Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 489

  1. Nomination of Kristal Buckley for ICOMOS Vice-President
  2. Advanced Professional Development Short Course at Port Arthur, ‘Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places’
  3. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
  4. Media Release – Blue Shield Australia awarded a program grant
  5. Design in Context: Continuing Professional Development, 23 June 2011
  6. 2011 AGL Shaw Lecture – “La Trobe and the Vignerons”
  7. 16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference, November 2011 – registration open
  8. 16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – deadlines extended
  9. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
  10. News from World Monuments Fund
  11. 1st International Conference on Best Practices in World Heritage: Archaeology
  12. “The Best in Heritage” Master Class, September 2011
  13. ISISE Activities Report 2008/10
  14. SITUATION VACANT EOI for Research and Development of a History of Migration to the Mid North Coast Of NSW
  15. SITUATION VACANT Horticultural and Landscape Maintenance, Gore Hill Memorial Cemetery, St Leonards


1. Nomination of Kristal Buckley for ICOMOS Vice-President

Australia ICOMOS is pleased to advise that we have endorsed the nomination of Kristal Buckley for a third term as ICOMOS Vice President. This was not a difficult decision. During her two terms in this role, Kristal has tirelessly supported the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and contributed to the advancement of ICOMOS goals internationally. This latter contribution continues to bring great credit to Australia, and continues the well-deserved recognition of not only Kristal, but the other Australia ICOMOS representatives who have held this position previously. If successful (which she will be!) at the election at the General Assembly (GA) in Paris later in the year, this will be the last term that Kristal will be able to serve on the international committee.

All the documentation for Kristal’s nomination has now been provided to Paris. The process involved some considerable engagement with our international colleagues over the past few weeks and I believe we can be very proud of Kristal’s standing and respect in the international community, and also of the credit accrued through the ongoing international activities of many members of Australia ICOMOS. Additional information regarding the GA and the Australian presence will be distributed in the next e-news, and I would again take this opportunity to encourage members to attend.

A number of other matters of interest for members were covered at our recent Executive Committee meeting in Adelaide and the various State representatives will forward a report in the near future. I will report further on some of our proposed initiatives in the next few weeks.

Jane Harrington
President, Australia ICOMOS


2. Advanced Professional Development Short Course at Port Arthur, ‘Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places’

The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) is pleased to offer once again the Advanced Professional Development Short Course at Port Arthur, ‘Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places’, from 15-19 August 2011.

The course is offered in collaboration with the Prot Arthur Historic Site, and is part of a short course program that recently won an ANU award for ‘Excellence in Teaching and Learning’.

Previous participants made the following comments about the course:

  • “On site learning is the most effective. Applying knowledge to real life situations is how we will develop as good heritage managers.”
  • “Thank you for the fantastic opportunity to undertake the course along with the ANU students. It has been the best professional development training that I have undertaken.”

For further information, see the Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places leaflet or go to the IPPHA website.


3. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series

Counteracting Anti-Heritage Thinking in Australia’s Planning Frameworks

The Productivity Commission 2006 report on ‘Australia’s Historic Heritage Places’ was surrounded by two conferences on ‘heritage economics’: in 2000, ‘Challenges for Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century’, held by the Australian Heritage Commission, and ‘Integrating the Costs and Benefits of Heritage into Government Decision Making’ by the Department of Environment & Water Resources in 2007. Both conferences grapple with the problem of funding the heritage sector in all its administrative, fiscal, proprietary and social dimensions. The papers point to a policy vacuum in the management of heritage through our various planning frameworks.

Paul’s talk draws on the conference papers and other sources to find a suite of workable heritage policies—ones that incentivise the built heritage fabric in our urban, coastal and rural environments as they relate to the dilemma of converting private owners of heritage into willing participators for the ultimate public good of society. Paul’s paper relates to his PhD topic ‘Managing Privately Owned Heritage through Australia’s Policy Frameworks’.

