Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 538

  1. Australia ICOMOS Heritage Careers Night – 19 June 2012, Melbourne
  2. Heritage courses offered by IPPHA
  3. Christchurch earthquake heritage fund
  4. Canberra National Heritage Assessment – AHC media release
  5. AAA 2012 conference – registration open
  6. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
  7. “Worth Keeping? Valuing Recent Architecture” Seminar (Sydney)
  8. 2012 Museums Australia National Conference, South Australia, September 2012
  9. Free heritage lectures at Mission to Seafarers Melbourne
  10. Annual Government Heritage Asset Management Forum, Wednesday 20 June, Melbourne
  11. Cultural Landscapes conference, New Jersey, October 2012
  12. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
  13. Executive Dean’s Lecture Series 2012 – The Annual Allen Archaeology Lecture
  14. 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
  15. Fourth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop – updates
  16. 9th International Masonry Conference, 7-9 July 2014, Portugal
  17. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  18. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter (will be) available online
  19. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
  20. SITUATIONS VACANT Lecturer in Heritage and Archaeology, University of Kent


1. Australia ICOMOS Heritage Careers Night – 19 June 2012, Melbourne

Australia ICOMOS is holding a Heritage Careers Night on Tuesday 19 June. This event is open to all those considering or just beginning careers in heritage and will comprise a panel discussion followed by a chance to socialise over a drink and snacks. The panel will discuss the expectations, pathways and issues associated with careers in heritage. Panel members represent the interdisciplinary nature of the heritage profession, as well as the public and private sectors. They are:

  • Jim Gard’ner, Executive Director, Heritage Victoria
  • Roz Hansen, Roz Hansen Consulting Pty Ltd
  • Dr Ilya Berelov, Team Leader Cultural Heritage, Biosis Research
  • Bryn Davies, Senior Policy Officer, Native Title Unit, Victorian Department of Justice
  • Helen Lardner, Architect, Director HLCD Pty Ltd

Heritage Careers Night will be held at the Trades Hall, New Ballroom, corner of Victoria and Lygon streets, Carlton.

Doors will open at 5.30 for a 6 pm start on Tuesday 19 June.

Entrance is free, but RSVPs by COB Monday 11 June to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat are essential!

Download the Heritage Careers Night flier and pass it on to others you think may be interested in this event.

Heritage Careers Night will launch the Australia ICOMOS Victorian Mentoring Program. Australia ICOMOS gratefully acknowledges the active support of its partners in launching the Victorian Mentoring Program – Deakin University, University of Melbourne, Monash University and the Heritage Council of Victoria.


2. Heritage courses offered by IPPHA

The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is taking expressions of interest for two of their popular short courses – click on the links to view course information:

Museum and Heritage Education
9-13 July 2012 in Canberra

A five day program providing an opportunity for a professional update of current practices and trends in museum and heritage education practice at Australia’s national cultural institutions.

Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places
6-10 August 2012 at Port Arthur

An award-winning five day advanced professional development short course presented in conjunction with the Port Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania.

Indigenous collections in Canberra’s National Institutions – a behind the scenes look at their value, curation and use

From 17-21 September 2012 at the Australian National University and Canberra’s cultural institutions, a five day professional development short course providing an update of professional practice in the planning, development and use of Indigenous collections, benefiting from the experience of Australia’s national cultural institutions.

For more information visit the IPPHA website.


3. Christchurch earthquake heritage fund

Copyright © 2012 Richard Mahoney and Kristina Pickford. All rights reserved.

Canterbury’s heritage building stock has suffered irretrievable loss over the past 20 months in the wake of thousands of earthquakes and aftershocks. Many of the regions most prized buildings are gone forever and many more risk demolition.

There is now a Fund which allows you to ‘tag’ your donation to a specific building or alternatively to donate to the ‘general’ fund. This is the only Fund which has been set up for heritage buildings affected by the Canterbury earthquakes and gives you the chance to help save those few which remain. Your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the New Zealand Government. Click here to find out more. 


4. Canberra National Heritage Assessment – AHC media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following press release from The Australian Heritage Council, dated 1 June 2012.

Canberra National Heritage Assessment

The Australian Heritage Council is today inviting Australians to put forward their views on a possible National Heritage listing for Canberra.

“Born of the utopian ideals of the founders of Australian Federation and grounded in the Griffins’ visionary town plan, Canberra has grown to be one of the world’s great twentieth century cities,” Chair of the Australian Heritage Council, Professor Carmen Lawrence said.

Launching the information paper Celebrating Canberra: Australia’s cultural and democratic landscape, Dr Lawrence said that the Council was taking a broad approach to assessing the national heritage values of Canberra as a planned capital.

