40 Years of World Heritage – Australia ICOMOS National Symposium
Australia ICOMOS VIC World Heritage Forum
Australia ICOMOS ISC/NSC Funding Program
Nominations for AAA Awards – deadline extended to 12 October 2012
Australia ICOMOS WA World Heritage Forum, Thursday 11 October
Upcoming IPPHA course
SA Australia ICOMOS World Heritage Symposium, Friday 12 October
Brisbane Open House celebrates the city’s buildings, places and spaces
Upcoming events at Port Arthur Historic Site
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
NSW Government Heritage Volunteer Awards 2012
CAA2013 Perth conference: “Across Space and Time” – call for papers and posters
News from ICCROM
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Cambridge Heritage Research Group – news & events
Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
Local Government Heritage Advisors (VIC) – make a note in your diary!
HUMANINSIDE, Exhibition opening, Fremantle Prison
E-newsletter issues 552, 553 & 554
SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist (Historical Archaeology), Godden Mackay Logan
SITUATIONS VACANT Employment opportunities at Historic House Museum in Brisbane
SITUATION VACANT Education Officer, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
SITUATION VACANT Regional Heritage Advisor, Heritage Tasmania
SITUATION VACANT Manager Heritage Conservation, Fremantle Prison
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Officer(s) (contract roles), Heritage Group – NSW Government Architect’s Office
1. 40 Years of World Heritage – Australia ICOMOS National Symposium
Australia ICOMOS has been holding a series of state-based forums around Australia in 2012 focusing on the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.
A National Symposium is proposed in Sydney to build upon the issues and discussions raised in each State and provide an opportunity for Australia ICOMOS to contribute to the national and international debate regarding the value of the World Heritage in the twenty-first century.
A ‘formal communication’ detailing the current state and future direction of the management of Australia’s World Heritage is proposed as an outcome of the Symposium, building on the work of the recent ACIUCN conference.
Date: Friday 16 November 2012
Time: 9am – 5.30pm
Venue: Education Centre, The Rocks YHA, Cumberland St, Sydney
Cost: $95 ICOMOS members, $130 non-members. Lunch and refreshments included.
Key questions on the day will include:
- THE INTERNATIONAL QUESTION: As it reaches its 40th Anniversary, is the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage still a convention for conservation? If it isn’t, what is it now a convention for?
- THE NATIONAL QUESTION: If we look back on the last 40 years, what has Australia contributed to the international endeavour of World Heritage? What could Australia offer the world in the next 10 years?
- THE COMMUNITY QUESTION: Does the World Heritage Convention support communities in their endeavour to protect their heritage? Does the Convention and its operations provide benefits for communities?
The National Symposium provides an opportunity to not only engage with World Heritage but also to increase awareness of the importance of conserving and managing Australia’s cultural heritage. This is in line with Australia ICOMOS’ mission “to lead cultural heritage conservation in Australia by raising standards, encouraging debate and generating innovative ideas.” Focusing on this objective is particularly relevant in the light of the recently released State of the Environment Report, changes in government funding for heritage management and the current initiative of the Australian government to prepare an Australian Heritage Strategy.
Seating is limited on the day and we ask that interested parties register their interest to attend with the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB Friday 5 October 2012. All are welcome, but those with particular expertise in World Heritage are encouraged to attend, as the structure of the day will allow participation and questions by delegates ‘from the floor’.
The Symposium will conclude at 5:30pm and be followed by the Australia ICOMOS AGM and drinks afterwards on the roof-top overlooking Sydney and the Harbour.
2. Australia ICOMOS VIC World Heritage Forum – REMINDER
World Heritage Forum, VIC
Date: Tuesday 16 October
Time: Forum 6-9pm, Tour of Trades Hall at 5pm
Venue: Bella Union Theatre at Trades Hall
Cost: $ 20.00 (ICOMOS Members) $ 25.00 (Non Members); pay at the door
RSVP – date extended: Please ensure you RSVP by Thursday 11 October via email to the Secretariat for catering purposes
The ICOMOS theme for 2012 is World Heritage in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention.
