Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012 – registration and program details
John Monash Medal – nominations open
First Call for Nominations for Australian Archaeological Association Awards
News from St Petersburg from our ICOMOS Vice-President
Heritage courses offered by IPPHA
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
New Historians Evening, Melbourne – presented by RHSV & PHA (Vic)
Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
Preservation of Outdoor Sculpture & Monuments workshop, Melbourne
‘Forgotten’ War and Occupation Heritage conference, Cambridge University, August 2012
“Living with World Heritage in Africa” conference, 26-29 September 2012
Ballarat’s history now at your fingertips
2012 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize – call for nominations
Fifty years of Puffing Bills
1. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.
Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat:
- Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
- Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates
For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website, or download the Australia ICOMOS 2012 Membership Application Form.
Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the August 2012 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 3 August 2012.
If further information is required, email the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder.
2. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage seminar will be held on Wednesday 25 July. Associate Professor Renate Howe will present “Melbourne @ 5 million – Can the city’s heritage planning meet the challenge?”
The seminar will examine the implications for heritage planning of rapid population growth, increased density and property development pressures that are already impacting on Melbourne and Victoria’s regional cities. Will current heritage legislation and regulation, largely developed in the last quarter of the twentieth century, be adequate for the challenges to Melbourne’s future as a multicultural city in the Asian region ?
Renate Howe is an Honorary Associate Professor in the School of Arts and Education at Deakin University. She is a former member of the Heritage Council of Victoria and is currently a member of the HCV Local Government Advisory Committee. She is a sessional member of Planning Panels Victoria and a Fellow of the Victorian Planning and Environment Law Association.
All welcome. Free of charge.
Deakin University Melbourne City Centre
Meeting Room 2
Level 3, 550 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Date & Time
Wednesday 25 July, from 5.30pm
For further information, please email Steve Cooke or contact him on (03) 9244 6827. RSVPs are also appreciated – please email Steve Cooke.
The full list of this year’s seminars is available at the CHCAP webpage or download the CHCAP 2012 seminar series flyer.
3. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012 – registration and program details
The 2012 Symposium looks like being even more exciting than last year’s with a great line up of topics and plenty of time at the end to raise and discuss issues. Download the ACT Heritage Symposium 2012 Program.
To register for this event, download the 2012 ACT Heritage Symposium Registration form.
The summaries of presentations and biographies of speakers will be available shortly.
4. John Monash Medal – nominations open
Engineers Australia annually awards the John Monash Medal to recognise outstanding contributions made by individuals towards increasing the awareness and conservation of Australia’s engineering heritage.
The Medal is awarded by Engineering Heritage Australia (a Special Interest Group of Engineers Australia). Nominations are now open and will close 31 August 2012.
The nominee should have, over a considerable period of time, made an outstanding contribution to Engineering Heritage in Australia, through one or more of the following:
- the raising of awareness of engineering heritage within the profession
- the promotion of engineering heritage within the community
- the recording and documentation of engineering heritage
- the conservation of engineering heritage
- such other contribution to engineering heritage as EHA may considers worthy of recognition
This award is open to members and non-members of Engineers Australia. To see past awards and find more details on making a nomination, visit the Engineers Australia website.
5. First Call for Nominations for Australian Archaeological Association Awards
Nominations are called for the following four Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Awards
Closing Date: 14 September 2012
The Rhys Jones Medal is the highest award offered by the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. It was established in honour of Rhys Jones (1941-2001) to mark his enormous contribution to the development and promotion of archaeology in Australia. The Medal is presented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the field. Established in 2002, previous winners include Isabel McBryde (2003), John Mulvaney (2004), Sharon Sullivan (2005), Mike Smith (2006), Jeremy Green (2007), Harry Lourandos (2009), Iain Davidson (2010), and Sue O’Connor (2011).
Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s archaeological career and how this work has benefited Australian archaeology, as well as a full list of the nominee’s publications. Note that nominees do not need to be members of the Association; be an Australian citizen; or work exclusively in Australia or on Australian material.
