Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 525

  1. Recent submissions made by Australia ICOMOS
  2. More courses offered by IPPHA
  3. Celebrating the award of the ICOMOS Gazzola Prize to Dr Nobuo Ito
  4. Australia ICOMOS ISC/NSC Funding Program
  5. Sydney Open lecture series
  6. News from World Monuments Fund
  7. Fellowships available at University of York’s Department of Archaeology
  8. “Domes in the World”congress – preliminary program now online
  9. New for 2012: part-time Master’s degree in Historic Environment
  10. San Gemini Preservation Studies Program – course application deadline: 15 March
  11. New title from Council of Europe Publishing
  12. Framing Lives – The 8th Biennial Conference of the International Auto/Biography Association
  13. SITUATIONS VACANT Conservators to Work In Antarctica
  14. SITUATION VACANT Horticulturalist, Camden Park Historic Gardens, Camden NSW


1. Recent submissions made by Australia ICOMOS

Click on the links below to read some of the latest submissions made by Australia ICOMOS.


2. More courses offered by IPPHA

The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) has some exciting courses on offer – click on the links to view course information:

  1. Communities and place: understanding social and aesthetic values in heritage conservation, a one-day skills development workshop on Thursday 26 April 2012
  2. Cultural Landscapes: current issues and approaches in international practice, a one-day professional update session on Friday 27 April 2012
  3. The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures, Kosciouszko National Park, 10 – 15 April 2012
  4. Key issues in Native Title Anthropology, Canberra, 16 – 20 April 2012

Register via the IPPHA website. For further information email Sandy Blair or phone (02) 6125 5887.


3. Celebrating the award of the ICOMOS Gazzola Prize to Dr Nobuo Ito

Everyone who was present at on the final day of the 17th ICOMOS General Assembly in Paris in December 2011 will recall the awarding of this prize – the highest individual honour awarded by ICOMOS – to Dr Nobuo Ito of Japan.

While visiting Japan in February, I was able to join with other international delegates and members of ICOMOS Japan to celebrate this achievement. Introductory remarks and comments were made by Yukio Nishimura (President, ICOMOS Japan), Gustavo Araoz (President of ICOMOS), Takahito Saiki (President, Kobe Design University), Yoshiaki Ishizawa (President, Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage). The toast was offered by Masaru Maeno (former President, ICOMOS Japan) and Satoshi Yamato (Agency for Cultural Affairs).

Dr Ito is very highly esteemed in Japan, as a scholar in wooden architecture and architectural history. He is also known within the ICOMOS family as someone who did a great deal to bring together different cultural understandings to the work of cultural heritage globally. He was an important contributor to the landmark Nara Document on Authenticity and is the only recipient of the Japanese government’s prestigious National Medal in the field of outstanding service to international cooperation for cultural properties protection (awarded in 1995).

The President of Australia ICOMOS has written to Dr Ito to warmly congratulate him and to acknowledge the continuing contributions of ICOMOS Japan in advancing the perspectives of Asia within ICOMOS.

Kristal Buckley
ICOMOS Vice President


4. Australia ICOMOS ISC/NSC Funding Program

The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee has endorsed the implementation of a new ISC/NSC Funding Program to provide financial assistance for events, projects or programs that promote and strengthen Australian membership of ISCs and NSCs. The program aims to recognise Australia ICOMOS’s commitment to provide support for the work of AI members active in International Scientific Committees (ISC) or National Scientific Committees (NSC).

In August 2011, Australia ICOMOS allocated a fund of up to $5,000 for the 2011-2012 financial year, some of which has already been provided to NSCs and ISCs for events and activities. Some funds are yet to be allocated. Therefore, applications are now invited from Australia ICOMOS members who are also members of an ISC or NSC. Grants will be available to a maximum of $2,000 per annum. Grants are intended for discrete, one-off events, meetings or projects, and will not apply to funding for ongoing programs. Grants may be applied for in consecutive years by any ISC or NSC. Allocation will be competitive.

