The Conservation Plan 7th edition available online
Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference: imagined pasts… imagined futures…
Minding the Gap: The Role of Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment, a one-day symposium
Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter now available
Upcoming IPPHA courses
Heritage Council of WA Seminar 2013 – call for speakers
2013 Western Australian Heritage Awards
Museums Australia National Conference 2013 – registration open
Sustainable Collections Workshop ‘Risk Management for Collecting Organisations’ just around the corner
A Passion for Plants – the life of Alexander Macleay, an illustrated talk by Derelie Cherry
News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
Invitation to nominate for Ballarat Heritage Awards
Workshop on new technologies in museum visitor research, British Museum
CAA2013 Perth conference: “Across Space and Time” – registration open
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
Call for Nominations for the National Heritage List and Commonwealth Heritage List
2014 World Monuments Watch nominations now invited
Cambridge Heritage Research Group Seminar Series
International Scientific Workshop: On the Way to the Green Museum, 11-13 April 2013
SITUATION VACANT Presenter, ABC TV Restoration series
SITUATION VACANT Research Associate, School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania, Hobart
SITUATION VACANT Curator, Petrie Museum, University College London
SITUATION VACANT EOI to review/update CMP for Ballarat Arch of Victory/Avenue of Honour, City of Ballarat
1. The Conservation Plan 7th edition available online
James Semple Kerr’s The Conservation Plan was first published by the National Trust of Australia (NSW) in 1982. Since then it has evolved and expanded through six editions and twelve impressions. It has been widely used, not only by heritage practitioners and owners in Australia but worldwide. It outlines the logical processes of the Burra Charter, and how to prepare a Conservation Plan to guide and manage change to a heritage item appropriately.
Now, in 2013, Dr Kerr has generously allowed Australia ICOMOS to provide this 7th edition version of The Conservation Plan as a free-of-charge download from the Australia ICOMOS website. This will have huge application, particularly across the teaching institutions, and will allow ready access to this important resource by all. Australia ICOMOS is delighted to be able to help make this publication nationally and internationally accessible in this way.
2. Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference: imagined pasts… imagined futures…
imagined pasts… imagined futures…
Australia ICOMOS 2013 National Conference—Centenary of Canberra
Thursday 31 October – Sunday 3 November 2013
Call for Conference Session Proposals
‘Imagined pasts, imagined futures’ is an exciting multidisciplinary conference that coincides with the centenary of Canberra and the array of cultural activities, performances, exhibitions and events that are planned for Canberra in 2013. Australia ICOMOS is partnering with the Museum of Australian Democracy in the unique setting of Old Parliament House to explore how heritage participates in the ‘imagined communities’ and ‘imagined geographies’ of nations and communities in a globalising world. Taking the imagining of the city of Canberra as our inspiration, the conference encourages a focus on imagination, innovation and creativity. Conference activities will feature special events that showcase Canberra’s unique cultural, historical and political heritage—from indigenous heritage futures, to the imagined frontiers of science and the heritage of political debate and satire! Pre and post conference activities will explore the heritage and cultural landscapes of the region, including its fantastic cool climate wines and produce.
Proposals are encouraged for sessions, workshops, panel discussions, performances, as well as individual papers – suggested themes are set out on the conference website. Be creative! Non-traditional formats welcomed.
The deadline for proposals for sessions, workshops and panel discussions etc is 28 February 2013. The deadline for abstracts for individual papers or performances is 30 April 2013.
Please email proposals to Tracy Ireland (Conference Organising Committee).
Early bird registration for ICOMOS Members (Full and Associate) $495, Non Members $595.
Registration will open in May 2013.
3. Minding the Gap: The Role of Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment, a one-day symposium
Minding the Gap: The Role of Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment
A One-Day Symposium
The Getty Center, Los Angeles
21 May 2013
Registration opens February 2013
Heritage conservation is about managing change – and nowhere is this more contentious than in the historic urban environment. How do today’s architects insert new buildings in cherished historic urban areas in a way that respects, reveals, and celebrates their special character while potentially creating the heritage of tomorrow?
