New ICOMOS members get 13 months for the price of 12!
“World Heritage; local perspectives” – an SA ICOMOS event
Seminar Announcement: Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
UNITAR Series: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, 4 – 8 June 2012 – call for applications
Warrnambool’s Heritage Festival: 21 April – 20 May 2012
Volunteer student labour available via Deakin University
EOIs called for a position on the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee
Managing Cultural Landscapes book launch (ACT)
New decision making policy guideline for s.73(1)(b) of the Heritage Act 1995 (VIC)
Launch of the Community Works Program 2012 (VIC)
ICOMOS 2012 Symposium: “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Natural and Human-Caused Disasters” – call for abstracts
Invitation to attend Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
National Archaeology Week: 20-26 May 2012
Have your say on Australia’s Heritage Strategy
Media releases from Senator Don Farrell
Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft conference – program available
Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
News from The Best in Heritage, 27 – 29 September 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia
SITUATION VACANT Ph.D Position in Conservation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
SITUATION VACANT Executive Officer, Australian Garden History Society
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority
1. New ICOMOS members get 13 months for the price of 12!
There are many benefits to joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and Full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.
Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat.
For further information and to download a membership form, go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website.
Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the May 2012 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 27 April 2012.
If further information is required email the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder.
2. “World Heritage; local perspectives” – an SA ICOMOS event
ICOMOS members and friends are invited to participate in a discussion and drinks. Speakers include:
- Anthony Coupe – ‘The Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site, Mauritius
- Liz Vines – ‘Pingyao and Kaiping (China) and Penang’
- Kevin O’Sullivan – ‘Tales of Five World Heritage Cities: Verona, Venezia, Firenze, Siena & Roma’
- Iris Iwanicki – ‘Woomera and the Cold War’
Date: Friday 27 April
Time: 5pm – 7pm
Venue: ‘State Dining Room’ Ayers House
Cost: $15 for members and associate members, $20 for non-members
RSVP: to Michael Queale via email by Monday 23rd April
Further information is available in the World Heritage; local perspectives flier.
3. Seminar Announcement: Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific Seminar, Deakin University (VIC)
Dr. Tom Lawson (University of Winchester, UK) will be speaking on “The Holocaust and the Memory of Colonial Genocide in Britain” as part of Deakin University’s cultural heritage seminar series this coming Wednesday.
In the mid 1950s the Natural History Museum in London removed human remains of Tasmanian Aborigines from public display . This action was in line with a post-war, and importantly post-Nazi, reconceptualisation of the idea of race in British society which meant that it was no longer acceptable to place the ‘races of man’ in hierarchical order. It is an incident however that suggests a potentially problematic relationship between the memory of genocides committed within the British Empire, and the memory of Nazi genocides in British culture. Tasmanian remains had been displayed with the clear awareness that the indigenous population was ‘now unfortunately exterminated’, an echo of a previous era when that extermination had been important in British culture – informing debates throughout the mid 19th century for example about the nature of Empire and even existential discourse about the origins of man. Once those remains were removed, that awareness, however problematic, of genocide within the British empire faded from view. Concomitantly understanding of Nazi genocide, and debate about its lessons, has become well established in Britain – to the point where many now see a surfeit of memory. This paper seeks to explore this further, and to ask – using museum display, history writing, and literature (including for example children’s comic fiction) – whether awareness of the Holocaust has somehow displaced the memory of Colonial genocide in Britain.
Dr. Tom Lawson is Reader in History at the University of Winchester. He is the author and editor of several books, including ‘The Church of England and the Holocaust’ (2006) and ‘Debates on the Holocaust’ (2010). He is co-editor of the journal Holocaust Studies: a journal of culture and history. He is currently a ‘Mid Career Fellow’ of the British Academy and is working on a project entitled The Last Man: Britain and Genocide in Tasmania.
Deakin University Melbourne City Centre
Meeting Room 2
Level 3, 550 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Date & Time
Tuesday 24 April 2012, from 5.30pm
For further information, please email Steve Cooke or contact him on (03) 9244 6827. RSVPs are also appreciated – please email Steve Cooke.
