17th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – registration open
Victoria’s Heritage Grants
UNITAR World Heritage Training Workshop – Japan – July 2011
Heritage Victoria stories now on Culture Victoria
Upcoming IPPHA professional development courses
Heritage and History of China tour with Deakin University
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Streetwise Asia Update – Progress on Philippines Heritage Schools Conservation Program
Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
Books in Exchange for Book Reviews
Regional Growth Fund launched by Regional Development Victoria
ICCROM survey – museum collections in storage
ACT Symposium 2011 – program available
Changes to ICOMOS Director-General
Archaeology in The Rocks – walking tour
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Project Officer, Department of Planning and Community Development (Victoria)
SITUATION VACANT Manager Landscape Design, Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet
SITUATION VACANT Head of the ICOMOS Documentation Centre (maternity leave replacement), ICOMOS International
1. 17th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – registration open
17th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
‘Heritage, driver of development’
27 November – 2 December 2011
Paris, France
Deadline – early bird registration: 27 August 2011
Deadline – post-tour reservations: 27 September 2011
The most important triennial gathering of ICOMOS will take place from 27 November to 2 December 2011 for the first time in Paris at UNESCO headquarters.
The General Assembly (GA) is accompanied by a Scientific Symposium on the theme “Heritage: Driver of Development”. Both events are open to ICOMOS members and non-members alike.
Visit the GA website to consult the full programme, register on-line and obtain information on negotiated hotel rates and the 9 post-tours to World Heritage cities in France on offer.
We advise you to book accommodation early to benefit of the widest choice and best rates.
The General Assembly is the occasion where ICOMOS debates its strategy and programme for the coming three years, adopts important resolutions, elects its next board, appoints its Honorary Members and awards the Gazzola Prize – the organization’s highest distinction.
The programme include a special evening event for young professionals and universities, a forum where the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees will present their activities to participants and an event to allow participants to exchange with colleagues from their region.
Evening receptions are planned among other at the Cité de l’architecture and His Highness the Aga Khan makes us the honour of welcoming the ICOMOS membership at the Domaine de Chantilly, owned by the Institut de France, for a private visit.
2. Victoria’s Heritage Grants
Matthew Guy, MLC, Minister for Planning, has announced Victoria’s Heritage Grants for 2011-2012 have opened. The grants program administered by Heritage Victoria assists owners and managers of heritage places and objects in Victoria.
Eligible applicants can apply for funding in the new round which opened 7 July 2011. The total funding amount available is $1 million.
As with most grants, this is a highly competitive process, so applicants must ensure they read the guidelines, establish their eligibility and address the grant program criteria in order to submit a high quality application.
Remember, the demand for funding always exceeds the amount of funding available.
Applications close 31 August 2011 and must be submitted online via Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) website.
Call DPCD’s Grants Info line for further information on 1300 366 356 or visit the Grants section of the website.
Click here to read the media release about the grants program.
3. UNITAR World Heritage Training Workshop – Japan – July 2011
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) organised its ninth training workshop on the management and conservation of World Heritage Sites in Hiroshima, Japan, on 4 to 8 July 2011. ICOMOS is a partner organisation in this series.
In broad terms, the workshop:
- presented participants with key information about the World Heritage system, especially nominations
- also presented useful information about general heritage issues and practices
- focused particular attention on the relatively new World Heritage nominations manual, and on the comparative analysis part of nominations
- created the opportunity for networking amongst international participants and resource persons
The workshop benefitted from study tours to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and A-Bomb Dome, and to Miyajima Itsukushima Shinto Shrine – both World Heritage sites.
The workshop was attended by about 35 participants, resource persons and observers from at least 19 countries of the Asia-Pacific region and well beyond. The participants came from a wide range of backgrounds including Government organisations, from academia and research institutes, and from the private sector and non-governmental organisations. The countries represented ranged from Denmark to Kiribati, and from Australia to Pakistan.
The resource people came from a range of organisations including UNESCO, ICOMOS, and IUCN, as well as a number of Japanese universities.
Duncan Marshall was the representative of ICOMOS at the workshop, and was financially supported by Australia ICOMOS.
4. Heritage Victoria stories now on Culture Victoria
Restoring St Nicholas is now live on Culture Victoria http://www.cv.vic.gov.au/stories/restoring-st-nicholas/
Restoring St Nicholas is a short film about the restoration of a Greek Orthodox church in Ballarat. The restoration was a unique partnership between Greek Orthodox community of St Nicholas, the City of Ballarat, the trade school at the University of Ballarat and Heritage Victoria. This project allowed young apprentices to learn traditional trade skills and practice the technique of mixing and using lime mortar.