Eligible activities for the funding program may include, but are not restricted to:

  • An annual meeting of all Australian ISC / NSC members
  • An event for an individual ISC, NSC or group of ISCs
  • Support for an international ISC meeting in Australia (Note: Australia ICOMOS is unable to fund the full extent of such a meeting, however if an international meeting was planned for Australia through other external funding, AI members would be eligible to apply for this fund as a small part of its budget)
  • Discrete projects or programs of works that aim to promote Australian membership of ISCs or NSCs and actively engages with the AI membership
  • Discrete projects or programs of works that allow AI members to support the work of an ISC or NSC and that has some benefit or relevance for Australian members

Procedure for applications for the ISC/NSC Funding Program

  • Any Australia ICOMOS member who is also a member of an ISC or NSC is eligible to apply for a grant
  • The applicant must demonstrate how the grant will broadly benefit the ISC or NSC and, in particular, members of that ISC or NSC in Australia. Priority will not be given to requests where the benefit is to an individual member
  • The grant is not available to cover personal travel expenses to attend ISC or NSC meetings
  • When assessing the merits of a particular application for a grant AI will take into account the nature of the proposal, the potential benefits to the ISC or NSC (in particular to the Australian membership), and the ability of the proposal to actively engage the AI membership
  • As a condition of funding, successful applicants will be expected to submit a written report to the Australia ICOMOS Executive on the project/program awarded funding, and a short version of this report for inclusion in the e-news, so that other members are informed about issues currently under discussion by that ISC or NSC
  • Grant recipients will also be required to provide AI with an acquittal report of the project within one year of the grant being awarded. Copies of receipts or invoices for goods and services must be provided. Any shortfall between the grant and the expenses incurred will need to be returned to Australia ICOMOS

Please email all applications to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB 23 March 2012.


5. Sydney Open lecture series

Sydney Open returns in November 2012. This popular two-day biennial event takes you behind the scenes of your city to discover the secrets of its significant buildings.

Can’t wait until November to start discovering your city? Sydney Open is presenting a series of talks, study groups and walking tours, starting with Talks: House – From bungalows to beach shacks.

For further information and to buy tickets, click here.


6. News from World Monuments Fund

To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.


7. Fellowships available at University of York’s Department of Archaeology

The Queen’s Anniversary Prize-winning Department of Archaeology at the University of York is interested in encouraging post-doctoral scholars to join their research community. By way of encouragement they have a Fellowship Prize  – application deadline 30 March 2012. The Newton Fellowships scheme would be one option for Australian scholars.


8. “Domes in the World”congress – preliminary program now online

The preliminary program for the International Congress “Domes in the World” (19-23 March 2012) is now online on the congress website.

This event has received the prestigious patronage of the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. A large number of other important patrons of notable international status have been received – click here for further information.

The objective of the congress is to collect and compare scientific information about the past and present cultural and spatial significance of domes.

The international participation in the Congress has been very large and on an excellent scientific level. All papers were evaluated and those accepted will be published in the Digital Proceedings (a DVD with ISBN registration) and distributed during the conference as well as published on the official website of the congress.

The Steering Committee has done the selection according to the established evaluation criteria, led by the referees made by the Scientific Committee members: in a first selection were evaluated over 300 abstracts and in a second selection the papers have been evaluated by scholars from many countries around the world.

Finally more than 180 contributions from 28 countries have been accepted for the publication in the congress proceedings. This large number has requested a subdivision and distribution during the congress days in three different moments, according to three parameters:

1) Presentations done by the authors

2) Papers communications, divided into groups of homogeneous content, illustrated and commented on by official referees

3) The Poster session

The main sections of the congress are as follows:

I. Cultural Identity and Symbology

II. Geometrical Genesis, Shape, Survey, Analysis, Documentation

III. The construction Technology: Constructions, Conservation

During the congress collateral events will be organized as three exhibitions, a concert, and so on.

This congress is directed towards professionals and scholars in the fields of architecture, engineering, restoration, mathematics, historical preservation etc. The congress will also be of great interest to enterprises and firms working toward the conservation of historic monuments.


9. New for 2012: part-time Master’s degree in Historic Environment

A new, part-time Master of Studies (MSt) in Historic Environment is being offered by the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education for 2012-14.

This unique postgraduate degree connects archaeological theory and research with modern policy and practice in the management and conservation of landscapes, parks and gardens. It will provide a robust and applied qualification for the historic environment sector.

Who is it for?

