Nominations to the Queensland Heritage Council
Mudgee Regional Tour – September to October 2012
“A latter-day Horbury Hunt: Emil Lawrence Sodersten” talk
EOI for assistance with international presentation at Sydney Opera House
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture 2012, Canberra
Royal Historical Society of Victoria’s 19th Annual Book Sale
Announcement: Australian support to urban-built heritage in Burma
New Prospects in Heritage + Conservation
National Library of Australia – Draft Heritage Conservation Management Plan
Advanced Stonemasonry & Conservation workshops
Europa Nostra Awards 2013 – call for entries
“The Destruction of Heritage in Iraq Since 2003” lecture, Melbourne Museum
News – Nawi exploring Australia’s Indigenous watercraft
‘Sustaining Places of Worship – New Thinking for South Australia’
Review of NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979 – GREEN PAPER
ICAHM Annual Meeting: 27-30 November 2012, Cuzco, Peru – deadline for abstracts: 15 September 2012
News from Docomomo US
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era
News from ICCROM
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect, Adelaide City Council
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Planner, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Heritage Tasmania
SITUATION VACANT Associate/Assistant Professor, Heritage Conservation and Cultural Studies, School of Canadian Studies
1. Nominations to the Queensland Heritage Council
The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection is undertaking an orderly review of the membership of the Queensland Heritage Council (QHC). Australia ICOMOS has been asked to put forward names for consideration for appointment to the QHC.
Members who are interested should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via email to the Secretariat by COB Friday 31 August – please note that this deadline will be strictly adhered to.
Please unsure that your EOI includes:
- a CV
- a statement about your suitability for nomination based on the role and selection criteria for membership of the QHC
- a completed personal particulars form
Click on the links below to download information that will assist in the preparation of EOIs.
2. Mudgee Regional Tour – September to October 2012
Three day event – Labor Day Long Weekend – Saturday 29 September to Monday 1 October
Join the Twentieth century Heritage Society of NSW on another of our insightful annual expeditions to a regional town. Talks, walks, dinners and drives in the company of those who appreciate the architectural and design heritage of the Twentieth Century. We look forward to your company on this interesting tour.
Enjoy the wonders of this mid-western town, including guided heritage walks, lunches and a special “Heritage Dinner” with two guest speakers, architect Dr Roy Lumby on cinemas in country NSW and historian John Broadley on Mudgee’s 20th century heritage.
Also enjoy access to private properties not normally open to the public.
Accomodation (2 nights) is paid separately by you – but so you won’t miss out (it’s a busy weekend in Mudgee) we’ve blocked book rooms at Parklands Resort just for our group. But be quick, accommodation is being snapped up and the rooms are going fast. The Parklands block booking is held only until 31 August!
Tour cost includes the heritage dinner with two guest speakers, three lunches, heritage walk of Mudgee town centre and driving tours of Mudgee, Kandos, Rylstone and Gulgong.
Full details and costs are available by clicking here.
3. “A latter-day Horbury Hunt: Emil Lawrence Sodersten” talk
Emil Sodersten’s work has been encapsulated as a “fusion of traditional and modern vision, a resolution of decoration and technology, expression and function”.
His work has been described as “an architecture of exuberance and imagination and above all a popular architecture that related directly to the values of its users”.
A talk by Dr Roy Lumby B Arch., M Arch. M.ICOMOS.
Date & Time: Friday 31 August 2012, 7:00pm to 10:35pm
Venue: The Australian Institute of Architects Auditorium
For further information and to register, click here.
4. EOI for assistance with international presentation at Sydney Opera House
EOI are sought from Australia ICOMOS Sydney members to establish the number of attendees for the Historic Scotland presentation at the Opera House in September
Australia ICOMOS is organising a presentation from the representatives of the Historic Scotland of Scottish Government, who are planning a visit to Sydney and Canberra during the week of 10 September 2012. The potential day for the presentation will be either Wednesday 12 or Thursday 13 September, after COB or late afternoon. The time and day will be confirmed once their itinerary is finalised.
Historic Scotland have been working on the “Scottish Ten” project to digitally document heritage sites around the world, thus digitally preserving them for future generations. We understand the intent of this visit is to explore potential collaboration with Australia, and to promote the Scottish Ten Project and Scotland’s cultural heritage to broader interest groups.
It would be appreciated if you could email Kerime Danis with your interest as soon as possible so that the room within the Opera House could be organised accordingly.
