Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee and AGM
Watermarks, Water’s Heritage – 2011 conference
Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts courses and professional development in 2011
Vicomites Festive Season event
REVISED TIME FOR Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series & Summertime Downtime Drinks
Summer School in The Conservation of Traditional Buildings
Australia ICOMOS’ first National Scientific Committee (NSC)
Historic Environment needs a new Book Review Editor
Guidelines for Commonwealth Agencies: Assessing Commonwealth Heritage values and Establishing a Heritage Register, Australian Heritage Council 2010
Streetwise Asia Christmas Cards – make a real difference this year with your Christmas giving
Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
Advanced Master in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
News from World Monuments Fund
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
News from Port Arthur Historic Site
SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist, Yamatji Marpla Aboriginal Corporation (YMAC)
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, Northern Territory Government
SITUATIONS VACANT Various heritage positions, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria
SITUATION VACANT Research Officer, National Trust of Australia (ACT)
1. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee and AGM
The Australia ICOMOS AGM was held on Saturday 27 November at the National Museum in Canberra, chaired by Australia ICOMOS President, Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy. The Annual Report for 2009/2010 was tabled and an electronic copy will be available from the website shortly. The President reported the results of the election for positions on the Executive Committee (EC), with the successful candidates as follows (* re-elected to EC):
- Michelle Bird (Qld)
- Anne Brake (WA)*
- Amy Chan (VIC)
- Anthony Coupe (SA)*
- Kerime Danis (NSW)
- Jane Harrington (TAS)*
- Angie McGowan (TAS)*
- Kevin O’Sullivan (SA)
- Peter Romey (NSW)*
Although eight positions were originally advised, Catherine Brouwer subsequently tendered her resignation from the Executive Committee, creating an additional vacancy. We would like to congratulate the elected members and thank everyone who took the time to vote. The elected members will join continuing members Tracy Ireland, Anita Krivickas, Megan McDougall, Michael Queale, Natica Schmeder and Helen Wilson.
We would also like to extend our thanks to those members of the Executive Committee who are not continuing: Jane Ainsworth, Catherine Brouwer, Alice Buhrich, Timothy Hubbard and Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy. All have made a significant contribution in their time on their committee and Australia ICOMOS is very grateful for their support. Tim has made a particular impact with his tireless efforts as conference organiser and we remain reassured that he will continue behind the scenes as the Convener of the 2011 Water Conference to be held in Melbourne at the end of October.
A great loss to the Executive Committee is our outgoing President, Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy. Sue has been the President for the last two years and has had to step down as she completed the maximum term of six years on the Executive. In her time as President she has worked tirelessly and diligently towards the interests of Australia ICOMOS and has established a presence on both the national and international fronts. Her energy is unequalled and those of us who have worked with her on the committee remain exhausted at the thought of any attempt to emulate the effort. However, Sue will be continuing her work on a number of projects so we are reassured that her dedication and substantial expertise has not been lost but merely redirected. Thank you Sue for your dedication, diligence and achievements.
A meeting of the new Executive Committee was held on Sunday 28 November. One of the first agenda items was to elect the new Office Bearers:
- PRESIDENT – Jane Harrington
- VICE-PRESIDENT – Anthony Coupe
- SECRETARY – Helen Wilson
- TREASURER – Kevin O’Sullivan
In addition the following appointments were made:
A full list of Executive Committee members’ roles and responsibilities will be available on the website in the near future.
As the incoming President I would like to congratulate my fellow Office Bearers and to thank the membership and committee for your confidence in electing me to the Committee and the position. I would particularly like to acknowledge Sue’s support and the ongoing efforts of the members of the Executive Committee, and of Georgia Meros, our Secretariat Officer. I will provide a further and more substantial report in the next Enews but in the meantime note that I can be contacted on 0409 344 598 or by email.
President, Australia ICOMOS
2. Watermarks, Water’s Heritage – 2011 conference
Watermarks, Water’s Heritage
27-30 October 2011
Melbourne, Australia
The National Trusts of Australia and Australia ICOMOS are pleased to announce their joint 2011 conference, Watermarks, Water’s Heritage. Members of both organisations and others are invited to participate in what should be a provocative and fruitful conference.
