ICOMOS Sessions 2014, Tuesday 18 February, Sydney
Australia ICOMOS / Docomomo Sydney Talk Series, 19 February
Upcoming Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting – February 2014
Future of heritage forum (South Australia), 20 February
PLANET courses 2014
Heritage Victoria offering HERMES training
Upcoming IPPHA courses for 2014
Near Eastern archaeology and language units at Macquarie University
News from ICCROM
Port Arthur Talks, Thursday 13 February 2014
Architectural Ceramics in the 21st Century conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 2014 – registration open
Celebrating Regional Heritage seminar – Heritage Council of WA calls for speakers and delegates
AIA Site Preservation Grants open
CIPA-ICOMOS-ISPRS Workshop and Symposium, China, September 2014
“Heritage & Healthy Societies?” conference, USA, 14-16 May 2014 – final call for abstracts
Historical Lab 5: “Consistency of inner and outer spaces in European Art” – call for papers
Erasmus Mundus Macland Master on Cultural Landscapes – call for applications
3rd Annual Victorian Archaeology Colloquium, La Trobe University, 7 February
ICTC & CIVVIH Round Table Expert Meeting, Florence, March 2014
ISC SBH Study Tour, Symposia and Meeting 2014, Malaysia & Indonesia, April 2014
15th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar, 26 April 2014 – call for papers
19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – call for papers
5th EUROMED 2014: Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection – call for papers
Port Arthur celebrating a very Chinese new year, PAHSMA media release
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
News from CIAV Conference 2013
News from CyArk
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Woollahra Council
SITUATION VACANT Request for Quotations – Thematic Environmental History, Mount Alexander Shire Council
1. ICOMOS Sessions 2014, Tuesday 18 February, Sydney
The ICOMOS Sessions is an initiation event for early career heritage practitioners and Young Professional members of ICOMOS.
Download the ICOMOS SESSIONS 18 FEB 2014 flier.
The aim of this event is to engage more actively with the Young Professional members and increase the relationship/interaction among the membership as well as heritage professionals who are interested in joining ICOMOS.
The idea of the event is to bring together Young Professional members and experienced Australia ICOMOS members to exchange knowledge and to help in developing their understanding the principles and policies of Australia ICOMOS, in particular in application of best-heritage practice as well as adding to their competence in heritage management.
This is the second event following from our first successful event, and Mary Knaggs and I wish to see you there. Please bring your friends who are interested in joining ICOMOS.
Should you have any questions on the event please do not hesitate to email me or email Mary.
Best regards,
Kerime Danis
Australia ICOMOS Secretary
2. Australia ICOMOS / Docomomo Sydney Talk Series, 19 February
Le Corbusier serial site nomination for World Heritage Listing
Presented by Professor Yoshiyuki Yamana, Tokyo University of Science
The Architectural and Urban Works of Le Corbusier were proposed for World Heritage listing in 2008, and widely supported by architects and designers, but did the selected 22 properties nominated have what it takes to be World Heritage listed as a serial site?
The World Heritage Committee initially referred the nomination back for improved management and further assessment of its conceptual foundation. In 2011 a revised nomination was submitted of 19 properties, as the Architectural Work of Le Corbusier. The revised nomination was deferred by the Committee, and although commending the improvement of most management issues, the nominators were requested to better define the Outstanding Universal Value of the selected group as a serial nomination. The state party nominators have since been working on a second revised nomination, this time with just 16 sites in 6 countries.
Professor Yoshiyuki Yamana of the Tokyo University of Science has been an active participant in the development of all the Le Corbusier nominations, which includes the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo. He is a long term member of Docomomo Japan and a Vice President of the ICOMOS ISC Twentieth Century Heritage. Author of many publications and exhibitions, he is an academic, an activist, and a passionate supporter of the conservation of modern architecture. He is visiting Sydney for just a few days.
The ICOMOS ISC20C has held a series of seminars debating the concept for modern heritage places in recent years, as input to the ICOMOS position on the Le Corbusier dossier, and the approaching Frank Lloyd Wright nomination. Professor Yamana will be introduced by Sheridan Burke, President of ICOMOS ISC 20C.
