Call for Expressions of Interest for nomination to Heritage Council of WA
Salt Attack & Rising Damp seminar – confirmed to go ahead & last chance to register
Australia ICOMOS membership & subscription fee increases
Historic Houses Trust – current & forthcoming events
Australia ICOMOS past Executive Committees – list on website
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
ICAHM Sponsored Session and ICAHM Annual Meeting, November 2010
Sydney Open – Saturday & Sunday 6-7 November
First Conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Mural Painting
2012 Watch Nominations now being accepted
ICOMOS New Zealand Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value revised
Proposed Australia ICOMOS/ICOMOS New Zealand conference in 2012
Rome Prize – American Academy in Rome
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
1. Call for Expressions of Interest for nomination to Heritage Council of WA
WA members of Australia ICOMOS (AI) are invited to submit an expression of interest for endorsement by AI for nomination for the role of community representative on the Heritage Council of WA. It must be noted that selection as a nominee endorsed by AI does not ensure appointment by the Heritage Council.
Anyone considering nomination should be prepared to make a substantial commitment in terms of time and expertise and should demonstrate they have qualifications relevant to, or expertise or experience or a practical interest in, matters within the functions of the Council.
Expressions of Interest for this position as an AI endorsed nominee will be considered by a subcommittee and recommendations will be endorsed by the Executive Committee.
If you are interested in being considered as an AI endorsed nominee please forward:
- A short CV
- A written statement (no more than 500 words) briefly outlining your qualifications, relevant experience and work history and why you want to be a member of the Heritage Council of WA
to Anne Brake with a copy to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat no later than COB, Friday 22 October. Contact Anne for further details or refer to the document below:
Please note: you must be a full member of AI to receive an endorsed nomination.
2. Salt Attack & Rising Damp seminar – confirmed to go ahead & last chance to register
SALT ATTACK AND RISING DAMP SEMINAR – Responding to damp and salts in historic buildings
Presented by David Young OAM, author of Salt Attack and Rising Damp
With permission from NSW Heritage, Heritage Victoria, South Australia Department of Environment and Heritage and Adelaide City Council.
The seminar will be taking place as the minimum number of participants has been reached; there are a few places still available.
The programme will include:
- Understanding the causes of salt attack and rising damp
- Investigation and diagnosis
- Approaching treatment in stages
- Why maintenance may be all that is required
- Inserting damp proof courses
- Improving on common practice
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided. Please advise of any dietary requirements on the Registration form_Salt attack and rising damp seminar.
When: Friday 29 October 2010
Where: Webber House within the St John’s Cathedral Complex, 373 Ann Street, Brisbane
Parking: No on-site parking available, but there are public car parking stations nearby
Time: 9.00am registration, 9.15am start, finish 5.00pm
Cost: $198 including GST for AICOMOS members, $220 including GST for non-members
Please note that payment is required on registration.
RSVP deadline: Registrations must be received by 4pm TODAY so that final numbers can be confirmed.
Registrations: email the registration form to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat or fax to (03) 9251 7158.
Enquiries: email Ruth Woods or call Ruth on (07) 3255 9203.
Registration includes a copy of the book Salt Attack and Rising Damp, authored by David Young
Reservation and Payment Policy
Your place will be reserved and confirmed on receipt of a completed registration form. Once payments are processed, receipts/tax invoices will be emailed/posted to you.
Cancellation Policy
Once your registration payment is processed, there will be no refunds available if you cancel or don’t attend, but substitute nominees may attend in your place.
3. Australia ICOMOS membership & subscription fee increases
The Executive Committee (EC), at its recent meeting in Sydney, decided that it was the appropriate time to review membership fees, which have stayed constant since 2005. In deciding on a new fee scale, the EC took the following into account:
- The fact that fees have not been raised since 2005
- The increased costs of our Secretariat, due to both a modest pay increase and an increase in the standard hours worked
- The need to cover the costs of our contributions to ICOMOS International
- The need to keep increases as reasonable as possible for our members, while providing enough resources to run an effective NGO
- CPI increases over the past 5 years
The new membership and subscription rates will be as follows, effective 1 January 2011:
- Full member – $231.00
- Full member (retired/unwaged) – $115.50
- Young Professionals – $115.50
- Associate members – $173.25
- Associate members (retired/full-time student) – $57.75
- Corporate/Institutional members – $693.00
- Individual & Library subscribers – $173.25
Current members who are non-financial are encouraged to renew by 31 December 2010 in order to avoid the paying the increased fee. If you are unsure about your membership status, please email the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Individuals who apply for membership by the cut-off date of COB 5 November (and whose membership applications will be considered at the final EC meeting of 2010) will also be able to take advantage of the current membership rates. For further information about membership, go to the Membership section of the Australia ICOMOS website or email Natica Schmeder, the Membership Secretary.