Input from each state into three key questions will be forwarded to the national symposium, to be held in Sydney this November.
For further information, download the Australia ICOMOS VIC World Heritage Forum Invitation.
3. Australia ICOMOS ISC/NSC Funding Program
At the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) meeting in Fremantle in August 2011, the EC endorsed the implementation of an ISC/NSC Funding Program to provide financial assistance for events, projects or programs that promote and strengthen Australian membership of ISCs and NSCs. The program aims to recognise Australia ICOMOS’s commitment to provide support for the work of AI members active in International Scientific Committees (ISC) or National Scientific Committees (NSC).
Australia ICOMOS has available a fund of up to $5,000 for the 2012-2013 financial year, and applications are currently open from Australia ICOMOS members who are also members of an ISC or NSC. Grants will be available to a maximum of $2,000 per annum. Grants are intended for discrete, one-off events, meetings or projects, and will not apply to funding for ongoing programs. Grants may be applied for in consecutive years by any ISC or NSC. Allocation will be competitive.
Eligible activities for the funding program may include, but are not restricted to:
- An annual meeting of all Australian ISC / NSC members
- An event for an individual ISC, NSC or group of ISCs
- Support for an international ISC meeting in Australia (Note: Australia ICOMOS is unable to fund the full extent of such a meeting, however if an international meeting was planned for Australia through other external funding, AI members would be eligible to apply for this fund as a small part of its budget)
- Discrete projects or programs of works that aim to promote Australian membership of ISCs or NSCs and actively engages with the AI membership
- Discrete projects or programs of works that allow AI members to support the work of an ISC or NSC and that has some benefit or relevance for Australian members
Procedure for applications for the ISC/NSC Funding Program:
- Any Australia ICOMOS member who is also a member of an ISC or NSC is eligible to apply for a grant
- The applicant must demonstrate how the grant will broadly benefit the ISC or NSC and, in particular, members of that ISC or NSC in Australia. Priority will not be given to requests where the benefit is to an individual member
- The grant is not available to cover personal travel expenses to attend ISC or NSC meetings
- When assessing the merits of a particular application for a grant, AI will take in to account the nature of the proposal, the potential benefits to the ISC or NSC (in particular to the Australian membership), and the ability of the proposal to actively engage the AI membership
- As a condition of funding, successful applicants will be expected to submit a written report to the Australia ICOMOS Executive on the project/program awarded funding, and a short version of this report for inclusion in the e-news, so that other members are informed about issues currently under discussion by that ISC or NSC
- Grant recipients will also be required to provide AI with an acquittal report of the project within one year of the grant being awarded. Copies of receipts or invoices for goods and services must be provided. Any shortfall between the grant and the expenses incurred will need to be returned to Australia ICOMOS.
Applications should be emailed to the Secretariat by COB Friday 26 October 2012. If you have any queries, please email the Secretariat or phone on (03) 9251 7131.
4. Nominations for AAA Awards – deadline extended to 12 October 2012
Nominations are called for the following four Australian Archaeological Association (AAA) Inc. Awards
Closing Date: 12 October 2012
The Rhys Jones Medal is the highest award offered by the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. It was established in honour of Rhys Jones (1941-2001) to mark his enormous contribution to the development and promotion of archaeology in Australia. The Medal is presented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the field. Established in 2002, previous winners include Isabel McBryde (2003), John Mulvaney (2004), Sharon Sullivan (2005), Mike Smith (2006), Jeremy Green (2007), Harry Lourandos (2009), Iain Davidson (2010), and Sue O’Connor (2011).
Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s archaeological career and how this work has benefited Australian archaeology, as well as a full list of the nominee’s publications. Note that nominees do not need to be members of the Association; be an Australian citizen; or work exclusively in Australia or on Australian material.