“A national heritage listing for Canberra would recognise and highlight the city’s national heritage and symbolic significance to the nation and ensure any national heritage values are protected for future generations.

“The historic significance of Canberra as the symbol and outcome of Federation, the site of landmark decisions and movements for change and a place of ongoing national commemorations is being considered for national recognition.

“We are also investigating the importance of Canberra’s role as an exemplar of twentieth century town planning concepts.

“These range from the new ideal city of the Griffins’ outstanding prize-winning design in the 1912 international competition, through successive phases of planning to the modern city expressed in the dispersed ‘new town’ pattern encapsulated in the Y-Plan.

“Other considerations are the aesthetic aspects of the designed landscapes that showcase the national capital and the natural hill and mountain settings of the city, which are highly valued by the Canberra community and visitors for their beauty, garden city appeal and national symbolic content.

“The Council also believes that creative and technical achievement in the fields of town planning, urban design and landscape architecture should also be considered and potentially recognised.

“Other important considerations will include the social significance associated with landmark Indigenous rights decisions and places of national commemoration.

“Canberra’s association with governors-general and prime ministers, politicians whose election marked milestones in the evolution of Australian democracy, and the people who played a significant role in the planning and development of Canberra will also be considered,” Dr Lawrence said.

The Council is undertaking formal consultations with landowners, occupiers and Indigenous people with rights or interests in Canberra, the ACT Government as well as business and industry groups and key community and heritage agencies.

“We are asking the public to provide their views and submissions before the end of June 2012 when the Council will begin work on our assessment report for the federal environment minister,” Dr Lawrence said.

For more information on the Canberra heritage assessment, a draft boundary map of the proposed Canberra national heritage area and information on how you can participate in the consultation process, click here.

Media contact DSEWPAC Media 02 6275 9880.


5. AAA 2012 conference – registration open

Registration is now open for the Australian Archaeological Association 2012 conference. Find out all the details on the AAA conference website and follow the link through to the Conference Online registration page.

Please also note – if you wish to:

  1. Present a paper or poster, you will need to submit your abstract by 6 July 2012. Go to the Call for Abstracts page of the conference website for further information – note that the details of the sessions for the conference are also listed on this page
  2. Take advantage of the early bird registration rates you need to do so by 31 July 2012

Both of these dates are earlier than in previous years, so you will need to get super organised for 2012!

An announcement will soon be made about the keynote spearkers for the conference, once the final invited keynote speaker has confirmed, but in the meantime rest assured, there is an interesting and engaging range of speakers being assembled for your listening pleasure!


6. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online

To view the June 2012 issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.


7. “Worth Keeping? Valuing Recent Architecture” Seminar (Sydney)

The Australia Institute of Architects NSW Chapter presents:


71 buildings have been awarded the Sir John Sulman Medal since 1932. It’s the NSW Chapter’s highest accolade.

But what happens 10, 20 or 30 years after the prize-giving, when alterations, additions or even demolition are proposed? What is the value of the Sulman Medal then?

This is the subject up for debate – and your input – at this special NSW CPD event. Your participation will earn you formal CPD points.

The presenters include NSW Chapter President Matthew Pullinger, NSW Chapter Heritage Officer Noni Boyd and the architects of the buildings featured in the case study sessions, which will be moderated by members of the Chapter CPD Committee: Steve Kennedy, Melonie Bayl-Smith and Shaun Carter. The former Government Architect, Peter Mould, will provide the wrap-up comment at the end. The session chair is George Phillips, Chair of the NSW Chapter Heritage Committee.

Time & Date: 9am – 12.30pm, Thursday 21 June 2012
Place: Tusculum, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point
Cost: $75 members, $150 non-members – Australia ICOMOS members pay the Institute member price ($75)

PLEASE NOTE: No parking available.

To download the Session Outline and to Register, click here.


8. 2012 Museums Australia National Conference, South Australia, September 2012

2012 Museums Australia National Conference
“Research and collections in a connected world”
University of Adelaide, South Australia
24-28 September 2012

The Museums Australia SA branch would like to invite you to join them for the sixteenth Museums Australia National Conference to be held at the University of Adelaide.

The University lies at the heart of South Australia’s cultural precinct and will be the ideal venue to explore the  conference theme: “Research and collections in a connected world”.

For further information, visit the conference website. Also download the Museums Australia 2012 conference flier.


9. Free heritage lectures at Mission to Seafarers Melbourne

The Mission to Seafarers Victoria is hosting a series of lectures on heritage architecture and contemporary design.

