Watermarks, Water’s Heritage conference, October 2011 – third keynote speaker confirmed
ACT Symposium 2011 – National Trust of Australia (ACT) media release
Planning scheme information goes mobile
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific – Cultural Heritage Seminar Series, June – November 2011
Upcoming IPPHA professional development course
Heritage and History of China tour with Deakin University
Draft Management Plan for Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens World Heritage Site – written submission closing date: 8 August 2011
Heritage Victoria and the Urban Design Online Survey – REMINDER
Course announcement – Managing World Heritage Sites: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies
Book titles of interest
Heritage at Risk: ICOMOS World Report 2008-2010 on Monuments and Sites in Danger – available online
Veterans Heritage Workshop – Sale, Gippsland – 27 September 2011
International Conference on World Heritage at Risk, Ravello, Italy, 14 -16 September 2011
16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – speakers online
Shacks & huts: comparative research
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor(s), City of Manningham
SITUATION VACANT Expressions of Interest called: Port Arthur Historic Site – Penitentiary Precinct Conservation Project
1. Watermarks, Water’s Heritage conference, October 2011 – third keynote speaker confirmed
Watermarks, Water’s Heritage
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
Southbank, Melbourne
27-30 October 2011
The conference committee is pleased to announce that Dr Helen Doyle has agreed to be the third keynote speaker at the Watermark’s, Water’s Heritage conference.
Dr Helen Doyle is a professional historian with a strong interest in local history and heritage. After completing a Master of Arts in Public History at Monash University, she has been involved in many government heritage studies and conservation projects, including a state-wide study of Victoria’s water supply heritage. Her doctoral thesis, completed in 2005, examined some conceptual themes in settlers’ perceptions of landscape and conceptions of history-making in Victoria. She was also an assistant editor for the Oxford Companion to Australian History (Davison, Macintyre, Hirst, eds., 1998) and has co-authored a history of the Yan Yean water supply system (with Tony Dingle, 2003).
For further information visit the conference website. Early bird rates are available til 8 September 2011. Visit the Registration Page for further details.
2. ACT Symposium 2011 – National Trust of Australia (ACT) media release
This year’s ACT Symposium – “Heritage and Planning: partners in development”, held on Saturday 23rd July was a great success. The Canberra Archaeological Society coordinated the event with sponsor organisations, including the National Trust (ACT). Heritage and planning professionals were joined by local historians passionate about the values of Canberra. Speakers travelled from NSW and Queensland, reminding us that not only those who live here love their Capital City.
Click on the following link to read the entire media release – ACT Symposium 2011 – National Trust of Australia _ACT_ media release
3. Planning scheme information goes mobile
Two new online services have been launched by Statutory Planning Systems Reform (SPSR) to improve accessibility to DPCD’s (Department of Planning and Community Development) planning schemes.
PlanningVIC: Planning Property Report iphone app
Developed by Philip Clewlow and Nigel Hutton of SPSR’s ePlanning Services Unit, this is a free iphone app allows you to search for and generate a planning property report for any property in Victoria.
These reports provide property and planning details such as zoning and overlay controls, and state heritage information. The app complements the existing Planning Property Report service by making the service mobile.
You can download the app here.
Planning Scheme Histories Online Service
This comprehensive self-service index gives you free access to the historical records of all new format planning schemes since 1997. The site was developed by the Information Services Unit, with Geoff Bullock, Lance Counsel, Shirani De Saram and Nigel Hutton from SPSR, and Marc Duval from the Web Team in Corporate Communications.
In the past it took considerable research to collate historical planning scheme information and this new service will save a considerable amount of searching time.
The Planning Scheme Histories site will be updated to maintain an accurate historical record as each planning scheme is amended.
Visit the Planning Scheme Histories Online Service.
4. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific – Cultural Heritage Seminar Series, June – November 2011
The Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific is pleased to announce a new seminar series to be held at DeakinPrime, in the city on the last Wednesday of every month.