The Award was established in honour of John Mulvaney and his contribution and commitment to Australian archaeology over a lifetime of professional service. It acknowledges the significant contribution of individual or co-authored publications to the archaeology of the continent of Australia, the Pacific, Papua-New Guinea and South-East Asia, either as general knowledge or as specialist publications. Nominations are considered annually for books that cover both academic pursuits and public interest, reflecting the philosophy of John Mulvaney’s life work. Established in 2004, previous winners include Val Attenbrow for ‘Sydney’s Aboriginal Past” (2004), Rodney Harrison for ‘Shared Landscapes: Archaeologies of Attachment and the Pastoral Industry in New South Wales’ (2006), Mike Morwood & Penny Van Oosterzee for ‘The Discovery of the Hobbit: The Scientific Breakthrough that changed the Face of Human History’ (2007), Peter Hiscock for ‘The Archaeology of Ancient Australia’ (2008), Denis Byrne for ‘Surface Collection’ (2007), Jane Lydone for ‘Fantastic Dreaming: The Archaeology of an Aboriginal Mission’ (2010) and Annie Ross for ‘Indigenous Peoples and the Collaborative Stewardship of Nature’ (2011).
Nominations must be for books written by one or more authors, but not for edited books, published in the last three calendar years (i.e. 2008, 2009 or 2010). The nomination must be accompanied by at least two published book reviews. A short citation (no more than one page) on why the book should be considered must also be included.
This Award celebrates the important contribution that Bruce Veitch (1957-2005) made to the practice and ethics of archaeology in Australia. In particular, the award honours Bruce’s close collaboration with traditional owners on whose country he worked. It is awarded annually to any individual or group who has had long-standing and sustained engagement with Indigenous communities during archaeological or cultural heritage projects which have produced significant outcomes for Indigenous interests. Established in 2005, previous winners include Richard Fullagar (2006), Bruno David (2007), Annie Ross (2008), Luke Godwin (2009), Peter Veth (2010), and Ken Mulvaney (2011).
Nominees will have actively engaged with Indigenous communities to produce successful outcomes. The nature of nominations is flexible (e.g. video tape, audio tape, poster etc), considering the wide range of Indigenous collaborations and the remoteness of some communities. Nominators are strongly encouraged to include supporting statements from relevant Indigenous individuals or community organisations.
This award was established to recognise significant and sustained contribution to the objects and purposes of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Previous winners include John Mulvaney, Jack Golson, Betty Meehan (2002), Val Attenbrow (2002), J. Peter White (2003), Luke Kirkwood (2004), Isabel McBryde (2005), Ian Johnson (2006), Colin Pardoe (2007), Sean Ulm (2008) and Annie Ross (2010).
Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s contributions to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Note that nominees must be members of the Association.
Nominations for all Awards will be considered by the Executive of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. with advice as appropriate from senior members of the discipline. The decision of the Executive is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Nominations should be addressed to the President:
Via email to the AAA President or via fax to (07) 3365 1544, marked private & confidential and for attention of Dr Patrick Faulkner
Via post to the current President of AAA:
Dr Pat Faulkner
Australian Archaeological Association Inc.
PO Box 6088
St Lucia QLD 4067
Telephone: (07) 3365 3861
and sent to arrive no later than 12 October 2012
Recipients of all awards will be announced at the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Annual Conference.
Dates: 10-13 December 2012
Location: Wollongong
Host: University of Wollongong
5. Australia ICOMOS WA World Heritage Forum, Thursday 11 October
The forum brings together world heritage experts, managers of world heritage sites and community leaders to discuss the implications of world heritage listing of natural and cultural sites to communities with the opportunity for you to have your say and ask questions. It is being held to mark the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, which was adopted in 1972. World heritage sites in Western Australia include Fremantle Prison, Shark Bay, the Ningaloo Coast and Purnululu National Park.
The forum will involve four speakers, Kristal Buckley, International Vice President, ICOMOS; Cheryl Cowell, World Heritage Project Officer, Mid West Region, DEC; Luke Donegan, Acting Manager Heritage Conservation, Fremantle Prison; and Brad Pettit, Mayor, City of Fremantle. Tom Perrigo, CEO, National Trust of Australia (WA) will chair the session.
The outcomes of the discussion will be taken to the Australia ICOMOS world heritage symposium, to be held in Sydney in November, and from there into a broader international debate.
