Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program, round two – calling for Victorian Members!
Burra Charter Guidelines Review: your comments are invited
Inaugural winner of the Sharon Sullivan National Heritage award announced
Imagined pasts…, imagined futures 2013 Australia ICOMOS conference – call for student posters
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Engineering Heritage Australia Colin Crisp Award 2013 – call for entries
Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology conference, Canberra – Registration open & call for papers
Robin Boyd Foundation Zeitgeist I Lecture Series, next lecture 28 May, Melbourne
Upcoming IPPHA courses for the remainder of 2013
Project consultant seeks overseas contacts for study trip
SHA Quebec 2014 session – participants invited
ICOMOS seeks ICOMOS members with experience in Algeria
9th International Masonry Conference, Portugal – call for abstracts
UCD Distance Learning Programme in World Heritage Conservation – applications now open
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
Conservation of Built Heritage 2014 (CBH14) course, Rome – applications open
Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission media release
2013 International Congress on Digital Heritage – call for papers
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Department of Finance and Deregulation
1. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program, round two – calling for Victorian Members!
As many of you will be aware, Australia ICOMOS launched a pilot mentoring program in Victoria last year following an earlier trial in the ACT. The program supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students looking toward careers in heritage.
As the program was so enthusiastically received by both mentors and mentees, we are very pleased to be offering it annually in Victoria, with other states to follow soon.
A big thank you to all those who mentored last year, generously sharing their time and knowledge, as well as feedback at the end to allow us to improve the program.
When naming their favourite aspect of the program, the majority of 2012 mentors named the personal contact (we both learned from each other; refreshing to talk to the younger generation; good to know there is actually a pool of interested people; like the opportunity to help a new person into the profession), and almost all felt that they were able to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and career prospects of their mentee. And all respondents said they would be happy to mentor again (which we are hoping they will do!).
This year, students in heritage-related degree programs at Deakin, Latrobe and Melbourne universities can apply to be mentees, as can early-career ICOMOS members.
Last year we had more potential mentees than mentors, so we are hoping that many ICOMOS members based in Victoria will be interested to participate. Those who mentored last year are welcome and encouraged to participate again.
What is required?
- While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that you get together at least 3 times during the program (late July to late October) to discuss issues involved in your practice and the student’s study and work interests.
- There will be a social event held in late July to introduce mentoring pairs.
- There will be a second organised event at the midpoint of the program – a CV workshop – followed by another opportunity for mentors and mentees to socialise.
- There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return.
How do I get involved as a MENTOR?
If you would like to contribute to this valuable (and enjoyable) effort this year, and be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 31 May 2013.
Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience and current practice. This will assist the Victorian Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees.
Mentors must be ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many Victorian students and mentors as possible.
How do I get involved as a MENTEE?
Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university.
Early Career ICOMOS members should email Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat for an information sheet and expression of interest form. These must be returned to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 31 May 2013.
We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many mentoring pairs as possible.
When do we start?
We will be matching students and mentors next month, and will launch this year’s program with a social event in July where mentoring pairs can meet.
We hope that all Victorian-based members will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines. And we hope that many of last year’s fabulous mentors will put up their hand again this year.
Kristal Buckley (Deakin University)
Natica Schmeder and David Young (University of Melbourne)
Susan Lawrence (Latrobe University)
2. Burra Charter Guidelines Review: your comments are invited
In late 2009-early 2010 Australia ICOMOS members were asked for their views on the existing Guidelines to the Burra Charter, on the need for additional Guidelines, and for any comments on the Burra Charter itself. Many people commented via the on-line surveys or through a workshop.
The three Guidelines to the Burra Charter have now been reviewed and reshaped as draft Practice Notes. As well, some minor changes are proposed to the Burra Charter itself – small fixes and other adjustments to address evolving practice. These changes do not represent a major review of the Burra Charter; such a review may be desired in the future.
The documents available now for review are:
- The Burra Charter (Draft 2013)
- Practice Note – Understanding and assessing cultural significance
- Practice Note – Developing policy
- Practice Note – Undertaking studies and reports
The draft Practice Notes and revisions to the Burra Charter have been developed by a small working group set up by the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee. The working group started preparing these Practice Notes and small changes to the Burra Charter in May 2012, and is now seeking feedback from all Australia ICOMOS members and from others interested in heritage practice.