Deakin University Melbourne City Centre
Meeting Room 2
Level 3, 550 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Date & Time
Last Wednesday of every month, from 5.30 to 6.30pm
29 June 2011, 5.30 – 6.30 pm
Presenter: A/Professor Andrea Witcomb, Director, Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Title: Using immersive and interactive approaches to interpreting traumatic experiences for tourists: potentials and limitations
27 July 2011, 5.30 – 6.30 pm
Presenter: Paul Fox, Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Fellow, Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific/Centre for Memory, Imagination and Invention, Deakin University
Title: Rural Rides in Yankee Land and how they influenced an agricultural revolution in Victoria
31 August 2011, 5.30 – 6.30 pm
Presenter: Liza Dale-Hallett, Senior Curator for Sustainability, Museum of Victoria
Title: Sites of Trauma – Contemporary Collecting and Natural Disaster
28 September 2011, 5.30 – 6.30 pm
Presenter: Dr Linda Young, Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Title: National style at home? A history of vernacular and high styles in house museums
26 October 2011, 5.30 – 6.30 pm
Presenter: Prof. Christoph Antons, School of Law, Deakin University
Title: At the crossroads: The Legal Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions and Cultural Heritage in Asia
30 November 2011, 5.30 – 6.30 pm
Presenters: Professor William Logan and A/Prof. Andrea Witcomb, Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Title: Long Tan, Vietnam: memorialisation and atonement
5. Upcoming IPPHA professional development course
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is offering the following course.
Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places
This Advanced Professional Development Short Course presented at Port Arthur has recently won the ANU’s 2010 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Education. The five day course is offered from 15-19 August 2011 and there are still a few places available. Details are in the Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places flier.
6. Heritage and History of China tour with Deakin University
The culture and heritage of China, its management and the pressures of tourism
Study tour: 4-20 November 2011
Deakin University Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies/Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia & the Pacific
The tour will develop basic knowledge of Chinese culture in the classical Middle Kingdom region bounded by Beijing, Xi’an and Shanghai. The first focus is on the museums and monuments of Chinese heritage (practically all World Heritage-listed) as exemplars of the great dynastic movements that shaped the major culture of Asia, influencing the rest of the world in general and SE Asia in particular. Second, meetings with local heritage managers will introduce Chinese approaches to managing the vast resource of built and object heritage, including the influence of the Burra Charter on the China Principles. The tremendous pressure of domestic and international tourism will be the third focus of the tour – taking the participant-observer approach to knowledge building.
$3,600 per person on twin share basis, flying Qantas, plus airport taxes c.$260 (+ fuel surcharges?); total = $3860; $440 single supplement.
Cost includes:
- 15 full days in China
- 3 star hotel accommodation, not super-luxury but very good
- Many meals included, but plenty of non-tour meal opportunities
- All transfers and sightseeing tours with entrance fees
- Private air-conditioned coach/ friendly English speaking guides
- Flight to Xi’an; soft class sleeper train (4-berth) to Souzhou
- Melbourne-Sydney-Beijing, Shanghai-Sydney-Melbourne flying Qantas
- Chinese visa ($78)
- Travel insurance (enrolled students are covered by DU)
- Tipping: $6 per day per person, direct to the tour guide
For details, contact Dr Linda Young.
7. Draft Management Plan for Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens World Heritage Site – written submission closing date: 8 August 2011
Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens World Heritage Management Plan
The Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens was inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage List on 1 July 2004.
The Heritage Act (Vic) 1995 provides for the preparation of a World Heritage Management Plan for listed places. A Steering Committee appointed by the Minister under the Heritage Act is charged with the responsibility of preparing this plan.
A draft World Heritage Management Plan has now been prepared and will be submitted to the Minister for Planning for approval. Prior to submitting the draft plan to the Minister, the Steering Committee is seeking submissions from the public on the draft plan. All submissions made will be considered by the Steering Committee. Any person lodging a submission may also request an opportunity to be heard by the Steering Committee.
The draft plan is available for inspection until 8 August 2011. It may be viewed online, or in person at the offices of the Heritage Council, Level 4/55 Collins St Melbourne or at the offices of the City of Melbourne, Council House 2, Level 3/240 Little Collins Street Melbourne.
Written submissions on the World Heritage Management Plan will be accepted until close of business, Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions should be addressed to:
Steering Committee REB&CG
c/-Heritage Victoria
GPO Box 2392
or can be sent via email to Heritage Victoria.
8. Heritage Victoria and the Urban Design Online Survey – REMINDER
Heritage Victoria and the Urban Design Unit within the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) have developed an online survey to evaluate a number of heritage and urban design programs and services, many of which have been delivered for over fifteen years. The survey results will help us to understand whether heritage and urban design services delivered and supported by DPCD are meeting the needs of key stakeholders.
While anyone with an interest or involvement in heritage and/or urban design is invited to complete the survey, it has been designed especially to understand local government perspectives; both officers and councillors, and the experiences of heritage advisors. This is an opportunity to tell us:
- Your experiences at the local level
- What’s working well
- What could be improved/ where the gaps are
- What HV/Urban Design Unit could be doing better
The length of the survey will be dependent upon your selection in the ‘Participant Profile’ section and your responses to questions, however the majority of the questions require only a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response.