Time & Date: Wednesday 19 February 2014, 5.30 for 6.00pm start
Cost: Members $7, non-members $12 payable at the door. NUMBERS LIMITED
Venue: GML Heritage, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note RSVP is essential.
3. Upcoming Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting – February 2014
Dear Australia ICOMOS Member
The Executive Committee will be having its first 2014 committee meeting in Hobart on the weekend of 22 and 23 February. Should you have any matters that you wish the Executive Committee to discuss please email them either to your own ICOMOS State Rep or to Kerime Danis by Saturday 1 February 2014 for inclusion on the agenda.
Please also note that the AICOMOS Traditional Trades Working Group will be holding a workshop in Hobart with stakeholders and any interested AICOMOS members on Friday 21 February at 2.30 pm for a 3pm at Heritage Tasmania in Macquarie Street. If you would like more information please contact Robert Vincent by email.
Best regards,
Kerime Danis
Australia ICOMOS Secretary
4. Future of heritage forum (South Australia), 20 February
The National Trust of South Australia, in partnership with the Hawke Centre, University of South Australia, will be holding a public forum titled Future of heritage – Planning to protect Adelaide’s heritage on Thursday 20 February 2014 at 6.00pm.
Panellists include:
- Vickie Chapman MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Planning
- The Hon. Mark Parnell MLC, Parliamentary leader of the SA Greens
- Rachel Sanderson MP, State Member for Adelaide
- Cr Jill Whittaker, Deputy of Mayor of Campbelltown
- Stephen Yarwood, Lord Mayor of the City of Adelaide
Bradley Forum, Hawke Building Level 5, UniSA City West campus, North Terrace, Adelaide
This is a free event, however registrations are essential. Please visit the website to register or for further information.
5. PLANET courses 2014
Please note the release of the 2014 Planet Calendar and summary.
Heritage specific courses include:
- 27 March – Heritage Planning
- 23 April – What House is That
- 28/29 May – Cultural Heritage Management Plans – working with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 & field trip
- 16 September – Achieving Green Heritage
- 6 August – Infill development in heritage areas
There are a range of planning courses ranging from planning legislation and VCAT to urban design.
Bookmark the PLANET page as more training courses will be added throughout the year.
6. Heritage Victoria offering HERMES training
Need some HERMES training/refresher training?
Heritage Victoria is offering a training session on the online heritage database HERMES, a web delivered database customised to manage information for heritage places. HERMES is managed by Heritage Victoria and used by the Victorian government, the National Trust and local government to record heritage sites in the State.
HERMES is the ‘backend’ database holding information from the Victorian Heritage Register and Heritage Inventory, the National Trust and participating local governments which is publicly available through the Victorian Heritage Database and also on certain local government websites.
HERMES is widely used by heritage consultants to prepare heritage studies. Local councils commissioning heritage studies should require consultants use HERMES as outlined in the standard consultants brief, ‘Heritage Victoria’s Model Consultants Brief for Heritage Studies’ (2010).
The training will also include a session on updating on entering/interpreting archaeological data.
Date: Friday 21 February 2014
Time: 9am -11am
Venue: IT Training Room, Level 15, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne
Bookings: Training is free but bookings are required and please cancel if you are unable to attend
RSVP: by email to Lisa Rogers by 14 February and include:
- advice on your level of familiarity with HERMES and/or your training needs
- your email address so we can setup your HERMES logon in advance
7. Upcoming IPPHA courses for 2014
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is once again offering their most popular courses at Kosciuszko National Park and Port Arthur – get in early if you want places in these award winning courses.
- The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures
31 March – 5 April 2014 at Kosciuszko National Park
A 6 day field-based professional development short course covering a range of physical conservation issues and strategies for conserving buildings and structures in place and landscape.
Part of a program awarded the ANU’s 2010 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Education. See the Advance Notice – Physical conservation of buildings and structures flier for more information.
- Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places
3 – 9 August 2014 at Port Arthur, Tasmania
An Advanced Professional Development Short Course presented by leading industry trainers Professor Sharon Sullivan And Dr Michael Pearson.
Part of a program awarded the ANU’s 2010 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Education. See the Advance notice – Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places flier for more information.
To fill in an expression of interest form go to the IPPHA website.
