Review of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 – Your Input to the Australia ICOMOS Response Sought
Australian Garden History Society Survey of Heritage Gardens in Queensland – Proposals Invited from Consultants
Australian Institute of Architects “REFUEL SEMINAR” – various locations
2012 Western Australian Heritage Awards
Have your say on Australia’s Heritage Strategy
UNITAR Series: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, 4 – 8 June 2012 – call for applications
Warrnambool’s Heritage Festival: 21 April – 20 May 2012
Volunteer student labour available via Deakin University
EOIs called for a position on the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee
National Archaeology Week: 20-26 May 2012
The Australian Historic Shipwreck Protection Project – now in full swing
News from ICCROM
ICOMOS 2012 Symposium: “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Natural and Human-Caused Disasters” – call for abstracts
Invitation to attend Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – call for papers & an important message
News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
ICAHM Annual Meeting: 27-30 November 2012, Cuzco, Peru – call for papers open
Historic Structures International Conference, September 2012, Romania
International workshop on Stone Conservation and Urban Regeneration, August-September 2012, Spain
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority
SITUATION VACANT Ph.D Position in Conservation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd
1. Review of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 – Your Input to the Australia ICOMOS Response Sought
Australia ICOMOS made a submission to this review in November last year (click here to read) and an Issues and Options Paper (available for download from the DPCD website) has now been issued for comment. We are keen to hear from any members, particularly those with experience of working with the current Act, regarding what options you believe Australia ICOMOS should support or resist or any other comments that you believe should be included. Comments are required by 24 May but for individual comments to be considered for inclusion in the AI submission they will need to be submitted to us by 11 May 2012. If you have any questions please call the Victorian State representative, Ian Wight on (03) 9427 7720.
Please email your comments to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat, with a copy to Ian Wight, by 11 May 2012.
2. Australian Garden History Society Survey of Heritage Gardens in Queensland – Proposals Invited from Consultants
The Garden History Society was formed in 1980 and brings together people interested in the history of gardens and gardening. Its mission includes raising awareness of the heritage values of old gardens and acting to conserve them.
The Society defines gardens broadly to include public and private gardens, parks, plazas, cemeteries, institutional and commercial gardens, and avenues and memorial plantings.
The Society has been exploring whether having a list of significant gardens would assist it in achieving its awareness raising and advocacy objectives.
It has looked at how gardens are represented on statutory and other lists of heritage places, and has found that there are many gaps.
The Society now has funds to carry out a survey of heritage gardens in Queensland, with the aim of getting one list of significant gardens for the state.
The Society now invites consultants to submit proposals.
The brief invites consultants to propose a methodology to firstly find as many old gardens as possible within the constraints of the funding, and then to assess their heritage significance to produce a list of heritage gardens.
If you are interested in doing this work you should download the brief from the Society’s website.
Proposals should be submitted by 7 May 2012.
3. Australian Institute of Architects “REFUEL SEMINAR” – various locations
Australian Institute of Architects presents:
“REFUEL SEMINAR – New Futures for Heritage Buildings: Responsible Adaption, Additions and Re-use”
To be held in most capital cities throughout Australia late May and June.
It is said that in the near future fifty percent of architects’ work will be to existing buildings: this Professional Development seminar considers the important work of the architect in bringing new roles and new life to existing structures – all part of a sustainable agenda. The seminar will showcase relevant examples of Australian and international adaptive re-use, and also of new architecture in historic precincts, and will discuss the principles behind their success. Each seminar session will conclude with a forum to review specific local issues.
