Australia ICOMOS strongly encourages everyone to make a submission about the proposed Australian Heritage Strategy
Australian Garden History Society Survey of Heritage Gardens in Queensland – Proposals Invited from Consultants
Australian Institute of Architects “REFUEL SEMINAR”: New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use
Review of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 – Your Input to the Australia ICOMOS Response Sought
New Australia ICOMOS membership benefits!
Calling for Victorian ICOMOS Mentors!
Meet the Members at the Futuro House — Joint ICOMOS and AICCM Event
Australia’s National Heritage eNewsletter: Recognising and protecting the places and stories that make Australia special
Proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) – call for comments
Australia ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites NSW Symposium
AICCM Course Announcement: “Outdoor Sculpture and Monument Conservation”, Melbourne, 13 – 16 November 2012
Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012
Invitation to attend Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
Sydney Open lecture series
International Museum Day, Friday 18 May
Landscape Assessment Study of south-west Victoria
Australia State of the Environment (SoE) report – survey opportunity
The Johnston Collection – What’s On in May
News from The Best in Heritage
UNITAR Series: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, 4 – 8 June 2012 – call for applications
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Adviser/Architect, City of Greater Bendigo
1. Australia ICOMOS strongly encourages everyone to make a submission about the proposed Australian Heritage Strategy
As members will have seen in a recent issue of the e news, the Australian Government is seeking public submissions regarding the proposed Australian Heritage Strategy.
Australia ICOMOS will be making a submission, but individuals and other organisations are strongly encouraged to make submissions also.
While submissions can respond to the many questions posed in the public consultation paper, even short submissions highlighting key desired outcomes would be worthwhile. It would also be helpful if a copy of submissions can be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
In addition, if members have brief suggestions they would like to make to contribute to the Australia ICOMOS submission, please email these to Duncan Marshall at by 25 May 2012.
The text of the recent e-news item is reproduced below.
Dr Jane Harrington
Have your say on Australia’s Heritage Strategy
The Australian Government is seeking public input to help develop a new strategy for the identification, management and celebration of Australia’s heritage.
The new strategy will cover natural, Indigenous and historic heritage and set the direction for heritage policies and programs at all levels of government for the next 10 years.
Public consultation is a critical step in the development of the strategy and comment is invited from the community about how we can best recognise, manage and celebrate our heritage.
The feedback received in response to the public consultation paper now available will help inform the development of the Australian Heritage Strategy.
For information on how to make a submission and to download the public consultation paper visit the Australian Heritage Strategy website.
Submissions will be accepted up until 15 June 2012.
2. Australian Garden History Society Survey of Heritage Gardens in Queensland – Proposals Invited from Consultants
The Garden History Society was formed in 1980 and brings together people interested in the history of gardens and gardening. Its mission includes raising awareness of the heritage values of old gardens and acting to conserve them.
The Society defines gardens broadly to include public and private gardens, parks, plazas, cemeteries, institutional and commercial gardens, and avenues and memorial plantings.
The Society has been exploring whether having a list of significant gardens would assist it in achieving its awareness raising and advocacy objectives.
It has looked at how gardens are represented on statutory and other lists of heritage places, and has found that there are many gaps.
The Society now has funds to carry out a survey of heritage gardens in Queensland, with the aim of getting one list of significant gardens for the state.
The Society now invites consultants to submit proposals.
The brief invites consultants to propose a methodology to firstly find as many old gardens as possible within the constraints of the funding, and then to assess their heritage significance to produce a list of heritage gardens.
If you are interested in doing this work you should download the brief from the Society’s website.
Proposals should be submitted by 7 May 2012.
3. Australian Institute of Architects “REFUEL SEMINAR”: New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use
Australian Institute of Architects presents:
“REFUEL SEMINAR – New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use”
To be held in most capital cities throughout Australia late May and June.
It is said that in the near future fifty percent of architects’ work will be to existing buildings: this Professional Development seminar considers the important work of the architect in bringing new roles and new life to existing structures – all part of a sustainable agenda. The seminar will showcase relevant examples of Australian and international adaptive re-use, and also of new architecture in historic precincts, and will discuss the principles behind their success. Each seminar session will conclude with a forum to review specific local issues.
