction in area is to come from the additional area included in the TWWHA last year through the minor boundary modification approved by the World Heritage Committee.

AI has particular concern about the potential impacts of this proposal on the cultural aspects of the Outstanding Universal Value of this World Heritage property and has requested a copy of the submission materials and any relevant supporting information concerning this proposal. Australia ICOMOS has also requested an update on the commitment made in 2013 by the Australian Government to provide additional funds for further cultural heritage assessments within the TWWHA.

ICOMOS will be asked to provide its advice on this matter to the World Heritage Committee when it next meets in Doha, Qatar. This is a part of the larger role ICOMOS plays as an Advisory Body, and Australia ICOMOS, as the national committee of ICOMOS is concerned to provide advice to ICOMOS that is professional, objective and based on up-to-date factual information. The evaluation process for proposals for minor boundary modifications is very tight, and the A ICOMOS Executive Committee in Hobart will be considering this matter on the weekend of 22 and 23 February 2014.

Elizabeth Vines OAM,
President, Australia ICOMOS


2. ICOMOS Sessions REMINDER & 2013 Session audio file

The 2014 ICOMOS Sessions will take place on Tuesday 18 February 2014, 5.30 for 6.00pm.

Click here for more information and for a link to audio from the 2013 event.


3. Books in Exchange for Book Reviews

The following books have been received for review for Historic Environment (HE).

  • Hubka, Thomas C, 2013, Houses Without Names, Architectural Nomenclature and the Classification of America’s Common Houses, The University of Tennessee Press
  • Goffi, Federica, 2013, Time Matter (s): Invention and Re-Imagination in Built Conservation. The Unfinished Drawing and Building of St Peter’s the Vatican, Ashgate
  • Davies, Peter, Crook, Penny and Murray, Tim, 2013, An Archaeology of Institutional Confinement, The Hyde Park Barracks, 1848-1886, Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology, Sydney University Press
  • Pennay, Bruce, 2013, The Experiment: Imagining the Albury-Wodonga National Growth Centre, Albury-Wodonga Corporation

If you are interested in writing a review of about 500 words to be published in Historic Environment please contact Sandy Blair, the HE Reviews Editor. In return you get to keep the book!


4. CHINA Inc. conference, Cairns,  22-23 February 2014 – final program available

Chinese Heritage In North Australia Incorporated (CHINA Inc.)
The 5th “no fuss” Conference
“Northern Links: Chinese Networks and Nation”
Cairns, North Queensland
22 – 23 February 2014

The CHINA INC Conference Program has been released for this year’s Chinese Heritage in Northern Australia Inc (CHINA Inc) Conference.

Please register your interest in attending the conference (as well as dinner and tours) by emailing this address.  This is a ‘no fuss’ conference event run entirely by volunteers and payment to be made on the day (cash only). Volunteers are always welcome and a pop up book stall for all who want to sell their books will be available.

Visit the conference website for more information.


5. IPHC Conference, Copenhagen, May 2014 – registration open

The Conference Organisers are pleased to announce that registration for the ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) Conference 2014: the Future of Polar Heritage in association with the Polar Archaeology Network is now open to members and the public.

The Conference, meetings and excursion are being held 25 – 28 May 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Hosted by the National Museum of Denmark in association with the Greenland National Museum, the Conference is sponsored by the Danish Agency for Culture.

The Conference will bring together interested parties to discuss the future of polar heritage. The theme is environmental challenges in the face of climate change – how we detect and respond to those changes.

Please visit the official Conference webpage at The National Museum of Denmark.

It details the programme of events and speakers, the official dinner, conference excursion, accommodation options and allows you to register.

Please visit it and register online soon as numbers for the conference dinner and excursions are limited.

All questions that are not related to presentations at the Conference, such as registration, payment, accommodation, excursion etc should be directed to this email address

As we have advised, IPHC 2014 promises to be an highly stimulating event, being a new departure from our previous IPHC conferences through the cross linking and interaction we are achieving with the Polar Archaeology Network and our hosts, the National Museum of Denmark and Greenland National Museum. We hope to see as many of you as possible in May in Copenhagen.


