Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 469

  1. Australia’s Floods
  2. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
  3. Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts courses and professional development in 2011
  4. Appointment to Heritage Council of WA
  5. Vacancies – Heritage Council of Victoria
  6. Call for EOI for Co-opted member to the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – Queensland Based
  7. Australian Cultural Landscapes Network
  8. Half-price entry to various Historic Houses Trust properties on Australia Day
  9. Boulton & Paul prefabricated buildings in Australia
  10. Heritage Matters available online
  11. ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2011 – second call for papers: abstract deadline 31 January 2011
  12. Exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW – The First Emperor: China’s entombed warriors
  13. Australia ICOMOS’ 2009/2010 Annual Report available online
  14. Nominations to the 2012 Watch are due by 15 March 2011
  15. News from ICCROM / ICCROM Annual report available online
  16. Australia ICOMOS Canberra Talk Series – call for speakers for 2011
  17. 15th Annual International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW), 2-6 August 2011, Pennsylvania


1. Australia’s Floods

Following my earlier message to Australia ICOMOS members, it is saddening to see that the extent of this disaster has grown dramatically in only a few days. As well as Queensland, we are now seeing flooding in large areas of Victoria. Tasmania has been subject to a small amount of flooding, but far more contained than in other states. The most disturbing fact is that there is likely to be more to come, and it is impossible to imagine the distress of those communities who are facing repeat flooding events. The impact on people’s lives and livelihoods is unmeasurable.

While these impacts must be everyone’s priority concern, we also hope to support approaches that allow for the best possible outcome for heritage, and this of course includes the long term impacts on communities and place.

Most of you would be aware of Blue Shield Australia, and that Australia ICOMOS is one of the primary partners in this organisation. Robyn Riddett is our representative with Blue Shield, and also a member of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness, and we have been liaising in order to progress a number of matters. Robyn is seeking information through a number of avenues and Australia ICOMOS and Blue Shield are attempting to compile an initial database of affected places. This can best be done with your input, and with information provided from heritage advisors and heritage professionals in the flood-affected areas. We will pass on information that assists with compiling a record of damage to Robyn Riddett for Blue Shield, and will also seek to work collaboratively with other organisations so that we can pool the information that is gathered.

Beyond information gathering, we are here to help and to provide support. The State Representatives on the AI Executive Committee will be in touch with members in the flood-affected states in the near future. They can act as collecting points for information but they are also there to co-ordinate responses and support as needed with the rest of us and to assist in our liaison with the relevant heritage agencies and bodies.

I am aware that many AI members are already out there ‘on the ground’ and may benefit from a forum to exchange ideas and advice. We need to be talking to each other and to be identifying and collating the damage that has been done, and the heritage issues that are arising in the process. There are a number of ways for this to progress.

You can contact the Secretariat, or get in touch directly with me or any of the AI Executive Committee. Contact details are below. Our State rep for Victoria is Megan McDougall, for Queensland Michelle Bird, Tasmania Angie McGowan and NSW Anita Krivickas.

Yesterday the new Members Section of the AI website was activated and later today we will be setting up a blog that will allow an exchange of ideas and comments between members. Georgia will be in touch with all AI members to provide further details on this facility, and instructions for access.

In terms of immediate actions as part of the disaster response phase, wherever possible we need to remain aware of how critical it is to record, salvage, label and store appropriate elements, and to prevent actions that may result in them being bulldozed away. This is no doubt going be difficult in some circumstances.

A photographic record is also extremely valuable, either before, during and after a disaster, and Blue Shield is attempting to build up an image database, so any photographs would be very useful.

I have recently advised members that we have prepared a discussion paper, ‘Guidelines for Managing Cultural Heritage in Disasters’. We are making this document available to AI members through a blog in the Members’ section of the website and are seeking your responses. Information on how to provide feedback on the paper will be included in the blog.

Last, but not least, we will be reviewing and working out how to improve disaster preparedness, response and recovery in relation to cultural heritage. Future work will be undertaken to address the existence, adequacy and implementation of disaster plans. We will be seeking to ensure that AI undertakes this in partnership with other heritage bodies (including Blue Shield) and relevant government agencies, and also that heritage considerations are a matter of tabled concern in any subsequent official reviews.