Dates and locations (generally at Institute Architects Chapter Headquarters) are as follows:
- HOBART: Tues 29 May, 3.00 ‐ 5.00pm, Tasmanian Chapter, 1/19a Hunter Street, Hobart
- LAUNCESTON: Wed 30 May, details TBC
- MELBOURNE: Wed 30 May, 6.00 ‐ 8.00pm, Treasury Theatre, Ground Level, 1 Macarthur St, Melbourne
- LIVESTREAM: Wed 30 May, 6.00 ‐ 8.00pm Regional Livestream Online
- ADELAIDE: Thurs 31 May, 5.30 – 7.30pm, SA Chapter, 100 Flinders Street, Adelaide
- BRISBANE: Tues 5 June, 6.00 – 8.00pm, Qld Chapter, Lvl 1, 70 Merivale St, South Brisbane
- CANBERRA: Wed 6 June, 3.00 – 5.00pm, ACT Chapter, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill
- SYDNEY: Thurs 7 June, 9.00 –11.00am, NSW Chapter, ‘Tusculum’,3 Manning St, Potts Point
- NEWCASTLE: Thurs 7 June, 5.00 – 7.00pm, Newcastle Travelodge, Corner King & Steel Streets, Newcastle
- PERTH: Wed 13 June, 5.30 – 7.30pm, WA Chapter, 33 Broadway, Nedlands
The seminar will be presented by Elizabeth Vines, of Adelaide-based practice McDougall & Vines. Liz is well known for her positive and entrepreneurial role in the conservation of historic buildings and townscapes. Her key role in the preservation and rejuvenation of Broken Hill, and her career as a heritage advocate in Australia and in Asia, were acknowledged with an Order of Australia in 2009.
For more information refer to the Refuel Seminar flier.
4. Review of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 – Your Input to the Australia ICOMOS Response Sought
Australia ICOMOS made a submission to this review in November last year (click here to read) and an Issues and Options Paper (available for download from the DPCD website) has now been issued for comment. We are keen to hear from any members, particularly those with experience of working with the current Act, regarding what options you believe Australia ICOMOS should support or resist or any other comments that you believe should be included. Comments are required by 24 May but for individual comments to be considered for inclusion in the AI submission they will need to be submitted to us by 11 May 2012. If you have any questions please call the Victorian State representative, Ian Wight on (03) 9427 7720.
Please email your comments to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat, with a copy to Ian Wight, by 11 May 2012.
5. New Australia ICOMOS membership benefits!
In response to member requests to expand benefits in Australia for Full International Members of ICOMOS, in line with those seen in Europe, in June 2011 the Executive Committee appointed Linda Young for 12 months as the Membership Benefits Coordinator. Since then, she has been busy approaching national, state and local organisations and places, such as museums and historic houses, to provide ICOMOS card holders with free or concessional admission.
A new ICOMOS Card Benefits – Australia page has been created to showcase the institutions, across Australia, that now offer benefits to full members. They include the National Portrait Gallery (ACT), the Australian Museum (NSW), History SA, Port Arthur Historic Sites (TAS), Beleura House and Garden (VIC), The Johnston Collection (VIC), and the Western Australian Museum. For more information, visit the webpage.
As more member benefits become available, they will be added to the webpage and announced in future issues of E-news.
6. Calling for Victorian ICOMOS Mentors!
Are you willing to mentor and pass on your wisdom and experience to a new generation of cultural heritage professionals?
Deakin University, the University of Melbourne and Monash University are participating in the launch of the Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program in Victoria, and will pilot the scheme during the remainder of 2012. This program is being developed with the support of the Heritage Council of Victoria.
We are looking for ICOMOS members based in Victoria to participate in the program, based on the successful trial held in the ACT during 2009-2010.
What is required?
- While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that you get together at least 3 times during the program to discuss issues involved in your practice and the student’s study and work interests
- There will be one or more optional visits arranged for the participants in the program
- There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return
How do I get involved?
If you would like to become an ICOMOS MENTOR, please send an expression of interest to Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 18 May 2012. Please clearly indicate your contact details and a brief outline of your field of professional experience. This will assist the Victorian Mentoring Team to match mentors and students.
