Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 483

  1. Australia ICOMOS Contact Point – ICOMOS General Assembly, Paris 28 November-2 December 2011: Looking for a volunteer!
  2. New ICOMOS members get 13 months for the price of 12!
  3. Saving Australia’s Heritage – MayDay call goes out
  4. Call for EOIs: Membership Benefits Coordinator
  5. Tours of the Mandeville Hall Mansion
  6. State Heritage Champions Honoured in Awards
  7. ACT Symposium 2011
  8. Australia ICOMOS Canberra Talks – Members’ Feedback
  9. State Cultural Heritage Policy and review of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990
  10. Geelong Heritage Centre’s online image library
  11. Report on the 6th Conference of the International Scientific Committee for the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration
  12. Professor Ruan Yisan lecture at State Library of Queensland
  13. UNITAR Series on The Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites – call for applications
  14. Seeking Proposals for Preservation Trades Demonstrations
  15. 8th International Conference SAHC 2012 conference – call for papers
  16. SITUATION VACANT Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee – two vacancies
  17. SITUATION VACANT Horsham City Council invites tenders for Heritage Study


1. Australia ICOMOS Contact Point – ICOMOS General Assembly, Paris 28 November-2 December 2011: Looking for a volunteer!

For past General Assemblies (GA), attending Australian members have benefited immensely from the efforts of an Australian co-ordinator and contact point. The role of this person has been primarily to collect names and contacts for those planning on attending and to act as a point of contact and communication exchange in Paris for our various attempts to get our Australian contingent together. The latter involves gatherings for strategic discussions in relation to voting, resolutions etc, and the arrangement of an Australian dinner. We usually include our New Zealand colleagues in these invitations, and my limited experience is that there is a growing number who appear eager to nominate themselves as honorary Australians for the night of the dinner! We are looking for a volunteer who is planning on attending the Paris GA and would like to take on this co-ordinating role. There will of course be others on the ground to assist with arrangements and the dissemination of information.

If you are interested in taking on this role or have any queries could you please send me an email or ring on 0409 344 598 by 7 May 2011.

With thanks,
Jane Harrington


2. New ICOMOS members get 13 months for the price of 12!

There are many benefits to joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and Full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.

Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat.

For further information and to download a membership form, go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website.

Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the May 2011 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 6 May 2011.

If further information is required email the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder.


3. Saving Australia’s Heritage – MayDay call goes out

Australia’s archives, galleries, libraries, museums and heritage places are gearing up for the national MayDay campaign in a bid to protect the nation’s heritage from avoidable disasters. The campaign – beginning 1 May 2011 – is organised by Blue Shield Australia.

Dr Jonathan Sweet, chair of Blue Shield Australia, said: “We are urging all people involved in cultural organisations to think disaster-preparedness during the month of May. People can get involved by taking at least one step to prepare for disaster response.”

“Bushfires and floods have been devastating for Australian communities but recent events in Japan are a reminder that disasters may have regional or global consequences. The tragic losses of life and cultural property emphasise the importance of disaster preparedness. Not enough of Australia’s cultural organisations have up-to-date disaster plans that will help to prevent the devastating loss of significant cultural property—putting at risk the things that embody the memories and values that help make up community identities.”

“MayDay is a campaign designed to encourage people to get to know their local fire-fighters and police in a bid to get pointers on safety and preparedness, to take time out to eliminate hazards such as blocked fire exits, improper storage of paints and solvents, or to update a neglected disaster plan.”

Dr Jonathan Sweet can be contacted on 0400 920 790

Find out more about the origins of MayDay (MayDay 2011 – Background Flyer) and what you can do to get involved (MayDay 2011 – General Flyer).

What is the Blue Shield?

The Blue Shield is the cultural equivalent of the Red Cross. It is the symbol specified in the 1954 Hague Convention for marking cultural sites to give them protection from attack in the event of armed conflict. It is also the name of an international committee set up in 1996 to work to protect the world’s cultural heritage threatened by wars and natural disasters.