I encourage your feedback and comments and will keep you informed as to how we progress the above over the coming weeks. Thank you for your efforts and support.

Dr Jane Harrington
President, Australia ICOMOS



2. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications

There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.

Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be to be made to the Secretariat:

  • Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
  • Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates

For further information and to download a membership form, go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website.

Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the February 2011 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Friday 4 February 2011.

If further information is required email the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder.


3. Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts courses and professional development in 2011

Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts (IPPHA) is pleased to announce four upcoming professional development activities developed in conjunction with partners Narryna Heritage Museum and Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery; National Museum of Australia; NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Vanuatu Cultural Centre.

Short Course: Managing Small Museums at a Heritage Place
24 – 28 January 2011
Narryna Heritage Museum in Hobart, Tasmania

Narryna is winner of the small museums award in the ABC Radio National Regional Museums Award 2010. This course focuses on developing skills in managing small museums located at heritage places. Participants will have the opportunity to learn practical heritage management skills and gain a thorough understanding of the issues relating to small museum and collection management. Narryna is both an historic house and home to a remarkable collection dating from the earliest European settlement of Australia. This includes a nationally significant art collection and one of the largest costume (dress) collections in the southern hemisphere. The course will be held primarily at Narryna and will include hands-on activities and engagement with Narryna staff, volunteers and the local community.

Professional Update: Seeing the values in large technology heritage: The conservation and curation of ‘big things’
24 – 25 March 2011
Australian National University and the National Museum of Australia.

The conservation of items of large technology such as aircraft, large vehicles, engines and machinery require specialist curatorial, conservation, engineering and trade training methods and skills.

This professional update will examine the application of different values and practices to the successful and sustainable management and display of large technology objects. The discussion will be informed by a range of viewpoints and case studies presented by leading large technology heritage practitioners. Participants from different backgrounds will be invited to work with each other to challenge and extend their ideas.

Short Course: The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures
11-16 April 2011
Kosciouszko National Park

Run in collaboration with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).

A six day field-based professional development short course covering a range of physical conservation issues and strategies for conserving buildings and structures in place.

Participants will have unique access to a diverse range of historic buildings and structures within the park and will have a ‘hands on’ experience of the issues and skills involved in the physical conservation of historic buildings and structures. The course will be presented by experienced heritage practitioners and staff of the NPWS and Australian National University.

Study Tour: The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific: Chief Roi Mata’s Domain
16 – 20 May 2011

A study tour to one of our region’s newest World Heritage properties. Chief Roi Mata’s Domain is a cultural landscape including ancient Melanesian villages, caves, rock art, tropical islands, protected coral reefs and some of the most famous archaeological sites in the Pacific. It is one of the locations where Indigenous oral history has been demonstrated to have been passed on with remarkable accuracy from generation to generation for over 400 years. On this tour, you will be immersed in Melanesian heritage and local life. You will also gain a unique insight into how the idea for this World Heritage Site emerged, took hold and has developed with strong local community ownership. Over five days, you will have an opportunity to experience at first hand issues and approaches to cultural heritage, cultural tourism and sustainable development in one of Australia’s near Pacific neighbours.

To see the full range of IPPHA professional development programs for planned for 2011, and the courses available by arrangement, visit the event calendar on the IPPHA website.


4. Appointment to Heritage Council of WA

Australia ICOMOS is very pleased to advise that Nerida Moredoundt has been appointed to the Heritage Council of WA. Nerida’s nomination was put forward by Australia ICOMOS following calls for expression of interest last October.

Congratulations Nerida from your Australia ICOMOS colleagues.

For further information, click here.


5.  Vacancies – Heritage Council of Victoria

We have been contacted by the Heritage Council of Victoria to provide information regarding the current vacancies on the council and also to endorse a candidate who is a member of Australia ICOMOS.

Advertisements were placed in the metropolitan press last weekend seeking expressions of interest from individuals who wish to serve on the Heritage Council of Victoria.

