National Scientific Committee (NSC) for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes workshop
Canberra ICOMOS Talks Members Feedback: Luke James – Revitalising a Canal Town in Thailand
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Draft Management Plan for Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens World Heritage Site – public submissions invited
Design in Context: Continuing Professional Development, 23 June 2011
Events presented by the Robin Boyd Foundation
16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference, November 2011 – registration open
ICCROM special news item: Contribute your ideas and experiences to shaping future strategies for Sharing Conservation Decisions
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Project Officer (Buildings), Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
SITUATION VACANT EOI for Research and Development of a History of Migration to the Mid North Coast Of NSW
1. National Scientific Committee (NSC) for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes workshop
Invitation to attend the National Scientific Committee (NSC) for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes workshop being held at the ANU on Saturday 2 July 2011
The focus of the workshop is to develop and implement projects related to Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes. Our last two workshops produced a number of exciting projects that we would like carried through and we need keen for members to be involved to maintain the momentum.
We are particularly interested in involving early career professionals in the workshop and ICOMOS members who are not necessarily members of an International Scientific Committee (ISC) but who have an interest and/or expertise in cultural landscapes and/or routes.
Please email Rachel Jackson or Kirsty Altenburg to find out more information or to RSVP.
2. Canberra ICOMOS Talks Members Feedback: Luke James – Revitalising a Canal Town in Thailand
Luke’s involvement with the town and UNESCO award application for Sam Chuk was firstly as an intern with UNESCO then later as a research project for his heritage studies.
The town of Sam Chuk is about 2 hours away from Bangkok. It was founded in 1884 as a market town on the Tha Chean river. This location lent itself to the town’s planning and development centred on the canal and parallel river. The town is dense in layout with a productive rural area surrounding it.
The talk included background information including the location and development of the town in the canal transport era and the effect of a late 20th century highway overlaid on the existing infrastructure. His research included the effect of this road on the town and the deterioration of the area and the migration of youth away from the area. With the turn of the century, the town now depends on the motorway to bring people back to the area to continue trade. The current architecture of the market town is dense in keeping with the growth period of the town’s economy while the street life was busy and is now a popular location for middle class tourists from Bangkok.
A heritage award application was developed application developed with the guidance of UNESCO about requirements. Within this application there was much community involvement. The awards aim to stimulate private conservation work. One result of the work is now a house museum showing the dwelling of a feudal lord of the early 20th century.
The market area of the town is still very much a working marketplace with many purchasing staples from there. The canal warfront that once supplied the market, however, is separated from the market area and is not as used as it was. The architecture of the marketplace, especially facades of shops houses, show recent evidence of conservation work. Shop houses have a history of family ownership with businesses and leases staying within families. This aspect of local culture has continued and is seen as important to the heritage of the area.
Buildings and businesses restored under private funding, such as a hotel in the area, show enthusiasm for conservation within the community. The conservation work acted as a catalyst for other conservation activities. This move by the community was stimulated by the Thai government’s move to demolish some of the market fabric and build a modern market complex with the vision to move the town into modern market capitalism. Townspeople had another proposal; they drafted a conservation plan and proposed a conservation approach to their economy. The department of treasury withdrew support, the Fine Arts Department of Thailand (the heritage agency) gave its accreditation and the small scale restoration began. They realised that the intangible heritage was just as important to conserve as the physical fabric.
The panel of the Asia Pacific Heritage Awards emphasised the process aspect of the Sam Chuk work when awarding the town. The media widely publicized this and the Prime Minister presented the award to the mayor of Sam Chuk demonstrating the importance of the award. This award and its attention within Thailand could provide a potential model for the revitalisation of other places.
With the Awards application complete, Luke decided to return to Sam Chuk to conduct a further research project on the work behind the process of the award. He was interested in knowing how the culture worked and the process behind the conservation work. He looked at the economic, social and technical factors of the process and how they worked. He looked at what professional heritage practitioners can learn from this process and found that when economic, social and technical factors are in place, only minimal recognition, space and encouragement is required, otherwise may need broader types of community support. He concluded that the community’s self-perception that they remained the owners of the work and the results was a chief factor in success of the process. With the work continuing in small doses, it allowed for continued community involvement and enthusiasm for the continuance and success of the project..
Local Australian examples of application of such strategies were discussed including the Tarcutta bypass as an example of motorway expansion affecting towns.
Questions from audience
(please note: the content below has been included as provided and not edited at all)
Q. Did Luke look at the power plays and the distribution of authority etc.
A. Did look at it and noted a central organizing committee. Didn’t explore it in extensive detail. There was a centralised approach with sub committees for events, tasks etc. Pretty much voluntary roles. Delineations fairly crude with many crossovers.