6. Consultation on the review of the ICOMOS Ethical Commitment Statement (ECS)

Australia ICOMOS (AI) is preparing a submission for the call for comments on the Ethical Commitment Statement (now called – Statement of Ethical Principles). The link to the current draft is available by clicking here.

We would appreciate your contribution to AI’s submission. Please email your comments to Kerime Danis, Australia ICOMOS Secretary by 21 February 2014.


7. IPPHA Autumn short course

  • The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures, 31 March – 5 April 2014

Enrolments are now open for the Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts’ (IPPHA) professional development short course run over 6 days at the Kosciuszko National Park in in the Australian Alps. To secure a place, register and pay a deposit online by clicking here.

Please also email Sandy Blair for the addition of your name to the course list, as places are limited.


8. New Heritage category for prestigious Premier’s Sustainability Awards: Queensland

  30416 PSA intranet feature triple-trophy 30416 signature graphic - call for noms

A new Sustainable Heritage Award has been added to this year’s line-up for the 2014 Premier’s Sustainability Awards to promote heritage conservation and adaptive reuse of a place entered in the Queensland Heritage Register.

You can nominate a project, individual or organisation for outstanding conservation works, which may include preservation, restoration, reconstruction, adaptation and re-purposing of a heritage place.

Category winners receive $2,500 cash to support on-going or future sustainability projects.

Nominate your Queensland-based project or initiative now at the Premier’s Awards webpage.

A video providing a snapshot of the awards is available by clicking here.

Join the conversation and follow us on twitter – #PremsAwards.

Entries close on Friday 14 March 2014.

For further information, please contact Rebecca Ellero, Senior Communications Officer, Project Team, 2014 Premier’s Sustainability Awards, EHP on (07) 3339 5873.


9. Celebrating Regional Heritage Seminar, Heritage Council of WA – Registration now open

Registration is now open for the Heritage Council of WA seminar on 20-21 March 2014 at the Albany Civic Centre, focusing on Celebrating Regional Heritage.

To register, visit the State Heritage Office website or contact the Local Government Services Team on (08) 6552 4000 or email the LGST.


10. Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference, Victoria, April 2014

The 2014 Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference will be held at the Lighthouse Theatre in Warrnambool on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 April. The Conference, which is hosted by Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, is curated to appeal to a broad audience, from large State institutions to small volunteer-run organisations, and will bring together the Victorian museum, gallery, and conservation community.

The program combines keynote presentations, interactive discussions, lightning talks, focused parallel sessions, and a discussion panel. A Welcome Reception will be held at the Warrnambool Art Gallery on Wednesday 2 April, and the Conference dinner will be held at the award-winning, Accredited museum, Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. Optional tours of museums and places of interest will be available on the Friday afternoon.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Paul Bowers, Head of Exhibitions, Museum Victoria
  • John Cunningham, CEO, Warrnambool Art Gallery
  • Joe Hextall & Jean McAuslan, Shrine of Remembrance
  • Michael Loebenstein, CEO, National Film & Sound Archive (ACT)
  • Iain Watson, Director, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums (UK)

Earlybird registration now open.

A limited number of bursaries are available (conditions apply).

Further information and provisional Conference program, visit the Museums Australia (Victoria) website. 


11. Tourism and Gastronomy heritage conference, Spain, June 2014 – call for papers

The 3rd International Conference UNITWIN UNESCO Network “Culture, Tourism, Development” centred on Tourism and Gastronomy heritage: Foodscapes, Gastroregions and Gastronomy Tourism is to be held from June 16-20, 2014 in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain).