The Award was established in honour of John Mulvaney and his contribution and commitment to Australian archaeology over a lifetime of professional service. It acknowledges the significant contribution of individual or co-authored publications to the archaeology of the continent of Australia, the Pacific, Papua-New Guinea and South-East Asia, either as general knowledge or as specialist publications. Nominations are considered annually for books that cover both academic pursuits and public interest, reflecting the philosophy of John Mulvaney’s life work. Established in 2004, previous winners include Val Attenbrow for ‘Sydney’s Aboriginal Past” (2004), Rodney Harrison for ‘Shared Landscapes: Archaeologies of Attachment and the Pastoral Industry in New South Wales’ (2006), Mike Morwood & Penny Van Oosterzee for ‘The Discovery of the Hobbit: The Scientific Breakthrough that changed the Face of Human History’ (2007), Peter Hiscock for ‘The Archaeology of Ancient Australia’ (2008), Denis Byrne for ‘Surface Collection’ (2007), Jane Lydone for ‘Fantastic Dreaming: The Archaeology of an Aboriginal Mission’ (2010) and Annie Ross for ‘Indigenous Peoples and the Collaborative Stewardship of Nature’ (2011).
Nominations must be for books written by one or more authors, but not for edited books, published in the last three calendar years (i.e. 2008, 2009 or 2010). The nomination must be accompanied by at least two published book reviews. A short citation (no more than one page) on why the book should be considered must also be included.
This Award celebrates the important contribution that Bruce Veitch (1957-2005) made to the practice and ethics of archaeology in Australia. In particular, the award honours Bruce’s close collaboration with traditional owners on whose country he worked. It is awarded annually to any individual or group who has had long-standing and sustained engagement with Indigenous communities during archaeological or cultural heritage projects which have produced significant outcomes for Indigenous interests. Established in 2005, previous winners include Richard Fullagar (2006), Bruno David (2007), Annie Ross (2008), Luke Godwin (2009), Peter Veth (2010), and Ken Mulvaney (2011).
Nominees will have actively engaged with Indigenous communities to produce successful outcomes. The nature of nominations is flexible (e.g. video tape, audio tape, poster etc), considering the wide range of Indigenous collaborations and the remoteness of some communities. Nominators are strongly encouraged to include supporting statements from relevant Indigenous individuals or community organisations.
This award was established to recognise significant and sustained contribution to the objects and purposes of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Previous winners include John Mulvaney, Jack Golson, Betty Meehan (2002), Val Attenbrow (2002), J. Peter White (2003), Luke Kirkwood (2004), Isabel McBryde (2005), Ian Johnson (2006), Colin Pardoe (2007), Sean Ulm (2008) and Annie Ross (2010).
Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s contributions to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Note that nominees must be members of the Association.
Nominations for all Awards will be considered by the Executive of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. with advice as appropriate from senior members of the discipline. The decision of the Executive is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Nominations should be addressed to the President:
Via email to the AAA President or via fax to (07) 3365 1544, marked private & confidential and for attention of Dr Patrick Faulkner
Via post to the current President of AAA:
Dr Pat Faulkner
Australian Archaeological Association Inc.
PO Box 6088
St Lucia QLD 4067
Telephone: (07) 3365 3861
and sent to arrive no later than 14 SEPTEMBER 2012
Recipients of all awards will be announced at the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Annual Conference.
Dates: 10-13 December 2012
Location: Wollongong
Host: University of Wollongong
6. News from St Petersburg from our ICOMOS Vice-President
The 36th session of the World Heritage Committee concluded its work on 6 July 2012. I have had the privilege of visiting the wonderful city of St Petersburg in the Russian Federation to take my place in the ICOMOS delegation, and return home with many experiences, thoughts, concerns and ideas.
There is too much news to relate quickly – and there is a lot of information that is available on the website of the World Heritage Centre – but here are a few quick points that might be of interest to ICOMOS members in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific.
Interestingly, this was the first time that the Committee discussions were able to be viewed via live streaming. I hope that many members were able to take advantage of this innovation taken by the World Heritage Committee. Some colleagues from IUCN also contributed to a blog about their experiences.
Another first was an NGO Forum held prior to the start of the session. There are several important resolutions from the NGO Forum, including the decision to establish a ‘World Heritage Watch’. I will arrange weblinks to these resolutions once I am home, but in the meantime you can email me directly if you are interested to read these documents.
World Heritage List: The List now has 962 properties. Of the 26 new properties added, one is from the Pacific – the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon – the first World Heritage property for Palau, and the only ‘mixed’ property inscribed on the List at this session. Congratulations to Palau and to State Parties in other regions celebrating their first World Heritage inscriptions: Palestine, Chad and Congo. To read further, look at the information available on the World Heritage Centre website. (http://whc.unesco.org/en).