Heritage Victoria has also added some other stories to Culture Victoria. These are:
- From riches to rags and back again – an audio tour of St Kilda’s housing
- Tales from the deep – an oral history of John Black, early scuba diver and underwater explorer
- Unearthing a 19th century Chinese kiln – a short film on the discovery of a Chinese Kiln near Bendigo
- Viewbank – Unearthing a Colonial Homestead – a story of the history, archaeology and conservation of objects found at the Viewbank Homestead
- What house is that? – videos, text and images taken from the WHIT interactive, exploring the history of Victoria’s housing styles
These are all viewable from the Built Environment page of the website.
5. Upcoming IPPHA professional development courses
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is offering the following courses.
1. World Heritage Nomination: understanding how it works
Join some of Australia’s foremost heritage experts for a one-day Professional Update session providing a comprehensive overview of how places are nominated to the World Heritage List and the research, processes and politics required to get them there! The event is on Wednesday 27 July 2011 at the Australian National University in Canberra. Details are in the World Heritage Nomination – understanding how it works flier.
2. Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places
This Advanced Professional Development Short Course presented at Port Arthur has recently won the ANU’s 2010 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Education. The five day course is offered from 15-19 August 2011 and there are still a few places available. Details are in the Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places flier.
6. Heritage and History of China tour with Deakin University
The culture and heritage of China, its management and the pressures of tourism
Study tour: 4-20 November 2011
Deakin University Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies/Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia & the Pacific
The tour will develop basic knowledge of Chinese culture in the classical Middle Kingdom region bounded by Beijing, Xi’an and Shanghai. The first focus is on the museums and monuments of Chinese heritage (practically all World Heritage-listed) as exemplars of the great dynastic movements that shaped the major culture of Asia, influencing the rest of the world in general and SE Asia in particular. Second, meetings with local heritage managers will introduce Chinese approaches to managing the vast resource of built and object heritage, including the influence of the Burra Charter on the China Principles. The tremendous pressure of domestic and international tourism will be the third focus of the tour – taking the participant-observer approach to knowledge building.
$3,600 per person on twin share basis, flying Qantas, plus airport taxes c.$260 (+ fuel surcharges?); total = $3860; $440 single supplement.
Cost includes:
- 15 full days in China
- 3 star hotel accommodation, not super-luxury but very good
- Many meals included, but plenty of non-tour meal opportunities
- All transfers and sightseeing tours with entrance fees
- Private air-conditioned coach/ friendly English speaking guides
- Flight to Xi’an; soft class sleeper train (4-berth) to Souzhou
- Melbourne-Sydney-Beijing, Shanghai-Sydney-Melbourne flying Qantas
- Chinese visa ($78)
- Travel insurance (enrolled students are covered by DU)
- Tipping: $6 per day per person, direct to the tour guide
For details, contact Dr Linda Young.
7. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Kirribilli Reflections: A Conversazione on the History and Heritage of Kirribilli Point on Sydney Harbour
Derek Hallam
Kirribilli Point is barely half a kilometre from the Opera House yet to most people it is hardly known beyond a quick “…and on our port side is where the Prime Minister lives….”. Yes, Kirribilli includes two prime real estate properties in Admiralty House and Kirribilli House, but it is also home to the ‘Kirribilli Battery’, the remnants of a massive wool store and a natural water spring probably helping out at the Rocks in the earliest days. No ‘closet stories’ of Prime Ministers or Governors General are needed here as, reflected in each, are the people and social / political issues from early in the 19th century.
Derek’s talk is more a conversazione than a presentation and invites thoughts and comments on the cultural heritage values of what might truly be considered a heritage precinct of national importance rather than simply two ‘old houses’ with links to the administrators of Australia.
Derek’s involvement with Kirribilli extended over the period of preparation of Conservations Plans, conservation strategies and physical conservation programs both as the project manager and an active participant for both ‘houses’ and other Kirribilli properties. Similar roles with other Commonwealth assets, such as the Lancer Barracks at Parramatta, helped bring a broader perspective to the values of the Kirribilli heritage places.
Derek Hallam moved from an early career in structures to project management and direction. Picking up on an interest in conserving our older places, a formal expertise was developed working in the Commonwealth on public assets such as those at Kirribilli, later moving to the University of Sydney with overall environment and heritage responsibilities.
Members and the public are welcome: Refreshments will be available appropriate to the topic of the talk! This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.