  • Organized by UNESCO Chair Culture, Tourism, Development and its UNITWIN Network, IREST – Université de Paris 1 Panthéón Sorbonne & Universitat de Barcelona
  • With the support of Generalitat – Catalonia Government, Barcelona Tourism Board and European Comission
  • Under the auspices of UNESCO

Key dates

  • February 17, 2014: Second Deadline for abstracts submission
  • February 28, 2014: Answers to authors of second selected abstracts
  • Late April 2014: Third round: conference program and scientific excursion
  • June 1, 2014: Deadline for definitive texts submission.
  • June 16, 2014: Opening of the conference
  • June 16-18, 2014: Academic sessions
  • June 19, 2014: Academic visits
  • June 20, 2014: Meeting for members of UNITWIN UNESCO Network “Culture, Tourism, Development”
  • October 31, 2014. Proceedings edition

Abstract submission

Abstracts of proposed academic or practice presentations should be emailed to Jordi Tresserras by 17 February 2014. Abstracts should be a maximum of 1000 words, and should describe the authors, content, aims and approach of the presentation, and to include the contact person.

More detailed information is available at the conference website.


12. Cultivating modernism exhibition and public lecture, Uni of SA

Cultivating modernism: reading the modern garden 1917-71

17 February – 31 March 2014
Exhibition at Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, Hawke Building, City West campus

Cultivating Modernism comes alive at the Kerry Packer Civic Gallery through a kaleidoscopic mix from rarely seen books, prints, and ephemera charting garden making during a turbulent period from pre-war European functionalism to a more relaxed post-war Californian modern. A vital journey into our recent past.

Cultivating modernism: French garden style of the 1920s and 1930s

17 February – 31 March 2014
Exhibition at Architecture Museum, Kaurna building, City West campus

The Architecture Museum will host an exhibition drawing on rare art deco prints and publication of French exhibitions. Cultivating modernism: French garden style of the 1920s and 1930s will provide a rich coverage of Cubist and other decorative approaches to garden design.


13. CALL FOR PHOTOS – Exhibition on cultural heritage in times of (armed) conflict

Click on the link below to view the call for photos for the exhibition that the Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO, in partnership with the Municipality of The Hague, Blue Shield Netherlands and the Flemish UNESCO Commission, will organize this spring.

From 10 May until 15 June 2014 the Commission will launch an open air photo exhibition on heritage protection in times of conflict. The exhibition will be shown at the Lange Vijverberg in the city centre of The Hague, as part of the 60th anniversary of the UNESCO 1954 Hague Convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict.

Organizations, voluntary groups and experts working in crisis, conflict and post-conflict situations are invited to send in photographs to be displayed in this exhibition.

Photos that not only show the heritage endangered or the efforts for its protection, but that also refer to those persons and organizations involved, are sought. The images should emphasize the personal and emotional involvement that people have with their heritage. The exhibition will also highlight the work of those organizations, groups and persons that strive to protect cultural heritage under dangerous, tense and complicated circumstances.

If you wish to participate in this exhibition, send a maximum of three pictures to this email address

Final date of submission is 21 February 2014. Hereafter a committee will select a total number of 20 photos that will be part of the exhibition.


14. Fifth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop – abstract deadline extended

The Fifth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop
Reflection on Creativity: Public Engagement and the Making of Place
Bandung, Indonesia
8-9 August 2014

Call for Papers & Key Dates

Abstracts of 300 words maximum (Arial 11 font, single-spaced, no images, A4 format paper, MS-Word document with Abstract Title as File-Name) are invited to address the theme of this blind peer-reviewed conference by Monday 17 February 2014 (extended deadline).

For more detailed information about this event, click here.


15. ICOMOS Debate on Permissibility and Standards for Reconstructions of Monuments and Sites – survey

Australia ICOMOS encourages its members to contribute to the survey on the ICOMOS debate on Permissibility and Standards for Reconstructions of Monuments and Sites. Please see the ICOMOS debate on permissibility and standards for reconstructions of monuments and sites – background paper and the survey reminder below.

