Appointment of Editorial Board for Historical Environment – Addendum
Watermarks, Water’s Heritage conference, October 2011 – call for contributions closes Friday 15 April
International Day for Monuments and Sites WA event – Sunday 10 April
Australia ICOMOS Contact Point – ICOMOS General Assembly, Paris 28 November-2 December 2011: Looking for a volunteer!
Deakin University’s Australian Heritage Week Breakfast, Thursday 14 April
International Day for Monuments and Sites: VICOMITES Members’ event – visit to the Murtoa Stick Shed, 16 April 2011
Stonework Investigation at Gallop House – an Australian Heritage Week WA event
International Day for Monuments and Sites Queensland event for AICOMOS members – Monday 18 April 2011
International Day for Monuments and Sites event at James Cook University, Monday 18 April
Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques at Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Tasmania
Saving Australia’s Heritage – MayDay call goes out
Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM) Asia-Pacific regional conference, Manila, Philippines, November 2011 – second call for papers
Tours of the Mandeville Hall Mansion
ICOMOS appoints Julie Mebes to the new post of Director-General
Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
2011 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation – entry deadline extended to 30 April 2011
News from World Monuments Fund
‘Remote Access to World Heritage Sites from St Kilda to Uluru’ – A UNESCO Conference
Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment Graduate Fellowships 2011 – applications close Friday 8 April
UMass Center for Heritage and Society – 2011 Spring/Summer online courses
Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment Residential Summer School – ‘The Culture of Building’
moments that made us: The MCG, Sport & War
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Project Officer (Buildings), Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
SITUATION VACANT Associate Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage), Getty Conservation Institute
1. Appointment of Editorial Board for Historical Environment – Addendum
Further to last’s week’s item concerning the appointment of the Editorial Board for Historic Environment, two people were omitted from the list. The Historic Environment Editorial Committee would also like to welcome Dr Timothy Hubbard (Australia) and Ms Susan MacDonald (USA/Australia) to the Historic Environment Editorial Board.
2. Watermarks, Water’s Heritage conference, October 2011 – call for contributions closes Friday 15 April
A reminder that the call for contributions for the Watermarks, Water’s Heritage conference, to be held in Melbourne in October 2011, closes Friday 15 April.
Further information can be found on the Call for Contributions page of the conference website, and in the Call for Contributions document.
The Conference Committee thanks those people who have already made a contribution and Committee looks forward to receiving more contributions for formal papers and snapshots. If you have any queries, please email Dr David Jones.
3. International Day for Monuments and Sites WA event – Sunday 10 April
Susac Lime Supply has been manufacturing lime in the traditional manner for decades and is now the only company in Western Australia making lime in this way.
Australia ICOMOS members have the opportunity to see the ‘Lime cycle’ demonstrated simply and clearly at this historic site.
When: Sunday 10 April, 2.00 – 4.00pm, followed by a ‘cleansing ale’ at the Ocean View Tavern, Wanneroo Rd.
Where: Karoborup Rd, Carabooda
No RSVP necessary
See the 2011 International Day for Monuments and Sites WA event flier for further information.
4. Australia ICOMOS Contact Point – ICOMOS General Assembly, Paris 28 November-2 December 2011: Looking for a volunteer!
For past General Assemblies (GA), attending Australian members have benefited immensely from the efforts of an Australian co-ordinator and contact point. The role of this person has been primarily to collect names and contacts for those planning on attending and to act as a point of contact and communication exchange in Paris for our various attempts to get our Australian contingent together. The latter involves gatherings for strategic discussions in relation to voting, resolutions etc, and the arrangement of an Australian dinner. We usually include our New Zealand colleagues in these invitations, and my limited experience is that there is a growing number who appear eager to nominate themselves as honorary Australians for the night of the dinner! We are looking for a volunteer who is planning on attending the Paris GA and would like to take on this co-ordinating role. There will of course be others on the ground to assist with arrangements and the dissemination of information.
If you are interested in taking on this role or have any queries could you please send me an email or ring on 0409 344 598 by 7 May 2011.
