Vale: Professor David Sutton Dolan – Heritage Champion
US/ICOMOS 2011 International Exchange Program – Call for Applicants and Host Organisations
Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts courses and professional development in 2011
Scoping Tasmania’s heritage skills – opportunity to have your say
Invitation to join the Historic Environment Editorial Committee
Veterans Heritage Workshop, February 2011
Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material national conference, October 2011
2012 Watch nominations are now being accepted
The Best in Heritage – presentations available online
Streetwise Asia Christmas Cards – make a real difference this year with your Christmas giving
Global Heritage Fund’s Annual Fund campaign
Inaugural Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM) Asia-Pacific regional conference – website now live
ICOMOS ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration – VI Annual conference, Florence
News from ICCROM
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season – REMINDER
1. Vale: Professor David Sutton Dolan – Heritage Champion
Prof David Dolan, 24 July 1949 – 7 December 2010
Australia has lost one of its much loved and respected heritage champions.
David Dolan brought heritage leadership to many places and people across Australia during his career.
He was the inaugural Director of the Research Institute for Cultural Heritage (RICH) at Curtin University in Western Australia, between1995-2005. He held senior roles in the National Trust including Deputy Chair of the Australian Council of National Trusts and Chair of the National Trust of Australia (WA) 2001-2007, responsible for policy and strategy directions.
David was also a Councillor of the Heritage Council WA 1996-2001 and again from 2005.
David’s university teaching emphasized practical issues and real-life challenges in cultural heritage management, drawing on his long and wide-ranging professional experience. He taught a generation of cultural heritage graduates. During 2005-08 he was Curtin’s program director for the Australian-EU exchange scheme “Sharing our Heritages” involving eight international universities, and has participated in teaching World Heritage master-classes at UNESCO in Paris and in the Val de Loire. Most recently David played a lead role in shaping the Statement of Significance for Western Australia’s Swan River. David was a published author and an international key note speaker. He passed away after complications associated with cancer and was buried in South Australia. He was 61.
2. US/ICOMOS 2011 International Exchange Program – Call for Applicants and Host Organisations
US/ICOMOS expects to support a number of internships overseas and within the United States in historic preservation during the course of 2011. This program provides unparalleled opportunities for preservationists early in their careers to gain hands-on experience in a country other than their own. The program is geared toward those nearing the end of graduate school or with 1-3 years of professional experience. Placements are made by matching the skills/experience of each applicant with the needs of each host organization.
Prospective Interns
Applications from prospective interns are due 31 January 2011. Application procedures can be found on the Intern section of the US/ICOMOS website.
Prospective Host Organisations
US/ICOMOS also seeks host organisations, such as non-profits, government agencies, and private firms, who are potentially interested in hosting a US/ICOMOS intern, whether in the United States or overseas. Information on hosting US/ICOMOS interns and a letter of interest form can be found on the Host section of the US/ICOMOS website.
2011 Program Schedule
The general schedule for the 2011 program is as follows, with most internships taking place during the summer months but some internships occurring during the fall as well. US/ICOMOS is willing to work with host organizations to accommodate different schedules and durations of internships where necessary.
31 January
Applications from prospective interns due
Letters of interest from prospective host organizations due
31 May – 3 June
Intern orientation in Washington, DC
6 June – 15 August
Duration of summer Internships
17 – 19 August
Final program for summer Interns and orientation for fall interns
Program Overview
Since the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program was created in 1984, more than 600 young preservation professionals and over 70 countries have participated. The aim of the program is to promote an understanding of international preservation policies, methods, and techniques and to enable interns to make professional contacts and form personal friendships that will ensure a continuing dialogue between countries.
The program began with a one-time exchange between US/ICOMOS and ICOMOS United Kingdom. It since has expanded to involve between 10 and 20 preservation professionals annually depending on the level of funding available. US/ICOMOS is always looking for preservation organizations both in the U.S. and abroad to host interns and participate in this exciting program of cultural exchange. The program is made possible through generous grants from many U.S. foundations, government agencies and individual contributors, and ICOMOS National Committees of participating.