ICOMOS Debate on Permissibility and Standards for Reconstructions of Monuments and Sites
Please respond to on-line survey by 28 February 2014
Facilitated by the ICOMOS ISC on Interpretation and Presentation (ICIP)

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing on behalf of ICIP seek your participation—and the participation of your members—in an initiative approved by the Advisory Committee at its recent meeting in Costa Rica: an online survey regarding the place of architectural or archaeological reconstructions in current heritage practice.

This survey has benefitted from the input of many members of the Advisory Committee, in response to our several calls for suggestions. The analysis of the results of this survey will be undertaken in collaboration with the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees, CIPA (Heritage Documentation) and THEOPHILOS (Theory and Philosophy).

We ask that you review the ICOMOS debate on permissibility and standards for reconstructions of monuments and sites – background paper and click here to participate in this survey. It is important that in citing their knowledge of recent reconstructions, the respondents specify whether these are architectural, archaeological, or digital reconstructions. The deadline for responses is 28 February 2014.

Neil Silberman
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation (ICIP)


16. “Efficiency and excellence in the public memory sector” symposium, Croatia, September 2014 – call for papers

The Best in Heritage is a two-day conference about professional excellence in public performances of heritage institutions. It is preceded by eCult Dialogue Day, a fascinating half day event on use of ICT as a cohesion factor for the entire public memory sector. This year, we add to this conference of excellence a one day symposium to be held on Sunday 28 September on the theme of “Efficiency and excellence in the public memory sector”. The book volume of presented contributions will be pre-published for the conference, distributed to the participants and made available on-line.

Our claim is that all heritage organisations and institutions (museums, conservation, libraries, archives, hybrid and cyber institutions, heritage actions and networks) continue to demonstrate a constant convergence of theories and practices and the need for a common science. This science in the making is another cohesion factor for the many diverse heritage occupations which each have their own theories (e.g. Museology, Archivistics, Librarianship, Computer science etc.).

Besides sharing ICT and theory, the heritage sector also shares a focus on visitors and users and the same mission in society: we all want to turn the heritage from the past into a noble and scientifically based wisdom that can then be used for the harmonious development of our society. Those shared values, together with the analysis of good daily practice, from eco-museums to citizen heritage action, should be the leitmotiv of the papers and presentations we expect to receive.

This Call for papers is in fact a plea for like-minded sympathizers and allies to join us in the project of a future grand profession, uniting all our heritage occupations in a concerted effort to turn our collective public memories into a Useful Heritage.

Authors are expected to present their contribution in person on 28th, in form of PowerPoint presentation.

Contributions should be received latest by 15 April 2014.

For more information please visit the symposium website.


17. International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings, Dublin, May 2014

“Living with the Past
International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings
8-9 May 2014
Dublin Castle

“Energy & Sustainability – Strive for sensible & Intelligent Energy Conservation”

Most Governments in the developed World signed up to the Kyoto Protocol and agreed to reduce their Energy Consumption and CO² emissions by 20% by 2020 based on 1990 levels. The majority of Governments have only recently commenced any meaningful initiatives to achieve these goals.

More recently Governments have identified that by introducing a blanket drive to the “Retro Fit of all of Europe’s existing Housing Stock could produce a huge proportion of these targets whilst stimulating employment in the ever decreasing Construction Market.

In 2010 at the ICOMOS International meetings in Dublin, Ireland it was accepted there will be a major international challenge and risk to the heritage value in achieving Energy Efficiency in Heritage and Traditional Buildings – based on this concern ICOMOS formed a working group led by ICOMOS Ireland and involving ICOMOS France and ICOMOS Belgium to research this sector and at the Advisory Council Meeting of 2012 in Beijing, China an International Scientific Committee was formed to spearhead the protection of our built heritage and to be proactive in producing international guidelines for intelligent and sensitive energy conservation in heritage and traditional buildings whilst promoting the importance of protecting the heritage value of our pre 1945 building stock.