For general public participants, it should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. For heritage advisors and local government employees, the survey may take between 20 to 60 minutes to complete, depending on your responses and for Advisors, how many Councils you support. If you can’t complete the survey in a single sitting, SurveyMonkey will retain your answers and allow you to complete the survey at a later date, (providing you access the survey from the same computer).
If you choose, the survey can be completed anonymously, however a prize of Phillip Goad’s ‘Melbourne Architecture’ is offered to the first 50 people who complete the survey and provide their contact details. No matter how you choose to complete the survey, we will only report the results with all answers combined.
If you experience any difficulties in completing the survey, please contact Amanda Bacon.
To commence the survey, click here.
The survey closes on Friday 26 August.
9. Course announcement – Managing World Heritage Sites: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies
Applications are now open for the Course on Managing World Heritage Sites: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies, to be held in Mexico City, Mexico from 5-16 December 2011.
Application deadline: 30 September 2011
For further information, click here.
10. Book titles of interest
Maintenance of Historic Buildings
Maintenance helps to preserve the significance of a historic building, retaining both the structural integrity of the building fabric and its appearance. Maintenance can extend a building’s life, reduce or remove the need for repairs and ultimately offers a sustainable approach to the conservation of our heritage. It is therefore recognized by conservation professionals as one of the most important activities involved in caring for historic buildings. Despite this, it is still often considered a low priority by building owners.. read more
Cultural Heritage, Ethics, and the Military
The world reacted with horror to the images of the looting of the National Museum in Iraq in 2003 – closely followed by other museums and then, largely unchecked, or archaeological sites across the country. This outcome had been predicted by many archaeologists, with some offering to work directly with the military to identify museums and sites to be avoided and protected.. read more
The Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Iraq
Discussion of the issues surrounding the destruction of cultural property in times of conflict has become a key issue for debate around the world. This book provides an historical statement as of 1st March 2006 concerning the destruction of the cultural heritage in Iraq.. read more
Pinning down the Past – Archaeology, Heritage, & Education Today
In a relatively short period of time the pursuit of archaeology has evolved from an antiquarian interest to a specialised scientific activity. Part of this evolution has always included the interest of the public and archaeologists’ efforts to educate them.. read more
Metal Detecting and Archaeology
The invention of metal detecting technology during the Second World War allowed the development of a hobby that has traditionally been vilified by archaeologists as an uncontrollable threat to the proper study of the past. This book charts the relationship between archaeologists and metal detectors over the past fifty odd years within an international context.. read more
Archaeology, Cultural Property, and the Military
Laurie Rush, a senior archeologist with the U.S. Army, has assembled a seminal book on the threat to important cultural sites from combat operations, and none too soon. Spurred by the tragic and unnecessary loss of artefacts and archaeology from the invasion of Iraq, she and her colleagues make a persuasive case that a minimum of common sense can not only protect this shared heritage but also enhance the likelihood that a military mission will succeed, and with fewer casualties.. read more
11. Heritage at Risk: ICOMOS World Report 2008-2010 on Monuments and Sites in Danger – available online
The Heritage at Risk 2008-2010 Report is a world report on monuments and sites in danger in many countries across the globe. With prefaces by the Assistant Director General for UNESCO, Francesco Bandarin, and ICOMOS President Gustavo Araoz, this sixth volume, which for the first time includes a comprehensive index of all cases or sites discussed in H@R reports published since 2000, provides a certain overview of the dangers, problems and trends regarding the protection of monuments and sites in the different regions of the world.
For further information and to download, click here.
12. Veterans Heritage Workshop – Sale, Gippsland – 27 September 2011
The Veterans Unit, DPCD will be offering a Veterans Heritage Workshop on Tuesday 27 September in Sale, Gippsland. This workshop is a free one-day event for RSL memorabilia officers and volunteers from community organisations who care for veterans heritage collections. This includes local historical societies, community museums, indigenous organisations, military history societies, and other community groups that are custodians of war-related heritage material (historical objects, documents, photos, memorabilia etc).
The workshop is designed to increase the skills and knowledge of volunteers and help them preserve this important cultural material for future generations. Museum professionals will address common questions such as:
- What is the right way to store objects and documents?
- How can fragile objects be protected?
- What is the safest way to display material without damaging it?
- How should we catalogue our collection?
