Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 592

  1. Ready for Review: our second batch of Practice Notes
  2. ICOMOS International Executive Committee Candidate: Expressions of Interest sought
  3. The ICOMOS Sessions event, Sydney
  4. Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference: imagined pasts… imagined futures… – registration open & deadline for student posters extended
  5. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
  6. New book available for pre-publication purchase
  7. The Griffins’ Canberra 100 Years symposium, Canberra, 16 August 2013
  8. More Walter Burley Griffin Society events in Canberra
  9. Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes Symposium, Canberra, October 2013
  10. Request for contributions to Vernacular Buildings. A New World Survey
  11. Submit Today: Everyday Preservationist Photo Contest
  12. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
  13. Great Barrier Reef Ministerial Forum Communiqué – World Heritage Committee decision extract
  14. Quarantine: History, Heritage, Place conference, Sydney – call for papers
  15. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  16. ICOMOS Thailand 2013 International Conference – registration open
  17. The new Underwater Archaeology Department at the Institute of Archaeology, Vietnam
  18. SITUATION WANTED Melbourne-based individual seeks a career transition into heritage
  19. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Local Government Services, WA State Heritage Office
  20. SITUATION VACANT Assistant Director Heritage and Senior Heritage Officer, Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliament House, Canberra
  21. SITUATION VACANT Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, University of WA
  22. SITUATION VACANT Project Officer, Heritage, Conservation and Community Engagement, Port Arthur, Tasmania
  23. SITUATION VACANT Tender opportunity for Professional architectural historian – Monterey Fibro Moderne, Rockdale City Council (NSW)
  24. SITUATION VACANT Communication and Projects Assistant, ICOMOS International, Paris


1. Ready for Review: our second batch of Practice Notes

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the review of the Burra Charter and Guidelines.

Now the second batch of Practice Notes has been released for comment by our energetic working group! The deadline for comment is Sunday 28 July 2013.

Join in a discussion forum

Want to engage in discussion with others? Follow this link to go to the discussion forum. There is an area for discussion of each document. The working group will moderate each forum. Need help to use the discussion forum? Download the Using the Discussion Forum guide.

Provide feedback through our on-line survey

Please provide any feedback on the second batch of documents as a whole, and on each individually through our on-line survey, and not by email or phone. The survey asks you specific questions as well as providing plenty of space for all your comments – positive or negative. By using it you will really help the volunteer committee analyse and respond to comments.

Didn’t get to comment on the first batch?

In response to demand, we have kept the on-line feedback survey on the first 4 documents open until 12 July 2013 – please use the on-line survey (not email or phone) to submit your comments.

You can still download the initial 4 documents from the Australia ICOMOS website from the Burra Guidelines review dedicated webpage.


2. ICOMOS International Executive Committee Candidate: Expressions of Interest sought

For many years an Australian ICOMOS member has been elected to the International Executive Committee of ICOMOS. This position is currently held by Kristal Buckley, who will have completed a nine-year term as Vice President in November 2014.

In March 2014 nominations will open for state parties to nominate a person from their country for the ICOMOS International Executive Committee (IEC).

Australia ICOMOS is calling for nominations from members who would like to represent Australia on the ICOMOS IEC. One person is selected by the National Committee via a selection panel, which has been formed to assess nominations for an Australian representative.

Some background to the IEC is provided below and the selection criteria is available in the ICOMOS International Executive Committee Candidate – EOI information, June2013, which has been developed by the selection panel with input from the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee. Please address all of the selection criteria in your submission.

By Friday 2 August, short listed candidates will be advised of an interview time and location in Sydney for Friday 23 August with the selection panel. The selection panel aims to appoint the successful candidate before the Oct/Nov Canberra Australia ICOMOS Conference.

Please submit your confidential responses addressing each of the selection criteria by email to Deborah Lindsay, the selection panel coordinator, by 5pm, Friday 19 July. Please email Deborah with any queries.

Background Information on the ICOMOS International Executive Committee

The International Executive Committee (IEC) is made up of the Bureau: President, five Vice-Presidents, Secretary-General, Treasurer-General and 12 Executive Committee members. The IEC meets formally twice each year: in Paris in March and in October in conjunction with the Advisory Committee (which moves each year). In addition to these meetings, some IEC members also participate in the World Heritage Panel (an extra trip to Paris in December) and the World Heritage Working Group (mostly pinned on to the other meetings, but with an optional additional trip in September).