Paul Rappoport is an architect with a planning degree. He advises clients in all matters related to heritage. With over 20 years experience in historic and cultural heritage, specialising in contemporary modifications to heritage buildings of all types including; residential, commercial, industrial, retail, rural, ecclesiastical and institutional, he is well-placed to talk about this topic—especially on planning issues for ACT members!

Members and the public are welcome. Refreshments will be available appropriate to the topic of the talk! This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.

Time & Date: 5.00-6.30 pm, Thursday 23 June 2011 – the talk will start at 5.30pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott


4. Media Release – Blue Shield Australia awarded a program grant

Blue Shield Australia has been awarded a grant by the Office of the Arts, though the Distributed National Collections program.

Blue Shield Australia has been active in promoting cultural heritage risk preparedness in Australia since its inception in 2005.

In awarding the funding the Hon Simon Crean MP, Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government in Australia’s Federal Government, stated that given the recent spate of natural disasters in Australia the project is both timely and important. The project BSA: Building cultural heritage resilience in regional Australia

Click on the following link to read the entire press release – Media Release – Blue Shield Australia awarded a program grant – 8 June 2011


5. Design in Context: Continuing Professional Development, 23 June 2011

An important aspect of any good design is to understand the context of a place and respond to it. Heritage items are a response to their cultural, economic and physical environments. Similarly, new development in an established setting such as a heritage conservation area should understand and respond to that place in a positive way that is of its own time.

This Australian Institute of Architects professional development session is based on the publication by the Institute’s NSW Chapter and the NSW Heritage Office. It covers many of the themes in the book, including design criteria and working with local councils and DCPs. Architects will present some of their case studies included in the publication. Speakers are architects Peter Tonkin, Jennifer Hill, Rena Czaplinska-Archer, Scott Norton and Brian McDonald and the Heritage Branch’s Cathy Colville. The session is chaired by George Phillips, Chair of the Chapter’s Heritage Committee.

At the end of this session participants should understand:

  • the importance of respecting the surrounding context, particularly in heritage conservation areas
  • the design criteria that guide contextual design
  • how to work with local planning instruments, councils and communities to achieve creative infill solutions
  • the challenges and opportunities in responding to a changing urban environment

Seminar presented by the Australian Institute of Architects.

Core competency: Design
CPD Points: Three formal points upon completion of formal activity

Venue: Tusculum, 3 Manning Street Potts Point
Time: 9:00am – 12.30pm, Thursday 23 June
Prices: $75 Institute, PIA, AILA & ICOMOS members, $100 heritage advisors’ network, $150 non-members
Register online

Enquiries: NSW Chapter, ph (02) 9246 4055 or email the NSW Chapter


6. 2011 AGL Shaw Lecture – “La Trobe and the Vignerons”

Wine lovers and history buffs are invited to join historian and researcher, Dr David Dunstan, as he delivers the 2011 AGL Shaw Lecture – “La Trobe and the Vignerons”.

To be held on Tuesday 14 June at 6pm, Dr Dunstan will explore Charles Joseph La Trobe’s relationship with the pioneering Swiss vignerons and the early development of the Victorian wine industry.

Dr Dunstan will recount the influx from 1839 of Swiss vignerons to the Port Phillip District of New South Wales and their great success in winegrowing.

He will also highlight the link to Superintendent Charles Joseph La Trobe and his Swiss wife, Sophie – their presence at Port Phillip being a factor in early individual decisions to emigrate.

As Dr Dunstan notes, the La Trobes ‘may… be held responsible for kick starting a grape growing and wine making industry in colonial Victoria’.

About the guest speaker: Dr David Dunstan is a Senior Lecturer with the National Centre for Australian Studies at Monash University. He is a historian and researcher with many books and published essays to his credit, including several titles about the wine industry in Australia. Among these are: Better than Pommard! A History of Wine in Victoria (1994), Wine from the Hills (2000), and Morris of Rutherglen (2009). He has taught Australian Studies and Australian History at the University of Melbourne, and at Deakin, RMIT and Monash Universities. David is currently working on a long term project on the history of the Melbourne Herald newspaper and Australian journalists, columnists, correspondents and cartoonists at home and abroad.