Before the European settlement of Australia, for many thousands of years, Aboriginal people lived in close harmony with the land and water, which provided both physical and spiritual nourishment. Today, the ownership, allocation, management and use of water have become some of the most important issues in contemporary Australia. The theme for the ICOMOS International Day of Monuments and Sites, 18 April 2011 is the heritage of water. Consequently, it was chosen as the theme for Watermarks, Water’s Heritage, the joint National Trusts of Australia and Australia ICOMOS conference to be held in Melbourne in late October 2011. Our venue, the ‘state-of-the-art’ Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, (MCEC) is situated on the south bank of the River Yarra, just 500 metres from the site of the city’s foundation and 6 kilometres from the iconic Westgate Bridge and the former MMBW Spotswood Pumping Station.
Important as these places are ― and they will be celebrated during the conference ― there is much more to the heritage of water than outstanding engineering achievements. The importance and use of water and waterways to Aboriginal people, exploration, settlement, aquaculture, fresh water supply, flood control, irrigation, recreation, transport and communication, mining, hydro-electric power and environmental damage and conservation are some other sub-themes to be explored. Discussion is encouraged across the centuries including debates affecting the present day.
Further information is available on the conference website, which will be updated as new information is available.
3. Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts courses and professional development in 2011
Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts (IPPHA) is pleased to announce four upcoming professional development activities developed in conjunction with partners Narryna Heritage Museum and Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery; National Museum of Australia; NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Vanuatu Cultural Centre.
Short Course: Managing Small Museums at a Heritage Place
24 – 28 January 2011
Narryna Heritage Museum in Hobart, Tasmania
Narryna is winner of the small museums award in the ABC Radio National Regional Museums Award 2010. This course focuses on developing skills in managing small museums located at heritage places. Participants will have the opportunity to learn practical heritage management skills and gain a thorough understanding of the issues relating to small museum and collection management. Narryna is both an historic house and home to a remarkable collection dating from the earliest European settlement of Australia. This includes a nationally significant art collection and one of the largest costume (dress) collections in the southern hemisphere. The course will be held primarily at Narryna and will include hands-on activities and engagement with Narryna staff, volunteers and the local community.
Professional Update: Seeing the values in large technology heritage: The conservation and curation of ‘big things’
24 – 25 March 2011
Australian National University and the National Museum of Australia.
The conservation of items of large technology such as aircraft, large vehicles, engines and machinery require specialist curatorial, conservation, engineering and trade training methods and skills.
This professional update will examine the application of different values and practices to the successful and sustainable management and display of large technology objects. The discussion will be informed by a range of viewpoints and case studies presented by leading large technology heritage practitioners. Participants from different backgrounds will be invited to work with each other to challenge and extend their ideas.
Short Course: The Physical Conservation of Buildings and Structures
11-16 April 2011
Kosciouszko National Park
Run in collaboration with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
A six day field-based professional development short course covering a range of physical conservation issues and strategies for conserving buildings and structures in place.
Participants will have unique access to a diverse range of historic buildings and structures within the park and will have a ‘hands on’ experience of the issues and skills involved in the physical conservation of historic buildings and structures. The course will be presented by experienced heritage practitioners and staff of the NPWS and Australian National University.
Study Tour: The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific: Chief Roi Mata’s Domain
16 – 20 May 2011
A study tour to one of our region’s newest World Heritage properties. Chief Roi Mata’s Domain is a cultural landscape including ancient Melanesian villages, caves, rock art, tropical islands, protected coral reefs and some of the most famous archaeological sites in the Pacific. It is one of the locations where Indigenous oral history has been demonstrated to have been passed on with remarkable accuracy from generation to generation for over 400 years. On this tour, you will be immersed in Melanesian heritage and local life. You will also gain a unique insight into how the idea for this World Heritage Site emerged, took hold and has developed with strong local community ownership. Over five days, you will have an opportunity to experience at first hand issues and approaches to cultural heritage, cultural tourism and sustainable development in one of Australia’s near Pacific neighbours.