This work is well advanced and the importance of our work is gaining international recognition – much research is now collated, national and international partners identified and guidelines advanced through our involvement with the CEN TC/346 WG 8 (Central European Standards Committee).

We believe it is now time to widen the networking and to share the available information and case studies to date in this sector by holding an International Scientific Symposium in May 2014 in Dublin Castle, Dublin Ireland

There will be four main stands to the 2 Day Symposium:

  • Best International Research to-date
  • Case Studies across Europe & the USA
  • Advising and assisting our Governments on policies and strategies
  • Being positive about the challenges ahead

Within each strand there will be a number of important and recognised international speakers presenting work from all corners of Europe, we also hope to attract one or two speakers from China / Australia and the USA.

This is an opportunity to put Ireland on the international map for state of the art lead research in developing policies, theories and sustainable products in the development of strategies and systems for making our existing, heritage and traditional buildings more energy efficient whilst enhancing and securing its heritage values and perhaps more importantly contributing in a positive way to many governments achieving their international commitments in reducing energy demand and CO² emissions across this very important sector.

To view more information visit the symposium website.


18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


19. Executive Certificate in Heritage Interpretation, University of Technology Sydney

The University of Technology Sydney, in collaboration with Interpretation Australia, is proud to host an exciting new course in heritage interpretation.

Interpretive practice requires knowledge of a range of fields – including heritage, history, museology, design and communication – and perspectives. This course provides an overview of heritage interpretation as well as opportunities for professional development in the areas of planning, design, exhibitions, digital media and project management. It also explores the cultural, economic and social contexts where interpretation occurs.

For further information, see the Executive Certificate in Heritage Interpretation flier and enrolment form.


20. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network

To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.


21. UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2014 workshop – call for registrations

The deadline for Applications is: Monday 24 February 2014

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office is calling for registrations for the 2014 Workshop, which will examine “World Heritage Nominations: Justification For The Inscription of Cultural Landscapes”.


The UNITAR Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, launched in 2003, has thus far comprised nine annual Workshops held in Hiroshima and one in-country Workshop in India. With over 300 Alumni to date the Workshops offer a set of innovative approaches to heritage conservation, including:

  • A values-based management approach examining the significance of the properties to be conserved
  • The fusion of cultural and natural heritage management
  • The recognition of both the tangible and intangible aspects of heritage values
  • Focused analysis of specific areas of the nomination process



World Heritage Nominations: Justification For The Inscription Of Cultural Landscapes

Nominations of cultural landscapes – being the combined works of people and nature – often pose particular challenges as their potential outstanding universal value arises not from their cultural or natural qualities assessed independently but from the inter-relationship between culture and nature. The workshop will therefore examine how to present a clear argument for the justification for inscription of cultural landscapes on the World Heritage List. While there will be an emphasis on cultural landscapes, the overall scope of the workshop also applies to other types of natural and cultural sites.


  • The dates for the 2014 Workshop are: Monday 14 – Friday 18 April
  • The Workshop will be held in: Hiroshima, Japan


22. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online

To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.


23. NSW Planning Reforms

Although the new NSW Planning Bill appears to have been further delayed, a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald raises concerns that best practice environmental planning with regard to cultural heritage is still be under more immediate threat in NSW. View the article here

Australia ICOMOS is monitoring the situation and will continue send submissions requesting best heritage practice to the appropriate people.

Some members may also be interested in the information and requests for action on the NSW Better Planning Network website. 


24. EOI for proposed new post grad course in architectural conservation, Uni of WA

The proposed Graduate Certificate in Architectural Conservation (ALVA UWA 2015) will introduce the full range of concepts, methods, and practices involved in the specialised field of architectural conservation, from the international to the local level, and aims to develop professional level skills in conservation planning and in practical building conservation. The principles and processes examined in this course have universal application and are essential to practice in this field; the main places selected for detailed study and site exercises will be based on Western Australian experience.

