Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 613

  1. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
  2. The Wallpapered Manse Sydney Launch, 7 December
  3. Rights based Approaches to Conservation – establishment of a new Australia ICOMOS working group
  4. VICOMOS Christmas Drinks, Thursday 12 December, Melbourne
  5. Australia ICOMOS TAS Christmas/End of year party
  6. Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management
  7. Applications now open for the Victorian Heritage Register Places and Objects Fund
  8. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
  9. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
  10. 18th ICOMOS General Assembly – call for papers
  11. “Heritage & Healthy Societies?” conference, USA, 14-16 May 2014 – call for abstracts
  12. Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan
  13. Tasmanian Historic Cultural Heritage Act amendments passed
  14. Arches heritage inventory & management system released
  15. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  16. Heritage Conservation as Environmental Conservation, now available on-line
  17. SITUATION VACANT Tenders invited for the 2013/14-75 Accessing Our Regional Heritage Stage 2 Business Plan project, Ballarat City Council
  18. SITUATION VACANT EOIs for Headstone Conservation, Isle of the Dead, Port Arthur Historic Site


1. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season

The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from COB Wednesday 18 December 2013 to Friday 10 January 2013 inclusive. The office will reopen on Monday 13 January 2014, and the first e-newsletter for 2014 will be published on Friday 17 January. The final e-newsletter for 2013 will be published on Wednesday 18 December 2013 – please ensure all items for this newsletter are submitted by 2pm, Tuesday 17 December 2013.


2. The Wallpapered Manse Sydney Launch, 7 December

Beautifully produced, The Wallpapered Manse chronicles the events that fashioned an historic Presbyterian manse in the small coastal town of Moruya on the south coast of New South Wales Australia, which was built in 1865. Peter Freeman shares the step-by-step process of researching and restoring a dilapidated historic building. The Wallpapered Manse is also the story of the picturesque town of Moruya, of its mighty river, and of the events that shaped Moruya’s prehistory and subsequent European settlement.

Sydney launch of The Wallpapered Manse
upstairs at 49 Glebe Point Rd
Saturday 7th December at 3.30pm for 4pm

Richard Silink, former heritage director for the HHT Endangered Houses Fund, will launch the book.

RSVP to (02) 9660 2333 or Event @ Gleebooks via email.

Download the The Wallpapered Manse invitation.


3. Rights based Approaches to Conservation – establishment of a new Australia ICOMOS working group

Australia ICOMOS is looking to set up a Working Group (WG) on Rights Based Approaches to Heritage Conservation and is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from those who would like to join the group. The aim of the WG is to track current international developments on rights based approaches to conservation and help raise awareness about these among the Australian ICOMOS and wider heritage conservation community. There is also an intention to support the work occurring at the international level by ICOMOS, arising from the ‘Our Common Destiny’ resolution of the last General Assembly.

Primarily, the group will communicate and undertake its work electronically, but will aim to meet whenever feasible. It is expected the initial term for the group will be 2-3 years. Those interested in joining the group, please contact Tim Winter by email by COB Friday 13 December.


4. VICOMOS Christmas Drinks, Thursday 12 December, Melbourne

Victorian ICOMOS Christmas Drinks!

ICOMOS xmas invite


This year Vicomites are warmly invited to celebrate the festive season.

Date & Time: Thursday 12 December, 6-9pm
Venue: Mission to Seafarers Billiards Room, 717 Flinders St, Melboourne
Cost: $5, payable in cash on the night (includes a tour of the complex and finger food). Drinks at bar prices
RSVP: by email to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB Friday 6 December


5. Australia ICOMOS TAS Christmas/End of year party

You are cordially invited to the Australia ICOMOS Tasmanian Christmas Soiree…. Shindig…. Knees-up…. Party !!!!

The kind people at TMAG House Museums have made Narryna available. So please come along and share some Christmas cheer with us.

Please bring your friends and any prospective ICOMOS members along and introduce them to the wonderful of Australia ICOMOS.

We having a growing membership in Tasmania and we want to encourage as many people as possible to join the ICOMOS family (now over 600 members Australia-wide!!)

This year we thought we would not have any presentations, rather just let everyone enjoy wandering around Narryna and see the recently restored drawing room in all its glory.

Plus you can also engage in some good old chat as well as finding out all the gossip arising from the recent ICOMOS conference in Canberra!

Entry to Narryna, light refreshments and drinks are all included for a small charge. This will obviously be the highlight of your pre-Christmas party season, so don’t miss out.

