Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 512

  1. Executive Committee Vacancy: Call for Expressions of Interest from Victorian Members
  2. IMPORTANT notice re: staffing of Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office
  3. ICOMOS International Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage Newsletter
  4. IPPHA – Professional Development Programs 2011 – 2012
  5. Successful Completion of Second Streetwise Asia School Restoration Project, Philippines
  6. Australian Institute of Architect’s National Architecture Awards
  7. Second International Congress on Ambiances, Canada
  8. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – 12th International Conference on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone
  9. Nominations for the PHA NSW’s Public History Prize
  10. HUNTER HERITAGE NETWORK INC – Annual General Meeting, Newcastle
  11. 2013 Visiting Fellowship Program, Humanities Research Centre, ANU
  12. SITUATION VACANT Executive Officer, The Mint Inc, Victoria


1. Executive Committee Vacancy: Call for Expressions of Interest from Victorian Members

Due to commitments, it is with regret that Amy Chan has decided to tender her resignation from the Committee. This was after the election and leaves a vacancy on the Executive Committee.

The option available to the Executive Committee is to appoint another member for the remainder of that term, one year. As we now have only one member of the Committee from Victoria this leaves a gap in representation and we have decided to call for Expressions of Interest from Victorian members to fill the vacancy.

It is anticipated that a new Victorian Committee Member would take on the responsibility of Victorian Representative. If you are a Victorian member interested in joining the Executive Committee please submit a short Expression of Interest indicating your experience and indicating your interest in contributing to the Committee. This should be forwarded to the Secretariat by Monday 5 December. If you have any queries about being on the Executive Committee please feel free to contact Jane Harrington, President on Mobile 0409 344 598, or any member of the Committee.


2. IMPORTANT notice re: staffing of Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office

The Australia ICOMOS Secretariat will be staffed at a reduced level between 3 – 28 November inclusive.

Thank you to all Australia ICOMOS members who have renewed their membership thus far – it is much appreciated. Please note that membership renewals will not be processed during the above time period, but publication orders where credit card details are provided will be.

The E-news will still be published. Please ensure all submissions for the E-news are submitted by 2pm Thursdaysthis deadline will be strictly adhered to.

Though the Secretariat will be staffed intermittently, responses to queries, etc may take longer than usual. Australia ICOMOS appreciates your patience during this time.


3. ICOMOS International Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage Newsletter

The ICOMOS International Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage is pleased to announce the first edition of its Newsletter. ICICH’s goal is to help readers stay informed of developments across the globe in this evolving field, and particularly to bring insight to the connections between intangible cultural heritage and the conservation of physical places, sites, and monuments.

Download the first edition of the ICOMOS – ICICH Newsletter 1 here.


4. IPPHA – Professional Development Programs 2011 – 2012

The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts is pleased to announce its forthcoming professional development programs for the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.

These events are:

  • New Eyes: An Introduction to Indigenous Art – Public program 4 December 2011
  • Managing Small Museums at a Heritage Place – Short course, Narryna Heritage Museum in Hobart, Tasmania 23-27 January 2012
  • Macassan History and Heritage: Building Understandings of Journeys, Encounters and Influences – Professional update symposium, Canberra 9-10 February 2012
  • Innovation in Museum and Gallery Exhibition Practice – Short course in Canberra, 6-11 February 2012
  • Cultural Landscapes: Current Issues and Approaches in International Heritage Practice – Professional update, Canberra, 27 April 2012
  • Physical Conservation of buildings and Structures – short course, Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, 9-14 April 2012

For more information visit the IPPHA website.


5. Successful Completion of Second Streetwise Asia School Restoration Project, Philippines

The Tocdog Elementary School Restoration Project, the second Gabaldon-type schoolhouse to be conserved by Streetwise Asia, (on Bohol Island in the Southern Philippines) has now been completed.

As for the first project, a heritage school building in very poor condition has been conserved and restored, with upgraded toilet facilities provided. Once again, Streetwise has partnered with AusAid, and for a total of approx. A$50,000.

Please refer to the Tocdog Elementary School Report and Tocdog Elementary School restoration project documents for full details, images and Steetwise Asia fundraising activities.


6. Australian Institute of Architect’s National Architecture Awards

Major public infrastructure and cultural projects dominated this year’s Australian Institute of Architect’s National Architecture Awards, which were announced in a ceremony at the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Hobart on November 3. National President of the Institute, Brian Zulaikha, said the awards recognise the vital role that architects play in shaping cities and the way people live today – both publicly and privately.

Topping the list of winners is the recipient of Australia’s most prestigious national architecture award was the Sir Zelman Cowen Award for Public Architecture, awarded this year to the Australian War Memorial Eastern Precinct in the ACT by Sydney-based practice Johnson Pilton Walker (JPW). JPW received the same award for its design of the National Portrait Gallery also in the ACT, in 2009.