The MSt will provide essential knowledge and practical skills for:

  • practitioners and policy-makers working within the historic environment, landscapes, parks and gardens, in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors
  • recent graduates with an interest in developing a career in the field of historic environment
  • volunteers or those working in their own communities with a personal interest in the field

Flexible part-time study

The programme has been designed to be flexible and accessible to those in full- or part-time employment, and to international students. It is studied over two years from September 2012 to July 2014 in short, intensive study blocks of between three and nine days each.

Find out more and apply for your place


10. San Gemini Preservation Studies Program – course application deadline: 15 March


The San Gemini Preservation Studies Program, now in its 13th year, is dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage and offers students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy. The courses offered are listed below:

Building Restoration* (20 May – 16 June 2012)
Introduction to Art and Building Restoration in Italy
Surveying and Analyzing Historic Buildings

Ceramics Restoration (20 May – 16 June 2012)
Introduction to Conservation of Archeological Ceramics
Workshop on Ceramics and Ceramics Conservation in Italy

Traditional Painting Materials & Techniques (1-28  July 2012)
Traditional Painting Methods and Techniques in Italy, including Issues of Weathering and Aging
Restoration Issues and Theory in Italy

Paper Restoration (1-28  July 2012)
Introduction to Paper Restoration
Preservation Theory and Practice in Italy

*Field Projects:
Restoration of the Porta Burgi
Surveying the 12th Century San Giovanni Battista Church complex
Archaeological survey of the public baths in Carsulae

To find out more about their program and review the syllabi, visit the San Gemini Program website. 

The courses are open to students from various disciplines, both undergraduate and graduate. All lessons are taught in English.


11. New title from Council of Europe Publishing

Landscape facets. Reflections and proposals for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention

The European Landscape Convention was adopted under the auspices of the Council of Europe with the aim of promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscape and organising European co-operation in this area. It is the first international treaty covering all aspects of landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the contracting parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It concerns landscapes that might be considered outstanding, commonplace or deteriorated.

Click here for further information and to order a copy.


12. Framing Lives – The 8th Biennial Conference of the International Auto/Biography Association

Framing Lives – The 8th Biennial Conference of the International Auto/Biography Association
17-20 July 2012
Canberra, Australia

Registrations are now open

Visit the conference website for further information.

The Humanities Research Centre and National Centre of Biography at the Australian National University, in partnership with the National Portrait Gallery, present Framing Lives, the 8th Biennial Conference of the International Auto/Biography Association.

The field of auto/biography and life narrative studies is dynamic and interdisciplinary. Founded in 1999, the International Auto/Biography Association (IABA) is the leading international forum for scholars, critics and practitioners. The Framing Lives conference will feature distinguished international speakers and events at the National Portrait Gallery and other national collecting institutions.


13. SITUATIONS VACANT Conservators to Work In Antarctica

Positions Vacant – Conservators to Work In Antarctica
Employer: Antarctic Heritage Trust

Applications for 6 positions listed below are now open. Closing date: 30 March 2012.

For further information and application forms visit the Antarctic Heritage Trust website.

Vacancy: 1 x Lead Summer Conservator 2012/13 (6 month fixed term agreement with the possibility of combining a winter contract to make a twelve month contract in total)

Vacancy: 1 x Summer Timber Conservation Carpenter 2012/13 (6 month fixed term agreement with the possibility of combining a winter contract to make a twelve month contract in total)

Vacancy: 1 x Lead Winter Conservator 2013 (6 month fixed term agreement) Fixed Term Agreement Dates: February 2013 to August 2013 in Antarctica

Vacancy: Winter Conservators 2013 (6 month fixed term agreement) Fixed Term Agreement Dates: February 2013 to August 2013 in Antarctica Positions Available: 2 Conservators, 1 Conservation Carpenter

Email Karen Clarke for further with any queries.

Phone: +64 3 358 0212
Fax: +64 3 358 0244


14. SITUATION VACANT Horticulturalist, Camden Park Historic Gardens, Camden NSW

Unique, part time gardening position overseeing historical sections of the Camden Park Garden

We are seeking an experienced horticulturalist for a new flexible, part time role (approx 2 days per week). This is an active, hands on role, helping with all gardening related aspects of the restoration and ongoing maintenance of an important historic garden.

For further information, download the Camden Park Horticulturalist position description.

Applications close Friday 20 April 2012.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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