Applications sought for membership of the Heritage Council of Victoria
Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
Review of the NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Longford Academy 2012 (LA3)
Nominations are now open for the 2012 Western Australian Heritage Awards
‘Houses Awards’ – new Heritage category
PLANET (PLAnning NETwork) Professional Development Program
New courses offered by IPPHA
Heritage Grants announcement
Fourth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop – abstract deadline extended
A W Pugin Bi-Centenary Festival
Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft conference, May 2012
Preparing World Heritage Nominations (Second Edition 2011) – Resource Manual
SITUATION VACANT Chief Executive Officer, Wurundjeri Tribe Land Compensation and Cultural Heritage Council Incorporated
SITUATION VACANT Coordinator of Heritage, City of Fremantle
1. Applications sought for membership of the Heritage Council of Victoria
Advertisements were placed in the metropolitan press on the weekend seeking expressions of interest from individuals who wish to serve on the Heritage Council of Victoria.
The Minister for Planning, the Hon. Matthew Guy MLC, is seeking expressions of interest from:
- individuals with recognised skills in history
- individuals with recognised skills in planning law
- individuals with recognised skills in property management
A total of three people, each with skills in one of these areas will be appointed as full members of the Heritage Council. A further three people will be appointed as alternate members. These appointments will be from 1 July 2012 for three years.
The Minister is also seeking to appoint a person with:
- a demonstrated understanding, expertise or interest in Victoria’s heritage or in the management of heritage places
This person will be appointed as an member or alternate member from 1 July 2012 for two years.
Applications are due on Friday 24 February 2012.
To find out more and to download application documents, visit the DPCD website.
DPCD = Department of Planning and Community Development
2. Australia ICOMOS – Sydney Talk Series
Australia ICOMOS cordially invites you to the first of a regular talk series organised by a small band of its NSW members, to be held regularly on the last Thursday of each month. The aim is to facilitate and encourage lively discussion about local and international issues across all disciplines of conservation practice. If you have any ideas for future talks, please do not hesitate to email Anita Krivickas.
New Buildings in an Old Country – Madrid, Toledo and Valladolid

Prior to last year’s General Assembly in Paris, Oz ICOMOS members Sheri Burke, Jyoti Somerville and Bob Moore attended the June conference of the ICOMOS 20th Century International Scientific Committee in Madrid, sponsored and hosted by Madrid University (ETSAM). The theme of the conference, the making of interventions in 20th Century heritage places, could draw brilliantly on Spain’s rich post-Franco architectural culture, which reflects the country’s open re-engagement with contemporary issues and emergence as a design powerhouse.
Bob Moore – an architect and first time visitor to Spain – would like to share some thoughts and images of places which support ICOMOS’ thesis that 20th (and 21st) century interventions in sites and towns of complex heritage significance can be as meaningful and rewarding as those of preceding periods. Sheri Burke will add a post script about the Madrid Document, now open for comment, which is travelling the road toward ICOMOS doctrine.
Members of the public are welcome!
Time & Date: Thursday 23rd February 2012, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $5, non-members $10, payable at the door. Wine and nibbles will be provided.
Venue: Godden Mackay Logan, 78 George Street, Redfern
RSVP: email Jane Vernon or call (02) 9319 4811
3. Review of the NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979
The Issues Paper of the NSW Planning System Review, entitled The way ahead for planning in NSW?, was released for public comment on 6 December 2011. The Paper is the third stage of the review process of the NSW EP&A Act and focuses on questions, concerning issues raised at community forums and stakeholder meetings.
The government has established an independent panel to review the Act, along with the broader NSW planning system. The stated aim of the review is to ‘create a new planning system that meets today’s needs and priorities’. The Minister has appointed Tim Moore, former Minister for the Environment and Senior Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court, and Ron Dyer, former Minister for Community Services, Aged Services and Disability Services and Public Works and Services, to co-chair the review.
Australia ICOMOS is currently preparing a submission to the Issues Paper, and would appreciate any input or comments from members who have views about the Issue Paper and its effectiveness in facilitating the management of our shared heritage. Please email Kerime Danis in the first instance or contact her on (02) 8270 3508, by COB Friday 24 February 2012.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 2 March 2012. The website set up for the Issues Paper can be reached by clicking here.
4. Longford Academy 2012 (LA3)
Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Longford, Tasmania
14 – 18 May 2012
The ‘Longford Academy’ (LA3) is the third in a series of advanced residential short courses on the conservation of traditional structures and heritage collections held at Woolmers and Brickendon Estates at Longford in Tasmania (World Heritage inscribed) to be staged by the APT Australasia Chapter. The course presenters are APT conservation experts in the subjects presented in the course.
