Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 608

  1. REMINDER: Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office mini-closure & publication of e-news
  2. Everyone’s Environment grants program (QLD)
  3. Two PhD Scholarship Opportunities – Law/Intangible Cultural Heritage (Deakin University)
  4. Local government heritage seminar, 22 November, Melbourne
  5. RAHS Evening Lecture, Tuesday 12 November, Sydney
  6. Information re: forthcoming Anzac Centenary 2014-2018
  7. “The Art Deco Sculpture of Rayner Hoff and His School” talk, Sydney
  8. ICCROM survey opportunity
  9. IPHC conference, Denmark, 2014 – SECOND (& altered) call for papers
  10. Bushfire-inspired art and photography on show at Port Arthur, media release, PAHSMA
  11. Researching the history of your house workshop, Perth, Saturday 2 November
  12. Interpretation Australia’s National Masters workshop, 21 November, Sydney
  13. Invitation to launch of NSW Heritage Network Inc Community Guide for Saving Heritage
  14. The Johnston Collection – What’s On in November
  15. SAHC2014 conference, Mexico, October 2014 – call for papers
  16. Publication on architecture and engineering of the Royal Navy’s bases
  17. ‘Stucco’ specialist now residing in Melbourne
  18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  19. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
  20. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Practice Manager, Rappoport Pty Ltd (Sydney)


1. REMINDER: Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office mini-closure & publication of e-news

The Australia ICOMOS Secretariat will be unattended from midday Thursday 7 November to Tuesday 12 November inclusive – office will re-open Wednesday 13 November.

Consequently, the Australia ICOMOS E-news will be published on Thursday 7 November instead of Friday 8 November – the deadline for newsletter items for this issue will be COB Wednesday 6 November.


2. Everyone’s Environment grants program (QLD)

The Queensland Government through the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) has launched a grants program to conserve and promote Queensland’s heritage listed places and historic shipwrecks.

A total of $600,000 has been made available for heritage conservation and interpretation projects. Funding for projects ranges from $2,000 to $40,000. This grants program provides two streams of funding – smaller scale projects of $2,000 to $10,000 and larger scale projects of $10,000 to $40,000 for heritage projects that seek to engage the community in conserving, understanding and appreciating Queensland’s cultural heritage. Further information about the program can be found on the DEHP website.


3. Two PhD Scholarship Opportunities – Law/Intangible Cultural Heritage (Deakin University)

Two PhD scholarships are now available in Deakin University’s School of Law. The scholarships are related to the Australian Research Council Discovery grant project ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage across borders: Laws, structures and strategies in China and its ASEAN neighbours’.

These research projects bring together usually separate discourses in United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and other international organisations about intangible cultural heritage. They examine Asian case studies to show how international principles and concepts are locally implemented. Different terminologies and interpretations of ‘rights’ under international conventions have underpinned cross-border conflicts about cultural and intellectual property claimed by neighbouring countries and communities for tourism and development purposes. The research projects analyse the legal, institutional, political and cultural reasons for such conflicts and develops practical proposals for promoting international reconciliation and enhanced international cooperation in heritage protection.

Project 1: The International Legal Framework for Intangible Cultural Heritage (1 scholarship available)

This research project will be examining the legal framework for intangible cultural heritage protection as it is currently being developed at the international level by institutions such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and others. The focus will be on existing international conventions and their implementation as well as on current negotiations of further agreements and proposals in the academic literature.

Project 2: Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection in Indonesia and Malaysia (1 scholarship available)

This research project will look at the implementation of international models for the protection of intangible cultural heritage in the national laws of Indonesia and Malaysia and how such models are interpreted at both the national and community level. Depending on the qualification of the successful applicant, there may be an opportunity for fieldwork in one of the countries that is being studied.


  • Applicants must meet Deakin’s PhD entry requirements and must hold a Bachelor’s degree with Honours (first class) or a Master’s degree with a substantial research component, or equivalent, in law
  • Excellent knowledge of Indonesian and/or Malay expected for Project 2. Fluency in one of these languages is desirable
  • Additional qualifications in another relevant disciplines (i.e. Asian Studies, anthropology, sociology, history, environmental studies, heritage studies etc.) and/or an interest in legal developments in Asia will be an asset
  • Applications are open to Australian or New Zealand citizens, permanent residents or international applicants

Further information is available by clicking here.