Dates and locations (generally at Institute Architects Chapter Headquarters) are as follows:
- HOBART: Tues 29 May, 3.00 ‐ 5.00pm, Tasmanian Chapter, 1/19a Hunter Street, Hobart
- LAUNCESTON: Wed 30 May, details TBC
- MELBOURNE: Wed 30 May, 6.00 ‐ 8.00pm, Treasury Theatre, Ground Level, 1 Macarthur St, Melbourne
- LIVESTREAM: Wed 30 May, 6.00 ‐ 8.00pm Regional Livestream Online
- ADELAIDE: Thurs 31 May, 5.30 – 7.30pm, SA Chapter, 100 Flinders Street, Adelaide
- BRISBANE: Tues 5 June, 6.00 – 8.00pm, Qld Chapter, Lvl 1, 70 Merivale St, South Brisbane
- CANBERRA: Wed 6 June, 3.00 – 5.00pm, ACT Chapter, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill
- SYDNEY: Thurs 7 June, 9.00 –11.00am, NSW Chapter, ‘Tusculum’,3 Manning St, Potts Point
- NEWCASTLE: Thurs 7 June, 5.00 – 7.00pm, Newcastle Travelodge, Corner King & Steel Streets, Newcastle
- PERTH: Wed 13 June, 5.30 – 7.30pm, WA Chapter, 33 Broadway, Nedlands
The seminar will be presented by Elizabeth Vines, of Adelaide-based practice McDougall & Vines. Liz is well known for her positive and entrepreneurial role in the conservation of historic buildings and townscapes. Her key role in the preservation and rejuvenation of Broken Hill, and her career as a heritage advocate in Australia and in Asia, were acknowledged with an Order of Australia in 2009.
For more information refer to the Refuel Seminar flier.
4. 2012 Western Australian Heritage Awards
The winners of the 2012 Western Australian Heritage Awards were announced at Government House Ballroom on 17 April in the presence of His Excellency, the Governor Mr Malcolm McCusker.
Twenty four individuals, organisations and projects were honoured in 11 categories with Fremantle Prison receiving a special Judges’ Award for ongoing excellence in managing the conservation of the World Heritage-listed prison and for developing high standard visitor experiences. Winners and high commendations for the conservation and adaptive reuse categories will be shortlisted for nomination to the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation with Heritage Council endorsement.
For more information, visit the State Heritage Office website.
5. Have your say on Australia’s Heritage Strategy
The Australian Government is seeking public input to help develop a new strategy for the identification, management and celebration of Australia’s heritage.
The new strategy will cover natural, Indigenous and historic heritage and set the direction for heritage policies and programs at all levels of government for the next 10 years.
Public consultation is a critical step in the development of the strategy and comment is invited from the community about how we can best recognise, manage and celebrate our heritage.
The feedback received in response to the public consultation paper now available will help inform the development of the Australian Heritage Strategy.
For information on how to make a submission and to download the public consultation paper visit the Australian Heritage Strategy website.
Submissions will be accepted up until 15 June 2012.
6. UNITAR Series: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, 4 – 8 June 2012 – call for applications
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Series, launched in 2003, has thus far comprised eight annual Workshops held in Hiroshima and one in-country Workshop in India. With over 300 Alumni to date, the Workshops offer a set of innovative approaches to heritage conservation, including:
- A values-based management approach examining the significance of the properties to be conserved
- The fusion of cultural and natural heritage management
- The recognition of both the tangible and intangible aspects of heritage values
2012 WORKSHOP: Justification of Outstanding Universal Value in the Context of World Heritage Nominations
The 2012 Session examines in detail the expectations and requirements needed to effectively address this most essential part of World Heritage nominations. The specific objectives of the 2012 Workshop will be to:
- Review the key elements of the World Heritage Regime, incorporating updates and current trends
- Elucidate the principles of “Values-Based Heritage Management”
- Examine the Justification of Outstanding Universal Value as a crucial element of World Heritage nominations, identifying best practices and lessons learned
- Through reality-based practical exercises, extract key concepts and common issues for given sites
- Enhance long-term peer learning and exchange among the participants
For further information and to apply, visit the UNITAR 2012 Workshop website and download the UNITAR World Heritage Sites Programme 2012 – Call for Applications.
Applications close 7 May 2012.
7. Warrnambool’s Heritage Festival: 21 April – 20 May 2012
Warrnambool has exported many seriously talented people who have left their mark on our nation, and even the world. These people will be celebrated in the upcoming 2012 National Trust Heritage Festival. From the smallest country towns to the biggest of cities, the 2012 National Trust Heritage Festival will for the first time celebrate Australian history everywhere.
The brief program is outlined below, but for further information and to download the Heritage Festival program (includes cost and RSVP infornmation) and brochure, visit the Warrnambool City Council website.