This year the Minister for Planning, the Hon. Matthew Guy MLC, is seeking expressions of interest from:

  • individuals with recognised skills in architectural conservation or architectural history; and
  • persons having a demonstrated understanding, expertise or interest in Victoria’s heritage or in the management of heritage places.

Four (4) people will be appointed as full members of the Heritage Council and four (4) as alternate members.

Appointment will be from 1 July 2011 for three (3) years.

Women, Indigenous persons, people with a disability, young persons and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

To find out more and download application documents, visit the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) website.

Call for Expressions of Interest from Australia ICOMOS Members for endorsed nomination to the Heritage Council of Victoria

While Australia ICOMOS members can submit a personal application, members in Victoria are also invited to submit an expression of interest for endorsement by AI for nomination to the Heritage Council of Victoria. You must be a full member of AI to be eligible for endorsed nomination. It must be noted that selection as a nominee endorsed by AI does not ensure appointment by the Heritage Council.

Anyone considering nomination should be prepared to make a substantial commitment in terms of time and expertise and should demonstrate they have relevant qualifications, expertise or experience that meet the criteria outlined above.

Expressions of Interest for this position as an AI endorsed nominee will be considered by a subcommittee and recommendations will be endorsed by the Executive Committee.

If you are interested in being considered as an AI endorsed nominee please email:

  • A short CV
  • A written statement (no more than 500 words) briefly outlining your qualifications, relevant experience and work history and why you want to be a member of the Heritage Council of Victoria

to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat no later than COB Friday 4 February. We suggest you also refer to the application requirements as outlined at the DPCD website link provided above. Please refer to this website for further details or email Jane Harrington.


6. Call for EOI for Co-opted member to the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – Queensland Based

The Executive Committee (EC) is now calling for Expressions of Interest for one vacant position on the EC for 2011.The period of co-option lasts until the 2011 AGM, at which time the co-optee can decide to stand for election to the EC through the usual nomination of committee members process.

The Criteria for this co-opted position are:

a) Full financial Member status

b) a member based in Queensland, preferably in southern Queensland (who may be asked to take on the task of State Representative). We currently have a northern Queensland member on the Executive Committee.

c) willingness to also take on the responsibility for other tasks that may arise. These are yet to be determined but could involve working with our proposed disaster response review.

If you are interested in getting more actively involved in Australia ICOMOS (AI) this is an excellent way to do so. You will be working with an enthusiastic and friendly team of people and will have a lot of fun along the way.

Your time commitments would be: 4 x 1.5 day meetings per year; one of which will be associated with the AGM. The meetings are spread around the member states and usually associated with a professional/social event for members in that state. The schedule for 2011 is: 26/27 February – Sydney; 30 April/1 May – Adelaide; 13/14 August – Perth; October (and AGM) – Melbourne (dates for Melbourne are yet to be finalised but the meeting will take place in conjunction with the Watermarks Conference, 27-30 October).

All Executive Committee members make a significant commitment to the organisation, giving up not only their time but also paying the first $300 of travel costs to each of these meetings. Any cost over and above this will be reimbursed.

State Reps play an important role as ‘the face of AI’ in each state. They organise occasional professional and social events for members and provide a general report to members on the highlights of the Exec meetings. They also bring forward issues of relevance to members in their state, where these are brought to their attention, and coordinate engagement as required with members in that State. These are vital roles in the organisation and are a great way to meet people and network. You will not have to invent your position from scratch as there are others on the EC who currently hold and who have held similar roles in the past.

Form of application

If you wish to submit an EOI please provide:

  1. a brief statement of no more than 500 words outlining why you believe you would be suited to the position
  2. a copy of your Curriculum Vitae

The deadline for submission of EOIs is COB Friday 4 February 2011. EOIs should be submitted via email to the Secretariat Officer, Georgia Meros. Successful applicants will be expected to attend the February 2010 meeting in Hobart.

If you have any specific queries regarding these positions please call Jane Harrington on 0409 344 598. We look forward to hearing from you!