The working group comprises: Sandy Blair, Anthony Coupe, Alan Croker, Rachel Jackson, Chris Johnston, Duncan Marshall, Andrew Sneddon (EC member) and David Young. The Executive Committee has overseen the process, but has not been involved in drafting the documents.
After receipt of comments, the working group will prepare final versions of those Practice Notes that have gained general acceptance, modifying them to reflect trends in the views of members. They will advise the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee about the results, and recommend adoption by the Executive Committee. The aim is to launch the concept of Practice Notes, and some selected examples, at the 2013 Australia ICOMOS Conference in Canberra. Revisions to the Burra Charter will go to the Australia ICOMOS AGM in Canberra for adoption.
1. A web page on the Australia ICOMOS website: To enable you to discuss and comment on each of these four documents, we have set up a dedicated page on the Australia ICOMOS website. Here you will find:
- The draft documents, with a brief description of their purpose and content
- A copy of each document to download and a brief explanation of the changes made to the Burra Charter and of the intended purpose of each Practice Note
2. A discussion forum: You can join in all or any of the discussion forums via the link from the dedicated page on the Australia ICOMOS website. Because our members are spread across Australia, we have established discussion forums rather than proposing meetings in the main capital cities. The working group will monitor the discussions on the forums.
3. A feedback and comments survey: To help you provide feedback, and to help the working group review responses, we have set up a simple feedback survey to capture comments on each of the four documents. You will find the link on the dedicated page on the Australia ICOMOS website.
The deadline for comments is Friday 28 June 2013.
Further and ongoing work
The working group is now preparing some other Practice Notes and these are expected to be available for review in mid June, with the closing date for comments being the end of July. The following topics will be covered by new Practice Notes:
- Article 22: New Work
- The Burra Charter and Indigenous Cultural Heritage Management
- The Burra Charter and Archaeological Practice
- Interpretation
Australia ICOMOS members have also suggested a number of other topics for Practice Notes, and the Executive Committee will invite members to help prepare these, starting after the 2013 Canberra conference.
As part of this review process, a range of other interested organisations including State and Commonwealth heritage agencies, are being invited to comment.
Australia ICOMOS looks forward to receiving constructive feedback from all members and heritage practitioners.
3. Inaugural winner of the Sharon Sullivan National Heritage award announced
The Australian Heritage Council today announced Adjunct Professor Richard Mackay AM as the first recipient of the Sharon Sullivan National Heritage Award, recognising an individual’s outstanding and long term contribution to Australia’s national heritage.
Australia ICOMOS congratulates Richard, a prominent and very active ICOMOS member.
To read more about Adjunct Professor Richard Mackay and the Sharon Sullivan National Heritage award, click here.
4. Imagined pasts…, imagined futures 2013 Australia ICOMOS conference – call for student posters
Imagined pasts…, imagined futures
31 October-3November 2013
Canberra, Australia
Call for Student Posters
The Australia ICOMOS Conference Committee would like to invite submissions of abstracts for student posters for the ‘Imagined pasts…, imagined futures’ ICOMOS 2013 Conference.
Submission is open to both post and undergraduate students from local and international educational institutions.
The posters should relate to the conference themes set out below. Overviews, reviews, reflections and case studies concerning heritage from anywhere in the world are encouraged.
- IMAGINED CITIES: Design, nation building and heritage. How can we conserve legacy designs and historic urban landscapes, and also encourage ongoing creativity and excellence in heritage listed cities?
- IMAGINED LANDSCAPES: How successful has heritage management been in conveying and conserving belonging, creativity and traditions embedded in cultural and historic urban landscapes? What new aspirations and directions can be explored for the future?
- CREATIVE FUTURES: How can sustainable futures be created for museums and heritage places in rapidly changing social, technological, environmental and economic circumstances?
- INDIGENOUS FUTURES: How can heritage contribute to sustainable futures for Indigenous communities?
- TRANSNATIONAL & WORLD HERITAGE: What is the future for World Heritage? Is heritage found in the spaces between nations? How can transnational heritage be recognised and why is it important?
- CREATIVE IMAGININGS: How can heritage and creative practice be combined to explore the poetics of place and memory?
- IMAGINED FRONTIERS: How should the heritage of space exploration and scientific research be understood and valued?
