Call for EOI for Co-opted member to the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – Queensland Based
Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
Australia ICOMOS members’ blog re: the floods and the draft disaster guidelines discussion paper – REMINDER to Members
Australia Day Honours 2011 – Meredith Walker
Flood Damage to heritage sites and collections – a message from CAN and FAHS
Australian Heritage Week – a message from the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
News from ICOMOS International
Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts courses and professional development in 2011
Proceedings of the 14th international Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2009 available online
National Trust for Historic Preservation (US) calls for Award Nominations and Session Proposals
International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures (SHATIS’11) – registration form available
1. Call for EOI for Co-opted member to the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – Queensland Based
The Executive Committee (EC) is now calling for Expressions of Interest for one vacant position on the EC for 2011.The period of co-option lasts until the 2011 AGM, at which time the co-optee can decide to stand for election to the EC through the usual nomination of committee members process.
The Criteria for this co-opted position are:
a) Full financial Member status
b) a member based in Queensland, preferably in southern Queensland (who may be asked to take on the task of State Representative). We currently have a northern Queensland member on the Executive Committee.
c) willingness to also take on the responsibility for other tasks that may arise. These are yet to be determined but could involve working with our proposed disaster response review.
If you are interested in getting more actively involved in Australia ICOMOS (AI) this is an excellent way to do so. You will be working with an enthusiastic and friendly team of people and will have a lot of fun along the way.
Your time commitments would be: 4 x 1.5 day meetings per year; one of which will be associated with the AGM. The meetings are spread around the member states and usually associated with a professional/social event for members in that state. The schedule for 2011 is: 26/27 February – Sydney; 30 April/1 May – Adelaide; 13/14 August – Perth; October (and AGM) – Melbourne (dates for Melbourne are yet to be finalised but the meeting will take place in conjunction with the Watermarks Conference, 27-30 October).
All Executive Committee members make a significant commitment to the organisation, giving up not only their time but also paying the first $300 of travel costs to each of these meetings. Any cost over and above this will be reimbursed.
State Reps play an important role as ‘the face of AI’ in each state. They organise occasional professional and social events for members and provide a general report to members on the highlights of the Exec meetings. They also bring forward issues of relevance to members in their state, where these are brought to their attention, and coordinate engagement as required with members in that State. These are vital roles in the organisation and are a great way to meet people and network. You will not have to invent your position from scratch as there are others on the EC who currently hold and who have held similar roles in the past.
Form of application
If you wish to submit an EOI please provide:
- a brief statement of no more than 500 words outlining why you believe you would be suited to the position
- a copy of your Curriculum Vitae
The deadline for submission of EOIs is COB Friday 4 February 2011. EOIs should be submitted via email to the Secretariat Officer, Georgia Meros. Successful applicants will be expected to attend the February 2010 meeting in Hobart.
If you have any specific queries regarding these positions please call Jane Harrington on 0409 344 598. We look forward to hearing from you!
2. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.
Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat:
- Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
- Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates
For further information and to download a membership form, go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website.
Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the February 2011 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 4 February 2011.
If further information is required email the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder.
3. Australia ICOMOS members’ blog re: the floods and the draft disaster guidelines discussion paper – REMINDER to Members
Last week Australia ICOMOS members were invited to respond to a blog that was set up in the Members’ only section of the Australia ICOMOS website. We are very keen to both collate pertinent information about damage caused to heritage buildings and sites, and to receive feedback on our draft disaster guidelines discussion paper.
If you haven’t done so already, please login to the Members’ section of the Australia ICOMOS website and add your comments.
4. Australia Day Honours 2011 – Meredith Walker
Life member and former president of Australia ICOMOS, Meredith Walker was the recipient of a well deserved AM in the Australia Day Honours List. Meredith was made an AM in the General Division of the Order of Australia.
Meredith will be known to many ICOMOS members for her co-authorship of the Illustrated Burra Charter, with Peter Marquis Kyle, but her contributions to Australia’s heritage conservation work are lengthy and broad ranging, from extensive survey, listing and advocacy work for the National Trust onwards from the 1970s, through foundation roles with Australia ICOMOS, to a host of innovative conservation projects and pioneering community heritage studies.
