Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 590

  1. Burra Charter Guidelines Review: LAST CHANCE TO COMMENT
  2. ICOMOS International Executive Committee Candidate: Expressions of Interest sought
  3. Decorative Finishes Workshop, 6 July, Old Farm, Strawberry Hill, Albany WA
  4. Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) exhibition, Melbourne
  5. Exhibition Opening & talks (Sydney): Historic Gardens of New England
  6. Reusing industrial heritage symposium, Melbourne, 15 July – bookings open
  7. DOCOMOMO / Australia ICOMOS / NSW Chapter AIA – Sydney Talk Series
  8. News from Phnom Penh
  9. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2013 – program
  10. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
  11. The Best in Heritage conference, Dubrovnik,  Croatia – register now
  12. Recent Australia ICOMOS submission available online
  13. News from ICCROM
  14. Centre for conservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage newsletter
  15. CyArk 500 Launch and Conference, London – registration open
  16. Research survey: market orientation in archaeological sites
  17. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  18. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
  19. News from CyArk
  20. SITUATION VACANT Assistant Director Heritage and Senior Heritage Officer, Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliament House, Canberra
  21. SITUATION VACANT Executive Director, Heritage Victoria
  22. SITUATION VACANT Strategic Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council, Sydney
  23. SITUATION VACANT Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, University of WA


1. Burra Charter Guidelines Review: LAST CHANCE TO COMMENT

The Burra Charter Guidelines Review is underway.

There are 4 documents awaiting your comments:

  • The Burra Charter (Draft 2013)
  • Practice Note – Understanding and assessing cultural significance
  • Practice Note – Developing policy
  • Practice Note – Undertaking studies and reports

The Burra Charter (Draft 2013) contains a number of small changes – place has been re-defined, for example, to better reflect current practice. You might also like to comment on future changes you’d like to see to the Charter, recognising that it needs to keep up with current best practice.

The idea of Practice Notes is new for Australia ICOMOS so we are really keen to see what you think. These three Practice Notes are completely new – drawing from the current Guidelines but aiming to explain the steps more clearly and address current practice issues.

Go to the dedicated page on the Australia ICOMOS website to download the documents, join in the Discussion Forums or lodge your comments via the on-line survey. You have until Sunday 30 June to contribute your comments on these four documents.

Next week Australia ICOMOS will release four more Practice Notes for a four week comment period; they will be available online from 5 July 2013.


2. ICOMOS International Executive Committee Candidate: Expressions of Interest sought

For many years an Australian ICOMOS member has been elected to the International Executive Committee of ICOMOS. This position is currently held by Kristal Buckley, who will have completed a nine-year term as Vice President in November 2014.

In March 2014 nominations will open for state parties to nominate a person from their country for the ICOMOS International Executive Committee (IEC).

Australia ICOMOS is calling for nominations from members who would like to represent Australia on the ICOMOS IEC. One person is selected by the National Committee via a selection panel, which has been formed to assess nominations for an Australian representative.

Some background to the IEC is provided below and the selection criteria is available in the ICOMOS International Executive Committee Candidate – EOI information, June2013, which has been developed by the selection panel with input from the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee. Please address all of the selection criteria in your submission.

By Friday 2 August, short listed candidates will be advised of an interview time and location in Sydney for Friday 23 August with the selection panel. The selection panel aims to appoint the successful candidate before the Oct/Nov Canberra Australia ICOMOS Conference.

Please submit your confidential responses addressing each of the selection criteria by email to Deborah Lindsay, the selection panel coordinator, by 5pm, Friday 19 July. Please email Deborah with any queries.

Background Information on the ICOMOS International Executive Committee

The International Executive Committee (IEC) is made up of the Bureau: President, five Vice-Presidents, Secretary-General, Treasurer-General and 12 Executive Committee members. The IEC meets formally twice each year: in Paris in March and in October in conjunction with the Advisory Committee (which moves each year). In addition to these meetings, some IEC members also participate in the World Heritage Panel (an extra trip to Paris in December) and the World Heritage Working Group (mostly pinned on to the other meetings, but with an optional additional trip in September).