The model of the course is collaborative learning and interactive professional development — participants share their acquired knowledge and collaborate in tutorials and practical hands-on activities. The theme in 2012 at LA3 is conservation quality and sustainability. Participants will:
- relax and learn in an environment rich in history in a cultural landscape of World Heritage significance
- investigate significant fabric, finishes and heritage collections
- gain valuable understandings on how to deal with complex challenges and obtain quality conservation outcomes
The tuition fee of $1,200 ($900 for full-time students and APT members) covers all LA3 activities, refreshments and lunches. Accommodation, which is available on site at Woolmers Estate and Brickendon Historic Farming Village, is an additional cost. Places may be restricted.
Course bookings can be made via this online form. For further information, contact the convenor, Donald Ellsmore by email or on mobile 0411 165 011.
Download the flyer for Longford Academy 3 to be held 14-18 May 2012.
Read about Longford Academy 2 held in May 2011.
Click here for more information on the APT Australasia Chapter.
5. Nominations are now open for the 2012 Western Australian Heritage Awards
Now in its 20th year, these prestigious annual awards are widely recognised as highlighting best practice in conservation, adaptive reuse, tourism, interpretation and promotion of State Registered heritage places. All finalists will be invited to attend a gala cocktail function at Government House Ballroom in the presence of the Governor of Western Australia, His Excellency Mr Malcolm McCusker AO CVO QC on Tuesday 17 April 2012, where the award winners will be announced.
This year, outstanding Western Australian conservation and adaptive reuse projects will be showcased in the Asia-Pacific region through cooperation between the Office of Heritage and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Nominations close Friday 2 March.
For more information visit the Heritage Council of WA website.
6. ‘Houses Awards’ – new Heritage category
The Heritage Council of Victoria is sponsoring a new Heritage category in the ‘Houses Awards’, and applications are now open.
The Heritage category recognises achievement in new works and/or conservation for heritage buildings and associated landscapes for residential use. To be eligible in this category the property must be subject to statutory heritage listing at a local authority or higher level. Entries should primarily describe how the project’s design and conservation works address the heritage significance of the place, and demonstrate excellence in adaptive re-use and/or conservation.
The ‘Houses Awards’ is an annual program celebrating Australia’s best residential architecture. Excellence is rewarded in eight categories, with the best architecturally designed house receiving the premier award of ‘Australian House of the Year’. Presented by Houses magazine, a ‘Houses Award’ is one of Australia’s most sought-after accolades for residential work. Each year, the ‘Houses Award’ entries provide a unique insight into contemporary residential design and the contribution Australia’s architects and designers make to enhance the way we live today. Entries are judged by an eminent panel of architects and designers who are themselves recognised for creating inspirational Australian homes.
Entry submissions will be accepted from Monday 16 January until Friday 30 March 2012. Finalists will be published online by close of business Friday 27 April and all entrants will receive email notification. Awards and commendations will be presented during an awards announcement celebration in July. A full report will be published in the August issue of Houses and details will also be published online in the ‘Houses Awards’ Gallery in July 2012.
There is a total prize pool of $13,000. The winner of the ‘Australian House of the Year Award’ will receive a $5,000 cash prize. Winners of individual award categories will each receive a $1,000 cash prize. There are four levels of award recognition – ‘Australian House of the Year’, category winners, category commendations and finalists.
The categories for 2102 are as follows:
- Australian House of the Year
- New House under 200 square metres
- New House over 200 square metres
- House alteration and addition under 200 metres
- House alteration and addition over 200 metres
- Apartment, Unit or Townhouse
- Heritage (new category)
- Outdoor
The jurors for 2012 have been appointed on the basis of their practical expertise, professional standing and high profile – crucial for credibility. This year the jury consists of:
- Brit Andresen, Professor Emeritus, The University of Queensland (QLD)
- Chris Connell, Director, Chris Connell Design (VIC)
- James Jones, Design Principal, Architectus (VIC)
- Rachel Neeson, Director, Neeson Murcutt Architects (NSW)
- Cameron Bruhn, Editorial Director, Architecture Media (VIC)
Houses is Australia’s leading residential architecture magazine for designers and their clients. Houses presents inspiring residential projects by Australia’s leading architects and designers. These projects reveal the way that a house, through occupation, becomes a home – the architectural ideas, and the people and products behind them. Houses includes extensive pictorial coverage and engaging stories together with floor plans and detailed lists of the products used. It is the only publication to carry endorsements from both the Australian Institute of Architects and the Design Institute of Australia.