7. Australian Cultural Landscapes Network

The Australian Cultural Landscapes Network is an informal working group established to share information on the work of the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL), draw comment on the work being undertaken by the ISCCL and gain information on cultural landscape issues across Australia. Any member of Australia ICOMOS is welcome to join the group. The group currently has a membership of thirty people.

For information on the role of this ISC, visit the ISCCL page of the Australia ICOMOS website. It should be noted that members of the Australian Cultural Landscapes Network also have links with the newly established Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Cultural Routes and Cultural Landscapes.

If you have a strong interest in cultural landscapes and are interested joining the Australian Cultural Landscapes Network (thus having your email added to the contact list), please email Steve Brown (Contact/Coordinator for 2011).


8. Half-price entry to various Historic Houses Trust properties on Australia Day

Celebrate Australia Day with half price entry to the following (Historic Houses Trust) HHT properties:

  • Elizabeth Bay House
  • Elizabeth Farm
  • Hyde Park Barracks Museum
  • Justice & Police Museum
  • Museum of Sydney
  • Rouse Hill House & Farm
  • Rose Seidler House
  • Susannah Place Museum
  • Vaucluse House

Free entry to Government House & The Mint

Wednesday 26 January

10.00am — 5.00pm

Phone HHT on (02) 8239 2211 for further information.


9. Boulton & Paul prefabricated buildings in Australia

Colleagues from the UK have been in touch regarding some work they are doing with a museum in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire. In their words… but the real gem is the building itself. It’s an 1884 prefabricated corrugated iron bungalow made by Boulton & Paul of Norwich. This company are famous in Britain for their prefabricated buildings from the 19th century up to the war and post-war era. They also made airplanes during the war. They exported these buildings across ‘The Empire’ including to Australia – they also apparently invented and exported rabbit proof fence to Australia.

They are keen to include more of the story of the building and its heritage in their redesign, including links with Australia. Does anyone have any information on these prefabricated buildings, the B&P rabbit proof fence or any other imports from this company? If so, please email details to Anne Brake and she will send it on.


10. Heritage Matters available online

Heritage Matters is the official newsletter of the Heritage Council of WA.  The Summer edition of Heritage Matters is now available from here.

In this issue:

  • Our heritage champions
  • Harsher penalties for illegal works on heritage-listed properties
  • Aquinas – 1300th registration on the State Register
  • Tribute to Professor David Dolan
  • Heritage grants awarded to assist owners


11. ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2011 – second call for papers: abstract deadline 31 January 2011

Call for Papers: “Heritage: Driver of Development”

Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2011

The Scientific Symposium which will accompany the ICOMOS General Assembly taking place from 27 November to 2 December 2011 will explore the theme “Heritage: Driver of Development” as briefly illustrated in the ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2011 – call for papers. Without claiming to cover the entire field, it is proposed to work according to four sub-themes whose boundaries we can possibly expand if deemed necessary.

The Symposium will be open to the public. The papers, among which 65 presentations of 20 minutes each and around one hundred brief 10 minute interventions during round tables, will form the scientific basis of the Symposium, and will feed into the discussions and resulting recommendations.

ICOMOS members who wish to propose a paper for one of the four sub-themes should submit a concise half-page summary (max. 1500 characters, please indicate the full title of the paper and the chosen sub-theme), in French or English, by email at the latest by 31 January 2011 (18:00, Paris time). Please note that this deadline will be strictly adhered to. The abstracts should be accompanied by a short 5-line curriculum vitae and the author’s full contact details (postal address, phone, fax, email).

Successful proposals will be selected anonymously by the Scientific Committee of the Symposium, which will determine the form in which the paper will be given (full presentation or brief intervention); to which sub-theme it is finally allocated, and will inform the authors by 1 March 2011. Successful authors will be asked to provide a more developed proposal (3 pages or max. 9000 characters) by 1 May 2011.


12. Exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW – The First Emperor: China’s entombed warriors

The First Emperor: China’s entombed warriors brings to Australia over 120 rare objects, featuring ten complete terracotta warrior figures including foot soldiers, generals, kneeling bowmen and horses. One of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century, the incredible life-size terracotta warriors have captivated audiences around the world. This amazing discovery stunned the world and exploration continues to this day.