IEC Bureau members attend all of these meetings, plus a mid-year Bureau meeting to track progress. These meetings are generally located and timed to fit in with the session of the World Heritage Committee (which changes each year). Bureau members are expected to carry a number of portfolios of responsibility and to be closely involved in governance, finances and other organisational issues.

All members of the IEC are elected at the General Assembly for a 3-year term. There is a maximum of 3 terms allowed in any one position.

The meetings of the IEC are conducted in English and French. Translation is provided for the World Heritage Panel and at the Advisory Committee, but mostly translation is not available. English is the more commonly used of the two working languages. There is considerable advocacy to introduce Spanish as a working language, and many meetings also include some Spanish interventions. Members of the IEC are not permitted to take part in World Heritage missions during their term of office.


3. Decorative Finishes Workshop, 6 July, Old Farm, Strawberry Hill, Albany WA

The walls can talk – Old Farm, Strawberry Hill
Decorative Finishes Workshop

Presented by award-winning heritage Master Craftsman Bill van Didden, the National Trust of Australia (WA) invites you to an all day workshop at this nationally significant property.

Participants will learn the process of revealing and assessing the many layers of decorative finishes often present in historic buildings and have the opportunity to discuss conservation decisions, ongoing works, and the vision to make Old Farm one of the most significant heritage experiences in Western Australia.

All proceeds to Old Farm, Strawberry Hill conservation.

Date: Saturday 6 July 2013

Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm

Where: Old Farm, Strawberry Hill, Albany

Cost: $100 ($75 NTWA members)

RSVP: Essential, limited places; RSVP by Friday 28 June by email or to (08) 9321 6088

Download the The walls can talk flier.


4. Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) exhibition, Melbourne


From Queen Street and the Duke of Edinburgh Gardens, to indirect references such as the Melbourne suburbs of Windsor, Coburg and Hampton, royal references abound Melbourne and Victoria.

So many of our most loved institutions in Victoria, such as the Royal Children’s Hospital and the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria, sought to acquire the royal imprimatur, and still proudly wear the title – regardless of the tides of republican sentiment.

Why? Right Royal explores this question and the pervasive nature of royal symbolism in the continuing identity of Melbourne and Victoria.

The exhibition decodes the thousands of sometimes subtle and forgotten ways in which royal and loyal references are embedded in the city.

Highlights include:

  • An 1868 letter from Prince Alfred to Government House thanking the people of Australia for saving him from an assassination attempt
  • A 1936 handkerchief with King Edward’s abdication speech printed on it
  • The protocol guide for planning the Queen’s Royal visit to Australia in 1954

and many more royal gems.

The exhibition will be held weekdays from 10am–4pm, concluding on Melbourne Day, 30 August 2013.

Date & Time
Showing until 30 August 2013
Open: 10am – 4pm, Monday – Friday

Royal Historical Society of Victoria
239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne

Entry cost
Gold coin donation

t: (03) 9326 9288
e: email RHSV

About the RHSV
Formed in 1909, the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) is committed to collecting, researching and sharing an understanding of the history of Victoria. Housing the most extensive single information resource on the history of Melbourne and Victoria, collections are open Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm. The RHSV is a community organisation that relies on membership subscriptions. Join today and help promote and preserve the history of Victoria.


5. Exhibition Opening & talks (Sydney): Historic Gardens of New England

The Australian Garden History Society brings an amazing photographic exhibition to Sydney for one month only: July. This surveys historic gardens – small and grand – over time in the New England district surrounding Armidale, Glen Innes and Guyra in the state’s mid-north.

Historic Gardens of New England

Sydney & Northern NSW Branch Chair Stuart Read describes this as a rare treat for Sydney-siders and not to be missed. The Society’s national conference this year in Armidale is already booked-out – so this is a chance to see up close what you’ll miss out on!