Warrnambool Heritage Strategy launch
Wednesday 18 April, 6.30pm-7.30pm
Civic Centre, reception room
Makers and Shapers exhibition
Friday 20 April – Sunday 20 May
Warrnambool Art Gallery
Innovation Quest
Friday 20 April – Monday 30 April; Intro Friday 20 April, 2pm-4pm
History House, Warrnambool
Memorials and Memories of the Warrnambool CBD walking tour
Saturday 21 April, 10.30am-12.30pm
Warrnambool Library
Military History Display
Saturday 21 April – Sunday 29 April, 10am-10pm
Warrnambool RSL
ANZAC Day Dawn Service and Hellfire Breakfast
ANZAC Day morning service
WestVic Dairy Innovation Gala Awards Night
Thursday 26 April
Glenormiston College
Cemetery Walk
Saturday 5 May, 2pm-3.30pm
Warrnambool Cemetery
Wollaston Bridge CMP
Tuesday 8 May, 12.30pm-1.30pm
St James Park, Warrnambool
Coastal Ramble In The Steps of Lucas and Gill
Wednesday 9 May, 9.30am-11.30am
Point Richie
Middle Island Talk
Wednesday 16 May, 8.30am-9.30am
Stingray Bay
Tea and Talk in the Gardens
Thursday 17 May, 4pm-5pm
Warrnambool Botanic Gardens
Genealogy Research Seminar
Saturday 19 May, 9.30am-4pm
Warrnambool Family History Group
Water & South West Victoria: The Past, present and future
Tuesday 15 May, 10:30am – 12:30pm
Wannon Water, 25 Gateway Road
8. Volunteer student labour available via Deakin University
Do you have a project – cataloguing, picture management, even data entry – which could give a volunteer student exposure to the workings of a heritage business or organisation? If you do, Deakin Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies program has postgraduates (predominantly sensible grown–ups) who would love to observe and learn from you.
We have students based around the nation – not just Melbourne or Victoria. They know that job experience is even more critical than credentials in getting into the heritage trade – every little bit counts on a beginner-CV. And if you can become a contact, a referee, a mentor, even a friend, you will have helped that student take steps into the heritage scene, which matters almost as much.
Students come with an indescribable variety of skills; most are highly literate; all are finely-honed time-managers. They are keen and committed.
Please write up your project (ideally, something finite) with a call for expressions of interest, and we can circulate it to more than 100 students. Please email your project outline to Linda Young.
9. EOIs called for a position on the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee
I am contacting all Full members on behalf of the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee to encourage submissions for an Expression of Interest to be co-opted to the Executive Committee for the remainder of the year. I would like to acknowledge the contributions of two members of the EC who have recently resigned due to other commitments – Angie McGowan and Ruth Woods – and thank them for their considerable efforts as members of the EC.
As well as these vacancies, we discussed at our last meeting in Hobart that we have some gaps in terms of geographic distribution and skill sets on the committee and we would be keen to see particular EOIs that may remedy these gaps. This does not mean we would not welcome interest from you if you are not in the categories, as outlined below, but that we would give priority to these areas. These co-options would be effective until the next AGM, to be held in November, and we would encourage any appointee to stand for election to the committee for 2013. Our next EC meeting is to be held in Canberra on the weekend of 19-20 May and we would hope that appointees would be able to attend that meeting.
Participating in the EC is certainly a commitment, but I am sure my personal experience is echoed by many others who have been involved as an EC member. It is an excellent opportunity to contribute to Australia’s cultural heritage in a meaningful way, to gain a greater understanding of issues at a national level, to network with amazing people and actually have a bit of fun along the way.
Our priorities for EC membership at the moment are for EC membership that reflects:
- Tasmania (state representative)
- ACT (state representative)
- NT (state representative)
- Qld – northern Qld in particular
- Indigenous Heritage – broadly across the country but we would note particularly NSW
If you are interested could you please forward an Expression of Interest with a brief outline of what you could contribute to the committee, via email to the Secretariat, to reach us no later than COB Monday 30 April. If you would like to discuss further or have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me (my mobile is 0409 344 598) or any other member of the EC. We look forward to hearing from you.
Jane Harrington
President, Australia ICOMOS
10. National Archaeology Week: 20-26 May 2012
National Archaeology Week (NAW) is a nationwide program of events and exhibitions held in May each year. It aims to increase public awareness of Australian archaeology and the work of Australian archaeologists at home and abroad, and it promotes the importance of protecting Australia’s unique archaeological heritage.
Numerous activities are organised in each state and territory, including public talks, walking tours and displays.
State based events will be advertised shortly on emails lists, such as OzArch, ASHA and AIMA. If you are not on these lists or just want to find out more information about what is happening, please email your state co-ordinator.