8. Near Eastern archaeology and language units at Macquarie University
This semester the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University will be offering a number of Near Eastern archaeology and language units as part of their Continuing Education Programme. Each unit costs $220.00 and consists of lectures from 3 March to 13 June 2014.
Archaeology units include:
- The Archaeology of Israel and the Near East
- Egyptian Archaeology: An Introduction
- From Ur to Babylon: A History of Israel from Abraham to the Babylonian Exile
- The New Testament in its Times
- Introduction to Coptic Art and Archaeology
- Ancient Egyptian Culture and Society
- Egypt in the Old Kingdom
- Egypt in the New Kingdom
Ancient languages units include:
- Akkadian
- Sanskrit
- Classical Hebrew
- Coptic
- Egyptian Hieroglyphs
- Ancient Near Eastern Documents
The deadline for applications is 17 February 2014 and all inquiries can be emailed to this address.
For more information, click here.
9. News from ICCROM
To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.
10. Port Arthur Talks, Thursday 13 February 2014
Roses from the heart: a tribute to convict women
presented by Dr Christina Henri
Tasmanian artist Christina Henri is using art as a meaningful tool to tell the stories of our past and bring focus to heritage sites, especially the Cascades Female Factory Historic Site. This presentation tells us the how, why and where about Roses from the Heart – the first memorial to ALL women sentenced to transportation as convicts to Australia 1788-1853.
Beginning as a memorial art installation based on the colonial bonnet which pays tribute to the contribution paid to colonial society by convict women, it has grown to become a collection of over 23,000 bonnets made by descendants and interested individuals alike. Christina will share stories of her visits to Ireland with Roses from the Heart in 2010, 2012 and 2013.
Christina Henri completed her PhD in visual and performing arts through the University of Tasmania in 2011. She has been Honorary Artist-in-Residence at the Cascades Female Factory Historic Site since 2003, and has been involved in numerous art installations and exhibitions in recent years that involve acknowledgement of convict women. Last year she was inscribed on the Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women.
When: Thursday 13 February 2014 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room
More information on the event is available at the Port Arthur website.
11. Architectural Ceramics in the 21st Century conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 2014 – registration open
Design and Preservation of Contemporary & Historic Architecture Saturday
22-23 March 2014 (with an optional tour program on Monday 24 March 2014)
MIT campus, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Register now for an intensive two-day conference focussing on terra cotta, porcelain, and hollow clay tiles used in the design and construction of modern and traditional buildings and monuments.
The deadline for the conference’s early registration rate is 20 January 2014.
Organized by:
- Technology & Conservation
- MIT Department of Architecture’s Building Technology Program
- Boston Society of Architects/AIA’s Historic Resources Committee
This important symposium will be held on the MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Over 35 noted architects, engineers, and researchers will give presentations.
Among the topics that will be covered are:
- basic characteristics of terra cotta, clay tiles, and porcelain and the effect of these properties on performance and durability
- advances in architectural ceramic materials and developments in construction and installation techniques for use in restoration/preservation projects and in new designs involving these materials
- procedures for evaluating the condition of architectural ceramics
- steps to prevent and/or minimize degradation, as well as
- several case histories focusing on both historic buildings and modern ones that use ceramics in the building envelope/facade (case histories will cover a variety of building types including education, religious, cultural institutions; military and government structures; residential and commercial buildings)
- new types of ceramic tiles and cladding
For further information, visit the conference website.
12. Celebrating Regional Heritage seminar – Heritage Council of WA calls for speakers and delegates
Presentations are invited for the Heritage Council of WA seminar on 20-21 March 2014 at the Albany Town Hall focusing on Celebrating Regional Heritage.
For details or to register for the seminar, visit the State Heritage website or contact the Local Government Services Team (LGST) at the State Heritage Office on (08) 6552 4000 or or email the LGST.
13. AIA Site Preservation Grants open
The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) would like to inform you of a funding opportunity for archaeological projects around the world.
The AIA Site Preservation Grant funds projects that work to preserve and promote the world’s archaeological heritage. The goal of the grant is to maximize global preservation efforts and awareness through AIA support. The grant is meant for projects that not only directly preserve archaeological sites, but also emphasize outreach, education, and best practices intended to create a positive impact on the local community, students, and the discipline of archaeology as a whole. The grant carries a maximum value of $25,000, which will be awarded over the course of one to three years.