For further information, visit the symposium website or view the Minding the Gap symposium flier.
4. Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter now available
Be the first to receive the latest heritage news, events and announcements by subscribing to the Heritage Council’s monthly eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.
To subscribe and to view the current issue, click here.
5. Upcoming IPPHA courses
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is pleased to offer the following professional development courses for early 2013. (Click on the links to view course fliers)
- Innovations in Museum and Gallery Exhibition Practice
4-8 February 2013 at the Australian National University, various national cultural institutions and ACT Museums and Galleries
An Advanced Professional Development Short Course considering innovative exhibition practice, learning first-hand from curators, exhibition designers and education officers.
- Managing small museums at a heritage place
11-15 February 2013 at the Australian National University, Canberra and Braidwood, NSW
An Advanced Professional Development Short Course presented in association with the Braidwood Museum. Complete the Expression of interest – Managing small museums at a heritage place to register your interest.
- Bill Gammage’s The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia
Monday 18 March 2013 at the Australian National University
A one-day Professional Update on this multi award-winning book providing critical perspectives on the issues raised and examining the implications for how our continent is understood and might be managed in the future. Complete the Expression of interest – Bill Gammage’s The Biggest Estate on Earth to register your interest.
- Physical conservation of buildings and structures
15-19 April 2013 at Kakadu National Park and Pine Creek Historic Township, NT
Afield-based Professional Development Short Course covering a range of physical conservation issues and strategies for conserving buildings and structures in place. In 2013, for the first time, this course will be delivered at Kakadu National Park and will provide ‘hands on’ access to an intriguing range of historic buildings and understanding of the multiple values held by communities, including Aboriginal people.
- Memory of the World: assessing the material records and links to other forms of heritage in international practice
Wednesday 24 April at the Australian National University, Canberra
A one-day Professional Update which explores our growing heritage of archives and documents, oral and visual recordings, as well as the strong links to places and intangible aspects of heritage, with case studies from Australia and the Asia-Pacific.
Where detailed flyers are available, registration is now open at the IPPHA website.
6. Heritage Council of WA Seminar 2013 – call for speakers
The Heritage Council of WA seminar for 2013 will take place on 21-22 March 2013 at the historic Cottesloe Civic Centre. Presentations are sought on the theme of ‘Suburban Heritage – towards 2031’.
Further information can be found at the Seminar website or contact Callum Crofton on (08) 6552 4151 or email Callum.
7. 2013 Western Australian Heritage Awards
Nominations are now open for the 2013 Western Australian Heritage Awards.
The awards recognise outstanding commitment to heritage conservation, adaptive reuse, tourism, interpretation and promotion of our rich cultural heritage.
Outstanding Western Australian conservation projects will be shortlisted for nomination in UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.
Nominations close 1 February 2013. Find out more.
8. Museums Australia National Conference 2013 – registration open
Museums Australia National Conference 2013 (MA2013)
How museums work: people, industry and nation
17 – 20 May 2013
Canberra, Australia
Take advantage of the early bird pricing and register now at the conference website.
Through a vibrant program of talks and innovative curated sessions the conference will explore some of the challenges facing the industry today such as the changing nature of work within museums, the joys and pitfalls of working collaboratively and preparing the next generation of museum and gallery professionals.
Delegates will be able to choose from over 30 parallel sessions, hear leading thinkers reflect on the conference theme How museums work, attend a range of social events including visits to some of the world-class institutions Canberra has to offer, sample new museum products and technologies and connect with colleagues from around Australia.
MA2013 promises to be one of the professional development highlights in 2013 and is not to be missed.
As part of the conference, we are planing some exciting tours and excursions around the Nation’s capital. We would appreciate your thoughts on how, where and when you would like these tours to be run. It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete our survey on this topic, by clicking here.
