International Polar Heritage Committee Conference, Hobart, 9-11 March 2012
2011 Commonwealth State of the Environment Report
Digital Culture in Australia – outcome of national consultation
National Trust of Australia (WA) seeks heritage consultants
Streetwise Asia – Christmas Cards
Inaugural Asian Academy for Heritage Management Asia-Pacific Regional Conference
ICOMOS 2014 General Assembly to be held in Florence
Heritage goes mobile
Global Heritage Review (GHR) Volume 4, 2011 bulletin – available online
8th International Conference SAHC 2012 conference – abstract deadline extended
ICCROM Annual Report available online
Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management
Port Arthur’s Ticket of Leave E-Newsletter available online
Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
News on the Belitung Shipwreck
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
SITUATION VACANT Assistant Professor, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, University of Pennsylvania, School of Design
SITUATION VACANT Research Assistant Professor (Project Manager), University of Western Australia
SITUATION VACANT Postdoctoral Research Fellow,University of Queensland
1. International Polar Heritage Committee Conference, Hobart, 9-11 March 2012
The International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC), a scientific committee of ICOMOS, is holding its next meeting and conference in Hobart at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery from 9–12 March 2012. This group brings together polar heritage experts from all over the world. Australian heritage consultants and conservators have played a significant role in the conservation of Antarctic heritage over the last decade and this conference, which is open to anyone, provides a great opportunity to engage with the issues at an expert level. The conference also coincides with the centenary of the announcement in Hobart by Raold Amundsen that he had reached the South Pole, which will be re-enacted on 11 March 2012.
To register and for further details, visit the conference website, the IPHC website or email Julian Bickersteth, the recently elected President of IPHC and conference organiser. The conference is being supported financially by Australia ICOMOS.
2. 2011 Commonwealth State of the Environment Report
The fourth national assessment of the state of Australia’s environment was launched on 12 December by the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, the Hon Tony Burke MP.
Written by an independent committee of experts, the report covers nine aspects of the Australian environment – atmosphere, inland water, land, marine environment, Antarctic environment, biodiversity, heritage, built environment and coasts. Richard Mackay AM was responsible for the heritage chapter.
The report is available at from here.
Key findings – Heritage
Our extraordinary and diverse natural and cultural heritage generally remains in good condition
Australia is a complex, layered natural and cultural landscape in which unique geodiversity and biodiversity provide the palette for an ancient Indigenous culture and two centuries of post-colonial settlement history. Our heritage can be experienced at different levels and through different encounters: at grand and minute scales, in both tangible and intangible ways. The current condition and integrity of Australia’s listed heritage generally appear to be good, with some deterioration evident over recent years. However, it is challenging to draw a single cohesive conclusion about the condition of Australia’s natural and cultural heritage, given the diverse and fragmented nature of available information.
Australia is recognised internationally for leadership in heritage management
We have a range of well-resolved processes for identification, protection, management and celebration of our heritage that should reduce pressures, minimise risk and retain those values that make our heritage places special.
Our heritage is being threatened by natural and human processes and a lack of public sector resourcing that does not reflect the true value of heritage to the Australian community
The nation’s protected natural and cultural resource does not include all the places with heritage value, nor is it truly representative. Management and protection of Australia’s heritage is under-resourced and, despite our internationally recognised processes, the systems used to manage our heritage are cumbersome. This is out of line with community perceptions of heritage value. Consequently, our heritage is at great risk from the impacts of climate change, threats arising from development, and pressures that flow from population growth.
Improvement will require change
The future for Australia’s heritage will depend on government leadership in two key areas: undertaking thorough and comprehensive assessments that lead to adequate areas of protected land and comprehensive heritage inventories, and changing heritage management paradigms and resource allocation in response to emerging threats.
3. Digital Culture in Australia – outcome of national consultation
The NSW Office of Environment & Heritage recently conducted a national consultation relating to Digital Culture in Australia. This consultation was a subset of the National Cultural Policy consultation, and focused on all things digital.
The outcome of the consultation, submitted to the National Cultural Policy Taskforce, can be found by clicking here.