With thanks,
Jane Harrington
5. Deakin University’s Australian Heritage Week Breakfast, Thursday 14 April
Museums Studies and Cultural Heritage Alumni, Researchers, Students & Friends are invited to mark the start of Australia’s first National Heritage Week: Thursday 14 April 2011
Deakin University has a proud record of Museums Studies and Cultural Heritage teaching and research for more than forty and ten years respectively.
To launch this important new event on Australia’s heritage calendar, we welcome our graduates, students, former research and teaching colleagues to join us, catch up and re-connect with the current program.
Professor Bill Logan will speak briefly about the developing international dialogue on Cultural Heritage & Human Rights.
Date & time: 8.30 – 9.30am, Thursday 14 April – a light breakfast will be provided
Location: Blue Room, Building B, level 2 (B2.20) on the Burwood campus (a map is on the back). Car parking is available on the Burwood campus – please plan to arrive a little early to find a spot.
Please join us if you can – if you can’t make it, we would still love to hear from you. Send a quick email about your current whereabouts and interests.
RSVP by email to Kristal Buckley by COB Monday 11 April.
Download the Deakin Heritage Week flier.
6. International Day for Monuments and Sites: VICOMITES Members’ event – visit to the Murtoa Stick Shed, 16 April 2011
Martin Zweep, Heritage Victoria has kindly organised an opportunity for members to visit the Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store, more commonly referred to as the Murtoa Stick Shed, where essential repairs are nearing completion. Martin will explain what works that have been undertaken and why.
The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store, originally the No.1 Murtoa Shed, is located within the Murtoa Grain Terminal, adjacent to the grain elevator tower and railway line. The shed is 280m long, 60m wide and 19m high at the ridge with a capacity of 3.4 million bushels. The hipped corrugated iron roof of the shed is supported on approximately 600 unmilled hardwood poles set in a concrete slab floor and braced with iron tie rods. These poles are the reason for use of the term “stick shed”. With its vast gabled interior and the long rows of poles the space has been likened to the nave of a cathedral.
The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store is architectural significance as a rare surviving example of the ‘stick shed’ building type, a long horizontal bulk wheat storage shed constructed of timber and corrugated iron. The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store is the earliest and only remaining of three large sheds of this type built in Victoria during the early 1940s.
The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store is of historical and scientific (technical) significance for its association with an important change in the mid twentieth century from storage and transport of grain in bags to the storage and transport of loose grain in bulk. The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store is of historical significance for its associations with the combined impact of the Second World War and Australia’s remote geographic location on Victoria’s wheat trade, and particularly the resulting requirement for emergency bulk storage.
More detail about the building, including the full Statement of Significance, is available from here.
It will be a rare opportunity to see inside this magnificent structure.
The visit will be followed by afternoon tea at 3.30pm at the Murtoa Mechanics Institute, prepared by the Ladies Committee, at $5 per head.
People will have to make their own transport arrangements. Partners and children welcome.
Please RSVP to Megan McDougall by email by COB Friday 8 April. Please advise if you need a lift, or are able to offer a lift to other members.
7. Stonework Investigation at Gallop House – an Australian Heritage Week WA event
Stonework Investigation at Gallop House
22 Birdwood Parade, Dalkeith
Saturday 16 April 2011
10am – 2pm
The National Trust of Australia (WA) is undertaking work to investigate the condition of the north wall of Gallop House. An area of cement render will be removed and will hopefully shed light on: the original construction and finish of the building; the condition of the building and effectiveness of previous repairs; whether the house was built in two stages; and the possible order of construction.
The team comprises Alan Kelsall of Kelsall Binet Architects and Building Conservationist Piero Casellati, with conservation staff of the National Trust.
The Trust is opening this work to the public to highlight the ways in which the process of collecting and analysing information before making decisions can add substantially to our understanding of important questions about a place.
Gallop House has cultural heritage significance as the oldest private residence within the City of Nedlands, and its close associated with the Gallop family who were amongst the first European settlers associated with farming in the district. It is a fine example of Victorian Georgian style and is a Perth landmark occupying a prime location in a prominent landscaped setting and, being particularly noticeable from Melville Water.