Q. How big is Sam Chuk? In population
A. 58,000 approx.
Q. Is the critical mass of the population enough in Sam Chuk? To survive
A. Sam Chuk was centered on its proximity to the river and its market function; one of the downfalls of the motorway being an inability of the market to adapt to the new road-based transport system. Population not really able to be sustained once motorway built
Q. Is the new market life similar to the old canal marked life of the past?
A. Canals still used for large goods transportation on barges but not much evidence of canals used for Sam Chuk business. For the lifestyle, would have to spend more time in the area but there are still festivals held around the canals. The businesses were not too reliant on the professions of the people and their continuation
Q. What is the style of tenancy of the shop houses, are they leased? Owned? Would this ownership have helped?
A. Yes, the united front of the business owners in the market was central to the success of the restoration of the area
Q. What is the destination of the agricultural produce of the area?
A. Not very aware of the ins and outs but may be sent straight to Bangkok or to other regional areas
Q. Can you comment on the migration of the youth exodus and population change?
A. Noticed about a 10 year gap of people leaving and returning to the town. Migration can be due to a want of lifestyle change, need more research on that point.
Q. Noticed that the recent vernacular is getting interest and include it in the concept of heritage
A. Agree that there has been a mentality of one period only as significant. Commented that a shift in view by the government towards a more encompassing view of heritage is needed.
Q. How is the local to expert balance achieved in restoration projects? (this was an open question to end the session)
Alanna Adams
3. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Counteracting Anti-Heritage Thinking in Australia’s Planning Frameworks
The Productivity Commission 2006 report on ‘Australia’s Historic Heritage Places’ was surrounded by two conferences on ‘heritage economics’: in 2000, ‘Challenges for Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century’, held by the Australian Heritage Commission, and ‘Integrating the Costs and Benefits of Heritage into Government Decision Making’ by the Department of Environment & Water Resources in 2007. Both conferences grapple with the problem of funding the heritage sector in all its administrative, fiscal, proprietary and social dimensions. The papers point to a policy vacuum in the management of heritage through our various planning frameworks.
Paul’s talk draws on the conference papers and other sources to find a suite of workable heritage policies—ones that incentivise the built heritage fabric in our urban, coastal and rural environments as they relate to the dilemma of converting private owners of heritage into willing participators for the ultimate public good of society. Paul’s paper relates to his PhD topic ‘Managing Privately Owned Heritage through Australia’s Policy Frameworks’.
Paul Rappoport is an architect with a planning degree. He advises clients in all matters related to heritage. With over 20 years experience in historic and cultural heritage, specialising in contemporary modifications to heritage buildings of all types including; residential, commercial, industrial, retail, rural, ecclesiastical and institutional, he is well-placed to talk about this topic—especially on planning issues for ACT members!
Members and the public are welcome. Refreshments will be available appropriate to the topic of the talk! This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.
Time & Date: 5.00-6.30 pm, Thursday 23 June 2011 – the talk will start at 5.30pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott
4. Draft Management Plan for Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens World Heritage Site – public submissions invited
Public submissions are invited on the draft Management Plan for Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens World Heritage Site until Monday 8 August.
The Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens was inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage List on 1 July 2004.
The Heritage Act (Vic) 1995 provides for the preparation of a World Heritage Management Plan for listed places. A Steering Committee appointed by the Minister under the Heritage Act is charged with the responsibility of preparing this plan.
A draft World Heritage Management Plan has now been prepared and will be submitted to the Minister for Planning for approval. Prior to submitting the draft plan to the Minister, the Steering Committee is seeking submissions from the public on the draft plan.
The draft plan is available for inspection until 8 August 2011. It may be viewed online, in person at the offices of the Heritage Council, Level 4/55 Collins St Melbourne or at the offices of the City of Melbourne, Council House 2, Level 3/240 Little Collins Street Melbourne.
For further information click here.
5. Design in Context: Continuing Professional Development, 23 June 2011
An important aspect of any good design is to understand the context of a place and respond to it. Heritage items are a response to their cultural, economic and physical environments. Similarly, new development in an established setting such as a heritage conservation area should understand and respond to that place in a positive way that is of its own time.
This Australian Institute of Architects professional development session is based on the publication by the Institute’s NSW Chapter and the NSW Heritage Office. It covers many of the themes in the book, including design criteria and working with local councils and DCPs. Architects will present some of their case studies included in the publication. Speakers are architects Peter Tonkin, Jennifer Hill, Rena Czaplinska-Archer, Scott Norton and Brian McDonald and the Heritage Branch’s Cathy Colville. The session is chaired by George Phillips, Chair of the Chapter’s Heritage Committee.