Blue Shield Committees around the globe comprise four international cultural heritage ‘pillar’ bodies:

  • International Council on Archives (ICA)
  • International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
  • International Council of Museums (ICOM)
  • International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

In Australia, these pillar bodies are represented respectively as follows: Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities (CAARA); Australia ICOMOS; ICOM Australia; Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).

Other Inquiries:

Nancy Ladas

Blue Shield Secretariat – email
T: 0408 240 490
Visit the Blue Shield Australia website

Follow Blue Shield on Facebook and Twitter

Notes for editors:

  • The MayDay concept originated with the Society of American Archivists in 2006.
  • Blue Shield is the cultural equivalent of Red Cross, and works to protect the world’s cultural heritage threatened by wars and natural disasters.


4. Call for EOIs: Membership Benefits Coordinator

Would you like to play a leading role in expanding the range of benefits Australia ICOMOS members receive? For example, free or reduced admission to historic sites and museums, discounts in their bookshops and for conferences? In Europe, holders of an ICOMOS membership card are often granted free admission to cultural institutions, but in Australia this is generally only the case for members of organisations such as ICOM.

The Executive Committee is looking for Expressions of Interest from members who would like to act as a Membership Benefits Coordinator for 12 months. This person would work with the Membership Secretary, primarily to approach a short-list of private and state cultural institutions and request that similar benefits as, for example, ICOM members receive, be extended to ICOMOS members. All other suggestions for membership benefits to pursue would be welcome. The Coordinator will be provided with assistance to find suitable contact people in the target institutions. There is no travel required for this position.

This is a great opportunity to make membership of Australia ICOMOS more valuable for everyone, and would also be a way to become acquainted with some of the workings of the Executive Committee.

Interested full members (including retired members) should submit a brief EOI (no more than a page) by Friday 6 May, to Membership Secretary Natica Schmeder.


5. Tours of the Mandeville Hall Mansion

Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak is opening the front door of the mansion Mandeville Hall for guided tours by Architectural Historian Steve Stefanopoulos. Come and experience the lavish interiors and learn about the history and architecture of one of Melbourne’s most significant nineteenth century mansions.

Tours will commence promptly at 2.15pm with the front door opening for registrations from 2.00pm. Afternoon tea will be served in the exquisite Reception and Drawing Rooms at the conclusion of the tours.

Dates & Time: Sunday 14 August, Sunday 18 September & Sunday 23 October 2011 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Cost: $50.00 per person. No bookings on the day as numbers are strictly limited.

Please note that there are a number of steps in and around the mansion therefore ease of mobility is essential.

To book, please download the registration form.


6. State Heritage Champions Honoured in Awards

Western Australian Heritage Minister John Castrilli has announced the winners of the 2011 Western Australian Heritage Awards.

The Western Australian Heritage Awards showcase the very best in the promotion, conservation, adaptive reuse and interpretation of State-Registered heritage places.

Click here to read more.


7. ACT Symposium 2011

ACT Symposium 2011 – Heritage and Planning: partners in development
Saturday 23 July 2011, 9am – 4.30pm
Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatrette, McCoy Circuit, Acton

What works well, what hasn’t been a success and what has fallen through the cracks?

Call for papers and sponsors

Planners, developers, engineers, historians, archaeologists and heritage professionals are invited to present papers on suburban or amenity planning with cultural heritage themes, conservation projects and priorities, specific historic sites, ghosts of heritage past and any other relevant topic.

  • Organisations are invited to join as sponsors (running a session or assistance with planning will suffice!) Sponsors logos will be displayed.
  • Presenters please register your interest and you will be advised when to send a summary.

Further information: email the Canberra Archaeological Society or phone 0408 443 243.