IEC Bureau members attend all of these meetings, plus a mid-year Bureau meeting to track progress. These meetings are generally located and timed to fit in with the session of the World Heritage Committee (which changes each year). Bureau members are expected to carry a number of portfolios of responsibility and to be closely involved in governance, finances and other organisational issues.

All members of the IEC are elected at the General Assembly for a 3-year term. There is a maximum of 3 terms allowed in any one position.

The meetings of the IEC are conducted in English and French. Translation is provided for the World Heritage Panel and at the Advisory Committee, but mostly translation is not available. English is the more commonly used of the two working languages. There is considerable advocacy to introduce Spanish as a working language, and many meetings also include some Spanish interventions. Members of the IEC are not permitted to take part in World Heritage missions during their term of office.


3. The ICOMOS Sessions event, Sydney

The ICOMOS Sessions is an initiation event for Young Professional members of ICOMOS, early career practitioners and potential members.

The aim of this event is to engage more actively with ICOMOS Young Professional members and early career practitioners, and increase the relationship/interaction between the membership base, as well as heritage practitioners who are interested in joining ICOMOS.

The idea of the event is to bring together early career practitioners and experienced AI members, to exchange knowledge and to help in developing their understanding of the principles and policies of Australia ICOMOS, in particular the application of best heritage practice, as well as adding to their competence in heritage management.

This is the first event of many to come, and Mary Knaggs and Kerime Danis wish to see you there. Please bring friends who are interested in joining ICOMOS.

For further information see the The ICOMOS Sessions – 7 Aug 2013 flier.

Should you have any questions on the event please do not hesitate to let Kerime or Mary know.


4. Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference: imagined pasts… imagined futures… – registration open & deadline for student posters extended

imagined pasts… imagined futures…
Australia ICOMOS 2013 National Conference—Centenary of Canberra
Thursday 31 October – Sunday 3 November 2013

‘Imagined pasts, imagined futures’ is an exciting multidisciplinary conference that coincides with the centenary of Canberra and the array of cultural activities, performances, exhibitions and events that are planned for Canberra in 2013.

Australia ICOMOS is partnering with the Museum of Australian Democracy in the unique setting of Old Parliament House to explore how heritage participates in the ‘imagined communities’ and ‘imagined geographies’ of nations and communities in a globalising world.

For further information visit the conference website.

To register, go to the Registration page.

Students take note!

The deadline for student poster abstracts has been extended to Saturday 24 August 2013. Click here for further information.


5. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)

Deakin’s next cultural heritage seminar will be held at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria on Thursday 25 July. Annette Tapp will speak on ‘A fair go in the arts’.

Since the year 2000 Government policy in the UK has enabled greater social inclusion in museums and galleries. Enforced legislation improved physical access and Arts Council funding prioritized community engagement in the arts. This has led to a significant shift in the way museums work and the way the public view their collections. This seminar reviews community art programs in Museums and Galleries across the UK and Northern Ireland; from the Ulster Museum in Belfast to the Tate Modern in London and Pallant House Gallery in Sussex and examines their response to the challenges of economic recession and public spending cuts. How can the development and the resilience of these now embedded initiatives be applied in the Australian context?

Annette Tapp graduated from Edinburgh University with MA Hons in Art History while working as an agency auxiliary nurse. She worked for CARE International in Sudan before moving to Australia and completing a Graduate Diploma in Cultural Heritage Management at the University of Canberra. After running her own cultural heritage management practice, Annette worked in some of Australia’s most important cultural institutions, including the National Gallery in Canberra and the Australian War Memorial in curatorial and education roles. She is passionate about issues of access and the potential we each have as individuals to engage creatively with the arts.


Royal Historical Society of Victoria
239 A’Beckett Street
Melbourne (entry via William Street)

Date & Time

Thursday 25 July , 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start

For further information or to RSVP, please email Steven Cooke.


6. New book available for pre-publication purchase

It’s Grand Designs meets Country House Rescue when a historic Presbyterian manse on the New South Wales South Coast is researched and restored by leading conservation architect Peter Freeman.

Beautifully produced, The Wallpapered Manse chronicles the events that fashioned the manse (built in 1865 in the township of Moruya), and shares the step-by-step process of restoring a dilapidated historic building. We are shown the detailed restoration of an Australian historic house.

Pre-publication purchase is available for $26 per copy (GST inclusive) + $8 postage. Please see The Wallpapered Manse flier for payment options. Those who make payment by EFT are encouraged to email Peter Freeman with the payment details and a name and address for delivery.