Date: Thursday 11 October 2012
Venue: Crown Theatre, Fremantle Prison
Time: 6 – 8 pm
Cost: $15
RSVP: by Monday 6 October, via email to Anne Brake or call (08) 9321 6088
The forum will be followed by drinks and refreshments.
6. Upcoming IPPHA course
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is taking expressions of interest for the following course:
Memory of the World twenty years on: assessing the material records and links in international practice.
On Friday 9 November, a one-day professional development update which explores our growing heritage of documents and records and the strong links to heritage places and intangible aspects of heritage.
For more information, refer to the Memory of the World Flyer and Memory of the World – Expression of Interest Flyer.
7. SA Australia ICOMOS World Heritage Symposium, Friday 12 October
‘LINES, LODES AND LANDSCAPES: World Heritage, South Australia and the Community’
40 Years of the World Heritage Convention
World Heritage is on trial!
Welcome to a lively debate and discussion, examining the potential impact of World Heritage listing on local communities. A panel of experts will debate the value of World Heritage Listing to the South Australian community, considering three places of potential World Heritage Value:
- City of Adelaide Plan and Parklands – Katherine Russell, Planner, involved in the preparation of the National Heritage nomination
- Agrarian Landscape of Mount Lofty Ranges Region – Stephanie Johnston, key advocate of the proposal
- Trans-National Serial Listing of Australian Cornish Heritage Mine Site – Hamish Angas, Senior Heritage Officer, Heritage Policy Unit, DEWNR
The panel will also be enlivened by:
- Chair: Brian Hayes QC
- Kristal Buckley, International Vice President, ICOMOS
- Stuart Moseley, Principal, Connor Holmes
Key questions to be debated include:
- Is the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage still a convention for conservation in a 21st Century world – or is it a cash-cow?
- Does the World Heritage Convention support communities in their endeavour to protect their heritage? Does the Convention and its operations provide benefits for communities?
- What is the value of World Heritage listing – is it a tourism magnet or does it fragment and destroy communities?
- What is the role in local communities in the nomination and management process? Do they become beneficiaries, actors, victims or empowered by World Heritage?
The audience will be invited to present questions to the panel to trigger lively discussion and debate. To assist, we are able to receive questions for panellists in the week beforehand.
Australia ICOMOS is holding a series of state-based forums around Australia in 2012 focusing on the40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. These forums will provide the background for a national symposium in Sydney in November 2012, to be held in conjunction with the Australia ICOMOS AGM. This symposium will build upon the issues and discussions raised in each State and provide an opportunity for Australia ICOMOS to contribute to the national and international debate regarding the value of the World Heritage in the twenty-first century.
Date: Friday 12 October
Time: 2pm – 5:30pm
Where: Radford Auditorium, Art Gallery of South Australia, including closing drinks
Cost: ICOMOS members $20; non-members $30; includes afternoon tea and closing drinks. Payment to be made at the door.
Please RSVP by Friday 5 October via email to Michael Queale to assist with catering. Later registrations are possible.
8. Brisbane Open House celebrates the city’s buildings, places and spaces
Brisbane Open House (BOH) celebrates the city’s surprising diversity and subtropical architecture, giving visitors a rare insight into the best of our buildings, places and spaces, free of charge.
Join BOH on 6 October 2012 to discover 51 architecturally diverse, well-designed and hertiage buildings in Brisbane city, South Bank, Fortitude Valley, Spring Hill and Bowen Hills.
The program includes Brisbane’s newest environmentally sustainable office building 111 Eagle Street, the News Queensland Media Centre (featuring Australia’s largest open-plan newsroom), and the historic Windmill at Spring Hill, the oldest surviving building in Brisbane.
Visitors can enjoy self-guided and guided tours by leading local architects and volunteers.
They can also enjoy free talks by a series of speakers who are influential in the design and architecture industry at the BOH Speaker Series at the IKEA Outdoor Lounge at King George Square.
Young people will love the hands-on, free educational BOH Children’s Program created by 11 of Queensland’s leading architects, designers and illustrators. They can also enjoy activities at various BOH buildings throughout the day.