4. Local government heritage seminar,  22 November, Melbourne

This day provides professional development and networking for Heritage Advisors working for local government and the program opens up to local government planners in the afternoon.

The advisors program includes presentations from Jenny Dickens on the latest developments from ICCROM in relation to building stone conservation.

The planners/advisors program includes presentations on Mount Alexander Shire Council successfully progressing an ‘old’ heritage study, Mornington Shire Council’s survey of heritage owners and Greater Shepparton City Council’s inaugural Cultural Heritage Awards.

Further details including how to RSVP are available in the Local Government Heritage Seminar, Melbourne flier.


5. RAHS Evening Lecture, Tuesday 12 November, Sydney

The Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS) presents:

The History of Australia’s Prehistory
Speakers – Billy Griffiths and Alan Williams

Billy Griffiths explores the history of the iconic archaeological site Madjedbebe (Malakunanja II) in Arnhem Land and reflects on what it reveals about when and how people first reached Australia. He talks about the repeat excavations of Madjedbebe in 1973, 1989 and 2012 in the context of the development of Australian archaeology, and he questions the divide between history and prehistory. Alan Williams continues from Billy’s talk by exploring how population and mobility of Aboriginal people developed over the last 50,000 years. Using the results of his PhD research and case-studies from the Sydney region, he explores the highs and lows of prehistoric populations through some of the most extreme climates humans have ever faced, including the Last Glacial Maximum and intensification of the El Nino Southern Oscillation.

About the speakers

Billy Griffiths is a Sydney-based writer and historian. He worked as the camp manager and cook for the re-excavation of Madjedbebe (Malakunanja II) in 2012. He is the author of The China Breakthrough: Whitlam in the Middle Kingdom, 1971 (Monash University Publishing, 2012).

Alan Williams is an archaeologist and PhD student at the Australian National University, and manager at Archaeological and Heritage Management Solutions Pty Ltd. He has over 15 academic publications and 100 consulting reports to his name, with a focus in his research on the investigation of Aboriginal archaeology and climate change across Australia.

When: 12 November 2013, 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Where: History House, 133 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Cost: $10 members, $12 non-members
Bookings: (02) 9247 8001 or email RAHS


6. Information re: forthcoming Anzac Centenary 2014-2018

Victoria’s Anzac Centenary Committee

Did you know that Victoria has an Anzac Centenary Committee chaired by Hon. Ted Baillieu MLA? 

Victoria’s Anzac Centenary Website

There is now a Victorian website for the Anzac Centenary containing information about the centenary and proposed projects. Community groups can list upcoming events, and people can upload their stories, images and memories. 

Grants for Restoring Community War Memorials and Avenues of Honour

The Restoring Community War Memorials and Avenues of Honour Grants Program is now open for applications. For the first time this grants program is offering funding for avenues of honour. Grants of up to $20,000 are available. 

Soldier Settlement Records

The Victorian Government intends to digitise the records of Victoria’s WWI soldier settlers. There were 11,639 returned soldiers who took up blocks of land in Victoria after World War One. 

For more information about the Anzac Centenary in Victoria, contact Veterans Affairs by email.


7. “The Art Deco Sculpture of Rayner Hoff and His School” talk, Sydney

The Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW presents an illustrated talk by Lorainne Kypiotis (MA. BA. Dip Ed.) about Rayner Hoff, the most successful public sculptor of his era. In the decades between the wars, Rayner Hoff became responsible for perhaps the only instance of coherent group production in Australia, enlisting members of his “school” from the ranks of the predominantly female students of East Sydney Technical College.

Date & Time: Friday 22 November 2013,  7.15-10.15pm

Venue: Australian Institute of Architects auditorium at TUSCULUM, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point

Click here for booking and pricing details.


8. ICCROM survey opportunity

How you see us is very important, especially when evaluating which services we would like to offer to you, our audience.