7. The Griffins’ Canberra 100 Years symposium, Canberra, 16 August 2013

Leading Griffin experts from USA, Germany and Australia will give presentations, at this half day symposium, about the influences and ideals that underpinned the Griffins’ internationally significant design for Canberra.

Date: Friday 16 August

Time: 12.45pm to 4.30pm

Venue: The Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science, Gordon Street, Canberra

Bookings essential: click here to make a booking

Please see the Griffin Symposium 2013 Invitation for further information.

The program and the speakers’ biographies are available at the Walter Burley Griffin Society website.


8. More Walter Burley Griffin Society events in Canberra

Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture (MMGL)  2013

The fifth annual MMGL will be presented by Caroline Pidcock, architect and Chair of the Living Future Institute Australia whose talk is titled The Magic of Australia.

Organised by the Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc. Proudly supported by the ACT Government Community Centenary Initiatives Fund.

Date: Thursday 15 August 2013
Time: 6.00pm
Venue: The Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science, Gordon Street, Canberra
Bookings essential: click here to make a booking 

Please see the MMGL 2013 flier for further information.


National Library of Australia special viewing of Griffin material

By special arrangement with the Walter Burley Griffin Society, the National Library of Australia will put on view a selection of Griffin drawings, plans, documents and photographs from the Eric Milton Nicholls Collection acquired by the Library in 2006.

Date: Friday 16 August 2013
Time: 9.00am – 12.30pm
Venue: National Library of Australia

FREE event.


The Griffins’ Canberra Bus Tour

This tour of the Griffins’ Canberra will be led by Griffin scholar and President of the Walter Burley Griffin Society Professor James Weirick, who will relate the inspirational story of the development of Canberra from sheep paddock to the national capital, the international competition, the Griffins’ vision and plans, political intrigue and bureaucratic intervention.

The tour will include visiting key locations such as Mt Ainslie, General Bridges’ tomb designed by Griffin at Duntroon and the summit of Mt Pleasant, looking at the Griffins’ land and water axes, their plans for a railway line and central station, urban centres and suburban ideals.

Organised by the Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc. Proudly supported by an Australian Government Your Community Heritage Grant

Date: Saturday 17 August 2013
Time: 9.30am – 1.00pm
Bookings essential: click here to make a booking

Please see the Griffins Canberra Bus Tour flier for further information.


9. Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes Symposium, Canberra, October 2013

The symposium, Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes in the 21st Century Issues and Opportunities is being held on 31 October so that it dovetails into the Australia ICOMOS 2013 Conference. Over 20 international members of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes are attending.

Highly respected guest speakers will introduce the Australian and Pacific landscapes to our international Australian participants. Mr Wilfred Hicks and Dr Ken Mulvaney will discuss the heritage values of Burrup Peninsula, north-west Australia. Professor Bill Gammage will present on the Indigenous fire management of the Australian landscape. Professor Simon Habarle will introduce visitors to past climate change and the response of Pacific Island communities to that change and Dr Christine Cameron will provide an update on related Word Heritage matters.

Themes covered in the one day symposium are:

  • Asia-Pacific issues including disaster management
  • 21st Century issues for historic cultural landscapes and routes
  • Historic urban landscapes and green urban systems

ICOMOS members and interested others are most welcome to attend

The one-day symposium will be held in the Sir Roland Wilson Conference Room at The Australian National University and will run from 8.30am to 5.30pm on Thursday 31 October. The cost of attending the symposium is $70 or $40 for full-time students. As seating is limited please confirm your attendance by contacting Juliet Ramsay by email or Timothy Hubbard by email.


10. Request for contributions to Vernacular Buildings. A New World Survey

Australia ICOMOS member Julian Bickersteth has received the following request from Sandra Piesik in London, seeking contributors to a new book on Vernacular Buildings.

Please email Sandra directly for further information on this project.

Dear Mr. Bickersteth,

I was requested to lead editorial efforts for a book by Thames & Hudson Vernacular Buildings. A New World Survey. The book is going to have a character of an encyclopaedia and is divided into climate zones. We will look at contemporary aspects of indigenous architecture and how technology and materials from the past are still relevant today.

I am looking for contributors for each region (and climate zones), in particular Australia and New Zealand.


  • Photographs and 25% of the content – January 2014
  • 50% of the text – June 2014
  • Ready for print – February 2015

With sincere thanks and best wishes.