For more information, visit the Houses Awards website.
7. PLANET (PLAnning NETwork) Professional Development Program
The Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) has recently released its 2012 PLANET Professional Development Program calendar and course booklet.
PLANET (PLAnning NETwork) is the professional development and training program designed for planning professionals and other users of Victoria’s planning system.
Courses on offer include (amongst many):
- Recognising Architectural Styles (presented by David Rowe)
- Cultural Heritage Management Plans: Working with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006
A full list of courses and further details is available on the PLANET page of the DPCD website.
8. New courses offered by IPPHA
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) has some exciting courses coming up before the middle of the year:
- Communities and place: understanding social and aesthetic values in heritage conservation, a one-day skills development workshop on Thursday 26 April 2012
- Cultural Landscapes: current issues and approaches in international practice, a one-day professional update session on Friday 27 April 2012
These much-asked for one-day courses have been scheduled on consecutive days following Anzac Day and leading up to the weekend to make your visit to Canberra worthwhile!
IPPHA is also pleased to offer again the very popular 6-day field-based professional development course at Kosciuszko National Park, run in collaboration with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures, 10-15 April 2012.
Program advance notices can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
- Advance Notice – Social Values
- Advance notice – Cultural landscapes
- Advance notice – Conservation of Buildings and Structures
Registration will be available via the IPPHA website from next week. For further information email Sandy Blair or phone (02) 6125 5887.
9. Heritage Grants announcement
Heritage Grants were recently announced by local members, before a full list was released.
For further information and details of all the grants, click here.
10. Fourth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop – abstract deadline extended
Fourth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop
Living Smart by Design
Bandung, Indonesia
5-7 July 2012
Call for Papers – EXTENDED: Abstracts due by 20 FEBRUARY 2012
Arte-Polis 4 builds on the successes of previous Arte-Polis international conferences and design workshops in 2006, 2008 and 2010. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is proud to present in 2012 an international conference and workshop with the theme “Creative Connectivity and the Making of Place: Living Smart by Design”. This biennial event is an initiative of the Architecture Program at ITB’s School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development in collaboration with other creative institutions. Besides referring to a network society, connectivity with regards to living smart by design can be linked to creatively connecting different actors in society (community, business, government, academia); the past, present and future; culture, economy and place; the collaboration between art, media and technology; theory and practice; the informal and formal; education, research and industry; as well as the design, planning, and management of livable environments.
The aim of Arte-Polis 4 is to connect together practitioners, academics, community leaders, government officials, policy-makers, artists and other creative professionals from diverse disciplines and regions around the world concerned with the quality of life and connected nature of creative communities in urban, rural and pastoral places. Its objective is to share and learn from international and local experiences regarding current issues, best practices and policy implications of creative connectivity on place-making.
Further details can be found in the Arte-Polis 4 Conference & Workshop poster.
11. A W Pugin Bi-Centenary Festival
Pugin Bi-Centenary
Thursday 1 March 2012 marks the bi-centenary of A W Pugin’s birth. The Pugin Foundation is acknowledging this highly significant milestone with a Pugin Bi-centenary Festival. The Festival will extend from Thursday 1 March to Friday 9 March and will be centred on Tasmania where the largest, most coherent and most complete heritage of his buildings and objects in Australia is to be found. We hope you will help us to mark Pugin’s Bi-centenary in a manner befitting the extraordinary influence of this giant of nineteenth-century design.
The following is the list of celebrations and activities:
- A free illustrated public lecture by award-winning Pugin scholar Brian Andrews entitled ‘Pugin’s Australian Heritage’ in the St Mary’s Cathedral Centre, Hobart, on Thursday evening 1 March at 7.30pm.
- A small display of Pugin metalwork, textiles, books and stone carving from 3 to 9 March, between 2pm and 4pm each day, in the magnificent domed top floor of the newly-completed St Mary’s Cathedral Centre, Hobart.
- An organ recital by composer, musicologist and organist Dom Alban Nunn OSB in St Mary’s Cathedral, Hobart, on Friday evening 2 March at 7.30pm. The recital will feature works from the late medieval period which Pugin so admired as well as works from his own century.
- A concert by the Hobart Chamber Orchestra, conducted by noted Australian violinist Peter Tanfield, in St John the Evangelist’s Church, Richmond, on Saturday afternoon 3 March, at 2.00pm. This concert will feature works played during Pugin’s lifetime.