4. Historic Houses Trust – current & forthcoming events
Convict Sydney – exhibition
Until 31 May 2013
Explore Australia’s convict history at the World Heritage Listed Hyde Park Barracks. Learn about the forced transportation of convicts, their daily lives and how they built the colony. Wander the streets of 1820s Sydney on our giant map, try on a set of leg- irons, lie in a convict hammock, look for your relatives on the convict database, and discover the intriguing stories of some of the 50,000 convicts who passed through the barracks doors between 1819 and 1848. Bring your kids for dress-ups and our convicts Kids Trail.
Is heritage a dirty word in the 21st century? – talk
Wednesday 17 November, 6.30pm — 8.30pm
What is the future of the past in the 21st century and beyond? Leading figures in heritage management and conservation will discuss the social, economic and cultural roles of heritage in contemporary Australia, and the associated challenges, threats and opportunities. Speakers are Professor Richard Mackay, Godden Mackay Logan; the Hon Dr Meredith Burgmann MLC; Dr Wayne Johnson, Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and Dr Caroline Butler- Bowdon, Assistant Director (Learning and Outreach), Historic Houses Trust. The event will be chaired by Kate Clark, Director, Historic Houses Trust.
Click here to buy tickets.
Exeter Farm Open Day
Saturday 13 November, 11.00am — 4.00pm
Celebrate the completion of the conservation works to Exeter Farm, Glenwood (near Blacktown in the north-west Sydney region), through the HHT’s Endangered Houses Fund (EHF) program. Hear from conservation architects Alan Croker and Robert Gasparini from Design 5 Architects, Richard Silink, Manager of the Endangered Houses Fund and Lester Salter from the Sydney Restoration Company, who will be there on the day to discuss the project.
Click here for further information.
5. Australia ICOMOS past Executive Committees – list on website
A list of past Executive Committee (EC) members has been added to the website – click here to view. Please note that it is a work in progress at this stage – most of the information has been obtained from past newsletters and there are some gaps, particularly pre-1996.
If you have been on the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee in the past, as a Committee Member and/or Office Bearer, and you have kept EC correspondence (eg, meeting minutes, contact lists etc.) that could help fill in these gaps, please email the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat with this (include as much information as possible – eg. relevant years and names of those who held office bearing positions if known) and it will be added.
Similarly, any Australia ICOMOS member who has held an office bearing position on the Executive Committee of ICOMOS International is also requested to provide this information to us.
6. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Remembering the Dead
Halloween sets the scene for this talk, which examines some of the ways in which the dead are remembered and commemorated. A range of topics will be explored, with examples provided from a career in history, museums and heritage, both in England and Australia. By the end of the evening you will realise how much those who have passed before are still with us. There will even be some ghosts and witches!
The presenter, Anne Claoué-Long, is a historian and heritage professional, and works for Godden Mackay Logan in their Canberra office. A few years ago she researched the many cemeteries and gravesites found in and near Canberra. Her report for the ACT National Trust formed the basis for the Canberra Tracks Pioneers Cemetery heritage trail produced by ACT Heritage. The Riverside Cemetery is part of the trail.
Members and the public are welcome: Refreshments will be available appropriate to the topic of the talk! This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS-Canberra.
Time & Date: note start later than usual: 5.30-7.00pm, Thursday 4 November 2010 – the talk will start at 6.00pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott
7. ICAHM Sponsored Session and ICAHM Annual Meeting, November 2010
An ICAHM (International Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management) Sponsored Session and the ICAHM Annual Meeting will be held at the Panafrican Association / Joint Society of Africanist Archaeologists Conference, 1-7 November 2010, at the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal.
Click here for further information.
Theme: The Potential Role of the World Heritage Convention, ICOMOS, and ICAHM in African Archaeological Site Preservation and Economic Development
Organized by Dr. Douglas C. Comer (USA) and Prof. dr. Willem J.H. Willems (the Netherlands), Co-Presidents, ICAHM
A one-hour question-and-answer and discussion period will follow formal presentations. Discussants will be: Webber Ndoro, Willem J.H. Willems, Nathan Schlanger, Menno Welling, Michel Doortmont, Sam Makuvazas, and Douglas Comer.
8. Sydney Open – Saturday & Sunday 6-7 November
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Go behind the scenes of Sydney in this architectural adventure. A City Pass allows you to explore over 50 buildings and sites normally off limits as they open their doors for this exclusive biennial event. From architectural icons to secret and hidden places, award-winning contemporary designs to much-loved heritage buildings, industrial shells to creative adaptations and state-of-the-art sustainable living projects, Sydney Open will open your eyes to the past, present and future of Sydney’s built environment. On Saturday 6 November a limited number of Focus Tour tickets are remaining, such as Northern Suburbs Crematorium and Harry Seidler’s Killara House. |
Tickets sell fast. Click here for further information and to book. |
9. First Conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Mural Painting
The first conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Mural Painting will be held in Florence, Italy during 25-30 January 2011.
