Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference – Sponsor for student poster prize sought
Tasmanian Heritage Council – Expressions of Interest invited
Book Launch, Perth – Western Building Construction: Roofs
ACT Council – Expressions of Interest invited
DOCOMOMO / Australia ICOMOS / AIA NSW Chapter – Sydney Talk Series (24 September)
Upcoming heritage symposia at University of Melbourne: Asian Heritage & Sustainability
ASHA 2013 conference, NSW – program available & registration open
Fremantle Studies Day event, Fremantle, 27 October
Vicomite event in October: Guided tour of exhibition Free, secular & democratic: building the Public Library 1853–1913
2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Hawaii – call for papers extended to 15 October 2013
Concern over NSW Planning Legislation Reform – a temporary reprieve
Long-term collaboration at Female Factory recognised
International Conference on the Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage, Korea, 2014
Broome’s Sailmaker’s Shed wins UNESCO award
CHINA Inc. conference, Cairns – call for papers
New post-graduate degrees in arts and museum studies at USyd
Winners of 2013 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards announced
Museums Australia (WA) conference, Fremantle – registration open
Local Government Heritage Workshop (VIC) – save the date: 22 November
CyArk 500 Launch and Conference is approaching!
News from ICCROM
SITUATION VACANT Director of Heritage Conservation Program/Senior Lecturer,University of Sydney
SITUATION WANTED Heritage Consultant seeking employment
1. Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference – Sponsor for student poster prize sought
imagined pasts… imagined futures…
Australia ICOMOS 2013 National Conference—Centenary of Canberra
Thursday 31 October – Sunday 3 November 2013
The 2013 Conference Committee is seeking a sponsor for the prize for best student poster, in the amount of $500, all of which will be passed directly on to student who wins the prize. The prize will be named for the sponsor and announced at the conference dinner, to be held on Saturday 2 November night.
Prospective sponsors should contact Bradley Hayden via email with an expression of interest.
2. Tasmanian Heritage Council – Expressions of Interest invited
Expressions of Interest are being sought by Brian Wightman MP, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage to fill two vacancies on the Tasmanian Heritage Council.
The Tasmanian Heritage Council is responsible for ensuring the sound statutory protection and management of places of historic cultural heritage significance, maintaining the Tasmanian Heritage Register and implementing the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995.
The Act requires the appointees to have expertise in the areas of Architecture, Archaeology, Building Surveying or Engineering.
These two appointments are for a three year term and take effect from 1 January 2014. Applicants must complete an Application Cover Sheet, provide a statement that addresses each of the selection criteria and provide a copy of their Curriculum Vitae.
Interested individuals should lodge their Expression of Interest with Ms Michele Moseley:
by post:
- Ms Michele Moseley
Deputy Secretary (Agriculture, Corporate and Heritage)
GPO Box 44
Hobart, TAS 7001
or by email:
by close of business Friday 27 September 2013.
Please visit the Heritage Tasmania website for further information.
3. Book Launch, Perth – Western Building Construction: Roofs
The publication Western Building Construction: Roofs by Ingrid van Bremen will be officially launched by The Hon Albert Jacob MLA, Minister for Environment; Heritage on 17 October 2013 at the National Trust of Australia (WA). Published by the National Trust with support from UWA ALVA, this book is the first in a series about the evolution of building construction in WA and is an essential background to the conservation of significant buildings.
Date: Thursday 17 October 2013
Time: 5.00pm-7.00pm
Location: National Trust of Australia (WA), 4 Havelock St, West Perth
Please RSVP by emailing NT (WA) or phone (08) 9321 6088. Download the Book Launch Invite – Western Building Construction Roofs.
