New publication – Western Building Construction: Roofs by Ingrid van Bremen
Professional Development Opportunity (WA) – Western Building Construction: Roofs
Help us to shape the future of access to Ballarat’s historic collections and archives
DOCOMOMO / Australia ICOMOS / AIA NSW Chapter – Sydney Talk Series (24 September)
Heritage Council of WA eNews out now
Upcoming PLANET training course, Melbourne, 10 September 2013
“Canberra: An International Heritage Perspective”, public lecture, Canberra
CAA2014 Conference, Paris – program now available
2013 SAHANZ conference papers available online
New publication – The Munro Court Story
Royal Historical Society of Victoria’s 20th Annual Book Sale
APT NYC 2013: 21 Technical Papers Focus on Building Materials Plus More
SAHANZ 2014 conference – call for papers
News from CyArk
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
Quarantine: History, Heritage, Place conference, Sydney – call for papers deadline approaching
Museums Australia (WA) conference, Fremantle – registration open
SITUATIONS VACANT Various senior management positions, Heritage Division, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
imagined pasts… imagined futures…
Australia ICOMOS 2013 National Conference—Centenary of Canberra
Thursday 31 October – Sunday 3 November 2013
Register now for imagined pasts… imagined futures…, preliminary conference program now available! Early bird registration closes 13 September 2013.
Check out the conference website now for more information on fantastic keynote speakers, sessions and venues.
2. New publication – Western Building Construction: Roofs by Ingrid van Bremen
This publication is the first in a series that aims to provide an introduction to the evolution of building construction in Western Australia as essential background to the conservation of significant buildings. The series will cover the construction systems of Roofs, Walls, and Floors that were in use during the first 100 years of development from the settlement of Western Australia in 1829. This first volume on Roofs is set out in two chapters dealing with roof structures and roof coverings. The main text is referenced and extensively illustrated with pages of figures: including photographs, diagrams and construction drawings, descriptions and specifications over 200 pages with additional detailed descriptions of roof repair and restoration work carried out on a selection of significant buildings are included in an Appendix Volume of 100 pages as a pdf file on CD included at the back of the book.
Western Building Construction: Roofs can be purchased from the National Trust’s online shop.
3. Professional Development Opportunity (WA) – Western Building Construction: Roofs
The National Trust of Australia (WA) with support of Australia ICOMOS is presenting a master class which will show how an understanding of the evolution of building construction informs the conservation of significant roofs; from the assessment of significance to the development of appropriate repairs and maintenance schedules.
This master class consists of a three hour session involving a formal presentation of the subject based on the book: Western Building Construction. Roofs and a workshop style case study of the former Astronomer’s Residence (Old Observatory, West Perth) involving examination of documents and a visual inspection of the building itself.
Presented by Dr Ingrid van Bremen, author of the book, Honorary Research Fellow and lecturer in Conservation at UWA’s Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, and consultant architect in conservation; this workshop is for National Trust and ICOMOS members, and all those interested in the conservation of significant buildings in Western Australia, and the care and repair of roofs in particular.
Date: Saturday 21 September 2013
Time: 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Location: National Trust of Australia (WA), 4 Havelock St, West Perth (free parking available on site)
Cost: $65.00, which includes a copy of Western Building Construction: Roofs and afternoon tea; $10 discount for National Trust or ICOMOS members
RSVP essential with payment to reserve your place. Please confirm your attendance by email RSVP or phone (08) 9321 6088.
Download the Western Building Construction Roofs workshop flier.
4. Help us to shape the future of access to Ballarat’s historic collections and archives
Now’s your chance!! The City of Ballarat, Public Record Office Victoria and Regional Development Victoria are undertaking a needs analysis as part of the Accessing Our Regional Heritage project that will help shape the future of how we access Ballarat’s historic collections, records and archives.
Many institutions and organisations in Ballarat and the region hold a wealth of historical information. We invite feedback from professionals who access Ballarat and the region’s historic collections, archives and records to tell us what you want to help make your research easier and richer.
Click here to complete the survey. The survey closes on Tuesday 17 of September.
We value your feedback and all submissions will help shape the future of access to Ballarat’s historic collections.