With the information that we are gathering in this survey, we would like to improve the way we connect with you online and measure the feasibility of a possible web-based “ICCROM Association”.

Please help us by taking 10 minutes to fill out this survey. We will publish the results on the ICCROM website.

As a token of thanks, you can enter in a free prize draw to win one of 10 USB keys with the complete ICCROM Conservation Studies series of publications in PDF. Your name and email will only be used to contact the lucky winners after 8 November 2013.


9. IPHC conference, Denmark, 2014 – SECOND (& altered) call for papers

ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee Meeting & Open Conference
“The Future of Polar Heritage:
Environmental challenges in the face of climate change: detection and response”
Copenhagen, Denmark
25-28 May 2014

The ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) is holding its next meeting and open conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 25th – 28th 2014.

The IPHC 2014 conference will be held at and hosted by the National Museum of Denmark in association with the Greenland National Museum.

The focus of the conference will be to bring together interested parties to discuss the future of polar heritage. The conference theme is about addressing environmental challenges in the face of climate change – how do we detect and respond to those changes.

The conference is open to heritage specialists, scientists, researchers, educators and students as well as participants from government, local community and industry. The formal AGM of the IPHC will be open to IPHC members only.

Abstract deadline: 20 November 2013.

For more information download the IPHC Conference 2014 Second & Final Call for Papers.


10. Bushfire-inspired art and photography on show at Port Arthur, media release, PAHSMA

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, dated 30 October 2013.

On January 4th, 2013, bushfire raged through the communities of Forcett, Dunalley and the Forestier and Tasman Peninsulas, devouring almost everything in its path. It was an unforgiving and relentless firestorm, fickle to the whim of the wind, a ferocious inferno leaving destruction and chaos in its wake. When it finally ran out of puff it left a community desolate and devastated ‐ changing the community’s internal and external landscapes forever.

The Port Arthur Historic Site played a central role in the drama, feeding and sheltering stranded visitors and evacuated locals over several days until they were able to return home or continue their journeys. The Historic Site and the Arthur Highway, the only road in and out of the region, were both closed for around ten days until the emergency was over.

The Out of the Ashes Photography & Art Exhibition not only documents the devastation and recovery, it is also a testament to the strength of the community, the resilience of the human spirit and the healing power of the creative process. Its aim was to provide members of the Forestier and Tasman communities with an opportunity for creative expression.

Each image is also accompanied by a short descriptive paragraph or story that firmly roots the image in the experience and adds another dimension to the exhibition. The images take us on a literal and/or symbolic journey; the short stories an intimate personal journey.

The Out of the Ashes Exhibition showcases photographic images from members of the community, drawings from children evacuated at Port Arthur Historic site and art works by respected local artists Jill Harris, Kris Schaffer and Cate Foley Burke and jeweller Sally Ferrar.

The Port Arthur Historic Site is delighted to have the opportunity to host the exhibition, which will open on Thursday evening, 31 October and be on display at the Asylum, from 1 November until 1 December, 2013. It will also be on display at Dunalley during December and January and a statewide tour is in the offing from March.

More information about the exhibition


11. Researching the history of your house workshop, Perth, Saturday 2 November

Researching the history of your house workshop
Saturday 2 November, 10am – 12 noon
City of Vincent Library and Local History Centre

When was your house built? Has the house been altered over the years? A workshop presented by Kris Bizzaca (Historian) with the City of Vincent Local History & Heritage staff will guide you through how to search the history of your house. Original archive building plans of your house will be accessed for free at the workshop if the plans are available.

There are limited spaces, so get your registration in quickly by RSVPing using the details below.

Email: email Local History or email Heritage
Phone: (08) 9273 6534 or (08) 9273 6069


12. Interpretation Australia’s National Masters workshop, 21 November, Sydney

Interpretation Australia’s National Masters workshop
21 November 2013, 9am-3pm
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney

Further information is available by clicking here. Read about the amazing line-up of provocative speakers – and register for both the National Masters Workshop and all the networking opportunities clustered around it… including a great field trip on Friday 22 November (limited places).