Conference proceedings
Posters will be displayed in Old Parliament House for the duration of the conference. Time will be allocated in the conference program for delegates to tour the posters and talk to the authors, sharing ideas and experiences on your poster topic. Selected posters will also be published in Historic Environment. At the end of the conference a prize will be awarded to the best poster. Attendance at the conference with your poster is encouraged, however, it is possible to submit a poster without attending. A special student rate for registration is offered – visit the conference website for registration rates.
Abstracts should include the following:
- your name, contact details and affiliation
- the title of the poster
- a succinct abstract in no more than 250 words
Language: All posters are to be in English
Submission review: Conference Academic Committee
Abstract deadlines
Deadline poster abstracts: Friday 19 July 2013
Notification of successful poster abstracts: Friday 2 August 2013
Final submission of the selected posters is required in PDF format by Thursday 10 October 2013. Your poster will be printed in AI size and will be hung on your behalf.
Please submit abstracts to celiaecramer@gmail.com by 19 July 2013.
5. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Workshop: Our Views on ACT Government Response to the ACT Heritage Act Review
Community submissions on the ACT Government response to the 2010 review of the ACT Heritage Act 2004 are welcome until 14 June 2013. As most of you will know, the ACT Government released its response on 16 May 2013**. ‘Canberra ICOMOS’ is therefore holding a workshop on 6 June – to hopefully hear from an invited member of the ACT Government on its position (yet to be confirmed), and develop our view. This workshop will assist Australia ICOMOS’ official submission, as well as perhaps inform individuals or other organisations to decide on theirs.
**The ACT Government’s response available on the ACT Government website.This page provides access to the 2010 review of the legislation and the Government’s draft bill for its proposed changes; it also provides a summary of the Government’s response, available by clicking here.
This discussion will be led by the ACT Representative and Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee member Kate Cowie, with Marilyn Truscott assisting.
Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.
Refreshments available appropriate to the talk’s topic! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)
Time & Date: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 6 June – 5.30pm for formal start of meeting
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott
6. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Deakin’s next cultural heritage seminar will be on Thursday 30 May at 5.30pm at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Sally Watterson will be speaking on Jinhin Mongol/Real Mongolian; The Museums of Mongolia in the post socialist period.
Since its transition to democracy in 1999, Mongolia has undergone rapid change. Local and International scholarship has accelerated in the past two decades. A substantial amount has been written about an emerging new national identity and its linkage to historical precedents. Though museums are key purveyors of historical narratives, scholarship about Mongolia’s museums has been minimal by comparison to other areas.
This research explores the ways in which key Mongolian museums have responded to changes under democracy. Further, it seeks to explore the extent to which museums responses reflect wider issues popular in Mongolian society. Using a group of case studies it will be demonstrated that a rich museum culture historically exists in Mongolia. However, museums were marginalized during the economic and political upheaval and each has thus needed to operate opportunistically rather than strategically. This lack of security has led museums at times to emphasize popular historical issues, rather than lead in scholarly revision of history.
Sally Watterson has 15 years experience working both locally and internationally in various roles in museums, historic houses and national parks. Her interests are management, curatorial and interpretation.
Sally holds a Graduate Diploma (Heritage Studies) University of New England and Bachelor of Arts (Art History) from the University of Sydney. She is currently consulting on a number of heritage projects in NSW and lecturing in Museum Studies at the University of Sydney.
Sally worked at the National Museum of Mongolia in a capacity building role from 2001 – 2003, and has continued to have a keen interest in the development of Museums in Mongolia. Sally is currently in the latter stages of candidature (Doctor of Philosophy) at Deakin University and her work explores impacts of the post socialist period on Mongolian Museums.
Location (note new venue)
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
239 A’Beckett Street
Melbourne (entry via William Street)
Date & Time
Thursday 30 May, starting at 5.30pm
For further information or to RSVP, please email Steven Cooke.
7. Engineering Heritage Australia Colin Crisp Award 2013 – call for entries
Engineering Heritage Australia Colin Crisp Award 2013
The Colin Crisp Award shall be awarded for the most outstanding effort deemed by the Award Committee to have demonstrated excellence through the conservation of an engineering work of historic or heritage significance; engineering work that facilitates the successful conservation of an historic or heritage structure or building; recording, research, or documentation of an engineering history or heritage nature; education, or the creation of awareness in engineering history or heritage and related endeavours.
Please note that this award is for projects, not achievement by individuals.