5. DOCOMOMO / Australia ICOMOS / AIA NSW Chapter – Sydney Talk Series (24 September)
Implementation of the new UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in Asia
presented by Ron van Oers (PhD), Vice Director, (WHITRAP**), Shanghai, China
After a policy process that lasted 6 years, UNESCO’s General Conference adopted on 10 November 2011 the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, a new international instrument that aims to facilitate the integration of the different disciplines for the analysis and planning of the urban conservation process, in order not to separate it from the planning and development of the contemporary city. At its adoption the General Conference requested to be informed of the countries and cities that have been working with this new instrument, its usefulness and the first results. UNESCO Headquarters in Paris has decentralized this important task to WHITRAP in Shanghai, which will take the lead in assembling a comprehensive report to UNESCO’s General Conference, which is due for October 2017, with regular updates before that to its Executive Board.
** WHITRAP = World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for Asia and the Pacific
For further information about this event, see the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in Asia (Ron van Oers) talk flier.
Members of the public are welcome!
Time & Date: Tuesday 24 September 2013, 6.00pm for 6.30pm start
Cost: Members $7, non-members $12 payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided
Venue: Tusculum, NSW Chapter, Australian Institute of Architects, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point, 2011
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note RSVP is essential as places are limited
6. Heritage Council of WA eNews out now
Read the latest edition of Heritage Matters here.
7. Upcoming PLANET training course, Melbourne, 10 September 2013
Achieving green heritage
Part of the 2013 PLANET professional development and training program
The conservation of heritage places makes an important contribution to environmental sustainability.
The potential impact of climate change makes us more conscious regarding the way we build, the building material used, the water we harvest and the renewable energy products available to assist in heating and cooling.
This seminar investigates the most current direction in planning legislation and the Building Code of Australia to improve energy efficiency for heritage places. Some actions include optimising traditional building performance by reducing and monitoring energy usage and complying with relevant legislation.
This half day program outlines the issues relating to heritage significance and sustainability, through a presentation of the basic principles, as well as case studies of sustainable design measures under the heritage overlay.
Time & date: Tuesday 10 September 2013, 9.30am – 1.30pm
Cost: $220.00
3 PD points
For further information and to book, click here.
8. “Canberra: An International Heritage Perspective”, public lecture, Canberra
National Museum of Australia
and the Australian National University Humanities Research Centre present
A Public Lecture by urban heritage management specialist Dr Ron van Oers
Tuesday 17 September 2013, 6.00-7.00pm
Visions Theatre, National Museum of Australia
This is a free event but bookings are essential. For further information, see the Canberra – An International Heritage Perspective flier.
9. CAA2014 Conference, Paris – program now available
CAA2014 Conference
22 – 25 April 2014
Paris, France
The 42nd CAA2014 Conference will be held at the “Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – Institut d’art et d’archéologie”.
The CAA (Computers Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) is an international congress which has taken place every year for 40 years, the last being in Australia. This conference brings together hundreds of participants and works on the principle of parallel sessions and workshops or roundtables.
For details on the conference program, visit the conference website.
10. 2013 SAHANZ conference papers available online
The papers presented at Open, the 30th annual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), are now available online.
Print proceedings will shortly be dispatched to institutional SAHANZ subscribers and to those who placed orders with their conference registration. Orders may still be made using the conference registration form. Proceedings will remain available at the advertised price of A$66 (incl GST) while stock from the first print run lasts. (A print on demand cost will be determined when the initial stock is exhausted.)
11. New publication – The Munro Court Story
In The Munro Court Story: an Australian housing development of energy-smart houses in a water-wise gardens, Sue Turner tells the story of how this housing development in Castlemaine grew from her initial vision to completion in 2011.
The book details design concepts, landscaping philosophy, building process and the challenges and rewards of the project.
For further information and to purchase a copy, see The Munro Court Story flier.
12. Royal Historical Society of Victoria’s 20th Annual Book Sale
Second hand book lovers and history buffs alike are invited to restock their bookshelves, as the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) presents their 20th Annual Book Sale.
A yearly fundraiser for the RHSV, the Book Sale is being held on Sunday 15 September from 10am – 3pm at A’Beckett St, Melbourne and will feature a treasure trove of pre-loved publications from the libraries of the well-read – with prices as low as $1.
The selection on offer includes second-hand, signed, rare and/or out of print editions in every subject imaginable, including:
- History
- Biographies
- Classics
- Australiana
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Children’s books
- Cooking
- Travel
- Geography
- Politics
- Art
The booksale will be held at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria in the former Australian Army Medical Corps Drill Hall – an impressive Art Deco space, listed on the Historic Buildings register for its state-wide architectural and historical significance.
