Watermarks, Water’s Heritage Conference – financial assistance for Indigenous people
Australia ICOMOS ISC/NSC Funding Program
Czech Functionalism lecture, by Professor Vladimir Slapeta
Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
Expressions of Interest sought for Working Group on heritage trades and training
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talks Series
Heritage without borders: making critical connections
Australian Archaeological Association Conference 2011
Watermarks, Water’s Heritage Conference – some important reminders
Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management
Report on “Shared Built Heritage in Africa” symposium
“Beneath the veneer” with Tracey Avery
Robin Boyd Foundation – public open day, 25 September 2011
News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
News from World Monuments Fund
Masters student seeks heritage management experience
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Research Assistant, Lovell Chen
1. Watermarks, Water’s Heritage Conference – financial assistance for Indigenous people
Australia ICOMOS has developed initiatives to assist Indigenous people with an interest in cultural heritage management to develop and share their professional skills in this area through attending cultural heritage related conferences and courses. One initiative is to provide complimentary registration at the annual conference ‘Watermarks, Water’s Heritage’ to be held in Melbourne from 27 to 30 October. It may also be possible to subsidise travel and accommodation although the potential for assistance is limited. All Australian Indigenous people with an interest in cultural heritage management are eligible to apply for a complimentary registration. Anyone who is interested in applying or would like to suggest an Indigenous person who may be eligible and appropriate should contact Timothy Hubbard, the Australia ICOMOS conference co-convenor for more details.
2. Australia ICOMOS ISC/NSC Funding Program
At the recent Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) meeting in Fremantle in August 2011, the EC endorsed the implementation of a new ISC/NSC Funding Program to provide financial assistance for events, projects or programs that promote and strengthen Australian membership of ISCs and NSCs. The program aims to recognise Australia ICOMOS’s commitment to provide support for the work of AI members active in International Scientific Committees (ISC) or National Scientific Committees (NSC).
Australia ICOMOS has available a fund of up to $5,000 for the 2011-2012 financial year, and applications are currently open from Australia ICOMOS members who are also members of an ISC or NSC. Grants will be available to a maximum of $2,000 per annum. Grants are intended for discrete, one-off events, meetings or projects, and will not apply to funding for ongoing programs. Grants may be applied for in consecutive years by any ISC or NSC. Allocation will be competitive.
Eligible activities for the funding program may include, but are not restricted to:
- An annual meeting of all Australian ISC / NSC members
- An event for an individual ISC, NSC or group of ISCs
- Support for an international ISC meeting in Australia (Note: Australia ICOMOS is unable to fund the full extent of such a meeting, however if an international meeting was planned for Australia through other external funding, AI members would be eligible to apply for this fund as a small part of its budget)
- Discrete projects or programs of works that aim to promote Australian membership of ISCs or NSCs and actively engages with the AI membership
- Discrete projects or programs of works that allow AI members to support the work of an ISC or NSC and that has some benefit or relevance for Australian members
Procedure for applications for the ISC/NSC Funding Program
- Any Australia ICOMOS member who is also a member of an ISC or NSC is eligible to apply for a grant
- The applicant must demonstrate how the grant will broadly benefit the ISC or NSC and, in particular, members of that ISC or NSC in Australia. Priority will not be given to requests where the benefit is to an individual member
- The grant is not available to cover personal travel expenses to attend ISC or NSC meetings
- When assessing the merits of a particular application for a grant AI will take in to account the nature of the proposal, the potential benefits to the ISC or NSC (in particular to the Australian membership), and the ability of the proposal to actively engage the AI membership
- As a condition of funding, successful applicants will be expected to submit a written report to the Australia ICOMOS Executive on the project/program awarded funding, and a short version of this report for inclusion in the e-news, so that other members are informed about issues currently under discussion by that ISC or NSC
- Grant recipients will also be required to provide AI with an acquittal report of the project within one year of the grant being awarded. Copies of receipts or invoices for goods and services must be provided. Any shortfall between the grant and the expenses incurred will need to be returned to Australia ICOMOS
Please email all applications to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB 30 September 2011.
