Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 501

  1. Watermarks, Water’s Heritage Conference – Early bird registration deadline fast approaching
  2. Australia ICOMOS ISC/NSC Funding Program
  3. New IPPHA professional development course
  4. Modern Asian Architecture Network (mAAN) declaration
  5. 17th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – deadline for early bird registration extended
  6. Churchill Fellowships Seminar
  7. ICOMOS Thailand International Conference 2011 – registration now open
  8. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
  9. Joint Museums Australia and Interpretation Australia 2011 conference
  10. Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Awards 2011
  11. Workshops on Virtual Palaces
  12. SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist (Aboriginal), Godden Mackay Logan
  13. SITUATION VACANT Chief Executive Officer, Museum of Chinese Australian History


1. Watermarks, Water’s Heritage Conference – Early bird registration deadline fast approaching

The Joint Australia ICOMOS/National Trust conference committee reminds all Australia ICOMOS members and colleagues that the early bird rate for registration closes next Thursday 8 September. Don’t miss out on the substantial discounts available. Download the Watermarks 2011 Registration Brochure – it contains detailed information about speakers, their papers and snapshots, a program for the conference as well as associated social and professional events.

Our keynotes speakers have been carefully chosen. They are:

  • Mr Joe Ross, representing Indigenous culture, is from the Kimberley region of Western Australia so recently added to the National Heritage Register but not without controversy
  • Prof Gray Brechin from the University of California Berkeley brings an international perspective, with amazing tales and lessons from the Wild West and the emerging cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles
  • Dr Helen Doyle, from closer to home but with relevance to all of Australia, will address the heritage values of water infrastructure in Victoria

The committee is pleased to announce that as well as three strong international papers, all the Australian states and territories are well represented across more than 40 papers and 25 snapshots. A wide range of themes is explored and heritage is discussed at every level of significance.

The Australia ICOMOS Annual General Meeting will be held aboard the Polly Woodside, Duke and Orr’s Dock, Southbank at 5.00 pm on Thursday 27 October 2011. We expect the proposed ISC/NSC meetings will also be held at the Polly Woodside from 3.00 pm. All Australia ICOMOS members who propose to participate in the 17th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium in Paris are encouraged to attend for a detailed briefing on the GA and its associated ISC meetings.

Further information about the conference can be found at the Watermarks, Water’s Heritage website.


2. Australia ICOMOS ISC/NSC Funding Program

At the recent Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) meeting in Fremantle in August 2011, the EC endorsed the implementation of a new ISC/NSC Funding Program to provide financial assistance for events, projects or programs that promote and strengthen Australian membership of ISCs and NSCs. The program aims to recognise Australia ICOMOS’s commitment to provide support for the work of AI members active in International Scientific Committees (ISC) or National Scientific Committees (NSC).

Australia ICOMOS has available a fund of up to $5,000 for the 2011-2012 financial year, and applications are currently open from Australia ICOMOS members who are also members of an ISC or NSC. Grants will be available to a maximum of $2,000 per annum. Grants are intended for discrete, one-off events, meetings or projects, and will not apply to funding for ongoing programs. Grants may be applied for in consecutive years by any ISC or NSC. Allocation will be competitive.

Eligible activities for the funding program may include, but are not restricted to:

  • An annual meeting of all Australian ISC / NSC members
  • An event for an individual ISC, NSC or group of ISCs
  • Support for an international ISC meeting in Australia (Note: Australia ICOMOS is unable to fund the full extent of such a meeting, however if an international meeting was planned for Australia through other external funding, AI members would be eligible to apply for this fund as a small part of its budget)
  • Discrete projects or programs of works that aim to promote Australian membership of ISCs or NSCs and actively engages with the AI membership
  • Discrete projects or programs of works that allow AI members to support the work of an ISC or NSC and that has some benefit or relevance for Australian members

Procedure for applications for the ISC/NSC Funding Program

  • Any Australia ICOMOS member who is also a member of an ISC or NSC is eligible to apply for a grant
  • The applicant must demonstrate how the grant will broadly benefit the ISC or NSC and, in particular, members of that ISC or NSC in Australia. Priority will not be given to requests where the benefit is to an individual member
  • The grant is not available to cover personal travel expenses to attend ISC or NSC meetings
  • When assessing the merits of a particular application for a grant AI will take in to account the nature of the proposal, the potential benefits to the ISC or NSC (in particular to the Australian membership), and the ability of the proposal to actively engage the AI membership
  • As a condition of funding, successful applicants will be expected to submit a written report to the Australia ICOMOS Executive on the project/program awarded funding, and a short version of this report for inclusion in the e-news, so that other members are informed about issues currently under discussion by that ISC or NSC
  • Grant recipients will also be required to provide AI with an acquittal report of the project within one year of the grant being awarded. Copies of receipts or invoices for goods and services must be provided. Any shortfall between the grant and the expenses incurred will need to be returned to Australia ICOMOS

Please email all applications to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB 30 September 2011.