For more information, please contact:
The National Trust of Australia (WA)
The Old Observatory
4 Havelock St
West Perth WA 6005
tel: (08) 9321 6088
email NTWA
National Trust of Australia (WA) website
8. International Day for Monuments and Sites Queensland event for AICOMOS members – Monday 18 April 2011
In recognition of the 2011 International Day for Monuments and Sites celebrating the Heritage of Water, Queensland members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to visit the 2010 National Heritage Award winning offices of Riddel Architecture. Designed in 1953 by Karl Langer, West’s Furniture Showroom was an influential landmark of modern design in its day that had almost been lost through neglect and detrimental change. Following the conservation work, the building was fitted out as the office premises of Riddel Architecture, who now occupy this architectural gem. Robert Riddel has kindly offered to open his office for AICOMOS members for this event. We can gather around the reconstructed goldfish pond surrounding the former Showroom and have a chat over a glass of wine. Peter Marquis-Kyle will show some pictures and give a short talk on the cultural heritage of water. Expect to hear about deluges, dams, damp, drought, distress, distraction, and lighthouses.
When: 5.30 to 6.30pm, Monday 18 April 2011
Where: Offices of Riddel Architecture, 620 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley
Who: This event is for Australia ICOMOS members only and places will be limited, so please RSVP by email to Ruth Woods by COB Friday 15 April 2011 to finalise numbers for catering
Cost: Donation at the door to cover wine/juice/nibbles. Any profits made will be donated to the Queensland Premier’s flood and cyclone appeal.
9. International Day for Monuments and Sites event at James Cook University, Monday 18 April
Science, springs, soaks and spirits: the heritage of water on Cape York Peninsula
Crowther Lecture Theatre A3.1, James Cook University, McGregor Rd, Smithfield
START: promptly at 5.15pm till 7.30pm followed by refreshments
REGISTRATION is required for catering purposes – click here to register.
ENQUIRIES: email Susan McIntyre‐Tamwoy
Also see the International Day for Monuments and Sites event at James Cook University flier for further information.
10. Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques at Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Tasmania
16–20 May 2011
Applications are invited for the second Longford Academy in Advanced Conservation Techniques to be held at the World Heritage inscribed Woolmers and Brickendon Estates in Northern Tasmania. The collaborative learning model in 2011 focuses on the conservation of significant buildings housing collections. Applications close 30 April.
See the APT LA2 Short Course flier for more information.
11. Saving Australia’s Heritage – MayDay call goes out
Australia’s archives, galleries, libraries, museums and heritage places are gearing up for the national MayDay campaign in a bid to protect the nation’s heritage from avoidable disasters. The campaign – beginning 1 May 2011 – is organised by Blue Shield Australia.
Dr Jonathan Sweet, chair of Blue Shield Australia, said: “We are urging all people involved in cultural organisations to think disaster-preparedness during the month of May. People can get involved by taking at least one step to prepare for disaster response.”
“Bushfires and floods have been devastating for Australian communities but recent events in Japan are a reminder that disasters may have regional or global consequences. The tragic losses of life and cultural property emphasise the importance of disaster preparedness. Not enough of Australia’s cultural organisations have up-to-date disaster plans that will help to prevent the devastating loss of significant cultural property—putting at risk the things that embody the memories and values that help make up community identities.”
“MayDay is a campaign designed to encourage people to get to know their local fire-fighters and police in a bid to get pointers on safety and preparedness, to take time out to eliminate hazards such as blocked fire exits, improper storage of paints and solvents, or to update a neglected disaster plan.”
Dr Jonathan Sweet can be contacted on 0400 920 790
Find out more about the origins of MayDay (MayDay 2011 – Background Flyer) and what you can do to get involved (MayDay 2011 – General Flyer).
What is the Blue Shield?
The Blue Shield is the cultural equivalent of the Red Cross. It is the symbol specified in the 1954 Hague Convention for marking cultural sites to give them protection from attack in the event of armed conflict. It is also the name of an international committee set up in 1996 to work to protect the world’s cultural heritage threatened by wars and natural disasters.
Blue Shield Committees around the globe comprise four international cultural heritage ‘pillar’ bodies:
- International Council on Archives (ICA)
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
- International Council of Museums (ICOM)
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
In Australia, these pillar bodies are represented respectively as follows: Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities (CAARA); Australia ICOMOS; ICOM Australia; Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).