The full list of this year’s seminars is available at the CHCAP webpage or download the CHCAP 2012 seminar series flyer.
4. Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
Conservation, restoration and adaptive re-use of Audley Dance Hall and Ironbark Flat landscape precinct
Julie Marler & David Phillips
Julie Marler, Landscape Architect and David Phillips, Architect will present a recent conservation project undertaken in the Royal National Park. Julie and David are co-partners of Sydney architecture and landscape architecture firm Phillips Marler.
The project is the culmination of years of planning, fund-raising efforts and complex construction works in order to realise the re-vitalisation of the historic Audley precinct, in the heart of the Royal, Australia’s oldest national park.
The project, combining architecture and landscape architecture in a single integrated vision, consists of:
- Conservation, restoration and adaptive re-use of the 1948 Audley Dance Hall, originally designed by Government Architect Cobden Parks, to provide a new park visitors centre, cafe and leasable hall space, to make this building the hub of the Audley precinct and National Park.
- Restoration, through extensive civil and landscape works, of the surrounding precinct of Ironbark (formerly Picnic) Flat, bounded by the Hacking River. The entire precinct has been opened up by re-instating historically significant views to and from the river, through removal of 1990’s intrusions, earth works and vegetation. The restoration has recovered the ambience, light, cross-breezes and views of the riverside landscape as it would have been the 1930’s and 1940’s, the heyday of the Audley ‘pleasure grounds’.
Members of the public are welcome!
Time & Date: Thursday 26 April 2012, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $5, non-members $10, payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided.
Venue: Godden Mackay Logan, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811. Please note: RSVP is essential as places are limited.
5. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
City of Canberra – Griffin and Heritage Issues
James Weirick
Walter Burley Griffin, American architect, designer of Canberra, 2012
(Image from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Walter_Burley_Griffin_1912.jpg)
In order to celebrate the anniversary of the Canberra plan Australia ICOMOS is hosting a series of talks on the heritage of the City of Canberra. These will be interspersed with other ICOMOS talks over the next 12 months.
The first talk will examine issues related to the heritage of Walter Burley Griffin’s plan, particularly its landscape architecture, and pressures on that design from development.
James Weirick is Professor and Program Director for Urban Development and Design, University of NSW, with an academic career in landscape architecture. Professor Weirick is also President of the Walter Burley Griffin Society and an advocate for the heritage conservation of Griffin’s Canberra masterwork.
Members and the public are welcome: Refreshments will be available appropriate to the talk’s topic! This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.
Time & Date: 5 .00-7.00pm, Thursday 26 April 2012 – the talk will start at 5.45pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott
6. UNITAR Series: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, 4 – 8 June 2012 – call for applications
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Series, launched in 2003, has thus far comprised eight annual Workshops held in Hiroshima and one in-country Workshop in India. With over 300 Alumni to date, the Workshops offer a set of innovative approaches to heritage conservation, including:
- A values-based management approach examining the significance of the properties to be conserved
- The fusion of cultural and natural heritage management
- The recognition of both the tangible and intangible aspects of heritage values
2012 WORKSHOP: Justification of Outstanding Universal Value in the Context of World Heritage Nominations
The 2012 Session examines in detail the expectations and requirements needed to effectively address this most essential part of World Heritage nominations. The specific objectives of the 2012 Workshop will be to:
- Review the key elements of the World Heritage Regime, incorporating updates and current trends
- Elucidate the principles of “Values-Based Heritage Management”
- Examine the Justification of Outstanding Universal Value as a crucial element of World Heritage nominations, identifying best practices and lessons learned
- Through reality-based practical exercises, extract key concepts and common issues for given sites
- Enhance long-term peer learning and exchange among the participants
For further information and to apply, visit the UNITAR 2012 Workshop website and download the UNITAR World Heritage Sites Programme 2012 – Call for Applications.
Applications close 7 May 2012.