Time & Date: 5.00-6.30 pm, Thursday 21 July 2011 – the talk will start at 5.30pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott
8. Streetwise Asia Update – Progress on Philippines Heritage Schools Conservation Program
Ongoing thanks to all ICOMOS members who continue to support the Streetwise Asia initiative. We have recently had some generous pre June 30 donations, and these, together with the proceeds from the Xmas Card initiative (which raised $3,400) enables the Streetwise AsiaProgram to continue to undertake its work.
In 2010, the Kuguita heritage school building in the Southern Philippines was upgraded and conserved and opened in May by the Australian Ambassador and received wide media attention.
Streetwise is now supporting a second project, Tocdog Elementary School, a 1932 American Colonial building on the island of Bohol. As for the first project, the initial contribution from Streetwise Asia has stimulated AusAID (through the Australian Embassy in Manila) to fund the project entirely with Australian resources. The Tocdog School is like the Kuguita School – it was unsafe for occupation and very run down. The building is now being fully restored and is due for completion in September2011. The project includes conservation of authentic traditional details and finishes, including the distinctive capiz windows (sea shells) and finely detailed interior joinery finishes.
A third heritage school project has been confirmed for 2012. Also in Bohol, this will be funded on a similar basis, and has resulted from seed funding from Streetwise Asia. Streetwise contributions have been greatly appreciated by the local school communities and the Department of Education in the Philippines. The Streetwise initiative has also resulted in AusAID venturing for the first time into the conservation of heritage school buildings with a construction budget for each of $Au50,000, as a viable alternative to their regular program of new classroom construction.The intangible benefits of increased awareness of preserving local heritage structures and the international co-operation between Australia and the Philippines is being clearly demonstrated with these projects.
On the ground, work continues to be done voluntarily by Bruce Dawbin, architect, who has undertaken the conservation documentation and visited the school sites to ensure a high standard of conservation work. Bruce has donated his time and expertise to make this conservation initiative possible and ongoing gratitude is expressed for his dedication and generosity of spirit.
For any further information or photos of the projects, please contact Liz Vines. All donations to Streetwise are allocated 100% without any handling or administrative costs extracted.
Elizabeth Vines OAM
Streetwise Asia Fund Coordinator
9. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
To view the June 2011 issue of Inherit, click here.
10. Books in Exchange for Book Reviews
The following books have come to Historic Environment for review.
- Koerner, Stephanie and Russell, Ian. Unquiet Pasts, Risk Society, Lived Cultural Heritage, Re-designing Reflexivity, Ashgate 2010
- Hall, Tony. The Life and Death of the Australian Backyard, CSIRO Publishing 2010
As usual, you get to keep the book in exchange for a 700-800 word book review to be published in Historic Environment. This round of reviews will be due by 1 November 2011.
Please contact Sandy Blair, the HE Reviews Editor, if you are interested in reviewing any of these books.
We are also interested in receiving unsolicited reviews for books, conferences or exhibitions. Please send Sandy an email if you would like to submit an unsolicited review or are aware of a book, conference or exhibition that you think would be of interest to the HE readership.
11. Regional Growth Fund launched by Regional Development Victoria
The new Regional Growth Fund was recently launched by Regional Development Victoria. It will provide $1 billion over the next eight years to build strong vibrant cities and country communities.
There are a number of funding programs to consider for heritage projects in rural and regional Victoria (select list):
- Putting Locals First Fund
- Local Life, Local Events
- Project Planning
- Building Strategic Tourism & Cultural Assets
For further information, visit the Regional Development Victoria website.
12. ICCROM survey – museum collections in storage
An estimated 60% of the world’s collections in storage are inaccessible and deteriorating rapidly – help ICCROM save endangered museum collections in storage.
If you work in a museum, take 10 minutes to complete this survey for the chance to win a one-year subscription to UNESCO’s Museum International magazine. Answers are confidential.
13. ACT Symposium 2011 – program available
ACT Symposium 2011 – Heritage and Planning: partners in development
Saturday 23 July 2011, 9am – 4.30pm
Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatrette, McCoy Circuit, Acton
Click on the following link to view the program: ACT 2011 symposium programme
14. Changes to ICOMOS Director-General
The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) has farewelled Julie Mebes, Director-General of the ICOMOS International Secretariat. Although only recently appointed to this new position, Ms Mebes advised the President of ICOMOS of her changed plans, and left the Secretariat following the conclusion of the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee at the end of June.