Anita Krivickas,
ISC Co-ordinator


3. New IPPHA professional development course

The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is pleased to announce a new professional development course to be run in Canberra on Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 September, 2011:

Layout, Lighting and Labels: Designing and Delivering a Small Exhibition

A two-day skills development workshop providing a comprehensive overview of how to plan, design, install and market a small-scale exhibition

Click on the links below for further details.


4. Modern Asian Architecture Network (mAAN) declaration

Hot off the press from last week’s conference “Our Living Heritage: Industrial Buildings and Sites of Asia”, held in Seoul and organized by mAAN International and mAAN Korea, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea, Seoul Museum of History, ICOMOS Korea, ICOMOS Shared Built Heritage Commission, and TICCIH (International), comes the declaration regarding the conservation of Asia’s industrial heritage.

mAAN was established as a loosely-knit network of architectural researchers and specialists committed to study, preserve, and rehabilitate the modern architecture, townscape, and civil-engineering heritages in Asia, and it has held a consistently innovative series of community and professional workshops and stimulating conferences.

Check out the mAAM website and consider attending the next mAAN conference to be held in Bhopal, India late in 2012.

Sheridan Burke
President, ICOMOS ISC20C

5. 17th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – deadline for early bird registration extended

17th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
‘Heritage, driver of development’
27 November – 2 December 2011
Paris, France

Register on-line

Deadline for early bird registration extended to: 27 September 2011

The most important triennial gathering of ICOMOS will take place from 27 November to 2 December 2011 for the first time in Paris at UNESCO headquarters.

The General Assembly (GA) is accompanied by a Scientific Symposium on the theme “Heritage: Driver of Development”. Both events are open to ICOMOS members and non-members alike.

Visit the GA website to consult the full program, register on-line and obtain information on negotiated hotel rates and the 9 post-tours to World Heritage cities in France on offer.

We advise you to book accommodation early to benefit of the widest choice and best rates.

The General Assembly is the occasion where ICOMOS debates its strategy and program for the coming three years, adopts important resolutions, elects its next board, appoints its Honorary Members and awards the Gazzola Prize – the organization’s highest distinction.

The program include a special evening event for young professionals and universities, a forum where the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees will present their activities to participants and an event to allow participants to exchange with colleagues from their region.

Evening receptions are planned among other at the Cité de l’architecture and His Highness the Aga Khan makes us the honour of welcoming the ICOMOS membership at the Domaine de Chantilly, owned by the Institut de France, for a private visit.


6. Churchill Fellowships Seminar

The Heritage Branch, Department of Environment and Resource Management, will host a seminar for professionals and tradespeople working in the heritage and environment sectors who may be interested in applying for a Churchill Fellowship.

Churchill Trust and Churchill Fellowships

The Churchill Trust was established in 1965 to honour the memory of Sir Winston Churchill by awarding overseas research Fellowships known as ‘Churchill Fellowships’.

The aim of the Churchill Trust is to give opportunity, by the provision of financial support, to enable Australians from all walks of life who desire to further their search for excellence overseas.

Since its inception The Churchill Trust has awarded Churchill Fellowships to over 3,400 Australians. There are no prescribed qualifications, academic or otherwise, for the award of most Churchill Fellowships. Merit is the primary test, whether based on past achievements or demonstrated ability for future achievement in any walk of life.

Benefit to Australia is a significant factor. Churchill Fellowships allow you to design your own research project, travel the world and further your knowledge in your chosen field, before returning to make a real contribution to Australian society.

Churchill Fellowships have been awarded in just about every field imaginable.

To be eligible for a Churchill Fellowship, you must be an Australian citizen aged over 18 years, have a passion for your chosen field and a desire to conduct research overseas, and would like to benefit Australia by sharing your knowledge and experience.

More information, including a listing of previous recipients, is available on the Churchill Trust website.


The seminar will provide an opportunity for those considering making application for a Churchill Fellowship to hear about the experiences of a number of recent Fellows. The seminar will be of particular interest to both professionals and tradespeople working in the heritage and environment sectors.

When: 1.30-3.30pm Friday 9 September 2011
Where: Wet Tropics Room, Level 3, 400 George St, Brisbane

Tea and coffee will be provided.

To register for this free event, please email Queensland Heritage.