The next deadline for this grant is Saturday 15 February 2014. All application materials must be received, not postmarked, by that date.
***Please note, applicants must first submit an inquiry form. If approved, applicants will be provided with the required application materials and will have until February 15 to complete and return the documents.***
For more information or to submit an inquiry, click here.
To learn about past winners, click here.
14. CIPA-ICOMOS-ISPRS Workshop and Symposium, China, September 2014
CIPA-ICOMOS-ISPRS Workshop 2014 and
3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Digitization (CHCD)
1-4 September 2014, Beijing, China
“Transl@ting Lost Heritage into Our Time”
The CIPA-ICOMOS-ISPRS Workshop 2014 and 3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Digitization (CHCD) will be hosted in September in Beijing, China.
The aim of the 3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Digitization is to discuss how this can best be achieved, and what opportunities and challenges the process of “translation” may bring.
For further information visit the symposium website.
Symposium Partners
- CIPA – International Committee on Heritage Documentation
- ICOMOS – International Council on Monuments and Sites
- ISPRS – International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
15. “Heritage & Healthy Societies?” conference, USA, 14-16 May 2014 – final call for abstracts
Exploring the Links among Cultural Heritage, Environment, and Resilience
UMass Amherst Campus, Amherst, MA USA
14-16 May 2014
The University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Heritage & Society is pleased to host its Fourth Annual International Heritage Conference.
Co-organized by: the Center for Heritage & Society (UMass Amherst) and the Centre for Heritage at Kent (University of Kent)
Plenary Speakers
- Michael Herzfeld, Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University
- Mindy Fullilove, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Public Health, Columbia University
- Rodney Harrison, Reader in Archaeology, Heritage and Museum Institute of Archaeology, University College London
The Challenge
Whether on an on an individual or a societal scale, heritage and well-being are often seen as disparate concerns. When heritage is viewed as related to community well-being, its value is often reduced to economic development and tourism, rather than something that might be integral to wellness on a larger scale. But what if the collective remaking of the past in the present plays a critical role in imagining a more sustainable and healthy future?
The goal of this conference is to explore the application of the past to contemporary and future social challenges, specifically sustainability and wellbeing. Given the current focus on climate change, rising sea levels, and the displacement of peoples, the wellness of societies is a critical issue. But until now, heritage has had little to say about the subject. The conference will explore the relationship between heritage and three interrelated aspects of sustainability and wellbeing:
- Heritage and Environment – How can heritage be brought to bear on the problems of environmental sustainability, including changing ecosystems, food security, and dwindling energy resources?
- Heritage and Resilience – How does the past affect issues of social sustainability, including community adaptability, cohesion and identity?
- Heritage and Wellness – How do place, continuity and memory relate to issues of human wellbeing, and physical and mental health?
Specific topics under these themes may include
- Heritage and climate change
- Historic urban landscapes and sustainability
- Social dislocation, trauma, and wellbeing
- Slow food and local foodways
- Adaptive reuse and green building
- Traditional forms of healing
- Heritage and “happiness”
- Sustainable development
- Place attachment and community well-being
- Eco-museums and community
Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts for organized sessions, research papers, and poster presentations will be accepted until 1 February 2014. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts as part of organized sessions, which will be considered for invited session status. Organized sessions should include both panel and individual paper abstracts (a maximum of 300 words in English with a maximum of one illustration or screenshot).
Notification of acceptance will be made by 15 February 2014, and conference registration must be made by 1 March 2014.
Additional information can be found at the conference website.
16. Historical Lab 5: “Consistency of inner and outer spaces in European Art” – call for papers
In the framework of the project Art Nouveau & Ecology supported by the programme Culture 2007-2013 of the European Commission, the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, as a network of cities aiming to preserve, study and promote Art Nouveau at a European scale, is organising a one-day symposium on 5 September 2014 on “Consistency of inner and outer spaces in European Art Nouveau architecture” in Rīga (Latvia).
The deadline for the call for papers is 10 March 2014 and the papers should be sent to the coordination office of the Network by email.
For further information see the Historical Lab 5 ‘Consistency of inner and outer spaces’ call for papers.