The event receives support from a broad range of private and public sector organisations and is the product of a unique partnership between the office of the Queensland Government Architect, the Brisbane Development Association and the National Trust of Queensland.
Find out all the latest information at the Brisbane Open House website.
9. Upcoming events at Port Arthur Historic Site
- Port Arthur and sea‐level change: nine years on, presented by Dr John Hunter
Nine years ago, Dr John Hunter gave a talk on the results of the seven‐year study of sea‐level change at Port Arthur. The study was inspired by work carried out 160 years earlier by Thomas Lempriere, the storekeeper at the settlement, under the direction of Sir John Franklin and the explorer, James Clark Ross. John Hunter will firstly summarise this earlier work and show how its results fitted in with the overall understanding of sea‐level rise and climate science.
Date & Time: Wednesday 10 October 2012 at 5.30 pm
For further information, download the Port Arthur John Hunter talk flier.
- Australian Chamber Orchestra 2 @ Port Arthur
Port Arthur is hosting the Australian Chamber Orchestra 2 at the Site, in addition to a pre-concert reception at the Visiting Magistrates House.
Tickets for both the concert and the pre-concert reception can be booked by calling our Visitor Services team on 1800 659 101.
Numbers are strictly limited so it is important to make a booking!
Date & Time: Friday 12 October 2012 at 8.00 pm
For further information, download the Australian Chamber Orchestra 2 @ Port Arthur flier.
- Port Arthur Memories Revisited event
On the weekend of 20-21 October 2012, Port Arthur Historic Site will host an event that will be of particular interest to those who may have visited, lived or worked at Port Arthur and have fond memories of their time there. This may include people whose ancestors lived on the Site after the closure of the convict settlement – they may have owned land, operated or worked in one of the hotels, or been employed here when the Site was under the management of the Scenery Preservation Board or the Parks and Wildlife Service during the early part of the 20th century until the 1980s.
An initiative of the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority Community Advisory Committee, this event is a celebration of Port Arthur’s post-convict heritage.
Any queries, please email either Susan Hood at or Roseanne Heyward or call (03) 6250 3372.
For further information, click to download:
- Port Arthur Memories Revisited flier
- Port Arthur Memories Revisited media release
10. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
To download the September 2012 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
11. NSW Government Heritage Volunteer Awards 2012
The 2012 awards program has recently been announced by the NSW Minister for Heritage, the Hon Robyn Parker MP – click on the link below to read the media release.
In response to the increasing popularity of the awards, the Heritage Council will continue to concentrate on achieving a spread of awards across activities, heritage categories and geographical areas. By this means we are hoping that the awards will recognise the wide range of contributions made by many dedicated individuals and groups around the state.
In recognising that there are many dedicated employees who make a contribution to the heritage of NSW well beyond their paid work, we do hope you will again nominate individuals or groups connected with the work of your organisation in NSW. To retain the prestige of the awards, we ask that your organisation nominates no more than three potential recipients.
Please note that the closing date is quite close at Friday 12 October 2012.
The nomination form and list of criteria for the 2012 NSW Government Heritage Volunteers Awards program can be downloaded by clicking here.
Enquiries about the awards can be directed to Tim Smith (02) 9873 8575 or Lily Chu on (02) 9873 8595 at the Heritage Branch.
12. CAA2013 Perth conference: “Across Space and Time” – call for papers and posters
CAA2013 PERTH “Across Space and Time”
Perth, Western Australia
25 – 28 March 2013
Deadline for the submission of papers and posters: 10 October 2012
Click here for information pertaining to the submission of papers and posters.
The CAA2013 PERTH conference “Across Space and Time” will be held at the University of Western Australia Club from Monday 25 – Thursday 28 March 2013. Workshops will be held on Monday 25 March on campus.
CAA (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) is the premier international conference for all aspects of computing, quantitative methods and digital applications in Archaeology. With a history going back to 1972, CAA encourages participation from scholars, specialists and experts in the fields of archaeology, history, cultural heritage, digital scholarship, GIS, mathematics, semantic web, informatics and members of other disciplines that complement and extend the interests of CAA.