Mentors must be ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ as many Victorian students and mentors as possible.
When do we start?
We will be matching students and mentors over the next month, and will launch the Victorian program at a Careers Night to be held in mid-June (more news about that soon!).
We hope that all Victorian-based members will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.
Kristal Buckley (Deakin University)
Natica Schmeder and David Young (University of Melbourne)
Keir Reeves (Monash University)
Sandy Blair (ANU) – National Coordinator
7. Meet the Members at the Futuro House — Joint ICOMOS and AICCM Event
The University of Canberra’s Futuro House was previously a part of the Canberra Planetarium and Observatory in Dickson (Photo: John Greenwood 2012)
Saturday 19 May, 5.30pm at Zierholz@UC and the University of Canberra’s Futuro House
All members and potential members of ICOMOS and AICCM (Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material) are invited to join the National Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS for a social event at the University of Canberra and an introduction to UC’s conservation project on the ‘cult icon’ Futuro House.
A generous array of woodfired pizzas and other tasty snacks will be provided. Drinks available from the bar. Vegetarian and gluten free snacks provided.
Cost: $5.00 to assist with catering costs
RSVP: Essential Please via email to the Donald Horne Institute
For venue information view the University of Canberra Campus Map.
8. Australia’s National Heritage eNewsletter: Recognising and protecting the places and stories that make Australia special
I am sure that many of you already subscribe to the Department of the Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities on-line heritage newsletter – Living Heritage. If not, you may be interested in having a look online. Click here for the current edition, March 2012, which includes details of how to subscribe.
Congratulations to Australia ICOMOS Members
I would like to bring your attention to the current edition in particular as it includes articles about two Australia ICOMOS members, and I also take this opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of both. Sharon Sullivan has recently finished her term on the Australian Heritage Council and the edition includes a collection of tributes that highlight the significant contribution Sharon has made to heritage over the years, and continues to make. Helen Lardner has recently joined the Australian Heritage Council and we would like to congratulate her on this prestigious appointment. Helen joins another Australia ICOMOS member Howard Tanner on the Council as the two representatives for historic heritage.
I would also like to acknowledge the equally important appointment of Duncan Marshall as the Chair of the ACT Heritage Council. I am a little late in passing on our congratulations as this appointment was announced several months ago. The public recognition of the efforts and experience of many Australia ICOMOS members is something I believe we can all be proud of.
Dr Jane Harrington
9. Proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) – call for comments
The WA Government has released a discussion paper on proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, the State’s principal legislation enabling the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage.
The Aboriginal Heritage Act amendments are intended to improve protection, certainty and compliance.
The discussion paper, titled ‘Seven proposals to regulate and amend the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 for improved clarity, compliance, effectiveness, efficiency and certainty’, is available from the Department of Indigenous Affairs website.
Feedback on the proposals is due by 5pm, 5 June 2012.
10. Australia ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites NSW Symposium
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The recent Australia ICOMOS symposium, held at the Silhouette Gallery of the Hyde Park Barracks, one of the buildings listed as part of the World Heritage serial listing for the Australian Convict Sites, was a very successful afternoon. Over 60 participants attended the symposium, which focused on “World Heritage and Sustainable Development: the Role of Local Communities”, marking the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. The following is a very brief account of the presentations that posed many questions and provided a range of expertise in relation to the management of heritage values of World heritage sites.
Kate Clark (Director of the Historic Houses Trust) posed an initial question: have we been successful in understanding the wider issues of World Heritage such as the economic, social and environmental benefits?
Dr Tim Winter’s presentation discussed threats to Asian World Heritage Sites that arose from the desire to erect substantial modern tourist facilities in zones immediately adjacent to the historic sites, zones of the scale of new cities, containing high rise buildings.
Jean Rice presented images of graphic protests on Norfolk Island regarding the proposed serial listing. Listing was viewed as a takeover or ‘land grab’ by the Commonwealth government of Australia, rather than as a potential benefit in terms of increased visitation to the island.