At the end of this session participants should understand:
- the importance of respecting the surrounding context, particularly in heritage conservation areas
- the design criteria that guide contextual design
- how to work with local planning instruments, councils and communities to achieve creative infill solutions
- the challenges and opportunities in responding to a changing urban environment
Seminar presented by the Australian Institute of Architects.
Core competency: Design
CPD Points: Three formal points upon completion of formal activity
Venue: Tusculum, 3 Manning Street Potts Point
Time: 9:00am – 12.30pm, Thursday 23 June
Prices: $75 Institute, PIA, AILA & ICOMOS members, $100 heritage advisors’ network, $150 non-members
Register online
Enquiries: NSW Chapter, ph (02) 9246 4055 or email the NSW Chapter
6. Events presented by the Robin Boyd Foundation
Robin Boyd Foundation’s next public open day – ‘Harold Desbrowe-Annear’
This open day will be held on Sunday 26th June. Click here to view further details (including booking form) for this event.
Lecture on the work of Harold Desbrowe-Annear
A lecture titled “Peter Crone: Restoring the Chadwick House” will be held at Walsh Street (290 Walsh Street, South Yarra), the former home of Mr and Mrs Robin Boyd. This lecture will be a very personal discussion of a passionate twenty year long restoration of the Desbrowe-Annear’s Chadwick House by award winning architect Peter Crone. Click here to view further details for this event.
Ticket numbers for the lecture are limited and they are expected to sell-out. The open day is also expected to be very popular and could sell-out. We encourage you to book early for either event to ensure you obtain tickets.
If you would like to purchase tickets for the open day, the booking form is included in the brochure (see link above). Tickets for the lectures can be purchased by emailing the Foundation.
7. 16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference, November 2011 – registration open
16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference
Wrest Point Conference Centre
13-16 November 2011, Hobart, Tasmania
Hosted by Engineers Australia, this conference is the next in the series of biennial Australia and New Zealand engineering heritage conferences, the last being in Dunedin in New Zealand in November 2009, when a preview of the Hobart conference was presented.
The Conference Organising Committee is now inviting preliminary expressions of interest to participate, as registrants, as keynote speakers, as authors of papers or poster presentations, or to join the pre-conference tour.
Visit the conference website for further information and to register.
8. ICCROM special news item: Contribute your ideas and experiences to shaping future strategies for Sharing Conservation Decisions
In the last 10 years, interest in decision-making processes in conservation has grown significantly, as evidenced by the increasing number of conservation related articles and meetings that address this topic. Over the same period, one of ICCROM’s flagship courses has focused on ‘Sharing Conservation Decisions’.
ICCROM is hosting a seminar in July on this subject, and has invited a small group of former course participants and teachers, in addition to a few guest speakers. The aim is to reflect on progress made in the last decade and to identify the paths to more sustainable and more effective decisions for future conservation.
But before the Seminar begins, ICCROM would like to hear your thoughts on this topic. Click here for more information.
9. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Project Officer (Buildings), Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority has a vacant position for a Conservation Project Officer (Buildings). The position requires experience in and demonstrated understanding of built heritage conservation practices and procedures.
For information email Jo Lyngcoln or phone (03) 6251 2363. Application information is available from here.
Closing Date: Monday 27 June 2011.
10. SITUATION VACANT EOI for Research and Development of a History of Migration to the Mid North Coast Of NSW
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council and the Migration Heritage Centre Powerhouse Museum are seeking applications for the research and development of a history of migration to the mid north coast of NSW.
This project will commission a community history to research and uncover the hidden story of all the waves of migration and settlement to the mid north coast with a particular interest in labour and family history. The history will research from first European settlement to the present. It will encompass Anglo-Celtic migrations and contact history with Aboriginal Australians, including the shared labour histories on farms and in local industries. The history will record the distinctive histories and ethnic profiles of towns including Port Macquarie, Taree, Kempsey, South West Rocks, Wingham, Wauchope & Laurieton over time.
The project will also record the associated dislocation of the traditional owners of the region and the histories of Aboriginal labour which are likely to be hidden histories alongside that of migrant communities. The Aboriginal history will be written separately through a second commissioned history. The two histories will be combined by the Migration and Settlement historian in close collaboration with the historian of Aboriginal history.
Preference will be given to candidates with experience working with NSW document repositories.
Please note the closing date for EOI is Thursday 23 June.
For a copy of the brief and to submit an expression of interest, please contact:
Liz Gillroy
Regional Museums Curator
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
P: (02) 6581 8508
email Liz
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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