For further information about this exciting interdisciplinary conference visit the conference website.
13. News from ICCROM
To view the October 2012 news from ICCROM, click here.
14. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage seminar will be held on Wednesday 31 October. Dr Janice Baker will be speaking on Darkness and Affectivity: An impression of the Museum of Old and New Art (Mona).
The Museum of Old and New Art in Tasmania, known by its acronym Mona, sets out overtly in some ways, and less explicitly in others, to craft a visitor experience that is meaningful but not burdened by the weight of historical context or cultural theorising. Its owner, the art collector and businessman David Walsh, seeks to show that art can be both challenging and fun. In offering a private collection to the public in a world-class art museum located outside the usual cultural centres, Mona is ambitious and significant. Across three levels of underground galleries Mona’s opening exhibition ‘Sex and Death’ presented antiquities alongside modern painting, contemporary installation, film, and interactive art. This paper offers an impression of the author’s first visit to Mona, and considers whether it might succeed in suggesting new ways of engaging with art. It reflects on whether the impressive theatrical staging of art, and a certain form of directed looking, facilitates an awareness of the power of art to challenge expectation and assumption.
Dr Janice Baker is an Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Alfred Deakin Research Institute and Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific at Deakin University, Australia. Previously Janice was an art curator in Perth working at the Art Gallery of Western Australia and the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery at the University of Western Australia. She has also been a songwriter and singer. Janice has a literature degree from UWA, and arts management degree from the WA Academy of Performing Art. Her PhD at Curtin University arose from an interest in the cinematic quality of the museum experience. Her research is cross-disciplinary, attentive to re-imagining our embodied knowledge of the material world. Her current project at Deakin University involves highlighting and communicating the museum experience as a way to ‘know’ the world beyond schemas of exchange value.
All welcome. Free of charge.
Deakin University Melbourne City Centre
Meeting Room 2
Level 3, 550 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Date & Time
Wednesday 31 October, from 5.30pm (scheduled finish 6.45pm)
For further information, please email Steve Cooke or contact him on (03) 9244 6827. RSVPs are also appreciated – please email Steve Cooke.
The full list of this year’s seminars is available at the CHCAP webpage or download the CHCAP 2012 seminar series flyer.
Previous seminars available online
For those of you who missed CHCAP’s last few seminars, the events were recorded and you can now access them via iTunes, where you can also subscribe to future seminars.
15. Cambridge Heritage Research Group – news & events
- Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin_1 October 2012
- Cambridge Heritage Research Group 2012 Heritage Fair
When: Wednesday 10 October 2012, 4.30 – 7pm
Venue: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Seminar Room
The Heritage Fair is an opportunity for the heritage community of Cambridge – students and staff – to meet, mingle and learn about each other’s work.
The event will consist of a series of short presentations by research groups whose work is heritage-related. The presentations will be followed by a wine reception. Guests are welcome to bring and distribute abstracts or other printed materials related to their own work.
All welcome. No registration necessary.
Fort further information download the Cambridge Heritage Research Group 2012 Heritage Fair flier.
- Cambridge Heritage Research Group (CHRG) – Michaelmas Seminar Schedule
Please note there has been a change to the Michaelmas term schedule in regards to the final seminar of the term on 28 November. Visiting scholar Margarita Díaz-Andreu will be giving a talk on “Changing Heritage: Muslim and Jewish archaeology in Spain”. Ian Baxter has been kind to postpone his talk on “Where is the management in heritage management?” until Lent Term.
Click on the CHRG Michaelmas Seminar Schedule 2012 for further information.
16. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
To view the September 2012 issue of Inherit, click here.
17. Local Government Heritage Advisors (VIC) – make a note in your diary!
A day-long forum for Heritage Advisors is planned for Friday 16 November 2012 at 1 Spring Street, Melbourne commencing at 10.00am. The program has been planned in response to a particular need identified by several Advisors.