7. Warrnambool’s Heritage Festival: 21 April – 20 May 2012
Warrnambool has exported many seriously talented people who have left their mark on our nation, and even the world. These people will be celebrated in the upcoming 2012 National Trust Heritage Festival. From the smallest country towns to the biggest of cities, the 2012 National Trust Heritage Festival will for the first time celebrate Australian history everywhere.
The brief program is outlined below, but for further information and to download the Heritage Festival program (includes cost and RSVP infornmation) and brochure, visit the Warrnambool City Council website.
Warrnambool Heritage Strategy launch
Wednesday 18 April, 6.30pm-7.30pm
Civic Centre, reception room
Makers and Shapers exhibition
Friday 20 April – Sunday 20 May
Warrnambool Art Gallery
Innovation Quest
Friday 20 April – Monday 30 April; Intro Friday 20 April, 2pm-4pm
History House, Warrnambool
Memorials and Memories of the Warrnambool CBD walking tour
Saturday 21 April, 10.30am-12.30pm
Warrnambool Library
Military History Display
Saturday 21 April – Sunday 29 April, 10am-10pm
Warrnambool RSL
ANZAC Day Dawn Service and Hellfire Breakfast
ANZAC Day morning service
WestVic Dairy Innovation Gala Awards Night
Thursday 26 April
Glenormiston College
Cemetery Walk
Saturday 5 May, 2pm-3.30pm
Warrnambool Cemetery
Wollaston Bridge CMP
Tuesday 8 May, 12.30pm-1.30pm
St James Park, Warrnambool
Coastal Ramble In The Steps of Lucas and Gill
Wednesday 9 May, 9.30am-11.30am
Point Richie
Middle Island Talk
Wednesday 16 May, 8.30am-9.30am
Stingray Bay
Tea and Talk in the Gardens
Thursday 17 May, 4pm-5pm
Warrnambool Botanic Gardens
Genealogy Research Seminar
Saturday 19 May, 9.30am-4pm
Warrnambool Family History Group
Water & South West Victoria: The Past, present and future
Tuesday 15 May, 10:30am – 12:30pm
Wannon Water, 25 Gateway Road
8. Volunteer student labour available via Deakin University
Do you have a project – cataloguing, picture management, even data entry – which could give a volunteer student exposure to the workings of a heritage business or organisation? If you do, Deakin Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies program has postgraduates (predominantly sensible grown–ups) who would love to observe and learn from you.
We have students based around the nation – not just Melbourne or Victoria. They know that job experience is even more critical than credentials in getting into the heritage trade – every little bit counts on a beginner-CV. And if you can become a contact, a referee, a mentor, even a friend, you will have helped that student take steps into the heritage scene, which matters almost as much.
Students come with an indescribable variety of skills; most are highly literate; all are finely-honed time-managers. They are keen and committed.
Please write up your project (ideally, something finite) with a call for expressions of interest, and we can circulate it to more than 100 students. Please email your project outline to Linda Young.
9. EOIs called for a position on the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee
I am contacting all Full members on behalf of the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee to encourage submissions for an Expression of Interest to be co-opted to the Executive Committee for the remainder of the year. I would like to acknowledge the contributions of two members of the EC who have recently resigned due to other commitments – Angie McGowan and Ruth Woods – and thank them for their considerable efforts as members of the EC.
As well as these vacancies, we discussed at our last meeting in Hobart that we have some gaps in terms of geographic distribution and skill sets on the committee and we would be keen to see particular EOIs that may remedy these gaps. This does not mean we would not welcome interest from you if you are not in the categories, as outlined below, but that we would give priority to these areas. These co-options would be effective until the next AGM, to be held in November, and we would encourage any appointee to stand for election to the committee for 2013. Our next EC meeting is to be held in Canberra on the weekend of 19-20 May and we would hope that appointees would be able to attend that meeting.
Participating in the EC is certainly a commitment, but I am sure my personal experience is echoed by many others who have been involved as an EC member. It is an excellent opportunity to contribute to Australia’s cultural heritage in a meaningful way, to gain a greater understanding of issues at a national level, to network with amazing people and actually have a bit of fun along the way.