Click here for further information.
10. 2012 Watch Nominations now being accepted
Deadline for nominations is 15 March 2011.
The World Monuments Watch calls international attention to cultural heritage around the world that is at risk from the forces of nature and the impacts of social, political, and economic change. From archaeological sites to iconic architecture, cultural landscapes to historic urban centers, the Watch identifies places of significance in need of timely action.
Every two years, World Monuments Fund (WMF) accepts new nominations to the Watch. Over 600 sites on all seven continents have been included in the eight Watch cycles since 1996. Watch listing provides an opportunity for sites and their nominators to raise public awareness, foster local participation, advance innovation and collaboration, and demonstrate effective solutions. The announcement of the 2010 Watch was covered by over 1,500 news outlets, reaching more than 250 million people worldwide. The Watch nomination process also serves as a vehicle for requesting WMF assistance for select projects. Watch sites in more than 80 countries have received WMF support totaling $60 million, and WMF’s investment has leveraged an additional $150 million in assistance from other sources.
For further information about the 2012 World Monuments Watch, click here.
Questions about the nomination process should be directed to this email address.
11. ICOMOS New Zealand Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value revised
ICOMOS NZ is delighted to announce the revision of the ICOMOS New Zealand Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value. The revision represents several years of work by a committed team of ICOMOS NZ members, who have been, quite literally, though every word, often more than once.
With the permission of ICOMOS NZ, a PDF copy is available from the Australia ICOMOS website – click on the link below.
ICOMOS New Zealand Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value, October 2010
12. Proposed Australia ICOMOS/ICOMOS New Zealand conference in 2012
Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy (current President of Australia ICOMOS) is looking at a proposal for Australia ICOMOS to conduct a joint conference with ICOMOS New Zealand in 2012, with the idea that the conference would be held in New Zealand. The theme of the conference would centre around cultural heritage in the Pacific region. There would also be a strong indigenous heritage theme. The location of New Zealand would facilitate the attendance of our ICOMOS Pacifika colleagues. Discussions with ICOMOS NZ are proceeding with enthusiasm, however we would like to gauge whether enough Australia ICOMOS members would be interested in/willing to attend our annual conference if it were to be held in New Zealand. Please email Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy with your thoughts.
13. Rome Prize – American Academy in Rome
The American Academy in Rome invites applications for the 2011 Rome Prize competition. One of the leading overseas centers for independent study and advanced research in the arts and the humanities, the Academy offers up to thirty fellowships for periods ranging from six months to two years.
Competition Deadline: 1 November 2010
Extended Deadline: 15 November 2010*
Rome Prize winners reside at the Academy’s eleven-acre center in Rome and receive room and board, a study or studio, and a stipend. Stipends for six-month fellowships are $13,000 and stipends for eleven-month fellowships are $30,000.
Fellowships are awarded in the following fields:
- Architecture
- Design (including graphic, fashion, interior, lighting, and set design, engineering, urban planning, and other related design fields)
- Historic Preservation and Conservation (including architectural design, public policy, and the conservation of works of art)
- Landscape Architecture
- Literature**
- Musical Composition
- Visual Arts
- Ancient Studies
- Medieval Studies
- Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Modern Italian Studies
For further information, or to apply, visit the Academy’s website, contact the American Academy in Rome via email or via:
The American Academy in Rome
Att: Programs
7 East 60 Street
New York, NY 10022
212-751-7200 ext. 47
Please state specific field of interest when requesting information.
The Rome Prize competition is underwritten in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
* Additional fee applies
**Awarded by nomination through the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
14. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
Heritage Consultant: Opportunity for recent graduate
Context is a busy consultancy located in Brunswick (Victoria) working on a wide range of heritage and community projects for government and private clients.
We are looking for a recent graduate to work across the practice, supporting projects and assisting with a multitude of tasks – research, data entry, writing and editing reports, supporting field work, helping organise workshops etc. The position offers a great opportunity to work with an exceptional professional team and develop your heritage skills within a consultancy practice.
You would need to bring to this role:
- an understanding of and appreciation for cultural heritage concepts and methods
- good writing and editing skills
- excellent computer skills – knowledge of the MS Office suite of packages and internet research skills
Training and/or experience in historical research would be an advantage.
The role requires someone who is committed, organised, a good communicator, pays attention to detail, good at managing their time, responsible and able to take the initiative. Most of all they need to be a team player.
For more information about Context, have a look at our website. The position could be either part-time or full-time.
To find out more about this role, please request the position description. To express your interest in the role, send us a letter explaining what you would bring to this role, your resume and a short example of your written work to Context’s email address.
Closing date for applications is Wednesday 27 October 2010.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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