4. National Trust of Australia (WA) seeks heritage consultants
The National Trust of Australia (WA) is seeking consultants for concept and content development for a walk trail through Cottesloe, WA, in conjunction with the Curtin Family Home. The proposed walk trail aims to increase year-round interpretation of the Curtin family, their home, their connections with the surrounding suburbs and the development of Cottesloe in the early part of the 20th century.
The project will make use of state of the art technology to give visitors the ability to interact in an engaging way with the technology and the environment and provide them with layers of information that they can explore before they take the walk, on the walk or at a later time.
The project is part of a submission to the Your Community Heritage grants program. Submissions are due on Friday 16 December 2011.
Please email Anne Brake or contact her on (08) 9212 1116 for a brief and further details.
5. Streetwise Asia – Christmas Cards
Your Christmas card shopping this year can make a real difference by supporting the third heritage school project being undertaken by Streetwise Asia to upgrade a heritage school in Canayaon, Bohol, in the Philippines.
Streetwise Asia is committed to improving the educational facilities of poor children in Asia. School communities are transformed when facilities are improved. By purchasing a gift card (with hand crafted sketch of the Canayaon School on coloured card), you will be contributing to this Streetwise Asia 2012 project. Last Christmas over $3,000 was raised from the sale of cards which supported the 2011 school project. In 2012, Streetwise Asia is again assisting a very poor school with over 500 students who currently occupy a heritage timber school building, which is in very poor condition. In 2010 and 2011 together with AusAID we have completed two life changing school projects at the Kuguita School on Camiguin Island, and Tocdog School in Bohol both in the Philippines.

We will send you hand crafted Christmas cards corresponding to each gift. Your total purchase price will be a donation to the Streetwise Asia Fund, and is therefore Tax Deductible. All proceeds go to the project – there are no administrative costs taken out of the fund.
The Streetwise Asia Christmas card ORDER FORM 2011 can be used to select your cards. Each card contains a specific note about the project related to your gift. Cards will be posted within 72 hours of receipt of order. Your tax deductible receipt will be included with your Xmas cards.
The Streetwise Asia – Heritage School Restoration Projects in the Philippines shows how Streetwise Projects money has been effectively spent in the past.
Any queries, email Streetwise Asia Fund Coordinator Elizabeth Vines or call her on (08) 8362 6399 (work hours).
6. Inaugural Asian Academy for Heritage Management Asia-Pacific Regional Conference
The Inaugural Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM) Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage was held from 8-12 November 2011 in Manila, Philippines.
The conference was hosted by the National Museum of Philippines, who organized catering and graciously allowed free access to museum theatres and galleries.
The conference aimed to:
- Exchange and disseminate information about underwater cultural heritage in Asia and the countries of the Indian and Pacific Oceans
- Facilitate professional development for underwater archaeologists and underwater cultural heritage managers in the Asia-Pacific region
- Provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas about and approaches to underwater cultural heritage and underwater archaeology
- Publish the proceedings both online and in print and disseminate to a wide audience
To read more, download the AAHM Asia-Pacific Regional Conference – final press release.
7. ICOMOS 2014 General Assembly to be held in Florence
At the end of the XVII ICOMOS General Assembly, held in Paris from November 27 to December 1, the ICOMOS Executive Committee accepted the proposal made by the President of ICOMOS Italy, Maurizio Stefano, to hold the next General Assembly of ICOMOS in Florence (7-15 November 2014), with the title Heritage and Landscape as Drivers of Human Rights.
During the presentation President Di Stefano repeatedly thanked the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation-Life Beyond Tourism for the cooperation received during the preparation of the application.
The Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation-Life Beyond Tourism would like to express its gratitude to President Stefano for his level of confidence in the Foundation, as well as all the Italian and Florentine institutions who contributed to the achievement of this prestigious international recognition.