She has been instrumental and tenacious in advocacy campaigns for many of Australia’s most important heritage places, amongst them being Sydney’s First Government House Site, and Vienna cottage in Hunters Hill. Her voluntary contributions to many, many Boards, Trusts and Committees have involved remarkable time and intellectual energy which reflect her commitment to conservation.
Alongside her professional achievements, which are enumerated in the official citation below is the generous mentoring which Meredith has always provided to colleagues and young practitioners throughout her career. Her honest intellectual strength has also been generously contributed to Australia ICOMOS and its charters and guidelines. She has courage of her convictions aplenty.
Last year I had the pleasure of attending a conference of the ICOMOS international Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy with Meredith in the Czech Republic. Although still recovering from serious illness, Meredith delivered a paper of clarity and controversy with modest certainty, on significant places where there is little or no physical evidence. It left our European colleagues challenged and thoughtful.
Meredith, you’ve really made a difference!
Thank you and congratulations,
Sheridan Burke, on behalf of Australia ICOMOS
Ms Meredith Mirron WALKER, Lilyfield NSW 2040
For service to heritage conservation through studies for local government and institutions, the development of philosophy and professional standards and the promotion of community participation in heritage identification and management.
Ms Walker is a heritage conservation practitioner who has specialised in heritage studies for local government, places and museums; the development of philosophy, theory and standards for heritage practice; and encouraging community participation in heritage identification and management.
Her major achievements include:
Preparation of illustrated explanations of the Charter for Places of Cultural Significance, known as The Burra Charter.
Involvement in development and review of The Burra Charter.
Active in campaigns to achieve heritage legislation in Queensland; and to conserve:
Assessment of heritage values of 670 Queensland towns for the National Trust.
Reviewed and identified all the listed places in Tasmania included on the National Estate.
Studies of Queensland cities and towns of heritage value.
Active Member, Australian National Committee, International Council on Monuments and Sites (Australia ICOMOS); President, 1987-1988; Member, Foundation Executive Committee, 1982-1988; awarded Life Membership of Australia ICOMOS, 2004.
Foundation Member, ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, since 2005.
Volunteer and active Member, various committees in New South Wales and Queensland National Trust including:
* Historic Building Committee |
Trustee, Historic Houses Trust of NSW, 2000-2002.
Member, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council,1992-2000; Convenor, Policy Sub-Committee; Member, Management Planning Committee.
Member, History Panel of the Heritage Council of New South Wales, 1992-1996.
Member, Museums Advisory Committee, New South Wales Ministry for the Arts, 1993-1994.
Member, New South Wales Museums Advisory Council, 1993-1994.
Member, Heritage Council Advisory Committee to review the NSW Heritage Act 1985, 1994-2000.
Author/Co-Author of several publications, various heritage studies and contributor to ICOMOS and National Trust publications and conference proceedings.
Publications include:
The Illustrated Burra Charter (2 editions):
– Making good decisions about the care of important places, Australian ICOMOS, 1994; and
– Good practice for heritage places, ICOMOS, 2004.
Understanding the Burra Charter: a guide to the principles of heritage conservation in Australia, ICOMOS, 1996.
What’s important about our town? a workshop model for identifying heritage and character, National Trust of Queensland, 1993.
Historic Interiors: ideas for conservation, National Trust.
Building for Nature: Walter Burley Griffin and Castlecrag, Walter Burly Griffin Association Inc, 1994.
Protecting the Social Value of Public Place: an illustrated guide, Australian Council of National Trusts, 1998.
Planning Controls for Heritage in Queensland, Department of Local Government, Queensland, 1983.
Awards/recognition include:
The Illustrated Burra Charter (2 editions) and Planning Controls for Heritage in Queensland won awards from the National Trusts of New South Wales and Queensland and the Planning Institute, Queensland.
5. Flood Damage to heritage sites and collections – a message from CAN and FAHS
The message below is from Don Garden of the Federation of Australian Historical Societies (FAHS) but the Collections Australia Network (CAN) is also very concerned about the current flood crises and its impact on Heritage sites and collections across Australia.
We are sending this email out to CAN Partners and CAN listserves as we would also like to hear about any news of damage to Heritage sites and collections. We will then compile all your responses into a list and perhaps this will give us a better opportunity to see what assistance we can as a community provide.