(And keep fingers crossed for a fine evening!!)

Date & Time: Thursday 19 December, 4.30-6.30pm
Location: Narryna Heritage Museum, 103 Hampden Rd, Battery Point
Cost: $10 ICOMOS members, $15 non-members
RSVP: by email to John Wadsley or by phone 0417 487 289 by Monday 16 December


6. Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management

Places are still available on the twelfth Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management which will be held at the University of Canberra from 19–25 January 2014.

Click here for details. 

All enquiries to David Young via email.


7. Applications now open for the Victorian Heritage Register Places and Objects Fund

On Friday 22 November the Minister for Planning Matthew Guy announced a new grants program, the Victorian Heritage Register Places and Objects Fund. The Victorian Government has provided funding for 2013-2015 of up to $2.7 million for grants which will be delivered by Victoria’s Heritage Restoration Fund (VHRF).

In support of this, VHRF is pleased to launch their new website, an online portal where you can find out information about the various grants available, and how to make an application.

Victoria’s Heritage Restoration Fund is a partnership between the City of Melbourne, the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure (the Department), and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). The Fund is administered by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria).

VHRF offers grants to restore eligible heritage places and objects. The grants are disbursed from a series of funds managed by VHRF, including: Melbourne Heritage Restoration Fund, Yarra Heritage Restoration Fund, and the Victorian Heritage Register Places and Objects Fund.

The funds are overseen by a Committee of Management comprising representatives of the City of Melbourne, the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, the Municipal Association of Victoria and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). VHRF was formerly known as the Melbourne Heritage Restoration Fund, which has successfully operated in Melbourne since 1988.

Publicly accessible places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register and owned/managed by community organisations and local governments can apply for a Victorian Heritage Register Places and Objects Fund grant. Grants ranging from $20,000 – $200,000 are available for heritage places and $5,000 – $20,000 for heritage objects.

For more information, or to make an application, visit the Victoria’s Heritage Restoration Fund website.


8. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications

There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.

Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat:

  • Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
  • Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates

For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website, or download the Australia ICOMOS 2014 SUBSCRIPTION Application Form.

Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the February 2014 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 31 January 2014.

If further information is required, email the Membership Secretary, John Wadsley.


9. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now

Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.


10. 18th ICOMOS General Assembly – call for papers

Dear Australia ICOMOS members,

There is now a call for papers for the Scientific Symposium which will take place in Florence, Italy, on the occasion of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 10 to 14 November 2014, on the theme:“ Heritage and Landscape as Human Values”.

The call for papers is also available on the home page of the ICOMOS website and has been sent to the entire ICOMOS membership via the ICOMOS e-News.

The deadline for abstracts is 31 January 2014. For all further details, please refer to the 2014 ICOMOS General Assembly – call for papers – UPDATED.

I would strongly encourage a large Australian participation in this event, which is always full of interesting papers and interchange.

Further information

Symposium Scientific Secretariat and address for sending abstracts: email GA2014

General enquiries about the 18th General Assembly: email 18ICOMOS2014

Visit the 18th General Assembly webpage for further information.

Feel free to contact me (email Elizabeth) if you have any comments not answered on the website.

Elizabeth Vines OAM
President, Australia ICOMOS


11. “Heritage & Healthy Societies?” conference, USA, 14-16 May 2014 – call for abstracts

Exploring the Links among Cultural Heritage, Environment, and Resilience
UMass Amherst Campus, Amherst, MA USA
14-16 May 2014

The University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Heritage & Society is pleased to host its Fourth Annual International Heritage Conference. 

Co-organized by: the Center for Heritage & Society (UMass Amherst) and the Centre for Heritage at Kent (University of Kent)  

Plenary Speakers

  • Michael Herzfeld, Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University
  • Mindy Fullilove, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Public Health, Columbia University
  • Rodney Harrison, Reader in Archaeology, Heritage and Museum Institute of Archaeology, University College London

The Challenge

Whether on an on an individual or a societal scale, heritage and well-being are often seen as disparate concerns. When heritage is viewed as related to community well-being, its value is often reduced to economic development and tourism, rather than something that might be integral to wellness on a larger scale. But what if the collective remaking of the past in the present plays a critical role in imagining a more sustainable and healthy future?