For more information, click here or email Donald Jones, PhD, Director of Programs.
Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS (AI). Nominations will be confirmed at the first meeting of the AI Executive Committee in 2011. We regret the awkward timing of the call and US ICOMOS is aware of the problem.
Applicants must be financial full members of Australia ICOMOS, have adequate experience and the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year.
Applications should be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat ASAP.
3. Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts courses and professional development in 2011
Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts (IPPHA) is pleased to announce four upcoming professional development activities developed in conjunction with partners Narryna Heritage Museum and Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery; National Museum of Australia; NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Vanuatu Cultural Centre.
Short Course: Managing Small Museums at a Heritage Place
24 – 28 January 2011
Narryna Heritage Museum in Hobart, Tasmania
Narryna is winner of the small museums award in the ABC Radio National Regional Museums Award 2010. This course focuses on developing skills in managing small museums located at heritage places. Participants will have the opportunity to learn practical heritage management skills and gain a thorough understanding of the issues relating to small museum and collection management. Narryna is both an historic house and home to a remarkable collection dating from the earliest European settlement of Australia. This includes a nationally significant art collection and one of the largest costume (dress) collections in the southern hemisphere. The course will be held primarily at Narryna and will include hands-on activities and engagement with Narryna staff, volunteers and the local community.
Professional Update: Seeing the values in large technology heritage: The conservation and curation of ‘big things’
24 – 25 March 2011
Australian National University and the National Museum of Australia.
The conservation of items of large technology such as aircraft, large vehicles, engines and machinery require specialist curatorial, conservation, engineering and trade training methods and skills.
This professional update will examine the application of different values and practices to the successful and sustainable management and display of large technology objects. The discussion will be informed by a range of viewpoints and case studies presented by leading large technology heritage practitioners. Participants from different backgrounds will be invited to work with each other to challenge and extend their ideas.
Short Course: The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures
11-16 April 2011
Kosciouszko National Park
Run in collaboration with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
A six day field-based professional development short course covering a range of physical conservation issues and strategies for conserving buildings and structures in place.
Participants will have unique access to a diverse range of historic buildings and structures within the park and will have a ‘hands on’ experience of the issues and skills involved in the physical conservation of historic buildings and structures. The course will be presented by experienced heritage practitioners and staff of the NPWS and Australian National University.
Study Tour: The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific: Chief Roi Mata’s Domain
16 – 20 May 2011
A study tour to one of our region’s newest World Heritage properties. Chief Roi Mata’s Domain is a cultural landscape including ancient Melanesian villages, caves, rock art, tropical islands, protected coral reefs and some of the most famous archaeological sites in the Pacific. It is one of the locations where Indigenous oral history has been demonstrated to have been passed on with remarkable accuracy from generation to generation for over 400 years. On this tour, you will be immersed in Melanesian heritage and local life. You will also gain a unique insight into how the idea for this World Heritage Site emerged, took hold and has developed with strong local community ownership. Over five days, you will have an opportunity to experience at first hand issues and approaches to cultural heritage, cultural tourism and sustainable development in one of Australia’s near Pacific neighbours.
To see the full range of IPPHA professional development programs for planned for 2011, and the courses available by arrangement, visit the event calendar on the IPPHA website.
4. Scoping Tasmania’s heritage skills – opportunity to have your say
The Centre for Heritage at Oatlands is up an running and needs your input
Southern Midlands Council has established the Centre as a not-for-profit business which aims to identify heritage skills shortages, offer training programs and help boost Tasmania’s stock of available tradespeople.
The Centre, in partnership with Heritage Tasmania, is currently scoping skills deficiencies though a survey. The survey aims to identify skills shortages for particular trades and understand how people would like to learn these skills. It also aims to identify possible tutors and presenters of courses who may wish to share their skills and experience.
The Centre is interested in hearing from you. To participate in the survey, click here.
The survey is open until 27 January 2011.
For further information email the heritage section of the Southern Midlands Council.
