Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee dinner invitation
Watermarks, Water’s Heritage conference, October 2011 – call for papers: correction to deadlines
Western Australian Heritage Awards – nominations open
16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference – deadline for submission of abstracts
Trumpet-blowing news from Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies at Deakin University!
VII International Meeting – City Image and Memory, Santiago de Cuba – last call for abstracts
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage conference, 14-16 June, Spain
‘Railways and Speed’ conference, 14-16 December, Paris
Roman Archaeology – 2 Field Projects in Italy, Summer 2011
Nominations to the 2012 Watch are due by 15 March 2011
News from ICCROM
2nd Latin American Congress – Techniques for the Restoration and Conservation of Heritage, 14-16 September, Argentina
Preservation = Jobs: Findings from the Groundbreaking Rutgers Report
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Graham Brooks and Associates, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage), Getty Conservation Institute
SITUATION VACANT Associate Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
1. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee dinner invitation
The Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS is meeting in Sydney on 26-27 February, and would like to invite interested NSW members and their partners to join us for dinner at 7pm on Saturday 26 February 2011. A booking has been made at Marigold at 683-689 George Street, Sydney. Both set banquet menus or al la carte are available. Details of the menu can be found here.
To confirm a place please RSVP to Anita Krivickas by email by Wednesday 23 February 2011.
A drink prior to dinner is proposed, from 6pm at the Haymarket Hotel, and the Executive Committee would especially like to welcome and meet our young professional members.
2. Watermarks, Water’s Heritage conference, October 2011 – call for papers: correction to deadlines
Watermarks, Water’s Heritage
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
Southbank, Melbourne
27-30 October 2011
Call for Papers
The Watermarks conference committee is pleased to announce that the ‘Call for Papers’ will be posted on the conference website in the next few days. There are six themes:
- Theme 1 – Water Beginnings – Indigenous use of water and waterways
- Theme 2 – Early Days – exploration and early settlement
- Theme 3 – Working Water – pastoralism, agriculture, aquaculture, irrigation, industry, and power
- Theme 4 – Moving Water – water supply and sewerage, water collection, transport and communication
- Theme 5 – Too Much or Not Enough – floods, storms and cyclones, droughts, fire protection and environmental conservation
- Theme 6 – Celebrating Water – tourism, recreation, designed features and landscapes, and heritage recognition
The deadlines are:
- Submission of abstracts for papers and snapshots – Friday 15 April
- Notification of successful submissions – Friday 29 April
- Submission of final papers and snapshots – Friday 12 August (please note this was advised previously as Friday 7 October)
- Submission of PowerPoint presentations (for conference CD) – Friday 21 October
Please visit the conference website directly or through the Australia ICOMOS home page for full details, which will be posted in due course.
3. Western Australian Heritage Awards – nominations open
Nominations are being sought for the 2011 Western Australian Heritage Awards. Now in its 19th year, the awards are an opportunity to honour the State’s leading contributors to heritage conservation, promotion, adaptive reuse and interpretation in WA. The Awards have been expanded this year to include three new categories: the Professor David Dolan Award for Outstanding Newcomer; Outstanding Heritage Practices by a Local Government; and Outstanding Heritage Tourism Product. Nominations close on Friday, 18 March 2011. For more details, click here.
4. 16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference – deadline for submission of abstracts
16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference
Wrest Point Conference Centre
13-16 November 2011, Hobart, Tasmania
Please note that the deadline for the submission of abstracts is 28 February 2011. Abstracts (< 250 words) should be emailed to this address. For further information visit the conference website.
5. Trumpet-blowing news from Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies at Deakin University!
Two new staff members commenced work with the Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies (CH&MS) team last week: Kristal Buckley, universally-known ICOMOS identity, and Dr Steve Cooke, a cultural and historical geographer who has worked for the National Trust and the Shrine of Remembrance, since he departed academe in the UK to become an Australian. They will pick up the teaching reins of Bill Logan and Colin Long, and thus bring staff to full strength, with full-time coverage of all units. Bill remains a half-time staff member, devoted to research. Andrea Witcomb, Jonathan Sweet and Linda Young complete the group, based in Burwood, Melbourne.