Anita Krivickas,
ISC Co-ordinator
3. Czech Functionalism lecture, by Professor Vladimir Slapeta

4. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.
Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat:
- Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
- Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates
For further information and to download a membership form, go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website.
Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the October 2011 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 7 October 2011.
If further information is required email the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder.
5. Expressions of Interest sought for Working Group on heritage trades and training
At the recent Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) meeting in Fremantle in August 2011, the EC resolved to call for EOIs from members who would be interested in forming a working group for the advancement of heritage trades and professional training. This is a developing issue following the recently released report by Godden Mackay Logan Heritage Trades and Professional Training Project, which was prepared for Heritage Victoria on behalf of the Heritage Chairs and Officials of Australia and New Zealand.
Please email EOIs to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB 16 September 2011.
PLEASE ENSURE your EOI includes a brief blurb about your professional background. Those who have already submitted an EOI without this information are requested to do so by the above deadline or by midday, Monday 19 September at the very latest.
6. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talks Series
Pacific Solutions towards World Heritage Island Abandonment, Climate Change, and Tangible / Intangible Pasts
Christian Reepmeyer

Christian will recount aspects of the current World Heritage nomination of the Rock Islands/Southern Lagoon in the Republic of Palau (Western Micronesia) as a mixed cultural/natural property on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Christian, as part of an ANU team (with Palau and Australian government support), assessed prehistoric stonework villages, rock art and burial sites in the Rock Islands in 2010. The Rock Islands provide an opportunity to combine oral traditions of island abandonment with scientific data about human-environment interactions in the past. The abandonment of the Rock Islands in the 16 – 17th century is argued as a consequence of climatic change and associated economic and socio-political factors.
Christian Reepmeyer is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Archaeology and Natural History, ANU. He has assessed cultural heritage sites in Africa, Europe, Australia and the Pacific, and participated in expeditions to Namibia, Sudan, Chad, Seychelles, Vanuatu and Palau. More recent activities include work in Western and Northern Australia. Currently, as well as the Palau project, he is involved in the World Heritage nomination of ‘The Ancient Capitals of the Kingdom of Tonga’.
Members and the public are welcome: Refreshments will be available appropriate to the talk’s topic! This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.
Time & Date: 5 .00-6.30pm, Thursday 22 September 2011 – the talk will start at 5.30pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott
7. Heritage without borders: making critical connections
Heritage without borders: making critical connections
9 December 2011
The Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage Research Cluster presents a one day colloquium which seeks to transgress the traditional boundaries between the distinct fields of heritage studies, such as archaeology, museums, memory, landscape studies and materials conservation, and to explore connections and differences in their dealings with people, place and things. The colloquium will feature multidisciplinary engagement with questions such as:
- Is there a single underlying theory of heritage?
- What impacts do the various theories and practices of heritage have on people and environments?
- Does heritage preserve a cultural legacy or create it?
- What are the emerging critical themes for the practice and theory of heritage?
Speakers include Kylie Message, Laurajane Smith, Jane Lydon, David Jones, Sarah Colley, Lindy Allen, Denis Byrne and more….
We hope you will join us for this exciting event.
Further information, including venue, registration fees and a detailed program, will be available soon. As numbers will be limited, please send an expression of interest via email to Pamela Fabricius if you wish to attend.
Information updates can be found here as they come to hand.
Download the Heritage without borders flier.
8. Australian Archaeological Association Conference 2011
The Sociality of Archaeology
1 – 3 December 2011
Toowoomba, Queensland
The theme of the Australian Archaeological Association Conference (AAA 2011) touches on the various elements of our discipline that construct archaeology as a cultural and social undertaking in both its theory and practice. The conference will address issues such as the contemporary politics of archaeology, the place of indigenous perspectives in archaeological interpretation, the role of the public and the media in archaeology (and vice versa), how our theoretical perspectives have changed with our shifting understanding of science, technology and culture, and how our own global positioning within the discipline has affected the culture of archaeology and the archaeology of culture.
For further information about the conference, visit the conference website.