Western Building Construction: Roofs by Ingrid van Bremen
This publication is the first in a series that aims to provide an introduction to the evolution of building construction in Western Australia as essential background to the conservation of significant buildings. The series will cover the construction systems of Roofs, Walls, and Floors that were in use during the first 100 years of development from the settlement of Western Australia in 1829. This first volume on Roofs is set out in two chapters dealing with roof structures and roof coverings. The main text is referenced and extensively illustrated with pages of figures: including photographs, diagrams and construction drawings, descriptions and specifications over 200 pages with additional detailed descriptions of roof repair and restoration work carried out on a selection of significant buildings are included in an Appendix Volume of 100 pages as a pdf file on CD included at the back of the book.
Western Building Construction: Roofs can be purchased from the National Trust’s online shop.
4. ACT Council – Expressions of Interest invited
The ACT Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development is inviting people to express interest in appointment to the ACT Heritage Council (the Council) against a range of expert disciplines and public representation.
Further information will be available from the ACT Heritage website from Friday 20 September.
Expressions of interest are invited from persons in the ACT region who may be interested in being considered for appointment to the ACT Heritage Council.
The Council is an independent body established under the Heritage Act 2004. The Council’s role includes, among other functions, identification and assessment of nominations to the ACT Heritage Register and provision of advice on appropriate conservation of cultural, natural and Aboriginal heritage places and objects in the ACT.
To be eligible for appointment applicants must demonstrate relevant expertise in disciplines relating to Aboriginal culture, Aboriginal history, archaeology, engineering, history, nature conservation, object conservation, town planning and urban design. Alternatively, the Minister is also seeking Expression of Interest from people who represent the Aboriginal community; or the property ownership, management and development sector.
There are six vacancies that require filling from May and June 2014.
Application forms are available on the ACT Heritage website or by contacting the Heritage Unit on 13 22 81 or by emailing ACT Heritage.
Applications must also be accompanied by a brief letter outlining suitability for appointment and a current CV.
Applications will be kept on a register for three years and should vacancies occur the Minister may use this register to appoint new members.
Applications close on Friday 18 October 2013.
5. DOCOMOMO / Australia ICOMOS / AIA NSW Chapter – Sydney Talk Series (24 September)
Implementation of the new UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in Asia
presented by Ron van Oers (PhD), Vice Director, (WHITRAP**), Shanghai, China
After a policy process that lasted 6 years, UNESCO’s General Conference adopted on 10 November 2011 the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, a new international instrument that aims to facilitate the integration of the different disciplines for the analysis and planning of the urban conservation process, in order not to separate it from the planning and development of the contemporary city. At its adoption the General Conference requested to be informed of the countries and cities that have been working with this new instrument, its usefulness and the first results. UNESCO Headquarters in Paris has decentralized this important task to WHITRAP in Shanghai, which will take the lead in assembling a comprehensive report to UNESCO’s General Conference, which is due for October 2017, with regular updates before that to its Executive Board.
** WHITRAP = World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for Asia and the Pacific
For further information about this event, see the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in Asia (Ron van Oers) talk flier.
Members of the public are welcome!
Time & Date: Tuesday 24 September 2013, 6.00pm for 6.30pm start
Cost: Members $7, non-members $12 payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided
Venue: Tusculum, NSW Chapter, Australian Institute of Architects, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point, 2011
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note RSVP is essential as places are limited
6. Upcoming heritage symposia at University of Melbourne: Asian Heritage & Sustainability
The Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne is offering two symposia on heritage-related topics in October:
Traditionalism, Colonialism and Modernism: Asian Heritage Transformed, 2-4 October
Drawing on the expertise of researchers, designers and advocates from across South East Asia and Australia this two day symposium will examine recent trajectories in heritage practice, teaching and thinking in Asia. It will focus on the conservation of buildings as well as the wider context of urban and cultural heritage and will address the immediate challenges confronting the field today.
Full participation: $65
One day participation: $40
Student rate is $30 for two days
For a full program and to register, click here.
Heritage Conservation as Environmental Conservation, 17 October
In recent times it has been common to hear designers, environmental advocates and others declaiming against older buildings based on their poor environmental performance. At the same time, heritage advocates have embraced the idea of embodied energy and made bold claims on behalf of the environmental benefits of preserving older buildings rather than replacing them. These seemingly contradictory perspectives have produced some confusion and recently heritage authorities in Australia have taken a keen interest in assessing the various claims and understanding the different arguments.
