Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 563

  1. Australia ICOMOS Tasmanian World Heritage Forum and Christmas Drinks
  2. Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference: imagined pasts… imagined futures…
  3. Joint AIA, Docomomo & Australia ICOMOS talk
  4. US/ICOMOS 2013 International Exchange Program – call for applicants and host organisations
  5. “Energy Efficiency in Heritage Buildings and the Effects of Climate Change on Heritage” talk, Melbourne
  6. The Coming of the Kauris – Agathis and After talk, Sydney
  7. Australia ICOMOS Working and Reference Groups – EOI sought
  8. 2014 Visiting Fellowship at ANU now open
  9. “New Futures in Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaptation, Additions & Reuse” course now available online
  10. Nominations for the PHA NSW’s Public History Prize close soon!
  11. Advanced Masters Course in Structural Analysis of Existing Buildings, Monuments and Historical Constructions
  12. Shaping Canberra: The Lived Experience of Place, Home and Capital, 17-20 September 2013
  13. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
  14. News from ICCROM
  15. Invitation to colleagues of Cathy Santamaria
  16. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  17. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
  18. Survey of Queensland gardens and landscapes
  19. Getty Graduate Internship Program 2013/2014 – applications open
  20. A few places left in 22nd Summer School (The Conservation of Traditional Buildings)
  21. SITUATION WANTED M.Architecture graduate seeks work opportunity


1. Australia ICOMOS Tasmanian World Heritage Forum and Christmas Drinks

Date & Time: Monday 10 December 2012, 4.00–6.30pm
Venue: Australia Institute of Architects Offices, 19A Hunter Street, Hobart
(off the courtyard behind the Drunken Admiral Hotel)

Along with the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area inscribed in 1982 and Macquarie Island (inscribed in 1997), five Tasmanian convict sites were included in the 2010 World Heritage Listing of the Australian Convict Sites (11 sites in total). These are the Brickendon and Woolmers Estates, Cascades Female Factory, Coal Mines Historic Site, Darlington Probation Station and Port Arthur Historic Site.

Australia ICOMOS has been holding a series of State-based forums around Australia in 2012 focusing on the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.

The Tasmanian Forum provides an opportunity to not only engage with World Heritage but also to increase awareness of the importance of conserving and managing Australia’s cultural heritage. Key questions to be discussed by speakers cover International, National and Community issues.

For further information and to register, download the ICOMOS World Heritage Tasmania Forum registration form. The registration deadline is Thursday 6 December.


2. Australia ICOMOS 2013 conference: imagined pasts… imagined futures…

imagined pasts… imagined futures…
Australia ICOMOS 2013 National Conference—Centenary of Canberra
Thursday 31 October – Sunday 3 November 2013

Call for Conference Session Proposals

‘Imagined pasts, imagined futures’ is an exciting multidisciplinary conference that coincides with the centenary of Canberra and the array of cultural activities, performances, exhibitions and events that are planned for Canberra in 2013. Australia ICOMOS is partnering with the Museum of Australian Democracy in the unique setting of Old Parliament House to explore how heritage participates in the ‘imagined communities’ and ‘imagined geographies’ of nations and communities in a globalising world. Taking the imagining of the city of Canberra as our inspiration, the conference encourages a focus on imagination, innovation and creativity. Conference activities will feature special events that showcase Canberra’s unique cultural, historical and political heritage—from indigenous heritage futures, to the imagined frontiers of science and the heritage of political debate and satire! Pre and post conference activities will explore the heritage and cultural landscapes of the region, including its fantastic cool climate wines and produce.

Proposals are encouraged for sessions, workshops, panel discussions, performances, as well as individual papers – suggested themes are set out in the Australia ICOMOS 2013 Conference flyer. Be creative! Non-traditional formats welcomed.

The deadline for proposals for sessions, workshops and panel discussions etc is 31 January 2013. The deadline for abstracts for individual papers or performances is 31 March 2013.

Please email proposals to Tracy Ireland (Conference Organising Committee).

Early bird registration for ICOMOS Members (Full and Associate) $495, Non Members $595.

Registration will open in April 2013.