14 June 2012 – Donald Ellsmore. Reinforced concrete as a ticking time bomb. Donald Ellsmore is an Australian architectural conservationist and educator.

For further information, download the Mission to Seafarers Heritage Lectures flier.


10. Annual Government Heritage Asset Management Forum, Wednesday 20 June, Melbourne

This is a free seminar for Victorian State Government departments and agencies who own, occupy or manage heritage property and assets.

Interested attendees may include officers working in asset management, property management, crown land managers and government officers, engineers, heritage officers, planners and architects.

For further information on this event, download the 2012 Heritage Asset Management Forum flier and program.


11. Cultural Landscapes conference, New Jersey, October 2012

Cultural Landscapes: Preservation Challenges in the 21st Century
12 – 14 October 2012
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ

Marking the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention and the 20th anniversary of its Declaration on Cultural Landscapes, Rutgers University will convene an international conference—Cultural Landscapes: Preservation Challenges in the 21st Century. The conference has been designated an official UNESCO World Heritage Anniversary event.

Cultural landscapes provide a new perspective that challenges traditional notions of historic preservation by taking a dynamic, multifaceted approach to conservation. Constituting “combined works of nature and humankind [that] express a long and intimate relationship between peoples and their natural environment, ” cultural landscapes are defined by human relationships to place as much as by physical features. They embody diverse interactions between humans and their environment, seek to protect living traditional cultures, and preserve the traces of cultures that have disappeared. The UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL), approved by the 17th General Assembly of ICOMOS in November 2011, applies this interdisciplinary “cultural landscape approach” to urban settings as well, as a way to engage with the multiple aspects of urban historic conservation.

For further information, visit the conference website and download the Cultural Landscapes 2012 conference flier/information leaflet.


12. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)

Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage seminar will be held on Wednesday 27 June, when Dr Marina Larsson will speak about ‘Negotiating veterans heritage in the lead up to the Centenary of World War One’.

The Centenary of World War One (2014-18) will be a significant international event. Known as the ‘Anzac Centenary’ in Australia, this anniversary will see a renewed focus on preserving the heritage of war and telling the histories of this era. Dr Marina Larsson will present a discussion of war-related heritage in Victoria and the issues related to its identification, preservation and interpretation. What will the role of heritage professionals be? What kinds of histories will find a voice?

Dr Marina Larsson is an award-winning historian who has lectured at La Trobe and Monash Universities. She currently works as Senior Policy Officer, Veterans Heritage in the Veterans Unit, Department of Planning and Community Development. Her book Shattered Anzacs: Living with the Scars of War (2009) was shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Award for Australian History and the Asher Literary Award. In 2008 Marina received the Australian Historical Association Serle award for the Best Postgraduate Thesis in Australian History and in 2011 she released Anzac Legacies: Australians and the Aftermath of War, co-edited with Martin Crotty. Marina’s research interests include the history of disability, repatriation, family caregiving, and public representations of war.

All welcome. Free of charge.


Deakin University Melbourne City Centre
Meeting Room 2
Level 3, 550 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000

Date & Time

Wednesday 27 June, from 5.30pm

For further information, please email Steve Cooke or contact him on (03) 9244 6827. RSVPs are also appreciated – please email Steve Cooke.

The full list of this year’s seminars is available at the CHCAP webpage or download the CHCAP 2012 seminar series flyer.


13. Executive Dean’s Lecture Series 2012 – The Annual Allen Archaeology Lecture

Until about 50 years ago it was believed by most scholars that Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions only discussed time and ritual, and that they did not mention any historical individuals or events. Now it is recognised that many of the surviving inscriptions are historical records that document events in the lives of royal dynasts. An intriguing look at the role of Mayan hieroglyphs and the deciphering and understanding of the ancient Maya civilisation of Mexico and Central America.

Professor Peter Mathews specialises in the ancient Maya civilisation of Mexico and Central America. He has also taught at Harvard University, the University of Calgary, and the University of Copenhagen. He was awarded a MacArthur Prize Fellowship in 1984, and in 2002 was elected a Fellow of the Academy of the Humanities in Australia. Professor Mathews joined La Trobe University in 1999 as an ARC Senior Research Fellow.

Time and Date
6pm, Thursday 14 June 2012

Melbourne Museum
Nicholson Street, Carlton
(Melways ref: 2B J10)

This is a free public lecture. Light refreshments will be provided. Seats are limited, so registration is essential – click here to register.

More information
email Alix Austin

The flier can be downloaded from here.


14. 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies

The Stadtarchäologie Wien (Urban Archaeology of Vienna) is organising the 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, to be held at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 5-7 November 2012.