9. Watermarks, Water’s Heritage Conference – some important reminders
Presenters must register to attend
All those who have been invited and agreed to present papers and snapshots are expected to register for the conference.
Go to the Registration page of the conference website for further information.
Deadlines for delivery of papers and PowerPoint presentations
The text for all papers and snapshots must be delivered, together with a revised abstract and biography if necessary, completely ready for inclusion in the conference CD and printed program by Friday 30 September 2011. The deadline for the submission of all PowerPoint presentations, so that they can be downloaded onto the conference hardware, is Friday 21 October 2011.
10. Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management
Planning is underway for the Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management to be held at the University of Canberra from 15–21 January 2012.
This will be the eleventh time this summer school has been run by Australia’s leading professional development programme in heritage conservation — now in its 21st year.
More details about the programme can found here.
Expressions of interest should be emailed to David Young.
11. Report on “Shared Built Heritage in Africa” symposium
“Shared Built Heritage in Africa” delegates on the Cape Town city tour, 2-7 July 2011 (by S.Enders)
A thoroughly stimulating and thought provoking week was enjoyed by all attending the “Shared Built Heritage in Africa” symposium from 2 to 7 July 2011.
The dramatic symposium venue was the Casteel De Goede Hoop (Castle of Good Hope) in Cape Town. Site visits were equally inspiring to Groot Constancia, a stunning Cape Dutch House with huge camphor laurel trees, Stellenbosch in the Cape Vinelands Cultural Landscape (which is on the South African nominations list), Genadendal Moravian Mission Station, and a guided walk of historic Cape Town noting management issues and less orthodox sites – one bar has ‘adapted’ stainless steel c1950s caravans on the roof!. Bureau members took this opportunity to visit ‘Pinelands’ garden suburb (dating from the 1920s to c1950s), and Robben Island World Heritage Site.
Delegates were spoilt by a fantastic dinner in a private room at the ‘Jonkershuis’ restaurant provided by the Groot Constancia Trust – and sample South African wine in one of its oldest vineyards reputedly preferred by Napoleon – the opening of the “First World War Impressions’ exhibition in the Castle Military Museum, and welcomed for dinner by the South African Heritage Resource Agency at the Grand Restaurant on the harbour-side.
Delegates came from many corners of South Africa, from government and private consultancies.
Sue Jackson-Stepowski and Hannetjie du Preez, Director for Cultural Affairs, Gov’t of the Western Cape,
assist to draft the “Shared Built Heritage in Africa” conference resolutions (by S.Enders)
ISC SBH Bureau members present were President Dr Siegfried Enders (Germany), Vice President Sue Jackson-Stepowski (Australia), Dr Clause-Peter Echter (Germany) and Professor Romana Cielatskowska (Poland), all of whom presented papers. Sue’s presentation was about the “Shared Built Heritage of the Lutheran settlements in the Barossa Valley” (with a South African link) – many thanks to Australia ICOMOS members and others in South Australian who assisted with this. Sue also chaired two sessions including the drafting of the symposium resolutions, which will be presented at the 17th General Assembly in Paris.
Our African regional representative on ISC SBH, Beverely Crouts-Knipe, commenced conference organisation in 2009-2010. It was incredibly sad when Beverley died suddenly. At short notice Laura Robinson, her assistant Nicholette Veloze, and our ICOMOS South Africa colleagues stepped in to ensure the symposium proceeded in Beverley’s memory.

Clause Peter Echter (Germany) and Sue Jackson-Stepowski (Aust.) at the “Castle of Good Hope” in Cape Town –
the venue for the ISC “Shared Built Heritage in Africa” symposium, 2-7 July 2011 (by S.Enders)
The symposium, visits and events were made possible by the collaboration with ICOMOS South Africa, South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), Cape Town Heritage Trust, City of Cape Town, African World Heritage Fund and the Department of Arts and Culture.
ISC SBH held its meeting prior to the symposium opening to discuss planning for the Paris General Assembly and collaborative conferences planned for 2012 in Asia.