- National Coordinator – Helen Nicolson
- NSW – Deborah Lindsay
- ACT – Helen Cooke
- SA – Emily Jateff
- WA – Gaye Nayton
- NT – Ilka Schacht
- QLD – Paddy Waterson
- TAS – Emily Smith
For events happening in NSW, see the NAW NSW Event flier.
11. The Australian Historic Shipwreck Protection Project – now in full swing
Visit the Australian Historic Shipwreck Protection Project website for further information.
12. News from ICCROM
To view the April 2012 news from ICCROM, click here.
13. ICOMOS 2012 Symposium: “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Natural and Human-Caused Disasters” – call for abstracts
The ICOMOS Advisory Committee, including the Scientific Council, will meet this year from 27 October to 1 November in Beijing, China.
On this occasion, the Scientific Council is organizing a Symposium on the theme “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Natural and Human-Caused Disasters” on 31 October 2012 in Beijing, which will also welcome the general public during its first session.
For further information and an explanation on the theme and subthemes of the symposium, see the 2012 ICOMOS Scientific Symposium – call for papers.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2012 (via email to Pamela Jerome)
The proceedings of the previous Scientific Symposium organised by the Scientific Council in Dublin (Ireland) in October 2010 are available on line at the Changing world, changing views of heritage: heritage and social change link.
14. Invitation to attend Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
In the last three years Australia has witnessed unprecedented floods, cyclones and bushfires and destruction from the forces of nature is becoming more frequent and with greater consequences.
Our cultural heritage is precious to us as individuals, as local communities, as regions and as a nation. Cultural heritage is very much about those things which have meaning for people and communities – those things which demonstrate their past, whether they be books and documents, buildings, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites or museum objects. A community’s cultural heritage is a fundamental part of its way of life, history, traditions, civilization and identity. It contributes substantially to a community’s long-term economic sustainability, stability and welfare and provides the strength of will for people to live, recover and grow after trauma. There are many tales of appreciation and joy when affected people have recovered even small, but precious, objects often holding sole memories and important associations.
While understanding that the highest priorities must be accorded to humanitarian activities following a disaster, of significant concern also is the fate of cultural heritage. A delay in an appropriate emergency response inevitably leads to irreparable damage, diminished or complete loss of recovery capacity of cultural items, ongoing physical degradation and potential looting. Where regional networks of cultural institutions exist they have been be very effective in providing timely and effective aid to assist local and remote communities to repatriate and rehabilitate cultural items affected in a disaster.
For its MayDay 2012 campaign, Blue Shield Australia is organising a series of free regional workshops around Australia, to promote local co-operative agreements around disaster preparedness, planning, response and recovery. More details are available in the Media Release – Blue Shield Australia – Disaster Recovery Workshops – 2012 and Blue Shield Australia – Disaster Recovery Workshops – 2012 flier. The aim of these workshops is to build networks, including emergency response personnel, where they do not exist presently and to examine existing network models so that they may be adapted for adoption in other regions.
Please let us know before the registration closing date if you would like to participate in the session. Places are limited, so early registration is advised. We hope to see you on the day.
Robyn Riddett
Chair, Blue Shield Australia
Please send RSVPs to Donna McDowell (contact details below) and feel free to contact her further information or any queries about the workshops.
Donna McDowell – Project Manager
The Library Agency
GPO Box 1551
Melbourne VIC 3001
T: 1300 313 443
F: 1300 323 448
M: 0488 034 125
Email Donna
Visit The Library Agency website
15. 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – call for papers & an important message
The Stadtarchäologie Wien (Urban Archaeology of Vienna) is organising the 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, to be held at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 5-7 November 2012.
The main topic of this conference is “Urban Archaeology and Excavations – To Reach and Unveil the Hidden Spirit of the Town”.
The Call for PAPERS, POSTERS and VIDEO CLIPS is open
PLEASE NOTE: In recent weeks the conference organisers have had problems with their new e-mail address – so some of the registration forms and abstract forms have not reached them – if you have already sent your abstract form (poster, paper, video clip) and you have not yet received a response from them, please send it again.
Important Dates
- Call for Papers, Posters, Video Clips: 1 March 2012
- END of call: 1 June 2012
- Notification to speakers and presenters: 22 June 2012
PROGRAM details available here.