We will also be updating our list of sector information with a set of links to useful resources and will email this out to you in a few days time. In the meantime any suggestions welcomed.
Geoff Barker
Online Producer
Collections Australia Network (CAN) – an initiative of the Cultural Ministers Council
Ph: (02) 9217 0347
The Federation of Australian Historical Societies (FAHS) is deeply concerned about the damage to heritage sites and collections from the current floods. Just one site of which we are aware is the headquarters of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland which is in an 1820s convict-built Commissariat Store beside the Brisbane River. The building is far enough above the river not to have been flooded before (except in 1893, we believe) but the convict-built retaining wall behind the Store has partly collapsed, punching major breaches in the wall of the bottom storey of the Store. A broken water pipe then gushed water through the ground floor display area. The building has been assessed and has fortunately been judged to be structurally sound. For further information, click here.
The FAHS is keen to hear of other flood damage to heritage structures and collections.
We wish also to assist societies in accessing advice on how to deal with damage.
If you belong to a Society that has suffered from the 2011 floods and are wondering what you can do to care for objects that have got wet, a useful website is AMOL Caring for Collections. Various pages on the USA EPA website explain how to cope with mould, and water damage – see Table 1: Water Damage – Cleanup and Mold Prevention and Table 2: Guidelines for Remediating Building Materials with Mold Growth Caused by Clean Water. The National Archives of Australia floods webpage looks at recovering flood-damaged records and the AICCM webpage also has useful information.
The Queensland Disaster Information Network (Q-Dis) website is also operational.
(Thank you to Judy Gale Rechner , Carolyn Nolan and Ruth Kerr of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, who have provided the information used in this e-mail)
Don Garden
Federation of Australian Historical Societies
6. Australian Heritage Week – a message from the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
Heritage is about the places and stories that make Australia special. It includes our amazing natural places, our rich Indigenous heritage and the diverse historic sites that together reflect our development as a nation.
Our heritage contributes to our sense of place and to our community and personal wellbeing, it informs us about where we have come from and who we are, and is fundamental to our national identity.
Australian Heritage Week is a new annual national celebration of Australia’s unique heritage which will run from Thursday 14 April until Wednesday 20 April 2011. This week is an opportunity for all Australians to join together to celebrate our shared and special heritage.
I encourage all communities to get involved with planning and hosting a range of exciting activities during this Week that show-case your unique local heritage to the rest of the country. Activities could include Open Days, exhibitions of significant heritage objects in galleries, museums or library collections, public lectures and seminars, walking tours of local nature parks or screening of old films. Celebrations could also recognise the efforts of individuals and communities all around the country in protecting and conserving our important heritage places.
The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities will assist you in the promotion of your heritage activities by hosting a searchable national calendar of events so the public can find heritage events they wish to take part in, anywhere in Australia, during this time. We have also created a logo which can be used in your own promotion of the event, identifying your event as part of this national heritage celebration.
Information on the Australian Heritage Week, how you can get involved and how you can register your heritage events is available from this section of the Department’s website.
Greg Terrill
A/g First Assistant Secretary
Heritage Division
To read the associated media release, click here.
7. News from ICOMOS International
Click here to read the latest news from ICOMOS International.
- A message from the President
- 17th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
- Consultation on the reform of the ICOMOS Statutes and on membership fees
- Advisory Committee and related meetings, Ireland, 2010
- 18 April 2011 – International Heritage Day: Heritage of H20
- Elections in National and International Committees
- Obituaries
- Calendar
8. Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts courses and professional development in 2011
Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts (IPPHA) is pleased to announce four upcoming professional development activities developed in conjunction with partners Narryna Heritage Museum and Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery; National Museum of Australia; NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Vanuatu Cultural Centre.
Short Course: Managing Small Museums at a Heritage Place
24 – 28 January 2011
Narryna Heritage Museum in Hobart, Tasmania
Narryna is winner of the small museums award in the ABC Radio National Regional Museums Award 2010. This course focuses on developing skills in managing small museums located at heritage places. Participants will have the opportunity to learn practical heritage management skills and gain a thorough understanding of the issues relating to small museum and collection management. Narryna is both an historic house and home to a remarkable collection dating from the earliest European settlement of Australia. This includes a nationally significant art collection and one of the largest costume (dress) collections in the southern hemisphere. The course will be held primarily at Narryna and will include hands-on activities and engagement with Narryna staff, volunteers and the local community.