Kerime Danis
AI NSW Representative
5. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage seminar will be held on Wednesday 29 August. Elizabeth Anya-Petrivna will be speaking on ‘Muse/Museal – A Fashion Exhibition and a Grotto’.
The seminar will outline Elizabeth’s post graduate research that is grappling with curating the metaphoric and haptic in exhibitions. Her PhD project is a series of ‘studies’ on the display of fashion and hand-crafted objects. The PhD began as a thesis on the history of artificial flower making in the 19th century, but has transformed into a project based investigation that asks how this history can be told in an exhibition format. This proposal is complicated by three display challenges – atmosphere, touch and movement, asking how the actual physical gesture of making can be interpreted. In this research ‘museal’ is defined as the material restriction of a static display. The PhD has become a unique opportunity for a mid-career curator to work outside the margins, away from museological conventions and institutional protocols to heuristically test possibilities.
Elizabeth Anya-Petrivna is a curator in the Cultural Collections Team of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), whose responsibilities include the Trust’s outstanding costume collection. Elizabeth has curated a suite of exhibitions at Como House on mid-twentieth century Melbourne fashion and design. This trilogy of shows followed the process of fashion making from the workroom – to the salon – to the magazine. Elizabeth also teaches Fashion Studies with at RMIT. The module ‘The Cabinet of Fashion’ focuses on the historical ‘quotation’ in fashion through object, text and image. She is currently completing her PhD at RMIT University entitled ‘The Lost Workshop’, a project based exploration of the artisanal production of artificial flowers in the nineteenth century.
All welcome. Free of charge.
Deakin University Melbourne City Centre
Meeting Room 2
Level 3, 550 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Date & Time
Wednesday 29 August, from 5.30pm
For further information, please email Steve Cooke or contact him on (03) 9244 6827. RSVPs are also appreciated – please email Steve Cooke.
The full list of this year’s seminars is available at the CHCAP webpage or download the CHCAP 2012 seminar series flyer.
Previous seminar available online
For those of you who missed Renate Howe’s provocative seminar in July on ‘Melbourne @ 5 million – Can the city’s heritage planning meet the challenge?’, the event was recorded and you can now access the podcasts either directly from the CHCAP website, or via iTunes where you can also subscribe to future seminars.
6. Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture 2012, Canberra
The Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc invites you to the fourth Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture, celebrating the Griffins’ contribution to Canberra as a modern planned capital city, presented by by Sheridan Burke.
For further information about the lecture, download the Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture 2012 flier.
Date & Time: Thursday 30 August 2012, 6.00pm
Venue: Visions Theatre, National Museum of Australia, Canberra
Tickets: $20.00 (WBGS or NMA Members), $25.00 (Non-members)
Seating limited. Bookings essential – click here to book tickets
Enquiries can be made via email to the Walter Burley Griffin Society.
7. Royal Historical Society of Victoria’s 19th Annual Book Sale
History buffs and second hand book lovers alike are invited to restock their bookshelves, as the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) presents their 19th Annual Book Sale.
A yearly fundraiser for the RHSV, the Book Sale is being held on Sunday 9 September from 10am – 4pm in A’Beckett St, Melbourne and will feature a treasure trove of pre-loved publications from the libraries of the well-read – with prices as low as $1.
The selection on offer includes second-hand, signed, rare and/or out of print editions in every subject imaginable, including:
- History
- Biographies
- Classics
- Australiana
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Children’s books
- Cooking
- Travel
- Geography
- Politics
- Art
So whether it be in honour of the history of books or simply to score a bargain, a visit to the 19th Annual Book Sale is a must for all!
Royal Historical Society of Victoria’s 19th Annual Book Sale
Date & Time
Sunday 9 September, 10am – 4pm
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne
Entry cost
t: (03) 9326 9288
e: email RHSV
About the RHSV
Formed in 1909, the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) is committed to collecting, researching and sharing an understanding of the history of Victoria. Housing the most extensive single information resource on the history of Melbourne and Victoria, collections are open Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm. The RHSV is a community organisation that relies on membership subscriptions. Join today and help promote and preserve the history of Victoria.
8. Announcement: Australian support to urban-built heritage in Burma
On 6 June 2012, following a walking tour of downtown Rangoon, Australia’s Foreign Minister, Senator the Hon. Bob Carr, announced that Australia will help to preserve Rangoon’s valuable and unique urban built heritage. Consultations with key stakeholders in Burma and Australia are complete and our portfolio of support is in the final stages of design.