This half day symposium will provide an opportunity for architects, heritage consultants, municipal planners, capital managers and other built environment professionals, to discuss the principles and practices involved in assessing building environmental performance and the influence that the conservation of older buildings can have on protecting the environment.
This is a free public event coordinated by Dr. Robert Crawford and supported by the Heritage Council of Victoria.
For a list of speakers and to register, click here.
7. ASHA 2013 conference, NSW – program available & registration open
2013 Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) conference
Archaeological Narratives: In and of the City
The 2013 Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) conference is being held at the Former Kings School in Parramatta, NSW on 5 and 6 October 2013. Parramatta is Australia’s second oldest city, part of the World Heritage Convict Sites Listing and home to a significant Aboriginal and historical archaeological resource which is increasingly threatened by fast paced urban development.
The conference theme is designed to highlight the archaeology of urban places and returns the conference to its roots with a focus on all aspects of archaeological practice.
Details on the conference sessions and program can be found at the conference website.
8. Fremantle Studies Day event, Fremantle, 27 October
Images & evidence of early Fremantle life
Sunday 27 October 2013
Registration from 1pm
Papers 1.30 – 5.00pm (afternoon tea included)
Artillery Barracks in Burt Street, Fremantle
$12 members
$15 non-‐members
(join on the day for member’s prices)
Essential, by 22 October, to (08) 9430 6096, 0403 026 096 or to Dianne Davidson via email.
For further information, see the Fremantle Studies Day poster.
9. Vicomite event in October: Guided tour of exhibition Free, secular & democratic: building the Public Library 1853–1913
A special opportunity! Harriet Edquist, Professor of Architectural History at RMIT, Director of RMIT Design Archives and curator of this exhibition, will lead a special tour for ICOMOS members.
Free, secular and democratic tells the story of this grand vision of the Melbourne Public Library (now the State Library of Victoria), and its legacy today. It examines the building’s architecture, including the beautiful Queen’s Hall and domed reading room, and reveals how the Library’s collection was developed.
Following the tour will be a chance to socialise over a casual pizza dinner at Kaprica, 19 Lincoln Square South (just off Swanston Street), Carlton.
The tour will take place on Thursday 17 October, starting at 5.30 pm (meet in the foyer of the State Library). Dinner will be at 7 pm.
The tour is free, but RSVPs are essential. Please note, the event is only open to ICOMOS members (as well as this year’s Victorian mentees).
Please RSVP to Australia ICOMOS by Wednesday 9 October – please ensure you indicate if you will attend: the tour, the dinner, or both.
10. 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Hawaii – call for papers extended to 15 October 2013
2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage
Honolulu, Hawaii
12-16 May 2014
The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and University of Hawaii are hosting the 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage in Honolulu, Hawaii in May 2014.
Call for papers extended to 15 October 2013
Download the 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Conference session list
The 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (UNESCO Convention 2001) entered into force on 2 January 2009 and now provides a basis for international cooperation and exchange of knowledge about underwater cultural heritage. Recent decades have witnessed an expansion of activity directed at underwater cultural heritage which has raised awareness of its potential and significance. Underwater cultural heritage is complex, combining related disciplines and issues critical to our time. Consideration of indigenous cultural values, heritage tourism, biological interactions, socio-economic benefits, and threats from increased development, industrial extraction, certain diving activities, and even sea-level rise and erosion, continue to shape our understanding of this field. Our reliance on marine resources and need for ocean stewardship encourages government agencies, heritage groups, coastal zone managers, diving groups and other ocean users to formulate a better approach to investigating and managing non-renewable underwater cultural heritage. This conference provides an opportunity to discuss the nature and meaning and potential of underwater cultural heritage, and to exchange and disseminate information about heritage and underwater/maritime archaeology projects from the countries of Asia and the countries of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
This Conference is sponsored by: National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, UNESCO Office for the Pacific States, Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology. Potential sponsors include: Bureau of Ocean Energy and Management, Australian National Commission for UNESCO, the Australian Federal government’s Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC), the Wenner-Gren Foundation, SEAMEO-SPAFA, the Korean National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage, and more.