For further information about this exhibition, click here.


13. Australia ICOMOS’ 2009/2010 Annual Report available online

Australia ICOMOS’ latest Annual Report is available from the Annual Reports section of the Australia ICOMOS website. Please note that you will need Adobe Reader version 7 or later to be able to view this file. To download the latest version of Adobe Reader, click here.


14. Nominations to the 2012 Watch are due by 15 March 2011

Every two years, World Monuments Fund (WMF) accepts new nominations to the Watch. Over 600 sites on all seven continents have been included in the eight Watch cycles since 1996. Watch listing provides an opportunity for sites and their nominators to raise public awareness, foster local participation, advance innovation and collaboration, and demonstrate effective solutions. The announcement of the 2010 Watch was covered by over 1,500 news outlets, reaching more than 250 million people worldwide. The Watch nomination process also serves as a vehicle for requesting WMF assistance for select projects. Watch sites in more than 80 countries have received WMF support totalling $60 million, and WMF’s investment has leveraged an additional $150 million in assistance from other sources.

Nominating a site to the Watch is a two-part process. The first step is to complete the Inquiry Form, after which a username and password will be provided to access the Nomination Form.

Go to the 2012 World Monuments Watch website for further information.

Questions about the nomination process should be emailed to the Watch team.

The World Monuments Watch calls international attention to cultural heritage around the world that is at risk from the forces of nature and the impact of social, political, and economic change. From archaeological sites to iconic architecture, cultural landscapes to historic urban centres, the Watch identifies places of significance in need of timely action.


15. News from ICCROM / ICCROM Annual report available online

To view the January 2011 news from ICCROM, click here.

ICCROM’s Annual Report is also available for download.


16. Australia ICOMOS Canberra Talk Series – call for speakers for 2011

Canberra members who would like to give a talk about a recent project, travel to exotic heritage sites or discuss particular heritage issues are encouraged to email Marilyn Truscott with their proposal. Other members who may be visiting Canberra and can fit in such a talk are also invited to share such experiences with us. The talk is usually on the last Thursday of the month.


17. 15th Annual International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW), 2-6 August 2011, Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission is partnering with Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, the Preservation Trades Network, Inc. and other organizations to bring one of the largest gatherings of preservation and traditional trades people and enthusiasts in the world to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.

The 15th Annual International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW) will be held on 2-6 August 2011 on the campus of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, 750 E. King Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. IPTW 2011 will bring together hundreds of the best preservation and traditional trades crafts people, as well as preservation architects, preservation consultants, building trades contractors and others from the US, Canada, Europe and beyond, who are interested in learning more about preservation and traditional trades techniques, tools, materials and practices. For those who work in the preservation and traditional building trades, this is a gathering of their ‘tribe.’ For others, it offers a unique opportunity to see some of the finest crafts people at work and learn more about how historic building preservation is accomplished in construction.

With the theme Hands on Heritage: Trades, Knowledge, Community, IPTW 2011 will include a keynote address by Donovan Rypkema, an internationally known preservation consultant, writer and lecturer who will address the important contribution to a local economy provided by the preservation trades, and also the role of historic preservation in comprehensive sustainable development.

More than 50 presentations and in-depth hands-on demonstrations will showcase the talents of some of the world’s best preservation and traditional crafts people. There will also be two-day in-depth pre-conference workshops in Preservation and Repair of Porches and Painting Historic Buildings, and a one-day Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting EPA certification course. Special pre-conference tours will include a trip to the Mercer Museum, Fonthill and the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works. Another tour will include a demonstration of a water powered vertical saw mill at Daniel Boone Homestead, a behind the scene tour of the Ball and Ball Hardware workshops and a tour of the Wharton Escherick home and studio.

Conference and workshop sessions are eligible for American Institute of Architects continuing education units.

Opportunities currently exist for demonstrator proposals, event sponsorships, product and service exhibitors, and student scholarships.

Visit the IPTW website for more information and registration details. Or email the Preservation Trades Network with your questions.


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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