Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes Symposium, Canberra, October 2013
Museum of Australian Gardening at Carrick Hill talk, presented by Richard Heathcote (NSW)
The ICOMOS Sessions event, Sydney
Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference: imagined pasts… imagined futures… – registration open & deadline for student posters extended
Port Arthur Talks, Thursday 8 August
Get inContact with heritage specialists
Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
Upcoming IPPHA courses for the remainder of 2013
Chair of Heritage Council Re-appointed – The Hon Mark Butler MP media release
Walter Burley Griffin Society events in Canberra this August
Japanese ‘Mother-Shipwreck’ Proteced for Future Generations – The Hon Mark Butler MP media release
Docomomo Australia Slide and Talk/Meeting event, Melbourne
Local government heritage workshop & seminar, Sydney
News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
DIY Heritage – communityheritage.net.au – The Hon Mark Butler & Daryl Melham MP media release
News from ICCROM
News from The Best in Heritage
News from US/ICOMOS
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism 2013/2014 Program of International Students Workshops
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect/Graduate, National Trust of Australia WA
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, London Borough of Havering (based in Romford, UK)
SITUATION VACANT Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, University of WA
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Project Manager, Mint Inc, Victoria
1. Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes Symposium, Canberra, October 2013
The symposium, Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes in the 21st Century Issues and Opportunities is being held on 31 October so that it dovetails into the Australia ICOMOS 2013 Conference. Over 20 international members of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes are attending.
Highly respected guest speakers will introduce the Australian and Pacific landscapes to our international Australian participants. Mr Wilfred Hicks and Dr Ken Mulvaney will discuss the heritage values of Burrup Peninsula, north-west Australia. Professor Bill Gammage will present on the Indigenous fire management of the Australian landscape. Professor Simon Habarle will introduce visitors to past climate change and the response of Pacific Island communities to that change and Dr Christine Cameron will provide an update on related Word Heritage matters.
Themes covered in the one day symposium are:
- Asia-Pacific issues including disaster management
- 21st Century issues for historic cultural landscapes and routes
- Historic urban landscapes and green urban systems
ICOMOS members and interested others are most welcome to attend
The one-day symposium will be held in the Sir Roland Wilson Conference Room at The Australian National University and will run from 8.30am to 5.30pm on Thursday 31 October. The cost of attending the symposium is $70 or $40 for full-time students. As seating is limited please confirm your attendance by contacting Juliet Ramsay by email or Timothy Hubbard by email.
2. Museum of Australian Gardening at Carrick Hill talk, presented by Richard Heathcote (NSW)
Richard Heathcote, Director of Carrick Hill Historic House and Garden, Springfield, South Australia introduces the Museum of Australian Gardening which is being established there.
Flower garden at Carrick Hill. Photograph by Stuart Read.
Based on the gift of a vast collection of historic garden tools, this is an exciting national resource.
The Old Mole was a passion and business run for over 14 years by Richard Bird and Lynne Walker of Armidale, collecting, sourcing and commissioning authentic reproductions and selling antique and quality garden tools. They closed the business in 2011, donating their collection of over 700 items to Carrick Hill, where Australia’s first gardening museum is being set up. Also donated were books, trade catalogues and ephemera. The museum will interpret the garden’s formation at Carrick Hill in the mid-20th century and allow for display, study and teaching of a wider aspect of Australian garden history. It will include design, plant selection and how gardening developed.
The Australian Garden History Society is developing an official relationship with the Australian Museum of Gardening for a five year period from 2013. The museum will re-introduce Carrick Hill’s productive gardens which with its orchard will be used as demonstration areas for classes.
Date: Wednesday 14 August, 6pm for 7pm start – 8.30pm finish. Preceded by a short Australian Garden History Society AGM.
Venue: Annie Wyatt Room, National Trust (NSW) Centre, Observatory Hill
Cost: AGHS members $20. Guests: $30 which includes light refreshments
Bookings: essential for catering purposes – email Jeanne Villani
- Payment confirms booking
- Payments must be made prior to the event:
* by cheque made out to Australian Garden History Society and mailed to |
* by internet bank transfer to: |
- Refunds for cancellations will not be made if less than 48 hours from the event.