So whether it be in honour of the history of books or simply to score a bargain, a visit to the 20th Annual Book Sale is a must for all!
Royal Historical Society of Victoria’s 20th Annual Book Sale
Date & Time
Sunday 15 September, 10am – 3pm
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne
Entry cost
t: (03) 9326 9288
e: email RHSV
About the RHSV
Formed in 1909, the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) is committed to collecting, researching and sharing an understanding of the history of Victoria. Housing the most extensive single information resource on the history of Melbourne and Victoria, collections are open Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm. The RHSV is a community organisation that relies on membership subscriptions. Join today and help promote and preserve the history of Victoria. You can also keep up to date with the past via RHSV’s Twitter and RHSV Facebook.
13. APT NYC 2013: 21 Technical Papers Focus on Building Materials Plus More
APT NYC 2013
11-15 October 2013
New York, NY
The Association for Preservation Technology (APT) International’s 2013 conference is approaching.
Interested in building materials? The testing and treatment of building materials are always popular sessions at APT Conferences, and some field sessions on the topic are already sold out (Field Session 11 on Terra Cotta and FS19 on Cast Iron Architecture) or have few remaining spaces (the workshop on Modern Metals).
But never fear! If you have yet to register, you will still find available workshops and 21 technical papers, including four student presentations, focusing on materials. Topics include masonry, metals, wood, finishes, and outdoor sculpture
Rates increase on Friday 6 September. Register today!
CS01 Unique Historic Masonry Technologies will be the focus of the first Materials session, and will include presentations about preserving ornamental precast concrete in Chicago and the structural analysis of 12th century gypsum bearing walls in Spain. CS05 Hanging On: Masonry Facade Preservation will also focus on masonry preservation issues, including stress relief in terra cotta facades, cavity-wall preservation, the challenges of recladding a deteriorated modern cavity wall, and the restoration of the Guaranty Building.
For those interested in masonry investigations, consider attending one of two pre-conference workshops. WS3 Choosing Tests and Evaluating Results for Historic Masonry Materials is a one-day intensive on Friday 11 October, allowing you to attend a field session, if desired, on Saturday. Workshop participants will learn the basics of masonry testing, the properties of historic masonry, and which tests are most relevant when evaluating historic buildings.
WS4 Hands-on Construction of “Guastavino” Thin Tile Vaults is an amazing opportunity that is unique to APT’s annual conference. Participants in this two day workshop on 11-12 October will not only learn how to construct a variety of thin-tile Guastavino vaults to gain a more complete understanding of this innovative construction type – but will put the theory into practice within the two days.
The preservation of historic metal is the focus of three papers in the session, CS13 – Historic Metals: What Can We Preserve? Papers will cover the restoration of ornamental sheet metal at the Rotunda at the University of Virginia, the restoration of a copper-plated cast-iron oriel window in Montreal, and best practices for cast-iron repair.
One paper in CS09 – Conserving Public Art in an Urban Environment also focuses on conservation issues related to metals: the corrosion of aluminum and stainless steel when used together in modern sculpture. This issue will also be of interest to those practitioners who work on curtain-wall construction.
14. SAHANZ 2014 conference – call for papers
The Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) will be holding its 2014 conference in Auckland, NZ.
The closing date for abstract submissions for this conference is 1 October 2013.
Details are available by clicking here.
