Review of NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
IMPORTANT notice re: staffing of Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office
Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
Tourist Routes and Cultural Itineraries conference – call for papers
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
Rock Art of Mirarr Country PhD Scholarship
News from World Monuments Fund
Advanced Short Training Courses in Structural Analysis of Existing Buildings, Monuments And Historical Constructions
International Institute for Restoration & Preservation Studies – visit to Athens
AHICF Conference – Railways and Speed, December 2011
Life Beyond Tourism Non Profit Portal
School of Engineering at University of Minho – PhD grants available
SITUATION VACANT Deputy Director – Interpretation and Programs, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
1. Review of NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
The NSW Government has decided that, given the length of time since the EP&A Act and its associated planning system were introduced, a comprehensive review is required. The government has established an independent panel to review the Act, along with the broader NSW planning system. The stated aim of the review is to ‘create a new planning system that meets today’s needs and priorities’. The Minister has appointed Tim Moore, former Minister for the Environment and Senior Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court, and Ron Dyer, former Minister for Community Services, Aged Services and Disability Services and Public Works and Services, to co-chair the review.
Australia ICOMOS intends to prepare a submission to the review, and would appreciate any input or comments from members who have views about the current Act and its effectiveness in facilitating the management of our shared heritage. Please email Peter Romey in the first instance or contact him at (02) 9319 4811. The deadline for submissions is 4 November 2011.
Further information on the review can be found here.
2. IMPORTANT notice re: staffing of Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office
The Australia ICOMOS Secretariat will be staffed at a reduced level between 3 – 28 November inclusive.
Thank you to all Australia ICOMOS members who have renewed their membership thus far – it is much appreciated. Please note that membership renewals will not be processed during the above time period, but publication orders where credit card details are provided will be.
The E-news will still be published. Please ensure all submissions for the E-news are submitted by 2pm Thursdays – this deadline will be strictly adhered to.
Though the Secretariat will be staffed intermittently, responses to queries, etc may take longer than usual.
Australia ICOMOS appreciates your patience during this time.
3. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
To view the September-October issue of Inherit, click here.
4. Tourist Routes and Cultural Itineraries conference – call for papers
Tourist Routes and Cultural Itineraries: From Memory to Development
13 – 15 June 2012
Quebec, Canada
Deadline for abstracts submission: 5 January 2012
The Université Laval (Canada), the Université du Québec à Trois- Rivières (Canada), the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) and the Center for Tourism and Cultural Change (Leeds University, UK) under the auspices of the UNESCO/UNITWIN NETWORK for Culture, Tourism and Development invite you to participate in this international conference .
The aim is to facilitate the meeting of tourism and heritage professionals who devote their efforts to enhancing these itineraries or circuits and attracting visitors local or international bodies who consider this conference as an opportunity to promote their interests, and involve faculty who analyze and research the economic, social, historic or territorial impacts on these itineraries which have to do with memory.
For further information and to download the call for papers, visit the conference website.
5. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
To download the October 2011 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
6. Rock Art of Mirarr Country PhD Scholarship
The Rock Art Research Centre at the Australian National University and the Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation (GAC) are pleased to offer a PhD scholarship to study the rock art of Mirarr country in Kakadu National Park. This PhD scholarship includes an annual stipend plus generous fieldwork funding and in-kind support from GAC. The successful candidate will be working as part of the Mirarr Rock Art Project (2011 – 2015) a new initiative aimed at documenting, and furthering our understanding of, sites in Mirarr country.
We are seeking candidates with strong academic results – preferably first class Honours or a Masters degree in archaeology, anthropology, cultural heritage or a closely related discipline. The focus of the PhD will be refined in consultation with your supervisors and Mirarr Traditional Owners.
Scholarship details
- Three years full time
- Tax exempt stipend of $30,000 p.a.
- Commence before April 2012
- Deadline for applications: 7 November 2011
More information
For further information please contact Dr. Sally K. May or Dr. Sandy Blair.
7. News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.
8. Advanced Short Training Courses in Structural Analysis of Existing Buildings, Monuments And Historical Constructions
The courses integrated in the Erasmus Mundus SAHC Master Course can now be attended separately, without the need to enroll in the Master Course.
These courses are of interest to those interested in the conservation, repair and strengthening of the built heritage, be it monuments, other cultural heritage buildings or existing buildings in general. This includes mainly civil engineers and architects, but also, for some courses, art historians, archaeologists and other interested in cultural heritage buildings, interested in complementing or updating their knowledge with the most recent professional and scientific approaches and techniques. The attendants can be professionals such as consultants, employees in building contractors, building material producers and suppliers, heritage authorities and others, as well as graduate students (MSc or PhD) enrolled in other programs.
Detailed information can be found by visiting the Erasmus Mundus SAHC Master Course webpage.
For further information, please contact the Erasmus Mundus SAHC Secretariat.