Sandra Piesik RIBA FRGS
Director, Architect
ph: + 44 753 033 7884


11. Submit Today: Everyday Preservationist Photo Contest

Enter World Monuments Fund’s inaugural Everyday Preservationist Photo Contest

What does preservation look like to you?

Submit images of your favorite places that call to mind everyday preservation, in one of our five Everyday Preservationist categories. Whether you’re moved by the beauty of a historic site, or inspired by a community that embraces its cultural heritage, share the images you find most compelling.

Five winners will be selected, one in each Everyday Preservationist category, and each will receive a $100 prize!

Visit the competition website or follow World Monuments Fund on Facebook for complete contest details. Enter more than one image, but be sure to submit your photo(s) by 5.00 PM (EDT), Wednesday 31 July.


12. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series

A Melbournian in the Southern Highlands:
‘Interviewing’ the carpentry of five of our older buildings
of the Southern Highlands / Tablelands with Prof Miles Lewis
presented by Derek Hallam

Southern Highlands

This presentation will take you through each building visually discussing their purpose and origins and concluding with an opportunity to consider the broad range of skills evident, the origins of the techniques, and how each was ‘fit for purpose’ in its own way.

Derek Hallam had an early career in structures to project management and direction. Picking up on an interest in conserving our older places, a formal expertise was developed working in the Commonwealth managing public assets such as Kirribilli, and later at the University of Sydney as manager of environment and heritage. He now lives in the Southern Highlands, and gives occasional lectures on heritage management to students and communities alike.

Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.

Refreshments available appropriate to the talk’s topic! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)

Time & Date: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 25 July – 5.30pm start for talk
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
To Marilyn Truscott


13. Great Barrier Reef Ministerial Forum Communiqué – World Heritage Committee decision extract

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following Communiqué from Hon. Mark Butler MP, dated 10 July 2013. As the Communiqué is very extensive, only an extract has been included here. The Communiqué can be read in its entirety by clicking here.

World Heritage Committee decision

The Forum noted the decision of the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee at its meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Ministers noted that the World Heritage Committee welcomed progress on the two strategic assessments and the independent review of management arrangements for Gladstone Harbour, as well as the renewed commitment to the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan and associated Reef Rescue measures, and the positive results indicated in the Second Reef Plan Report Card (2010).

Ministers also noted further progress in a number of key areas – including the scoping of a long term plan for sustainable development, explaining outstanding universal value, and the development of the two strategic assessments – being undertaken by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Queensland Government.

Ministers agreed to continue to work together to address the World Heritage Committee concerns, to be reported in the 2014 State Party Report to be submitted by 1 February 2014. Ministers will consider a detailed report on progress against the decision at the next Ministerial Forum in December 2013.


14. Quarantine: History, Heritage, Place conference, Sydney – call for papers

Quarantine: History, Heritage, Place
The Quarantine Station, Sydney, Australia
14 – 16 August 2014

Abstracts are invited from historians, geographers, heritage scholars and archaeologists for papers on:

  • place-making and place-marking
  • quarantine and dark tourism
  • graffiti and incarceration
  • shrine creation in places of isolation
  • heritage, materiality and immateriality
  • traces and spaces of disease
  • landscapes of quarantine

Please send a 300 word abstract and a short CV for consideration to Peter Hobbins by email.

Deadline: 16 September 2013

The practice of quarantine has always been grounded in contested locations. The history and heritage of quarantine stations and places of isolation the world over remain in these landscapes, as built environments and in artefacts. In this way, sites of segregation have been both enduring and ephemeral. These vestiges intersect in powerful ways with memory and history, but what is being invoked? Who – or what – were the actors bound up by quarantine regulations? How can the material, documentary, legislative and spatial heritage of quarantine help us untangle narratives of global movement that were interrupted by incarceration?

Encompassing people and pathogens, vectors and vessels, flora and fauna, this conference seeks new interpretations of the place of quarantine. Moving in scale from intimate marks made by internees to multi-site or cross-regional comparisons, we seek to bring together maritime histories of quarantine with analyses of the inland islands of terrestrial quarantine. Above all, we hope to prompt surprising and productive conversations between archaeologists, historians, cultural and human geographers, and heritage scholars.

This international conference builds from a large multidisciplinary investigation of more than 1,000 sandstone inscriptions that cover the stunning Quarantine Station in Sydney, Australia. This unique site will form our venue for the conference, inspiring themes that are both local and global: mark-making, isolation, identity, and place.

