Applications sought for membership of the Heritage Council of Victoria
Local Government Heritage Planning and Management Seminar, WA, May 2012
Review of the NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Australian Heritage Week 2012 – Event Registrations are now open
ISCEAH – call for for Expressions of Interest: 12th Terra Conference
‘Houses Awards’ – new Heritage category
News from ICOMOS Documentation Centre
New courses offered by IPPHA
Building Skills Programmes: Romania, June-August 2012
17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
A W Pugin Bi-Centenary Festival
Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft conference – early bird registrations open
News from the Best in Heritage
News from ICCROM
SITUATION VACANT Horticulturalist, Camden Park Historic Gardens, Camden NSW
SITUATIONS VACANT Trustees to the Parramatta Park Trust, 3 part-time vacancies
1. Applications sought for membership of the Heritage Council of Victoria
Advertisements were placed in the metropolitan press on the weekend seeking expressions of interest from individuals who wish to serve on the Heritage Council of Victoria.
The Minister for Planning, the Hon. Matthew Guy MLC, is seeking expressions of interest from:
- individuals with recognised skills in history
- individuals with recognised skills in planning law
- individuals with recognised skills in property management
A total of three people, each with skills in one of these areas will be appointed as full members of the Heritage Council. A further three people will be appointed as alternate members. These appointments will be from 1 July 2012 for three years.
The Minister is also seeking to appoint a person with:
- a demonstrated understanding, expertise or interest in Victoria’s heritage or in the management of heritage places
This person will be appointed as an member or alternate member from 1 July 2012 for two years.
Applications are due on Friday 24 February 2012.
To find out more and to download application documents, visit the DPCD website.
DPCD = Department of Planning and Community Development
2. Local Government Heritage Planning and Management Seminar, WA, May 2012
The Heritage Council of WA’s successful Local Government Heritage Planning and Management Seminar will be held on 3-4 May 2012 and will be hosted by the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes.
This year’s themes are “Historic Towns, Heritage Tourism and Community Heritage”.
For further information and to register, download the HCWA Seminar 2012 form.
3. Review of the NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979
The Issues Paper of the NSW Planning System Review, entitled The way ahead for planning in NSW?, was released for public comment on 6 December 2011. The Paper is the third stage of the review process of the NSW EP&A Act and focuses on questions, concerning issues raised at community forums and stakeholder meetings.
The government has established an independent panel to review the Act, along with the broader NSW planning system. The stated aim of the review is to ‘create a new planning system that meets today’s needs and priorities’. The Minister has appointed Tim Moore, former Minister for the Environment and Senior Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court, and Ron Dyer, former Minister for Community Services, Aged Services and Disability Services and Public Works and Services, to co-chair the review.
Australia ICOMOS is currently preparing a submission to the Issues Paper, and would appreciate any input or comments from members who have views about the Issue Paper and its effectiveness in facilitating the management of our shared heritage. Please email Kerime Danis in the first instance or contact her on (02) 8270 3508, by COB Friday 24 February 2012.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 2 March 2012. The website set up for the Issues Paper can be reached by clicking here.
4. Australian Heritage Week 2012 – Event Registrations are now open
The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities is pleased to advise that a new Australian Heritage Week website and registration system for events to be held over Australian Heritage Week 2012 is now available.
You are invited you to register your Australian Heritage Week event at the Australian Heritage Week website to maximise publicity for the event. The new site has a range of options including: uploading a photo to illustrate your event; selecting the state and region where the event will take place; and the transfer of an event dates to a personal calendar. The system also utilises Google Maps, thus providing more information about the location of your event and assisting visitors to the site when searching for events across the country that they may be interested in attending.
Should you have difficulty in listing your event through the registration system please email the Australian Heritage Week staff for assistance.
5. ISCEAH – call for for Expressions of Interest: 12th Terra Conference
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH)
Call for Expressions of Interest: 12th Terra Conference
Issued: 14 February 2012
Statement of Purpose
The International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH) is issuing this Call for Expressions of Interest to find organizations and countries to promote, host, run and administer the next international conference known as “Terra”. The Terra conference, which occurs every three to five years approximately, is an international conference whose theme relates to the study and conservation of earthen architectural, archaeological and cultural landscape heritage.