5. Invitation to join the Historic Environment Editorial Committee
Historic Environment, the journal of Australia ICOMOS, is published by a small committee of Sydney-based Icomites led by Editor Tim Winter. E-Mail News readers will be aware that the Book Review editor, Caitlin Allen, has recently resigned from the committee, and earlier this year Susan Jackson-Stepowski had to resign due to other commitments. We are therefore inviting any ICOMOS members who would be interested in joining the Editorial Committee to submit a brief expression of interest. You would need to have some understanding and interest in publishing academic journals, and for logistical reasons you would need to be based in Sydney. The role of the committee it to assist the Editor in publishing the journal, and the key tasks are attending committee meetings (4-6 times a year), developing themes for upcoming volumes, liaising with authors, sourcing referees and generally working to keep to the publication schedule of three volumes a year. Please email Peter Romey, the Historic Environment Editorial Committee Coordinator if you are interested.
6. Veterans Heritage Workshop, February 2011
To be held at the Victorian Archives Centre (North Melbourne) on Wednesday 23 February 2011.
This workshop is a free one-day event for volunteers from ex-service organisations, local historical societies, community museums and other community groups who care for veterans heritage collections. As this will be a repeat of the August 2010 workshop, preference will be given to organisations and people who did not participate in the August workshop. There is a limit of two representatives per organisation.
For further information, see the Veterans Heritage Workshop flyer.
7. Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material national conference, October 2011
Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) conference
Conservation in Australia: Past, Present, Future
19 – 21 October 2011, Canberra
The very first AICCM Conference, “Conservation in Australia”, was held in Canberra in 1976. The intervening 35 years have seen many changes in the organisation and the profession.
The 2011 National Conference will be a chance to look at those changes and to consider where they have brought us. We will also look to the future: one significant aim of the conference will be to reposition the AICCM and the profession to ensure they are prepared to take on the challenges of the future. Further information is available in the AICCM 2011 Conference notice.
The organising committee now welcomes abstracts (maximum 300 words) for papers on these themes.
To submit an abstract, or for further information, please contact:
Ian Batterham
Assistant Director, Preservation
National Archives of Australia
PO Box 7425
Canberra Business Centre ACT 2610
Phone: (02) 6212 3424
email Ian
8. 2012 Watch nominations are now being accepted
Deadline for nominations is 15 March 2011.
The World Monuments Watch calls international attention to cultural heritage around the world that is at risk from the forces of nature and the impact of social, political, and economic change. From archaeological sites to iconic architecture, cultural landscapes to historic urban centers, the Watch identifies places of significance in need of timely action.
Every two years, World Monuments Fund (WMF) accepts new nominations to the Watch. Over 600 sites on all seven continents have been included in the eight Watch cycles since 1996. Watch listing provides an opportunity for sites and their nominators to raise public awareness, foster local participation, advance innovation and collaboration, and demonstrate effective solutions. The announcement of the 2010 Watch was covered by over 1500 news outlets, reaching more than 250 million people worldwide. The Watch nomination process also serves as a vehicle for requesting WMF assistance for select projects. Watch sites in more than 80 countries have received WMF support totaling $60 million, and WMF’s investment has leveraged an additional $150 million in assistance from other sources.
Go to the 2012 World Monuments Watch website for further information.
Questions about the nomination process should be emailed to the Watch team.
9. The Best in Heritage – presentations available online
This year’s The Best in Heritage event was a success. Around 120 participants from 25 countries took the opportunity to hear from the best and had a chance to be heard themselves.
Most recently, the organisers have expanded their activities with their own YouTube Channel, on which they offer some presentations from the conference, but will continue to add interviews, and other contributions. Click on the links below to go to:
10. Streetwise Asia Christmas Cards – make a real difference this year with your Christmas giving
Dear fellow ICOMITES,
I am bringing this to your attention in case you, like me, would like some of your Christmas spending directed to something that will have a lasting positive benefit for others.
Your Christmas card shopping this year can make a real difference by supporting the Streetwise Asia school upgrade in Tocdog, Bohol in the Philippines.