Professional Update: Seeing the values in large technology heritage: The conservation and curation of ‘big things’
24 – 25 March 2011
Australian National University and the National Museum of Australia.
The conservation of items of large technology such as aircraft, large vehicles, engines and machinery require specialist curatorial, conservation, engineering and trade training methods and skills.
This professional update will examine the application of different values and practices to the successful and sustainable management and display of large technology objects. The discussion will be informed by a range of viewpoints and case studies presented by leading large technology heritage practitioners. Participants from different backgrounds will be invited to work with each other to challenge and extend their ideas.
Short Course: The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures
11-16 April 2011
Kosciouszko National Park
Run in collaboration with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
A six day field-based professional development short course covering a range of physical conservation issues and strategies for conserving buildings and structures in place.
Participants will have unique access to a diverse range of historic buildings and structures within the park and will have a ‘hands on’ experience of the issues and skills involved in the physical conservation of historic buildings and structures. The course will be presented by experienced heritage practitioners and staff of the NPWS and Australian National University.
Study Tour: The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific: Chief Roi Mata’s Domain
16 – 20 May 2011
A study tour to one of our region’s newest World Heritage properties. Chief Roi Mata’s Domain is a cultural landscape including ancient Melanesian villages, caves, rock art, tropical islands, protected coral reefs and some of the most famous archaeological sites in the Pacific. It is one of the locations where Indigenous oral history has been demonstrated to have been passed on with remarkable accuracy from generation to generation for over 400 years. On this tour, you will be immersed in Melanesian heritage and local life. You will also gain a unique insight into how the idea for this World Heritage Site emerged, took hold and has developed with strong local community ownership. Over five days, you will have an opportunity to experience at first hand issues and approaches to cultural heritage, cultural tourism and sustainable development in one of Australia’s near Pacific neighbours.
To see the full range of IPPHA professional development programs for planned for 2011, and the courses available by arrangement, visit the event calendar on the IPPHA website.
9. Proceedings of the 14th international Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2009 available online
Click here to view these.
The 16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies will take place on 14-16 November, 2011 at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria.
The Call for papers / posters will start on 21 February 2011.
Main Topics: Prospection, Survey, Data Integration / Urban Archaeology – Roads and Places.
Further information will be included in the e-news as it becomes available.
10. National Trust for Historic Preservation (US) calls for Award Nominations and Session Proposals
Call for Award Nominations
Each year the National Trust for Historic Preservation celebrates the best of preservation by presenting National Preservation Awards to individuals and organizations whose contributions demonstrate excellence in historic preservation.
They invite you to nominate a deserving individual, organization, agency, or project for a National Preservation Award. The nomination deadline for all awards is 17 February 2011.
In 2011 they are pleased to announce that they will be selecting the first American Express Aspire awardee.This award will recognize an emerging leader in preservation.Other awards include the Trustees’ Awards, National Trust/Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Award, National Trust/HUD Secretary’s Award, the Peter H. Brink Award for Individual Achievement, and the National Preservation Honor Awards. Those nominations not selected to receive a special category award will automatically be considered for an Honor Award.
For further information go the the Awards section of the National Trust for Historic Preservation website.
Call for Session Proposals
The National Trust for Historic Preservation also invites you to submit a session proposal for the National Preservation Conference, happening this year in Buffalo, New York, on 19-22 October.
The conference theme ‘Alternating Currents’ reflects the push and pull that the forces of heritage, economics, and community opinion have on the work of preservationists across the US – and asks if the current slate of debates and tools are still relevant.
Help them make the case for preservation – how it revitalizes cities, combats sprawl, creates jobs, saves energy, preserves landscapes, and builds community. Send them session ideas about the critical issues that challenge communities across the country, and share the cutting-edge historic preservation strategies and models that address them.
11. International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures (SHATIS’11) – registration form available
SHATIS’11 – International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures
16-17 June 2011
The conference registration form is available from the conference website.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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