ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012 – submissions accepted til Friday 1 June
Heritage courses offered by IPPHA
Australia ICOMOS Heritage Careers Night – 19 June 2012, Melbourne
Australian Institute of Architects “REFUEL SEMINAR”: New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use
News from the SA Heritage Council
Introduction to Building Conservation, hosted by State Heritage Office (WA)
“Worth Keeping? Valuing Recent Architecture” Seminar (Sydney)
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
Free heritage lectures at Mission to Seafarers Melbourne
Annual Government Heritage Asset Management Forum, Wednesday 20 June, Melbourne
The Johnston Collection – What’s On June 2012
CIVVIH newsletters available online
Executive Dean’s Lecture Series 2012 – The Annual Allen Archaeology Lecture
CAA2013 Perth conference: “Across Space and Time” – call for session proposals
40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention (1972-2012) Seminar
Barwon Heads Bridge – History or Heritage talk, by David Beauchamp
Friends of the Astor invitation to 16 June community celebration
Sydney Open lecture series
“Glamour and grit: new stories for garden history” seminar, The Mint
SITUATIONS VACANT Assistant Professors, University of Western Australia
1. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012 – submissions accepted til Friday 1 June
ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012
Valuing Heritage: Advocating for community attachment in planning
Hosted by Australia ICOMOS, Canberra and District Historical Society, Canberra Archaeological Society, Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage University of Canberra, Institute of Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts ANU, and National Trust of Australia (ACT)
Date: Saturday 28 July 2012
Time: 8.30am to 5pm
Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatre, Bldg 120, ANU campus
Cost: $80 full, $60 members of the host organizations, $35 concession & full-time students
- Social attachment to places – community values and memories: It is 12 years since the Burra Charter committed best heritage practice to involving community and cultural groups attached to and associated with places in their identification and management. How are heritage and planning systems faring in such inclusion of the relevant community groups? Case studies of community roles and issues are welcomed.
- Archaeology, it’s not just buried in the ground – layers of time in landscapes and buildings: Reading the past, whether exposed across the landscape as evidence of past human activity, or in changes to buildings, is all part of ‘archaeology’ – what tools can help us identify less visible evidence of our heritage? Case studies of how community evidence (documents, photographs, stories) can assist are welcomed.
- 21st Century Heritage Values: Are they different? Are patterns of attachment and value changing in response to recent technological and economic transformations of society? Are less government resources being allocated to heritage management? Is this pattern likely to continue? Do NGOs need to change their approach to heritage advocacy in response?
Call for Papers
Presentations are invited from heritage professionals, planners, Local Government, descendants of families with historical places under threat and anyone with an interest in the celebration of heritage places in the ACT and region. The anticipated time for each presentation is 20 minutes.
Due date for summaries: Friday 1 June 2012
Please send your ideas to Sally Brockwell via email or phone on (02) 6125-2217 for more information.
2. Heritage courses offered by IPPHA
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is taking expressions of interest for two of their popular short courses – click on the links to view course information:
Museum and Heritage Education
9-13 July 2012 in Canberra
A five day program providing an opportunity for a professional update of current practices and trends in museum and heritage education practice at Australia’s national cultural institutions.
Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places
6-10 August 2012 at Port Arthur
An award-winning five day advanced professional development short course presented in conjunction with the Port Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania.
From 17-21 September 2012 at the Australian National University and Canberra’s cultural institutions, a five day professional development short course providing an update of professional practice in the planning, development and use of Indigenous collections, benefiting from the experience of Australia’s national cultural institutions.
For more information visit the IPPHA website.
3. Australia ICOMOS Heritage Careers Night – 19 June 2012, Melbourne
Australia ICOMOS is holding a Heritage Careers Night on Tuesday 19 June. This event is open to all those considering or just beginning careers in heritage and will comprise a panel discussion followed by a chance to socialise over a drink and snacks. The panel will discuss the expectations, pathways and issues associated with careers in heritage. Panel members represent the interdisciplinary nature of the heritage profession, as well as the public and private sectors. They are:
- Jim Gard’ner, Executive Director, Heritage Victoria
- Roz Hansen, Roz Hansen Consulting Pty Ltd
- Dr Ilya Berelov, Team Leader Cultural Heritage, Biosis Research
- Bryn Davies, Senior Policy Officer, Native Title Unit, Victorian Department of Justice
- Helen Lardner, Architect, Director HLCD Pty Ltd
Heritage Careers Night will be held at the Trades Hall, New Ballroom, corner of Victoria and Lygon streets, Carlton.