Australia will second a specialist with expertise in conservation of heritage buildings to provide technical assistance to the Yangon Heritage Trust for at least 12 months. The Yangon Heritage Trust has played a pivotal role in guiding the requirements of this position in order to ensure that they receive appropriate support in addressing key priorities.
This position will be offered through Australian Volunteers International (AVI) and details of the position are now available via the AVI website. Applications will close on 6 September 2012 and Australia is seeking a high quality candidate. Given the extensive interest we have received to date, we expect the application process to be extremely competitive.
Should you have any enquiries regarding this opportunity please email Sue Baker from AVI or call her on or +61 (03) 9279 1743.
9. New Prospects in Heritage + Conservation
During 2012 and 2013 the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne is hosting an exciting program of events that seeks to reinvigorate and diversify practice and research in heritage and conservation-related fields.
These events, in the form of public symposia, invited round-table meetings, short courses, exhibitions and talks, aims to foster rich discussion between the design disciplines, planners, heritage experts and scholars. A broad range of themes will be hosted by expert academics in the Faculty of ABP including landscape heritage, digital documentation and interpretation, heritage and environmental sustainability, and the conservation of modernism.
For further information, visit the Heritage page of the University of Melbourne website.
Click on the link below to download the flier for the one of the events in this program.
- From Classroom to Campus: The Heritage of Modern Education, 26 – 28 November 2012
10. National Library of Australia – Draft Heritage Conservation Management Plan
The National Library of Australia (NLA) is included in the Commonwealth Heritage List. This listing protects the building’s heritage values and imposes a number of obligations on the managing agency, the National Library of Australia, including the preparation of a management plan.
In accordance with management principles and requirements for management plans for Commonwealth Heritage Listed buildings (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment Regulations 2003 (No.1): Schedule 7A & 7B), a Draft Conservation Management Plan has been prepared.
The National Library of Australia invites interested people and organisations to provide written submissions on the Draft Plan by close of business Friday 31 August 2012.
The document is available on the NLA website, from the reception desk at the Library, or on request from the Sustainability Project Manager via email.
Submissions can be sent to the Sustainability Project Manager via email, or via post to:
- Sustainability Project Manager
National Library of Australia
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600
11. Advanced Stonemasonry & Conservation workshops
Courses in Traditional Stonemasonry and Conservation, aimed at developing the knowledge of the craft amongst people who are working in the construction industry, are being held at various times and locations during the 2012-2013 year.
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is supporting this training as part of its Heritage Trades Program.
- If you have attended a previous stonemasonry course and wish to attend an advanced stonemasonry course, then register now.
- If you wish to attend a conservation workshop which will include blacksmithing, timber conservation and other artisan trades to be listed, then register now.
- If you wish to attend a basic stonemasonry course, register now. A fee of $395 will apply
For further information, click on the links below.
- Advanced Stonemasonry & Conservation workshops flier
- Advanced Stonemasonry & Conservation workshops form
12. Europa Nostra Awards 2013 – call for entries
Each year, Europa Nostra and the European Union reward the best of cultural heritage achievements. Through our European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards, we celebrate excellence and dedication by architects, craftsmen, volunteers, schools, local communities, heritage owners and media. Through the power of their example we stimulate creativity and innovation.
The awards celebrate exemplary restorations and initiatives of the many facets of Europe’s cultural heritage in 4 categories. Every year, up to six monetary awards of 10,000 euro each are awarded to the top laureates in the various categories.
Criteria for the assessment of entries include excellence in the work executed and preliminary research conducted, as well as respect for artistic, cultural and social value, setting, authenticity and integrity. Special attention will also be paid to sustainability, interpretation and presentation, educational work, funding and management, and social responsibility. Entries can be on a scale ranging from small to large, local to international, and should display a standard of work considered outstanding in a European context.
Outstanding achievements in the field of heritage conservation and enhancement will be awarded in the following categories:
- Conservation
- Research
- Dedicated Service by Individuals or Organisations
- Education, Training and Awareness-Raising
Entry Forms and more information is now available on the Europa Nostra website.