9. Sustainable Collections Workshop ‘Risk Management for Collecting Organisations’ just around the corner
Who: Significance International – Vicki Humphrey & Veronica Bullock
When: Thursday 7 and Friday 8 February 2013
Where: Burgmann College, Australian National University, Canberra
More informatiom: click here
10. A Passion for Plants – the life of Alexander Macleay, an illustrated talk by Derelie Cherry
A Passion for Plants – the life of Alexander Macleay
Wednesday 13 February
6pm for 7pm – 8.30pm
Described by his eldest daughter, Fanny, as the ‘Lion of Sydney’, Alexander Macleay’s garden of 54 acres at Elizabeth Bay was the finest in colonial New South Wales. Next February join Australia Garden History Society (AGHS) member, Derelie Cherry, author of Alexander Macleay – from Scotland to Sydney as she traces the life of this fascinating Scottish gentleman. Described by Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, Stephen Garton as “a path breaking piece of forensic research…our knowledge of colonial New South Wales is much enhanced”.
Dismissed from public office by Governor Bourke in 1836 amidst bitter intrigue, Alexander Macleay’s life was filled with adventure, romance (especially his children’s), a passion for natural history and financial problems which ultimately resulted in personal calamity. Yet the Macleay Museum at the University of Sydney and Macleay Street in Kings Cross remind us of the significance of Alexander Macleay, whilst the Botanic Gardens, State Library, Australian Museum and Australian Club are just a few of our early institutions that benefitted from his active involvement.
Do not miss what promises to be a very interesting evening.
Venue: Annie Wyatt Room, National Trust Centre, Observatory Hill
Cost: AGHS members, $20; Non-members, $30; includes light refreshments. Bookings essential.
Bookings and enquiries for the above event can be emailed to Jeanne.
PLEASE NOTE: Bookings must be made before payment. Payment confirms Booking. Payments for all events must be made prior to the event by either:
- cheque to Australian Garden History Society and mailed to: Jeanne Villani, Waterfall Cottage, 90 Cabbage Tree Road, Bayview, 2104
- bank transfer to: Australian Garden History Society, Sydney & Northern NSW Branch, ANZ Bank, Centrepoint Branch. BSB 012 040; Account 1017 62565
Payment must include your name and the function you are booking for.
Refunds for cancellations will not be made if less than 48 hours notice is given.
The book Alexander Macleay – from Scotland to Sydney is available at a discount to AGHS members – order online
11. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.
12. Invitation to nominate for Ballarat Heritage Awards
Nominations for the 2012 Ballarat Heritage Awards close this Tuesday 13 March at 5pm.
The awards are presented by the City of Ballarat and the National Trust of Australia and aim to recognise those who have demonstrated excellence in retention, restoration, enhancement and reuse of Ballarat heritage places.
For further information, click here.
13. Workshop on new technologies in museum visitor research, British Museum
Innovations in evaluation: new technologies in museum visitor research
9.30am – 5.00pm, 12 March 2013
The British Museum, London
The development of new digital technologies, from eye trackers to iPads, is changing the way researchers understand museum visitors. This hands-on workshop will provide a unique opportunity to test, evaluate and discuss some of these new innovations in visitor research in the museum environment. What can these developments tell us that we didn’t know before and what opportunities and problems do they present? Taking place at the British Museum, the day will feature practical exercises within the galleries, demonstrations by leading consultants, technicians and museum staff, and time to share your research ideas and experiences with industry specialists and fellow students.
The workshop, funded by the AHRC, is open to all PhD students (including Early Career researchers within eight years of their PhD award) whose research involves studying visitors to museums or other sites of cultural heritage. Students accepted on to this event will have their travel costs (within the UK) paid for by the project, and there will be no registration fee for those participating. Priority is given to students who can demonstrate a clear interest in museum visitor research in their work.
Further information is available in the Innovations in evaluation 2013 flier. Places are limited so please complete and return the Innovations in evaluation registration form no later than Friday 15 February 2013.
You will notified of your acceptance on to this workshop by 20 February 2013.
Any queries about this workshop can be emailed to Steph Berns.