The goal of this conference is to explore the application of the past to contemporary and future social challenges, specifically sustainability and wellbeing. Given the current focus on climate change, rising sea levels, and the displacement of peoples, the wellness of societies is a critical issue. But until now, heritage has had little to say about the subject. The conference will explore the relationship between heritage and three interrelated aspects of sustainability and wellbeing. They include: (1) Heritage and environment: How can heritage be brought to bear on the problems of environmental sustainability, including changing ecosystems, food security, and dwindling energy resources? (2) Heritage and resilience: How does the past affect issues of social sustainability, including community adaptability, cohesion and identity? (3) Heritage and wellness: How do place, continuity and memory relate to issues of human wellbeing, and physical and mental health?

Themes to be explored in this conference include

  • Heritage and Environment
  • Heritage and Resilience
  • Heritage and Wellness

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts for organized sessions, research papers, and poster presentations will be accepted until 1 February 2014. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts as part of organized sessions, which will be considered for invited session status. Organized sessions should include both panel and individual paper abstracts (a maximum of 300 words in English with a maximum of one illustration or screenshot).

Notification of acceptance will be made by 15 February 2014, and conference registration must be made by 1 March 2014.

Additional information can be found at the conference website.


12. Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan

The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) is formally recognised through World Heritage listing as being part of the natural and cultural heritage of the world community because of its outstanding universal value. The Tasmanian Wilderness is an extensive, wild, beautiful temperate land where early heritage of the Tasmanian Aboriginal people is preserved.

The property was first inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1982 on the basis of four natural criteria and three cultural criteria, and, as of 2013, the property remains listed for more criteria than any other World Heritage property on the List. The property has been subsequently expanded several times with a major extension in 1989 and minor boundary modifications in 2010, 2012 and 2013. The June 2013 minor boundary modification added approximately 170,000 hectares to the TWWHA including additional areas of tall eucalypt forest.

Since inscription on the World Heritage List, the TWWHA has been managed under a partnership arrangement between the Australian and Tasmanian Governments which ensures the protection of its outstanding natural and cultural heritage. Day-to-day management of the area is the responsibility of the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE). Currently, the majority of the area is managed in accord with the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan 1999 (Plan). This Plan is a revision of, and replaced the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan 1992. The Plan is now outdated and does not cover the extensions made to the TWWHA in 2012 and 2013. The Tasmanian government, supported by the Commonwealth government, has committed to the development of a contemporary management plan for the TWWHA. This commitment is reflected in the National Partnership Agreement on the Implementation of the Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement 2013 which provides funding to develop a contemporary statutory management plan for the TWWHA.

A project team within DPIPWE has been established to oversee the formulation of the new management plan. Click here for further information.


13. Tasmanian Historic Cultural Heritage Act amendments passed

The Tasmanian Parliament passed legislation on 22 November 2013 aimed at making Tasmania’s laws on historic heritage simpler. These amendments come after a lengthy review period which started in 2003 and many delays in State Parliament caused by other legislation and a number of amendments being considered by the Upper House. The Attorney General, Hon. Brian Wightman MP, said that this Bill will simplify the system allowing for a single application, single advertisement and single permit process. “Under the current laws, someone wishing to carry out works on heritage-listed places needs to seek approval through two separate approval bodies – each with its own timeframe and set of decision-making criteria,” he said. “These amendments will make the system much clearer for owners and developers and reduce duplicated effort for local government and the Tasmanian Heritage Council.” Mr Wightman said other proposed changes would ensure criteria for the protection of Tasmania’s historic heritage were consistent with those in interstate jurisdictions. “The amendments will also help to more clearly identify the boundaries of heritage listed places. “These amendments are an important step in addressing the most critical concerns of owner and developers, local government, the Heritage Council and the heritage sector,” he said.

Heritage Tasmania is available to answer any questions on the changes. Call Heritage Tasmania on 1300 850 332.


14. Arches heritage inventory & management system released

The Getty Conservation Institute and World Monuments Fund are excited to announce the release of version 1.0 of Arches, a modern, user-friendly, open source information system created to help organizations inventory and manage heritage places of all types.

We encourage you to visit the Arches Project website to interact with a demo version of Arches (click on “See Arches”). You may also download the software (click on “Get Arches”) to install on your own computer or server for evaluation, customization, and deployment. An Installation Guide and User Guide are available by clicking here

You and your colleagues now have the opportunity to participate in the Arches community to help Arches grow and reach its full potential. For example, community members may translate the user interface, expand or translate documentation, answer newcomers’ questions on the Arches forum, and of course further develop the software code.