The Graduate Certificate will comprise 24 points derived from four core units of coursework. The course will be available to degree holders in architecture, and related built environment disciplines. The four units can be summarized as follows:

  • Introduction to architectural conservation covers the history and philosophy of conservation, the role of heritage organizations, the language and principles of the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter and the conservation planning processes it recommends, the roles of different disciplines, an introduction to practical building conservation, the assessment and protection of landscapes and townscapes, and the management and interpretation of significant places.
  • Conservation planning in practice teaches professional level skills in all the Burra Charter processes of conservation planning: beginning with research to understand and assess the cultural significance of places, following on to the development of policies designed to retain that significance, and prepare management strategies to implement those policies through their ongoing use and care.
  • Practical building conservation teaches professional level practical skills in the investigation of significant places to survey their physical condition, and to devise appropriate repair and maintenance schedules, which are designed to conserve their cultural value and to keep them in viable use.
  • Conservation in cultural landscapes, historic towns, and urban precincts introduces these key concepts in conservation and shows how the processes of identification, assessment, and management of cultural significance have been used in such places, from the international to the local level.

Please email Ingrid van Bremen or James Mitton if you have any interest in this course or would like additional information.


25. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now

Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.


26. Defence Heritage 2014 conference, September 2014, Italy – call for papers

Defence Heritage 2014
2nd International Conference on Defence
Sites Heritage and Future
17 – 19 September 2014
Venice, Italy


The second International Conference on Defence Sites, Heritage and Future will be reconvened in 2014 at the Arsenale di Venezia, Italy following the success of the first meeting held in Portsmouth, UK in 2012. The conference series launched by the Wessex Institute of Technology is co-organised on this occasion with IUAV and the Arsenale di Venezia Spa, Italy.

Redundant defence sites offer a range of opportunities to planners, architects and local communities to redevelop large areas, bringing new life to often neglected parts of towns. The opportunities are common to many countries and the papers to be presented at the conference will stress this common feature and help to share experiences of the transformation of defence sites to civilian uses around the world.

The conference objective is to raise the knowledge of the scale, design and functions of defence sites. It brings a better understanding of the issues raised by their redundancy and the implications of different disposal processes for the land.


  • Military heritage history
  • Castles and fortresses
  • Fortified cities
  • Case studies
  • Transition from military to civilian life
  • Community involvement
  • Economic analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Simulation and modelling
  • Funding and legal requirements
  • Defence tourism

Abstract and Paper Submission

Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible. Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper.

We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically, by clicking on the ‘Submit an Abstract’ button found at the top and bottom of this page. If you prefer, abstracts can be sent by email, fax or mail to the Conference Secretariat. Details can be found on the left side of this page. Please include your name, full address and conference topic on all submissions.

Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted for publication, must be presented at the conference. The language of the conference will be English.

The paper deadline will be advised after submission of abstracts.

For further information, visit the conference website.


27. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer (Maritime Archaeologist), Heritage Victoria

  • Heritage Officer (Maritime Archaeologist) – VPS Grade 3
  • $57,764 – $70,137 plus superannuation
  • Full Time / Fixed Term: until 30 June 2016

Heritage Victoria has responsibility for administration of the Heritage Act 1995, which enables the identification and protection of a wide range of cultural heritage places and objects in Victoria, including shipwreck and maritime heritage. It advises private owners, local and State government, industry and the general community on heritage matters.

As the Heritage Officer (Maritime Archaeologist), you will contribute to the work of a specialist team delivering Heritage Victoria’s statutory functions and programs. You will also provide advice on the conservation (assessments, consents, permits and other) of historic shipwrecks, and other heritage sites, places and objects. You will provide the technical recommendations required to deliver statutory functions and programs.

To apply and download a copy of the position description please click here.

Applications close on 19 February 2014.

For further information, please email Steven Avery (Deputy Director, Heritage Victoria) or call Steven on (03) 9208 3726.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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