The tentative program is as follows:
- 10.00 AM – 12.45 PM – Presentation from Eric Martin (Eric Martin and Associates – Canberra) – An introduction to providing disabled access to buildings and heritage places including an understanding of the legislation. This will be followed by an opportunity to discuss your own examples for problem solving by the group. Eric is co-author of the technical leaflet Access for all to Heritage Places.
- 12.45 – 1.30 PM – Lunch
- 1.30 – 2.30 PM – Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA) – The OVGA will talk about its work and how it can assist councils and Heritage Advisors.
- 2.30 – 3.00 PM – Municipal Heritage Strategies – Short discussion led by Geoff Austin.
- 3.00 – 5.00 PM – Heritage Advisors closed session – An opportunity for you to raise and discuss particular issues; problem solve and catch-up with your Heritage Advisor colleagues.
There is no charge to attend. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
For the purpose of determining numbers and booking facilities, could those Heritage Advisors who are able to attend please email Geoff Austin to confirm your interest. An initial response by Monday 8 October would be appreciated.
You might also wish to start thinking about:
- Particular problems in the provision of disabled access for raising in the problem solving session with Eric Martin.
- Particular issues for discussion in the Heritage Advisor afternoon session.
If you are a Heritage Advisor working for a Council that receives funding from the State Government your attendance is especially encouraged.
18. HUMANINSIDE, Exhibition opening, Fremantle Prison
13 October to 2 December
Fremantle Prison Gallery
Opening: Saturday 13 October, 2 – 5pm.
This multidisciplinary exhibition is the result of ollaboration between artist Tania Ferrier, photographer James Kerr, and Indigenous film maker Glen Stasiuk. It presents the lives and stories of local Aboriginal families who have shared their personal histories, particularly where these have intersected with the criminal justice system, includingFremantle Prison. The exhibition provides a platform for their voices and offers the public a way of engaging with a place and a history seen from their perspective.
Through audio interview, photography and film we are invited to contemplate some of the reasons for the crisis in Indigenous youth incarceration today and look to a way forward for all Australians.
A forum talk in the gallery space, with invited guest speakers, will take place on Saturday 24 November, from 2 to 5pm.
Download the HUMANINSIDE Exhibition flier.
19. E-newsletter issues 552, 553 & 554
The technical problem that affected issues 552 to 554 inclusive have been resolved. These issues will be available online within the next couple of weeks.
20. SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist (Historical Archaeology), Godden Mackay Logan
Senior Archaeologist (Historical Archaeology)
- High-profile, multidisciplinary firm
- Wide range of projects across Australia
- Great career development opportunities
Leading Australian heritage consultancy Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking to appoint a Senior Historical Archaeologist to enhance our business in our bustling Archaeology team. This is a full-time position based in Sydney.
GML provides high level heritage advice on major development projects and undertakes benchmark projects for private and public sector clients. We offer innovative and responsible heritage consultancy and archaeology services of the highest quality. Our multi-disciplinary in-house consulting team has expertise in historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage and interpretation.
GML is seeking to employ a Senior Archaeologist with a degree in archaeology and at least 6 years’ experience in historical archaeology. The successful applicant will have demonstrated experience as an excavation director for test excavations, monitoring and open area excavations, and will be highly skilled in managing historical archaeological fieldwork projects. The ability to obtain permits and approvals under the NSW Heritage Act is essential. The successful applicant will also have excellent writing skills, the ability to manage projects, and demonstrated experience preparing due diligence reports, archaeological assessments, research designs, heritage impact statements and other advice reports. Importantly, you will be able to work as part of a team, and will enjoy the pace and variety of a consulting environment. A working knowledge of Aboriginal archaeology is an advantage.
You will be able to take pride in working for a company which is recognised as a leader in the heritage consulting field and work alongside some of the most experienced practitioners in Australia. We have an exciting range of projects and offer opportunities for professional development and advancement. We also have a training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge.
Salary will be negotiable for the right person. Interstate applicants with transferrable skills are encouraged to apply.
Our main office is located in inner Sydney. We also have a small office in Canberra and undertake work across Australia.