8. Australia ICOMOS Canberra Talks – Members’ Feedback

Dr Leah McKenzie—Airplanes, Trucks, Tyres and Shipwrecks: Australia’s Underwater Cultural Heritage (24 March 2011)

ACT ICOMOS members and guests were lucky enough to attend a fascinating presentation on Australia’s underwater cultural heritage by Dr Leah McKenzie, an archaeologist, and the Director of Strategies and Information, Heritage Division, in the federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water and Communities (SEWPaC).

Leah’s presentation included a description of the many types of underwater cultural heritage, including evidence of human habitation, such as Indigenous heritage sites drowned by the climate warming at the end of the Ice Age some 10,000 years ago (although very hard to find), shipwrecks, aircraft wrecks and many other types of isolated sites and artefacts.

The significance of underwater cultural heritage includes its value to the community, tourism potential, ability to represent a snapshot of culture, strong associations as the final resting place of those many people killed at sea, and ecological value as unique marine habitats.

Leah further outlined the many challenges in discovering underwater heritage such as physical and legal restrictions on diving, especially to deep-water wrecks. The management of underwater heritage was also outlined as a unique challenge for the managing bodies, with complex legislation in place including the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001 and the Australian Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976.

Many anomalies exist in the various legislative instruments including what types of heritage are included (shipwrecks, aircraft wrecks etc.) how old wrecks must be to be considered significant, management of human remains and the ratification of these legislative instruments by individual countries. Leah presented the complexity of the process to ratify the UNESCO international convention that the Australian Government is currently going through (see below).

Legislative constraints also exist around boundaries of management of underwater cultural heritage, including between state/federal waters. These create difficulties for those who want to conserve these places for future generations and protect important relics against illegal looting and trading, which is still legal in many countries. The management of Australian owned vessels in international waters also creates a difficult conundrum for managers, with bilateral agreements being created for many places.

Leah managed to fit a remarkable amount of interesting facts and anecdotes—and images, into her short presentation, sparking an interest in many attendees to learn more about this type of heritage.

Amy Guthrie

Australian Government process for ratification of treaties (from Leah McKenzie)

  • Consultation with States and Territories
  • Cabinet approval for new enabling legislation
  • National Interest Analysis (NIA) developed based on consultation
  • Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT) reviews Legislation, Convention and NIA – 20 sitting days
  • JSCOT advises position
  • Minister informs Minister Foreign Affairs of JSCOT views
  • Minister Foreign Affairs agrees to submit Convention to Federal Executive Council for approval
  • Federal Executive Council approves Convention
  • Australian Government deposits instrument of accession to the Convention with UNESCO Director-General


9. State Cultural Heritage Policy and review of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990

Heritage Minister John Castrilli has launched Western Australia’s State Cultural Heritage Policy – the first heritage policy formally adopted by the Western Australian Government.

The policy highlights the importance that the State Government places on the recognition and conservation of our heritage for present and future generations.

The first initiative under the policy is the review of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990.

To find out more about the State Cultural Heritage Policy or the review of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990, go to the Heritage Council of WA website.

Written submissions on the ‘Review of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 Consultation Paper’ close on 10 June 2011.


10. Geelong Heritage Centre’s online image library

Greater Geelong Council have officially launched their online image library.

Visitors to the Geelong Heritage Centre can now use the services of an online image library. Over 1200 images have been loaded on the web site with many thousand still to be loaded of Geelong and surrounding districts.

The Geelong Heritage Centre is Victoria’s largest regional archive and already holds a unique collection of public and private records.

Visit the Gallery page of the Geelong Australia website to explore this resource.


11. Report on the 6th Conference of the International Scientific Committee for the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, an Institutional Member and Executive Secretariat of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, is pleased to announce that the committee’s annual conference was held, from 4 to 6 March 2011, under the title:

“Paradigm Shift in Heritage Protection? Tolerance for Change, Limits of Change”

The meeting, attended in Florence by the highest-ranking officers of ICOMOS (International Council On Monuments and Sites) and by experts from twenty-four countries and four continents, conducted an overview of developments in the approach and methodologies applicable to the conservation, safeguarding and enhancement of monuments and sites of cultural interest in the various traditions on the planet.