7. ICOMOS Thailand International Conference 2011 – registration now open

ICOMOS Thailand International Conference 2011
Phuket Merlin Hotel, Phuket Town, Thailand
15-17 October 2011

Registration Deadline: 16 September 2011

For further details, click on the links below.


8. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online

To view the August 2011 issue of Inherit, click here.


9. Joint Museums Australia and Interpretation Australia 2011 conference

At the Frontier 2011 – Exploring the Possibilities
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
14-18 November 2011

Museums Australia & Interpretation Australia are pleased to announce that early bird registrations for At the Frontier are now open. The early bird online registration fee for members is $595. Early bird registration closes on 15 September.


Thanks to a wide range of generous supporters and sponsors, bursaries to assist potential attendees are available. For the full details on the bursaries coordinated through the National Office of Musuems Australia, click here.

If you have any queries please email Lee or Steph at the National Office or call them at (02) 6273 2437.

For details on bursaries provided by Interpretation Australia please email Interpretation Australia.

If you are a Cultural or Arts worker in Western Australia you can also apply for an ARTS Flight Grant through the Dept of Culture and the Arts. For further information click here.

It is essential that all potential applicants discuss their application in advance with the Senior Policy Officer Cultural Programs on (08) 9224 7300, Toll Free on 1800 199 090 or via email.

REMEMBER: Even if you are applying for a bursary you still need to register and pay for additional activities, or request a tax invoice.

Register NOW!

Further information about this conference is available at the conference website.


10. Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Awards 2011

Nominations are called for the following four Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Awards

Closing Date: 12 September 2011

Rhys Jones Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Australian Archaeology

The Rhys Jones Medal is the highest award offered by the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. It was established in honour of Rhys Jones (1941–2001) to mark his enormous contribution to the development and promotion of archaeology in Australia. The Medal is presented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the field. Established in 2002, previous winners include Isabel McBryde (2003), John Mulvaney (2004), Sharon Sullivan (2005), Mike Smith (2006), Jeremy Green (2007), Harry Lourandos (2009) and Iain Davidson (2010). Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s archaeological career and how this work has benefited Australian archaeology, as well as a full list of the nominee’s publications. Note that nominees do not need to be members of the Association; be an Australian citizen; or work exclusively in Australia or on Australian material.

John Mulvaney Book Award

The Award was established in 2004 in honour of John Mulvaney and his contribution and commitment to Australian archaeology over a lifetime of professional service. It acknowledges the significant contribution of individual or co-authored publications to the archaeology of Australia, the Pacific, Papua-New Guinea and South-East Asia, either as general knowledge or as specialist publications. Nominations are considered annually for books that cover both academic pursuits and public interest, reflecting the philosophy of John Mulvaney’s life work. Previous recipients include Val Attenbrow’s Sydney’s Aboriginal Past (2004), Rodney Harrison’s Shared Landscapes (2006), Mike Morwood & Penny Van Oosterzee’s The Discovery of the Hobbit (2007), Peter Hiscock’s The Archaeology of Ancient Australia (2008), Denis Byrne’s Surface Collection (2009) and Jane Lydon’s Fantastic Dreaming (2010). Nominations must be for books written by one or more authors, but not for edited books, published in the last three calendar years (i.e. 2009, 2010 or 2011). The nomination must be accompanied by at least two published book reviews. A short citation (no more than one page) on why the book should be considered must also be included.

The Bruce Veitch Award for Excellence in Indigenous Engagement

This Award celebrates the important contribution made by Bruce Veitch (1957–2005) to the practice and ethics of archaeology in Australia. In particular, the award honours Bruce’s close collaboration with traditional owners on whose country he worked. It is awarded annually to any individual or group who has had long-standing and sustained engagement with Indigenous communities during archaeological or cultural heritage projects which have produced significant outcomes for Indigenous interests. Established in 2005, previous winners include Richard Fullagar (2006), Bruno David (2007), Annie Ross (2008), Luke Godwin (2009) and Peter Veth (2010). Nominees will have actively engaged with Indigenous communities to produce successful outcomes. The nature of nominations is flexible (e.g. video tape, audio tape, poster etc), considering the wide range of Indigenous collaborations and the remoteness of some communities. Nominators are strongly encouraged to include supporting statements from relevant Indigenous individuals or community organisations.

Life Membership for Outstanding Contribution to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc.

This award was established to recognise significant and sustained contribution to the objects and purposes of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Previous winners include John Mulvaney, Jack Golson, Betty Meehan (2002), Val Attenbrow (2002), J. Peter White (2003), Luke Kirkwood (2004), Isabel McBryde (2005), Ian Johnson (2006), Colin Pardoe (2007), Sean Ulm (2008) and Annie Ross (2010). Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s contributions to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Note that nominees must be members of the Association.