Bruce Pettman and Mary Knaggs described some of the impacts of the designation of the historic centre of George Town, Penang. Removal of rent protection and gentrification has resulted in a decline in the Malay population. Landowners seeking to maximise their profits utilise town centre buildings to produce bird’s nests for export, rather than letting the buildings as residences. Their presentation also looked at the master planning for the mosque, to provide for a range of ancillary functions within the compound. In addition to their work on the Mosque, practical workshops have been held to assist the locals in understanding conservation planning. Colonial buildings have been used as case studies, as there has been a reluctance to deal with these buildings.
Kristal Buckley presented some issues pertinent to the upcoming celebration of 40 years of World Heritage, to be held in Kyoto in November 2012. Despite widespread acceptance of the concept of World Heritage in Australia, including legislation, major infrastructure projects are still going ahead that have the potential to impact on designated sites such as the Great Barrier Reef.
A forum followed the presentations chaired by Ian Kelly. There was some discussion as to whether heritage practitioners can accurately gauge the feelings of a community when the consultant has a vested interest in the conservation of a site. In recent years the role of consultants has altered from that of expert to facilitator. To understand a community you really need to be part of that community and spend a considerable amount of time there.
In some cases, preparation of a World Heritage Nomination has had to go through more stages, as the country in question was not yet a signatory. This is the case with some of the Pacific Islands. In the case of the nomination of Chief Roi Mata’s Domain in Vanuatu, there has been extensive community involvement and support. Opportunities for the community were identified during this process.
Concerns regarding world heritage site designation often reflect an individual’s desire to protect their income or wealth. World heritage designation has been seen by many as an avenue towards gaining social prestige and increasing wealth rather than as a mechanism for protecting a significant place for future generations.
On behalf of Australia ICOMOS, I would like to thank the presenters for their significant contribution and, in particular, the Historic Houses Trust for their generous support in providing the venue. The Sydney symposium was one of a series of forums or workshops that will be held throughout the year in each state. Outcomes and key points of these events will feed the national symposium, which will also be held in Sydney at the end of the year. Information will be made available closer to the date. Watch this space!
Kerime Danis
Australia ICOMOS NSW Representative &
International Day for Monuments & Sites Coordinator
11. AICCM Course Announcement: “Outdoor Sculpture and Monument Conservation”, Melbourne, 13 – 16 November 2012
This advanced workshop will focus on current best practices for preserving outdoor sculpture, preventive conservation measures, and working within the varied contexts of museums, galleries, public art and private collections. Conservation approaches for traditional and contemporary materials will be discussed. Local museums and outdoor sculpture sites will provide exposure to various contexts and approaches including, demonstrations, hands-on testing and mock-ups. Topics will include graffiti protection and removal, cleaning, coatings and materials substrate repair.
This course is aimed at mid-career conservators and will be limited to 13 participants. The course will be lead by Katharine Untch, a San Francisco based conservator with over 25 years experience in the field of outdoor sculpture and monuments. Local conservators and allied professionals will co-present during the 4 day workshop.
Course fee: $1400 (inc GST)
Participants will be selected based on their experience, balance of institutional and private practice conservators and order of receipt of registration.
Prospective participants should send a brief CV to Helen Privett via email or at Museum Victoria, GPO 666, Melbourne VIC 3000 by an extended closing date of 25 May 2012.
If you have any queries, in particular about your eligibility for this course, please contact Helen by email or phone (03) 8341 7235.
Presented by the AICCM* Objects Special Interest Group with the generous support of the Gordon Darling Foundation.
* AICCM = Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material
12. Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
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What a way to finish a busy workday! I’d like to share my enjoyment of the last week’s Sydney Talk by Julie Marler, Landscape Architect and David Phillips, Architect. On arrival there was a welcoming and beautifully set table with delicious scones served with jam and cream, tea, coffee and drinks; and more importantly the chat with friends, which lead to the very informative and well prepared presentation.
I regret missing the previous talks!
Julie and David presented their recent conservation project undertaken in the Royal National Park. A project that was the culmination of years of planning, fund-raising efforts and complex construction works in order to realise the re-vitalisation of the historic Audley precinct, in the heart of the Royal, Australia’s oldest national park.
Following the presentation, all who attended were thinking the same thing: we ought to go and see Audley precinct. For some, the talk brought back childhood memories. We may organise a picnic day in the future and learn more from Julie and David on the spot!