Doors will open at 5.30 for a 6 pm start on Tuesday 19 June.
Entrance is free, but RSVPs by COB Monday 11 June to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat are essential!
Download the Heritage Careers Night flier and pass it on to others you think may be interested in this event.
Heritage Careers Night will launch the Australia ICOMOS Victorian Mentoring Program. Australia ICOMOS gratefully acknowledges the active support of its partners in launching the Victorian Mentoring Program – Deakin University, University of Melbourne, Monash University and the Heritage Council of Victoria.
4. Australian Institute of Architects “REFUEL SEMINAR”: New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use
Australian Institute of Architects presents:
“REFUEL SEMINAR – New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use”
To be held in most capital cities throughout Australia late May and June.
It is said that in the near future fifty percent of architects’ work will be to existing buildings: this Professional Development seminar considers the important work of the architect in bringing new roles and new life to existing structures – all part of a sustainable agenda. The seminar will showcase relevant examples of Australian and international adaptive re-use, and also of new architecture in historic precincts, and will discuss the principles behind their success. Each seminar session will conclude with a forum to review specific local issues.
Dates and locations (generally at Institute Architects Chapter Headquarters) are as follows:
- HOBART: Tues 29 May, 3.00 ‐ 5.00pm, Tasmanian Chapter, 1/19a Hunter Street, Hobart
- LAUNCESTON: Wed 30 May, details TBC
- MELBOURNE: Wed 30 May, 6.00 ‐ 8.00pm, Treasury Theatre, Ground Level, 1 Macarthur St, Melbourne
- LIVESTREAM: Wed 30 May, 6.00 ‐ 8.00pm Regional Livestream Online
- ADELAIDE: Thurs 31 May, 5.30 – 7.30pm, SA Chapter, 100 Flinders Street, Adelaide
- BRISBANE: Tues 5 June, 6.00 – 8.00pm, Qld Chapter, Lvl 1, 70 Merivale St, South Brisbane
- CANBERRA: Wed 6 June, 3.00 – 5.00pm, ACT Chapter, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill
- SYDNEY: Thurs 7 June, 9.00 –11.00am, NSW Chapter, ‘Tusculum’,3 Manning St, Potts Point
- NEWCASTLE: Thurs 7 June, 5.00 – 7.00pm, Newcastle Travelodge, Corner King & Steel Streets, Newcastle
- PERTH: Wed 13 June, 5.30 – 7.30pm, WA Chapter, 33 Broadway, Nedlands
The seminar will be presented by Elizabeth Vines, of Adelaide-based practice McDougall & Vines. Liz is well known for her positive and entrepreneurial role in the conservation of historic buildings and townscapes. Her key role in the preservation and rejuvenation of Broken Hill, and her career as a heritage advocate in Australia and in Asia, were acknowledged with an Order of Australia in 2009.
For more information refer to the Refuel Seminar flier.
5. News from the SA Heritage Council
2012 Heritage Heroes Awards
The South Australian Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Hon Paul Caica MP, presented the 2012 Heritage Heroes Awards, in Adelaide on Thursday 24 May 2012. The Awards recognise the efforts of groups and individuals who have made a significant contribution to recognising, celebrating and conserving South Australia’s heritage.
The South Australian Heritage Council, the SA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre at the University of South Australia co-present the SA Heritage Heroes Awards.
In the Group category the Minister presented the Minister’s Award to the Friends of Loxton Historical Village. This long running volunteered group, have had a passionate interest in the history of Riverland town of Loxton since the early 1970s. 35 people assist in making the Loxton Historical Village one of the Riverland’s most popular tourist attractions.
In the Individual category the Minister’s Award was presented to Dr Susan Marsden who has made a significant contribution to the conservation of South Australia’s heritage, both in a professional capacity, but most importantly voluntarily for over 35 years. Susan is well respected across the history and heritage community of South Australia and Australia.