List of World Heritage in Danger: Two cultural properties from Asia and the Pacific were removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger: the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras (Philippines); and Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore (Pakistan). Such decisions are always made with warmth and congratulations. Five cultural properties were added to the List of World Heritage in Danger: Timbuktu and the Tomb of Askia (Mali); the Birthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem (Palestine); Fortifications on the Caribbean side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo (Panama); and Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (UK).
For Australia, this was the first year following the completion of its 4-year term on the World Heritage Committee. The main issue of direct relevance was the State of Conservation report received for the Great Barrier Reef following the IUCN/World Heritage Centre reactive monitoring mission earlier in the year. Obviously, this was not a matter for ICOMOS, and the decision has been the subject of plenty of media at home.
The Periodic Report for Asia and the Pacific was presented to the World Heritage Committee. The document should be available from the web, and there is a publication in preparation. There is a wealth of detail – I urge ICOMOS members in our Region to study this report and contribute to regional discussions about strengthening capacity, participation, sustainable development and community involvement.
Throughout the session, there was a considerable focus and discussion of the roles of the Advisory Bodies – especially about how we can work ‘upstream’ and with stronger cooperation with States Parties in the context of reduced financial resources. The Committee also received the Implementation Plan for the 10-year Strategic Action Plan arising from the process for reflection on the future of the Convention.
This has therefore been a very stimulating session for the delegations from ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM – and there will be a continuing process to reflect on the many conversations we were able to have with delegates to the session, particularly as we continue to work toward the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Convention in Kyoto, Japan in November.
Finally, along with many moments of joy, there were also two sources of sadness. While in St Petersburg, we learned of the death of seven people killed by poachers at the Okapi Wildlife Reserve in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the deliberate destruction of mausoleums in Timbuktu in Mali (see the World Heritage Centre’s website for more information).
This is only a small taste of the outcomes of the annual session of the World Heritage Committee. I am grateful for the support of the Australian Government and Deakin University that made it possible for me to take part. Warmest thanks also to my ICOMOS colleagues for their hard work and professionalism.
ICOMOS members are welcome contact me if you have any comments or questions about the World Heritage Committee session this year.
Kristal Buckley
ICOMOS Vice-President
email Kristal
7. Heritage courses offered by IPPHA
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is taking expressions of interest for two of their popular short courses – click on the links to view course information:
Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places
6-10 August 2012 at Port Arthur
An award-winning five day advanced professional development short course presented in conjunction with the Port Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania.
From 17-21 September 2012 at the Australian National University and Canberra’s cultural institutions, a five day professional development short course providing an update of professional practice in the planning, development and use of Indigenous collections, benefiting from the experience of Australia’s national cultural institutions.
For more information visit the IPPHA website.
8. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
High Court of Australia Architectural Design: An evolutionary process
Andrew Wilson
High Court of Australia, Canberra, Australia
This presentation and discussion of design thoughts, necessary to understand the design integrity of the High Court of Australia will reference: publications – the Feasibility Study, Conditions for the Design Competition, The Nation Review (1980); recent and current work; and team discussions since 1978.
Andrew Wilson is an architect and Director of HBO + EMTB, the current day form of the original High Court of Australia architect – Edwards Madigan Torzillo Briggs. He has led the design team for new works at modern heritage properties as diverse as the High Court of Australia and the Edmund Barton Buildings. A former ACT Chapter Councillor, Planning Committee Chair and Jury Chair of the AIA ACT Chapter Awards 2008, he is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA).
Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.
Time & Date: 5 .00-7.00pm, Thursday 26 July 2012 – the talk will start at 5.30pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
Refreshments will be available appropriate to the talk’s topic! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott
9. New Historians Evening, Melbourne – presented by RHSV & PHA (Vic)
From the adventures of Mr Natural History to getting suntanned in Antarctica
Melburnians are invited to explore the life an d achievements of the man dubbed by The Argus as “Mr Natural History” and the first Australian woman to research the Antarctic, as the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) together with the Professional Historians Association (PHA) (Victoria) present their New Historians Evening.
To be held on Tuesday 17 July at 5.45pm, new historian Amanda Lourie will put the spotlight on William Blandowski – Victoria’s first government zoologist and first curator of the Museum of Natural History. She will be joined by Rebecca Carland, who will detail the career of Hope Macpherson – an adventurous woman who broke gender barriers to become the first female Curator at Museum Victoria.