Terra 2012 will take place in Lima, Peru over four days, 23-26 April, followed by post-conference tours, and is expected to have an attendance of 500 people. The main theme of Terra 2012 is focused on conservation of earthen architectural heritage against natural disasters and climate change. It is being held in collaboration with the Ibero-American Seminar on Earthen Architecture and Construction (XII SIACOT) and SismoAdobe 2012, as well as under the banner of the 40th anniversary of UNESCO’s World Heritage Convention.
Proposed Conference Schedule
The next Terra conference will be scheduled for 2015 or 2016, depending on the host country’s preference.
For further information, download the 12th Terra Conference leaflet.
6. ‘Houses Awards’ – new Heritage category
The Heritage Council of Victoria is sponsoring a new Heritage category in the ‘Houses Awards’, and applications are now open.
The Heritage category recognises achievement in new works and/or conservation for heritage buildings and associated landscapes for residential use. To be eligible in this category the property must be subject to statutory heritage listing at a local authority or higher level. Entries should primarily describe how the project’s design and conservation works address the heritage significance of the place, and demonstrate excellence in adaptive re-use and/or conservation.
The ‘Houses Awards’ is an annual program celebrating Australia’s best residential architecture. Excellence is rewarded in eight categories, with the best architecturally designed house receiving the premier award of ‘Australian House of the Year’. Presented by Houses magazine, a ‘Houses Award’ is one of Australia’s most sought-after accolades for residential work. Each year, the ‘Houses Award’ entries provide a unique insight into contemporary residential design and the contribution Australia’s architects and designers make to enhance the way we live today. Entries are judged by an eminent panel of architects and designers who are themselves recognised for creating inspirational Australian homes.
Entry submissions will be accepted from Monday 16 January until Friday 30 March 2012. Finalists will be published online by close of business Friday 27 April and all entrants will receive email notification. Awards and commendations will be presented during an awards announcement celebration in July. A full report will be published in the August issue of Houses and details will also be published online in the ‘Houses Awards’ Gallery in July 2012.
There is a total prize pool of $13,000. The winner of the ‘Australian House of the Year Award’ will receive a $5,000 cash prize. Winners of individual award categories will each receive a $1,000 cash prize. There are four levels of award recognition – ‘Australian House of the Year’, category winners, category commendations and finalists.
The categories for 2102 are as follows:
- Australian House of the Year
- New House under 200 square metres
- New House over 200 square metres
- House alteration and addition under 200 metres
- House alteration and addition over 200 metres
- Apartment, Unit or Townhouse
- Heritage (new category)
- Outdoor
The jurors for 2012 have been appointed on the basis of their practical expertise, professional standing and high profile – crucial for credibility. This year the jury consists of:
- Brit Andresen, Professor Emeritus, The University of Queensland (QLD)
- Chris Connell, Director, Chris Connell Design (VIC)
- James Jones, Design Principal, Architectus (VIC)
- Rachel Neeson, Director, Neeson Murcutt Architects (NSW)
- Cameron Bruhn, Editorial Director, Architecture Media (VIC)
Houses is Australia’s leading residential architecture magazine for designers and their clients. Houses presents inspiring residential projects by Australia’s leading architects and designers. These projects reveal the way that a house, through occupation, becomes a home – the architectural ideas, and the people and products behind them. Houses includes extensive pictorial coverage and engaging stories together with floor plans and detailed lists of the products used. It is the only publication to carry endorsements from both the Australian Institute of Architects and the Design Institute of Australia.
For more information, visit the Houses Awards website.
7. News from ICOMOS Documentation Centre
ICOMOS Open Archive
The Open Archive of ICOMOS has been operational for several months. During the General Assembly in Paris, an information and demonstration desk was made available in order to raise the profile of the tool. Now, we warmly encourage you to deposit your scientific works in the system, in order to share the results of your research with your colleagues all over the world.
All practical information (presentation, user guide, features…) is available at the Open Archive.
New bibliographies in the Documentation Centre
The Venice Charter 1964
Text of the “Venice Charter” (International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and sites) with a bibliography based on documents available at the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre.
Intangible Heritage
Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage / Québec declaration on the preservation of the spirit of place / The ICOMOS charter for the interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage sites with a bibliography based on documents available at the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre. (PDF)
World Heritage Historic Gardens
Description of the World Heritage Historic Garden sites with a bibliography based on documents available at the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre.
Water and Cultural Heritage
Bibliography on cultural heritage linked to water areas based on documents available at the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre.
CLICK HERE to down load the above documents.
Documentation Centre blog
Stay informed about heritage by consulting the latest e-newsletters, journals and free electronic publications available on the ICOMOS documentation centre blog.