The workshop will be held 9.30am-4.30pm at the Gippsland Veterans Welfare Centre. More information and application forms can be found at the Veteran’s section of the Department of Planning and Community Development website.
The workshop if free but registration is essential. The registration deadline is Tuesday 6 September.
These workshops have been very popular in Melbourne and participants have rated highly the skills and knowledge they have learnt.
13. International Conference on World Heritage at Risk, Ravello, Italy, 14 -16 September 2011
2011 Culture, Economics and Cities (CEC) International conference
World Heritage at Risk – The economics of tangible and intangible heritage under threat
14-16 September 2011
Ravello, Italy
Deadline for abstract submission: 10 August 2011
A public debate on the conservation/valorisation of urban heritage facing threats related to cultural diversity, armed conflicts, climate changes and increasing tourism demands.
This event, promoted by the University of Nottingham in collaboration with the European University Centre for Cultural Heritage – with the support of The World Bank, through the Italian Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development Trust Fund, the Federico II University of Naples and the Province of Salerno – will see the participation of world experts in cultural economics, regional science and conservation of tangible and intangible heritage.
For further details visit the conference website or download the 2011 CEC Conference flier.
14. 16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – speakers online
The speakers of the 16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies are now online.
Early bird registration is open until 14 October 2011.
The Call for VIDEOS is still open.
Important Dates
- Notification to POSTER presenters: 29 July 2011
- End of the submission – CALL for Videos: 14 October 2011
- Full paper submission (lecture/poster): 27 February 2012
For the program and other information please visit the conference website.
15. Shacks & huts: comparative research
Geoff Ashley (GML) and Chris Johnston (Context) are working on a project to assess the significance of some coastal shack settlements and would like find out about other heritage studies of similar types of places nationally to help with our comparative assessment.
They are interested in shacks or huts – typically small buildings that are primarily used for temporary living in remote locations, outside formal townships and often located to help people access a local resource (such as pastures for grazing, hunting or fishing areas etc). Today many shacks are used for holidays and recreation.
They are also interested in learning about management solutions to the often vexed issue of continuing occupancy of shacks on Crown Land.
If you have done some work on shacks or huts, they would really appreciate your help. They have designed a short survey to help them gather the information. Please click here to take the survey.
For further information, you can contact Geoff Ashley, Godden Mackay Logan or contact Chris Johnston, Context.
16. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
Heritage Officer
Classification: APS5
Reference number: 31105
Employment type: Ongoing
Salary: $63,813 – $67,695
Closing date: 11 August 2011
Contact Name: Edwina Jans on (02) 6270 8234
The Heritage Officer is integral to operations at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House and plays a key role in the implementation of conservation and collection management projects on this heritage site. Old Parliament House is on the Commonwealth and National Heritage Lists and is protected under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The role involves implementing key documents including: Heritage Management Plan; Collection Management Policy; Integrated Pest Management Plan; Human Impact Management Program; and Disaster Recovery Plan. Key aspects for this position will be developing and delivering Heritage Awareness Training sessions and undertaking secretariat duties.
Selection documentation may be obtained from the employment section of the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House website. Further queries about the position should be directed to the Contact Officer.
17. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor(s), City of Manningham
The City of Manningham is seeking the services of a Heritage Advisor(s) to assist owners of heritage properties, advise Council on the maintenance of its heritage assets, attend Heritage Advisory Committee Meetings (3-4 per annum) and assist with the implementation of the Heritage Restoration Fund. We would be looking to engage a suitable person to commence in September where possible. The position will generate approximately 150 hours for this service over twelve months. This equates to roughly 5-6 hours a fortnight.
Application details can be obtained from the Tenders and Expressions of Interest section of the Council’s website.
Applications close at 11.00am on Wednesday 17 August 2011.
Enquiries can be directed to (03) 9840 9392
18. SITUATION VACANT Expressions of Interest called: Port Arthur Historic Site – Penitentiary Precinct Conservation Project
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) is on the verge of one of its most exciting and important projects for many decades. The Penitentiary building is the largest and most widely recognised standing structure associated with the convict system in Tasmania. It is a nationally recognised image used in the promotion of Tasmania. PAHSMA is calling for Expressions of Interest for the Penitentiary Precinct Conservation Project, a multi-discipline approach to the protection and promotion of this most important site.
For more information please contact Jo Lyngcoln – Conservation Manager PAHSMA: ph: (03) 62512363 (0428 141 652) or email Jo.
The closing date for the Expression of Interest is 19 September 2011.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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