Sue Jackson-Stepowski M.ICOMOS
Vice President,
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Shared Built Heritage
12. “Beneath the veneer” with Tracey Avery
Colonial Australians are generally known to have been staunchly loyal in support of British goods and fashions for the furnishing of their interiors. As the Australian colonies approached Federation, growing local manufacturers, including furnishings businesses, argued that a new nationalist loyalty should drive consumers to ‘buy local’.
Using a number of case studies for Brisbane, Tracey Avery will focus on the complex issues of politics, climate, labour and economics that impacted on the furnishing choices of Queenslanders.
Tracey is Director, Strategy and Policy at Heritage Victoria, a Victorian State Government agency within the Department of Planning and Community Development. She was Co-Project and Curatorial Manager, James Cook Museum, Cooktown for the National Trust of Queensland, and was Cultural Heritage Manager at the National Trust of Australia (Victoria).
A PhD candidate in Architecture at the University of Melbourne, she has published on interior and object design history, most recently a chapter in the Design History Reader (Berg, 2010).
WHEN: Wednesday 21 September, 12.30pm (bring your lunch)
WHERE: slq (State Library of Queensland) Auditorium 2, level 2, State Library of Queensland
COST: FREE, no bookings required
This is an Out of the Port free lunchtime talk presented by the State Library’s John Oxley Library and the Department of Environment and Resource Management.
13. Robin Boyd Foundation – public open day, 25 September 2011
Details of the Robin Boyd Foundation’s next public open day – ‘Expressing the Human Spirit – Boyd’s Peninsula Houses’ can be found in the Peninsula Houses flier.
This open day has been prepared to coincide with the exhibition ‘Robin Boyd on the Mornington Peninsula’ currently showing at the Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery. The exhibition is a survey of all of Robin’s work on the peninsula and includes projects that have only recently been discovered – such as the Marriott House in Flinders, the proposed Harold Holt Memorial at Portsea and a proposed hotel and convention centre located on Arthurs Seat. This exhibition was conceived as a tribute to Robin Boyd on the 40th anniversary of his death. We hope that the exhibition and open day are of interest and that you will join with us on 25 September to visit this outstanding collection of houses.
Ticket numbers are limited and the event is expected to sell-out. You are encouraged to book early to ensure you obtain tickets.
14. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.
15. News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.
16. Masters student seeks heritage management experience
Dora Pang is currently undertaking the Masters program on World Heritage Studies at the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany (expected date of completion – 2011). She would like to develop her future career in the field of heritage management.
A summary of her relevant experience and education is as follows:
- obtained bachelor degree in Tourism Management in Hong Kong, 2001
- worked in UNDP Beijing in 2009 as interim programme coordinator, responsible for coordination and management of projects related to the conservation of cultural heritage in the East Asia region
- worked in UNESCO Office, Beijing from 2007 to 2008 as internship/temporary programme assistant, with job duties same as above
Dora is staying in Sydney at present, and can be reached by phone at (02) 9634 2635. She is willing to move to another city if the right opportunity presents itself. Her working holiday visa allows her to work for 6 months, but the visa can be extended.
If anyone can offer Dora an internship/work experience, or would like to contact her to discuss this further, call her on the above number or email Dora.
17. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Research Assistant, Lovell Chen
Lovell Chen is a well respected Melbourne based firm of Architects and Heritage Consultants with 30 years’ experience in design and heritage.
We are currently seeking a Heritage Research Assistant, preferably full-time, who may have just graduated with a degree based in Planning, Archaeology, or a related cultural heritage qualification.
The successful candidate’s time will be spent working on a variety of support tasks and heritage projects in a team environment. Important to the role will be a willingness to learn new skills, including field practices, report preparation, historical research and general administration.
You should possess initiative, a positive attitude, good research skills, and ability to think logically and creatively coupled with strong verbal and written communication skills. A broad awareness of relevant statutory frameworks is desirable. Most importantly you should be able to demonstrate your interest in Heritage and Conservation.
An intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and Photoshop is preferred.
This position offers a career path and the salary is negotiable based on your skill level and experience.
Please forward your CV to Ms Delwyn Lloyd, Finance/Admin Manager via email.
Closing date for applications is Wednesday 28 September 2011.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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