More information is available at the Carrick Hill website or the AGHS website.
3. The ICOMOS Sessions event, Sydney
The ICOMOS Sessions is an initiation event for Young Professional members of ICOMOS, early career practitioners and potential members.
The aim of this event is to engage more actively with ICOMOS Young Professional members and early career practitioners, and increase the relationship/interaction between the membership base, as well as heritage practitioners who are interested in joining ICOMOS.
The idea of the event is to bring together early career practitioners and experienced AI members, to exchange knowledge and to help in developing their understanding of the principles and policies of Australia ICOMOS, in particular the application of best heritage practice, as well as adding to their competence in heritage management.
This is the first event of many to come, and Mary Knaggs and Kerime Danis wish to see you there. Please bring friends who are interested in joining ICOMOS.
For further information see the The ICOMOS Sessions – 7 Aug 2013 flier.
Should you have any questions on the event please do not hesitate to let Kerime or Mary know.
4. Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference: imagined pasts… imagined futures… – registration open & deadline for student posters extended
imagined pasts… imagined futures…
Australia ICOMOS 2013 National Conference—Centenary of Canberra
Thursday 31 October – Sunday 3 November 2013
‘Imagined pasts, imagined futures’ is an exciting multidisciplinary conference that coincides with the centenary of Canberra and the array of cultural activities, performances, exhibitions and events that are planned for Canberra in 2013.
Australia ICOMOS is partnering with the Museum of Australian Democracy in the unique setting of Old Parliament House to explore how heritage participates in the ‘imagined communities’ and ‘imagined geographies’ of nations and communities in a globalising world.
For further information visit the conference website.
To register, go to the Registration page.
Students take note!
The deadline for student poster abstracts has been extended to Saturday 24 August 2013. Click here for further information.
5. Port Arthur Talks, Thursday 8 August
Cold and wet: sealing in Antarctica in the 1820s
presented by Dr Michael Pearson AO
By the late 18th century sealing for fur seal skins had become a global industry. As new sealing grounds were located ships from Britain and the USA, in particular, moved in to exploit the rookeries. The South Shetland Islands, just off the Antarctic Peninsula south of Cape Horn, were discovered in 1819, and sealers flocked there, making the seals almost extinct by 1826.
When: Thursday 8 August 2013 at 5.30 p.m.
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room
More information on the event is available in the Cold and Wet (Port Arthur Talks) flier.
6. Get inContact with heritage specialists
inContact, a new online directory of heritage specialists, has been launched in WA.
A range of businesses are listed on inContact so finding the right heritage advice has never been easier.
It’s not too late to list your business on inContact. Visit inContact.
7. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.
Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat:
- Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
- Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates
For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website, or download the Australia ICOMOS 2013 Membership Application Form.
Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the August 2013 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 2 August 2013.
If further information is required, email the Membership Secretary, John Wadsley.
8. Upcoming IPPHA courses for the remainder of 2013
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) advises that there are still a few places left in the Port Arthur course, but it is filling fast! Act now if you want a place in this award winning course.
Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places
4-10 August 2013 at Port Arthur, Tasmania
An Advanced Professional Development Short Course presented by leading industry trainers Professor Sharon Sullivan And Dr Michael Pearson.
Part of a program awarded the ANU’s 2010 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Education. Course flyer attached.
Conservation, management and interpretation of cemeteries
28-31 August 2013 at the Australian National University
A two day Skills Development Workshop focusing on practical issues of identifying and managing the heritage values of cemeteries and graves, including a 1 day field trip to local cemeteries around Canberra.
Leading industry trainer, David Young, will conduct the course.
For online registrations go to the IPPHA website.
9. Chair of Heritage Council Re-appointed – The Hon Mark Butler MP media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Mark Butler, dated 30 July 2013.