A very special Minister’s Award was also presented to the Family of the late Margaret Ragless. Maggy Ragless was a passionate historian and supporter of heritage conservation in South Australia. Maggy’s lasting legacy will be the inspiration she has engendered to those around her for all aspects of South Australian history and heritage, mostly particularly within the City of Mitcham in south-eastern Adelaide.
The Minister also presented six Minister’s Commendations and fourteen Certificates of Recognition in both the Group and Individual categories.
For further information go to the Heritage Heroes page of the SA Department of Environment and Natural Resources website.
‘Heritage In Your Hands’
The South Australian Heritage Council’s new thematic program to public nominations for the SA Heritage Register, ‘Heritage in your Hands’, was launched by the SA Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Hon Paula Caica MP, on 24 May 2012.
The theme for 2012 will be A Migrants Tale – Celebrating the contribution of immigrants to South Australia. The purpose of this theme is to recognise the vibrancy and diversity of migrant communities in South Australia and their contribution to the State’s heritage. The 2012 them will ensure that South Australia’s diverse and multicultural community is reflected in the SA Heritage Register.
In 2013 the theme will be Water in the driest state in the driest continent – How our relationship with water has shaped South Australia. Water is critcal to South Australia and the availability of water helped shape the settlement of South Australia, and continues to shape the State’s economic development.
And the theme for 2014 will be Celebrating our innovative women – how women have contributed to the development of South Australia. South Australia has a proud history of remarkable women making significant contributions to our social, cultural and economic development, and this theme focuses on the places that are associated with these innovative women.
For further information go to the Heritage in your Hands page of the SA Department of Environment and Natural Resources website.
6. Introduction to Building Conservation, hosted by State Heritage Office (WA)
The State Heritage Office (WA) will be hosting a week long course ‘Introduction to Building Conservation’ from 19-23 November.
If you are a local government heritage officer, heritage planner or heritage consultant, then this course is for you.
Presented by well-known heritage consultant David Young OAM, he has based the course on his very successful ‘Summer School’ series taught in Canberra.
As spaces are limited, we are accepting expressions of interest. Places may be limited to one place per organisation depending upon demand. Further information relating to costs, location and program will be provided when it becomes available.
Please register your interest by emailing Karen Jackson at the State Heritage Office.
7. “Worth Keeping? Valuing Recent Architecture” Seminar (Sydney)
The Australia Institute of Architects NSW Chapter presents:
71 buildings have been awarded the Sir John Sulman Medal since 1932. It’s the NSW Chapter’s highest accolade.
But what happens 10, 20 or 30 years after the prize-giving, when alterations, additions or even demolition are proposed? What is the value of the Sulman Medal then?
This is the subject up for debate – and your input – at this special NSW CPD event. Your participation will earn you formal CPD points.
The presenters include NSW Chapter President Matthew Pullinger, NSW Chapter Heritage Officer Noni Boyd and the architects of the buildings featured in the case study sessions, which will be moderated by members of the Chapter CPD Committee: Steve Kennedy, Melonie Bayl-Smith and Shaun Carter. The former Government Architect, Peter Mould, will provide the wrap-up comment at the end. The session chair is George Phillips, Chair of the NSW Chapter Heritage Committee.
Time & Date: 9am – 12.30pm, Thursday 21 June 2012
Place: Tusculum, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point
Cost: $75 members, $150 non-members – Australia ICOMOS members pay the Institute member price ($75)
PLEASE NOTE: No parking available.
To download the Session Outline and to Register, click here.
8. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
To download the May 2012 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
9. Free heritage lectures at Mission to Seafarers Melbourne
The Mission to Seafarers Victoria is hosting a series of lectures on heritage architecture and contemporary design.
7 June 2012 – Louis Saeur. Preserving old & new neighbourhood meanings. Urban Renewal in Baltimore & Philadelphia. Louis Saeur is visiting professor of architecture at RMIT, Melbourne.
14 June 2012 – Donald Ellsmore. Reinforced concrete as a ticking time bomb. Donald Ellsmore is an Australian architectural conservationist and educator.
For further information, download the Mission to Seafarers Heritage Lectures flier.
