Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 486

  1. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talks Series
  2. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee meeting, 28-29 May 2011
  3. Museums Australia and Interpretation Australia Conference, 14-18 November 2011
  4. News from ICOMOS International
  5. Inaugural International Conference on Shared Built Heritage, Cape Town, Africa, 3 – 8 July 2011
  6. Association of Critical Heritage Studies Inaugural Conference, 5-8 June 2012 – call for papers
  7. Domes in the World 2012 conference – POSTPONED
  8. SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Officer, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council, Department of Planning and Community Development, VIC
  9. SITUATION VACANT Provision of a Heritage Advisory Service for the Alpine Shire Council
  10. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer (part time), Woollahra Munipical Council


1. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talks Series

How a canal town survived in the freeway age: Sam Chuk, Thailand

Perched on a once-busy canal, the timber shophouses of the town of Sam Chuk were gradually closed and left dormant as the late twentieth century rise of the motor car left the town behind. However, Sam Chuk’s unexpected revitalisation over the past ten years signaled the convergence of a successful community-led heritage project with the emergence of domestic heritage tourism among the growing Thai middle classes.

The recent award of a UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award in 2009 was recognition of a coordinated community effort rooted in the reemergence of local skills and trades. Can Sam Chuk’s revitalisation provide lessons for preserving and revitalising community heritage?

Luke James was an intern and then consultant to UNESCO Bangkok, and recently completed a research project on Sam Chuk as part of a Masters of Cultural Heritage at Deakin University. He is currently a Heritage Officer in the Heritage Division of the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.

Members and the public are welcome: Refreshments will be available appropriate to the topic of the talk! This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.

Time & Date: 5.00-6.30 pm, Thursday 26 May 2011 – the talk will start at 5.30
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott


2. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee meeting, 28-29 May 2011

Adelaide will be the lucky host of the next Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee meeting on 28 and 29 May. The Executive Committee holds quarterly meetings in various cities around Australia, to allow members to meet Executive and discuss relevant issues within a local forum. These visits also allow the ICOMOS President to meet with government and other local interest groups, to promote the relevance of heritage and the leading role of Aust ICOMOS. We have arranged the following activities to ‘show Adelaide off’ and allow local members to meet with each other and Executive within an informal forum. Therefore, we invite you to attend one of the following events – please come along – the more people the better – and feel free to bring a non-ICOMOS friend!

Friday 27 May

5pm – 7:30pm – sunset drinks and a tour of Carrick Hill house, Springfield, 46 Carrick Hill Drive, Springfield SA 5062. Carrick Hill historic house is a heritage site of 1930s splendor, with all the furnishings of the period still insitu, surrounded by a fascinating art collection.

Cost: entry and drinks (pay at the door):
ICOMOS members $10
Non-ICOMOS members $20

8pm – we propose to arrange taxis and move onto dinner at the ‘Good Life’, 170 Hutt St, Adelaide. Good Life is a pizza restaurant that offers fantastic organic ingredients and vegetarian options. A set menu has been arranged (mix of yummy pizzas)
Cost: $ 28.50 pp if you RSVP to me for a group booking – for the menu, have a look under ‘functions’ on their website.

Saturday 28 May

6pm – sunset drinks again! This time, at the Treasury Hotel, 2 Flinders St, Adelaide – come and have a drink at one of Adelaide’s more sucessful adaptive reuse projects and join a short tour of the Treasury Tunnels and State Cabinet Room.

7:30pm – we have arranged to follow drinks with dinner at the same venue, the Treasury Hotel.
Cost: set menu for $59 pp for 2 courses.

It would be great to see as many SA Icomites as possible at one of these events. Believe it or not, the Executive Committee comprises an interesting bunch of people – architects, archaeologists, museum managers, heritage advisers, historians and landscape experts – and they are a long way from home (ohh!) and are very interesting to talk to!

RSVPing for the above events

Please email Michael Queale by Monday 23 May. Please ensure that you clearly identify which event(s) you would like to attend – see summary below of these:

  • Friday 27 May sunset drinks and tour of Carrick Hill house, Springfield
  • Friday 27 May dinner at Good Life
  • Saturday 28 May sunset drinks at Treasury Hotel and tour of the Treasury Tunnels and State Cabinet Room
  • Saturday 28 May dinner at Treasury Hotel

We have placed deposits and need to confirm numbers for all events by the above date. If you have any special dietary requirements, please let me know – both restaurants are happy to offer further options for you.