The award will be made at the 17th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference in Canberra 17-20 November 2013. For more information refer to the Engineering Heritage Australia webpage or contact the Administrator on (02) 6270 6530.
8. Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology conference, Canberra – Registration open & call for papers
Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology Conference AIMA13
Towards Ratification – Australia’s underwater cultural heritage
Canberra, Australia
4-6 October 2013
Hosted by the Research School of Humanities and the Arts, Australian National University, this conference is now open for registration – click here to register
Conference sessions and call for papers now online – click here to view the Sessions & Call for Papers. Submissions are due by 30 June 2013.
This conference’s primary objective is to continue to encourage the Australian Government towards immediate ratification of the UNESCO 2001 Convention for the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage to meet the international best practice standards for management of underwater cultural heritage. The Conference themes will highlight the variety and significance of our underwater heritage in Australian waters and overseas, and the significant positive value that Australia’s ratification would have in the region.
This conference aims to:
- support and inform Australia’s ratification of the UNESCO 2001 Convention for the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage
- encourage discussion about Australia’s diverse underwater cultural heritage in Australia and overseas
- exchange and disseminate information about underwater cultural heritage activities within Australia, Asia and the countries of the Indian and Pacific Oceans
- facilitate professional development for maritime archaeologists and underwater cultural heritage managers in the Asia-Pacific region
- provide a forum for discussion on the pros and cons of ratification
- review necessary legislative steps to becoming a party of the Convention
For further information, visit the conference website.
9. Robin Boyd Foundation Zeitgeist I Lecture Series, next lecture 28 May, Melbourne
ZEITGEIST I is an initiative of The University of Melbourne Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation in partnership with the Robin Boyd Foundation.
The act of ‘making’ artefacts and then conserving them has consequences … So we then might ask the question: To what extent is the physical fabric a measure of design intent and artefactual status?
The ZEITGEIST lecture program has been developed to explore this proposition through the contemporary eye of the ‘maker’. The fourth speaker for Zeitgeist I is Mr Kevin O’Brien. Kevin is Professor of Design, Creative Industries Faculty, School of Design, Queensland University of Technology.
Date & time: Tuesday 28 May 2013, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Venue: ‘Walsh Street,’ 290 Walsh Street, South Yarra
Cost: Robin Boyd Foundation members $20.00, public $25.00, students $15.00
Guests are invited for drinks on arrival at 6.30pm for an 7.00pm start.
For further information and to book tickets, visit the Robin Boyd Foundation website.
10. Upcoming IPPHA courses for the remainder of 2013
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is pleased to offer the following professional development courses. (Click on the links to view course fliers or download the EOI form).
Museum, Collection and Heritage Management
11-12 June and 24-26 June 2013
A five-day Advanced Professional Development short course working intensively with a range of management concepts as they apply to museums and other cultural and heritage institutions, with specific case studies drawn from Australia and overseas. The course will include guest sessions by senior museum managers exploring and presenting best practice at the leading national cultural institutions in Canberra.
Leading practice in museum and heritage place education
8-12 July 2013
A five-day Advanced Professional Development short course critically reviewing the educational approaches used in Australian museums and national cultural institutions. You will learn first-hand from museum and heritage educators, as well as public programs staff at the wide variety of cultural institutions accessible in Canberra. Complete and submit the Leading practice in museum and heritage place education EOI.
Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places
4-10 August 2013 at Port Arthur, Tasmania
An Advanced Professional Development Short Course presented by leading industry trainers Professor Sharon Sullivan And Dr Michael Pearson.
Part of a program awarded the ANU’s 2010 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Education.
Conservation, management and interpretation of cemeteries
28-31 August 2013 at the Australian National University
A two day Skills Development Workshop focusing on practical issues of identifying and managing the heritage values of cemeteries and graves, including a 1 day field trip to local cemeteries around Canberra.
Leading industry trainer, David Young, will conduct the course.
Working with Indigenous collections in Canberra’s national institutions: a behind the scenes look at their value, curation and use
16-20 September 2013
A five-day Advanced Professional Development short course providing an update of professional practice in working with communities, planning, development and use of Indigenous collections, benefiting from the experience of Australia’s national cultural institutions. Complete and submit the Working with Indigenous collections in Canberra’s national institutions EOI.
For online registrations go to the IPPHA website.