10. Annual Government Heritage Asset Management Forum, Wednesday 20 June, Melbourne
This is a free seminar for Victorian State Government departments and agencies who own, occupy or manage heritage property and assets.
Interested attendees may include officers working in asset management, property management, crown land managers and government officers, engineers, heritage officers, planners and architects.
For further information on this event, download the 2012 Heritage Asset Management Forum flier and program.
11. The Johnston Collection – What’s On June 2012
Click here to read the latest news from the Johnston Collection.
12. CIVVIH newsletters available online
CIVVIH (The International Committee on Historic Towns & Villages) has made its newsletters available on its website. Visit the CIVVIH website to view and to find out more about this committee.
13. Executive Dean’s Lecture Series 2012 – The Annual Allen Archaeology Lecture
Until about 50 years ago it was believed by most scholars that Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions only discussed time and ritual, and that they did not mention any historical individuals or events. Now it is recognised that many of the surviving inscriptions are historical records that document events in the lives of royal dynasts. An intriguing look at the role of Mayan hieroglyphs and the deciphering and understanding of the ancient Maya civilisation of Mexico and Central America.
Professor Peter Mathews specialises in the ancient Maya civilisation of Mexico and Central America. He has also taught at Harvard University, the University of Calgary, and the University of Copenhagen. He was awarded a MacArthur Prize Fellowship in 1984, and in 2002 was elected a Fellow of the Academy of the Humanities in Australia. Professor Mathews joined La Trobe University in 1999 as an ARC Senior Research Fellow.
Time and Date
6pm, Thursday 14 June 2012
Melbourne Museum
Nicholson Street, Carlton
(Melways ref: 2B J10)
This is a free public lecture. Light refreshments will be provided. Seats are limited, so registration is essential – click here to register.
More information
email Alix Austin
The flier can be downloaded from here.
14. CAA2013 Perth conference: “Across Space and Time” – call for session proposals
CAA2013 PERTH “Across Space and Time”
Perth, Western Australia
25 – 28 March 2013
Deadline for the submission of proposals: 20 June 2012
Click here for information pertaining to the call for papers.
The CAA2013 PERTH conference “Across Space and Time” will be held at the University of Western Australia Club from Monday 25 – Thursday 28 March 2013. Workshops will be held on Monday 25 March on campus.
CAA (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) is the premier international conference for all aspects of computing, quantitative methods and digital applications in Archaeology. With a history going back to 1972, CAA encourages participation from scholars, specialists and experts in the fields of archaeology, history, cultural heritage, digital scholarship, GIS, mathematics, semantic web, informatics and members of other disciplines that complement and extend the interests of CAA.
For further information about this exciting interdisciplinary conference visit the conference website.
15. 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention (1972-2012) Seminar
40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention (1972-2012)
The invention of the “Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)”
Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
14-16 November 2012
Deadline for Abstracts postponed until 10 June 2012
The University of Burgundy’s CIMEOS Laboratory, Georges Chevrier Centre and Maison des Sciences de l’Homme are organizing a two-day conference in November 2012 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention of UNESCO.
Inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List has become very fashionable nowadays with States wanting to identify, preserve and emphasise the value of cultural andor natural sites, and public demand for inclusion is on the increase. Recent developments have raised questions about the emergence of the concept of “Outstanding Universal Value”. When did this concept appear, what is its history, its possible difficulties and pitfalls?
Applying a critical and multidisciplinary perspective, the conference will use a range of approaches in order to understand the notion of universal heritage.
For information on submitting contributions and registering, visit the seminar website.
Submissions will be selected by an International Scientific Committee (peer review).
Alain CHENEVEZ (email)
Université de Bourgogne
36 rue Chabot Charny
21000 DIJON – France
ph: +33 (0)3-80-58-98-68
16. Barwon Heads Bridge – History or Heritage talk, by David Beauchamp
David Beauchamp, Australia ICOMOS member, will present a talk about the Barwon Heads Bridge. Built in 1927, near the mouth of the Barwon River, the Bridge was the largest timber bridge built for the Country Roads Board. During its life it was altered, widened and strengthened to meet changing traffic requirements. In 1999 it was placed on the Victorian Heritage Register.