3. Museums Australia and Interpretation Australia Conference, 14-18 November 2011

The Organising Committee is pleased to announce the Museums Australia and Interpretation Australia 2011 National Conference At the Frontier: Exploring the Possibilities to be held on Monday 14 – Friday 18 November 2011 in Perth, Western Australia.

Call for Abstracts Open

We are delighted to advise Abstract Submissions are now open. The Committee invites you to submit a current and unpublished abstract of no more than 250 words using the themes below which relate to the Conference theme At the Frontier: Exploring the Possibilities.

  • The Future
  • The Landscape
  • The Vehicle

The deadline for abstract submissions is Thursday 2 June 2011. Before you submit your abstract please take a few moments to view the submission guidelines below.

Where are we going? What is our destination and what are we trying to achieve? What is our vehicle? What innovative processes or technologies are helping us to achieve our aims? What barriers must we break through? What challenges lie across our path? What are the new opportunities for our sectors? At the end of the first decade of the 21st Century we find ourselves facing exciting, troubling and unknown futures.

At the Frontier 2011 will explore this negotiable landscape over four days. Papers, workshops and interactive forums will encourage debate and speculation. At the Frontier 2011 will open up a space of conjecture about the futures of museums, galleries and interpretive centres as well as museology, interpretation and education.

We welcome abstracts from members and non-members alike that explore the possibilities of museum and interpretive practice:

Where are we going?
The future – intellectual frontiers; new directions for museums, galleries & interpretive spaces; permeable museums; fictional museums; curatorial frontiers; virtual curating; the evolving curator; the role of artists; reinterpreting collections; education frontiers & the national curriculum; research & discovery; sustainability & biodiversity; pop culture; multi-culturalism; new communities; interdisciplinary & collaborative practice.

How are we getting there?
The vehicle – pioneering technologies; innovative interpretation; creative architecture & physical infrastructure; inspired design; new media; social media; convergence of facilities; mobile platforms; trans-media opportunities; ground-breaking exhibition practices; contemporary collecting; new learning models; education theories & pedagogy; audience engagement; the role of affect; intellectual, creative & emotional access; diversity & inclusiveness.

What challenges do we face?
The landscape
– moral, economic & political frontiers; coping with natural disasters; responding to climate change; the cost of being green; public, private & commercial funding models; philanthropy; issues of ethics; memory & commemoration; obsolescence; loss of traditional skills; social barricades & opportunities; provocative practices; representing trauma & contentious issues; creating social change.

These are just some suggested topics; we are open to any submissions on current theory and practice.


Oral Presentation: Presentations of 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A.

Pechakucha: Short, focused presentations limited to 20 slides of 20 seconds each. The presenter speaks for 6 minutes, 40 seconds in all.

Workshops: Workshops should enable delegates to engage with each other and share experiences in relation to problems or issues. Workshops can be for either 1 hour 30mins, or 3 hours (half day).

Information required:

1. Name(s) of author(s) and contact details

2. Title of your presentation

3. Type of presentation (oral presentation, Pechakucha, workshop)

4. Theme or topic of presentation

5. If you wish your paper to be peer reviewed (Y/N)

6. Short biography. (Max 50 words per presenter)


  • Presenters should note that all costs to attend the conference must be met from their own resources. As a commitment to attend and support the conference, accepting presenters are required to pay and register for the full conference program or for the day of their presentation.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee who reserve the right to reject any abstract it considers does not meet the conference criteria.
  • Due to space restrictions of the conference program, it may not be possible for all abstracts to be included in the program.

To submit your abstract click here. Please ensure you follow the abstract template, which can be downloaded via the call for abstracts portal.

For further information, ontact the Conference Secretariat:


International Conferences & Events (ICE) P/L
Suite 4, Level 2, 73 Hay Street
Subiaco, WA 6008

Phone: +61 8 9381 9281
Fax: +61 8 9381 9560


4. News from ICOMOS International

Click here to read the latest news from ICOMOS International.