For a copy of the position description or for more information, please contact Anne Mackay or Natalie Vinton on 02 9319 4811.
Closing date for applications is Monday 22 October 2012.
Email your application to this email address.
21. SITUATIONS VACANT Employment opportunities at Historic House Museum in Brisbane
The Board of Trustees from one of Brisbane’s oldest historic homes is seeking to appoint a Secretary Manager and a Communications and Engagement Officer.
Both positions work towards promoting the longevity, conservation and accessibility of the site, ensuring activities and management support a sustainable future for the House.
Applications for both part-time positions need to be submitted before COB Monday 8 October 2012.
For more information on the position of Secretary Manager: Secretary Manager – Newstead House
For more information on the position of Communications and Engagement Officer: Communication and Engagement Officer – Newstead House
22. SITUATION VACANT Education Officer, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
PAHSMA has a Fixed-Term (2 years) part-time (0.8) vacancy for an Education Officer based at the Port Arthur Historic Site on the Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. Duties will include education related activities at all three historic sites managed by PAHSMA: Port Arthur and the Coal Mines, and the Cascades Female Factory in Hobart. These sites form part of the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property.
Further details and the Statement of Duties can be found at the Jobs Tasmania website.
Please direct enquiries to Dr Jody Steele, Heritage Interpretations Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, phone (03) 62512336, fax (03) 62512322, mobile 0407 339118, or email Jody.
Applications close Monday 8 October 2012.
23. SITUATION VACANT Regional Heritage Advisor, Heritage Tasmania
Applications close: 5 October 2012
This is an important senior role in our team that will work with and assist our Works Manager (Ian Boersma and Chris Bonner our northern Regional Heritage Advisor, who are both based in Launceston) to coordinate our effort in the Works Program. The role includes a focus on helping us to implement our legislation and our impending legislative reforms (which passed the Lower House yesterday), support the work of the Heritage Council and act to proactively support the sound management of historic heritage places for the State Government, with a focus on the southern region of Tasmania.
This recruitment process has commenced. Further details are online at the Jobs Tasmania website.
Email Pete Smith or call on 1300 850 332 / (03) 6233 2037, or you can speak with Ian Boersma on (03) 6336 2148, if further information is required.
For further information on Heritage Tasmania go their website.
24. SITUATION VACANT Manager Heritage Conservation, Fremantle Prison
Manager Heritage Conservation
Department of Finance, Building Management and Works
We are looking for talented and motivated people to join our diverse, highly skilled workforce.
As a key Government agency, the Department of Finance provides high-quality advice and services in revenue and grant/subsidy administration, government procurement, non-residential building management and construction, and corporate services across government. We also provide strategic advice on the capital investment programs of government’s major trading enterprises.
The Manager Heritage Conservation leads and manages the activities of the Heritage Conservation Branch and ensures an integrated approach to cultural heritage planning and management; provide subject matter knowledge and technical advice to the Executive Manager; protect the interests of the Fremantle Prison with respect to the movable and immovable tangible fabric.
For further information about this role, click here.
Applications close: 10 October 2012.
25. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Officer(s) (contract roles), Heritage Group – NSW Government Architect’s Office
The Heritage Group within the NSW Government Architect’s Office is looking to fill 1-2 contract positions for a Heritage Officer for a period of 6-12 months. The contract positions would suit persons at early or mid career level with a commitment to a future in cultural heritage and with a particular emphasis on conservation management documents and/or applied conservation practices to buildings and sites.
- Good computer skills required and CAD skills desirable
- Part-time (at least 3 days per week) will be considered
In the first instance please respond by email expressing interest with a brief CV attached. Suitable applicants will then be requested to prepare a submission addressing a Position Description graded to your level of experience. An interview process and contact with referees will follow. Note that successful applicants can only be engaged as contract employees through Department-approved employment agencies. An hourly rate will be negotiated to match level of expertise and experience.
Please email Senior Heritage Architect Mary Knaggs with your CV or any queries.
Acceptance of EOI emails closes 5pm, Wednesday 10 October 2012.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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