To see the full range of IPPHA professional development programs for planned for 2011, and the courses available by arrangement, visit the event calendar on the IPPHA website.
4. Vicomites Festive Season event
Victorian ICOMOS members and other ICOMOS members who will be in Melbourne are cordially invited to:
A tour of the Napier Waller House, led by Tony Armstrong, Heritage Victoria, with drinks in the garden. This is a rare opportunity to see this very special house, which is set in a wonderful garden on the banks of the Darebin Creek.
Napier Waller was a prolific artist and designer who worked in many media including oil, watercolour, mosaic and stained glass. The Napier Waller House , which he designed for himself and his first wife Christian (also an artist), was constructed in 1922 and was later extended to include 2 studios. It remains remarkably intact, and includes furniture he designed, as well as artworks.
Location: Napier Waller House, 9 Crown Road, Ivanhoe
Date and Time: Friday 17 December, 5.00 – 7.30pm
Cost: $20 members (includes tour charge and drinks)
There will be limited places available so please RSVP by Friday 10 December if you are intending to come, to Megan McDougall.
PLEASE NOTE: No high heeled shoes please.
5. REVISED TIME FOR Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series & Summertime Downtime Drinks
Big City Training

The Escuela Taller Intramuros, a bilateral partnership established in 2009, is the first training centre of its kind in Asia. It provides vocational training for under-resourced communities in Manila while developing the human capital needed to restore and preserve the Philippines’ wealth of architectural heritage in accordance with international best-practice.
David Mason is an architectural conservator and associate teacher at the School. He has been working with the faculty to develop conservation within the curriculum and, with students, restoring and conserving parts of Manila’s Hispanic walled city according to the Escuela Taller philosophy of ‘learning by doing’.
Members and the public are welcome: Refreshments will be available appropriate to the topic of the talk and to the upcoming Silly Season! This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS-Canberra.
Date & REVISED TIME: 5.30-7.00 pm, Thursday 9 December 2010 – the talk will start at 6.00pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott
6. Summer School in The Conservation of Traditional Buildings
The twelfth Summer School in The Conservation of Traditional Buildings will be held at the University of Canberra from 17–28 January 2011.
This latest offering from Australia’s leading professional development program in heritage conservation is fully subscribed, but there is a waiting list for those interested.
For details click here.
All enquiries to David Young.
7. Australia ICOMOS’ first National Scientific Committee (NSC)
As a way to enhance scientific work on the national level and to ensure mutually beneficial interconnection and exchange between the national level and the international level, ICOMOS International has proposed the development of National Scientific Committees (NSCs). Australia ICOMOS and members of the ISC on Cultural Landscapes and the ISC on Cultural Routes have created a joint NSC for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes.
An additional aim of NSCs is to engage Australia ICOMOS members who are not members of an International Scientific Committee (ISC) but who have an interest and/or expertise in a particular area.
For further information, go to the National Scientific Committees page of the Australia ICOMOS website.
NSC for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes contacts:
Rachel Jackson
Kirsty Altenburg
8. Historic Environment needs a new Book Review Editor
Historic Environment‘s current Book Review editor, Caitlin Allen, is hanging up her editorial hat and so we need another ICOMOS member to take up the role. The reviews editor sources reviews for the journal and also participates as a member of the editorial committee for the journal. The journal is published three times a year. Please email Caitlin if you are interested in taking on the role or would like further information.
9. Guidelines for Commonwealth Agencies: Assessing Commonwealth Heritage values and Establishing a Heritage Register, Australian Heritage Council 2010
A new heritage assessment guideline has been released by the Australian Government. This guide has been prepared to assist Commonwealth Agencies in the task of identifying Commonwealth Heritage values. The guide, Assessing Commonwealth Heritage Values and Establishing a Heritage Register: A guide for Commonwealth Agencies, is a comprehensive and easy to read reference for heritage professionals and will help in the promotion of best practice heritage management. This free document can be downloaded from here.