17. Erasmus Mundus Macland Master on Cultural Landscapes – call for applications
The Erasmus Mundus Macland Master is a programme about sustainable management and enhancement of cultural landscapes. This programme lasts 2 years and takes place between the universities of St Etienne (France), Naples (Italy) and Tomar (Portugal).
This programme can be of interest for students of all nationalities (European as well as non-European) coming from various backgrounds : Humanities (social and human sciences), law, economics, psychics, chemistry, as well as architecture, art and design, heritage and landscape, or engineering.
The application deadline to join the 2014-2016 cohort is 31 May 2014.
NOTE: It’s time to apply for French scholarships. French embassies can also provide scholarships. Please check the French Embassy website of your country.
Further information, particularly concerning registration fees and financial helps can be found on the Macland website. Also see the M. Cultural Landscapes brochure.
18. 3rd Annual Victorian Archaeology Colloquium, La Trobe University, 7 February
Registration is open for the third annual Victorian Archaeology Colloquium, to be held on Friday 7 February 2014 at La Trobe University.
You can also purchase a copy of the inaugural volume of Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria (2012), and pre-order a copy of Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria (2013). (Orders placed after Monday 27 January will not be available until after the Colloquium.)
Please register by clicking here
Colloquium program
- 8:30 Registration
- 9:00-9:30 Welcome to Country
- 9:30-9:45 Introduction
- 9:45-10:00
John Tunn Fieldwork at Keilor: a short film
- 10:00-11:00
Ron Arnold et al.
Recent Aboriginal occupation of Victoria’s southwest coast: the Browns Creek Community Archaeology Project
Martin Lawler et al.
Investigation of a Pleistocene river terrace at Birrarrung Park, Lower Templestowe, Victoria
Jim Wheeler et al.
A Pleistocene date at Chelsea Heights: evidence of Aboriginal occupation beneath the Carrum Swamp
Racheal Minos
Investigations on a terrace at Deep Creek, Bulla
- 11:30-12:30
Edwina Kay
The buildings of Abbotsford Convent: insights into the practice of confinement
Sarah Hayes and Barbara Minchinton
The formation of cesspit deposits at Little Lon, Melbourne
Alison O’Connor
Lonsdale Street, Lt. Lonsdale Street and Alston Lane: initial testing and first stage of historical excavation
Barry Green and Alana Doyle
Hiding in plain sight: excavation of a lost pioneer homestead on Kororoit Creek
Sylvana Szydzik and Pamela Ricardi
Two households… in Truganina, where we lay our scene
- 1:30-2:30
Caroline Spry
Re-evaluating artefact density as a standalone method of categorising stone artefact occurrences in Victoria: a case study from Beveridge
Josara de Lange
The Victorian Digital Archaeological Data Archive: an annual update
Jillian Garvey
Investigating Late Quaternary human occupation of semi-arid northwest Victoria: preliminary survey and excavation at Neds Corner Station and Murray-Sunset National Park
Alex Blackwood et al.
Identifying Aboriginal hearths in Late Quaternary northwest Victoria: cultural vs natural accumulations of burnt clay and the implications for understanding the archaeological record
Ben Watson et al.
Wallpolla 3: documenting a complex archaeological landscape in the Murray River Corridor, northwestern Victoria
- 3:00-4:00
Darren Griffin and Ben Watson
Sisters Rocks: changing connections to a sacred place
Adam Magennis
Indigenous Cultural Heritage Management at the Mornington Peninsula Shire
David Rhodes
Landscape analysis in archaeology: interpretation of Aboriginal campsites at ‘Greenhills’, Pakenham
Thea Kinsela et al.
La Trobe University’s Young Archaeologists’ Program
Neil Thomas
Fife and You Yangs sunrise azimuths
Major conference sponsors
- ACHM – Australian Cultural Heritage Management
Other conference sponsors
- Biosis
19. ICTC & CIVVIH Round Table Expert Meeting, Florence, March 2014
ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee &
ICOMOS International Committee on Historic Towns & Villages
Round Table Expert Meeting
10 – 11 March 2014
Palazzo Coppini, Florence, Italy
Creative Cities as World Heritage Tourist Destinations
Reflections on policies, principles & practice in the 21st century
The ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC) was invited by the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation – and ICTC’s first institutional member – to hold thier Expert Round Table Meeting in the newly appointed seminar rooms in the Palazzo Coppini in the heart of Florence in early Spring 2014 and approached ICOMOS International Committee on Historic Towns & Villages (CIVVIH) to work with them. The theme “Creative Cities as World Heritage Tourist Destinations” is one in which ICOMOS International Committee on Historic Towns & Villages and UNESCO World Heritage & Sustainable Tourism have current research interests.