Nominations for all Awards will be considered by the Executive of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. with advice as appropriate from senior members of the discipline. The decision of the Executive is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Nominations to be addressed to the President:

Via email –

Via post the current President of AAA:

Dr Lynley Wallis
Australian Archaeological Association Inc.
PO Box 6088
St Lucia QLD 4067

Telephone: (07) 3365 3861

and sent to arrive no later than 12 SEPTEMBER 2011

Recipients of all awards will be announced at the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Annual Conference.

Dates: Thursday 1st – Saturday 3rd December 2011

Location: Toowoomba, Queensland

Host: The University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba


11. Workshops on Virtual Palaces

The Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, University of Leuven and the ESF (European Science Foundation) Research Networking Programme PALATIUM are presenting two workshops on Virtual Palaces. The workshops are part of the ESF Research Networking Programme PALATIUM: Court Residences as Places of Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (1400–1700). The PALATIUM programme aims at creating a common forum for research on the late medieval and early modern European court residence or “palace” (palatium) with an interdisciplinary perspective.

Virtual Palaces is the central theme of two consecutive PALATIUM workshops held in Leuven (Belgium) and Munich (Germany):

  • Part I, Digitizing and Modelling Palaces (Leuven, 18-19 November 2011) will focus on the digital recording and virtual modelling of historic buildings in their actual state, and the related methodological problems.
  • Part II, Lost Palaces and their Afterlife. Virtual Reconstruction between Science and Media (Munich, 13-15 April 2012) will focus on virtual reconstructions of “lost” buildings and their role in research on court residences.

Both workshops belong to section WPM3 of the PALATIUM programme: “Reconstructing the Palace as Virtual Heritage”. For further information on the various topics and working parties of PALATIUM, visit the Court Residences website.

For further information about Part I, Digitizing and Modelling Palaces, including how to register and submit an abstract, click here. The deadline for abstract submission is 30 September 2011.

There are grants available for European researchers – for more information, click here.


12. SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist (Aboriginal), Godden Mackay Logan

Senior Archaeologist (Aboriginal)

Leading Australian heritage consultancy seeks Senior Archaeologist (Aboriginal)

  • High-profile, multidisciplinary firm
  • Wide range of projects across Australia
  • Great career development opportunities

Leading Australian heritage consultancy Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking to appoint a Senior Archaeologist (Aboriginal). This is a full-time position based in Sydney.

GML provides high level heritage advice on major development projects and undertakes benchmark projects for private and public sector clients. We offer innovative and responsible heritage consultancy and archaeology services of the highest quality. Our multi-disciplinary in-house consulting team has expertise in historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage and interpretation.

GML is seeking to employ a Senior Archaeologist with a degree in archaeology and at least 5 years experience in Aboriginal archaeology. The successful applicant will have demonstrated experience in managing archaeological fieldwork and survey projects, excellent working knowledge of relevant legislation and statutory requirements for Aboriginal projects and obtained permits and approvals under the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act. The successful applicant will also have excellent writing skills, the ability to manage projects, and demonstrated experience preparing due diligence reports, archaeological assessments, research designs, management plans, heritage impact statements and post-excavation reports for Aboriginal sites. They will also have experience in community consultation and established relationships with Aboriginal communities. Importantly, the successful applicant will be able to work as part of a team, and work within time and budget constraints.

We have an exciting range of projects and offer opportunities for professional development and advancement. We also have a training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge.

GML has established a new collaboration with Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management (JMcD CHM) to provide a broad range of Aboriginal heritage consulting services. The successful applicant will be part of the GML + JMcD CHM team.

Salary will be negotiable for the right person/people.

Our main office is located in inner Sydney. We also have a small office in Canberra and undertake work across Australia.

Godden Mackay Logan is an AS/NZL ISO 9001:2008 quality certified company.

For more information contact Anne Mackay on (02) 9319 4811.

Please send your application to Positions.


13. SITUATION VACANT Chief Executive Officer, Museum of Chinese Australian History

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Museum of Chinese Australian History
Package $100,000

Following significant redevelopment of their building in the heart of Melbourne’s Chinatown, the Museum of Chinese Australian History are seeking an experienced and dynamic museum professional to lead the next stage of the Museum’s evolution.

With active support from their Trust and Executive Committee, the CEO will manage the program development and commercial development of the Museum within the parameters of their long term strategic plan. The CEO will also consolidate the Museum’s reputation as a valued, leading community museum.

Details of the post, and application procedure, are available by contacting Lucy Tan. Closing date for applications is Friday 9 September 2011.


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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