10. Streetwise Asia Christmas Cards – make a real difference this year with your Christmas giving
Dear fellow ICOMITES,
I am bringing this to your attention in case you, like me, would like some of your Christmas spending directed to something that will have a lasting positive benefit for others.
Your Christmas card shopping this year can make a real difference by supporting the Streetwise Asia school upgrade in Tocdog, Bohol in the Philippines.
Streetwise Asia is committed to improving the educational facilities of poor children in Asia. School communities are transformed when facilities are improved.
By purchasing a gift card (with a hand crafted sketch of the Bohol School), you will be contributing to this Streetwise Asia 2011 project. This year Streetwise Asia is assisting a very poor school with over 500 students who currently occupy a derelict timber school building, which is unsafe. In 2010 together with AusAID we completed a life changing project at the Kuguita School on Camiguin Island Philippines.
We will send you hand crafted Christmas cards corresponding to each gift. Your total purchase price will be a donation to the Streetwise Asia Fund, and is therefore Tax Deductible. A minimum order of $50 is requested, due to the handling time of making the cards and sending them.
Cards and gift prices range as follows:
$5.00 – donate a timber floor board
$10.00 – repair a broken down school desk
$15.00 – donate a new floor stump – essential as many stumps are termite infested and in need of replacement.
$25.00 – contribute to the new capiz windows
$35.00 – donate a sheet of roofing iron. Re-roofing is essential as the roof is leaking and in sections in near collapse condition
Note that for businesses (and for an order of $150 or more), you can arrange personalised cards with your name included in the card, indicating your support for the Streetwise Asia Tocdog School project in the Philippines.
The Streetwise Asia Christmas card information and order form (which includes a card example) can be filled out to order your cards. Each card contains a specific note about the project related to your gift. Cards will be posted within 72 hours of receipt of order.
Any queries, email Liz Vines, the Streetwise Asia Fund Coordinator.
Liz Vines
Streetwise Asia Fund Coordinator
11. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
To view the December 2010 issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.
12. Advanced Master in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are now open.
This Master Course is organized by a consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4000 to 24000 euro, are available to students of any nationality.
The Consortium is also available to host outstanding third-country scholars who are interested in contributing to the Master Course Programme. Interested third-country scholars may receive scholarships for teaching and research activities for a period of up to three months.
Please find full details on the program, as well as electronic application procedure and a brochure for download, on the website.
13. News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from the World Monuments Fund, click here.
14. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
To download the November 2010 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
15. News from Port Arthur Historic Site
History to be brought to life this summer at Port Arthur
History will be brought to life this summer at the World Heritage-listed Port Arthur Historic Site, through a range of entertaining, engaging and informative activities being presented through the holiday season.
Hear about the new Tasman Tourism Strategy at the next Port Arthur Talk
The Tasman Peninsula has long been one of the most visited parts of Tasmania. While many others are envious of this well established position, it also means that altering well entrenched perceptions by visitors and potential visitors is difficult.
Ten Days on the Island at Port Arthur
The Port Arthur Historic Site is proud to be presenting a very special event as part of Ten Days on the Island 2011.
Over three days, the Port Arthur Historic Site will play host to a glorious outdoor performance by Melbourne’s internationally celebrated Strange Fruit. The company makes a welcome return to Port Arthur, where its appearance was a highlight of the inaugural 2001 Ten Days festival.
Year of achievements for the Port Arthur Historic Sites
The last financial year saw many significant developments and advances for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA), despite the challenges arising from the global financial situation of the past two years.
Port Arthur rogues live on in popular book
The stories of Port Arthur’s convicts have proven to be one of the World Heritage listed historic site’s enduring appeals for visitors, with a popular book of the lives of 52 of those convicts now in its sixth reprint.
International language pages now on website
The Port Arthur Historic Sites website now has pages for international visitors in four languages – French, German, Japanese and Chinese.