Closing date for submission of entries: 1 October 2012 (date of sending)
13. “The Destruction of Heritage in Iraq Since 2003” lecture, Melbourne Museum
Since the invasion of Iraq by coalition forces in 2003, Iraq has endured an extraordinary period of destruction of cultural heritage. This has included the attack on the Iraq National Museum in the very earliest days of the war. Since then, Iraq’s Mesopotamian heritage has also been systematically smuggled out of the country while coalition forces have converted key sites such as the ancient city of Babylon into modern military bases.
This lecture will examine the recent fate of Iraq’s Mesopotamian heritage and discusses the urgent need for appropriate management and protection.
Speaker Biography
Dr Benjamin Isakhan is Australian Research Council Discovery (DECRA) Research Fellow at the Centre for Citizenship and Globalization, Deakin University. He has published widely on the politics and history of Iraq and his current research includes the ARC-funded project ‘Measuring the Destruction of Heritage and Spikes of Violence in Iraq’.
Date & Time: Thursday 6 September 2012, 6pm
Venue: Melbourne Museum
For further information, download the Isakhan Mesopotamia Lecture flier.
14. News – Nawi exploring Australia’s Indigenous watercraft
To find out the latest news about canoe building projects, exhibitions, workshops and more from around Australia, click here.
15. ‘Sustaining Places of Worship – New Thinking for South Australia’
This half-day multi-faith event, coordinated by the State Heritage Unit SA, in conjunction with Australia ICOMOS and the Anglican Church, stands to be a very interesting morning of discussion and debate focused on the challenges faced in South Australia by all faiths in conserving and developing their buildings, and what could be done to better assist them in providing their Places of Worship with robust and sustainable futures.
Venue: St. John’s Anglican Church, 379 Halifax Street, Adelaide
Date & time: Friday 14 September, 9am to 12.30pm
Please confirm attendance by email to Ian Hamilton at the State Heritage Unit before 7 September, giving your name and contact details. Charge for attendance will be $20 per delegate and refreshments will be provided.
More information on the event is available on the Sustaining places of worship flier.
16. Review of NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979 – GREEN PAPER
The Green Paper of the NSW Planning System Review, entitled Green Paper – A New Planning System for New South Wales, was released for public comment on 14 July 2012.
- The Green Paper proposes 23 ‘transformative changes’ to the planning system to move from a heavily regulated and prescriptive system to a simpler, strategic and transparent system that will include a Public Participation Charter.
- The Green Paper is the government’s response to the report of the independent panel that was established in 2011 to review the NSW planning system. Following extensive consultation the independent panel, led by former NSW Government ministers Tim Moore and Ron Dyer, has produced a two-volume report with 374 recommendations – The Way Ahead For Planning in NSW.
- A review of international best practice in planning law, which was commissioned to help inform the preparation of the Green Paper, has also been released and is provided on the website. The review was conducted by Leslie Stein, scholar in residence at the Centre for Environmental Legal Studies at Pace University in New York.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 14 September 2012. The documents for the Green Paper are available by clicking here.
Australia ICOMOS intends to prepare a submission to the Green Paper in line with our previous two submissions for the earlier stages, and would appreciate any input or comments from members who have views about the proposed changes outlined in the Green Paper in facilitating the management of our shared heritage.
Please submit your comments to Kerime Danis via email, by COB Friday 31 August 2012.
17. ICAHM Annual Meeting: 27-30 November 2012, Cuzco, Peru – deadline for abstracts: 15 September 2012
The annual meeting of the ICOMOS International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM), themed around the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, will be held in Cuzco, Peru. The confirmed dates are 27-30 November 2012.
Full details of the meeting, how to register and submit an abstract are available at the conference website.
ICAHM understands archaeolological heritage broadly. Among the worldwide issues for consideration at this meeting are local stakeholder claims on archaeological heritage; sustainable development and community sustainability; World Heritage tourism; tourism pressures and site preservation; heritage and rights; challenges to the validity and value of the World Heritage List as it quickly approaches 1,000 inscribed sites; the World Heritage List decision-making process; impacts of war, civil disorder, and natural disasters on archaeological sites; technical advances in archaeological heritage management. ICAHM welcomes papers on other topics as well.
In addition, if you want to participate in a larger session, ICIP (The International Committee on Interpretation and Presentation) is currently inviting persons from ICAHM, ICIP, and interested others, to participate in a discussion about interpretation and presentation in resource protection, effective community engagement, and sustainable management schemes. If you are interested in this session specifically, please forward a title and abstract toVice President of ICIP, John Jameson via email cc’ing ICAHM Executive no later than 15 September 2012.