Thursday 16 August 2012
5.30 pm for refreshments, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Engineers Australia
John Connell Auditorium
21 Bedford Street, North Melbourne
For further information, download the Barwon Heads Bridge – History or Heritage talk flier.
17. Friends of the Astor invitation to 16 June community celebration
After almost 80 years of movies, the art deco icon, The Astor Theatre, is under possible redevelopment threat. Actor Stephen Curry (The Cup, The Castle) will launch the Protect The Astor campaign at a community celebration on Saturday 16 June, from 12 – 3pm. Visit the art deco St Kilda icon for Jaffa rolling, celebrity guests, free popcorn and movie (Labyrinth, PG) and tours.
For further information, visit the Friends of the Astor website.
18. Sydney Open lecture series
Sydney Open returns in November 2012. This popular two-day biennial event takes you behind the scenes of your city to discover the secrets of its significant buildings.
Can’t wait until November to start discovering your city? Sydney Open is presenting a series of talks, study groups and walking tours, starting with Talks: House – From bungalows to beach shacks.
Themes & dates of future lectures
Project home
Thursday 7 June
Dr Judith O’Callaghan, Senior Lecturer, The University of New South Wales
Tone Wheeler, Principal Architect, Environa Studio
Thursday 14 June
Megan Martin, Head, Collections and Access
Sean Godsell, Sean Godsell Architects
For further information and to buy tickets, click here.
19. “Glamour and grit: new stories for garden history” seminar, The Mint
Join HHT Members and the Australian Garden History Society for a seminar exploring early to mid 20th-century horticulture and garden making and find out about the key influencers, manufacturers and fashions prevalent in this formative era of Australian culture. Tap into the rich garden history resources at the Caroline Simpson Library & Research Collection to help research your own garden.
Held at The Mint, the seminar comprises two sessions.
In ‘Horticulture between the wars’ Silas Clifford-Smith, Megan Martin, and Chris and Charlotte Webb look at Sydney’s nurseries and specialities, the Commonwealth Vegetable Seeds Committee of World War II and the Berrima Bridge Nursery run by Claude and Isabel Crowe.
‘Garden design 1910–1950s’ looks at Anderson & Company’s landscape design service, for whom Paul Sorensen and Claude Crowe both worked; Colleen Morris revisits Sorensen’s work pre World War II; Stuart Read examines the work of garden designers Max Shelley and Jocelyn Brown, and Michael Lech discusses Wunderlich’s & Co garden ornaments.
Saturday 21 July 2012
10.00am – 4.00pm
The Mint
For further information and to book tickets, click here.
20. SITUATIONS VACANT Assistant Professors, University of Western Australia
Two Assistant Professorial positions for archaeologists at the University of Western Australia
In an exciting development for Archaeology and Heritage at The University of Western Australia, applications are invited from two researchers keen to join a dynamic, growing and diverse community of archaeologists.
- 3 year appointments
- Salary range: Level B $81,400 – $96,663 p.a.
- Plus 17% superannuation
- Closing date: Friday 8 June 2012
Position descriptions and application details are available by clicking here.
We are seeking a scholar to implement and oversee the development of the new Master of Professional Archaeology program. This course is designed to respond to the shortage of professional archaeologists, in particular in relation to the growth of the industrial and mining sectors of Australia and is designed to provide advanced archaeological training in the skills, values and knowledge of a professional archaeologist. Applicants with teaching experience are requested to submit a teaching portfolio as part of their application. Some assistance with relocation expenses (if applicable) may be negotiated.
For further information regarding the position please contact Professor Alistair Paterson, Chair, Discipline of Archaeology on (08) 6488 2867 or email Alistair.
The Centre for Rock Art Research and Management wishes to recruit an archaeologist with rock art research skills to develop teaching and research in Pilbara rock art. The principal duties are to develop research projects in collaboration with other members of staff on rock art projects in the Pilbara (with a focus on the Dampier Archipelago) and to teach and supervise rock art research projects. Applicants with teaching experience are requested to submit a teaching portfolio as part of their application. Some assistance with relocation expenses (if applicable) may be negotiated.
For further information regarding the position please contact Winthrop Professor Jo McDonald, Director, Centre for Rock Art Research on (08) 6335 4306 or email Jo.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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