Our priorities for EC membership at the moment are for EC membership that reflects:
- Tasmania (state representative)
- ACT (state representative)
- NT (state representative)
- Qld – northern Qld in particular
- Indigenous Heritage – broadly across the country but we would note particularly NSW
If you are interested could you please forward an Expression of Interest with a brief outline of what you could contribute to the committee, via email to the Secretariat, to reach us no later than COB Monday 30 April. If you would like to discuss further or have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me (my mobile is 0409 344 598) or any other member of the EC. We look forward to hearing from you.
Jane Harrington
President, Australia ICOMOS
10. Managing Cultural Landscapes book launch (ACT)
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts cordially invites you to the launch of the new book, Managing Cultural Landscapes, edited by Ken Taylor & Jane Lennon, by Professor Howard Morphy
Time & Date: 5.30pm, Friday 27 April 2012
Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building, Building 120, McCoy Circuit, Australian National University.
Published by Routledge as part of its series, Key issues in Cultural Heritage, Managing Cultural Landscapes celebrates and marks the twentieth anniversary of the inception of World Heritage Cultural Landscape categories.
For further information, see the Managing Cultural Landscapes launch flyer.
11. New decision making policy guideline for s.73(1)(b) of the Heritage Act 1995 (VIC)
On 5 April the Victorian Heritage Council endorsed the Policy Guideline entitled “Matters to be considered in determining a permit application under section 73(1)(b) of the Heritage Act 1995” (click on link for download link). This guideline will add clarity for owners, managers, permit applicants, local councils and other participants in permit matters on how the tests of ‘reasonable or economic use’ and ‘undue financial hardship’ are considered by the Executive Director in their decision making and the Heritage Council on appeal.
12. Launch of the Community Works Program 2012 (VIC)
The Minister for Planning has announced the first round of funding of the Community Works Program. The program aims to deliver quality public realm and open space networks that are vibrant, connected and enhance community pride.
Councils across Victoria are eligible to apply for grants to a maximum of $200,000 under the program. Applications are now being sought and must be submitted between 29 March 2012 and Thursday 17 May 2012.
A copy of the program guidelines can be downloaded from here and for further information please contact the Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) Program Manager, Sofi De Lesantis on (03) 9094 8460 or visit the DPCD website.
13. ICOMOS 2012 Symposium: “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Natural and Human-Caused Disasters” – call for abstracts
The ICOMOS Advisory Committee, including the Scientific Council, will meet this year from 27 October to 1 November in Beijing, China.
On this occasion, the Scientific Council is organizing a Symposium on the theme “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Natural and Human-Caused Disasters” on 31 October 2012 in Beijing, which will also welcome the general public during its first session.
For further information and an explanation on the theme and subthemes of the symposium, see the 2012 ICOMOS Scientific Symposium – call for papers.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2012 (via email to Pamela Jerome)
The proceedings of the previous Scientific Symposium organised by the Scientific Council in Dublin (Ireland) in October 2010 are available on line at the Changing world, changing views of heritage: heritage and social change link.
14. Invitation to attend Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
In the last three years Australia has witnessed unprecedented floods, cyclones and bushfires and destruction from the forces of nature is becoming more frequent and with greater consequences.
Our cultural heritage is precious to us as individuals, as local communities, as regions and as a nation. Cultural heritage is very much about those things which have meaning for people and communities – those things which demonstrate their past, whether they be books and documents, buildings, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites or museum objects. A community’s cultural heritage is a fundamental part of its way of life, history, traditions, civilization and identity. It contributes substantially to a community’s long-term economic sustainability, stability and welfare and provides the strength of will for people to live, recover and grow after trauma. There are many tales of appreciation and joy when affected people have recovered even small, but precious, objects often holding sole memories and important associations.
While understanding that the highest priorities must be accorded to humanitarian activities following a disaster, of significant concern also is the fate of cultural heritage. A delay in an appropriate emergency response inevitably leads to irreparable damage, diminished or complete loss of recovery capacity of cultural items, ongoing physical degradation and potential looting. Where regional networks of cultural institutions exist they have been be very effective in providing timely and effective aid to assist local and remote communities to repatriate and rehabilitate cultural items affected in a disaster.