The exhibition runs for a month and is free, but you might want to catch a double treat on opening night. On the evening of Tuesday 2 July, at the Institute of Architects at Tusculum, Potts Point, Curators Bill Oates (from the New England Heritage Centre) and heritage consultant Graham Wilson will talk about the photographs and chart the evolution of gardens in the region, from early ‘survival’ gardens full of vegetables and fruit trees to something much more complex and sophisticated.

The Tuesday night opening is part of AIA’s programme of Tuesday night talks. Please book for catering purposes, but you can pay on the night at the door.

Event: Historic Gardens of New England Photographic Exhibition Opening

Date & Time: Tuesday 2 July, 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start; Curators Bill Oates & Graham Wilson will speak at 6.30pm

Venue: Australian Institute of Architects in Tusculum, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point

Cost: $10 includes light refreshments

RSVP: to Jeanne via email for catering purposes but pay at the door


6. Reusing industrial heritage symposium, Melbourne, 15 July – bookings open

Reusing industrial heritage

  • What are the opportunities in our industrial heritage?
  • How can reusing these fascinating places and spaces help to reinvigorate our cities, towns and landscapes?
  • What roles might they play in twenty-first century Victoria?

The Heritage Council of Victoria and the Melbourne School of Design invite you to participate in an afternoon of discussion and debate around the adaptive reuse of our industrial heritage.

Download the Reusing industrial heritage symposium flier for further information.

The event is generously hosted by the University of Melbourne.

It is followed by a public talk by Angus Farquhar, Creative Director of NVA* in Glasgow talking about the Invisible College and St Peters project.

When: 15 July 2013

Symposium: 3– 6pm
ABP Agenda – Angus Farquhar: 6.30–8pm

Where: The Open Stage, level 1, 757 Swanston St, University of Melbourne

Booking: The event is free, but bookings are essential. Register here

* NVA is an acronym of nacionale vitae activa, a latin phrase describing ‘the right to influence public affairs’.


7. DOCOMOMO / Australia ICOMOS / NSW Chapter AIA – Sydney Talk Series

The Modern Movement in NSW – presenting a thematic study
commissioned by the NSW Heritage Branch

Lilac theatre, Goulburn by Brown & Brewer, 1959Lilac theatre, Goulburn by Brown & Brewer, 1959

This talk presents a newly completed report commissioned by the NSW Heritage Branch, a study of the Modern Movement in NSW, written by a team consisting of Roy Lumby, Colleen Morris and Peter Spearritt. It is designed to be a concise, authoritative, plain English history which addresses the architecture and designed landscapes of the Modern Movement in NSW as well as their social and historical context and key practitioners. It identifies a list of 20 intact modern places in NSW to be nominated for priority listing on the SHR.


Cameron White is the Manager of the Listings Team at the Heritage Branch in the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. Cameron trained as a town planner at UNSW, graduating in 1987. He then worked for Fairfield City Council, the NSW Dept of Housing, and State Rail before joining the Heritage Branch in 1995. He became manager of the Listings Team in 2003. He has been supervising the Heritage Council’s Thematic Listings Program since 2009.

Dr Roy Lumby is a Senior Heritage Specialist with Tanner Kibble Denton Architects and has over 20 years experience working in heritage conservation. Roy is a member of ICOMOS and president of the Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW, in which role he has conducted numerous walking tours and given presentations on many aspects of 20th century architecture. He is a member of the National Trust of Australia’s Built Advocacy Committee. He was co-author of A Spirit of Progress: Art Deco Architecture in Australia and has published numerous articles.

Colleen Morris is a Sydney-based heritage consultant who specialises in gardens and cultural landscapes. She has helped prepare conservation plans for the botanic gardens of Adelaide and Sydney and Sydney’s Government House and Domain. Her interest in the Modern Movement stems from co-authoring a Conservation Management Plan for Rose Seidler House in 2000. Colleen is the author of the award winning Lost Gardens of Sydney published by the Historic Houses Trust of NSW in 2008 and was the national chair of the Australian Garden History Society 2003-2009.

Members of the public are welcome!