Charters and Principles related to this event
- International Cultural Tourism Charter Mexico 1999
- The Valletta Principles for the Safeguarding and Management of Historic Cities, Towns and Urban Areas, 2011
For further information and to register, click on the links below.
- ICTC & CIVVIH Round Table Expert Meeting information
- ICTC & CIVVIH Round Table Expert Meeting Registration Form
Queries related to this event can be directed to this email address.
20. ISC SBH Study Tour, Symposia and Meeting 2014, Malaysia & Indonesia, April 2014
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage (ISC SBH)
(Asia and Pacific Group of SBH)
in cooperation with
ICOMOS Malaysia, ICOMOS Singapore, ICOMOS Indonesia,
State of Melaka, City of Melaka, State of Penang, City of George Town,
NUS National University of Singapore, TTCL Centre,
Tun Tan Cheng Lock Research Centre for Architecture and Urban Heritage,
Melaka World Heritage Office, George Town World Heritage Incorporated,
Bandung Heritage Society, Institute Technology of Bandung
Study Tour, Symposia and Meeting 2014 to Melaka and Penang, Malaysia, and Bandung, Indonesia
Date: 13 – 24 April 2014
Symposia topic
- Reflection on the Handling of Shared Built Heritage in UNESCO
- World Heritage Sites in Asia of Melaka & George Town, Penang, and in Bandung, Indonesia
- Shared Built Heritage in Asia, Australia and the Pacific
For more details please email Sue Jackson-Stepowski, ISC SBH Vice President.
Download the ISC SBH Study Tour, Symposia and Meeting 2014 flier.
21. 15th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar, 26 April 2014 – call for papers
Hosted by the Cambridge Heritage Research Group at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
The Great War is arguably one of the most significant conflicts in recent history. In this centenary year of the beginning of the First World War, as the grand narratives about the conflict come under renewed scrutiny and debate this conference focuses on the alternative forms of war heritagisation and commemoration emerging globally. In exploring other voices disregarded by the mainstream grand narratives of European geopolitics, we aim to explore the weight of how we are inheriting 1914. With over 50 million pounds being invested in the UK in local communities’ projects to re-establish claims on the memory of 1914 we are interested in exploring perspectives from the periphery (i.e. local, indigenous, former colonies and other previously overlooked regions). This 15th Cambridge Heritage Seminar seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from a wide array of disciplines and communities of practice to explore the range of narratives being constructed.
Paper proposals are due by email by 15 February 2014. They should clearly outline the questions that will be addressed and the empirical evidence or case study that will be drawn on. The proposals should not exceed 400 words and should be accompanied by a short (150 word) biographical note.
Further information is available in the 15th Cambridge Heritage Seminar – call for papers.
22. 19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – call for papers
The 19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies will take place from 3-5 November, 2014 in the City Hall of Vienna, Austria.
Urban Archaeology and Processing….Analysing the data
The Call for SESSIONS, Advanced Training WORKSHOPS and ROUND TABLES has been extended until 31 January, 2014.
Submitting a proposal (please mind this year’s topic – Processing and Analysing)
- Language: English
- Include the Title of the Session, Round Table or Workshop
- Proposal length: 200 – max 300 words
- Include Who will chair the Session, Round Table or Workshop
- Email proposals to Wolfgang Boerner
- Notification: 7 Feburary, 2014
If you have further questions please do not hesitate to email Wolfgang Boerner.
The Call for Papers, Posters and Videos will start on 10 February 2014.
23. 5th EUROMED 2014: Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection – call for papers
5th EUROMED 2014
Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection
3-8 November 2014
Limassol, Cyprus
Paper submission deadline: 30 May 2014
The 5th EUROMED conference brings together researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows and practitioners to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage contents. At the same time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, owners, managers and conservators of our cultural patrimony.