The pages give a concise outline of the history of convict transportation to Australia and Van Dieman’s Land along with essential information about planning a visit. There are links to further information about travelling in Tasmania and downloads of our Visitor Guide in all the respective languages.
The page is also available in English, giving ready access to the history and relevant links, which may be helpful to visitors who are not familiar with Australian and British history.
The pages can be accessed via buttons at the very top of every page of the Port Arthur website.
16. SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist, Yamatji Marpla Aboriginal Corporation (YMAC)
This is an exciting opportunity for an Archaeologist to work in a vibrant and interesting work environment.
Yamatji Marpla Aboriginal Corporation (YMAC) invites Expressions of Interest from Archaeologists interested in working for the Corporation to assist prepare, manage and undertake archaeological surveys within the Yamatji Murcheson-Gascoyne and Pilbara region for a fixed-term 12 month contract.
The Corporation is seeking individuals who are willing to undertake regular remote travel across both regions. The position will be based in the Perth office within the Research and Heritage department.
YMAC provides a range of professional services to the Traditional Owners of the Pilbara, Murchison and Gascoyne regions of Western Australia and is the Native Title Representative Body for these Traditional Owners.
YMAC provides anthropological and archaeological research on behalf of claimants for the purposes of Native Title and undertakes one of the largest heritage survey programs in Australia. Our services include organising archaeological and ethnographic surveys, salvage of sites and monitors for earth disturbing works in sensitive areas. In total the Company represents 24 different groups, all with their own culture, language, and traditions. Our representative area covers over 1 million square kilometres.
Expressions of Interest should address the following selection criteria:
- Sound understanding of Archaeological theory and practice with Tertiary Qualifications in Archaeology (Hons)
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively and cooperatively within a team
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- A sound understanding of the Native Title and/or Aboriginal Heritage Protection regimes and environments
- Knowledge of Occupational Health & Safety legislation and requirements
- Preparation of archaeological research material in the Native Title context
- Current manual driver’s licence
Expressions of Interest close on Wednesday 8 December 2010. Applications can be emailed or posted to:
Human Resources
Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation
PO Box 3072 Adelaide Terrace
Job descriptions and an application form are available on the YMAC website, or for information please contact Human Resources on (08) 9268 7000 or email HR. Please ensure all applications include a covering letter completed application form, resume, and a statement addressing the selection criteria.
17. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, Northern Territory Government
Job Title: Senior Heritage Officer
Designation: Professional 3 ($83,450 – $87,916)
Work Unit: Heritage Branch
Position number: 16274
Responsible to: Director Heritage Branch
Primary Objective
Provide high level advice on a wide range of matters relating to heritage management in the Northern Territory, and represent the Heritage Branch in the Central Region of the Northern Territory.
For further information, click here.
Closing date for applications: 7 January 2011
18. SITUATIONS VACANT Various heritage positions, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria
Aboriginal Affairs Victoria has recently advertised a range of heritage positions, as listed below.
- Heritage Project Officer – Hume Region VPSG3
- Heritage Project Officer – Heritage Assessments VPSG4
- Heritage Project Officer – Barwon-Grampians Region VPSG4
- Heritage Project Officer – Metropolitan Region VPSG3
- Manager Heritage Assessments (Metro) VPSG5
- Manager, Metropolitan Heritage Programs VPSG5
- Senior Heritage Officer – Major Projects VPSG5
- Senior Policy Officer VPSG5
Click here to search for and find information on these roles.
19. SITUATION VACANT Research Officer, National Trust of Australia (ACT)
The National Trust (ACT) is a not-for-profit organisation of people interested in heritage conservation and celebration in the ACT region and Australia wide. Applications are invited for a part-time position as Research Officer to assist the Executive Director. The successful applicant will provide research and support to develop, promote and implement the Trust’s policies on natural and cultural heritage conservation, education and celebration; they will prepare grant applications, provide technical and administrative support for the Trust’s Committees and engage with and value the Trust’s membership. For further information consult the position description.
Applications close Friday 10 December 2010. Interviews will be held in the New Year.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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