Chair of Heritage Council Re-appointed
Federal Heritage Minister, Mark Butler, today announced the reappointment of Professor Carmen Lawrence as Chair of the Australian Heritage Council for a further three year term.
Mr Butler said he was pleased that Professor Lawrence will continue to provide leadership and advice to government as Chair of the Australian Heritage Council.
“During Professor Lawrence’s time as Chair, the Australian Heritage Council has been involved in some of Australia’s most significant national heritage listings, including our largest ever heritage listing, The West Kimberley in Western Australia,” Mr Butler said.
“In making my announcement I am also delighted to appoint three new members to the council, Ms Kate Cark, Dr Jak Ah Kit and Dr Jennifer Whinam. All three will bring extensive experience and expertise to their role as council members, particularly in the field of Indigenous heritage, ecology and botany, historic heritage and heritage management.”
Dr John Ah Kit has an honorary Doctorate from Charles Darwin University in 2009 for his contribution to Indigenous people, commitment to reconciliation and cross-cultural understanding. At this university, he was also the Chair of the Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Advisory Committee. Dr Ah Kit was the Northern Territory’s first Aboriginal Government Minister as the Minister assisting the Chief Minister on Indigenous Affairs.
Dr Jennifer Whinam is a Senior Ecologist for World Heritage Areas with the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks Water and Environment. Dr Whinam is recognised as an expert in her field and has authored and co-authored numerous publications related to botany, ecology and conservation management. Dr Whinam is the Senior Botanist on the Macquarie Island Research and Advisory Group, has worked in international and national research posts and is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra.
Ms Kate Clark is the Director of Sydney Living Museums and has extensive experience in heritage management, heritage economics, heritage policy and research across a broad spectrum of heritage activities. Ms Clark has over 20 years experience with heritage in the United Kingdom at senior levels with the UK Heritage Lottery Fund and English Heritage. Ms Clark has published widely on a variety of heritage-related topics and is also on the Grants Advisory Panel for the NSW Heritage Office.
“I look forward to working with the new council members as we move towards our 100th national heritage listing,” Mr Butler said.
“In welcoming new members to the council, I would also like to thank and acknowledge the work and contribution of our retiring members.
“Over the last six years Dr Elizabeth Mattiske, Mr Howard Tanner and Mr Rodney Dillon have made a remarkable contribution to the protection of Australia’s unique heritage. Their knowledge, experience and extensive networks across the national, international and Indigenous heritage community have enabled the Council to undertake its significant work with rigour, candour and professionalism,” Mr Butler said.
Media contact: Tim O’Halloran – 0409 059 617
10. Walter Burley Griffin Society events in Canberra this August
The Griffins’ Canberra 100 Years symposium, Canberra, 16 August 2013
Leading Griffin experts from USA, Germany and Australia will give presentations, at this half day symposium, about the influences and ideals that underpinned the Griffins’ internationally significant design for Canberra.
Date: Friday 16 August
Time: 12.45pm to 4.30pm
Venue: The Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science, Gordon Street, Canberra
Bookings essential: click here to make a booking
Please see the Griffin Symposium 2013 Invitation for further information.
The program and the speakers’ biographies are available at the Walter Burley Griffin Society website.
Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture (MMGL) 2013
The fifth annual MMGL will be presented by Caroline Pidcock, architect and Chair of the Living Future Institute Australia whose talk is titled The Magic of Australia.
Organised by the Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc. Proudly supported by the ACT Government Community Centenary Initiatives Fund.
Date: Thursday 15 August 2013
Time: 6.00pm
Venue: The Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science, Gordon Street, Canberra
Bookings essential: click here to make a booking
Please see the MMGL 2013 flier for further information.
National Library of Australia special viewing of Griffin material
By special arrangement with the Walter Burley Griffin Society, the National Library of Australia will put on view a selection of Griffin drawings, plans, documents and photographs from the Eric Milton Nicholls Collection acquired by the Library in 2006.
Date: Friday 16 August 2013
Time: 9.00am – 12.30pm
Venue: National Library of Australia
FREE event.