3. Joint AIA, Docomomo & Australia ICOMOS talk

The Australian Institute of Architects (AIA), Docomomo Australia & ICOMOS Australia proudly present:

DAVID FIXLER on Modern Institutional Heritage

Architect and principal of the Boston architectural firm EYP David Fixler is a specialist in the conservation of twentieth century architecture. His projects include conservation and rehabilitation of iconic American modern buildings such as Baker House, the residential hall designed by Alvar Aalto at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston (1948), the United Nations Headquarters in New York (1952) and the Richards Medical Research Laboratories at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (1965). David is a frequent writer and lecturer on architectural preservation, architectural history and theory and his recent publications include Alvar Aalto in America (with Gail Fenske and Stanford Anderson). David is currently the joint chair of the Association for Preservation Technology’s (APT) Committee on Modern Heritage, the Preservation Officer for the Society of Architectural Historians and president of DOCOMOMO-USA (New England)

PETER COX on Energy Efficiency in Heritage and Traditional buildings from 12th – 20th Century

Peter Cox is the founding director of Carrig Building Fabric Consultants and Ramsay Cox associates, a leading sustainable engineering practice headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with offices in London, Manchester and Glasgow. He is the current President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Energy Conservation and Sustainability. He is past president of ICOMOS in Ireland but currently Vice President. Peter is guest lecturer in a number of Universities in Ireland, UK and the United States. dent. Peter is guest lecturer in a number of Universities in Ireland, UK and the United States. Download the Peter Cox Talk Abstract.

DATE: Thursday 6 December 2012

TIME: 6.00pm for 6.30pm

WHERE: Tusculum, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point

NOTE: Limited parking available; Refreshments will be served

COST: Free for members of the AIA, DOCOMOMO & Australia ICOMOS; $10 non members, $5 student non members

Download the AIA, Docomomo Australia & Australia ICOMOS talk flier.


4. US/ICOMOS 2013 International Exchange Program – call for applicants and host organisations

US/ICOMOS expects to support a number of internships overseas and within the United States in historic preservation during the course of 2013. This program provides unparalleled opportunities for preservationists early in their careers to gain hands-on experience in a country other than their own. The program is geared toward those nearing the end of graduate school or with 1-3 years of professional experience. Placements are made by matching the skills/experience of each applicant with the needs of each host organization.

Prospective Interns

Applications from prospective interns are due 31 January 2013. Application procedures can be found on the Intern section of the US/ICOMOS website.

Prospective Host Organisations

US/ICOMOS also seeks host organisations, such as non-profits, government agencies, and private firms, who are potentially interested in hosting a US/ICOMOS intern, whether in the United States or overseas. Information on hosting US/ICOMOS interns and a letter of interest form can be found on the Host section of the US/ICOMOS website.

2013 Program Schedule

The schedule for the 2012 program has not been finalised as yet. Usually, most internships take place during the summer months but some internships occur during the fall as well. US/ICOMOS is willing to work with host organizations to accommodate different schedules and durations of internships where necessary.

The program schedule for 2012 was as follows, and can be used as a guide to the likely schedule for 2013.

  • January 31: Applications due (this date applies to 2013)
  • March 1: Applicants notified of “shortlist” selection
  • April 1: Selected applicants notified of placement with sponsor
  • May 31 – June 2: Intern orientation
  • June 3: Interns travel to their host locations
  • June 7 – August 10: Internship with host organization
  • August 14-17: Summer Interns return to Washington, DC for final program and reception; Fall interns arrive for orientation
  • August 18: Summer Interns return home
  • After August 18: Fall interns travel to their host locations

Program Overview

Since the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program was created in 1984, more than 600 young preservation professionals and over 70 countries have participated. The aim of the program is to promote an understanding of international preservation policies, methods, and techniques and to enable interns to make professional contacts and form personal friendships that will ensure a continuing dialogue between countries.

The program began with a one-time exchange between US/ICOMOS and ICOMOS United Kingdom. It since has expanded to involve between 10 and 20 preservation professionals annually depending on the level of funding available. US/ICOMOS is always looking for preservation organizations both in the U.S. and abroad to host interns and participate in this exciting program of cultural exchange. The program is made possible through generous grants from many U.S. foundations, government agencies and individual contributors, and ICOMOS National Committees of participating.