Conference Aims
- address management and protection strategies of underwater cultural heritage in Asia and the countries of the Indian and Pacific Oceans in the 21st Century
- facilitate regional cooperation through the development of academic and governmental networks in the Asia-Pacific region
- provide a forum for discussion of technical and ethical issues related to underwater cultural heritage and underwater archaeology
For further information please visit the conference website.
11. Concern over NSW Planning Legislation Reform – a temporary reprieve
NSW Planning Minister Hazzard announced on Wednesday 18 September that the introduction of the NSW Planning Bills to Parliament has been delayed until 15 October 2013 (ie. the next session of Parliament), to address public concerns about the legislation. This is good news, as Australia ICOMOS was one of many who wrote to the Premier about this matter with many distinguished co- signatories to our letter. However, the position of ICOMOS and others continues to be that this legislation requires a complete re-write to make it a sound, balanced and visionary planning system that NSW requires. Considerable work is required with all the key stakeholders using feedback from the thousands of submissions made on the Green and White Papers to ensure – among many issues – that character and heritage retention in existing traditional suburbs and towns is addressed.
ICOMOS members may wish to view information on the Better Planning Network site, and sign a current petition that calls for the withdrawal of these bills. ICOMOS hopes we will be allowed the opportunity to comment on the revisions or amended legislation prior to it going to Parliament.
Elizabeth Vines OAM
President Australia ICOMOS
12. Long-term collaboration at Female Factory recognised
The long-standing collaboration between the Cascades Female Factory Historic Site and Dr Christina Henri’s Roses from the Heart project has been recognised with the Creative Partnerships SME Award, presented recently at Government House in Hobart.
Christina Henri conceived the Roses from the Heart project after visiting the World Heritage-listed Cascades Female Factory, the best-preserved convict women’s prison site in Australia.
The project has invited people to make a cloth bonnet in memory of the life of a convict woman. Over 23,000 bonnets have been sent from around the world, linking the local community to the global community, and supporting convict women’s heritage.
Click on the link below to read the entire media release
13. International Conference on the Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage, Korea, 2014
International Conference on the Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage
Kongju University, Korea
20 – 23 May 2014
The upcoming International Conference on the Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage at Kongju University in Korea, to be held on 20-23 May 2014, is being co-hosted by the following ICOMOS International Scientific Committees: International Scientific Committee for Stone, International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage, International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage and International Committee on Heritage Documentation.
Deadline for abstracts has been extended to end of September 2013.For further information, visit the conference website.
14. Broome’s Sailmaker’s Shed wins UNESCO award
The Sailmaker’s Shed in Broome had been awarded an Honourable Mention in the prestigious international UNESCO awards.
Click here to read more.
15. CHINA Inc. conference, Cairns – call for papers
Chinese Heritage In North Australia Incorporated (CHINA Inc.)
The 5th “no fuss” Conference
“Northern Links: Chinese Networks and Nation”
Cairns, North Queensland
22 – 23 February 2014
Chinese history and heritage researchers, archaeologists, academics, museum and collection managers, family history researchers and genealogists are invited to submit Abstracts for papers for the fifth biennial “no fuss” conference presented by CHINA INC.
Proposed papers may be broad based but should reflect on Chinese in northern Australia and the conference theme “Northern Links: Chinese Networks and Nation” with its underlying aim to demonstrate the connections between northern Australia, nation and the Pacific region.
Abstracts should be submitted by email to conference organisers by the 25 October 2013. Abstracts (300–500 words) should include the title of the proposed paper, author/s name, institution or affiliations (if any), contact details and a brief biography about each author. We encourage attendance and participation by emerging scholars for whom it is a great presentation opportunity and warmly welcome family historians and genealogists to whom we have dedicated a session on Chinese families and Chinese family history.