Other Inquiries:
Nancy Ladas
Blue Shield Secretariat – email
T: 0408 240 490
Visit the Blue Shield Australia website
Follow Blue Shield on Facebook and Twitter
Notes for editors:
- The MayDay concept originated with the Society of American Archivists in 2006.
- Blue Shield is the cultural equivalent of Red Cross, and works to protect the world’s cultural heritage threatened by wars and natural disasters.
12. Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM) Asia-Pacific regional conference, Manila, Philippines, November 2011 – second call for papers
The Second Call for Papers is now available on the Themes and Sessions page.
The Conference Organising Committee are pleased to announce that Pilar Luna Erreguerena, Head of the Underwater Archaeological Division in Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) and Dr Emad Khalil, Director of the Centre for Maritime Archaeology at the Alexandria University in Alexandria, Egypt have agreed to be keynote speakers at the Conference.
The Conference now has the following Gold Sponsors: the Australian National Commission for UNESCO, the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Australian Federal government’s Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC); Silver Sponsors: SEAMEO-SPAFA and the UNESCO Jakarta office and Bronze Sponsors: AIMA and the UNESCO Bangkok office. Go to the Sponsors page for more information.
The Conference organisers are pleased to announce that more than 150 people from more than 35 countries have registered their interest in attending the conference – click here to register your interest.
13. Tours of the Mandeville Hall Mansion
Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak is opening the front door of the mansion Mandeville Hall for guided tours by Architectural Historian Steve Stefanopoulos. Come and experience the lavish interiors and learn about the history and architecture of one of Melbourne’s most significant nineteenth century mansions.
Tours will commence promptly at 2.15pm with the front door opening for registrations from 2.00pm. Afternoon tea will be served in the exquisite Reception and Drawing Rooms at the conclusion of the tours.
Dates & Time: Sunday 14 August, Sunday 18 September & Sunday 23 October 2011 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Cost: $50.00 per person. No bookings on the day as numbers are strictly limited.
Please note that there are a number of steps in and around the mansion therefore ease of mobility is essential.
To book, please download the registration form.
14. ICOMOS appoints Julie Mebes to the new post of Director-General
The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) has appointed Ms Julie Mebes to the newly created position of Director-General of the ICOMOS International Secretariat, based in Paris.
Julie Mebes comes to ICOMOS extremely well qualified for this role. Until 2010, Julie was the Deputy Permanent Delegate to UNESCO from the Netherlands. Having been a member of the Netherlands’ delegation to the World Heritage Committee, she is familiar with ICOMOS’s role as an independent expert advisor on cultural heritage to UNESCO. Ms Mebes has also worked for the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the European Union, during which period she was President of the EU Cultural Affairs Committee, and for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in The Hague.
Click here to read more.
15. Heritage Victoria’s Inherit e-newsletter available online
To view the March 2011 issue of Inherit, click here.
16. 2011 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation – entry deadline extended to 30 April 2011
The UNESCO Bangkok office is pleased to advise that the deadline for the receipt of entries for the 2011 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation has been extended. Previously 31 March 2011, it is now 30 April 2011.
The awards programme, in its twelfth year, recognizes the achievement of individuals and organizations within the private sector, and public-private initiatives, in successfully restoring structures of heritage value in the Asia-Pacific region.
For more information, please visit the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation website.
Entry forms and regulations can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
17. News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.
18. ‘Remote Access to World Heritage Sites from St Kilda to Uluru’ – A UNESCO Conference
I Know Where I’m Going
Remote Access to World Heritage Sites from St Kilda to Uluru
23-24 November 2011
Edinburgh (UK)
At a time of economic crisis and environmental threat, countries everywhere are seeking to address the dual challenges of maximising the economic value of their natural and cultural heritage while protecting and preserving that heritage.
This international conference will focus on the potential created by new technologies for creating high-quality, remote-access visitor experiences for World Heritage Sites and other sites of cultural, historical and natural significance where physical access must be restricted.
For more information and to download the Call for papers, visit the conference website. The deadline for submissions is 3 May 2011.
19. Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment Graduate Fellowships 2011 – applications close Friday 8 April
The Prince’s Foundation is now inviting applications for the 2011 entry to The Prince of Wales’s Graduate Fellowships in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism. The deadline for applications for this year’s program is 8 April 2011.