Streetwise Asia is committed to improving the educational facilities of poor children in Asia. School communities are transformed when facilities are improved.
By purchasing a gift card (with a hand crafted sketch of the Bohol School), you will be contributing to this Streetwise Asia 2011 project. This year Streetwise Asia is assisting a very poor school with over 500 students who currently occupy a derelict timber school building, which is unsafe. In 2010 together with AusAID we completed a life changing project at the Kuguita School on Camiguin Island Philippines.
We will send you hand crafted Christmas cards corresponding to each gift. Your total purchase price will be a donation to the Streetwise Asia Fund, and is therefore Tax Deductible. A minimum order of $50 is requested, due to the handling time of making the cards and sending them.
Cards and gift prices range as follows:
$5.00 – donate a timber floor board
$10.00 – repair a broken down school desk
$15.00 – donate a new floor stump – essential as many stumps are termite infested and in need of replacement.
$25.00 – contribute to the new capiz windows
$35.00 – donate a sheet of roofing iron. Re-roofing is essential as the roof is leaking and in sections in near collapse condition
Note that for businesses (and for an order of $150 or more), you can arrange personalised cards with your name included in the card, indicating your support for the Streetwise Asia Tocdog School project in the Philippines.
The Streetwise Asia Christmas card information and order form (which includes a card example) can be filled out to order your cards. Each card contains a specific note about the project related to your gift. Cards will be posted within 72 hours of receipt of order.
Any queries, email Liz Vines, the Streetwise Asia Fund Coordinator.
Liz Vines
Streetwise Asia Fund Coordinator
11. Global Heritage Fund’s Annual Fund campaign
Global Heritage Fund (GHF) has a challenge grant of $25,000 from an anonymous donor for their Annual Fund campaign. Any gift will be matched 1:1, thereby doubling the donation. Click here to make a gift to GHF.
For information about GHF’s work, visit their website.
12. Inaugural Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM) Asia-Pacific regional conference – website now live
The Conference Organising Committee for the Inaugural Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM) Asia-Pacific regional conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage is pleased to announce that the conference website is now live.
The Committee would like to thank their sponsors – the Australian National Commission for UNESCO and the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA) – as well as their twenty-five supporting organisations for their assistance in getting the website up and running, in particular those who have provided photos. They are continuing to seek more supporting organisations and sponsors so please contact them through the website or via this email address.
There is a call for expressions of interest in being a Theme or Session organiser on the website, and the first Call for Papers will be announced shortly.
This important conference will be hosted by the National Museum of the Philippines and the University of the Philippines.
13. ICOMOS ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration – VI Annual conference, Florence
ICOMOS Members are invited to the ICOMOS ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration conference Paradigm Shift in Heritage Protection: Tolerance for Changes, Limits for Changes, which will be held in Florence, Italy, 4-6 March 2011. For further information about the conference, view the ISC Theory & Philosophy – VIth conference notice. The first part of the opening of the conference will be dedicated to commemorate Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski, President of the ICOMOS Theory and Philosophy Committee, who passed away recently.
Two forms of active participation are envisaged:
- As a speaker – an abstract (see the instructions in above notice) must be submitted by 10 January 2011 to icomos.theory@fondazione-delbianco.org
The scientific committee will select all the abstract received and by 20 February 2011 the full text of the paper must be delivered.
- As an auditor – it is sufficient to complete the registration form and pay the Registration fees to the organisational agency PromoFlorenceEvents by 30 January 2011.
On the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation web site there will be further information about the conference. Queries can also be directed to the Organisational Secretariat of the conference.
14. News from ICCROM
To view the December 2010 news from ICCROM, click here.
15. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season – REMINDER
The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from midday Thursday 23 December 2010 to Wednesday 19 January 2011 inclusive. The office will reopen on Thursday 20 January 2011. The final e-newsletter for 2010 will be published on Thursday 23 December – please ensure all items for this newsletter are submitted by COB Wednesday 22 December.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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