The Griffins’ Canberra Bus Tour
This tour of the Griffins’ Canberra will be led by Griffin scholar and President of the Walter Burley Griffin Society Professor James Weirick who will relate the inspirational story of the development of Canberra from sheep paddock to the national capital, the international competition, the Griffins’ vision and plans, political intrigue and bureaucratic intervention.
The tour will include visiting key locations such as Mt Ainslie, General Bridges’ tomb designed by Griffin at Duntroon and the summit of Mt Pleasant, looking at the Griffins’ land and water axes, their plans for a railway line and central station, urban centres and suburban ideals.
Organised by the Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc. Proudly supported by an Australian Government Your Community Heritage Grant
Date: Saturday 17 August 2013
Time: 9.30am – 1.00pm
Bookings essential: click here to make a booking
Please see the Griffins Canberra Bus Tour flier for further information.
Download the information about all the Walter Burley Griffin Society Canberra events_August 2013.
11. Japanese ‘Mother-Shipwreck’ Proteced for Future Generations – The Hon Mark Butler MP media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Mark Butler, dated 28 July 2013.
Japanese ‘Mother-Shipwreck’ Proteced for Future Generations
The only known wreck of a Japanese pearling mother-ship in Australian waters will be protected by a 200 hectare Protected Zone, announced today by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Water Mark Butler.
Located 60 kilometres off the Central Arnhem Land coast, the wreck of the Sanyo Maru sits on its keel at a depth of 27 metres and is the only known shipwreck of its type in Australia.
On 1 July 1937, Sanyo Maru, with its crew of 20, and heavily overloaded with harvested cargo, was hit by an unseasonal storm and headed seaward to find protection. The Sanyo Maru ‘rolled’ twice and then floundered and sank.
Some crew members managed to get away in a dinghy while others clung to floating debris. Survivors were picked up by other boats. Two crew members died in the sinking: a pearl diver and the ship’s purser.
Mr Butler said the Sanyo Maru is significant, not only because it is the sole wreck of a Japanese pearling mother-ship near the Australian coast, but also because of the site’s remarkable condition and the significance of its archaeological relics.
“The unique collection of relics at the site can provide us with unparalleled insight into the operation and technology of the pearl shell trade during the 1930s, and the day to day lives of the crews who sailed the ships and harvested the pearl shell,” Mr Butler said.
“We must ensure the protection of this unique shipwreck, an important part of Australian history, which is why I have decided to place a Protected Zone under the Australian Government’s Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976.
“The lack of historical and contemporary information about the pearl shell trade in Australia reinforces the necessity of protecting the wreck of the Sanyo Maru and its relics as a significant part of Australian and Japanese shared maritime history.”
The Japanese Ambassador, His Excellency Mr Yoshitaka Akimoto, welcomed the announcement.
“I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation of the establishment of a Protected Zone around the Sanyo Maru pearling mother-ship’s wreck site,” Mr Akimoto said.
“While expressing my deepest sympathy to those who lost their lives in the sinking, I hope that this will serve to remind people in Australia and Japan of the long and firm ties between our countries and to strengthen the friendship between our two countries.”
Further information on the Sanyo Maru
The Sanyo Maru was a steel Japanese pearling mother-ship used to support a fleet of Japanese pearling luggers in the seas off Central Arnhem Land during the 1930s. At the height of the pearl shell industry 190 pearling luggers were operating in the Arafura Sea, with each lugger averaging a crew of 14.
The pearling mother-ships provided food, diesel fuel, wood for cooking fires and fresh water to the pearling luggers. Australian and foreign crews from all pearling vessels were not permitted to make landfall.
Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617
12. Docomomo Australia Slide and Talk/Meeting event, Melbourne
Evening Slide Talk and Docomomo meeting over a glass of wine. All friends and members welcome.