For its MayDay 2012 campaign, Blue Shield Australia is organising a series of free regional workshops around Australia, to promote local co-operative agreements around disaster preparedness, planning, response and recovery. More details are available in the Media Release – Blue Shield Australia – Disaster Recovery Workshops – 2012 and Blue Shield Australia – Disaster Recovery Workshops – 2012 flier. The aim of these workshops is to build networks, including emergency response personnel, where they do not exist presently and to examine existing network models so that they may be adapted for adoption in other regions.
Please let us know before the registration closing date if you would like to participate in the session. Places are limited, so early registration is advised. We hope to see you on the day.
Robyn Riddett
Chair, Blue Shield Australia
Please send RSVPs to Donna McDowell (contact details below) and feel free to contact her further information or any queries about the workshops.
Donna McDowell – Project Manager
The Library Agency
GPO Box 1551
Melbourne VIC 3001
T: 1300 313 443
F: 1300 323 448
M: 0488 034 125
Email Donna
Visit The Library Agency website
15. National Archaeology Week: 20-26 May 2012
National Archaeology Week (NAW) is a nationwide program of events and exhibitions held in May each year. It aims to increase public awareness of Australian archaeology and the work of Australian archaeologists at home and abroad, and it promotes the importance of protecting Australia’s unique archaeological heritage.
Numerous activities are organised in each state and territory, including public talks, walking tours and displays.
State based events will be advertised shortly on emails lists, such as OzArch, ASHA and AIMA. If you are not on these lists or just want to find out more information about what is happening, please email your state co-ordinator.
- National Coordinator – Helen Nicolson
- NSW – Deborah Lindsay
- ACT – Helen Cooke
- SA – Emily Jateff
- WA – Gaye Nayton
- NT – Ilka Schacht
- QLD – Paddy Waterson
- TAS – Emily Smith
For events happening in NSW, see the NAW NSW Event flier.
16. Have your say on Australia’s Heritage Strategy
The Australian Government is seeking public input to help develop a new strategy for the identification, management and celebration of Australia’s heritage.
The new strategy will cover natural, Indigenous and historic heritage and set the direction for heritage policies and programs at all levels of government for the next 10 years.
Public consultation is a critical step in the development of the strategy and comment is invited from the community about how we can best recognise, manage and celebrate our heritage.
The feedback received in response to the public consultation paper now available will help inform the development of the Australian Heritage Strategy.
For information on how to make a submission and to download the public consultation paper visit the Australian Heritage Strategy website.
Submissions will be accepted up until 15 June 2012.
17. Media releases from Senator Don Farrell
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following press releases from Senator Don Farrell.
Heritage-listed public gardens in Melbourne will save water and stay green through a stormwater harvesting and reuse scheme.
Marking the start of construction of a stormwater storage tank at Fitzroy Gardens today, Senator Don Farrell, Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water, said the tank is part of the Eastern Melbourne Parks and Gardens Stormwater Harvesting Scheme.
“The Australian Government is investing $4.88 million in the Scheme through its National Urban Water and Desalination Plan under the Water for the Future initiative,” he said.
“This investment enables Melbourne City Council to supply an estimated 124 million litres of recycled stormwater a year to irrigate three heritage-listed Melbourne public gardens.
“The Fitzroy and Treasury gardens have been allocated $2.12 million to support the harvesting and reuse of stormwater for irrigation.
“Recycled stormwater will now irrigate the gardens, saving valuable drinking-quality water.”
The tank to be installed will be one of the city’s largest underground tanks with a storage capacity of five million litres.
It will provide 69 million litres of recycled water every year, which is more than half of the annual irrigation needs of Fitzroy Gardens.
“The Australian Government is proud to be a part of a project that demonstrates how cooperation between local communities and all levels of government can achieve key environmental benefits and water security for current and future generations,” Senator Farrell said.
Geelong’s Botanic Gardens and Eastern Park will be greener thanks to the construction of new stormwater irrigation infrastructure.