About the venue: The event will be held at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria in the former Australian Army Medical Corps Drill Hall – an impressive Art Deco space, listed on the Victorian Heritage Register for its state-wide architectural and historical significance.

Formed in 1909, the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) is committed to collecting, researching and sharing an understanding of the history of Victoria. Housing the most extensive single information resource on the history of Melbourne and Victoria, collections are open Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm. The RHSV is a community organisation that relies on membership subscriptions. Join today and help promote and preserve the history of Victoria.

Event details

Date: Tuesday 14 June
Time: 6pm – 8pm lecture
Address: Royal Historical Society of Victoria, 239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne
Cost: $25 (refreshments included)
Bookings: t: (03) 9326 9288 or email RHSV


7. 16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference, November 2011 – registration open

16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference
Wrest Point Conference Centre
13-16 November 2011, Hobart, Tasmania

Hosted by Engineers Australia, this conference is the next in the series of biennial Australia and New Zealand engineering heritage conferences,  the last being in Dunedin in New Zealand in November 2009, when a preview of the Hobart conference was presented.

The Conference Organising Committee is now inviting preliminary expressions of interest to participate, as registrants, as keynote speakers, as authors of papers or poster presentations, or to join the pre-conference tour.

Visit the conference website for further information and to register.


8. 16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – deadlines extended

The Stadtarchäologie Wien (Urban Archaeology of Vienna) is organising the 16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, to be held at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 14-16 November 2011.

The main topic of this Conference is “Urban Archaeology and Prospection”.

  • Section 1: Prospection, Survey and Data Integration
  • Section 2: Urban Archaeology – Streets, Roads and Squares

Important Dates

  • End of the submission – CALL for PAPERS (Sessions/Workshops) extended to 27 June 2011
  • Notification to PAPER presenters: extended to 15 July 2011
  • Payment for speakers: (latest) 2 September 2011
  • End of the submission – CALL for POSTERS: 6 July 2011
  • Notification to POSTER presenters: extended to 29 July 2011
  • End of the submission – CALL for Videos: 14 October 2011
  • Full paper submission (lecture/poster): 27 February 2012

For the program and other information please visit the conference website.


9. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online

To view the June 2011 issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.


10. News from World Monuments Fund

To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.


11. 1st International Conference on Best Practices in World Heritage: Archaeology

The Universidad Complutense de Madrid together with the Consell Insular de Menorca are organising the 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BEST PRACTICES IN WORLD HERITAGE: ARCHAEOLOGY, to be held 9-13 April 2012 at Menorca, Balearic Islands, (Spain)

This international conference is to generate a meeting point on Archaeology management and treatment of World Heritage sites.

The main aim of the Conference is to draw up and publish a “Guide of Best Practices in World Heritage: Archaeology”. To this end, sessions about the following topics will be organized:

  1. Social action and Archaeology in World Heritage
  2. ICT, Archaeology and World Heritage
  3. Architecture, World Heritage and Archaeology
  4. Land planning, Archaeology and World Heritage
  5. Preventive Archaeology and World Heritage
  6. Education, diffusion, World Heritage and Archaeology

In addition to the main themes mentioned above, complementary sessions can be organized if proposed by the participants.

THE CALL FOR PAPERS IS NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN – click here for further information.

Abstracts (300-400 words) are invited – deadline: 10 September 2011

Send as an email attachment in WORD or PDF to the conference organisers.

For any additional questions related to the conference, please email the conference organisers.

Please see the conference website for further information.