  • ICOMOS Heritage at Risk 2008-2010 Report now available!
  • 17th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium: Important deadlines at 27 May 2011 – a reminder!
  • 17th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium: Special website online Friday 20 May 2011!
  • In brief…
  • From National and International Committees
  • Obituaries
  • What’s On Next Month?
  • New announcements in the ICOMOS Calendar
  • Other events
  • Calls for papers
  • Job Opportunities


5. Inaugural International Conference on Shared Built Heritage, Cape Town, Africa, 3 – 8 July 2011

Inaugural Conference on Shared Built Heritage
The Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
(including a two-day tour of Western Cape sites
3 – 8 July 2011

A collaboration between the International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage and ICOMOS South Africa


Further information can be found in the following:

The International Scientific Committee for Shared Built Heritage (ISC SBH) with ICOMOS South Africa have been planning a joint conference since the 2009 Scientific Council meeting held in Malta. It had been lead by ISC SBH Africa representative, Beverley Crouts-Knipe, who recently died suddenly. Both ISC SBH and ICOMOS South Africa are committed to continuing with the conference and to the memory of Beverley.

Conference themes are:

  1. Colonial Variances in Western Architecture
  2. Adaptation of Colonial Metropolitan Architecture to the Local Context
  3. Challenges facing the Heritage Resources Management of Shared Built Heritage: Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political

Specific attention will also be given to Fortifications, Cultural Landscapes, the tentative list nomination site and management issues.

Registration includes a two day study tour, which will be conducted as part of the conference: Cape Winelands Cultural Landscape (CWCL), Mamre Mission Station and Genandendal.

Further tour information is available on the ICOMOS South Africa website.

Please contact Sue Jackson-Stepowski (ISC Shared Built Heritage, Vice President) or via phone + 61 2 9798 4407 if you have any queries or seek further information.


6. Association of Critical Heritage Studies Inaugural Conference, 5-8 June 2012 – call for papers

Association of Critical Heritage Studies Inaugural Conference
5-8 June 2012
Gothenburg, Sweden

The inaugural conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies will be held at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, in June 2012. The Association of Critical Heritage Studies, to be launched at this conference, will establish (in association with the International Journal of Heritage Studies) an extensive network of heritage scholars across the globe in order to debate and discuss cutting-edge research in the field of heritage studies. We see Critical Heritage Studies as a synthesis emerging from diverse disciplinary fields, in particular public history, memory studies, museology, cultural heritage, tourism studies, architecture and planning, conservation, as well as cultural geography, sociology, cultural studies and policy, anthropology, archaeology and ethnomusicology, and encourage people working in those areas to submit papers or propose sessions/workshops that address the inter-disciplinary nature of heritage studies.

For further information about the conference and the call for papers, click here.


7. Domes in the World 2012 conference – POSTPONED

Please note the new dates for the 2012 Domes in the World conference – now 19-23 March 2012.

For further information, visit the conference website.


8. SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Officer, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council, Department of Planning and Community Development, VIC

Senior Project Officer, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council

  • $76,424 – $92,467 plus 9% super
  • Fixed term / Full time: Until 30 June 2012

Do you want to work with Victoria’s Traditional Owners in reviewing laws aimed at strengthening protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage?

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council was created under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic) (the Act). It is the first all Aboriginal Council created under Victorian law and is made up of eleven Traditional Owners from around the State. The Council is responsible for a number of functions including registering Aboriginal parties (RAPs) to exercise cultural heritage responsibilities in their local areas.

As part of the Secretariat team and working closely with Council members, the Senior Project Officer will facilitate Council’s participation in the Parliamentary Inquiry into the establishment and effectiveness of RAPs and the review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

A good communicator and creative thinker, the Senior Project Officer will be experienced with legislation and will be suited to working in a small, dynamic team. The Senior Project Officer will also understand the issues relevant to Victorian Traditional Owners including cultural heritage management and native title as well as the broader challenges and opportunities for Aboriginal communities.

For further information about this role, click here. Applications close 22 May 2011.


9. SITUATION VACANT Provision of a Heritage Advisory Service for the Alpine Shire Council


Quotations are invited from suitably experienced and qualified consultants or individuals for the provision of a heritage advisory service for the Alpine Shire Council. The primary role of the heritage advisor is to provide expert advice and support to Council in achieving the maximum possible conservation and promotion of places of cultural significance within the Alpine Shire, especially those heritage places subject to statutory protection under the Alpine Planning Scheme.

Copies of the Request for Quotation are available from the Procurement Unit or visit the Alpine Shire Council website.

Closing Date: In the Tender Box, Bright, by 12 noon Friday 10 June 2011.


10. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer (part time), Woollahra Munipical Council

Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has a local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.

The primary role of the Heritage Officer is to provide advice on heritage-related development applications and heritage matters in general and to promote heritage conservation. Assistance with the preparation of heritage conservation policy from time to time also forms part of the job.

For further information about this role, click here.

Closing date for applications: Wednesday 25 May 2011


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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