Sheri and Anita, thank you very much for a very enjoyable event. I congratulate you for organising the Sydney Talk Series and encourage all NSW members to support it.
Kerime Danis
Australia ICOMOS NSW Representative
13. ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012
ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium 2012
Valuing Heritage: Advocating for community attachment in planning
Date: Saturday 28 July 2012
Time: 8.30am to 5pm
Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatre, Bldg 120, ANU campus
Cost: $80 full, $60 members of the host organizations, $35 concession & full-time students
- Community value and social attachment to places
- The value of archaeology, it’s not just buried in the ground
- Recession heritage, the changing economics of attachment to place
Call for Session Ideas, Leaders and Papers
You are invited to send ideas for session topics, including but not constrained to the above, and offer to lead a session.
Summaries of presentations are also invited; the anticipated time for each presentation is about 20 minutes.
Please send your ideas to Sally Brockwell via email or phone on (02) 6125-2217.
Thanks to recent sponsorship, we have been able to reduce the registration price – bargain!
14. Invitation to attend Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
In the last three years Australia has witnessed unprecedented floods, cyclones and bushfires and destruction from the forces of nature is becoming more frequent and with greater consequences.
Our cultural heritage is precious to us as individuals, as local communities, as regions and as a nation. Cultural heritage is very much about those things which have meaning for people and communities – those things which demonstrate their past, whether they be books and documents, buildings, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites or museum objects. A community’s cultural heritage is a fundamental part of its way of life, history, traditions, civilization and identity. It contributes substantially to a community’s long-term economic sustainability, stability and welfare and provides the strength of will for people to live, recover and grow after trauma. There are many tales of appreciation and joy when affected people have recovered even small, but precious, objects often holding sole memories and important associations.
While understanding that the highest priorities must be accorded to humanitarian activities following a disaster, of significant concern also is the fate of cultural heritage. A delay in an appropriate emergency response inevitably leads to irreparable damage, diminished or complete loss of recovery capacity of cultural items, ongoing physical degradation and potential looting. Where regional networks of cultural institutions exist they have been be very effective in providing timely and effective aid to assist local and remote communities to repatriate and rehabilitate cultural items affected in a disaster.
For its MayDay 2012 campaign, Blue Shield Australia is organising a series of free regional workshops around Australia, to promote local co-operative agreements around disaster preparedness, planning, response and recovery. More details are available in the Media Release – Blue Shield Australia – Disaster Recovery Workshops – 2012 and Blue Shield Australia – Disaster Recovery Workshops – 2012 flier. The aim of these workshops is to build networks, including emergency response personnel, where they do not exist presently and to examine existing network models so that they may be adapted for adoption in other regions.
Please let us know before the registration closing date if you would like to participate in the session. Places are limited, so early registration is advised. We hope to see you on the day.
Robyn Riddett
Chair, Blue Shield Australia
Please send RSVPs to Donna McDowell (contact details below) and feel free to contact her further information or any queries about the workshops.
Donna McDowell – Project Manager
The Library Agency
GPO Box 1551
Melbourne VIC 3001
T: 1300 313 443
F: 1300 323 448
M: 0488 034 125
Email Donna
Visit The Library Agency website
15. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
To download the April 2012 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
16. Sydney Open lecture series
Sydney Open returns in November 2012. This popular two-day biennial event takes you behind the scenes of your city to discover the secrets of its significant buildings.
Can’t wait until November to start discovering your city? Sydney Open is presenting a series of talks, study groups and walking tours, starting with Talks: House – From bungalows to beach shacks.
Themes & dates of future lectures
Thursday 10 May
Scott Carlin, Curator, Historic Houses Trust
Philip Goad, Professor of Architecture at the University of Melbourne
Thursday 17 May
Dr Charles Pickett, Curator of Design and Built Environment at the Powerhouse Museum
Jonathan Chancellor, Managing Editor, Property Observer
Beach shack
Thursday 24 May
Dr Michael Bogle, Design Historian
Peter Stutchbury, Peter Stutchbury Architects
Project home
Thursday 7 June
Dr Judith O’Callaghan, Senior Lecturer, The University of New South Wales
Tone Wheeler, Principal Architect, Environa Studio
Thursday 14 June
Megan Martin, Head, Collections and Access
Sean Godsell, Sean Godsell Architects
For further information and to buy tickets, click here.