Exceptional closing of the Documentation Centre
The Documentation Centre will be exceptionally closed to the public from Monday 20 February until Friday 30 March inclusive.
ICOMOS Members wishing to consult our collections are kindly asked to contact the Secretariat in order to arrange an appointment.
We apologize for the inconvenience it may cause to you. Mrs Lucile Smirnov will be happy to welcome you again from April.
In the meantime, we kindly ask you to email the documentation centre only for urgent requests. Thank you for your understanding.
8. New courses offered by IPPHA
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) has some exciting courses coming up before the middle of the year:
- Communities and place: understanding social and aesthetic values in heritage conservation, a one-day skills development workshop on Thursday 26 April 2012
- Cultural Landscapes: current issues and approaches in international practice, a one-day professional update session on Friday 27 April 2012
These much-asked for one-day courses have been scheduled on consecutive days following Anzac Day and leading up to the weekend to make your visit to Canberra worthwhile!
IPPHA is also pleased to offer again the very popular 6-day field-based professional development course at Kosciuszko National Park, run in collaboration with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures, 10-15 April 2012.
Program advance notices can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
- Advance Notice – Social Values
- Advance notice – Cultural landscapes
- Advance notice – Conservation of Buildings and Structures
Registration will be available via the IPPHA website from next week. For further information email Sandy Blair or phone (02) 6125 5887.
9. Building Skills Programmes: Romania, June-August 2012
The dates and curriculums for this year’s series of Building Skills Programmes, presented by the The International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU), have been announced, and full details are now available on the INTBAU website. Courses this year will take place in Mesendorf, a beautiful village with medieval and Saxon architecture in Transylvania, Romania.
- Foundation Programme – 6-20 June 2012
- Intermediate Programme – 11-26 July 2012: Fully Booked!
- Masterclass – 20 August-3 September 2012
Questions can be directed to Aura Woodward.
10. 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2012)
“To Reach and Unveil the Hidden Spirit of the Town: Urban Archaeology and Excavations”
Vienna Austria (City Hall – Wappensaalgruppe)
5 – 7 November 2012
The Urban Archaeology of Vienna and their Co-operation partners would like to invite you to visit the 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2012).
The Call for Papers, Posters and Video Clips will be opened on 1 March 2012
You will find more information at the conference website from 29 February 2012.
11. A W Pugin Bi-Centenary Festival
Pugin Bi-Centenary
Thursday 1 March 2012 marks the bi-centenary of A W Pugin’s birth. The Pugin Foundation is acknowledging this highly significant milestone with a Pugin Bi-centenary Festival. The Festival will extend from Thursday 1 March to Friday 9 March and will be centred on Tasmania where the largest, most coherent and most complete heritage of his buildings and objects in Australia is to be found. We hope you will help us to mark Pugin’s Bi-centenary in a manner befitting the extraordinary influence of this giant of nineteenth-century design.
The following is the list of celebrations and activities:
- A free illustrated public lecture by award-winning Pugin scholar Brian Andrews entitled ‘Pugin’s Australian Heritage’ in the St Mary’s Cathedral Centre, Hobart, on Thursday evening 1 March at 7.30pm.
- A small display of Pugin metalwork, textiles, books and stone carving from 3 to 9 March, between 2pm and 4pm each day, in the magnificent domed top floor of the newly-completed St Mary’s Cathedral Centre, Hobart.
- An organ recital by composer, musicologist and organist Dom Alban Nunn OSB in St Mary’s Cathedral, Hobart, on Friday evening 2 March at 7.30pm. The recital will feature works from the late medieval period which Pugin so admired as well as works from his own century.
- A concert by the Hobart Chamber Orchestra, conducted by noted Australian violinist Peter Tanfield, in St John the Evangelist’s Church, Richmond, on Saturday afternoon 3 March, at 2.00pm. This concert will feature works played during Pugin’s lifetime.
- A concert by the Choir of Newman College within the University of Melbourne, directed by Gary Ekkel, in St Mary’s Cathedral, Hobart, on Saturday evening 3 March,at 7.30pm.
- A Missa Cantata in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Traditional Latin Mass) in St Patrick’s Church, Colebrook, on Sunday 4 March at 10.00AM, with the Choir of Newman College within the University of Melbourne. The setting will be William Byrd’s Mass for 5 voices, with the Propers for the Second Sunday in Lent in Sarum and Gregorian chant (for details click here). Note that because seating is very limited in St Patrick’s the Mass will be ticketed. Tickets will be offered in the first instance to our Friends of Pugin and their families and then to Richmond parishioners (St Patrick’s lies within Richmond Parish). The Mass will be followed by:
Tickets for the concerts and recitals can be purchased online from Centertainment, Hobart, by phone on (03) 6234 5998 or at their booking office, 53 Elizabeth Mall, Hobart, Tasmania.