9. International Institute for Restoration & Preservation Studies – visit to Athens
5 – 15 January 2012
An eleven (11) day visit of Athens focusing on the preservation and conservation issues facing the city. The program involves a series of lectures and visits lead by Athenian architects, historians, conservators and planners who have been grappling with the problem of preserving monuments and culture in the midst of a bustling modern city.
This visit is specialized and is intended for students or professionals engaged in History, Archaeology, Architecture Art History, Architecture, Urban Planning, Anthropology, Conservation and Historic Preservation. It is not intended for the general public. People with no background in these fields, or familiarity with Greek culture and history, are unsuitable applicants for this program.
The deadline for applications is 15 November 2011.
For further details, click here. Download the Program Flier.
10. AHICF Conference – Railways and Speed, December 2011
AHICF (Association pour l’histoire des chemins de fer / French Railway Historical Society)
Railways and Speed. Two centuries of Speed on the Railways, thirty Years of High-Speed Trains
14-16 December 2011
Paris, France
Registration to the Railways and Speed. Two centuries of Speed on the Railways, thirty Years of High-Speed Trains conference is now open, till 1 December 2011.
The conference will be held at the UIC-IUR (International Union of Railways) headquarters in Paris, 16, rue Jean-Rey, 75015 Paris. Simultaneous translation from English to French and from French to English will be available during the whole conference.
The conference programme and all useful information are posted on the AHICF website. Download the AHICF conference 2011_program and AHICF conference 2011_registration form (registration is free but compulsory).
Email AHICF for further information.
11. Life Beyond Tourism Non Profit Portal
The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco has recently started a promotional campaign of the Life Beyond Tourism® Non Profit Portal, a portal dedicated to the discovery, interpretation and communication – hence protection – of cultural diversity of the single territories where the Foundation has some partnerships. Universities and institutions are invited to co-operate by using that portal for disseminating the knowledge of their local cultural diversity for potential visitors and offering them the chance to understand the roots and future prospects of the community they are encountering on their travels. These contributions are a critical component of the intercultural dialogue that is so essential in today’s world.
On 14 December 2011, the Foundation will organize in Florence a ceremony in which the County of Florence and other Italian Municipalities will subscribe to the Memorandum of Understanding Life Beyond Tourism® for the validation of local cultural expressions.
For further information, download the Life Beyond Tourism Leaflet and the Tentative Program – Florence Ceremony.
12. School of Engineering at University of Minho – PhD grants available
The School of Engineering at University of Minho / Portugal wants to hire four PhD students, in the framework of its strategic plan 2020. The work will be developed within two research projects:
(a) sustainable management systems for the built infrastructure
(b) improvement of strategic infrastructure resistance against attacks.
The PhD candidates should address the following subjects:
- Development and validation of an autonomous wireless and battery free sensor network for environmental and geotechnical measurements. The expected background of the candidate is electronic or communication engineering. Other suitable candidates can be considered.
- Development and validation of a management system for infrastructure management, considering prevision and optimization methods. The expected background of the candidate is civil engineering. Other suitable candidates can be considered.
- Development of fiber reinforced composites for strengthening and monitoring, using traditional and natural fibers. The expected background of the candidate is civil or textile engineering. Other suitable candidates can be considered.
- Computational strategies for simulation of structures subjected to blast. The expected background of the candidate is civil or mechanical engineering. Other suitable candidates can be considered.
The grant value is about 1000 euro/month for a PhD (tax free), being the city of Guimarães well below the average living cost in European Union (EU15). The works should start as soon as possible, being the PhD grant for a preliminary period of 12 months, which can be renewed up to 36 months.
Candidates can apply until 11 November 2011. A copy of their Curriculum Vitae together with a copy of their graduate certificate should be emailed to the School of Engineering, with a clear indication of which grant project (#1, #2, #3 or #4) the application is for.
13. SITUATION VACANT Deputy Director – Interpretation and Programs, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
Position Title: Deputy Director, Interpretation and Programs
Classification: SES Band 1
Reference number: 20001
Employment type: ongoing
Closing date: 6 November 2011
Contact Name: Andrew Harper on (02) 6270 8170
Housed in one of Australia’s most significant heritage-listed buildings, the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) at Old Parliament House tells the story of our democracy’s long journey and unique traditions. It delivers innovative exhibitions, tours, interpretive and learning programs—on site, online and across Australia—that inspire visitors to explore democracy from its ancient roots to the present day, and which look to the possible futures of democracy in Australia.
The Museum is seeking a dynamic and committed individual to provide strategic leadership to deliver inspiring and engaging interpretive programs to the Museum’s diverse audiences through both physical and online environments. It also manages relationships with key stakeholders across the cultural, tourism, academic and museum sectors.
Selection documentation may be obtained from the employment section of the MoAD website. Further queries about the position should be directed to the Contact Officer.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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