17. International Museum Day, Friday 18 May
Friday 18 May is International Museum Day (IMD). To mark the occasion the Historic Houses Trust will offer all general museum visitors concession entry for the day.
Join us as HHT celebrate IMD 2012 at a seminar run in conjunction with the HHT and Museums & Galleries NSW.
Culture clash will discuss unusual partnerships and new audiences in cultural institutions and will feature guest speakers from the Australian Museum’s Jurassic Lounge, the HHT, the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Western Plains Cultural Centre.
Date & Time: Friday 18 May, 2pm
Venue: Museum of Sydney
Cost: General $45, Concession $35
18. Landscape Assessment Study of south-west Victoria
The Department of Planning and Community Development is undertaking a Landscape Assessment Study of south-west Victoria. The study will assess the visual character and significance of the landscape leading to the preparation of planning scheme policy and guidance to ensure its protection and management into the future.
Click here to visit the Project website.
Read the Community Bulletin about the Project.
19. Australia State of the Environment (SoE) report – survey opportunity
The latest Australia State of the Environment (SoE) report was released in 2011.
The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities is currently conducting an evaluation of the effectiveness and impacts of SoE 2011. Stakeholder perspectives are an important part of understanding how well SoE reporting is being done.
If you or members of your organisation have used Australia State of the Environment 2011, we would value your feedback and invite you to complete a short online survey.
Survey feedback received as early as possible is appreciated and will have a strong influence on the Department’s plans for SoE 2016. Individuals who directly contributed to the development of SoE 2011 will likely be contacted again about that contribution and process.
20. The Johnston Collection – What’s On in May
Click here to read the latest news from the Johnston Collection.
21. News from The Best in Heritage
The Best in Heritage 2012 programme has been finalised and will feature twenty-five museum, heritage and conservation projects awarded in 2011. The laureates come from twenty countries spanning throughout the globe and promise a most inspiring professional gathering. For more details click here.
In addition to featured presentations, the programme has a rich cultural and social segments as well and will provide a most relaxed and lively atmosphere. Be sure to arrange your travel and accommodation soon, as Dubrovnik is quite a popular destination for big congresses and events. The conference is taking place in the very heart of the Old City. Put Heritage on you agenda and join us 27-29 September 2012 in beautiful Dubrovnik! To register On-line please follow this link.
European Heritage Congress, 30 May – 2 June, Lisbon, Portugal
The European Heritage Congress will take place in Lisbon, organised with the Centro Nacional de Cultura. Europa Nostra’s President, Plácido Domingo and the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Androulla Vassiliou will co-host the European Heritage Awards Ceremony celebrating the winners of the 2012 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards. For more information click here.
As an addition to this invitation to join the Lisbon European Heritage Congress, six presentations of European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award 2010 laureates from “The Best in Heritage 2011” are available on The Best in Heritage YouTube channel.
The State Textile and Industry Museum (TIM), Augsburg, Germany
The new State Textile and Industry Museum (TIM) opened on January 20, 2010. Augsburg had been one of the most important textile manufacturing locations in continental Europe. The museum concerns itself with the history of the textile industry in Bavaria, encompassing the European and the global dimensions of this subject. The TIM is housed in the historic halls of an erstwhile Augsburg spinning mill, founded in 1836. The museum hosted more than 250.000 visitors during its first two years. The modern museography as well as the innovative museum concept of the TIM have attracted several international awards. Amongst these was the prestigious Luigi Micheletti Award which was awarded in 2011 for the most innovative European museum in the world of industry, science and technics. Read more..
4 grada Dragodid – Preserving Dry-Stone Masonry Techniques of the Eastern Adriatic, Zagreb, Croatia
The 4 grada Dragodid project began with the recognition that dry-stone masonry techniques are a part of the region’s intangible heritage which is of immense and practical importance for future generations. The project is an attempt at transferring knowledge and skills to future generations of enthusiasts and heritage professionals, through setting up workshops, printed manuals and their website. It aims at re-establishing dry-stone as an efficient, aesthetic, humane and sustainable option for the construction of simple buildings and structures in the Mediterranean.The project has received the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award 2011 in the category Education, training and awareness-raising. Read more..