Topics and themes
Researchers and practitioners willing to participate to the EUROMED 2014 conference are invited to submit papers on original works addressing the following subjects and research themes:
More detailed information regarding the themes can be found by clicking here.
Submission of Papers
Submissions for the event are completely electronic through the on-line submission website.
The conference accepts only original, unpublished work written in English which will be blind-reviewed and published on SPRINGER LNCS.
We are soliciting three types of contributions:
- Full research papers: they present new innovative research developments and results. They will feature a full-length oral presentation and will be published in a high-quality proceedings volume. Each submitted paper must not exceed 10 pages in total.
- Project papers: they focus on the description of project organization, use of technology and lessons learned. They will feature a short oral presentation and will be published in a high-quality proceedings volume. Each submitted paper must not exceed 10 pages in total.
- Short papers: they present preliminary ideas and works-in-progress. These papers will have a short oral presentation and will be also available also as posters in conference breaks. Each short paper must not exceed 6 pages in total.
The 15 best submitted papers will be published on a special issue of the International Journal Heritage in the Digital Era.
Further information can be found at the conference website. See also the Call for papers for the Workshop on Intangible Heritage.
24. Port Arthur celebrating a very Chinese new year, PAHSMA media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), dated 30 January 2014.
As the sun rises on the lunar new year this Friday, the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) is celebrating record visitor numbers from China.
In the six months to the end of December Port Arthur welcomed more than 7,000 visitors from mainland China. This compares with 3700 for the twelve months to the end of June 2013, and many thousands more visit from Hong Kong and other Asian countries.
The Historic Site will celebrate the Chinese Year of the Horse, with the Port Café offering a Chinese menu featuring pork, duck and other oriental treats, while the Gift Shop has plenty to offer including dried abalone sourced from the seas around Tasmania, a range of lavender products, a book about Port Arthur in Chinese and other Tasmanian goods highly prized by Chinese guests.
Chinese visitors are able to pay for their purchases with Union Pay, the most popular Chinese bank debit card, which is accepted across all points of sale at Port Arthur and also at the Cascades Female Factory. Union Pay cards are also widely used in other countries across Asia.
Chair of the PAHSMA board, Professor Sharon Sullivan said that the Historic Site was reaping the rewards not just of strategic marketing initiatives targeting the China market in recent years, but also of growing cultural links.
“We will be hosting a Chinese masters student for the next three weeks and we are also looking forward to hosting a delegation of senior management from the Dunhuang Academy, which manages the World Heritage-listed Mogao and Yulin Grottos in far western China.”
“This is a relationship that has been developed over many years and has involved a number of exchanges between colleagues from PAHSMA and the Academy sharing and exchanging on mutual topics of interest particularly around best practice heritage tourism management.”
“We are working hard to ensure that Chinese guests enjoy their visit when they come to Port Arthur and hope to use these visits to increase our understanding of what they enjoy about coming to Tasmania and Port Arthur.”
25. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
26. News from CIAV Conference 2013
The ISC Vernacular Architecture (CIAV) and ISC Earthen Architecture (ISCEAH) jointly hosted the International Conference Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture occurred 16 – 20 October 2013.
The venue was in Vila Nova de Cerveira, a small town on the northern Portuguese border with Spain Throughout the town are numerous art installations, the legacy of its long running international annual arts festival.
The nearest airport is Porto, 2 hours south of Vila Nova de Cerveira. This World Heritage historic hillside town also holds ‘shared heritage’ values, especially with the English such as via its port wine trade and more recently how the Livaria Lello stair case and Porto university students’ cloaks inspired such aspects in J K Rowlings’ Harry Potter books.
Over 350 specialists, professionals and researchers from 50 countries participated, including Australia ICOMOS members Prof Miles Lewis and Sue Jackson-Stepowski.