12. “The Best in Heritage” Master Class, September 2011

Mnemosophia – The Best in Heritage Master Class
Dubrovnik – Croatia
25 – 26 September 2011

Having a powerful source of fresh, excellent professional experience, “The Best in Heritage” decided to contribute to capacity building and networking between young emerging professionals and researchers from the heritage world in South East Europe. Thus, we will enable them to attend The Best in Heritage conference and have created the idea of “Mnemosophia – Master Class” which takes place right after the conference, in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25 – 26 September 2011.

Mnemosophia Master Class is two days of lecturing, reflection and discussion upon projects presented during the conference governed by the three basic aspects of excellence: collecting, care and communication plus a discussion on a theme of the year which we decide with our patron and sponsor UNESCO Venice. This year the theme is Difficult Heritage.

The wide conceptual approach behind the project claims that we all belong to the same, future, mega-profession of collectors, carers and communicators of heritage. Mnemosophia refers to the wide theory that unites public memory (mneme) and the need to reach filtered, sublime, ethically founded and useful knowledge, i.e. wisdom (sophia). The Master class will be facilitated with the help of international lecturers and moderators.

Target group

Our target group is PhD students, and young professionals from the heritage world in South East Europe. Thirty suitable individuals will be selected for the Scholarship on basis of their CVs and motivational letters. Any other participation is welcome. We are looking for candidates from various heritage related disciplines who are highly motivated to contribute to the positive development of the heritage sector in the region, have curiosity for new thinking in heritage conservation and a vision about how their participation in the Master Class will contribute to their professional development.

Interested SEE PhD students – click here for the on-line application process.


13. ISISE Activities Report 2008/10

The Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) was initiated in 2007 as a joint initiative by Universities of Coimbra and Minho, in Portugal.

ISISE is one of the largest research, development and innovation centers in the field of Civil Engineering in Portugal, with 30 PhD members and 80 PhD students.

A report on the activities of the Institute over  the last three years is available from this page (please note the file – called “Technical & Scientific Activities Report 2008-2010” – is 40MB).


14. SITUATION VACANT EOI for Research and Development of a History of Migration to the Mid North Coast Of NSW

Port Macquarie-Hastings Council and the Migration Heritage Centre Powerhouse Museum are seeking applications for the research and development of a history of migration to the mid north coast of NSW.

This project will commission a community history to research and uncover the hidden story of all the waves of migration and settlement to the mid north coast with a particular interest in labour and family history. The history will research from first European settlement to the present. It will encompass Anglo-Celtic migrations and contact history with Aboriginal Australians, including the shared labour histories on farms and in local industries. The history will record the distinctive histories and ethnic profiles of towns including Port Macquarie, Taree, Kempsey, South West Rocks, Wingham, Wauchope & Laurieton over time.

The project will also record the associated dislocation of the traditional owners of the region and the histories of Aboriginal labour which are likely to be hidden histories alongside that of migrant communities. The Aboriginal history will be written separately through a second commissioned history. The two histories will be combined by the Migration and Settlement historian in close collaboration with the historian of Aboriginal history.

Preference will be given to candidates with experience working with NSW document repositories.

For a copy of the brief and to submit an expression of interest, please contact:

Liz Gillroy
Regional Museums Curator
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444

P: (02) 6581 8508
email Liz


15. SITUATION VACANT Horticultural and Landscape Maintenance, Gore Hill Memorial Cemetery, St Leonards

The Gore Hill Memorial Cemetery Trust is seeking a unique person (or company) to do the garden/landscape maintenance of the memorial cemetery grounds at St Leonards. The cemetery is a State Heritage Item.

Proposals are sought from appropriately qualified and experienced companies or individuals to undertake the regular horticultural and landscape maintenance of the historic grounds of the Gore Hill Memorial Cemetery, St Leonards.

To receive a copy of the relevant criteria and the Maintenance Brief, please email Julie Whitfield, Open Space Manager, Willoughby City Council or contact Julie by phone (02) 9777 7751.

Closing date for proposals: Tuesday 14 June 2011.


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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