Time & Date: Thursday 4 July 2013, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $7, non-members $12 payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided
Venue: Godden Mackay Logan, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note RSVP is essential as places are limited


8. News from Phnom Penh

The 37th session of the World Heritage Committee concluded its work on 27 June 2013, hosted by the Kingdom of Cambodia. All the delegates will travel from Phnom Penh where we have met for the past 10 days to Siem Reap, to participate in what promises to be a remarkable closing ceremony at Angkor.

To read more click on the following link – News from Phnom Penh


9. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2013 – program

ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2013
A Centenary of Celebrating heritage – The Centenary of Canberra 2013

Date: Saturday 20 July 2013
Time: 8.30am to 5pm
Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatre, Bldg 120, ANU campus
Cost: $70 full, $50 members of the host organizations, $30 concession & full-time students

Download the ACT Heritage Symposium Program 2013.


10. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online

To download the latest  issue of Inherit, click here.


11. The Best in Heritage conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia – register now

The widening heritage profession needs quality information and benchmarking occasions; there are, annually more than a hundred awarded, new or renewed institutions world-wide and a great number of exceptional projects not well known to the international professional public. The Best in Heritage is proud to present worldwide selection of the most innovative and inspiring laureates from 2012 in a two and a half days’ programme, with two additional segments: eCult Dialogue Day, taking place in Art gallery Dubrovnik on the 19th, and the Global Heritage Forum, taking place on the 20th in the “Marin Držić” Theatre.

Find out more about the programme on our Website and about some of the featured projects and their presenters in the following articles. Dubrovnik is a very popular destination and, increasingly, a destination for the big congresses and events, so make your bookings and register online to save your place at the conference.


12. Recent Australia ICOMOS submission available online

Australia ICOMOS’ submission to the NSW Planning System Review – A New Planning System for Review NSW – White Paper is accessible by clicking on the link below.


13. News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


14. Centre for conservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage newsletter

Click on the following link to read the July 2013 issue.


15. CyArk 500 Launch and Conference, London – registration open

CyArk 500 Launch and Conference
21-22 October 2013
London, UK

Registration is now open for the CyArk 500 Launch and Conference. Join leaders in the heritage, technology, corporate social responsibility and philanthropy fields at this two-day event at the New Armouries, Tower of London.

This event will increase awareness of the need for heritage documentation and preservation, showcase new tools available to governments and heritage site managers, and find creative ways to increase funding for these initiatives.

The Launch

Join CyArk’s founder Ben Kacyra, the international CyArk Advisory Council, chaired by ICOMOS President Gustavo Araoz, representatives from 26 countries, including heads of governmental and non-governmental agencies, technology experts, and members of the press for the official launch of the CyArk 500 Challenge

The Conference

Targeted to working professionals in the heritage, architecture, and technology fields, the conference will bring together some of the world’s best minds and organizations to share experiences on the conservation of our shared heritage, the cutting-edge technology & tools now available to the field, and the additional economic and professional benefits of digital heritage documentation.

For further information, visit the conference website.


16. Research survey: market orientation in archaeological sites

The Universidad Complutense of Madrid is conducting a research study to find out if market orientation in archaeological sites enables economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Click here to participate in the survey.

This survey has the approval of:


17. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


18. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter

To download the latest issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.


19. News from CyArk


  • Digitally Documenting Ancient Stabiae in Italy

Through the generous support of Friends of Heritage Preservation and in collaboration with the Restoring Ancient Stabiae Foundation, CyArk and long-time partner University of Ferrara digitally documented several excavated villas and their fantastic frescoes, mosaics, and complex architectural features. This site, which once featured the luxurious summer homes of the Roman elite, was buried in the same volcanic eruption that destroyed Pompeii. Read More»

  • Technology Center Continues to Grow at UKZN in South Africa

CyArk’s Justin Barton traveled to South Africa to conduct the third-annual training with faculty at CyArk’s Technology Center partner, the University of KwaZulu-Natal and co-collaborative partner, the African Conservation Trust. Read More»

  • New blog series

CyArk presents a new monthly blog series titled “Heritage at Risk,” which will highlight the risk factors threatening the world’s cultural heritage. Read the first installment, Urban Encroachment»


20. SITUATION VACANT Assistant Director Heritage and Senior Heritage Officer, Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliament House, Canberra

  • PE Level 1 – Assistant Director Heritage – Ongoing
    Salary range: $97,379 – $111,183
  • PS Level 6 – Senior Heritage Officer – Ongoing
    Salary range: $80,020 – $89,937

The Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) is located in Parliament House in Canberra and provides essential services to support the work of the Parliament, maintain Parliament House as a symbol of Australian democracy, and ensure that the building, and the important activity that takes place within it, is accessible and engaging for all.