The Intan, Singapore: an accidental Museum
The Intan is a curious, little private museum. It sits in the middle of a row of houses in the heart of a historical, residential area of Singapore. Occupying an area no larger than 1000 sq ft, the museum celebrates the culture and heritage of the Peranakans; a unique people of Singapore and the region. What makes The Intan remarkable is that it’s an ‘accidental’ museum. A young man’s simple pursuit into his heritage and cultural identity 25 years ago has become Singapore’s first and only private home museum. In Oct 2011, The Intan won the Best Overall Experience Award in the prestigious Museum Roundtable Awards. Today, The Intan continues to create history by hosting innovative events such as plays, charity concerts and art exhibitions while sharing this unique culture to local and visitors from around the world. Read more..
22. UNITAR Series: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, 4 – 8 June 2012 – call for applications
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Series, launched in 2003, has thus far comprised eight annual Workshops held in Hiroshima and one in-country Workshop in India. With over 300 Alumni to date, the Workshops offer a set of innovative approaches to heritage conservation, including:
- A values-based management approach examining the significance of the properties to be conserved
- The fusion of cultural and natural heritage management
- The recognition of both the tangible and intangible aspects of heritage values
2012 WORKSHOP: Justification of Outstanding Universal Value in the Context of World Heritage Nominations
The 2012 Session examines in detail the expectations and requirements needed to effectively address this most essential part of World Heritage nominations. The specific objectives of the 2012 Workshop will be to:
- Review the key elements of the World Heritage Regime, incorporating updates and current trends
- Elucidate the principles of “Values-Based Heritage Management”
- Examine the Justification of Outstanding Universal Value as a crucial element of World Heritage nominations, identifying best practices and lessons learned
- Through reality-based practical exercises, extract key concepts and common issues for given sites
- Enhance long-term peer learning and exchange among the participants
For further information and to apply, visit the UNITAR 2012 Workshop website and download the UNITAR World Heritage Sites Programme 2012 – Call for Applications.
Applications close 7 May 2012.
23. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd
RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda Melbourne, are seeking a conservation architect to join our team.
The position is full time and involves : design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works), assisting in preparing statements of significance, heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, providing advice to building owners and authorities, and the like.
Required qualifications:
- Min Bachelor Degree in Architecture
- Min 3 years experience working as a conservation architect
- A working knowledge of Australian architectural history
Interested applicants please forward your CV by email in the first instance.
If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.
Applications close Friday 18 May 2012.
24. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Adviser/Architect, City of Greater Bendigo
Heritage Adviser / Architect
- Full Time
- Salary Range $85,645 – $95,968 + super
City of Greater Bendigo (CoGB) is looking for a professional and experienced Heritage Adviser/Architect to work with our Building & Property Services and Town Planning units to provide specialist heritage advice on proposals involving heritage values and provide specialist technical advice on planning and completing works on the CoGB’s own heritage properties.
This position may be eligible for the Skilled Migration Program.
If you are interested in working in heritage in Australia and in making a successful transition, you can find a position description and further information on Bendigo, the Skilled Migration Program and heritage in the Australian context at the City of Greater Bendigo website.
Applications addressing the key selection criteria must be received by Monday 7 May 2012.
Bendigo is a vibrant contemporary Australian regional centre, just 2 hours north of Melbourne, boasting beautiful streets created from one of the world’s greatest gold rushes 150 years ago. With the wealth from the gold came elaborately designed homes, public buildings and monuments that are still admired and used today. Wide streets lined by opulent buildings are now interwoven with intriguing laneways and arcades create a vibrant energy across the city. Bendigo is home to over 100,00 people and is growing steadily. Residents enjoy a short eight minute commute to work from nearly every suburb with a wide range of housing options (style and affordability) available. Modern day Bendigo has sublime food, wine and shopping experiences, quality education, excellence in health care and outstanding sporting facilities against a stunning heritage backdrop.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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