From now, the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation-Life Beyond Tourism invites all professors and experts from the universities and institutions of its international network to participate in this very prestigious congress, that will address the following themes:
a) Historical urban landscape as human driver of development
b) Cultural heritage within the development of the dialogue among cultures through travel and hospitality (theme directly suggested by the Foundation)
c) OUV for the world Heritage Sites
d) First 50s of the Venice Charter between universality and specificity within the debate on paradigm shift
e) The themes of prosperity of towns and their historical centres: balancing, equity and cultural value
See the video of the announcement of the candidacy of Florence here.
8. Heritage goes mobile
Minister for Planning Matthew Guy recently (14 December) launched Vic-Heritage, a new iPhone app enabling users to locate places on the Victorian Heritage Register across the state.
“The Vic-Heritage app will put heritage information at your fingertips,” Mr Guy said at the launch at the former Customs House which is now the Immigration Museum.
“It will enable users to explore the architectural and historical gems of Melbourne and regional Victoria, go on tours, and to add their own content.
Mr Guy said the app would provide a boost to heritage tourism across the state. Visitors to any town can search ‘Near Me’ and receive a map and list of heritage places nearby, or they can search by place name, address, or architect or type of building.
“Victoria has so many historic towns and regions: places rich with gold mining stories, tales of early selectors and early timber and other industrial pursuits. Buildings in many towns reflect the boom times and some of the poorer times.
“The reminders of these stories are part of our diverse heritage. The app will provide information on all the places included in the Victorian Heritage Register, giving details of the original owners, architects and use, as well as why it is significant.
“The Vic-Heritage app will be valuable to locals and travellers alike who are interested in understanding how and why an area has developed. Even your morning commute can be enhanced by learning about the significant heritage places en route.”
The app has been developed by the Heritage Council of Victoria and Heritage Victoria with support from the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.
Several heritage tours are also included in the app, including some audio walking tours which include further information from architects or owners and link a range of very different styles in one area. These will be added to in the future.
Mr Guy said the Victorian Heritage Register was the official listing of the more than 2000 places and objects which had been assessed as significant to the State of Victoria. The listing provides the State’s highest heritage protection
The Vic-Heritage app is free to download and the perfect companion for anyone with an interest in architecture and design, history and heritage.
The app can be downloaded from here.
9. Global Heritage Review (GHR) Volume 4, 2011 bulletin – available online
To view Volume 4 of the GHR bulletin, click here.
10. 8th International Conference SAHC 2012 conference – abstract deadline extended
Due to a huge interest and many queries and requests, the deadline for abstract submission for the 8th International Conference SAHC (Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions) 2012 has been extended until the 20 January 2012. Consequently the deadline for Notification of Provisional Acceptances has been extended to 31 January 2012.
For further information, visit the conference website.
Any questions can be directed to the Conference Secretariat:
Jerzy Jasienko
Charmain of Conference SAHC 2012
Association of Monument Conservators (SKZ)
Lower Silesian Branch
ul. Świdnicka 31
50-066 Wrocław, POLAND
11. ICCROM Annual Report available online
To read about the activities that were carried out by ICCROM over the last year, including their many worldwide courses, exciting new projects such as RE-ORG, updates of our interns and fellows, and much more, click on the link below.
12. Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management
ICAHM (International Scientific Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management) is delighted to announce its new book series, which is being published by Springer Press. Books will appear simultaneously in print in soft cover and on-line within 8-12 weeks of final manuscript receipt.
Volumes will be 50-125 typeset pages (20,000 to 45,000 words), including images and references. The series is ideal for scholars whose manuscript is too long for an article yet too brief for a full-length book. We welcome single authored, co-authored, or edited submissions. Each volume is peer-reviewed.
Further information is available from here and also in the ICAHM Book Series Prospectus Guidelines.
13. Port Arthur’s Ticket of Leave E-Newsletter available online
To read the latest news from Port Arthur, click here.
14. Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions, approved and financially sponsored by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Programme, are open to 20 January 2012.
This Masters Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4000 to 24000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
The Consortium is also available to provide Erasmus Mundus International Fellowships to outstanding non-European scholars for teaching and research activities for a period of up to three months.
The SAHC leaflet can be downloaded from here.
Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as electronic application procedure, on the website.
15. News on the Belitung Shipwreck
Recently, Freer/Sackler (F/S) director Julian Raby convened another round of talks on the Belitung Shipwreck exhibit.