For more information, click here or email Donald Jones, PhD, Director of Programs.


Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS. Nominations will be confirmed by 15 January 2013 . We regret the awkward timing of the call and US ICOMOS is aware of the problem.

Applicants must be financial full members of Australia ICOMOS, have adequate experience and the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year.

Applications should be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB Thursday 13 December 2012.


5. “Energy Efficiency in Heritage Buildings and the Effects of Climate Change on Heritage” talk, Melbourne

Peter Cox, Vice-President ICOMOS Ireland and Convenor of the ICOMOS International Working Group Energy Efficiency in Heritage Buildings Working Group will give a talk on this topical subject in Melbourne.

A draft resolution GA2011/33 Energy Conservation and Sustainable Development, put together by ICOMOS Ireland and ICOMOS Belgium, was adopted at the ICOMOS General Assembly (GA) in Paris December 2011. At the Advisory Committee meeting in Beijing, November, 2012 there was much informative discussion amongst Working Group members and interested parties which highlighted the various concerns and approaches to climate change in different regions.

Date & Time: 12 December 2012, 5.45 pm for 6.00 pm
Venue: Hughes Room, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Spring Street, Melbourne
Cost: $10.00. Drinks and nibbles provided.
RSVP: to Robyn Riddett via email or call (03) 9495 6389. Please note that RSVP is essential for catering and security purposes.


6. The Coming of the Kauris – Agathis and After talk, Sydney

The discovery of the Queensland kauri pine (Agathis robusta) opened up a new era in Australian forestry and botanical history, with active export and cultivation of both plants and timber. Discovery of other kauris from New Zealand (A.australis) and the South Pacific enriched many lives, with many buildings made of and lined with NZ kauri (Wellington’s old Government buildings is the world’s largest timber building made of this), and many parks and gardens resplendent with the towering canopies of these grand rainforest trees.

Executive Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, Professor David Mabberley, will discuss the discovery, publication and export of the various species of kauri pine (Agathis spp.) from the 19th century to now. David is a prize-winning plant specialist, science historian, botanic art expert, gardens director and author of 16 books, including the acclaimed Mabberley’s Plant-Book. In addition to his role as Executive Director, he currently holds positions including Visiting Professor at Oxford University and Extraordinary Professor at Leiden University in The Netherlands.

When: Thursday 6 December, 5.30 pm for 6 pm – 7.30 pm
Where: Maiden Theatre, Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney (entry off Mrs Macquarie’s Road down ramped car park entry, or through the gardens and Herbarium courtyard)
Cost: Foundation & Friends and Australian Garden History Society members $30, non-members $40
Bookings: Book online or download a booking form or call (02) 9231 8182


7. Australia ICOMOS Working and Reference Groups – EOI sought

Are you interested in joining an Australia ICOMOS Working Group or Reference Group?

Australia ICOMOS has a number of Working Groups and Reference Groups, which focus on areas of interest to Australia ICOMOS. In line with Australia ICOMOS’ policy, these groups are currently under review as the issues that gave rise to the need for some are no longer relevant and others are in need of renewed energy and commitment.

Reference Groups

If you have a particular expertise in one of the following areas, consider submitting an EOI for one of the Reference Groups below:

  • Pacific Heritage Reference Group
  • World Heritage Reference Group
  • Indigenous Heritage Reference Group

Working Groups

If you have a particular interest in one of the following areas, consider submitting an EOI for one of the Working Groups below:

  • Advocacy Working Group
  • Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Working Group
  • Heritage of Space Exploration Working Group

If you are interested in getting involved in any of these groups please send a brief Expression of Interest of no more than 500 words including your name and contact details and an outline of your experience, qualifications and interest in the topic. Please clearly indicate at the top of your EOI the Group you are interested in.

A small selection committee led by Duncan Marshall in the case of the Advocacy Working Group and Jane Harrington for the World Heritage Reference Group will review the EOI’s. The panel reviewing the other groups is currently being determined.