Deakin’s heritage and museums program is now the largest and most comprehensive in Australia. 226 students were enrolled (mainly part-time) in 2010, in the PhD, MA, Master of Cultural Heritage and two streams of Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate studies. Deakin is the only Australian university to offer distance programs in heritage and museums.
Also joining Deakin – developing postgraduate Planning and Landscape Architecture for the Architecture & Building School, based in Geelong – is Icomite David Jones whom has been active in the South Australian cultural landscape and national heritage listing of ‘Adelaide Park Lands and City Layout’.
On the research front represented by the Cultural Heritage Research Centre for Asia and the Pacific, the Deakin group produced a great result in the recent Commonwealth research assessment exercise known as ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia). The five members assessed scored 4/5 for the discipline labelled ‘curatorial and heritage studies’ [the only academic group large enough to be assessed as such], meaning we are performing ‘above world standards’. The ERA scope is retrospective (2003-8), so it is a tribute to Bill Logan’s leadership of the program over those years. Bravo!
Linda Young
Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies, Deakin University
6. VII International Meeting – City Image and Memory, Santiago de Cuba – last call for abstracts
VII International Meeting
City Image and Memory
Heritage and Vulnerability
16-19 May 2011
Santiago de Cuba
Deadline for Abstracts: 28 February 2011
The Buildings Faculty and the Department of Architecture and Planning, Universidad de Oriente, invite interested persons to participate in the VII INTERNATIONAL MEETING: CITY IMAGE AND MEMORY, to be held in Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) from 16 to 19 May 2011.
Specific areas to be addressed
- Heritage conservation in times of disasters
- Research for the purpose of expanding knowledge and recovery of heritage
- Experiences in heritage intervention
- Management of the heritage recuperation
- Students workshop for disaster heritage assessment in times of disaster
Submission of abstracts and papers
Both the summary and submissions can be sent to:
e-mail to: cimfco2011@yahoo.es and ciudad2011@fco.uo.edu.cu
or by mail:
Facultad de Construcciones. Universidad de Oriente
Sede “Julio Antonio Mella”. Avenida de las Américas S/N
Santiago de Cuba, CP 90400, Cuba.
Tel: (53-22) 642908
Abstracts accepted until 28 February 2011.
The acceptance of items will be sent until 10 March 2011.
Papers accepted until 31 March 2011.
Both abstracts and papers will be published on CD-ROM with ISBN.
Co-hosted by
- Forum UNESCO Universidad y Patrimonio de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes de la Junta de Andalucía
- Oficina para la Cooperación para el Desarrollo de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad
- UNAICC Provincia Santiago de Cuba
7. ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage conference, 14-16 June, Spain
Dear Australia ICOMOS members and interested colleagues,
The ISC20C – ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage has organized an International Scientific Conference to be celebrated in Spain regarding Approaches for the Intervention in the Architectural Heritage of the 20th Century . It will be held in association with the Campus Internacional de Excelencia Moncloa – Cluster de Patrimonio and with the collaboration of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM)
The conference key note speakers will include prominent architects and practitioners and will take place at the ETSA Madrid, on 14-16 June 2011, following the ISC20C scientific committee meeting on 13 June.
The lack of recognition and identification of what constitutes the heritage places of the Twentieth Century is often acknowledged, and the speed of change and growth that characterizes contemporary societies make this sector of architectural heritage, as yet not firmly established in public affection, specially vulnerable and threatened. Ongoing consideration of these matters has led ISC20C to develop a staged process of meetings and international discussion to reflect on experience world-wide. The subject was explored by the ISC20C in Chicago in 2007, and in the (Un)Loved Modern conference in Sydney in 2009.