18. News from Docomomo US
Click here to read the latest news from Docomomo US.
19. International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era
Click on the links below for more information on this publication.
- Full text of Number 1 and Abstracts of Number 2
- Information about the journal’s mission, the editor and editorial board members, and forthcoming papers
- Information about a special issue slated for 2013, “Digital co-curation and public participation”
- International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era flier
20. News from ICCROM
To view the August 2012 news from ICCROM, click here.
21. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect, Adelaide City Council
City Planning
Application deadline: 5pm, Monday 27 August
An exciting opportunity is available to join the City Planning Program where you will play an important role in promoting and conserving the City’s unique heritage. The Adelaide City Council continues to provide the most substantial local government heritage incentives scheme in Australia, this ongoing leadership and commitment has had a marked impact on historic character of the City.
You will primarily be responsible for overseeing applications to Council’s Heritage Incentives Scheme and providing heritage architecture and conservation advice to assist owners of heritage listed properties to conserve and enhance their properties.
With your demonstrated ability to build effective relationships with a range of people, you will be able to apply your extensive knowledge and experience in heritage conservation to an interesting and diverse range of heritage conservation projects that will continue to make a positive impact on the City’s well-renowned heritage character.
To be successful you will have:
- Tertiary Qualification in architecture and/or heritage conservation (registration desirable)
- Comprehensive architectural knowledge of traditional buildings and their cultural significance
- A high level of initiative, ability to work within a team environment and pro-active approach to the role
For further information, please visit the Adelaide City Council’s Employment page.
22. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Planner, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Heritage Tasmania
Heritage Planner (706866)
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
Heritage Tasmania
Applications Close: Friday 24 August 2012
Salary: $77,536 – $89,072 p.a
Position Type: Permanent full-time (36.75 hours per week)
Location: Hobart
Commencing salary within the above range will be determined in accordance with qualifications and previous relevant experience.
Applicants should note that while this vacancy has been advertised as full time, DPIPWE may be prepared to negotiate a part-time arrangement with the successful applicant.
Pro rata salary is based on the above full time rates.
Duties – Develop and deliver resource management and land use planning services, programs and activities for Heritage Tasmania. Provide specialist technical advice that enables the division to provide a sound, integrated and much more user-friendly approach to the statutory management of historic heritage at a local and state level.
Desirable Requirements – A graduate qualification as provided by a university in a discipline relevant to urban/rural planning, environmental planning and/or natural resource management of direct relevance to this role is highly desirable.
High level information technology and computer skills.
Enquiries to Pete Smith, Director, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, phone (03) 6233 2037, or email Pete.
Further information, including a more detailed position description, can be found at the Jobs Tasmania website.
23. SITUATION VACANT Associate/Assistant Professor, Heritage Conservation and Cultural Studies, School of Canadian Studies
The School of Canadian Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Carleton University invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Heritage Conservation and Cultural Studies, to commence on 1 July 2013. This appointment will be made at the rank of Associate or Assistant Professor.
The School of Canadian Studies offers Canada’s only interdisciplinary graduate program in heritage conservation, established in 1989. The holder of the new interdisciplinary position in Heritage Conservation and Cultural Studies will develop our undergraduate as well as graduate programs in this area, contributing to the development of online courses and to the expansion of our undergraduate program in heritage conservation. At the graduate level, the new faculty member will contribute to our unique Heritage Conservation M.A. in Canadian Studies and work with students in our Ph.D. program in Canadian Studies, jointly run with Trent University. One aim of this position is to strengthen inter-Faculty linkages with Engineering, Architecture, Art History, and Public History, forging links with heritage conservation initiatives in Architecture (the new M.Arch. in Architectural Conservation), Engineering (the new B.Eng. in Architectural Conservation and Sustainability), and Art History (the B.A. in History and Theory of Architecture). To achieve these aims, we seek a dynamic, innovative teacher and researcher with an interest in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration between the School and other departments at Carleton, in the Ottawa area, and elsewhere. Given our proximity to national institutions and the rich collaborative possibilities available at Carleton, the new faculty member will work to make the University a hub for broad learning experiences and research in heritage conservation in Canada and beyond.
Applications close 1 October 2012.
For more information on this opportunity, download the Heritage Conservation and Cultural Studies, Associate-Assistant Professor document.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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