Short Slide talks by:
- Philip Goad: the architecture of John Andrews
- Simon Reeves: The Melbourne Pole House
- Hannah Lewi: Corbusier’s Pessac Housing
- David Nichols: Finnish modern schools
- Cameron Logan: Modernism in Berlin
Date & Time: Wednesday 7 August, 6.00 pm
Venue: Boyd Foundation, 290 Walsh Street, South Yarra
Visit the Docomomo Australia website.
13. Local government heritage workshop & seminar, Sydney
Heritage advisor training and refresher workshop
Heritage consultants who would like to work in local government heritage management are invited to attend this one-day training and refresher workshop. Current heritage advisors and local government planners, managers and officers are also encouraged to attend.
The workshop will be hosted at the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage and will be held in Parramatta.
When: Thursday 22 August 2013
Where: Heritage Division Conference Room, 3 Marist Place, Parramatta NSW 215
Time: 9 am to 4.30 pm
Program: Workshop program 2013
Cost: $210 including GST (includes morning and afternoon tea)
Further information: phone (02) 9873 8500
Bookings: book online (click on the “start a submission” link to start booking process) by Monday 19 August 2013
Local government heritage network seminar
Local government heritage advisors and local government heritage planners, managers and officers are invited to attend this one day seminar hosted by the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage.
The seminar includes a range of topical presentations from heritage specialists, guest speakers, local government heritage managers and officers, heritage advisors and Heritage Branch professional staff.
When: Friday 23 August 2013
Where: Heritage Division Conference Room and Library, 3 Marist Place, Parramatta NSW 2150
Time: 9 am registration for 9.30 am start. Seminar concludes at 4.30 pm
Target audience: Heritage professionals and local government heritage advisors, and local government heritage planners, managers and officers are invited to attend. However as seating is limited preference will be given to local government and heritage professionals working in local government.
Program: Local government heritage seminar 2013
Cost: $30 including GST (includes morning and afternoon tea, and lunch)
Further information: phone (02) 9873 8500
Bookings: book online by (click on the “start a submission” link to start booking process) Monday 19 August 2013
For further information on these two events, click here.
14. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.
15. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
16. DIY Heritage – communityheritage.net.au – The Hon Mark Butler & Daryl Melham MP media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following joint media release from the Hon Mark Butler & Daryl Melham MP, dated 30 July 2013.
DIY Heritage – communityheritage.net.au
A new website launched today will allow people to add their stories to the collection of national heritage.
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Water, Mark Butler today joined Federal Member for Banks Daryl Melham at the Hurstville City Museum and Gallery to launch the site, saying it will change the way we approach heritage in Australia.
“This is a free, community-focussed site developed to let Australians upload the stories that are important to them and their community,” Mr Butler said.
“You can create a profile of your own community group, create your own page, make announcements, create links and share information. It makes heritage a much more grassroots function of the community, rather than a bureaucratic function of government.
“Once registered, users will be able to upload content including text, photos and video linked from YouTube.
“This is the first national portal dedicated to heritage information and stories, whether it is about important cultural stories, places of natural wonder that make up our local communities, or significant historic sites.
Mr Melham said the new website would be a big hit in Banks.
“I know hundreds of people here in Banks will take the opportunity to tell their stories and build a tapestry of knowledge about our community,” Mr Melham said.
“Over time communityheritage.net.au will become a rich source of information for people to discover the unique stories and heritage that make us Australian.”
Mr Butler said the Australian Council of National Trusts and the Federation of Australian Historical Societies had already started uploading their stories and there are already over 150 stories on the website.
“I would like to thank the two organisations for their support during the website’s development and I look forward to their continued support.”
The site is located at Australia’s Community Heritage.
Media contact: Karen Palmer – 0427 339 594
17. News from ICCROM
To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.
18. News from The Best in Heritage
To read the latest from The Best in Heritage, click on the the following link.
19. News from US/ICOMOS
To read the latest from US/ICOMOS, click on the the following link.
20. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
To download the latest issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
21. Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism 2013/2014 Program of International Students Workshops
The 2013/2014 Program of International Students Workshops of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism will include several workshops in numerous disciplines such as Architecture, Art, Literature, Fine Arts, Medicine, Music and much more.