If you are interested in being an exhibitor and/or sponsor, please email Susanne Uhlirz.
For the program and other information please visit the conference website.
16. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.
17. ICAHM Annual Meeting: 27-30 November 2012, Cuzco, Peru – call for papers open
The annual meeting of the ICOMOS International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM), themed around the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, will be held in Cuzco, Peru. The confirmed dates are 27-30 November 2012 (a slight shift from the original announcement).
Full details of the meeting and how to register and submit an abstract are available at the conference website.
Among the worldwide issues for consideration at this meeting are local stakeholder claims on archaeological heritage; sustainable development and community sustainability; tourism pressures and site preservation; heritage and rights; challenges to the validity and value of the World Heritage List as it quickly approaches 1,000 inscribed sites; the World Heritage List decision-making process; impacts of war, civil disorder, and natural disasters on archaeological sites; technical advances in archaeological heritage management.
Ample opportunities exist for tours of Cuzco, Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley before and after the conference. Contact Happy Tours via email.
ICAHM will publish the best papers from this annual meeting in its publication series with Springer Press, “Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management”.
18. Historic Structures International Conference, September 2012, Romania
Historic Structures International Conference
“The Protection of Load-bearing Structures and the Society“
20-22 September 2012
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The Transylvanian Historic Building Conservationists Society and the Transsylvania Nostra Foundation will organise in Cluj-Napoca, between September 20 and 22, 2012, the 14th edition of the International Conference Series on Historic Structures. The present edition’s suggested topic is “The Protection of Historic Load-bearing Structures and the Society”.
For further information, download the Historic Structures Conference flyer or visit the conference website.
19. International workshop on Stone Conservation and Urban Regeneration, August-September 2012, Spain
An international workshop on Stone Conservation and Urban Regeneration for graduates and young heritage professionals will be held in Martos, Andalusia, Spain from 20 August to 30 September 2012.
Application deadline: 20 May 2012
The workshop is organized by DIADRASIS in agreement with the Junta de Andalucía, under the patronage of ICCROM and in collaboration with the University of York, the council of Martos, the ADSUR, and the IPCE.
For further information, download the Martos Project workshop flier or visit the Diadrasis website.
20. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority
Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority owns and manages some of the State’s most significant assets, including Sydney’s heritage and cultural precincts at The Rocks and Darling Harbour. With more than $1.1 billion in assets, and around 250 employees, the Foreshore Authority manages significant commercial and retail leases, provides security, cleaning, building maintenance and other facility management services, cares for the public domain and more than 140 heritage items.
For further information, click here.
Applications close Sunday 29 April.
21. SITUATION VACANT Ph.D Position in Conservation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Ph. D. Position in Conservation
Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, five years including 20% teaching and other departmental duties
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Conservation, Göteborg, Sweden
First day of employment: As soon as possible
Reference number: UR 2012/1
Closing date for applications: 27 April 2012
The University of Gothenburg is one of the major universities in Europe, with about 39,000 students and a staff of 5,700. The academic work is organized into faculties, a majority of which are based in the central parts of Gothenburg. Education and research are wide ranging and of high quality – as indicated by both high numbers of applicants and Nobel prizes received.
The Department of Conservation at the University of Gothenburg invites applications for a five-year PhD position in Conservation of Cultural Heritage Objects to be based in Gothenburg. The position is part of the faculty and the institution’s efforts to strengthen research. The connection to the Faculty of Science provides opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and access to a large number of both advanced and basic laboratory facilities. The department offers professional degrees and research programs that address cultural heritage preservation issues including: urban environments, landscapes, buildings, gardens, handicrafts and object conservation. At the Gothenburg campus, the Department offers university degree programmes in conservation of cultural heritage objects, building preservation and educational Sloyd. At the Mariestad campus, programmes are offered in traditional building craftsmanship, garden craft and design, and landscape management.
For further information, click here.
22. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd
RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda Melbourne, are seeking a conservation architect to join our team.
The position is full time and involves : design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works), assisting in preparing statements of significance, heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, providing advice to building owners and authorities, and the like.
Required qualifications:
- Min Bachelor Degree in Architecture
- Min 3 years experience working as a conservation architect
- A working knowledge of Australian architectural history
Interested applicants please forward your CV by email in the first instance.
If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.
Applications close Friday 11 May 2012.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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