14. CAA2013 Perth conference: “Across Space and Time” – registration open
CAA2013 PERTH “Across Space and Time”
University Club of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
25 – 28 March 2013
Registration for the CAA 2013 Conference is now OPEN.
Early Bird registration closes 7 February 2013 (11:59pm GMT). Online registration closes 24 March 2012 (11:59pm GMT).
For more information about registration and fees visit the Registration webpage.
15. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
16. Call for Nominations for the National Heritage List and Commonwealth Heritage List
The Hon Tony Burke MP, the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population, and Communities invites people to nominate places for inclusion in the National Heritage List or in the Commonwealth Heritage List for the assessment period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014.
Nominations must be received by the Department by 8 March 2013. Click here for further information.
17. 2014 World Monuments Watch nominations now invited
Deadline for nominations is 1 March 2013.
Every two years, World Monuments Fund (WMF) accepts new nominations to the World Monuments Watch. Nearly 700 sites on all seven continents have been included in the nine Watch cycles since 1996. Watch listing provides an opportunity for sites and their nominators to raise public awareness, foster local participation, advance innovation and collaboration, and demonstrate effective solutions. The announcement of the 2012 Watch was covered by 1000 news outlets in 65 countries, with circulation to over 700 million people worldwide. By capitalizing on the attention raised by Watch listing, local entities have leveraged support for Watch sites totaling over $180 million. WMF has contributed an additional $90 million toward projects at Watch sites in more than 80 countries.
The World Monuments Watch calls international attention to cultural heritage around the world that is at risk from the forces of nature and the impact of social, political, and economic change. From archaeological sites to iconic architecture, cultural landscapes to historic urban centers, the Watch identifies places of significance in need of timely action.
Nominating a site to the Watch is a two-part process. Click here to submit an initial inquiry, after which a username and password will be provided to access the secure Online Nomination Form.
Information about the 2014 World Monuments Watch can be found at the World Monuments Fund website.
Questions about the nomination process should be emailed to World Monuments Fund.
18. Cambridge Heritage Research Group Seminar Series
Outlined below is the updated Lent term schedule for the Cambridge Heritage Research Group Seminar Series.
30 January – Donna Yates
‘Cultural property, Andean church theft, and mummies in the post: developing method and theory to understand transnational heritage crime’, McDonald Seminar Room
6 February
13 February – John Lennon
‘Dark Tourism: challenges of appeal and interpretation’
20 February- Ian Baxter
‘Where is the management in heritage management?’
West Building Seminar Room
27 February – Giacomo Tabita
‘International humanitarian law and cultural heritage: Italian experiences’
6 March – Abigail Hunt
‘Scholarly and public histories: a case study of Lincolnshire, agriculture, and museums’
North Lecture Room
13 March – Dave O’Brien
‘Cultural value: a technology of government?’
**All seminars take place in the McDonald Institute Seminar Room, Division of Archaeology, Downing Site, Wednesdays 4.30-6.00pm (unless otherwise stated).**
19. International Scientific Workshop: On the Way to the Green Museum, 11-13 April 2013
Heritage Science and Sustainable Development for the Preservation of Art and Cultural Assets
On the Way to the Green Museum
International Scientific Workshop
11-13 April 2013
Organizer: Rathgen Research Laboratory, National Museums Berlin, Germany
- Understanding environments
- Understanding material behavior
- The economic and ecologic dimension
For further information, see the On the way to the Green Museum flier.
20. SITUATION VACANT Presenter, ABC TV Restoration series
ABC TV is looking for a presenter to host their proposed ABC Restoration series. Ideally, they want someone with a background in the heritage/restoration field. It is anticipated that it would be a part time commitment, beginning early to mid 2013, for around two years initially.