ICOMOS President Gustavo Araoz paid tribute to the achievements of Julie Mebes over this short period. “Although we are disappointed that Julie Mebes has been unable to stay in the role of Director-General for a longer period, I would like to thank her for the important start she has made in making this new position a reality. I join with the staff of the ICOMOS International Secretariat and many members of ICOMOS in wishing her well in her future endeavours. The short experience of her tenure has reinforced to all of us the importance of supporting and strengthening the capacity of the International Secretariat.”
Given the substantial workload of the Secretariat, particularly during the remainder of this year as we look ahead to the 17th ICOMOS General Assembly and the future move to new headquarters, the ICOMOS Bureau and Executive Committee are moving quickly to appoint a successor to Ms Mebes, and will announce the outcome of these efforts as soon as possible.
ICOMOS was founded in 1965 and is the only global non-governmental organisation of its kind, working for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. ICOMOS is a network of approximately 10,000 members worldwide – experts from many fields of cultural heritage conservation. The 17th General Assembly of ICOMOS will be held in Paris in late November 2011, and its Scientific Symposium will explore the theme “Heritage, Driver of Development”.
15. Archaeology in The Rocks – walking tour
Explore archaeological sites in The Rocks and Millers Point, including the ‘Big Dig’, where the foundations of 40 buildings have been incorporated into a modern development, and Parbury Ruins, with the underground remains of an 1820s cottage. This walking tour explores the history of these sites and includes admission to Susannah Place Museum.
The next tour is scheduled for 13 August 2011. For further information and to buy tickets, click here.
16. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Project Officer, Department of Planning and Community Development (Victoria)
Senior Heritage Project Officer
- $76,424 – $92,467 plus 9% super
- Full Time / Fixed Term: until 06 Feb 2014
Do you have a sound knowledge of Aboriginal cultural heritage management issues relevant to South-eastern Australia? Can you build and maintain positive, productive and mutually beneficial working relationships with ease? If so, this may be the role for you…
As the Senior Heritage Officer, you will lead the development and implementation of strategic projects, in the area of Aboriginal cultural heritage management, provide authoritative advice on policy implementation, and liaise with key stakeholders on a range of Aboriginal cultural heritage management issues.
For further information about this role, click here.
Closing date: 19 July 2011
17. SITUATION VACANT Manager Landscape Design, Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet
Manager Landscape Design OEH 102-11 – 00000IFY
Office of Environment and Heritage Department of Premier and Cabinet
Location: Parramatta
Employment Status: Permanent Full Time
Job Grade/Classification: Departmental Professional Officer Grade 5
Vacancy Ref: OEH 102-11
Manage a team of consultants, staff and contractors to facilitate the planning and procurement of major parkland capital works and developing associated guidelines and policies within the metro branch. Lead project teams in the delivery of professional planning services.
Job Notes: Office will be relocating to St Leonards in next six months. The position requires that field visits and training workshops be carried out. These programs may occasionally require weekend work. Electronic applications must be MS Office 2003 compatible.
Information package contact: Mariane Descombes 02 9895 7451
Applications close: Sunday 31 July 2011
Sydney Region-Sydney – West
Total remuneration package
$113,689 p.a. Salary package includes base salary ($101,024 – $103,026 p.a.), annual leave loading and employer contributions to superannuation scheme.
Job Category
Parks and Wildlife Group
Cath Snelgrove – 0448 932 847
Selection criteria
- Degree in Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape Planning or equivalent
- Demonstrated negotiation, communication, research, and organisational skills
- Proven leadership and people management skills
- Demonstrated high level analytical conceptual and problem solving abilities
- Demonstrated experience in project and contract management and the capacity to manage complex infrastructure projects from design to practical completion stage; including experience in overseeing and preparing specifications and contract documentation and contract supervision
- Thorough knowledge and experience in the planning and provision of visitor facilities and services and heritage conservation; including preparation of innovative designs for the development of visitor facilities and reuse of historic structures
- Capacity to interpret relevant legislation and government policies, together with a sound understanding of the machinery of government
18. SITUATION VACANT Head of the ICOMOS Documentation Centre (maternity leave replacement), ICOMOS International
Deadline for applications: 26 August 2011
Mrs. Lucile Smirnov, the current head of the Documentation Centre, is seeking a replacement from 26 September 2011 for at least 4 months as she will go on maternity leave.
In addition to welcoming the readers, answering the requests for documents and managing the publication orders, the candidate will have to update ICOMOS’ website and help with its migration to a new platform (Joomla based).
For more information see the Head of the ICOMOS Documentation Centre job description
For queries contact Recruitment.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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