Keynote speakers

  • Nadav Davidovitch, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
  • Gareth Hoskins, Aberystwyth University
  • Harold Mytum, University of Liverpool
  • Nayan Shah, University of Southern California
  • Alexandra Minna Stern, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

University of Sydney Organizing Committee: Alison Bashford, Annie Clarke, Ursula Frederick, Peter Hobbins.

Visit the Quarantine Project website.


15. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


16. ICOMOS Thailand 2013 International Conference – registration open

ICOMOS Thailand 2013 International Conference
Asian Forgotten Heritage: Perception, Preservation and Presentation
Chiang Mai, Thailand
15 – 16 October 2013

Registration deadline: 30 September 2013

For further information, including the program and to download the registration form, visit the conference website.


17. The new Underwater Archaeology Department at the Institute of Archaeology, Vietnam

The new Underwater Archaeology Department of the Institute of Archaeology (In Vietnamese: Phòng Khảo cổ học Dưới nước) formally started operations on 1 July, 2013, with the Decision No. 141/QĐ-KCH, dated 25 June, 2013, which nominated Dr. Le Thi Lien as Head of the Underwater Archaeology Department.

The main functions of the Department are:

  1. Surveys, rescue excavations and inventory of underwater archaeological sites in Vietnam
  2. Research on underwater archaeological sites and artifacts, and related documents to improve the knowledge on maritime history, history of cultural exchanges and trade on the sea around Vietnam
  3. International cooperation in research and training programs, and in capacity building activities for Vietnamese underwater archaeology
  4. In collaboration with the Journal “Khao co hoc” for the publication of papers on underwater archaeology

Vietnam has a very long coastline (more than 3,000 km) and seafaring activity has been extensive for more than 2,000 years. Vietnam is centrally located in South East Asia, and was on the “Maritime Silk Route” that ran from China to the west via the South China Sea. At this stage little is known about how many shipwrecks or other maritime and underwater cultural heritage sites might exist in Vietnam as there has been very little maritime archaeology survey work done, but it has been suggested that there will be thousands of sites. The new Underwater Archaeology Department will investigate shipwrecks and the remains of ports as well as prehistoric and other sites underwater

The Vietnam Maritime Archaeology Project Centre website is designed to help increase awareness at local, provincial, national and international levels about the extent and nature of Vietnam’s underwater and maritime cultural heritage. Some of this is based on on-going research projects, some are cultural heritage management activities and some are about awareness raising and capacity building (training). We hope to present material from individual researchers, research teams and government agencies about a range of maritime archaeology projects as well as maritime and underwater cultural heritage investigations that are being conducted in Vietnam today.

If you have comments or wish to contact us you can email Mark Staniforth.


18. SITUATION WANTED Melbourne-based individual seeks a career transition into heritage

Enthusiastic Melbourne-based individual seeks a career transition into heritage. Having been a transport planner for the last 10 years, working on projects both in Australia and the UK for state government and private practice, Amanda Tobin (Mandy) has gained extensive experience in stakeholder engagement and project management. Currently, Mandy is studying a graduate diploma in planning and design, with a focus on architecture history and conservation.

Mandy is seeking an entry-level position; consequently there is some flexibility about the nature of the role, whether it be full-time, part-time, contract or work experience. If you need assistance on a current or future heritage focused project, please do not hesitate to contact Mandy by email or on 0400 521 178.


19. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Local Government Services, WA State Heritage Office

WA seeks a heritage professional with planning experience to oversee local government support team, including development and implementation of a state-wide education program for local governments and their communities.

For further information about this role, click here.

Applications close 12 July 2013.


20. SITUATION VACANT Assistant Director Heritage and Senior Heritage Officer, Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliament House, Canberra

  • PE Level 1 – Assistant Director Heritage – Ongoing
    Salary range: $97,379 – $111,183
  • PS Level 6 – Senior Heritage Officer – Ongoing
    Salary range: $80,020 – $89,937

The Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) is located in Parliament House in Canberra and provides essential services to support the work of the Parliament, maintain Parliament House as a symbol of Australian democracy, and ensure that the building, and the important activity that takes place within it, is accessible and engaging for all.

Parliament House is an iconic 20th century building and contains significant art and object collections; as well as important garden landscapes. These exciting positions are part of a newly established Heritage team with an integrated approach to heritage management of the building, its contents and surrounds.

Contact Officer: Ilse Wurst, (02) 6277 5095

When to apply: By close of business Friday 12 July 2013.