Parliament House is an iconic 20th century building and contains significant art and object collections; as well as important garden landscapes. These exciting positions are part of a newly established Heritage team with an integrated approach to heritage management of the building, its contents and surrounds.

Contact Officer: Ilse Wurst, (02) 6277 5095

When to apply: By close of business Friday 12 July 2013.

How to apply

Detail about how to set out your application and where to send it is included in the information pack. This document is available on the Department of Parliamentary Services website, by emailing PDS Recruitment or by phoning (02) 6277 5200. Hearing- or speech-impaired applicants may obtain the documents via the TTY number (02) 6277 7799.


21. SITUATION VACANT Executive Director, Heritage Victoria

Executive Director – Heritage Victoria

  • Unique leadership opportunity in the heritage field
  • Key role in shaping policy and direction

The Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure’s goal is to integrate urban and transport planning with local infrastructure provision to deliver better outcomes for Victorians. This includes efficient and effective planning, building, heritage and local government systems.

The Executive Director is responsible for leading Heritage Victoria with a team of over 30 and administering the broad range of provisions under the Heritage Act 1995. The role provides high-level expert advice as well as leading development of policy and direction and delivery of programs in historic heritage management and regulation.

This significant role requires an experienced senior leader with outstanding communication and representation skills, the ability to build effective relationships with a range of stakeholders and sound judgment. The successful candidate will have proven capacity to lead the development of policy and strategy. Experience and understanding of heritage conservation and management at a high level and qualifications in a relevant discipline are essential.

For confidential enquiries please contact Cheryl Goldsmith at Slade Partners on (03) 9235 5140.

To apply, visit the Slade Partners website quoting Ref No 200073648.

Applications close COB Wednesday 10 July 2013.


22. SITUATION VACANT Strategic Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council, Sydney

Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.

This role includes the preparation of heritage conservation policy and information, provision of advice to Councillors and staff, and promotion of heritage conservation in the community. It also involves responding to customer enquiries and assisting in explaining policies to customers.

For further information, click here or download the Strategic Heritage Officer Info Pack June 2013.

Applications close Monday 8 July.


23. SITUATION VACANT Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, University of WA


The University of Western Australia invites applications for the inaugural Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History, endowed by Wesfarmers Ltd. This tenurable Chair in Australian History has been established to provide leadership in Australian historical scholarship regionally, nationally and internationally with a specific focus on Western Australia’s place in the history of the nation and the wider Asian region. The appointee will be an academic leader in the broadest sense: a productive and original researcher, with a commitment to high-quality teaching and research in Australian history and the ability to communicate its value and vitality in a variety of public settings, the media and throughout the education system. The Chair will take a lead in advising on and formulating policies that will enliven and inform public debate around key issues affecting the nation’s future. The Chair will join the Discipline of History and will have opportunities for collaboration with the Chair in Australian Literature and the Kimberley Foundation Ian Potter Chair in Rock Art, within the Faculty of Arts.

For further information regarding the position, applicants are encouraged to direct enquiries to the Dean of Arts, Winthrop Professor Krishna Sen, by email.

Closing date: Friday 2 August 2013

An attractive remuneration package will be negotiated including generous superannuation, leave provisions and fares to Perth (if applicable) for the appointee and dependents along with a relocation allowance.

The Information for Candidates brochure, which includes details to submit your application, may be found at this link (note – this link opens PDF), via the UWA Job Vacancies website or by emailing Ms Toni Pilgrim, Human Resources.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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