The Australian Government is providing funding of $415,000 for the Eastern Park project, which is part of $2.79 million in Australian Government funding for the broader Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse – Geelong’s Plan project.
At Eastern Park today to inspect progress, Senator Don Farrell, Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water, said the stormwater project would improve water supply security for the Botanic Gardens and Eastern Park.
“The new stormwater harvesting infrastructure will capture approximately 30 million litres of water a year, reducing reliance on drinking-quality water and allowing the Botanic Gardens and Eastern Park to access water in all conditions,” he said.
“The project will also have benefits for the environmental health of Corio Bay as it will capture stormwater that is being discharged into the bay, treat it and hold it in a storage basin.”
The storage basin is in the form of a man-made lake and will be surrounded by thousands of indigenous plants. Harvested water will flow through a pond and into the lake, which will hold approximately four million litres of water.
Member for Corio Richard Marles said the Eastern Park project was a good example of how water saving measures can benefit the community.
“Most importantly, this project helps save Geelong’s precious drinking water; it provides our much-loved and iconic Botanic Gardens with its own water supply and, finally, the project has created a new plant and water feature in the landscape of Eastern Gardens,” Mr Marles said.
Senator Farrell said the project was one of five stormwater harvesting projects being funded by the Australian Government in the City of Greater Geelong.
“$2.79 million has been provided for the five projects under the Australian Government’s Water for the Future initiative,” he said.
“Together, the five projects will save up to 222 million litres of water each year, saving our precious drinking water supplies.”
18. Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft conference – program available
In May 2012, the Australian National Maritime Museum will host a two-day national conference on Australian indigenous watercraft, entitled Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft.
This first major conference exploring the watercraft of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will bring together people from all over Australia to share their knowledge, skills and stories. Over two days, we will explore Australia’s Indigenous watercraft through talks, demonstrations, performances and workshops.
Conference program now available online.
Welcome Alison Page
We are thrilled to announce Alison Page as the Nawi conference patron. Alison, a descendant of the Walbanga and Wadi Wadi peoples of the Yuin nation from the NSW south coast, is currently the Executive Officer of the Saltwater Freshwater Arts Alliance and a celebrated artist and designer.
Nawi exhibition now open
This new display at the Australian National Maritime Museum explores the different ways of seeing indigenous watercraft, from contemporary indigenous perspectives to historic European and scientific views. It features craft from the north of Australia, photographs and drawings.
Canoe model building workshop
Recently, David Payne conducted a canoe model building workshop in Port Noarlunga, on the Onkaparinga River south of Adelaide in conjunction with Flinders University. Over two days 10 students rediscovered the craft of canoe model building, experimenting with different designs and materials.
Internship opportunity
We are currently looking for interns to assist with the development of the Nawi conference. Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are encouraged. Download a PDF application form from conference website.
19. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
To view the March-April issue of Inherit, click here.
20. News from The Best in Heritage, 27 – 29 September 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia
The Best in Heritage, 27 – 29 September 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Twenty four awarded museum, heritage and conservation projects will be presented at The Best in Heritage 2012. The programme is comprised of most innovative, professionally advanced and inspiring projects, that have been awarded nationally or internationally in 2011. In our Newsletters we periodically provide you with basic information on these award winning projects which will be featured in Dubrovnik. More about the programe…
New video presentations from The Best in Heritage 2011 are available at our YouTube channel including, amongst many others, presentations of European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award 2010 laureates.