How to apply

Detail about how to set out your application and where to send it is included in the information pack. This document is available on the Department of Parliamentary Services website, by emailing PDS Recruitment or by phoning (02) 6277 5200. Hearing- or speech-impaired applicants may obtain the documents via the TTY number (02) 6277 7799.


21. SITUATION VACANT Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, University of WA


The University of Western Australia invites applications for the inaugural Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, endowed by Wesfarmers Ltd. This tenurable Chair in Australian History has been established to provide leadership in Australian historical scholarship regionally, nationally and internationally with a specific focus on Western Australia’s place in the history of the nation and the wider Asian region. The appointee will be an academic leader in the broadest sense: a productive and original researcher, with a commitment to high-quality teaching and research in Australian history and the ability to communicate its value and vitality in a variety of public settings, the media and throughout the education system. The Chair will take a lead in advising on and formulating policies that will enliven and inform public debate around key issues affecting the nation’s future. The Chair will join the Discipline of History and will have opportunities for collaboration with the Chair in Australian Literature and the Kimberley Foundation Ian Potter Chair in Rock Art, within the Faculty of Arts.

For further information regarding the position, applicants are encouraged to direct enquiries to the Dean of Arts, Winthrop Professor Krishna Sen, by email.

Closing date: Friday 2 August 2013

An attractive remuneration package will be negotiated including generous superannuation, leave provisions and fares to Perth (if applicable) for the appointee and dependents along with a relocation allowance.

The Information for Candidates brochure, which includes details to submit your application, may be found at this link (note – this link opens PDF), via the UWA Job Vacancies website or by emailing Ms Toni Pilgrim, Human Resources.


22. SITUATION VACANT Project Officer, Heritage, Conservation and Community Engagement, Port Arthur, Tasmania

This 18-month position will see the Project Officer working in partnership with the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority to pro-actively recruit volunteers and lead them in achieving practical heritage and conservation outcomes in this historic area. The role is interesting and diverse, with the full list of tasks and duties being set out in the Position Description.

For further information, download the Project Officer Position Description.

Applications including your resume and Statement of address for the Key Selection Criteria, which can be found in the Position Description, are to be received by email by Sunday 21 July 2013.


23. SITUATION VACANT Tender opportunity for Professional architectural historian – Monterey Fibro Moderne, Rockdale City Council (NSW)

Rockdale City Council is seeking expressions of interest to undertake historical research into the “Fibro Moderne” houses in Monterey NSW.

The successful tenderer will be able to undertake all aspects of the brief, therefore it is expected the historian will have expertise in architectural history.

Project Synopsis

The purpose of this brief is to invite submissions from professional historians to prepare historic research and an edited text to form the basis for a visitors guide.

Fast disappearing, the modest fibro houses of the early 20th century bay side suburb of Monterey show ingenuity and an eye to the architectural fashions of the time. Identified in a 1990 heritage study as “Fibro Moderne”, these houses used the Modernist idiom as a source book for ideas.

The project aims to raise public appreciation for these unique houses and ensure that they are recorded for posterity.

Further information

A full brief is available by contacting Ms Suzanne Wren – Urban Planner by email or on (02) 9562 1750.

The project manager is Louise Thom, Heritage Advisor, who can be contacted on Tuesdays, by email or on (02) 9562 1746.

Closing Date for submissions is 29 July 2013.


24. SITUATION VACANT Communication and Projects Assistant, ICOMOS International, Paris

5 month short term contract from mid-August 2013

ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites) is an association of over 12,000 cultural heritage professionals present in over 133 countries throughout the world, working for the conservation and protection of monuments and sites – the only global non-government organisation of its kind. The ICOMOS International Secretariat and its specialized Documentation Centre are located in Paris (France).

The Communication and Projects Assistant is responsible for:

  • Working with the Director on the preparation of reports / papers and dossiers in preparation of or resulting from statutory meetings of ICOMOS, and in general on projects and administrative tasks, especially in English
  • In general – to act as “resource person” in the Secretariat in what concerns administrative support, and to provide support to the National and Scientific Committees in particular with regard to the website (based on JOOMLA)
  • Prepare the “ICOMOS News”. Collection of content, editing, translation, layout, liaising with designers etc
  • Updating and developing the content of the ICOMOS website, in conjunction with the Head of the Documentation Centre and the Projects team
  • Other ad-hoc duties

For further information about this role, click here.

Applications close Monday 15 July.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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