A National Award for Urban Design was also presented to Johnson Pilton Walker for the Australian War Memorial Eastern Precinct in the ACT.

Mr Fender said of the War memorial project that ‘…the Eastern Precinct is the final phase of the development of the Australia War Memorial, with the parking area moved underground and the area opened up for its original intent, reflection and celebration. Rarely does a brief combine such prosaic outcomes with the emotional responsibility of creating a site of reflection.’

Australia ICOMOS can be justifiably proud of this award as an ICOMOS member, Stewart Mitchell, Head of Buildings and Services at the AWM, was the project director on behalf of the museum, for this award-winning project.

The Australian War Memorial Eastern Precinct by Johnson Pilton Walker. Image: Brett Boardman

For further information regarding the Awards and recipients please visit the Australian Institute of Architects website.


7. Second International Congress on Ambiances, Canada

The 2nd International Congress on Ambiances will be held under the aegis of the Ambiances International Network.

The congress, organized every four years, is one of the network’s main events, an international gathering for researchers, artists and players engaged in analyzing the ambiance-related dimensions of the built environment and in the sensory construction of the contemporary world.

Many approaches are at work in the field of architectural and urban ambiance, and these multiple contributions nurture its rich diversity. The International Congress on Ambiances aims to give voice to this activity, feeding on work exploring new forms of exchange between what is designed and what is experienced, between the measured and the qualified, the projected and the tested, the material and the immaterial.

The Congress will be held for four days at the Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA), in Montreal, from 19 to 22 September 2012. For further information please visit the Conference website.


8. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – 12th International Conference on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone

Columbia University in the City of New York, 22-26 October 2012

The Scientific Committee will be pleased to receive abstracts relevant to any and all issues of stone conservation. For complete details on the Conference Themes please download the Conference 12th-Stone-Conference-Call-for-Abstracts paper.

Due date for abstracts: 15 January 2012

Delivery address: (George Wheeler). Please indicate ‘Abstract for 12th Stone Conference’ in the subject line of the e-mail.


9. Nominations for the PHA NSW’s Public History Prize

The Public History Prize is an annual award offered by the Professional Historians Association of NSW (PHA NSW). The Prize was established in 2008 to encourage students enrolled in undergraduate history courses at universities in NSW and ACT to research, write and present accessible and engaging histories, and to consider a career as a professional historian.

The Public History Prize is open to third and fourth year university students in NSW and the ACT who are studying history (both Australian and international) and whose research paper engages with the field and practice of public history.

The winner will receive a certificate and a prize of $500, presented at the PHA NSW’s annual lecture and function, History in July.

For guidelines and to download the Nomination Form, visit the PHA NSW website.

For more information, please contact:

NSW: Michael Bennett, PHA NSW Secretary, or ACT: Anne Claoué-Long


10. HUNTER HERITAGE NETWORK INC – Annual General Meeting, Newcastle


Date: 5 December 2011

Location: Room L417, Auchmuty Library, University of Newcastle Callaghan Campus

An agenda will be circulated two weeks before the meeting. Please see the Order of Business for further details.

If any financial members are interested in nominating for the Board for 2011/12 please contact the Hunter Heritage Network Inc by reply email asap.

The Hunter Heritage Network has recently articulated its principles, mission, vision and strategy on its website.  ICOMOS members are invited to view the new strategic framework.


11. 2013 Visiting Fellowship Program, Humanities Research Centre, ANU

The HRC, ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences is now accepting applications for the 2013 Visiting Fellowship Program.

Annual Theme: Cities, Imaginaries, Publics

Deadline: Tuesday, 15th March 2012.

These fellowships are open to everyone who meets the eligibility criteria. Please read the guidelines for eligibility, Application form and other details via the website.

For more information contact Programs Manager, Leena Messina.


12. SITUATION VACANT Executive Officer, The Mint Inc, Victoria

Mint Inc is a seven member Committee of Management appointed by the Victorian Government to restore heritage properties located on Crown Land for commercial and community use. Since its inception in 1998, Mint Inc has taken on the management of twelve heritage sites across Victoria, undertaking significant restoration Conservation works to give the properties a new lease of life.

Reporting to the Chair and Board Committee you will be responsible for delivering on an exciting strategic plan whilst ensuring the organisation has sound governance and robust policies, procedures and systems in place which underpin the high ethical standards and expectations of the Committee.

You will need to demonstrate high quality project management skills and an ability to pursue best practice in building conservation, and the maintenance of buildings, and property and tenancy management.

This role provides for great flexibility being 0.8 EFT and offers an attractive equivalent remuneration package.

Please contact Darren Condon Green, McArthur Pty Ltd, recruitment services

T 03 9828 6562, or via email.

Applications close: Monday 5th December 2011


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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