Call for Expressions of Interest for nomination to Heritage Council of WA
Salt Attack & Rising Damp seminar, Brisbane, October 2010
Just 3 weeks to Peeling back the layers! Interpretation Australia’s National Symposium, 10-12 November 2010
The Use and Abuse of Oral Histories event
Australia ICOMOS 2010 AGM – Saturday 27 November
Sustainable Heritage Seminar, 18 November 2010 – program available
Images of Gabaldon-type school buildings recently restored in the Philippines
Sydney Open – Saturday & Sunday 6-7 November
World Monuments Fund silent auction
Aboriginal and Australian Studies at the University of SA
Paper presentation at Deakin University’s Centre for Citizenship & Globalisation
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
SITUATION WANTED Tourism student looking for internship
1. Call for Expressions of Interest for nomination to Heritage Council of WA
WA members of Australia ICOMOS (AI) are invited to submit an expression of interest for endorsement by AI for nomination for the role of community representative on the Heritage Council of WA. It must be noted that selection as a nominee endorsed by AI does not ensure appointment by the Heritage Council.
Anyone considering nomination should be prepared to make a substantial commitment in terms of time and expertise and should demonstrate they have qualifications relevant to, or expertise or experience or a practical interest in, matters within the functions of the Council.
Expressions of Interest for this position as an AI endorsed nominee will be considered by a subcommittee and recommendations will be endorsed by the Executive Committee.
If you are interested in being considered as an AI endorsed nominee please forward:
- A short CV
- A written statement (no more than 500 words) briefly outlining your qualifications, relevant experience and work history and why you want to be a member of the Heritage Council of WA
to Anne Brake with a copy to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat no later than COB, Friday 22 October. Contact Anne for further details or refer to the document below:
Please note: you must be a full member of AI to receive an endorsed nomination.
2. Salt Attack & Rising Damp seminar, Brisbane, October 2010
SALT ATTACK AND RISING DAMP SEMINAR – Responding to damp and salts in historic buildings
Presented by David Young OAM, author of Salt Attack and Rising Damp
With permission from NSW Heritage, Heritage Victoria, South Australia Department of Environment and Heritage and Adelaide City Council.
The programme will include:
- Understanding the causes of salt attack and rising damp
- Investigation and diagnosis
- Approaching treatment in stages
- Why maintenance may be all that is required
- Inserting damp proof courses
- Improving on common practice
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided. Please advise of any dietary requirements on the Registration form_Salt attack and rising damp seminar.
When: Friday 29 October 2010
Where: Webber House within the St John’s Cathedral Complex, 373 Ann Street, Brisbane
Parking: No on-site parking available, but there are public car parking stations nearby
Time: 9.00am registration, 9.15am start, finish 5.00pm
Cost: $198 including GST for AICOMOS members, $220 including GST for non-members
Please note that payment is required on registration.
RSVP deadline: Registrations must be received by 4pm, 22 October 2010 in order to confirm that the seminar will proceed.
Registrations: email the registration form to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat or fax to (03) 9251 7158.
Enquiries: email Ruth Woods or call Ruth on (07) 3255 9203.
Registration includes a copy of the book Salt Attack and Rising Damp, authored by David Young
There are a maximum of 25 places and a minimum of 18. If the minimum is not reached, the seminar will be cancelled. Please note that registrations will not be processed until the minimum number of attendees is reached. Confirmation that the seminar will proceed (or otherwise) will be emailed to all registrants by COB 22 October 2010.
Reservation and Payment Policy
Your place will be reserved and confirmed on receipt of a completed registration form. Once the minimum numbers have been reached, your payment will be processed and a receipt/tax invoice will be emailed to you or available for collection on the day.
Cancellation Policy
Once your registration payment is processed, there will be no refunds available if you cancel or don’t attend, but substitute nominees may attend in your place.
3. Just 3 weeks to Peeling back the layers! Interpretation Australia’s National Symposium, 10-12 November 2010
Staged on the Apple Isle, join Interpretation Australia as they get to the core of what matters in natural and cultural heritage interpretation.
Interpretation Australia’s 18th National Symposium is on 10-12 November 2010, Launceston, Tasmania, with registration and welcome on 9 November.
Can you risk not being there?
The key note speakers are sure to challenge and inspire you – and the program of dynamic presenters probe a range of ‘juicy’ topics that promise to reveal exciting and fresh new insights for professionals and new comers alike!
Join Interpretation Australia as their speakers delve into the intricacies of telling difficult stories and present the new and the excellent in interpretation, with techniques to reach audiences of the new decade.
Storyteller Catherine McCarthy, examines the field of location-based interpretive technology, particularly hand-held digital technologies, as a critical tool in her desire to connect people with nature. Social media expert Kate Stone reviews the impact of new web technologies on cultural interpretation and the organisational cultural change it brings.
In telling difficult stories, Lycia Trouton explores issues of monumentality and the intimate art of memory and story-telling, while Jody Steele looks at the layers of technique in communicating archaeology to the public. Dillon Kombumerri, Australia’s first Indigenous architect, with several award-winning projects, brings insight into how cultural protocol, when working with Indigenous communities, can fundamentally shape design outcomes.
Peter Grant peels back the layers on interpreters themselves. Using the interpretive planning process for Tasmania’s iconic Overland Track, he asks how interpreters can reach the deepest layers within themselves to be true to their subject. While Jane James explores how to harvest a bumper crop, when interpretation as a strategic priority can lead to stunning visitor experiences that are good for the visitor and good for business.
To register, view the 3-day program with an inspiring range of national and international speakers, and the speaker brochure, are available at the conference website.
For enquiries please contact info@cdesign.com.au.