For further details visit the Pugin Foundation website.
12. Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft conference – early bird registrations open
In May 2012, the Australian National Maritime Museum will host a two-day national conference on Australian indigenous watercraft, entitled Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft.
This first major conference exploring the watercraft of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will bring together people from all over Australia to share their knowledge, skills and stories. Over two days, we will explore Australia’s Indigenous watercraft through talks, demonstrations, performances and workshops.
Early bird registrations now open
Delegate registrations for the Nawi conference are now open. Register before 31 March and receive the early bird rate.
Wednesday 30 May
Evening welcome function
Thursday 31 May – Friday 1 June
Conference program
Conference location
Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney
Delegate fees
Early bird (before 31 March) $220
Concession rate $165
Full rate $275
For further information, visit the conference website.
13. News from the Best in Heritage
New videos available on YouTube
Eight new video presentations from “The Best in Heritage 2011” are available on their YouTube channel, including the presentation of “Museum of Contraception and Abortion” from Vienna, laureate of the Kenneth Hudson Award and voted as the Best formal presentation by their audience in 2011.
The Best in Heritage 2012 – 27 to 29 September
The Best in Heritage 2012 program will feature some of the most innovative, professionally advanced and inspiring projects from the world. Newsletters will feature basic information on some of these award-winning projects, which will be featured in September in Dubrovnik. More about the program.
Museum of Broken Relationships
The Museum of Broken Relationships from Zagreb is a winner of the Kenneth Hudson Award 2011, an award from European Museum Forum, who rates the importance of public quality and innovation as fundamental elements of a successful museum. This museum encourages discussion and reflection not only on the fragility of human relationships but also on the political, social and cultural circumstances surrounding the stories being told. The museum respects the audience capacity for understanding wider historical, social issues inherent to different cultures and identities and provides a catharsis for donors on a more personal level.
Antwerp Central Station
Recipient of Europa Nostra Grand Prix 2011 in the category of Conservation, Antwerp Central Station, has been the “Railway Cathedral” for two centuries. The National Belgian Railway Company, SNCB-Holding, took up the challenge to transform the 1905 station into one meeting 2010 technological requirements and social needs, while still respecting its cultural heritage. The monumental architecture of the station has been painstakingly restored and integrated within a new structure by the architects, creating a dynamic blend of old and new, of stone, and brick and concrete.
The Kizhi State Open-Air Museum of Cultural History and Architecture
The KIZHI museum is one of the largest open-air museums in Russia. This is an unique historical, cultural and natural complex enlisted on the Code of the Most Significant Cultural Heritage Sites of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. The basis of the museum collection is the architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO. Since 2004 two exhibition halls, Infocentre, research library, children’s school “Kizhi palette” located in the historical buildings in the City of Petrozavodsk, are opened for the visitors. In 2011 the Museum was awarded with the Intermuseum Grand Prix.
14.News from ICCROM
To view the February 2012 news from ICCROM, click here.
15. SITUATION VACANT Horticulturalist, Camden Park Historic Gardens, Camden NSW
Unique, part time gardening position overseeing historical sections of the Camden Park Garden
We are seeking an experienced horticulturalist for a new flexible, part time role (approx 2 days per week). This is an active, hands on role, helping with all gardening related aspects of the restoration and ongoing maintenance of an important historic garden.
For further information, download the Camden Park Horticulturalist position description.
Applications close Friday 20 April 2012.
16. SITUATIONS VACANT Trustees to the Parramatta Park Trust, 3 part-time vacancies
Expressions of interest have been called for persons interested in filling three part-time vacancies on the Parramatta Park Trust.
Individuals interested in nominating for a position on the Trust are invited to submit an expression of interest outlining their skills and experience and addressing the appointment criteria to:
The Director Parramatta Park Trust
PO Box 232
Parramatta NSW 2124
Closing Date: 5 pm, 28 February 2012
For information on appointment criteria and the Parramatta Park Trust go to the Parramatta Park website and the Parramatta Park Trust website.
Enquiries: Christopher Levins, Director Parramatta Park Trust on (02) 8833 5002.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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