Criteria for Host/Presenter of the proposed ABC Restoration series:
- Have a background in the field of heritage/restoration or related discipline and be passionate about it
- Should be articulate and charismatic and not afraid to ‘get stuck in’
- Need to be relaxed in front of the camera, comfortable interacting with people and be happy and enthusiastic at whatever is thrown at them
- Must be able to project an image that enhances the show, this could mean creating a professional appearance, an edgy look or something in between
- Having a knack for writing is desirable, as well as time-management skills. The ability to meet deadlines is crucial
- Candidates should be prepared to travel regularly, be comfortable working in fast-paced environments and thinking on their feet
Interested persons should email Mark Stanforth for further information, by the end of January 2013.
21. SITUATION VACANT Research Associate, School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania, Hobart
Research Associate for the ARC Funded MONA Project (Level A)
Applications are invited for appointment to this part time [50%) position, which will be offered on a contractual basis for three years, with the successful appointee being required to take up duty at or near the beginning of Semester 1, 2013.
This is a multi-method research position attached to the ARC Funded Linkage Project: Towards A Bilbao Effect: MONA and the Social and Cultural Coordinates of Urban Regeneration Through Arts Tourism located in the Sociology Programme in the School of Social Sciences, Hobart.
Applicants with a PhD (or a near completed PhD) and experience in the fields of cultural studies, social anthropology, sociology, tourist studies, museum studies, geography, economics, planning or social policy are encouraged to apply.
The appointment salary will be within the Academic Level A scale depending on experience and qualifications.
For further information about the position please contact the Professor Adrian Franklin, on telephone (03) 6226 7241 or email Adrian.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 13 February 2013.
22. SITUATION VACANT Curator, Petrie Museum, University College London
Duties and Responsibilities
The Petrie Museum is one of the most respected collections of Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology in the world. It holds an estimated 80,000 objects which illustrate life in the Nile Valley from prehistory (5000 BC) through to the emergence of Islam (7th century AD).
The curator will have a lead role in the care and administration of the collection by ensuring it is properly documented and housed, managing the strategy for updating and maintaining the collections database, and managing the internal and external loans program.
Key Requirements
The Petrie Museum seeks a highly motivated person with extensive knowledge of Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology who has a passion for using collections to engage audiences of all types. The ideal candidate will have the ability to interpret and use the collection for a range of needs, be they academic research, university teaching, informal adult education workshops, or schools sessions.
The successful candidate will have a graduate degree in Egyptian archaeology, Egyptology or Arab world archaeology
This is not an academic role within the UCL organisational structure and thus there are no individual research or publication requirements associated with this position.
Application deadline – 15 February 2013
For further information and to download a position description, click here.
23. SITUATION VACANT EOI to review/update CMP for Ballarat Arch of Victory/Avenue of Honour, City of Ballarat
The City of Ballarat is seeking expressions of interest to undertake a review and update of the Ballarat Arch of Victory/Avenue of Honour Management Strategy Plan 1997 (CMP).
Ballarat’s state listed Arch of Victory/Avenue of Honour is a living memorial to the 3,771 people from the Ballarat area that enlisted for active service in the First World War. The Avenue was conceived in 1917 and between June of that year and August 1919 a tree was planted for each of these service personnel by the local community using funds they raised themselves. Since this time the community has continued to drive the conservation and management of this significant and highly recognised icon. The Avenue is a 22km long heritage landscape that is a type of war memorial unique to Australia which reflects a local, state, national and global story.
The current management strategy plan developed for the Avenue was adopted in February 1997. In the following fifteen years several changes have occurred which have impacted on the relevance and accuracy of aspects of this document and the issues affecting the site. In addition this significant heritage icon faces many challenges into the future which, among other things, requires the investigation of a broader range of values associated with this place. Given this situation Council is seeking expressions of interest from qualified experts to undertake the development of an updated Conservation Management Plan (CMP) that reflects current heritage processes and formats to ensure the continued protection of the Avenue as well as improve the interpretation of its significance and value to the community, state and nation. (Please note, a Strategic Asset Management Plan and design guidelines for the Ballarat West development/Avenue of Honour interface have recently been completed which will also support this work).
If you would like to receive further information please contact Susan Fayad, Coordinator Heritage, City of Ballarat via email or on (03) 5320 5677.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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