The opening ceremony was held in the historic seat of the Florentine Academy of Art and Design, in the presence of President Luigi Zangheri, of Museum Pole Superintendant Cristina Acidini, of Superintendant for Architectural, Environmental, Historical, Artistic and Ethno-Anthropological Assets Alessandra Marino, of President of the College of Engineers Gennaro Tampone, of President of the Municipal Council Eugenio Giani, of ICOMOS International President Gustavo Araoz, of ICOMOS Vice-President Guo Zhan, President for Asia, of ICOMOS Vice-President Wilfried Lipp, President for Europe and Acting President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, of ICOMOS Scientific Committee for Wood President Gennaro Tampone, and of various ICOMOS national committee presidents, other authorites, and members of the Florentine public.

In particular ICOMOS President Gustavo Araoz, speaking in the course of his inaugural address, voiced his satisfaction in connection with the organisation’s cooperation with the Foundation and, above all, in connection with participation in its cultural agenda, which disseminates in an innovative manner an understanding of the role that cultural assets – through their multiple manifestations, both material and immaterial – can play in the construction of an ethos of peace through dialogue. In particular, President Araoz went on, ICOMOS’ involvement with the Fondazione’s Life Beyond Tourism® programme and, above all, with its Life Beyond Tourism® Non-Profit Portal, which is on the verge of becoming fully operational, have given ICOMOS a new outlook on integrating culture with tourism and the use of our cultural heritage, in an effort to enrich and to inform the public regarding those sectors of society that repay a more in-depth examination, such as cultural institutions and businesses, particularly those that are less well-known.

In the course of the ceremony, the Foundation announced that a ceremony will be held on 14 September 2011 to dedicate the theater in the Auditorium al Duomo in Via Cerretani 54r, Florence, to Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski, President Emeritus of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration.

The conference wound up with the presentation of a publication entitled The Image of Heritage: Changing Perception, Permanent Responsibilities, edited by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®. The volume comprises the proceedings of the previous ICOMOS Committee conference held in Florence in 2009, including the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco’s® contribution to the scientific debate, on the theme Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Young People and Intercultural Dialogue on pages 37, (in English), 43 (in Italian), 343 (in English), 345 (in Italian) and on the back cover (in English and Italian). One free copy of the proceedings can be picked up at the offices of the Foundation in Florence – Via Del Giglio, 10 – while stocks last. Further copies may be purchased if so desired.


12. Professor Ruan Yisan lecture at State Library of Queensland

Saving Cities – for historical, cultural and economic benefits

HEAT Architecture, Riddel Architecture, Conrad Gargett, the University of Queensland and the State Library of Queensland are delighted to invite you to a lecture by Professor Ruan Yisan during his first Australian visit.

UNESCO winner Professor Ruan Yisan has successfully conserved cities and towns in China for enormous social benefits for over 30 years.

Date: Tuesday 10 May 2011

Time: Lecture 4:30pm, Exhibition launch and refreshments from 6.00pm

Venue: slq Auditorium 1 and Queensland Terrace, level 2, State Library of Queensland, Stanley Place, South Bank

RSVP: Tuesday 3 May 2011, to Scott Duffield or by phone (07) 3405 6224

See the HEAT Architecture – Prof Ruan Lecture Invite for further information.


13. UNITAR Series on The Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites – call for applications

UNITAR Series on The Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites
2011 Workshop: 4 – 8 July 2011
Hiroshima, Japan

Details of this forthcoming World Heritage training workshop are available on the UNITAR website. Also see the UNITAR Series on World Heritage Sites – 2011 – Application Form.

The application deadline for this workshop is 20 May 2011. Queries can be directed to Berin McKenzie, Specialist at UNITAR.


14. Seeking Proposals for Preservation Trades Demonstrations

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission is partnering with Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, the Preservation Trades Network, Inc. (PTN) and other organizations to bring one of the largest gatherings of preservation and traditional trades people and enthusiasts in the world to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.