15. News from CyArk
- Maptek Donates Data Sets of Aboriginal Rock Art to CyArk’s Archive
Through CyArk’s recently launched Data Donation program, Maptek has generously donated data sets from their scans of incredible Aboriginal rock art in Kakadu National Park. Located in Australia’s Northern Territory, this national park is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its natural beauty and archaeological importance, including cave paintings and rock art. CyArk is proud to include this fantastic data set in our archive. Read More»
- CyArk Announces Reduced Academic Rate for CyArk 500 Launch & Conference
Due to overwhelming interest, CyArk has established a new reduced Academic rate of £95. This heavily discounted rate is available to researchers, students, and professors within the heritage and technology fields. Spaces are limited, apply now»
- Scanning Complete at John Muir’s Home in Martinez, CA
As part of a transatlantic partnership between the US National Park Service, Historic Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, and the John Muir Birthplace Trust, this month CyArk conducted 3D laser scanning at John Muir’s home in Martinez, CA. Read about this special project, which will also involve the digital documentation of Muir’s birthplace in Dunbar, Scotland, and get the unique perspective of our intern, architecture student Lisa Barrett, who assisted with the on-site documentation in Martinez. Read More»
16. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
To download the latest issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
17. Quarantine: History, Heritage, Place conference, Sydney – call for papers deadline approaching
Quarantine: History, Heritage, Place
The Quarantine Station, Sydney, Australia
14 – 16 August 2014
Abstracts are invited from historians, geographers, heritage scholars and archaeologists for papers on:
- place-making and place-marking
- quarantine and dark tourism
- graffiti and incarceration
- shrine creation in places of isolation
- heritage, materiality and immateriality
- traces and spaces of disease
- landscapes of quarantine
Please send a 300 word abstract and a short CV for consideration to Peter Hobbins by email. See the Quarantine – history heritage place CALL FOR PAPERS.
Deadline: 16 September 2013
The practice of quarantine has always been grounded in contested locations. The history and heritage of quarantine stations and places of isolation the world over remain in these landscapes, as built environments and in artefacts. In this way, sites of segregation have been both enduring and ephemeral. These vestiges intersect in powerful ways with memory and history, but what is being invoked? Who – or what – were the actors bound up by quarantine regulations? How can the material, documentary, legislative and spatial heritage of quarantine help us untangle narratives of global movement that were interrupted by incarceration?
Encompassing people and pathogens, vectors and vessels, flora and fauna, this conference seeks new interpretations of the place of quarantine. Moving in scale from intimate marks made by internees to multi-site or cross-regional comparisons, we seek to bring together maritime histories of quarantine with analyses of the inland islands of terrestrial quarantine. Above all, we hope to prompt surprising and productive conversations between archaeologists, historians, cultural and human geographers, and heritage scholars.
This international conference builds from a large multidisciplinary investigation of more than 1,000 sandstone inscriptions that cover the stunning Quarantine Station in Sydney, Australia. This unique site will form our venue for the conference, inspiring themes that are both local and global: mark-making, isolation, identity, and place.
Keynote speakers
- Nadav Davidovitch, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Gareth Hoskins, Aberystwyth University
- Harold Mytum, University of Liverpool
- Nayan Shah, University of Southern California
- Alexandra Minna Stern, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of Sydney Organizing Committee: Alison Bashford, Annie Clarke, Ursula Frederick, Peter Hobbins.
Visit the Quarantine Project website.
18. Museums Australia (WA) conference, Fremantle – registration open
Museums Australia (WA) State Conference
Through the Door
3-4 October 2013
Registration is now open for the Museums Australia (WA) State Conference taking place on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 October at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle.
The annual state conference is the highlight of our professional development calendar. The conference offers a variety of presentation formats and networking opportunities.
This year we focus on the museum as public space: issues involved with the creation of an enticing, user-friendly and informative environment, enabling tangible connections between audience and collection. Those issues can include relevance, accessibility, presentation and the provision of authentic contexts.
The conference agenda will explore ways of enhancing the visitor experience by looking at what museums do well: for example they offer valuable informal environments where families and friends can meet, linger and learn; and they house a treasure trove of primary source material both historical and contemporary. Museums can lead the way in strengthening the ownership of a communal heritage, in celebrating human endeavour and drawing attention to extraordinary objects and events. Perhaps, most importantly – museums can encourage their audiences to discuss and question the existing ways in which we view our world.
Increasingly, opportunities for creating great museum spaces lie in the critical connectivity between museums and society: building networks through collaboration; using a contextual approach to exhibition development by immersing collections and exhibitions within community interests, events and activities; and harnessing the continuing pressure of popular cultural trends on the contemporary museum environment.
For further information, visit the conference website.
19. SITUATIONS VACANT Various senior management positions, Heritage Division, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
Following the commencement of the new Heritage Division within the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, the following senior management positions reporting to the Director are now being advertised externally. The Heritage Division brings together responsibilities for Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal and shared heritage within the portfolio of The Hon Robyn Parker MP, Minister for the Environment and Minister for Heritage.
Click on the links below for further information:
- Senior Manager, Policy and Strategy
- Manager Listings
- Manager Conservation
- Manager Region Metro NSW
- Manager Region Southern NSW
Closing date: Monday 9 September 2013
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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