11. Project consultant seeks overseas contacts for study trip
Stephanie Johnston is a project consultant to the Mount Lofty Ranges Agricultural Landscape World Heritage Site listing project. She is researching elite landscape designations for agricultural landscapes, and specifically will be visiting the Alto Douro World Heritage Cultural Landscape in Portugal and the the Barcelona Agricultural Park (Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat) in early July. She will also visit Brazil on the same trip. If any ICOMOS members or other heritage colleagues have any relevant contacts in Barcelona, Galicia, Portugal or Brazil (or elsewhere in the world) please contact Stephanie by email.
12. SHA Quebec 2014 session – participants invited
The Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) and the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology (ACUA) will be holding the 47th Conference on Historic and Underwater Archaeology in Québec City, Canada, from 8-12 January 2014, on the theme “Questions that count: a critical evaluation of historical archaeology in the 21st century”.
Visit the the conference website for further information; also view the Call for Papers.
Dr Mark Staniforth and Maria Cruz Berrocal are putting together a session at SHA 2014 and would like to invite possible participants. This session will follow on from a session in the SAA annual meeting in Honolulu, which was promising, and they want to expand on it. Unfortunately, they cannot cover expenses for attending the SHA conference, but they do really hope that you will consider joining them in January 2014. Alternatively, you could consider attending a parallel session around this topic that they will be organising for the 20th IPPA congress in Siem Reap, Cambodia, also in January 2014.
SHA 2014 session – Early modern colonialism in the Asia-Pacific region
The study of early modern colonialism in the Asia-Pacific region is highly significant for re-thinking Global History, as historians are highlighting the region’s relevance in the transformation of global economy through its role in far-reaching trade networks. Thus, the important role of non-Angloamerican colonial agents (such as the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and others before 1800 C.E.) in the shaping of early modern colonialism is also being pointed out. Archaeology can and needs to make a contribution to this topic. This may be through, amongst others, the study of consumption patterns, environmental effects, demographic impacts, transformation of gender systems brought about by contact, role of material culture in these first colonial endeavours, and specifically, the important evidence that historical and maritime archaeology can provide. A history-archaeology joint collaboration is required in order to find new lines of evidence and argumentation that enrich this topic.
- Research topic = Terrestrial and Maritime
- Preferred presentation style = Symposium
- Language = English
- Organisers = Dr Mark Staniforth (Monash University, Australia) and Maria Cruz Berrocal (Institute of History, CSIC, Spain)
Paper abstracts for SHA 2014 are due by 11 July – download a poster while you are preparing your abstract.
13. ICOMOS seeks ICOMOS members with experience in Algeria
ICOMOS is participating in the following call for tender – EuropeAid/133944/C/SER/DZ –DZ-Algiers: ENPI — Recruitment of technical assistance to help implement the programme to support the protection and optimisation of cultural heritage in Algeria”.
Following their shortlisting, they are currently compiling the necessary bid documents together with the other members of our consortium. The bid documents have to be submitted by 7 June at the latest.
In that context, and also to prepare themselves should their bid be successful, and in complement of the online searches made on the ICOMOS Member and Expert database, ICOMOS is seeking heritage professionals who have worked in, or in relation with, Algeria. They are particularly interested in archaeologists but also in all other heritage professions.
ICOMOS members who have the required experience should email their CVs to Gaia Jungeblodt by email. Please also specify in your email the nature of the experience/work you have carried out in relation to Algeria.
14. 9th International Masonry Conference, Portugal – call for abstracts
9th International Masonry Conference
Guimarães, Portugal
7-9 July 2014
The 9th International Masonry Conference is a joint initiative from the University of Minho and the International Masonry Society. This Conference series has become a great forum for dissemination of the latest scientific and technical developments, and for the exchange of new ideas in emerging topics in masonry.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 June 2013. The abstracts should be submitted through the conference website after the registration of the authors “First time registration” and accessing the “Restricted Area. You should select the option “Author” to proceed with the submission process. In your private area you can also track the abstract status. Note that in the submission you can choose from a topic or a special session, according to the subject of your abstract. For details about the topics and special sessions, please check the conference website.