Whilst the heritage components of the twentieth century are varied, including buildings, parks, gardens, industries and technologies, the focus of the 2011 ISC20C conference in Madrid will be focussed on architectural heritage and interventions/changes, directed by VP Fernando de los Monteros Espinosa and an excellent conference scientific committee based in Madrid. It is our aim to assemble leading international conservation practitioners to contribute to the conference debate and public discussion, and to consider the need for guidelines on the conservation, protection and management issues relating to the important heritage resources of the twentieth century.
The ISC20C has initiated the preparation of a short document which will be circulated prior to the conference for discussion in Madrid, and input from conference participants and speakers will be an important contribution to this process from an architectural perspective . ISC20C members Susan Macdonald and Bernhard Furrer are co-ordinating development of the “Madrid Document” with a small working group, and it will be discussed during the conference and presented at the final session.
The conference will include a series of lecturers of great international relevance in architectural intervention, who will present recent trends and case studies in twentieth century architectural heritage identification and recognition and approaches to conservation and intervention. Principles and examples will be discussed with the participants in order to consider broad international experience and ample discussion time has been incorporated in the program. The conference lectures and selected communications will be published by the Ministry for Culture of Spain, together with text of the Madrid Document.
If you are interested in the conference and in the submission of an abstract, please see attached call for papers, but please be quick and focussed as the deadlines are short and space is limited.
I would like to engage Australia ICOMOS members in discussion of the draft Madrid document before the conference and welcome expressions of interest from AI members who may like to participate, and especially someone who would undertake the role of moderating an AI response that can be taken forward to the conference discussions.
The Madrid conference venues are extraordinary and associated events planned are exciting. The energy generated in this subject makes for a spirited debate. And of course, Madrid is a city of exemplary contemporary architectural interventions and great museum collections which provide intellectual discourse and stimulation- not to mention fantastic tappas, so I look forward to seeing a good Australian delegation in Madrid.
Sheridan Burke – email
President ISC20C
For more information about the conference, visit the conference website. Also see the ISC20C Madrid – call for papers.
Questions about the conference should be directed to Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros, Vice President ISC20C.
8. ‘Railways and Speed’ conference, 14-16 December, Paris
Railways and Speed – Two centuries of speed on the railways, thirty years of high-speed trains
14 -16 December 2011
International Union of Railways
16, rue Jean-Rey
75015 Paris
The conference is supported by: SNCF, International Union of Railways, AFFI
The deadline for submissions is: 15 May 2011.
All queries should be directed to the Association pour l’histoire des chemins de fer (AHICF) conference secretary. Also consult the ‘Railways and Speed’ conference leaflet.
Calendar of events
- Call for papers: 7 February 2011
- Deadline for submissions: 15 May 2011
- Speakers will be notified by 1 June 2011
- Deadline for submission of a paper to the Revue d’histoire des chemins de fer, which will publish the conference proceedings after a peer review process: 1 March 2012
9. Roman Archaeology – 2 Field Projects in Italy, Summer 2011
1. Excavation of the Roman Baths at Carsulae
12 June – 23 July 2011
This is the sixth season of excavations of the Roman Baths at the ancient city of Carsulae. The Roman city, founded along the via Flaminia in the late third century BCE, is located near the town of San Gemini. The area has been associated with healing waters since pre-Roman times. Field school includes: archaeological excavation, various methods of excavation documentation and handling and processing of artifacts.
Contact: Jane Whitehead, excavation director and professor at Valdosta State University
Click here for further information about this project.
2. Conservation of Archaeological Ceramics – Classes and Workshops
23 May – 18 June 2011
The course aims to give basic knowledge and hands on experience in the field archaeological ceramics conservation. Through classroom and workshop sessions the participants will be introduced to the following skills: categorizing, organizing and storage of sherds; materials and morphological analysis of diagnostic pottery; graphic and digital documentation of diagnostic pottery; cleaning, reassembly and integration of lacunae of pottery. Some of the work in the workshop will be done using recently excavated materials from the Baths of the ancient Roman town of Carsulae.