The main topic of this conference is “Urban Archaeology and Excavations – To Reach and Unveil the Hidden Spirit of the Town”.

The Call for PAPERS, POSTERS and VIDEO CLIPS has been extended to  15 June 2012

4th Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Poster Award

The author(s) of the best three posters will receive the 4th 2012 Best Poster Award of the Vienna Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (Categories – Archaeology, NEW Technology and Cultural Heritage).

Click here for more information.

All accepted posters can be published as papers in the proceedings (eBook).

1st Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Video Award

The International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies invites scientists from different fields of research to present Video Clips (max. 3 minutes) dealing with this year’s topic of the Conference. Deadline for video clip abstracts: 2 July 2012.

Click here for more information. 

Important Dates

  • END of call for Papers, Posters, Video Clips: now 15 June 2012
  • Notification to speakers and presenters: 22 June 2012
  • End of Call for Video Clips (1st Cultural Heritage and New Technologies VIDEO AWARD – sponsored and organised by 7resaons): 2 July 2012
  • Notification for video award: 10 July 2012


15. Fourth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop – updates

Fourth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop
Bandung, Indonesia
5-7 July 2012

Spearheading the series of creative events are Ulrich WEINBERG and Eku WAND, who will facilitate a full-day Design Thinking Workshop on 5 July.

Meanwhile, Andres DUANY and Elizabeth PLATER-ZYBERK together with Mohammad DANISWORO and Ridwan KAMIL will lead a two-day Smart Growth Workshop on July 6-7th. Together with Anies BASWEDAN, educator and the driving force behind Indonesia Mengajar, these keynote and featured speakers will provide inspiring platforms for critical discussion by creative champions presenting approximately 100 peer-reviewed Papers from 16 countries in all 5 continents at the Arte-Polis 4 International Conference on 5-6th July 2012.

Arte-Polis has indeed developed into THE biennial creative event of the Asia-Pacific region. Visit the conference website for more details and to download a Registration Form.

Secure your place at Arte-Polis 4 “Creative Connectivity and the Making of Place: Living Smart by Design” by registering Now since walk-in registration on days of Conference/Workshops are subject to availibility of seats. 


16. 9th International Masonry Conference, 7-9 July 2014, Portugal

9th International Masonry Conference
Guimarães, Portugal
7-9 July 2014

The 9th International Masonry Conference will be held in Guimarães, Portugal in July 7-9, 2014 as a joint initiative from the University of Minho and the International Masonry Society.

For further information, download the 9th International Masonry Conference brochure.

The conference website will be operational from the end of June 2012.

This Conference series has become one of the most important international events in the masonry world and it takes place every four years. The technical program will include plenary sessions with invited speakers and parallel sessions of selected papers arranged according to the most relevant topics in masonry. The organizers will plan an enjoyable social program, taking advantage of Guimarães (a Unesco World Heritage site), and the neighborhood city of Porto and the Douro Valley.


17. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


18. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter (will be) available online

To download the May issue of Inherit, click here (early next week).


19. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne

Lovell Chen is a well-respected Melbourne based firm of Architects and Heritage Consultants with 30 years’ experience in design and heritage.

We are currently seeking a heritage consultant with an appropriate qualification in planning, architecture, cultural heritage management or archaeology, and with a minimum of five years’ professional experience in the heritage conservation field.

The successful candidate would work on a wide variety of heritage projects in a multidisciplinary team environment, including assuming responsibility for client liaison and project management and delivery.

You should possess initiative, a positive attitude, good research, site assessment and project management skills, and a proven ability to think analytically and strategically. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are a necessity for this role. You are required to be conversant with the relevant methodologies and statutory frameworks, and in particular the Victorian Planning and Environment Act and Heritage Act. Some knowledge of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act would also be desirable. You should be proficient in Microsoft Word.

The salary is negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience. Lovell Chen is not offering sponsorship.

Please forward your CV via email to Ms Delwyn Lloyd, Finance/Admin Manager by 15 June 2012.


20. SITUATIONS VACANT Lecturer in Heritage and Archaeology, University of Kent

Deadline for applications: 14 June 2012

Applications are invited for the full-time, on-going post of Lecturer in Heritage and Archaeology. The successful candidate will have teaching experience in Heritage and/or Archaeology and combine a strong research profile (demonstrated by publications) in the field of Heritage and/or Archaeology. The appointee will be expected to make a significant contribution to the research culture within the School of European Culture and Languages and to play a leading role in the new Centre for Heritage and Development.

Click here for further information and details on how to apply.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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