15. UCD Distance Learning Programme in World Heritage Conservation – applications now open
University College Dublin (UCD) is offering courses in World Heritage Conservation which are accessible to people from around the world and provide a flexible learning environment to professionals and decision makers working in areas related to the nomination and conservation of World Heritage Sites. The programme is now open for applications. The Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in World Heritage Conservation are part-time, online, distance learning courses designed to provide a professional understanding of the working of the World Heritage Convention and the processes for the inscription of and monitoring of properties on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
University College Dublin also offers a Master’s Programme in World Heritage Management, which is taught on campus in Ireland. The multi-disciplinary Master’s Programme equips students with the skills to protect, manage and share some of the world’s most outstanding and unique places. The course specialises in both natural and cultural heritages and students with a strong primary degree from any discipline are welcome to apply.
The deadline for applicants this academic year is 9 August 2013. For more information please contact:
Dr Claire Cave
UCD School of Biology & Environmental Science
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Phone: +353- 1- 716 2256
Email Claire
or apply online
Further information is available at the UCD website.
16. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
17. Conservation of Built Heritage 2014 (CBH14) course, Rome – applications open
Conservation of Built Heritage 2014 (CBH14)
28 February – 30 April 2014
Rome, Italy
Application deadline: 1 July 2013
ICCROM is pleased to announce the fifth training course on Conservation of Built Heritage in Rome. ICCROM has been a pioneer in organizing courses in heritage conservation since 1965 including the Architectural Conservation Course (ARC) and many other regular courses and most recently the course on Conservation of Built Heritage for four consecutive intervals since 2007. In designing this course, ICCROM has drawn from this experience, evaluation results and considered the most recent international trends and thinking related to conservation of the built heritage, including buildings, sites, historic centres and cultural landscapes.
Click here for more information.
18. Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission media release
Gullah Geechee Corridor’s Management Plan Is Approved
The Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Management Plan has officially been approved by the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, making it an official document with which to begin implementation of projects and programs.
Click on the link below to read the entire media release.
19. 2013 International Congress on Digital Heritage – call for papers
2013 International Congress on Digital Heritage
27 October – 1 November 2013
Marseille, France
Join us in the 2013 European Capital of Culture, Marseille, France, this fall for the world’s largest gathering ever focused on Digital Heritage. A joined event of the leading scientific meetings in information technology for heritage, the Congress will for the first time bring VSMM, Eurographics GCH, UNESCO’s Memory of the World, Arquaeologica2.0, Archaeovirtual, Digital Art Week and special events from CAA, CIPA, Space2Place, ICOMOS ICIP, and multiple others together in one venue with a prestigious joint publication. A ground-breaking public expo of cutting edge digital heritage projects will also grace the conference venue at the new museum complex on the Marseille waterfront.
DigitalHeritage2013, jointly with the affiliated Conferences and Exhibitions which are held under one common management and registration, invite you to participate and contribute to the 1st international forum for the dissemination and exchange of cutting-edge scientific knowledge on theoretical, generic and applied areas of digital heritage. We are seeking submissions of full papers, short papers, workshops, tutorials, exhibitions, applications and short works for consideration in the DigitalHeritage2013 Congress.
All submissions shall provide a mandatory abstract of max. 300 words by 23 June 2013
All submissions will need to be submitted by means of EasyChair that is accessible at this link.
For more information, visit the conference website and download the DigitalHeritage2013 – CALL FOR PAPERS.
20. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Advisor, Department of Finance and Deregulation
APS Level 6 – Heritage Advisor – Non-Ongoing (Job Ref: 027-13)
Salary: $74,582 – $97,179
Contact Officer: Lauren Gray, (02) 6215 1776
Closing Date: Monday 27 May 2013
The Department of Finance and Deregulation’s Property and Construction Division is responsible for developing and administering Australian Government property policy and manages a diverse range of buildings, land and construction projects, many comprising significant heritage values. This exciting position facilitates operational and strategic heritage compliance activities, including expert heritage advice, in support of property outcomes.
Please review the duty statement and selection criteria before preparing your application. Applications must be lodged online.
21. SITUATIONS VACANT UNITAR, Various, Asia, USA & Europe
What is UNITAR?
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations system with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the UN through appropriate training and research.
What are UNITAR’s mission and goal?
UNITAR’s mission is to deliver innovative training and conduct research on knowledge systems to develop the capacity of beneficiaries. Our goal is to be a centre of excellence recognized within and outside the United Nations system for standard-setting methodologies, high-quality training, and research capacity on knowledge systems.
To peruse the available vacancies, download the UNITAR VACANCY NEWSLETTER
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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