“1850s Melbourne and colonial Victoria was an exciting place to be for a young man interested in the pursuit of science,” noted Ms Lourie.
“LaTrobe’s funding of government scientific positions, the opening of the Museum of Natural History and the development of scientific societies facilitated a public engagement with science.
“Arriving in the colony during that time, Blandowski quickly became synonymous with the practice of science and was regarded as a repository of scientific knowledge for the Melbourne public.
“This lecture will examine a number of Blandowski’s expeditions and observations and will highlight his love of nature.”
Nearly a century later and the media had moved on from Mr Natural History to being preoccupied and intrigued with the departure of the first Australian women to visit Macquarie Island. On their return from this ground-breaking trip Melbourne’s Age newspaper conveyed their comprehension of the event with the headline “Women Got Sun Tanned in Antarctica.”
“The very practical and accomplished malacologist, Hope Macpherson (now Black), bore the interest with good grace,” explained Ms Carland.
“Hope’s rise from high school graduate to Curator of Molluscs in the post-war period is a wonderful study of public, institutional and legislative attitudes to women in the workforce and in scientific practice, and I will explore this in our talk.
“After being forced to resign at the peak of her career due to the marriage bar, she went on to imbue generations of women with a love of science.”
About the speakers
Amanda Lourie is currently in the first year of her PhD at Deakin University, researching the history of scientific practice in 1850s and 1860s colonial Victoria. Amanda’s interest in 1850s and 1860s colonial Victoria developed during her undergraduate internship at the RHSV where she researched early panoramic photographs of Melbourne.
Rebecca Carland is Curator, History of Science Collections at Museum Victoria. Her specialty is cross-disciplinary exhibitions (onsite and online) that tease out the stories behind the museum’s Natural History collections, including that of Hope Black. Her research interests include the artisan class in museum history, including illustrators, taxidermists and model makers. Rebecca is a member of the Professional Historians Association (Victoria).
About the event
Tuesday 17 July
5.45pm – 6.45pm; refreshments from 5.15pm
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne
$10 non members; free for members of the RHSV and PHA
t: (03) 9326 9288
e: email RHSV
About the RHSV
Formed in 1909, the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) is committed to collecting, res earching and sharing an understanding of the history of Victoria. Housing the most extensive single information resource on the history of Melbourne and Victoria, collections are open Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm. The RHSV is a community organisation that relies on membership subscriptions. Join today and help promote and preserve the history of Victoria.
About the Professional Historians Association (Victoria)
The Professional Histori ans Association (Victoria) Inc represents a thriving, dynamic community of professional historians who communicate history in diverse ways. The Association promotes the discipline of history as a profession and encourages a high standard of scholarship and practice, in addition to providing professional historians with support and assistance in their day to day work.
10. Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
Bikini Atoll: History & Heritage
Photo: Admiral William HP Blandy and his wife cut an ‘Operation Crossroads’ mushroom cloud cake, while Admiral Frank J. Lowry looks on (1946)
Between 1946 and 1958 a total of 67 nuclear bomb tests were carried out in the Marshall Islands, including in 1954 the world’s first deliverable hydrogen bomb which vaporised three of Bikini Atoll’s islands and produced radio-active fallout that resulted in the deaths of, and ill-health effects for, Marshallese, American and Japanese people and for the atoll itself. Today Bikini Atoll is almost uninhabited by people.
Steve’s presentation will provide a contextual overview of nuclear testing on Bikini Atoll; discussing the results of a preliminary survey of the material traces of nuclear testing; and issues concerning the 2010 world heritage listing of Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Site. He argues that world heritage listing has (re)materialised and (re)imagined the cultural landscape of Bikini Atoll in a way that privileges the global story of bomb testing over the local narrative of lost homeland. In contrast however, the listing of Bikini Atoll can be seen as a subversive act coopted by both global and local actors in a way that is mutually beneficial.
Steve Brown is an archaeologist and Cultural Heritage Researcher with the New South Wales Government, and a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney. Steve’s research interests include the intangible values of landscape (particularly around attachment, belonging and place); the heritage of ephemeral and ‘ordinary’ physical traces of history across landscapes; applied approaches to managing heritage values of bio-cultural landscapes; and the heritage of landscapes with the imprint of Indigenous and colonial settler interaction. He is the current Australian Voting Member on the ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, and the author of ‘Cultural Landscapes: A Practical Guide for Park Management (2010)’.
Members of the public are welcome!