Contact: Max Cardillo, San Gemini Preservation Studies
Click here for further information about this project. More specific information can be found here and here.
10. Nominations to the 2012 Watch are due by 15 March 2011
Every two years, World Monuments Fund (WMF) accepts new nominations to the Watch. Over 600 sites on all seven continents have been included in the eight Watch cycles since 1996. Watch listing provides an opportunity for sites and their nominators to raise public awareness, foster local participation, advance innovation and collaboration, and demonstrate effective solutions. The announcement of the 2010 Watch was covered by over 1,500 news outlets, reaching more than 250 million people worldwide. The Watch nomination process also serves as a vehicle for requesting WMF assistance for select projects. Watch sites in more than 80 countries have received WMF support totalling $60 million, and WMF’s investment has leveraged an additional $150 million in assistance from other sources.
Nominating a site to the Watch is a two-part process. The first step is to complete the Inquiry Form, after which a username and password will be provided to access the Nomination Form.
Go to the 2012 World Monuments Watch website for further information.
Questions about the nomination process should be emailed to the Watch team.
The World Monuments Watch calls international attention to cultural heritage around the world that is at risk from the forces of nature and the impact of social, political, and economic change. From archaeological sites to iconic architecture, cultural landscapes to historic urban centres, the Watch identifies places of significance in need of timely action.
11. News from ICCROM
To view the February 2011 news from ICCROM, click here.
12. 2nd Latin American Congress – Techniques for the Restoration and Conservation of Heritage, 14-16 September, Argentina
For further information visit the conference website. Please note, the information on this website is provided in Spanish only.
13. Preservation = Jobs: Findings from the Groundbreaking Rutgers Report
By Anna Klosterman; From Forum News
Preservation not only protects what matters to America – it puts Americans to work.
Rutgers University has released a comprehensive new report that analyzes the economic impact of the federal Historic Tax Credit since its inception in 1976. This report, The First Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit, has the potential to become a powerful tool for preservation strategy and advocacy in these times of barren budgets.
Click here to read the entire article.
14. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Graham Brooks and Associates, Sydney
Senior Heritage Consultant
Sydney CBD Location
Full time permanent position
Graham Brooks and Associates is a well established conservation architecture and heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, through to the preparation of impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Senior Heritage Consultant/Conservation Architect who can work both independently and as part of a medium sized team of skilled professional staff. The successful applicant will be one who has a real passion for heritage, as well as extensive experience in the assessment and management of heritage buildings and sites.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field, specializing in conservation architecture. You will have had prior experience in complex assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation and excellent project delivery skills. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, pragmatic and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
The ideal applicant for this position will have:
- Relevant professional qualification/s
- Minimum five years experience in Australian architecture/conservation practice
- Familiarity with traditional building construction methods and materials
- Experience in adaptive re-use projects
- Familiarity with New South Wales heritage legislation
- Skills to liaise and negotiate with government agencies, clients, architects and the community to facilitate positive heritage outcomes
- Demonstrated ability to prepare reports, proposals and submissions
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to meet deadlines and balance priorities
Desirable but not essential:
- Architectural qualifications
- Post-graduate qualifications in Heritage Conservation, Conservation Architecture or other related conservation fields
- Experience in the preparation of conservation works schedules and reports
- Australia ICOMOS membership
Those wishing to apply for this position are encouraged to email their resume to Graham Brooks and Associates.
15. SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage), Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects, and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI Field Projects Department is seeking a Senior Project Specialist (Built/20thcentury heritage). For information on this opportunity, consult the Senior Project Specialist – GCI leaflet.
16. SITUATION VACANT Associate Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects, and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI’s Field Projects Department is seeking an Associate Project Specialist to fill a two-year, limited-term position. For information on this opportunity, consult the Associate Project Specialist – GCI leaflet.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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