Once populated, the Groups’ new and existing members will be listed on the Australia ICOMOS website and the membership will stand for a maximum of 3 years, after which time they will again be reviewed and if continued will be open to another call for Expressions of Interest from members.

EOIs should be emailed to the Secretariat by no later than 5pm, Friday 7 December.

Please note: Existing members of these working groups and reference groups need not re-apply but are requested to confirm their interest in remaining on the relevant committee by emailing the Secretariat by no later than 5pm, Friday 7 December.


8. 2014 Visiting Fellowship at ANU now open

The Humanities Research Centre, RSHA, Australian National University (ANU) 2014 Visiting Fellowship is now open.

2014 Annual Theme – Now Showing: Cultures, Judgments, and Research on the Digital Screen

Deadline for applications: 31 March 2013

For more information, click here.

The Annual Theme description, guidelines, application and referees report forms are available by clicking here.


9. “New Futures in Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaptation, Additions & Reuse” course now available online

Presented by Liz Vines for the Australian Institute of Architects (Continuum), this course is now available online.

“It is said that in the near future fifty percent of architects’ work will be to existing buildings: this presentation considers the important work of the architect in bringing new roles and new life to existing structures – all part of a sustainable agenda. This course will show relevant examples of adaptive re-use, and also of new architect in historic precincts, and will discuss the principles behind their success.”

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Highlight the importance of researching existing heritage listings & relevant statutory controls
  • List conservation principles – the conservation plan process and use of specialist heritage architects
  • Evaluate the importance of appropriately designed infill
  • Apply the council approvals process
  • Recognise heritage incentives and funding opportunities
  • Explain conservation challenges, threats and obstacles

Click here for further details.


10. Nominations for the PHA NSW’s Public History Prize close soon!

The Public History Prize is an annual award offered by the Professional Historians Association of NSW (PHA NSW).

The Prize was established in 2008 to encourage students enrolled in undergraduate history courses at universities in NSW and ACT to research, write and present accessible and engaging histories, and to consider a career as a professional historian. Applications close on 7 December 2012.

For more information and to download the Guidelines and Nomination Form, visit the PHA NSW.

Link to Public History Prize’s facebook page

For more information, please email the PHA NSW Secretary.


11. Advanced Masters Course in Structural Analysis of Existing Buildings, Monuments and Historical Constructions

Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (SAHC), approved and financially sponsored by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Program, are opened up to 20 January 2013.

This Master Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.

A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4000 to 24000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.

The Consortium is also available to provide Erasmus Mundus International Fellowships to outstanding non-European scholars for teaching and research activities for a period of up to three months.

Download the SAHC leaflet

Full details on the MSc program, as well as electronic application procedure, are available on the course website


12. Shaping Canberra: The Lived Experience of Place, Home and Capital, 17-20 September 2013

Shaping Canberra: The Lived Experience of Place, Home and Capital
Humanities Research Centre Centenary of Canberra Conference
Australian National University
17-20 September 2013

Shaping Canberra will generate new national scholarly discussion about the lived experience of Canberra as a place, home and capital. It starts from the position that the local and national dimensions of Canberra are not opposing or even separate aspects, but deeply entwined. On this basis it asks participants to consider how the local, national (and international) play out in instances and reflections of Canberra’s life and development in the context of four themes: histories and memories, collections and archives, spaces and places; expressions and interpretations. International and national as well as local speakers will be part of the program which aims to create a lively community of discussion across disciplines and practices, and establish a basis for further research and discussion.

International, national and local keynote speakers will provide master classes, workshops, tours and public lectures in association with wider Canberra institutions and organisations. An exhibition by Canberra artists inspired by material in Canberra collections will be developed in association with the conference. It will open the ANU School of Art Gallery on 18 September 2013.

Call for papers closes 15 December 2012.

Visit the conference website for more details or email Mary Hutchinson, Visiting Fellow, HRC.


13. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series

Climate Change and its Effect on Built Heritage
Presented by Peter Cox

Recent Events in Ireland
County Clare Limerick, County Croom

Peter Cox will provide examples of issues related to the impact of climate change on our built heritage from his experience in Ireland, as well as globally. Risks associated with climate change vary across the world, and Peter will provide insights into responses to this issue from his international perspective.