Time & Date: Thursday 26 July 2012, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $7, non-members $12, payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided. (Please note the small increase in cost)
Venue: Godden Mackay Logan, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note: RSVP is essential as places are limited.
11. Preservation of Outdoor Sculpture & Monuments workshop, Melbourne
This two-day workshop will be held on 8-9 November 2012 in Melbourne and is designed for public art coordinators, collection managers & arts administrators managing outdoor sculpture collections.
Presented by AICCM, funded by Gordon Darling Foundation, the workshop will be led by Katharine Untch, senior conservator ARG Conservation Services, San Francisco.
The workshop includes: broader preservation issues of commissioning new works of art, monitoring conditions, developing maintenance plan, health and safety and contracting for conservation services.
Places limited to 60. EOIs close 27 July 2012
For further details, download the Preservation of Outdoor Sculpture & Monuments information leaflet and/or the Course flier and registration form.
12. ‘Forgotten’ War and Occupation Heritage conference, Cambridge University, August 2012
‘Forgotten’ War and Occupation Heritage: Shedding Light on the Darkness
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge University
25-26 August 2012
For further information, download the ‘Forgotten’ War and Occupation Heritage Program flier.
The conference contacts are Britt Baillie-Warren and Gilly Carr.
13. “Living with World Heritage in Africa” conference, 26-29 September 2012
“Living with World Heritage in Africa”
26-29 September 2012
South Africa
The Government of the Republic of South Africa, in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, are pleased to announce an International Conference on “Living with World Heritage in Africa”. The International Conference is being organised on the occasion of the worldwide celebration of the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention under the theme “World Heritage and Sustainable Development: the role of local communities” as endorsed by the World Heritage Committee. The Conference will bring together high level decision makers from African Governments, heritage institutions, local communities and development sectors.
Submissions in the form of academic papers, videos/films or poster exhibitions are invited and should be submitted no later than 20 July 2012.
For further information, download the background document and the call for papers.
14. Ballarat’s history now at your fingertips
Ballarat’s history and heritage has never been easier to discover with the recent launch of the City of Ballarat’s Heritage Database by Ballarat Mayor Cr Mark Harris at the Art Gallery of Ballarat. Made possible thanks to funding and support from Heritage Victoria, the Ballarat Heritage Database is now available on the City of Ballarat website.
Powered by Heritage Victoria’s Victorian Heritage Database, the database will provide users with a one stop shop for accessing relevant information about Ballarat’s heritage which includes information about if and why a place is significant, information about a place or area’s history, physical descriptions and even photographs. The database also contains links to other websites where you can find information about the heritage place such as state information on the Victorian Heritage Database, Planning Maps online and Google street view. It is searchable by heritage place name, street name or heritage overlay number and also has advanced search functions. The database will be a valuable tool that will not only be used by City of Ballarat Council officers through Council’s GIS system, but will provide residents, researchers, developers and the wider community with easy access to local and state Ballarat heritage information.
The Ballarat Heritage Database information is from Council’s Heritage Studies conducted from 1978 to the present day and also includes links to State Government heritage study information. All future heritage studies and adhoc individual citations, once public, will be included in the database.
15. 2012 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize – call for nominations
Nominations for the 2012 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize are open! Awarded in fall 2012, the prize is given to a design professional or firm in recognition of an innovative design solution that preserves or enhances a modern landmark.
Attached is a document (available in Spanish upon request) describing the steps and requirements for submissions. The deadline for nominations is 31 July 2012.
For further information about the call for nominations, visit the World Monuments Fund website.
16. Fifty years of Puffing Bills
July 28, 2012 marks 50 years to the day that the first official train ran on the re-opened narrow gauge line between Belgrave and Menzies Creek. This was the culmination of several years of volunteer effort and hard work in reopening the narrow gauge railway that ran in the hills of the Dandenong Ranges east of Melbourne. The line was one of four narrow gauge lines forced onto the broad gauge Victorian Railways as low cost lines for developing areas. Needless to say they were all uneconomic.
Fifty years later Puffing Billy Railway travels from Belgrave to Lakeside and Gembrook in the picturesque Dandenong Ranges using a mixture of original and introduced rolling stock. It is one of Australia’s leading tourist attractions.
Puffing Billy is worth studying as an example of how the issues of running a preserved tourist railway can be resolved.
Visit the Puffing Billy website. Click here to view a video of the Garratt Steam Locomotive in the Hills.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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