Glasnevin Cemetary Museum, Dublin, Ireland
Glasnevin cemetery is the final resting place of a veritable ‘Who’s Who’ of Irish public figures from the last 200 years, as well as over one million ordinary Irish men, women and children. Martello Media Company has implemented the world’s first cemetery museum, showing the social, historical, political and artistic development of modern Ireland through the seven generations of people buried there. 2011 winner of the Museum + Heritage, International Award, is an impressively sensitive and well-rounded Museum which carefully balanced due reverence with theatricality and dramatic architecture. The judges were very impressed by the quality of concept, design and execution. Read more…
Sumda Chun Gonpa, Ladakh, India
The heroic rescue of the Sumda Chun Gonpa has brought back to life one of the oldest monasteries in a remote area of Ladakh and has been awarded with UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation 2011 / Award of Excellence. Conservation interventions combined world-class scientific methods with vernacular building know-how. The art conservation is particularly notable for its sophistication. The exemplary project was realized through commitment of the local community and monastic order, in cooperation with cultural foundations and international partners. Read more…
“In Search of the Canadian Car” Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa
In recognition to excellence in museums and museum exhibits that interpret the history of technology, industry, and engineering to the general public, “In Search of the Canadian Car” has received the 2011 Dibner Award. What makes a car Canadian? How is the national identity of a car defined by its design, fabrication, and marketing, as well as the preferences of Canadians? This exhibition presents unique automobiles from the Canada Science and Technology Museum’s rich collection as well as memorabilia and promotional materials. In addition to the exhibition, a Virtual Museum of Canada version is availabe on-line. Read more…
21. SITUATION VACANT Ph.D Position in Conservation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Ph. D. Position in Conservation
Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, five years including 20% teaching and other departmental duties
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Conservation, Göteborg, Sweden
First day of employment: As soon as possible
Reference number: UR 2012/1
Closing date for applications: 27 April 2012
The University of Gothenburg is one of the major universities in Europe, with about 39,000 students and a staff of 5,700. The academic work is organized into faculties, a majority of which are based in the central parts of Gothenburg. Education and research are wide ranging and of high quality – as indicated by both high numbers of applicants and Nobel prizes received.
The Department of Conservation at the University of Gothenburg invites applications for a five-year PhD position in Conservation of Cultural Heritage Objects to be based in Gothenburg. The position is part of the faculty and the institution’s efforts to strengthen research. The connection to the Faculty of Science provides opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and access to a large number of both advanced and basic laboratory facilities. The department offers professional degrees and research programs that address cultural heritage preservation issues including: urban environments, landscapes, buildings, gardens, handicrafts and object conservation. At the Gothenburg campus, the Department offers university degree programmes in conservation of cultural heritage objects, building preservation and educational Sloyd. At the Mariestad campus, programmes are offered in traditional building craftsmanship, garden craft and design, and landscape management.
For further information, click here.
22. SITUATION VACANT Executive Officer, Australian Garden History Society
The Australian Garden History Society is seeking a suitable person to fill the role of Executive Officer (4 days per week/28 hours). The Executive Officer will be responsible to the National Management Committee for the efficient administration of the Society. The AGHS office is located in Melbourne.
The ideal applicant should have:
- Good organisational skills and the ability to meet deadlines
- Ability to plan and deliver small projects
- Demonstrated experience in small office management
- An ability to work with minimal supervision
- Good communication skills
- An ability to support a committee of management and act as secretary
- An ability to engage with members in a friendly and helpful manner
- Proficient computer skills in Microsoft Office applications
- Experience in managing staff and volunteer workers
A knowledge of Australian garden history would be an advantage.
Proficiency in Microsoft Access, PowerPoint, and internet applications would be seen as an advantage.
Some interstate travel to attend meetings and the annual conference is expected.
This is a permanent part-time position with a salary package in the vicinity of $49,000 (includes annual leave and sick leave).
A position description can be obtained from the Executive Officer, Jackie Courmadias on (03) 9650 5043, or via email.
Further information about the role can be discussed with Jackie Courmadias or with the Chairman Dr John Dwyer c/- AGHS office (see address below).
Applications, due by 27 April 2012, should be addressed to the Chairman and sent, with Curriculum Vitae, via email or posted to:
AGHS Office
Gate Lodge
100 Birdwood Avenue
Melbourne VIC 3004
23. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority
Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority owns and manages some of the State’s most significant assets, including Sydney’s heritage and cultural precincts at The Rocks and Darling Harbour. With more than $1.1 billion in assets, and around 250 employees, the Foreshore Authority manages significant commercial and retail leases, provides security, cleaning, building maintenance and other facility management services, cares for the public domain and more than 140 heritage items.
For further information, click here.
Applications close Sunday 29 April.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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