There were about 35 attendees (participants, moderators, presenters, observers) from all sides, interest groups and geographical locations, and the maritime preservation interests (both archaeology and museum) were very well represented.
By lunchtime of the first day, there was a rather large surprise. A unanimous consensus was reached, recommending that the Belitung Wreck be revisited, and that the remains left behind by the salvors be completely excavated scientifically and made available to the world. It was further agreed that the best people to take on the fieldwork is the SE Asians themselves (assuming the proper infrastructure, resources and training), funded by the Smithsonian’s F/S. Dr. Raby has already been in touch with a major funding source that has indicated strong interest in assisting the project, and there are also significant Smithsonian financial resources available for a pan-institutional, multi-disciplinary project of this nature and scope. UNESCO has pledged its support and has already contacted officials within the Indonesian government to assist in the permitting and planning process.
The original exhibit as planned and developed by the F/S will not be presented at or supported by the Smithsonian, although it will continue to travel to ~10 institutions already committed to the exhibit schedule.
16. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from midday Thursday 22 December 2011 to Friday 13 January 2012 inclusive. The office will reopen on Monday 16 January 2012. The final e-newsletter for 2011 will be published on Thursday 22 December – please ensure all items for this newsletter are submitted by COB Wednesday 21 December.
17. SITUATION VACANT Assistant Professor, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, University of Pennsylvania, School of Design
The School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for a junior faculty member to join the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, beginning in July 2012.
The School seeks a scholar and practitioner for an entry-level, tenure-track position who will contribute to the visibility and strategic vision of PennDesign, through collaboration with the Dean, other department and program leaders, and faculty. The appointment will be at the Assistant Professor level.
The successful candidate’s qualifications will include:
- a record of original research related to historic preservation
- evidence of professional practice (in private, public or nonprofit sector)
- potential for leadership in the field
- the ability to teach core courses as well as advanced specialty topics
A PhD or other terminal degree is required. Desirable areas of specialty include:
- history of architecture, landscape or technology
- historic site management
- documentation and recording methods
- community centered preservation advocacy
We encourage individuals with a commitment to leadership, scholarly research, and multidisciplinary practice, conducted in a lively intellectual environment, to apply for this position.
For further information on this role, download the Assistant Professor, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation position description.
Applications close 15 January 2012.
18. SITUATION VACANT Research Assistant Professor (Project Manager), University of Western Australia
Research Assistant Professor (Project Manager) (Ref: 3817)
School of Social and Cultural Studies
The Australian Historic Shipwrecks Protection Project
- 3 year 0.6 appointment
- Salary range: Level B $81,400 – $96,663 p.a. (full-time)
- Plus 17% superannuation
- Closing date: Friday 6 January 2012
An opportunity to manage an ARC linkage grant
Apply your project management experience to this exciting new role. You will provide effective coordination of the multiple groups involved, organise and facilitate fieldwork with researchers and heritage managers, and develop stand-alone and collaborative research outputs. Applicants must have an honours degree and/or equivalent qualifications in maritime archaeology or closely allied sub-discipline (e.g. conservation of maritime objects). Some relocation assistance (if applicable) may be negotiated.
For further information regarding the position please contact Professor Alistair Paterson on (08) 6488 2867 or email Alistair.
For further information, download the Research Assistant Professor (Project Manager) position description.
19. SITUATION VACANT Postdoctoral Research Fellow,University of Queensland
Postdoctoral Research Fellow: “Postwar Queensland (1945-1975): Building and Interpreting an Oral History Archive”
ATCH Research Centre, School of Architecture, University of Queensland
Application deadline: 20 January 2012
The ATCH Research Centre, based in the School of Architecture at the University of Queensland, is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on the ARC Linkage project, “Architectural Practice in Postwar Queensland (1945-1975): Building and Interpreting an Oral History Archive”, with the possibility of developing other research projects within the research themes of the Centre.
Further information about this role is available here.
Interested and qualified persons are welcome to contact the director of the ATCH Research Centre, Prof John Macarthur.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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