13. Invitation to launch of NSW Heritage Network Inc Community Guide for Saving Heritage

You are cordially Invited to the Launch of the NSW Heritage Network Inc Community Guide for Saving Heritage

Date & Time: 11.30am, 10 November 2013
Venue: Linnwood House, 25 Byron Road, Guildford, NSW

RSVP by email by 7 November 2013

Refreshments available at reasonable cost, visit the Heritage Listed House built 1891 by George and Susan McCredie. Nearest Railway Station Guildford.


14. The Johnston Collection – What’s On in November

Click here to read the latest news from the Johnston Collection.


15. SAHC2014 conference, Mexico, October 2014 – call for papers

2014 International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC2014)
Mexico City, Mexico
15 – 17 October 2014

One day pre-conference course will be offered.

The abstract submission will be via the website.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: 15 November 2013
  • Notification of provisional acceptance: 15 January 2014
  • Manuscript submission for Review: 15 April 2014
  • Notification of final acceptance: 30 May 2014
  • Submission of final manuscript: 30 June 2014

Conference General Contact

Chairman: Fernando Peña – email 

Further information is available at the conference website.


16. Publication on architecture and engineering of the Royal Navy’s bases

Support for the Fleet – Architecture and Engineering of the Royal Navy’s Bases 1700-1914
by Jonathan Coad

(ISBN 978-1-84802-055-9)

This major new book traces for the first time the architectural and engineering works in the Royal Navy’s shore bases at home and overseas and the political imperatives and technologies that helped shape them up to the First World War.

Based on detailed archival research, it concentrates on the remarkable legacy of surviving structures. The varied requirements of the sailing navy and its steam-driven successor are reflected in successive dockyard remodellings and expansions. The book reveals the close links that developed with a rapidly industrialising Britain at the end of the eighteenth century, showing contributions of figures such as Samuel Bentham, Thomas Telford, Henry Maudslay, the Rennies, the Jessops and James Watt.

Click here or view the Support for the Fleet leaflet for more information.


17. ‘Stucco’ specialist now residing in Melbourne

Mr Salvatore Russo, recently moved from Italy to Melbourne, Australia, is a 30 year veteran in ‘Stucco’. More specifically, its physical application amongst Italy’s vast landscape of Grande Architecture.

Highly acclaimed for his knowledge and work in the restoration and conservation of Historic buildings and monuments, his references even contain the names of some of the world’s most famous places, such as The Vatican.

Mr Russo is committed to sharing his specialist knowledge and decades of experience so Australia is not left behind the rest of the world in methods of Restoration and Preservation of our Historic Architecture. Please feel free to contact Mr Russo for a quote. All work welcome.

He is also is open to any invitation to teach restoration methods that are leading edge and used in the world today, and share with Australia the most effective processes and optimal materials used in the application of this technique simply known as Stucco.

To contact Mr Salvatore Russo, please send emails to this address.


18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


19. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter

To download the latest issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.


20. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Practice Manager, Rappoport Pty Ltd (Sydney)

Opportunity for the right Candidate


  • Great career opportunity
  • Medium-sized Heritage Consultancy Practice

Rappoport Pty Ltd – cultural heritage practitioners based in metropolitan Sydney is looking for an enthusiastic self-motived practice manager with minimum15 years’ experience in a medium-size consultancy firm consisting of 10 staff.

Your duties will include meeting clients, tendering for work, providing fee proposals, organising staff, allocating work, establishing benchmark standards in the office, meeting deadlines, responding to business opportunities and monitoring jobs and staff progress.

If you are thinking long-term and see a future for yourself at a senior level in our practice, then we invite you to apply. Utmost will be your managerial skills, enthusiasm, long-term commitment and willingness to both grow the company and collaborate with clients and staff in order to maintain the company’s good reputation and standards.

Salary package will be negotiable, commensurate with experience and skills.

Rappoport is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes all suitable applicants.

Please email your resume or for a confidential discussion/enquiries regarding this position, please contact Sue Rosenberg on 0412 486 777 or email Sue.

Closing date for applications is Friday 15 November 2013.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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