The 15th annual International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW) will be held on 2-6 August 2011 on the campus of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, 750 E. King Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. IPTW 2011 will bring together hundreds of the best preservation and traditional trades crafts people, as well as preservation architects, preservation consultants, building trades contractors and others from the US, Canada, Europe and beyond, who are interested in learning more about preservation and traditional trades techniques, tools, materials and practices. For those who work in the preservation and traditional building trades, this is a gathering of their ‘tribe.’ For others, it offers a unique opportunity to see some of the finest crafts people at work and learn more about how historic building preservation is accomplished in construction.

Proposals are currently sought from potential demonstrators and presenters. If you practice a traditional or preservation trade that you would like to demonstrate that will highlight particular techniques, materials, tools and skills related to the preservation or restoration of historic structures we would like to hear from you. Visit the Demonstrator Information page of the IPTW website to access the demonstrator guidelines and proposal form.

More than 50 presentations and in-depth hands-on demonstrations will showcase the talents of some of the world’s best preservation and traditional crafts people. There will also be two-day in-depth pre-conference workshops in Preservation and Repair of Porches and Painting Historic Buildings, a one-day Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting EPA certification course and an extended course in timber framing. Special pre-conference tours will include a trip to the Mercer Museum, Fonthill and the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works. Another tour will include a demonstration of a water powered vertical saw mill at Daniel Boone Homestead, a behind the scene tour of the Ball and Ball Hardware workshops and a tour of the Wharton Escherick home and studio. Conference and workshop sessions are eligible for American Institute of Architects continuing education units.

Opportunities currently exist for event sponsorships, product and service exhibitors, non-profit and educational exhibitors and student scholarships.

Visit the IPTW website for more information and registration. Or email PTN with your questions.


15. 8th International Conference SAHC 2012 conference – call for papers

The 8th International Conference SAHC 2012 (Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions) will be held on 15-17 October 2012 in Wrocław, Poland. The meeting place will be Centennial Hall Complex, which is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The SAHC Conference takes place every two years in a different place all over the world and is one of the most prestigious events, which brings together engineers, conservators, chemists, material producers, architects, designers, managers, scientists, and researchers presenting latest achievements in theory, analysis, conservation and doctrines in the area of historic constructions. Subject matter experts have already confirmed their participation in the Conference.

The Conference materials will be published in book form in English. English will also be the Conference’s language. During the Conference, Polish and foreign groups will present innovative technologies related to the strengthening, conservation and renovations of buildings of architectural heritage.

For further information, visit the conference website, and see the SAHC 2012 conference – call for papers


16. SITUATION VACANT Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee – two vacancies


Bendigo is known for its cultural heritage, from the grand buildings of the gold tycoons to the tiny miner’s cottages of those who laboured deep under the ground. Our heritage is the reason why countless visitors come to Bendigo every year, why after 150 years, we can still connect with those who came before.

Bendigo’s heritage is essential to who we are and it needs our support.

The City of Greater Bendigo is currently seeking the assistance of two community members with an enthusiasm for Bendigo’s wondrous heritage. Two vacancies exist in the Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee, a group which provides advice to Council on the identification, protection, preservation, education, and promotion of heritage places in the municipality. The Committee meets in the evening, on the third Thursday of every month, commencing at 5pm.

If you are interested in being a part of this influential group, please submit an application with details of your knowledge, experience and interest relating to heritage matters by 6 May 2011. Those with expertise in other fields and from rural Bendigo are especially encouraged to apply.

Expressions of interest and enquiries should be addressed to:

Katie Nolan
Heritage Officer
City of Greater Bendigo
P.O. Box 733
Bendigo VIC 3552

(03) 5434 6125

email Katie


17. SITUATION VACANT Horsham City Council invites tenders for Heritage Study

Horsham Rural City Council seeks to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced consultant to prepare Stage One of a Heritage Study for the municipality.

Further details can be found on the tenders page of the Council’s website. The deadline for the submission of tenders is 4 May 2011.


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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