We will let you know by email whether your proposal has been successful.
If you would like to present a paper or attend the conference, please email an expression of interest to this email address.
For general enquiries and correspondence you can also contact:
Secretary, Chinese Heritage in Northern Australia Inc
Dr Kevin Rains
5 Railway Street
email Kevin
President, Sandi Robb
email Sandra
Further details will soon be published on the CHINA Inc website.
CHINA INC is a ‘not for profit’ organisation committed to researching, promoting and presenting Chinese history and heritage from across Northern Australia.
16. New post-graduate degrees in arts and museum studies at USyd
The University of Sydney (USyd) has launched five new postgraduate degrees including a Masters of Art Curating and a Masters of Museum and Heritage Studies.
The courses, which are between 18 and 24 months in length, have been developed through extensive industry research.
‘These new master’s programs are a clear commitment to providing students with an outstanding educational experience and the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and hone their skills,’ said Professor Duncan Ivison, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
The Master of Art Curating is the first of its kind in Australia. The course is collaboratively designed and taught by the Department of Art History and Film Studies and the Sydney College of the Arts. The course aims to prepare students for a career in art curation or as a gallery professional, and has a focus on non-traditional art spaces such as pop-up galleries and festivals. The course also offers the option of two structured internship placements.
‘We’ll teach both on campus and in museums and galleries, giving graduates exposure to leaders in the field and valuable industry contacts,’ says program coordinator Dr Catriona Moore.
The Masters of Museum and Heritage studies will utilise the University of Sydney’s ties with Art Gallery of NSW, the Australian Museum, the National Maritime Museum, the Historic Houses Trust and the Powerhouse Museum. The course will look at the management and conservation of objects and heritage places.
‘It is designed to equip our graduates with professional and practical knowledge and experience,’ says Dr Annie Clarke, program coordinator of the Master of Museum and Heritage Studies. ‘All of the things you will learn in this course have real-life applications in the world of museums and the growing area of local and global heritage.’
The university also launched a Master of English Studies in which students will study the relevance of literature in society today. The course also includes electives only previously available to those studying creative writing studies such as contemporary poetry, fiction, and screenwriting.
The University of Sydney’s Arts and Social Sciences Faculty has been ranked among the top 40 faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences in the world by the Times Higher Education and QS Leagues table from 2006-2012.
Also launched were the Masters of Economic Analysis and the Masters of International Relations. For more information on any of the courses visit the University of Sydney’s new degree page.
17. Winners of 2013 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards announced
In June this year a panel of international conservation experts was convened to review and deliberate on the 47 entries received from 16 countries across the Asia-Pacific region. “We were particularly encouraged to see our broadest ever geographical range this year, spanning from the Cook Islands in the Eastern Pacific Ocean to the Islamic Republic of Iran at the far end of West Asia”, comments Tim Curtis, Chair of the Jury and Chief of the Culture Unit, UNESCO Bangkok.
The restoration of the principal chedi (reliquary stupa) in Wat Prayurawongsawas Worawihan temple in Bangkok, Thailand has been honoured with the Award of Excellence in the 2013 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The award recognizes the work undertaken on the Phra Borommathat Maha Chedi and the attached hall, Pharin Pariyattithammasala, for its technical achievement and for the outstanding social impact sparked by the conservation project.
For details on other Award recipients, visit the UNESCO Bankok website.
18. Museums Australia (WA) conference, Fremantle – registration open
Museums Australia (WA) State Conference
Through the Door
3-4 October 2013
Registration is now open for the Museums Australia (WA) State Conference taking place on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 October at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle.
The annual state conference is the highlight of our professional development calendar. The conference offers a variety of presentation formats and networking opportunities.
This year we focus on the museum as public space: issues involved with the creation of an enticing, user-friendly and informative environment, enabling tangible connections between audience and collection. Those issues can include relevance, accessibility, presentation and the provision of authentic contexts.