- A concert by the Choir of Newman College within the University of Melbourne, directed by Gary Ekkel, in St Mary’s Cathedral, Hobart, on Saturday evening 3 March,at 7.30pm.
- A Missa Cantata in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Traditional Latin Mass) in St Patrick’s Church, Colebrook, on Sunday 4 March at 10.00AM, with the Choir of Newman College within the University of Melbourne. The setting will be William Byrd’s Mass for 5 voices, with the Propers for the Second Sunday in Lent in Sarum and Gregorian chant (for details click here). Note that because seating is very limited in St Patrick’s the Mass will be ticketed. Tickets will be offered in the first instance to our Friends of Pugin and their families and then to Richmond parishioners (St Patrick’s lies within Richmond Parish). The Mass will be followed by:
Tickets for the concerts and recitals can be purchased online from Centertainment, Hobart, by phone on (03) 6234 5998 or at their booking office, 53 Elizabeth Mall, Hobart, Tasmania.
For further details visit the Pugin Foundation website.
12. Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft conference, May 2012
In May 2012, the Australian National Maritime Museum will host a two-day national conference on Australian indigenous watercraft, entitled Nawi – Exploring Australia’s indigenous watercraft.
Nawi is an Aboriginal word recorded by early colonists to describe the bark canoes that plied Sydney Harbour.
This first major conference on the watercraft of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, seeks to bring together practitioners and theorists from a range of institutions, groups, communities and individuals interested in the history, conservation, construction, interpretation and presentation of Australia’s indigenous watercraft. Demonstrations and talks by traditional canoe builders and people engaged in reviving traditional canoe building practices and knowledge will be a highlight.
For further information, visit the conference website.
13. Preparing World Heritage Nominations (Second Edition 2011) – Resource Manual
The second edition of this resource manual is now available on the World Heritage Centre website – click here to download.
14. SITUATION VACANT Chief Executive Officer, Wurundjeri Tribe Land Compensation and Cultural Heritage Council Incorporated
- Professional Not-for Profit Organisation
- Community & Capacity Building Emphasis
- Attractive Remuneration Package
The Wurundjeri Tribe Land Compensation and Cultural Heritage Council Incorporated represents the traditional Indigenous people of the Melbourne and greater Melbourne region. Over the past 6 years the Council has transformed into a thriving organisation employing over 40 staff across 9 major program areas.
The Council works to strengthen the Wurundjeri community and to protect and advance the social, economic and political interests of the Wurundjeri people. Through its efforts in cultural heritage management, community education, ceremony and wellbeing initiatives, the Council aims to keep Wurundjeri culture alive and its cultural places protected for future generations. The Council has statutory responsibilities as a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) under the Aboriginal Heritage Act and operates as the busiest RAP in Victoria.
The CEO’s role will be to continue to develop the cultural and business activities and aspirations of this community-based organisation by:
- Providing leadership in the planning and delivery of the Council’s strategic directions and goals
- Managing an office and field-based workforce of over 40 staff members
- Building organisational capability and supporting the Committee of Management to fulfill its governance functions.
- Ensuring Council meets its statutory functions
- Building quality relationships with a diverse group of stakeholders
The Wurundjeri Council is seeking an energetic professional with the following skills and qualities:
- experience in senior management, preferably in a not for profit community based organisation
- knowledge of or experience working with Aboriginal communities
- ability to lead complex teams and work with diverse stakeholders
- experience managing administrative, statutory, governance and Government processes
- quality interpersonal skills & skilled at managing conflict
In return you have the opportunity to play a pivotal role in the development of a well established and highly regarded Aboriginal organization and in the growth of the Wurundjeri Land Council and its people.
For a confidential discussion please contact Greg Halse (03 9862 5900) or click here to apply as soon as possible.
15. SITUATION VACANT Coordinator of Heritage, City of Fremantle
The City of Fremantle is seeking an experienced Heritage and Conservation professional to join its Planning and Development Services team. Fremantle is internationally recognised as a place of exceptional heritage significance, and this key leadership role will be the principal officer responsible for all aspects of heritage management and planning within the City. The position holder will be responsible for the provision of professional advice to Council, City management and the broader community, as well assessment of development proposals, advice on building conservation and management and supervision of other heritage staff.
We are seeking a well qualified and experienced, and highly credentialed heritage professional, with excellent communication and management skills.
Click here for further information on this opportunity.
Applications close 24 February 2012.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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