The Graduate Fellowship will commence in July 2011 and will be hosted by The Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment in London, and will involve placements at The Foundation. Subject to performance, Graduate Fellows will spend a second year in a placement with committed practitioners in the United Kingdom. The second year in placement attracts a bursary of £20,000pa, subject to availability and economic conditions.
First year
The two-year programme begins with a three-week residential summer school, based next year in Wales. The Fellows will then be attached to departments of The Foundation and work within one of the three, multidisciplinary Projects teams of urban designers, architects and facilitators, promoting and implementing traditional urbanism.
Through a regular masterclass and seminar programme, Fellows will be taught by leading urbanists, traditional architects and transport reformers, and will contribute papers based on their own research. In the second year, Fellows produce a dissertation of around 16,000 words on an aspect of sustainable urbanism.
Second year
From August 2012, subject to academic performance and economic conditions, the Fellows will be seconded for one year to an appropriate architectural, planning or urbanist practice.
Due to a change in UK immigration laws in April 2010, only applicants holding an EU passport are currently eligible to take the programme. However, we are working to comply with the new regulations by the time the course starts, and we encourage all interested to apply on this basis. Successful applications by non-EU nationals can if necessary be deferred until next year.
For further information, click here.
20. UMass Center for Heritage and Society – 2011 Spring/Summer online courses
The University of Massachusetts’ Center for Heritage and Society is offering a Summer Online Program of professional training courses on digital, intangible, and community-engaged heritage, as well as courses in collaboration with the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience. For further information click here.
21. Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment Residential Summer School – ‘The Culture of Building’
18 July – 5 August 2011
A three-week programme including lectures, workshops, drawing and building exercises and field trips aimed at developing an in-depth knowledge both of traditional building and repair techniques and how these have been, and can be, applied in the twenty-first century. The 2011 Summer School will run from 18 July – 5 August and will cost £2,750.00. Members of The Prince’s Foundation receive a 10% discount and there is an ‘early bird’ special price of £1,950.00 until 15 April 2011.
Click here to download the flier.
22. moments that made us: The MCG, Sport & War
Sport and War are intertwined in the making of the Australian identity, and the Melbourne Cricket Ground has been part of this story. During WW2 it was the home for some 200,000 military personnel. The Ground also supports a strong and continuing tradition of military service and commemoration.
On Thursday April 14, 2011, as part of Australian Heritage Week, the National Sports Museum (Gate 3, MCG, Yarra Park) will host a public forum from 6.00 – 8.00pm to discuss “moments that made us: The MCG, Sport & War”.
The evening, hosted by Tony Charlton, will feature a discussion with the three guest speakers:
- Major General Steve Gower AO AO (Mil), Director of the Australian War Memorial and creator of a travelling exhibition on sport and war
- Mr Ian Woodward who is the author of Cricket, Not War: The Australian Services XI and the ‘Victory Tests’ of 1945 (1994)
- Mr Matt Stevic, a current senior AFL umpire, who has trekked Kokoda and also officiated the 2009 Anzac Day clash at the MCG
The forum will incorporate the launch of “The MCG: Sport and War”, a new tour of the nationally heritage-listed stadium that presents the history of MCG involvement in wartime activities and also highlights the individual achievements of Melbourne Cricket Club members and individual athletes who have served in Australia’s defence forces.
Cost: $30 (adult) $20 (concession)
Booking essential: by 11 April 2011
Tel: 03 9657 5502 or email Megan from MCC
Click here for further information.
23. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Project Officer (Buildings), Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority has a vacant position for a Conservation Project Officer (Buildings), based in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The position requires experience in and demonstrated understanding of built heritage conservation practices and procedures.
For information email Jo Lyngcoln or call Jo at (03) 6251 2363. Application information is from here. Applications close Monday 18 April 2011.
24. SITUATION VACANT Associate Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects, and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI’s Field Projects Department is seeking an Associate Project Specialist to fill a two-year, limited-term position For information on this opportunity, consult the Associate Project Specialist – GCI leaflet.
Applications close 15 April 2011.
25. SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage), Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects, and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI Field Projects Department is seeking a Senior Project Specialist (Built/20thcentury heritage). For information on this opportunity, consult the Senior Project Specialist – GCI leaflet.
Applications close 15 April 2011.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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