The conference agenda will explore ways of enhancing the visitor experience by looking at what museums do well: for example they offer valuable informal environments where families and friends can meet, linger and learn; and they house a treasure trove of primary source material both historical and contemporary. Museums can lead the way in strengthening the ownership of a communal heritage, in celebrating human endeavour and drawing attention to extraordinary objects and events. Perhaps, most importantly – museums can encourage their audiences to discuss and question the existing ways in which we view our world.
Increasingly, opportunities for creating great museum spaces lie in the critical connectivity between museums and society: building networks through collaboration; using a contextual approach to exhibition development by immersing collections and exhibitions within community interests, events and activities; and harnessing the continuing pressure of popular cultural trends on the contemporary museum environment.
For further information, visit the conference website.
19. Local Government Heritage Workshop (VIC) – save the date: 22 November
The next Heritage Victoria Local Government Heritage Workshop for heritage advisors and planners will be held in November.
This follows the main annual workshop held this year in May at Ballarat.
Friday 22 November
1 Spring Street, Melbourne
More information will follow as it comes to hand.
20. CyArk 500 Launch and Conference is approaching!
Only 33 days remain until the official launch of the CyArk 500 Challenge. Join ambassadors and cultural counselors from 14 countries including Chile, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Jordan, the United States, and Turkey at the Tower of London.
Connect with chief executives and leaders from major organizations including ICOMOS, the Blue Shield ,Google, BP, Autodesk, Historic Scotland, English Heritage, Historic Royal Palaces, the Smithsonian, the Architectural Heritage Fund, the Heritage Lottery Fund, and the Prince’s Regeneration Trust.
See the latest in technologies from sponsors Iron Mountain, FARO, RIEGL, and Leica Geosystems.
Engage with expert speakers and presenters from around the world as they discuss the challenges facing cultural heritage sites, the technologies now available, and the benefits beyond simple documentation.
For more information, visit the CyArk 500 Launch & Conference website, or email Devon Haynes.
21. News from ICCROM
To view latest news from ICCROM, click here.
22. SITUATION VACANT Director of Heritage Conservation Program/Senior Lecturer,University of Sydney
The Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning is seeking a highly ambitious new program Director to join our team and consolidate our reputation as a centre for heritage conservation that makes a real difference to the field and what it offers. You will be undertaking highly innovative work, which is receiving international acknowledgement for its innovation, insight, experimentation or advancement of heritage architecture, heritage conservation, heritage preservation or adaptive reuse and design of heritage buildings.
All applications must be submitted via the University of Sydney careers website. Visit the Recruitment section of the Uni of Sydney website and search by the reference number for more information and to apply.
CLOSING DATE: 17 October 2013 (11.30pm Sydney time)
Further information is available in the Director of Heritage Conservation Program-Senior Lecturer PD.
23. SITUATION WANTED Heritage Consultant seeking employment
I (Sam Jackson) am currently seeking suitable roles in Australia and would be interested in hearing from you if your firm is looking to hire anyone in this field at the moment.
Most recently I have completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Conservation of Historic Buildings at Bath University in England (2012/13) (in which I scored a FIRST). My main strength is in the production of cultural heritage assessments, heritage and wider planning legislation and strategy, preparation of conservation management plans, heritage alterations advice, archival research, building condition reports, regeneration and statements of significance.
Prior to my recent degree, my career has primarily been in Property Development with 11 years of experience (9 years PQE) in development, planning and valuation. I have a wide range of development experience both as a development surveyor (Cluttons and Drivers Jonas – now part of Deloitte) and as a development manager for a developer and later for a building contractor. The latter role included a high degree of contract management and financial management. With regard to report writing, my time at Drivers Jonas and Cluttons (as development surveyor) involved a great deal of this type of work. I am therefore well versed at producing comprehensive, yet pithy reports with accurate and well considered advice.
Lastly, I am passionate about the restoration of historic buildings and am a member of the RICS’ Building Conservation Forum, of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and the National Trust, all in the UK.
Please email Sam Jackson directly to discuss any employment opportunities you may be able to offer.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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