We invite you to provide feedback about version 1.0 of Arches, to let others know about it, and to consider ways in which you can participate in the Arches open source community. To provide feedback or submit questions about the system, please use the Arches community discussion forum, so that others may benefit from seeing the community’s questions and responses. Arches has been developed to address the widespread need for low-cost electronic heritage inventories that are easy to use and access. Arches has been designed so that any heritage organization may take the software code and customize it for its own use.

To receive future updates, please sign up HERE.


15. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


16. Heritage Conservation as Environmental Conservation, now available on-line

The presentations given at the University of Melbourne symposium about heritage and sustainability, held 17 October, are now available on-line. Speakers ranged from architects and services engineers, to academics, all exploring the tensions and synergies between the preservation of our older building stock and properly understanding and upgrading their comfort and energy efficiency.

The can be viewed on YouTube by following these links:

This event was coordinated by Dr. Robert Crawford and supported by the Heritage Council of Victoria.


17. SITUATION VACANT Tenders invited for the 2013/14-75 Accessing Our Regional Heritage Stage 2 Business Plan project, Ballarat City Council

Opening on Saturday 7 December 2013

BALLARAT City Council is seeking submissions from interested parties to perform the following:

2013/14-75 Accessing Our Regional Heritage Stage 2 Business Plan

The purpose of this project is to provide the City of Ballarat, Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) and Regional Development Victoria with fully developed, financially viable options for a sustainable model and commitment for an applicable option that will deliver:

  1. A public place with up to 7 day per week access to key Ballarat historical collections to meet community and stakeholder needs
  2. Strong leadership to support relationship building within Ballarat’s fragmented professional and volunteer heritage organisations
  3. A place that reflects the rich history of Ballarat through community storytelling, contemporary arts, education and interpretation – “to tell the Ballarat Story”
  4. A place to engage and provide opportunities for inclusion, wellbeing and lifelong learning for the community as well as stimulating volunteerism
  5. Opportunities for training and development for community, Indigenous and volunteer groups as well as postgraduate and professional staff in cultural heritage skills
  6. A place to provide safe, appropriate and secure storage and access to Ballarat’s broader irreplaceable documentary heritage to prevent their loss or destruction
  7. A place to support cultural, historical research and heritage tourism including, cultural events and exhibitions which complement and fill the gap in Ballarat’s story
  8. Linkages with Aboriginal groups researching family and providing specific training and education
  9. Innovative, integrated solutions with wide benefits for the whole community and region as well as for national and international visitors
  10. A place that has the potential to become self-sustaining through a mix of grants, partnerships and other innovative joint ventures

Tenders will close at 12 noon, Wednesday 15 January 2014.

Submissions must be lodged electronically or deposited in the Tender Box located in the TOWN HALL, BALLARAT, or posted to Tender Box, City of Ballarat, Box 655, Ballarat, Vic 3353 by the above tender close time and date.

Documents can be obtained from the Tenderlink website or by contacting the Customer Service Centre on (03) 5320 5500.

The envelope must be clearly marked with the Tender Name and Number


18. SITUATION VACANT EOIs for Headstone Conservation, Isle of the Dead, Port Arthur Historic Site

Expressions of Interest for the conservation of headstones to the Isle of the Dead, Port Arthur Historic Site

Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are sought for the conservation of sandstone headstones to the Isle of the Dead (IoD), Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania.

The IoD is of outstanding national significance and a rare surviving example of a penal settlement cemetery. The place has outstanding scientific, historic, and archaeological significance for its associations with death, burial and commemoration during the penal period.

The IoD is located 1.5km offshore from the main Port Arthur settlement. It is approximately 2.4 acres in size. Between 1833 and 1877 the Isle served as the principal burial ground for convicts, free officials and military personnel associated with the Port Arthur penal station. Many of the convict burials are unmarked. It has been managed as a historic site since the 1970s with visitation of around 21,000 per year.

The headstones and memorials of the site are of locally quarried sandstone and have been the subject of conservation projects since the 1990s. This project seeks to continue the cycle of monitoring, conservation and consolidation consistent with practices to date.

Project and background documentation is available by contacting Conservation Manager, Lucy Burke-Smith on (03) 6251 2363 or email Lucy.

The deadline for EOIs is 11 December 2013. Submissions are to outline:

  • Professional profile including the qualifications and expertise
  • Previous project experience of a similar nature
  • Resource capacity to deliver the project by 30 May 2013
  • Hourly rates for nominated personnel


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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