Peter Cox is the founding Director of Carrig Building Fabric Consultants which is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland and have offices in London, Manchester and Glasgow and works globally, carrying out projects in Ireland, UK, Mainland Europe, United States, Africa and Australia. Peter has worked on ancient and 20th century buildings across the world and has much experience in modern building materials analysis. Peter is a guest lecturer in a number of Universities in Ireland, UK and the United States. Peter is a past President of ICOMOS Ireland and is currently its vice president. Peter chairs the Irish National Scientific Committee on Climate Change and is President elect of the new ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on ‘Energy & Sustainability’.

Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.

Refreshments are available appropriate to the talk’s topic! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)

Time & Date: 5.00-7.00pm, Monday 10 December 2012 – the talk will start at 5.30pm
Venue: NOTE CHANGE – Lady Wilson Seminar room 2.10, Sir Roland Wilson Building 120, McCoy Circuit – ANU
To Marilyn Truscott

Watch this space announcing a ‘Silly Season’ Event for Australia ICOMOS & friends.


14. News from ICCROM

To view the November 2012 news from ICCROM, click here.


15. Invitation to colleagues of Cathy Santamaria

Cathy Santamaria, died in Melbourne on October 7, after a long illness.

Cathy’s former colleagues are encouraged to attend this celebration of the many ways she contributed to enriching Australian cultural life, and to circulate this invitation to colleagues and friends so they have the opportunity to be present at this event.

Cathy Santamaria: A Celebration

Cathy’s Friends and Colleagues are invited to join the National Library of Australia in a celebration of her contribution to Australian culture at the Theatrette, National Library of Australia on Tuesday 11 December, 6-7.30 pm.

As the National Library needs to know the number of attendees please RSVP by 4 December to Marie Wood via email or to Jeff Brownrigg via email, or to Marie Wood on 0448 776 652.


16. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


17. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network

To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.


18. Survey of Queensland gardens and landscapes

The consultant team of Catherine Brouwer Landscape Architects, Riddel Architecture and Nissen Associates are undertaking a survey of Queensland gardens and landscapes for the Australian Garden History Society (AGHS).

We are searching for old gardens of all types – parks; avenues of trees; gardens associated with railway stations, civic buildings, showgrounds and racetracks, cemeteries, memorials, hospitals and schools as well as suburban gardens, homestead gardens, pocket parks or scenic look-outs. In some cases, there may be little remaining evidence of gardens at places such as historic mine sites, the sites of an old market garden, industrial site or old homestead. There may simply be remnants – a specimen tree, an arbour, vine trellis or bush house, stone walls or paths. There may only be a photograph or a story of a former garden. We are interested in all these things!

If you know of such places perhaps within your town or regional area or places you’ve visited elsewhere in the state, please tell us!

Visit the AGHS website where, under “Current Projects Being Undertaken by the AGHS”, you will find the Queensland Survey item and links to More Information and a Nomination Form.

We encourage you to take a little time to tell us about all those old gardens and landscapes you know.

It would be much appreciated if we could receive your Nomination Forms by early December.


19. Getty Graduate Internship Program 2013/2014 – applications open

Getty Graduate Internships are offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust—the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Foundation—to students who intend to pursue careers in fields related to the visual arts. Training and work experience are available in areas such as curatorial, education, conservation, research, information management, public programs, and grantmaking.

Deadline for applications – 5.00pm, Pacific Standard Time, 3 December 2012

For further information, download the Getty Graduate Internship Program 2013-14 flier or visit the Getty Foundation website.


20. A few places left in 22nd Summer School (The Conservation of Traditional Buildings)

There are a few places available on the University of Canberra’s summer school in The Conservation of Traditional Buildings which is to be held from 14-25 January 2013.

More details about the program can be found on the University of Canberra website.

To apply, email David Young.


21. SITUATION WANTED M.Architecture graduate seeks work opportunity

Charles Rowe, a M.Architecture graduate (University of Queensland) is looking for an opportunity to continue research in architectural history as well as experience in architectural heritage practice. Seeking full time employment but interested in casual / freelance assignments. Email Charles for further information.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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