4. The Use and Abuse of Oral Histories event
A professional update on the issues and challenges in creating and using oral histories at heritage places and museums. The event is hosted jointly by the National Library of Australia and the Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts.
For further information and to enrol, click on the links below.
5. Australia ICOMOS 2010 AGM – Saturday 27 November
As previously advised in the e-newsletter, the 2010 Australia ICOMOS AGM will be held in Canberra on Saturday 27 November. The venue and associated activities are being finalised. All members will receive an AGM notice via mail shortly.
6. Sustainable Heritage Seminar, 18 November 2010 – program available
The Queensland Heritage Council (QHC), in association with the Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) Institute for Sustainable Resources, is staging a national workshop in Brisbane focusing on heritage buildings and sustainability. Presenters from both the property industry and government will explore the issues surrounding the ‘greening’ of commercial buildings, particularly heritage buildings.
Topics to be addressed at the workshop include:
- green trends in commercial buildings
- the commercial property market in Australia
- regulation and climate change
- how heritage buildings can be competitive in a ‘greener’ property market
- exemplars of adaptive reuse
- green rating tools and heritage buildings
For further information, download the Sustainable Heritage Seminar – Program.
7. Images of Gabaldon-type school buildings recently restored in the Philippines
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Images kindly supplied by Lilia S. de Veyra
Division Culture and Arts Coordinator
Maasin City Division,
Province of Southern Leyte, Philippines
Department of Education, Region VIII
8. Sydney Open – Saturday & Sunday 6-7 November
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Go behind the scenes of Sydney in this architectural adventure. A City Pass allows you to explore over 50 buildings and sites normally off limits as they open their doors for this exclusive biennial event. From architectural icons to secret and hidden places, award-winning contemporary designs to much-loved heritage buildings, industrial shells to creative adaptations and state-of-the-art sustainable living projects, Sydney Open will open your eyes to the past, present and future of Sydney’s built environment. On Saturday 6 November a limited number of Focus Tour tickets are remaining, such as Northern Suburbs Crematorium and Harry Seidler’s Killara House. |
Tickets sell fast. Click here for further information and to book. |
9. World Monuments Fund silent auction
World Monuments Fund is holding a silent auction in conjunction with the annual Hadrian Award. Click here to bid on the lots.
Tickets are still available for the Hadrian Award, which this year honors Ratan Tata and the Tata family in recognition of their leadership in the restoration and protection of India’s cultural heritage. For more information or to purchase tickets, email Sharon Breland.
10. Aboriginal and Australian Studies at the University of SA
The University of South Australia is offering Aboriginal and Australian Studies as a study option in 2011. The courses are run through the David Unaipon College of Indigenous Research. There is a range of study options on offer, including degrees, double degrees, masters programs, PhD programs, graduate certificates and graduate diplomas. View the Aboriginal and Australian Studies at Uni of SA flier for further information.
11. Paper presentation at Deakin University’s Centre for Citizenship & Globalisation
Transatlantic Publishing and the Anti-Slavery Debate, 1840s-1850s
Prof. Claire Parfait
Director, Centre de recherches interculturelles sur les domaines anglophones et francophones (CRIDAF), University Paris 13, France
Visiting Fellow, Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Australia
Thursday 18 November 2010
Time: 12pm – 1 pm
Venue: C2.05 (Arts & Education meeting room-Burwood), Deakin University, Melbourne campus at Burwood
This paper explores the publication and reception of anti-slavery literature in the United States, Britain, and France in the 1840s and 1850s. It highlights the significant differences between slaves narratives and the anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin in terms of publication, distribution, and reception. The difference also applied to the trajectories of these works: slave narratives crossed the Atlantic but did not generally cross the English Channel into France. Uncle Tom’s Cabin did, and was a resounding success and publishing phenomenon in the US, Britain and France. Both types of texts (fiction and non-fiction) participated in the fight against slavery, but to different degrees, and this can be accounted for partly by their publishing histories. The analysis of the reception of H.B. Stowe’s novel in the US, Britain, France and a few other countries provides intriguing insights into the representations each country had of itself and of the others. The novel also represents one of the first examples of “global” literature.
12. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
Heritage Consultant: Opportunity for recent graduate
Context is a busy consultancy located in Brunswick (Victoria) working on a wide range of heritage and community projects for government and private clients.
We are looking for a recent graduate to work across the practice, supporting projects and assisting with a multitude of tasks – research, data entry, writing and editing reports, supporting field work, helping organise workshops etc. The position offers a great opportunity to work with an exceptional professional team and develop your heritage skills within a consultancy practice.
You would need to bring to this role:
- an understanding of and appreciation for cultural heritage concepts and methods
- good writing and editing skills
- excellent computer skills – knowledge of the MS Office suite of packages and internet research skills
Training and/or experience in historical research would be an advantage.
The role requires someone who is committed, organised, a good communicator, pays attention to detail, good at managing their time, responsible and able to take the initiative. Most of all they need to be a team player.
For more information about Context, have a look at our website. The position could be either part-time or full-time.
To find out more about this role, please request the position description. To express your interest in the role, send us a letter explaining what you would bring to this role, your resume and a short example of your written work to Context’s email address.
Closing date for applications is Wednesday 27 October 2010.
13. SITUATION WANTED Tourism student looking for internship
Toby Fang is a student from the Institute for Tourism Studies in Macao. His major is Tourism Business Management and he is seeking a six-month internship for school credit. In order to meet the school’s requirements, he is looking for work that relates to the tourism industry (including cultural tourism), like administrative work, event management, sales and marketing, human resources, travel agency and airlines. He is only able to do volunteer work, and would be interested in working in Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA, Europe, etc.
View Toby Fang’s CV. Anyone that wishes to discuss internship opportunities should contact Toby directly. His contact details are available in his CV.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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