To read the general program click here.
For further information about the workshops, email the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco.
22. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect/Graduate, National Trust of Australia WA
- Conservation Architect/Graduate
- Fixed term contract
The National Trust of Australia (WA) is seeking an Architect or Graduate Architect with an interest in built heritage conservation.
Enquiries can be directed to Caroline Stokes by email or phone (08) 9321 6088
Closing date: 9 August 2013
23. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, London Borough of Havering (based in Romford, UK)
Heritage Officer, Based in Romford for London Borough of Havering
Grade: PO3
Reference No: 100858
12 month fixed-term contract to cover for maternity leave
Here at the London Borough of Havering, we’re proud of our rich history and diverse heritage. This is an opportunity to play a key role in preserving and enhancing our unique character.
Joining us for a 12-month period, you’ll take on responsibility for our heritage agenda, leading on delivering a range of strategies and policies as well as providing guidance on all heritage related issues. Providing high-quality advice for planning applications relating to heritage assets will be part of your role. The post will involve close working with officers from across the Council and Members.
You should have strong experience in historic building conservation practice, architectural history and building methods. Ideally you will have a postgraduate degree in conservation of the historic environment but other applicants will also be considered. Crucially, you need to be fully confident and competent in providing specialist advice on the care and preservation of historic assets.
Havering is an accredited Investors in People organisation and training opportunities are available. The Council operates a flexible working (location) policy and a system of flexible working hours. There may be scope for some home working within this.
For an informal discussion please call Peter Hall, Development Planning Team Leader on 01708 432522 or email Peter.
To apply, please visit the Havering Council.
Closing date: Friday 9 August 2013.
24. SITUATION VACANT Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, University of WA
The University of Western Australia invites applications for the inaugural Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, endowed by Wesfarmers Ltd. This tenurable Chair in Australian History has been established to provide leadership in Australian historical scholarship regionally, nationally and internationally with a specific focus on Western Australia’s place in the history of the nation and the wider Asian region. The appointee will be an academic leader in the broadest sense: a productive and original researcher, with a commitment to high-quality teaching and research in Australian history and the ability to communicate its value and vitality in a variety of public settings, the media and throughout the education system. The Chair will take a lead in advising on and formulating policies that will enliven and inform public debate around key issues affecting the nation’s future. The Chair will join the Discipline of History and will have opportunities for collaboration with the Chair in Australian Literature and the Kimberley Foundation Ian Potter Chair in Rock Art, within the Faculty of Arts.
For further information regarding the position, applicants are encouraged to direct enquiries to the Dean of Arts, Winthrop Professor Krishna Sen, by email.
Closing date: Friday 2 August 2013
An attractive remuneration package will be negotiated including generous superannuation, leave provisions and fares to Perth (if applicable) for the appointee and dependents along with a relocation allowance.
The Information for Candidates brochure, which includes details to submit your application, may be found at this link (note – this link opens PDF), via the UWA Job Vacancies website or by emailing Ms Toni Pilgrim, Human Resources.
25. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Project Manager, Mint Inc, Victoria
Heritage Project Manager – Mint Inc, Victoria
Do you enjoy the challenge of making things happen in local communities? Are you a heritage professional eager to apply your expertise in Project Management? The Mint Inc is a self-funding organisation that conserves, develops & manages properties on Crown Land on behalf of the Victorian Government.
We are looking for an experienced, part time Heritage Project Manager who is willing to be hands-on, innovative & a flexible member of a small but motivated team.
Backed by a visionary Board, reporting to the Executive Officer & working as an integral part of a small & committed team, you will manage existing properties, develop new projects, & improve information & project systems. As a new role, you will also be required to bring your knowledge & expertise of heritage & environmental issues, contract negotiation & stakeholder engagement.
Contact: Katrina Kimpton, Executive Officer, Mint Inc – email Katrina
Applications close on Monday 19 August at 3.00pm
Position Description available by clicking here (opens PDF)
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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