Conference activities included:
- The international 2 week course “VERNADOC, International Vernacular Architecture Documentation Camp”, in partnership with the Aalto University, Finland, and Viana do Castelo Municipality;
- The annual meetings of two ICOMOS International Committees for Vernacular Architecture (CIAV) and for Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH)
- Earthen plasters workshops in partnership with the Association Centro da Terra (CdT);
- Visit to the historic centre of Viana do Castelo, with the support of the Municipality;
- Visit to the vernacular heritage of Lindoso and Soajo, with the support of the Municipality of Arcos de Valdevez;
- Conference dinner with local ‘intangible’ songs, dancing and 5 course Portuguese cuisine
- Coordinated by Escola Superior Gallaecia
– VerSus scientific workshop and partners’ meeting for the European Project “VerSus – Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture”
– Partners and consultants meeting of the Foundation of Science and Technology research project “Seismic-V: Vernacular Seismic Culture in Portugal”
– Escola Superior Gallaecia, and its marvellous team of helpers and students, is to be congratulated for a truly friendly gathering (and as it is always with CIAV).
The CIAV 2013 proceedings book, Vernacular Heritage & Earthen Architecture: Contributions for Sustainable Development, is now available, with topics covering:
- Cultural heritage and building cultures
- Materials and construction techniques
- Territory and environmental adaptation
- Energy efficiency and sustainable design
- Natural hazards and risk mitigation
- Education and research focus
For more information click on the links below
Sue Jackson-Stepowski
ISC Shared Built Heritage – Vice President
ISC Historic Towns & Villages (CIVVIH)
27. News from CyArk
- The First Nominations Are In!
Following launch of the CyArk 500 initiative to digitally preserve 500 heritage sites around the world in five years, CyArk called on the public to nominate sites for inclusion in the 500. After widely disseminating the nomination procedure, CyArk received nearly 60 nominations from 29 countries on behalf of some nearly 200 individual sites and typology groups. Sites submitted include the Ancient Elymais rock carvings in Iran, the modernist Niemeyer house in Brazil, Khmer ruins at Banteay Chhmar in Cambodia, the rock-hewn Vani Cave Monastery Complex in Georgia, the Maya site of Quiriguá in Guatemala, the Kinderdijk windmill system in the Netherlands, Kasbah “Taourirt” in Morocco, San rock art in South Africa, the Ancient City of Damascus in Syria, Canterbury Cathedral in the United Kingdom, and Independence National Historical Park in the United States, among many others. Read more»
- IBM and Local Teachers Help Bring El Camino Real to the Classroom
With the generous support of IBM, CyArk hosted a day-long workshop with local school teachers to develop new lesson plans to correspond with the El Camino Real de California Digital Preservation theme. Since 2012, IBM has integrated CyArk’s educational curricula into its Teachers TryScience online platform for STEM education lesson plans. This year, IBM’s support enabled CyArk to work with local teachers to generate content to engage California students with the 21 missions, 4 presidios, and 3 pueblos that span the California coast. By disseminating the lesson plans through Teachers TryScience and the CyArk website, students all over the world will now be able to learn about these important California heritage sites. Read more»
- New Technology Center in Hawaii
This week, CyArk’s Justin Barton headed to Hawaii to launch a Technology Center at the Mid-Pacific Institute (MPI) in Honolulu. This program was championed by Dr. Paul Turnbull, President of MPI. CyArk previously worked with Paul in his capacity as superintendent of California’s Santa Ynez Valley Union High School, which was our first-ever high school Technology Center. We are delighted to be expanding our Technology Center programming to Mid-Pacific, which will incorporate 3D laser scanning and digital documentation techniques into the K-12 school curriculum to expose students early on to these cutting-edge technologies and the importance of heritage preservation. Read more»
28. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Woollahra Council
- Salary up to $58,054.74 per annum + super (for 21 hours per week)
- Permanent Part time role – 7 hours per day, 3 days a week
- Modern harbourside offices with beach and garden surrounds
Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has a local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.
Your primary role is to provide advice on heritage-related development applications, mainly for buildings. You may also be required to provide advice on heritage matters in general. Assistance with the preparation of heritage conservation policy from time to time also forms part of the job.
Further information about this opportunity can be found by clicking here.
Application deadline: Friday 7 February 2014
29. SITUATION VACANT Request for Quotations – Thematic Environmental History, Mount Alexander Shire Council
Mount Alexander Shire Council is seeking an individual or team of experts with the necessary skills and experience to prepare a a thematic heritage history for the whole shire.
Further information is available in the Mt Alexander Shire Thematic Heritage Study document.
Closing date for quotations is 2pm, Monday 3 February.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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